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Original Document Scanned by: Infinity Turbine LLC ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE SILENT POWER PLANT 1.5 KW, 28 VOLTS D.C. Document: ADAGO0900 Document Date: MAY 1974 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce - NTIS ‘Scan Date: 11/24/2008 www. infinityturbine.com ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE SILENT POWER PLANT 1.5 KW, 28 VOLTS D.C. U.S. Department of Commerce - NTIS 11/24/2008 document number |ADAQQ0900 document date MAY 1974 author publication date [MAY 1974 OSTI identifier report number DOE contract number resource type resource relation research org |Sundstrand Aviation Rockford, ILL subject related subject | | abstract country of publication citation source DOCUMENT CONTROL GATA RAD J Stxostmann aviation Unceasirieo | srsanalsen Wo. ns ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS 61108 ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE SILENT POWER PLANT SRW, 28 VOLTS D.C FINAL REPORT 6-13-7 fe aaa irae Ise RONALD F, McKENNA, MAY 1974 DAAKO2-72-C-0472 . CONTRACTOR-MPOSED DISTRIBUTION - ELECTROTECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT ELECTROMECHANICAL DIVISION. USARMY MOBILITY R&D CENTER "This report describes the design, fabrication and test of comaanents subeystems and argenic Rankine Gyele Power Plant. Design point net output power is 1.5 KW 2 28 V.D.C. Power is produced by somuistion of fan air/fuel mixture and transferring the thermal energy to CP.26, the working fluid, which is expanded through a turbine, ‘The turbine is part of a turboralternator which also powers internal 2eceszory components. ‘Specific design eriteria involves precise quality of power, weight, volume efficiency, life and noise imitations, ‘vere environment and shock, and multi-uel operating requirements. The sot is portable, stiteontainod except for fuel supply and is intended to operate as a silent power plant. UNCLASSIFIED RANKIN CYCLE WORKING FLUID GENERATOR ALTERNATOR TURBINE BEARINGS, prroT sume GEARBOX HEATER ‘VAPORIZER ECONONIZER REGENERATOR CONDENSER, BOOST PUMP HAND PUMP: DIGITAL CONTROL VALVES VAPOR SHUTOFF VALVE CONTROL SySTEM comsusTor AIR/FUEL SYSTEM FUEL METERING PUMP ATOMIZING AIR COMPRESSOR MAGNETO. CONDENSER FAN AIR BLOWER ACCUMULATOR ALTITUDE COWPENSATING VALVE 4 i. REPORT NO.ATR 1182 A000900 fe] ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE SILENT POWER, 1.5 KW 28VDC FOR U.S. ARMY MOBILITY & D CENTER FORT BELVOIR, VIRGINIA, Sundstrand Aviation Electric Power 47 i le NoTIcES DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT ‘THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE AND SALE. ITS DISTRIBUTION 1S UNLIMITED. DISCLAIMERS. ‘THE FINDINGS IN THIS REPORT ARE NOT TO BE CONSTAUED AS AN OFFICIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY POSITION, UNLESS SO DESIGNATED BY OTHER AUTHORIZED DOCUMENTS, ‘THE CITATION OF TRADE NAMES AND NAMES OF MANUFACTURERS: IN THIS REPORT IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT ENDORSEMENT OR APPROVAL OF COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS OR SERVICES REFERENCED HEREIN. DISPOSITION. DESTROY THIS REPORT WHEN IT IS NO LONGER NEEDED. DO NOT.RETURN ITTO THE ORIGINATOR. maornred inartis ts 0046 Uoin-suc™ “The ecleutated rotating inatin uae 799 (inwss?): which nogiteg the porsliyy that tas eomeisrid 18 oms 2 one 3 were checked by setting ett the hide flow for shart soriod af sine [> 19 ser after 86,600 rpm hal been reached. Tere was asticht (1600 to 20 incressa in Sristion crag of the Lzerings. 1” Shore wna say si for fla churning beiweon rotor arc azar, elirainstig the uid rapid ucesleration. This €:d nat occur. icant power lors ply show he salted ina ‘Yo. lecrt pertially chockut itam 4 thiee tyyer of teat weve ceducted © Comslote CRU a 9 Aplus in placa of the pump FRotsit ky of vapors 82in9 © A sotid dummy shaft in pls ee; ‘vapors aeeoes to the teh 0 wy im pees ce, This eh 1 wseet roan beck o't i tes all boat parnp floes and the novell, syrup Thaw but allows howell To ossuss the effect of items § and relacted, the results of whieh are oe folios: in Tests 897-1 Take 10D O91 Nossle Hie Stall Torque Uitef, CRU Now Noses Notale tnlot Press, Presictee Ta {imlly) Mevsurad Tq Cinib) 1 1327 149. 