Assignment No1 CEF-623

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Gharuan, Mohali
Institute/Department: Civil Engineering
Subject Name: Project Planning and Control
Subject Code: CEF-623

Assignment No.: 1
Max. Marks: 12

Date of Allotment:
Last date of Submission:

Course Outcomes:
CO Title Level
CO1 Explain the evolution of electricity and list the inventors. Remember

CO2 Explain the basic electrical quantities and laws. Understand

CO3 Explain the types of electrical equipment, machines and its Understand
CO4 Show the tariff for a given load and energy consumption. Understand

CO5 Explain the electrical safety issues and protective devices. Understand

Sr. No. Question CO Number
1. The network of a certain project is shown with the estimated durations of various CO1
activities. Determine the following: CO2
a) Earliest event time and latest event time.
b) Earliest and latest start and finish times of an activity.
c) Total and free floats for each activity.
d) Critical path for the network

2. What is milestone chart? How does it differ from bar chart? CO1
3. Elucidate the use of PERT and CPM in project management. Support your answer CO1
with a suitable example CO4
4. Draw a network diagram for the project having 9 activities, with the
following inter-relationships:
i. C follows D but precedes F
ii. C follows B But precedes H
iii. G follows F But precedes I
iv. E follows A But precedes I
v. D follows A
vi. H and I terminate at the same time
vii. A and B start at the same time
5. The activity breakdown for a certain project is as under
Activity No. Duration(weeks)
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 3
5 1
6 2
7 4

Activity 2 and 3 can be done concurrently and both must follow activity1.
Activity 2 must precede activity 4. Activity 5 cannot begin until both
activities 2 and 3 are completed. Activity 6 can be started only after
activities 4 and 5 are complete. Activity 7 is the last activity which can be
started only after completion of activity 5. Prepare the network diagram
of the Project.

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