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TECHNOLOGY PRACTICE 1… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Laboratory Accidents
and Safety… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Content Outline
Laboratory Accidents and Safety
A. Laboratory Hazards and Accidents
B. Factors contributing to laboratory accidents
C. Standard Precautions
D. Safe use and storage of chemicals and
E. Preventive measures… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Distinguish different laboratory hazards & accidents

2. Explain the possible factors contributing to laboratory
3. Explain CDC standard precautions in a laboratory setting
4. Discuss proper storage of chemicals and reagents
5. Devise a plan for prevention of hazards in a given setting… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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az… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Biological Hazards
▪ potentially harmful
frequently present in the
▪ chain of infection
▪ infection control… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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in of
bol… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Biological Safety Cabinets… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Biological Safety Cabinets… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Biosafety Levels… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Classification of Biological Agents… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Sharp Hazards
▪ needles, lancets, and broken
▪ All sharp objects must be
disposed in puncture-
resistant, leak-proof
container with the biohazard
symbol… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Chemical Hazards
▪ Chemical Spills and
➢ When skin contact
occurs, the best first aid
is to flush the area with
large amounts of water
for at least 15 minutes,
then seek medical
attention… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Chemical Hazards
▪ Chemical Handling ➢ Wearing goggles and
➢ Acid should always be preparing reagents
under a fume hood are
added to water to avoid recommended safety
the possibility of sudden precautions.
splashing caused by the
rapid generation of heat ➢ Pipetting by mouth is
in some chemical unacceptable in the
reactions. laboratory.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Chemical Hazards
▪ Chemical Hygiene Plan
▪ Chemical Labeling
➢ Hazardous chemicals
should be labeled with a
description of their
particular hazard, such as
poisonous, corrosive,
flammable, explosive,
teratogenic, or
▪ Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDSs)… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Information contained in an MSDS includes the
1. Physical and chemical characteristics
2. Fire and explosion potential
3. Reactivity potential
4. Health hazards and emergency first aid procedures
5. Methods for safe handling and disposal
6. Primary routes of entry
7. Exposure limits and carcinogenic potential… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Radiation Hazards
▪ Radioactivity may be encountered in the
clinical laboratory when procedures
using radioisotopes are performed.

▪ The amount of radioactivity present in

the clinical laboratory is very small and
represents little danger; however, the
effects of radiation are cumulative
related to the amount of exposure.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Radiation Hazards
▪ The amount of radiation exposure is related to
a combination of time, distance, and
▪ This symbol must be displayed on the doors
of all areas where radioactive material is
▪ Exposure to radiation during pregnancy
presents a danger to the fetus; personnel who
are pregnant or think they may be should
avoid areas with this symbol.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Electrical Hazards
▪ Equipment should not be ▪ Equipment that has
operated with wet hands. become wet should be
▪ Designated hospital unplugged and allowed
personnel monitor electrical to dry completely before
equipment closely; however, reusing.
laboratory personnel should
continually observe for any ▪ Equipment also should
dangerous conditions, such be unplugged before
as frayed cords and cleaning.
overloaded circuits, and ▪ All electrical equipment
report them to the supervisor. must be grounded with
three-pronged plugs.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Electrical Hazards
▪ When an accident involving ▪ Turning off the circuit
electrical shock occurs, the breaker, unplugging the
electrical source must be equipment, or moving the
removed immediately. equipment using a
▪ This must be done without nonconductive glass or
touching the person or the wood object are safe
equipment involved to avoid procedures to follow.
transferring the current. ▪ The victim should receive
immediate medical
assistance following
discontinuation of the
electricity.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Fire/Explosive Hazards
▪ Flammable chemicals ▪ Fire blankets may be
should be stored in safety present in the
cabinets and explosion-
proof refrigerators, and laboratory.
cylinders of compressed ▪ Persons with burning
gas should be located away clothes should be
from heat and securely
fastened to a stationary wrapped in the blanket
device to prevent to smother the flames.
accidental capsizing.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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What will you do?… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Fire/Explosive Hazards

Rescue—rescue anyone in immediate danger
Alarm—activate the institutional fire alarm
Contain—close all doors to potentially affected
Extinguish/Evacuate—attempt to extinguish
the fire, if possible or evacuate, closing the door… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Fire/Explosive Hazards… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Fire/Explosive Hazards… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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▪ General precautions to consider are to
avoid running in rooms and hallways,
watch for wet floors, bend the knees when
lifting heavy objects, keep long hair pulled
back, avoid dangling jewelry, and maintain
a clean, organized work area.
Physial Hazards
▪ Closed-toed shoes that provide maximum
support are essential for safety and
comfort.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Factors contributing to laboratory accidents
A poorly designed laboratory and overcrowding can
increase the risk of accident occurrence. Most lab,
accidents are the result of bad lab. Practices like:

• Poor training • Allow the working bench to

• Lack of concentration become cluttered
• Noisy environment • Carelessness and negligence
• Untidy working and not • Over work and fatigue
using racks to hold sample
containers • Hot and humid climatic
• Hurrying to finish work conditions… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Safe use and storage of chemicals and

Flammable chemicals

Corrosive chemicals

Toxic, harmful, and irritating chemicals… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Safe use and storage of chemicals and

Oxidizing chemical

Explosive chemicals

Carcinogens… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Safe use and storage of chemicals and reagents
Flammable chemicals: ether, xylene, toluene, methanol, ethanol, other alcohol, glacial
acetic acid, acetone, acetic anhydride, Alcoholic Romanovsky stains and acid alcohol