1.60" 1.95 @ f 4 13% 4a m5 1 ensign computer progtere peadicted 1.60; undated psesrans, whieh aorenints for tag, 0. “Orie presi “There i some errarin the one nozvte mons-ted torque due we the itficulty of meesutiog the tows Gig fesse, Mowrever, in genera, the soll torre data is written 10% of the predic values. He “Frit indicates vist impinge sant and! Beds €osion iseatislectory stscally “To aseess the eflects of turbine windoge spindown tests ware enadusted whoreby the unloadse turbine was permitzed 10 fresty spin down from o i througis 65,003 eam, the rate of decay wos mogsered frorr which the power was computed, This power secured to be S15 watts conyrared to watts, Thus It wis conetudsd thst tnis parameter met design conditions and is « Jor turbine performance, {novels platens fabricated zo thot the atfeots of tne difference between the Criginal €2 Jig on ihe nuezte plate ene hotell For purpesus of testing on nitrogen, a siciltic nozzle spacing could be aecariainzs. To ‘ond th elose-spackd nazzios cfs to Figuee 34, The With the plug bicek exbaust thin 30-35°F of the caleu) +t (no pitot pump, bh Yeh could Lea! le Flo induces nip from turbine vhoel act as aspirat vapor & possibly sone quid to te am the hotwell. systen occurs, curey » With Leute int gone leckage could Seeur ab th cenneeticn, though at is O-ring Te dg coneluded that flvia (vapor or vapor & Liquid) IMgrates fren tha hotver? ¢ eenordl mor lesa in the R< ‘SUNOSTRAKD AVIATION ‘DMSION OF SUNDSTRAND CORPORATION OcHFORD —WLMNGIS ENGINEERING REPORT arr 92 & ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE SILENT POWERPLANT, 1.5 KW, 28 VOC FoR ELECTROTECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT ELECTROMECHANICAL DIVISION US. ARMY MOBILITY 8 & D CENTER FORT BELVOIR, VIRGINIA 22060 L “APPROVAL AND CLASSIFICATION rena BEErRUTION R.MoKenna a RR TRE aS BT ae SouTRULED, LI Bak pos R.Mkonna__ it 20-94 RE WW onion oe dpe oF FST oat DeETRRUTION eae: er arene ae ATE, WORT, paanozmcows Loaf wernesseo ay we Se ee Tide aes 7H ISON Ga DEARO ROCKFORD ‘DATE WG QUALITY CONTROL DATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Many individuals ane grouss have worked enthusiastically in develoning tls Organic Rankine Cycle Silent Power Plant. Wie all individuals cannot be identifiag, following i lst o* these who formed Anucigue! Lou Suit, Herb Demet, Wel Jaczovich, Joe Coyle, Tim Bland, Bil Smite Jim “eylor and al other support individuals and groups. 4s CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SUMMARY PROGHAY PLAN SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS SET DESCRIPTION DESIGN & ANALYSIS ‘SYSTEM DESIGNED PERFORMANC! SYSTEM DESIGN SELECTION Working Fluic Combined Rotating Unit CU! Critieal Spee ‘Thermal Map & Stress Aralvsis Pitor Purp, Bearings Digital Vapor Centro! & Shutoff Valvos Alrornator Boost Pump Final Design iegenersior Condenser Battery Box & Instrument Compartment Hester Alr/Fuel & Accessory System Start System Installation Vibration ‘Shock & Stresses Noise Failure Made & Effects Analysis System Controls & Sateties MANUFACTURING & FABRICATION COMPONENT & SUBSYSTEM TESTING FUEL/AIR SUBSYSTEM Fuel Pump & Air Blower Altitude Compensating Valve Combustor ‘Atomizing Air Compressor Fuel Reservoir, SECTION MI ‘seeTION IV SECTION V section vi SECTION Vii SECTION VIL SECTION 1X WORKING FLUID SYSTEM, Heater ‘Tube Fittings Shutoff & Control Valves Hand Pump Other Systom Valves “Thermal Switehes COMBINED ROTATING UNIT Bearings P25 Lube Sete Boost Pump Pitot Pump. ELECTRICAL ‘Controls Battery Alternator ‘SYSTEM TESTING PARASITIC & AIR/FUEL SYSTEM Variable Frecueney Ciecuit Constant Frequency Circuit Total Parasite Power & Noise COMBINED ROTATING UNIT Pitot Pump ‘Seal Leakage & Turbine Exhaust Quenching “Turbine Performance Vibration & Noise Electrical ser System Operation Heat Salance Heat Exchangers Valves SECTION x IMPROVEMENTS SECTION xt ‘SUPPORT DOCUMENTS SECTION x11 