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Students need time management because it has an important role in their life.

Nowadays, time seen as indefinitely divisible and usable commodity. Through time

management, students can organize and enhance their duties in school, task performed

right and there also might be time for other school activities by planning it. Being

successful is twinned with right time management to fulfill effective works. It will

help you to infused the concept of time through every institution. All of the

materials and human resources possessed organization that can enhance the course time

or transformed as time goes on, yet it is the only asset that we cannot changed or

purchased or stored is time itself. The secret for achieving the success in life is

effective managing of this resources that everyone possess equal and paying

sufficient of emphasis in planning (Macans, Shahani, Dipboye & Philips, 2000). Through

the effective and sufficient use of the time varies with respect to the tasks

performed, the further increase in their level of knowledge and skills expected from

student , that also futher increase the necessity of time planning. The road to success in

social life that passes through the efficient and effective working which is the possible

way through the help of time management.

Time management plays a vital role to improve student's academic

performance and others. Every students should need to have time management

ability that includes setting, goals and priorities, with the help of time management

mechanism and organizing of using time. This study will help to analyze the effects of

it on academic task of students. It also help to make some decision both regards

to the changes we would like to make to use our time. The basis of the research

are the selected students of Grade 12 STEM, HUMSS AND ABM senior

highschool of nineveh academy. This study is conducted to know the effects of

having time management of students that can lead them to have a better and

successful work. This study is aim to know the time management of Nineveh

Academy’s Grade 12 students and its effect on their school performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out the Time management of Nineveh Academy’s Grade 12

students and its effect on their school performance.

Specifically, the researcher aims to answer the following questions.

1. How students manage their time?

2. What are the underlying reasons why some students have poor time management and

some are not?

3. What are the possible ways to handles their time?

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Understanding the importance of time management is very essential for

everyone. It is the conscious control when imposed for all over the amount of the time

that they spent in doing day-to-day activities that would allow you to divide your

priorities and set deadlines. Thus, it will be able you to accomplish task withing the set of

the the limit. Time management is possible to understand the theories, principle and

techniques proposed by the same philosophers and scientist who have understood its

significance in life. Studying the theories about time management will help you/us to

organize, plan and schedule you/our responsibilities, activities and goals for our life in

the right manner

Here are the most popular theories that help people understand the importance of

the time management in every sphere of life.

Pickle Jar Theory by Stephen Covey, serve as visual methaphor to determine

“what is useful and what is not useful”. It is about a big glass pickle jar filled with large

number of fist-sized rocks, pebbles and a lot of sand that helps you to set your priorities

for daily life and plan task in such way, that you have time to spare instead of too few

hours in the day.

Pareto principle by Vilfredo pareto. He was an Italian economist and philosopher

who formulated the 80-20 rule, Specifies that 80% of consequences come from 20% of

the causes. Also, the 80-20 rule can be applied on a personal level. Time management is

the most common use for this theory, as most people tend to thinly spread out their time

instead of focusing on the most important task. If you apply the pareto principle to one of

the keys of academic success, studying, you will find that you get 80% of your studying

done in 20% of your time actually spent studying. It means that when you’re studying,

you spend a lot of time being distracted, re-reading, thingking about other things,

daydreaming about your future more than being focus on studying.


Time management

Pickle jar theory Pareto Principle

Significance of the study

Teachers – This research will benefit them to finish their works on time and to be more


Students – This research will benefit them to prevent procasting. Lack of sleep, and lack

of punctuality.

Parents – This research will benefit them to have more time with their priorities

especially the family.

Community – This research will benefit them to lessen the reason why they can’t do

their work.

Researcher – This research will benefit them as a researcher like us to also have

knowledge on how to manage their time, and also to avoid laziess to finish their works

because they have other responsibilities.


Scope and Limitations

This research was started October 2019 and expected to be completed until the

end of october in the current year. This study addresses the Time management of

Nineveh Acadeny’s Grade 12 students and its effect on their school performance.

The interview of researchers was included here as it would be their way of

gathering information

Definition of terms

Time management – The act or process of planning and exercising conscious control

over the amount of time spent on specific activities, specially to increase effectiveness,

efficiency or productivity

Student – A learner, an person formally engagedin learning especially one enrolled in a

school or college, pupil.

School – Educational institutui designed to provide learning spaces and learning

environment for teaching of students.

School Performance – How wel the student has prepared for and performed in class, and

now when the student has mastered the material presented.

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