▪ in a fire proof metal box at ▪ Before opening a bottle

ground level, preferably in containing a flammable solvent,
check that there is no open flame
and out side cool and locked such as that from a Bunsen
store (alternative: a container burner.
well lined with tin foil should ▪ Do not light match near
be used) flammable chemicals.
N.B: Only small quantities of N.B: Never heat a flammable liquid
flammable solvents should be over a Bunsen burner or lighted gas.
kept on lab, benches and
shelves.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Corrosive chemicals: strong acids such as concentrated sulfuric acid, nitric acid, glacial
acetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, ortho - phosphoric acid, and caustic alkalis such as
sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) and potassium hydroxide (caustic potash)

▪ stored at low level to avoid any ▪ Never mouth pipette corrosive chemicals
serious injury, which could be ▪ Always pour corrosive chemicals at below
eye level, slowly and with great care to avoid
caused if they are accidentally splashing.
knocked off a shelf ▪ When opening a container of corrosive
chemicals, and when pouring it, wear
protective materials.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Toxic, harmful, and irritating chemicals
➢ chemicals which can cause death or serious ill-
health if swallowed or inhaled, or if the chemical is
allowed to come into contact with the skin

▪ Examples: potassium cyanide, sodium

nitroprusside, formaldehyde solution, chloroform,
barium chloride and methanol; iodine and
sulphanilic acid chemicals can cause inflammation
and irritation of the skin, mucous membranes, and
respiratory tract… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Toxic, harmful, and irritating chemicals
▪ Highly toxic chemicals such ▪ Handle with great care by
as potassium cyanide must wearing protective gloves.
be kept in a locked ▪ Always lock away highly
cupboard. toxic chemicals immediately
▪ Stock solutions or solids of after use.
harmful and irritating ▪ Keep the lab, well ventilated
chemicals should be stored while the chemicals are
safely in cap board, not on being used.
an open shelf.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Oxidizing chemical: includes chlorates, perchlorates,
strong peroxides, potassium dichromate, and chromic
▪ must be stored away from ▪ Handle oxidizing
organic materials and chemicals with great
reducing agents care.
▪ they can produce much ▪ Most are dangerous to
skin and eyes and when
heat when in contact with
in contact with reducing
other chemical, especially agents.
flammable chemicals… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Explosive chemicals
o Heat, flame, or friction can cause explosive
chemicals to explode.
o Example: picric acid (must be stored under water)
If picric acid is allowed to dry, it can become explosive.
This can occur if the chemical is left to dry in pipes
without being flushed away with adequate amount of
water.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Carcinogens: cause cancer by ingestion, inhalation,
or by skin contact (ex.: benzene, ortho - toluidine,
alpha and beta- naphthylamine, nitrosamines and
▪ should be kept in ▪ Always wear protective
closed containers and plastic or rubber gloves, and
face mask
labeled as
▪ Carcinogens must not be
‘carcinogenic, handle allowed to come in contact
with special with the skin because some
precautions’ carcinogens can be absorbed
through the skin (ex.: beta –
naphtylamine)… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Preventive Measures
▪ Adequate floor, bench and ▪ Good ventilation is
storage space for staff to work essential with adequate
safely provision of fume
▪ Ample light is essential, cupboards
especially in the examination ▪ There should be a
areas of the laboratory system for marking
▪ A sufficient supply of wall ‘’high risk’’ specimens
electric points to avoid the use ▪ Discard containers that
of adapters contain infectious
▪ Overcrowding must be microorganisms after
each use… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Preventive Measures
▪ The floor should be well ▪ Doors of the of the lab, should
constructed with a surface be opened to the out side
that is non-slippery,
▪ Sectioning of the lab, into
impermeable to liquids and separate rooms or working
resistant to those areas with definite places (for
chemicals used in the patients, visitors, and
laboratory reception of specimens)
▪ Walls should be smooth, ▪ Bench surfaces should be
without cracks, washable and
free from cracks, resistant to the disinfectants
impermeable to liquids and and chemicals used in the
easily washable laboratory… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Preventive Measures
▪ An adequate number of ▪ Ensure that all work in the
hand basins with running laboratory is done with a
safety conscious attitude
water is essential.
▪ All staff must ensure that
▪ Provision of protective the conditions of their work
clothing do not create any hazard for
▪ Fire extinguishers should those working near by
be placed at accessible ▪ Laboratory coats should be
fully buttoned up while
points. If extinguishers are working and removed
not available several before leaving the
buckets of sand must be laboratory.
provided… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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Preventive Measures
▪ The chances of an accident occurring in the laboratory are
much reduced if:
Every one works in a tidy fashion
Every one works with out rush
Benches are clean
Reagents returned to the shelves
after each use
No eating, drinking or smoking in the laboratory.… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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- End of Unit 4 -… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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▪ Berhanu Seyoum (2006). Introduction to Medical Laboratory
Technology. Haramaya University
▪ Bishop, M., Fody, E., and Shoeff, L. (2010). Clinical Chemistry
Techniques, Principles and Correlations, 6th ed. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins
▪ Polansky, V. (2014). Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory
Science, 2nd ed. F. A. Davis Company
▪ Strasinger, S. and Di Lorenzo, M. (2014). Urinalysis and Body
fluids, 6th ed. F. A. Davis Company… 16/09/2019, 1G09 PM

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