SUMMARY “This report is a summary of the develanment of a 1.5 KW Organic Rankine Cycle Sitent Powerplant viicn as designed to meet the conditions of a thorouch and deteited specification. The powerplant Computes fuel and air and transfers the neat produced ro 2 working fluid {CP-25) whieh is vaporized Jn the supercritical region. Power 's abtained by expanding the fluid thraucgh a turbine driven itemeter which runs ata constant spead by on-off valves controlling flows to from 2 to 10 nozzles. ‘Attached to the turbine shaft is pump which maintains working fluid pressure. The alternator is Saal type? the main orouides external 1.5 KW power and the auxiliary operates the ser’ onboard equipmant. “The main tequirements ae as follows otal weight < 1501. Toral volume Beubic ft Performance > 7.5% efficient Durability Severe environment and shock conditions Life 3000 hours Noise Inaudible at 100 meters distance “The objective was to build 2 sets which would meet those eequirarments, test to verity, and deliver Figure 3-1 isa photo of the finishes set; for size illustration a 3° 1134" man i standing eaasent to it ‘The set is small and light in weight being 7.65 7.9 in volume and 183 Ib. respectively. It is « production proterype package and has demonstrated operation integrity. In terms of deve ‘opment effor, some of the critical subsystems of the set resulted in she following: ‘# Complete Air/Fuel Systern Developed - 100's of hours operation ® Turbine Developrnent - 2300 hours ot baring testing © Complete Breacboard Cortrol System Demorstrated/Onerationsl [A significant amount of resting was accomplished on the set tslf whch resulted in: (@ 69 Hor Tests 20 Hours of Hat Testing on the Heater and Burner 3-15 Hours of Hot Testing on the Turboaltemnator, Regenerator end Condenser f¢ 78 Houts of Operation on All Acnessories No endurance prablerns of any kind were encountered and although aucility testing was sot ined, subsystem noize massurements indicate that the set will meet the speificetion noi limits rally, the naked ear noise impression while standing adjacent to the set operating in the open twas that of quiotnass, -Thore were several nuisance types of problems encountered throughout the develonment aericd; some Of theve were resolved while others may need future modificatis. However, there were three problems which have been partially resolves and solutions demonstrated but have nos been completely Mreomparated into the set. These provonted complete self-ecntained operetion and full output power from being demonstrated anc are listed below Ws (© Low surbine performance © Turbine exhaust quenching ' Flexibility of the turbine valence assembly and hotwell (CRU) {was demonstrated that low turbine perforenance vies due to too large spacing of the turbine nozales {ang correcting this would enable atleast 84% of theoretical rurbine poser to be achieved. Figure 3-2 shows the data for the original nazzle pate and a test nozzle plate with close-spaced (touching edge-to-edge) nozzles (ref. Figure 3-4), With the exception of the one point taken from set deta, sl data are for tests conducted an 2 test rig using high pressure nitrogen to drive the turaine. 't ean be seen thet the original nozzie plate produced 48% ot the theoretieul turbine efficiency. By reducing the nozzle spacing the turbine sees 8 continuous rather than intermittent ariving ga team a the whee! comates past each nozzle, The result isa substantial increase in turbine efficiency. The system ‘Wes originally designed so thet 7 nezales would be sufficlant to carry the internal parasitic load pls supply 1.5 KW a3.nat output power. However, hit is with 100% of theoretical turbine efficiency being achieved. Following isa list of the wrbine shalt poner requirements necessary to produce 1.5 KW et output power: Presicted Actuat ‘Net output poner. watts 1500 1500 Alteroator loses, watts 160 160 Att. windage and brgs., watts 107 nD ‘Accestory ower, wet 357 570 Pitot pump power, watts 330 490 Gross turbine power 2454 watts 2780 wars “The modified nozzle plate will produce somewhat lass than theoretical