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Thirteen Reasons Why: A novel that discourses suicide and its victims

By: Areeba Aftab

Lately, there has been quite a buzz about the Netflix show “Thirteen Reasons
Why”. This show is an adaptation of a novel penned down by Jay Asher. The
novel itself was a tremendous success when it was published back in 2007.
Thirteen Reasons Why novel has received ample eulogize from literary
associations worldwide and was also granted No.1 on the New York Times Best
Seller list in 2010. This contemporary novel, like any other grand piece of
literature had a great impact on the present-day society. The novel discourses
social problems like bullying, sexual harassment and suicide. This literary
masterpiece played a great role in educating and changing the perspective of
society regarding modern social evils.

Plot of the Novel

The novel initially starts with Clay Jensen, as he receives a mysterious package.
Upon opening the package, he finds seven cassette tapes. These tapes were
recorded by Hannah Baker, a girl who was his classmate and who recently
committed suicide. These tapes tell about the 13 reasons why Hannah ended her
life. In her tapes, Hannah tells that whoever receives the package is one of the
reasons why she committed suicide. She instructs to listen to these tapes and
then pass it on to the next person. If someone dares to break the 13 people chain,
a separate set of tapes will be released to the public. Hannah also warns her

“Do not take me for granted…again. You are being watched.”

Lessons Taught in the novel

As the novel advances, the readers are informed of the reasons that led to
Hannah’s suicide. Her suicide was not a spur of the moment decision. But her
former lover was responsible for starting the snowball effect of her destruction.
He was also to be blamed for all the high school rumors spreading in Hannah’s
name. This novel shows how the things we say have a great impact on other
people’s life, which teaches us to be kind to others and opt for a positive attitude
in life.

Thirteen Reasons Why also sheds light on the reality that people thinking about
suicide are deprived of any help. Hannah was laughed off when she told her class
that she was thinking of ending her life. Her classmates and friends did not take
her depression and anxiety seriously. Instead, they all categorized it as an attempt
for seeking attention. After receiving perfidy from everyone, especially her
friends, she decided to end her life. She addresses everyone in her tapes and says:

“And what about you-the rest of you-did you

notice the scars you left behind?

No. Probably no. Because most of them

can’t be seen with the naked eye.”

Hannah did give life a second chance by visiting her school counselor. But the
school counselor failed to provide her any help, despite being aware of her whole
situation. He also blamed Hannah for her harassments. This part of the story
portrays the reality that it is always the victim of sexual harassments who is
blamed in our society.

The day after her visit to the counselor’s office, Hannah Baker attempts suicide.
After her death, the people around her realized their mistakes and the whole
school gets grief stricken. Hannah also mentions Clay in her tapes and says that he
is the only person on the tapes who is not responsible for her death. Clay learns
from these audiotapes and sets to help a girl, who is suffering from mental

Thirteen Reasons Why’s Positive Impact on the Society

This book mentions the issues that our society likes to glaze over. The novel’s
sturdy and incredibly powerful theme taught us that our every word and action
can have an impact. Thirteen Reasons Why also shows the mental health victims
that suicide is not the option as there are people to whom you mean everything.
This novel served as an eye opener for everyone as it beautifully taught us to care
for the proliferating mental health patients in the contemporary world.

Novel Blamed for Sparking a Suicide Contagion Effect

Even though the book’s pure intention was to reveal the effect of bullying on
teens and to raise awareness about suicide. But unfortunately, many teens took
the wrong meaning out of the theme and since the release of the book many
teenagers have ended their life in similar manner of Hannah Baker. The teenagers
copied Hannah’s style and left audiotapes to state their reasons for suicide. These
suicide attempts led people to criticize the novel, ignoring the actual purpose of
the story.

Thirteen Reasons Why is also blamed for glamourizing suicide and describing
suicide as a fantasy. Teenagers who failed to learn something from the novel took
inspiration in Hannah’s character, and followed her footsteps. Because of this, the
novel and the Netflix show received countless criticism from people around the

Suicide Effects Your Loved Ones

The novel’s portrayal that someone’s death can change a bad person is somewhat
wrong. As, the only people changed from a death are the loved ones. Your
parents, siblings and friends are the real ones affected by suicide.

Overall, this book is a great literary piece of writing that teaches to be humble
and kind. This book also provides you with the signs to look for in a suicidal
person and help them on the way of life.

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