Reflection Note On Satisfaction

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Organizational Behavior & HRM Ali Raza 1217-EMBA-17/18

Summary: Lecture 03 Instructor: Attique-ur-Rehman

Reflection (Based on Job Satisfaction)

The Basic question of last week’s discussion was: “Satisfaction of employees in the area of
workplace and how can we satisfied our employees at their workplace?”
Job satisfaction or employee satisfaction is a measure of worker’s contentedness with their job,
whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work
or supervision. Why do some people get excited to go to work while others hate Monday
mornings? Understandably, we all need to make a living but it seems as though some are
enjoying the process more than others. Fortunately, job satisfaction is dependent on a variety
of factors, many of which are within your control. With a little effort, you can either find the job
that is best suited to meet your individual needs or learn to find fulfillment in the one you
already have.
In our last discussion we discuss two different cases about satisfaction of job or satisfaction of
employee’s at their workplace. Both cases are related to satisfaction that how an organization
satisfied their employee’s to work efficient in resulting effectiveness or productivity of work.
In first case we discussed about “how can a company maintain high levels of employee
satisfaction and commitment over time in an industry known for high levels of turnover at
“NUGGET MARKETS” in second case we discussed about PAETEC’s values lead to a satisfied and
committed workforce both the organizations have almost same thinking and point of view to
how easily a common man became a part of their family in case of business.
I am working in Atlas Honda Limited” since 13th of April 2011. Atlas Honda Limited is a public
listed company which was incorporated on October 16, 1962. It is a joint collaboration between
Honda Motor Company Limited Japan, the largest and most reputed motorcycle brand in the
world, and Atlas Group, one of Pakistan’s most renowned business corporations. The Company
is principally engaged in progressive manufacturing and marketing of motorcycles and spare
I had been worked as an executive in Administration department my job descriptions were to
facilitate the associates in different administrative matters such as: health and life insurance
dealing with government institutions Punjab employees social security institution (PESSI)
Employees old age benefits institution (EOBI) as well as the job contractual monthly payments
bills the verification of that payments to contractors. I had worked six days in a week with eight
working hours in which I allowed to take some time for refreshment during duty timings.
In Administration department management have a clear point of view about job satisfaction
and they have the guts to how can evaluate the productivity and how to complete the daily
challenging tasks about administration just because the one reason behind that they empowers
his subordinates according to the aspects or nature of responsibility. All the time in my career I
always feel flexibility in scheduling whenever I want flexibility in working days or working hours
Organizational Behavior & HRM Ali Raza 1217-EMBA-17/18
Summary: Lecture 03 Instructor: Attique-ur-Rehman

they allows me every time and all that things just not for me all the members in our
department have same facilities with the variation of time.
Opportunities to utilize my skills and talent and to learn new skills regarding process of work
are always given when need. The management will always support for some additional
trainings and improvement in education as well as opportunities for promotion and some
benefits like casual leaves or vacation leaves with pay allowed.
Now currently I am working in material management department one thing about this
department is clearly defined that you cannot work in this department by open minded you
always receive restriction and bad experience from management regarding new innovations. All
the management have committed with each other that all benefits should divided in upper
management at the time of annual appraisals majority of the workers still work in this
department as well as they joined because no appreciation those persons receive they work
just for time pass and they never interested to work for their best and always try to avoid any
kind of improvement. This is a real difference between two experiences I have in same
organization the material management department does not appreciate their subordinates
they just have some persons to give them benefits and only those who crouch them.
Above all examples we can say that satisfaction is more important to work hardly and effective
if you satisfy at your job you will be more productive as well as a happy domestic life both social
and personal.

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