turbine efficiency and the accerrory ard pitor pump power consumption is larger than precictex. Consequently, 10 produce 1.5 KW ner, the dasian point flow and number of active nezzlas must inerease, The prarent air/fuel system when operating at 100% fire rae will provide @ fuel flow of 2.0 Ib/he or 30,000 Btu/hr (HEV) hheat release which the Set fas achieved, Based upon the 87% measured heater efficiency, this heat ‘lease will support a CP-26 fiow of .335 gom which corresponds to 8% active nozales. The resultant projected system performance with the modified nozzle plate is shown in Figure &-3 to be 1.1 KW. net outbut st an overall system eificiency oF 9.45%. With adjustment, the burnar has oveefire capa- bility and it can be seen that at 10 active nozzles {the limit ofthe present design) 1.47 KW ner output power can bo produced, Whether thie can be achieved ie dependent upan the extent of the overtire, ‘capability, the neat exchangers and the turbine/pump characteristics. The above data and conclusion resulted in the ceeision 10 celvar the First set and revain the sacond set until anew nozale plate assembly could be fabricated and installed, “The turbine exhaust passes through the regenerator whore its Suporhest ls transferred ta the incoming uid; when the exhaust temperature is low the regenerator liquid temperature is also low, To main tain, the correct turbine inlet conditions the heater must make up the difference between normal snd low regenerator liquid zemperature, This limits the amount of flow that the heater can sustain 10 2 lower amount than would otherwise be the case. Consequently the ouput power is reduced. Quenching of the turbine exhaust isthe result of fluid migrating from the pitat pump area. Leakoge has been minimized through development but not totally eliminated. A complete solution involves, shifting the pitot pump from the turbine whea! end to the aft end of tha assembly where this smell kage would fall to the howell. Tha prasent and revised configurations are shown in Figure 3-48, 8< “The flex bility ofthe turbine belavee asiembly and howell, othe CRU (combined rotating unith ‘eit ipeallec hos resulted in rubbing 2 the turoine whee! hub and pitot puis fnousing cegions, ‘These have all been light and non damaging in nature bot nontneless result in undesirable power consumotion. Improved helaning, an crease in the shaft diameter and stiff, noneantitevered ‘mounting of the turbine balance assembly ip the horwell has shown by test to be a tremendous improve: iment. The first two changes vere incorporated and help the operaticn inthe origina] honwell but does fnot completely eliminate the problem which has prevented exrencec nd raliable operation with the pivot pug. The forward porion of the Hotwell which Is wolded to the nozzle plate is being stiffened in the new cozzle plate configuration. However, she aft housing remains ass, Implementation could fesily be accomplished in bath ze arasens and aft pitot pump errangement. Unlike the present ‘rrangement, zh latter does not passthrough any bending criticals during its spinup te the 68,000 PRP operating sozed. Invsummary, the 221 his demonstrated viable operation and capability to meet alt of the specifics sion requiremsnts, While further cevelopment is required, no inherent problems have moteriaiized which suqest any other conclusion. Improvements fall into two categories: those which will enable she set to meet all specification require- rants avd those which enable simlifiation, lower cost or longer Iie, The former primarily involves Enea nozele olats sifting the aitot pump aft aod a mora rliable boost pump. The latter valves Simplifying the startup and flourete conirol methods of operetion. 