Test Initial Clasa A VI-a L1 1) Answer The Questions With Sentences

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Test initial clasa a VI-a L1

1) Answer the questions with sentences:

1. Where are you from?



2. Write the correct possessive adjective:

1. (He) _____________ name is Peter.

2. (I) _______________ friend is Sue.

3. (She) _______________friend is Chinese.

4. (You) __________________village is beautiful.

5. (It) This is my dog. ________________ name

is Rex.

3) Fill in with the present simple of the verb to be (am/are/is):

1. I_________________ 11 years old.

2. Sally________________ my friend.

3. Jane and I ______________ Australian.

4. They ___________________ at school.

4) Complete the sentences. Use has got (x2)

or have got (x2).

1. I ___________________a cat.

2. They ___________________ a rabbit.

3. My friend __________________________two dogs.

4. Tina_____________________________ a goldfish.

5) Write the plurals of the words in the list:

1. brush -
2. baby -
3. box -
4. girl-
5. bus-
6. boy -
7. scarf-
6) Fill in the gaps with is, isn’t, are or aren’t.
In the living room, ...
1. there _________ ___a sofa. (✓)

2. there _________ ____four pictures. (✗ )

3. there ____________ a coffee table. (✓)

4. there____________a carpet. (✗ )

5. there _____________ books in the bookcase. (✓)

6. there _______________ two armchairs. (✗ )

7) Answer the questions fully with affirmations and negations:

I: Are you eating now? I: Do you go to school every day?

A: A:

N: N:

I: Is Maria reading now? I: Does Jack run every week?

A: A:

N: N:
Test initial clasa a VII-a L2

1. Write the plural of the following words:


2.Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

1. My house is (big)_________________ than yours.

2.This flower is (beautiful)__________________________ than that one.

3. This is the (interesting)_________________________ book I have ever read.

4. Who is the (rich)__________________________ woman on earth?

5. Juice tastes________________than water. (good)

6) Watermelons are the_______________ fruit in water content.(good)
7) Reading Facebook comments is_______________than reading books.(bad)
8) The_________________food is spaghetti.(bad)
9) There are ___________________sheep in Australia than people.(many)
10) The_________________food is wasted rich countries.(many)
11) Water costs_________________money than oil.(little)
12) The_________________honey is in the jar on the table.(little)
13) There are______________girls than boys in the classroom.(few)
14) The___________________eggs are in biscuits.(few)

4) Answer the questions with complete sentences:

I: Did you work yesterday?


I: Did Marius write last week?



I: Were you walking in the park at 2 p.m. yesterday?



I: Was Andreea watching TV at 5 a.m. yesterday?



I: Will you arrive in time at the airport tomorrow?



I: Are you going to come by train at the seaside?



5) What does your deskmate look like?(hair length, shape and colour, colour of eyes)
Test initial clasa a VIII-a L2

1) Fill in the blanks with a little or a few:

1) ___________________ time

2. ___________________people

3.__________________ French words

4.__________________ French grammar

5. ___________________ rooms

6. ____________________money

7. ____________________ children

8.___________________ women

9. __________________ water

10. _________________ bottles of water

2) Give one piece of advice with the word should and one with shouldn’t for each problem:

1) I feel tired all the time.

2) I hate school.

3) Complete the sentences with the correct question tags:

1.Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, ___________________?

2. The car isn't in the garage, _________________?

3. You are John,_____________________ ?

4. She went to the library yesterday,_____________________ ?

5. He didn't recognize me,_______________________ ?

6. Cars pollute the environment, _____________________?

7. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, _______________________?

8. The trip is very expensive, _______________________?

9. He won't tell her,_____________________ ?

10. Hugh had a red car, _____________________?

4) Agree with the following statements:

1) I eat ice-cream in summer.

2) I am reading the news now.

3) I was not fixing the car.

4) I did not speak to the driver.

5) I will look up the word in the dictionary.

6) I am not going to buy tickets to the football match.

7) I have agreed with them.

8) I had not checked my luggage.

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