410< Fosre 34 Ny TEST RESULTS di< NOTE: EXCEPT © WHICH ISCPaSSYSTEM TEST DATA wy 100 gm T 5 {> \ EI [ot nooirien S Nazzue z PLaTe 2 t 1 2 i | ORIGINAL e | & nozzue | PLATE “0 : 4 ina o aaa $ @ 10 NUMBER OF NOZZLES aa PROJECTED SYSTEM PERFORMANCE + | 2 | 40 1 g 10 ae B Eo as Es i 3= z 2 R 8 —t 6B 8g B E \" 23 a 4 = tH 8 B ft le a Be 5 é 2 ; Tags To00 7500 NET OUTPUT POWER, WATTS Figure 23 ie< v PRESENT OPERATES SUPERCRITICAL LENGTH= 12.38 INCHES REVISED: (OPERATES SUBCRITICAL LENGTH = 14.35 INCHES Figure 4B Present and Revised CRU Configurations 13< PROGRAM PLAN, Inasmuch gs the scope ef the specification involves an achanced development powerplant and does rot concern tee with angin28r evelopment, in order to rset the Key requirements of the speci ‘cation, itis necessary to rolue many of the problems which would ordinarily not be attacked untit ‘tne engineering devefopment phase prior to production. Fundamentally, the feestritk approach would be: ‘= Thorough component testing under simulated conditions ‘© Breacboard system testing directed at operation and performance with no conceen for weight, ‘volume, noise, environmental end transportability constraints ‘* Frokee develonment set '* Package delivorable et intagrating improvemante to problems encountered in tha packaged doveloament set. “This procedure (each step conducted in series) isthe sure way toward obiaining a Set which performs in complete accord wich the specification, however itis time-consuming, When there isa ih dearer Of confidence that inherent cectinieal oroblems can be avoicied snd when both time and funds are imited a more risty approsen is justified by the potentist for 2 more timaly payat!. This philesophy {i eehiaited in the program: plan of this contract, It alto raduces the Advancad Enginsering Program effort since much of the packag ng and configuration problems would have already besn resolved. “The following lis lustrates the epproach used on this program: 1. Limited component and subsystem testing under neersimatated conditions 2. No breadboare system testing {except for electronic controls), 3. Packased devolonment Sat and bresdbosrd contra 4. Packacea uelverable Set an exact replica of the development Set except for electronic controlar; all hardware excent controller procured at tne same time as development Set. “The program phase adapted to irnolement this approach includes the following © ANALYSIS ‘© PERFORMANCE © COMBINED ROTATING UNIT (CRU) CRITICAL SPEED. ¢ CRU THERMAL AND STRESS ‘* REGENERATOR, CONDENSER. VAPORIZER, ECONOMIZEN PERFORMANCE AND STRESS. # ELECTRONIC PACKAGE COOLING ‘* FLUID FLOW AND SYSTEM PRESSURE DROPS © ANALOG OF SYSTEM DYNAMICS © DESIGN © LAYOUTS AND DETAILS © Insiaitation ‘© CRU: variations for antitrietion,ttting pad, hydrostatic journal bearings t4< Regenerator andi Condenser Frome trounting place ‘Accessory drive garbox Offeet gearbox Heater: vaporizer and economizer Cambustar burner! end pump 1 Fuel ceservoir « wocKuP » PROCUREMENT EXPERIMENTAL HARDWARE # DEVELOPMENT AND DELIVERABLE HARDWARE ‘© COMPONENT & SUBSYSTEM TESTING ¢ AURIFUEL SUBSYSTEM ‘© Blows, fuel aump and lift pump circuit defirition ‘© Burner optimization with maltituels eater inteyction = cRU = Anti‘riction ane hydrostatic fournal hearing rig develoument 2 Pir01 pup are Bees purnp rig development for gas values © Hand pump laboratory tests 1 Alez:nater epoxy comoatnility Conisols Fixsd and variable inverter Wein end auxiiry regu ators Power eonditionieg ‘Speed control and cverspeed Sequence logic end batiery charger “Temperature tests and intagration ‘© Develooment Testing ecru 1 Gg tests for turbine and pitot pum performance, operation, vibration and noise '# Attorator: load carrying capability Voltage regulators © Acvessory syste © Operation of constant ang variable speed components and systems for parasitic sower consumption. 1» Developmen Set © DELIVERABLE SET ACCEPTANCE TESTING 15< SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The 1.5 KW, OC. Closed Rankine Cycle System developmen: specification establishes the oer (ormance, design, dovelonment and test requirarens necessary to successfully febrieate and demonstrate an advanced development 1.5 KW power plant suitable for military fisid use. ‘Te Set Is: closed Rankine Cycle engine with 21.5 KW brushless alternator, stati voltage regulator, control nstruments, safety deviees, starving system, control cubicle and other electrical are mech. anical devices and systems required to achieve a complete set meeting the requirements contained in the Development Specification, Following i ist of the key general requirements 1.5 KW, 28 VDC, Closed Rankine Cvele Portabia, skid mounted iene at 100 meters Capable of withstancing extremely hari usaae enco:snered ie military fled application simulated by free fall fiat and end drop (18 and 12 inches re-aectvelv|, vibrstion, railroad impact at 10 mn: and in-transit road test ‘+ Lovally or remote station startup within 10 minutes by an iotegcal etored snrgy source ancl a ‘manual or external energy sores 12 -G5PF 10 4725°F ambient temperature, any humidity © Minimum 2009 nours operating lite ‘© minimum 1.5% Set efficiency at 1.6 KW outout © Maxie 150%, dey woight ‘© Maximum & cubic foot volume © Mutt-fuel operation # Inclined operation, 319from horizontal # Minimum 95% Ser relibilicy ‘Start ane oporate at 1.5 KW In rain and wind (12 iafhr and 40 mpn cospactvety? 4% voltage regulation, 2 seconds recavery time, 2% voltage senility, 26-34 volts adjustmant, 2% voltsoe ripple, adjustable curren: limit, 30% voltage dip and rise, cverioad of 110% and overspeed of 125% Design for human performance and engineering © Major comeonent characterst © Boiler-Burner: Heatup to operating temperature and pressure in thres minutes, equipped witn automatic controls, electrical power supalied from alternators '© Working Fluid Circuiating System: Includes condenser, preheater if required, feed pump. No =ignificant working fluid iss for two years or 10,000 hours of operation Throttle Valve: Used ta control vapor flow Governor: Required to sense and controt engine speed co essentially a constant Inv Condenser: Must be compact, lightineight, vapor-f0air using blowers! Regenerator: Utilize if overall cycle efficiency can be irproved Lubrication Systom: Must be suitable for moving parts end ermotically seoled for engine Alternator: To be brushless and have a static exeltar’on systern Fuel System: Includes ignition souree, integral fuel purme capable of pumping through a 25 foot tine with asix foot state suction head, lines, filter and positive shutott Battery and charger ‘© Controls for pressure, spesc, termperature and pamer conditioning > 16~ DESCRIPTION ‘The general overald mecranietl arrangement of the Sut is shown in Figure 6-1 with come of the details in Figures 62 and 63, All of the corsponents are mounted to 2 common support plate whichis shack ‘mounted Irom tne mein support structure. The condonssr ragenorator,battery/Anetrument compat ment, and condenser ‘an are located in the upper portion of the unit. The rest of the comaenents se Located in the Bottom. Protection of the unit from rough hancling is ensured by a tubular frame surrounding the unit, For further protection, including environmental canditions, eovering and weather cap ie provided. The weather ea ie aluminum with 3 layer of sound absorption material Bonded to the Innerside, The upper cover ise fiberataes shroud waile the lawer covering consists of “ive pels of an aluminurn! rubber honeycomb composite, Thase materials provide protection as well a reduced emitted noise. Eosy access to all interface acintsis provided though the Set is tightly packaged. Both the burner lexhaurt and cooling air flow merge inthe unit ard exit varaugh the exening between the uppor portion 1f the shroud and the westher cap. Yuhon operating in an enclosure where warm air exhausts to be ‘used 95 space heat, the exhaust can be separately ducted away (ztachments are provid). ‘Acosss ta the operator imerfuce points is provided thresh the hinged front door. tee Figure 6:4). This arse expcses the hand crank, hand sump, manu vaives, fuel reservoir aid Fuel Titer, The Battery door is azo hinged For acoets andl better, repiceement, Electrical and fuel hookup pointe are accessbie externally sie these connectors protude chrough recesses in the side panels, Far maintenance purposes all parels may be removed using a serevidever The Set uses @ supercritical, closed loop organic Rankine cycle with CP.25 as the working fluid Figure 6 5 shows « varking luid flow schematic and corresponding T'S eiegram, A system schemarie and block diagram are shown in Figures 6-6 and 6-7 respectively. The power plant comprises four Inajor subsystems: Fuel/Air, Working Fluid, Electrical Generstion, Startup/Conzral, Following is 3 deseription of each of these Fuel/Air System: ‘The fuel/air system consists of the fellowing sub-systems and components: fuel purnpine, fuel atom: ization, combustion sir supply ignition, combustor, earben and twe. AC ative motors. ‘The fue! pumping sub-syster: consists of a manual valve, fut iter, postive displacement Hit pamp, fuel reservoir and a positive clsplacement fuel matering oump with 2 solenoid actuated shutoff valve. 1 ft pump provides the necessary suction to draw the fuel from e remot tank through a 26 foot Tine with a 6 foot stetie heed, The internal fuel reservoir provides for switening Fuel tanks without shutting the set down. oth the fuel metering pump and cambustion air blower ate drivan fram a common gearsox to ensure proper fuel air mixture, & fue! metering pump is used i> place of @ cantrel valve due to tne very Yow fuel flow eequired (4 to 3 Gal/Hr.). “The fuet stomizotion system cansite of an ai atomizing nozzle and a vane type ale compressor ave 003148 Loomis 14009 $$390¥ aware wy. ss300¥ DNVED ONE en ocH Tang Trang. f a a KS SN. oe Ze K samn WOUMS ous "ONG LAS = ANausnray a Nas toe inauune eee at 3hu. O3sav7a | snmdaes \ \, Se cours einai wag) SE \ a HES 19< o> : OO emus. se, (MOUNTED TO FRAME) START 8 STOP ER FAN MasneTo. LAFEL FESEROR Hane FUEL LET PUM eee | weonzea, Maga eTaRT EooNOWiZER FLOW VALVE J SHOCK ABSORBER Manual sract PRESSURE Wale ~cenngox EL pLTER —— arenas FLow ae ‘CONTROL VALVES COMB. aR ee w \ 8 ACCUM ATORS: ELECTRICAL 80x acrre39 ENTROPY (STU/LAM/OEG, F) Figure 6-4 “The combustion air supply system consists ofa fresh ai blower and an altitude eomaensating ait valve. “Tho alsituée compensating air val is an anesnie barometer device vlhich changes the affective blower inlet area. At low altitudes, the valve throttles the inlet while at high afitude the valve i wide open, ‘The purpose ofthis valve is to ensure that at a given air temperatuve, the ma How af feesh ar shout ‘he alower is independent of eltitude for ary blower speed. ‘The Ignition system eonessts oF 2 magneto ard an ignitor providing « continuous spark to the combustor. ‘The combustor features a selFinduced, combustion product recireuletion design to ensure a “blue flame" operation for high etficiency and clean operation. ‘Shaft power for the entire fuel air system is provided by two AC motors. One motor (constant speed) ‘ives the atomizing rir eamaressor, Ute condenser fan, boost pump and thé magneto, The atber ‘motor (variable speed) drives the fuel metering purnp and the combustor blower. Shaft speec! variation is aecomalished by verving the frequency of the AC power to the variable speed motor. ‘Because of the variable and constant speod aspects of she various driving and driven compan, separate eearusins are used, During hand erank starting, 9 sori (oaded gear engages both gcartains providing 2 means for erving ali companenss during startup Irom 2 comman source except the tondenser fan which is decoupled th ough a cute. Working Fluid System: ‘The working Huid system consists of supereritical vaparizer/sconomizer, vapur tow control valves, ‘combined rotating unit (surbine/aiternator/pumpl, = regenerator, an alr-cooled condenser, 2 hotwell and 2 centrifugal boost pump. The working “uid for che system Is CP-2B, “Tre vaporizer is2 sing’ pass spiratly wourd manotube design separated by a matrix with a high heat ‘ransfer coefficient. Combustion product trom the enclosed burrer supplies neat. An economizer ‘mounted integral with the vepor'zer further cools the combustion products by preheating & portion lf the working fluid before entering the vaporizer. Ar isometric eutsway of the vaporizer, aconernizar, combustor assembly is shown in Figure 6, “Tao digits! vapor contro! valves regulate the vapor “low to the turbine nozzles dapending on the electrical load demand. Vepor flow rate is controlled in response to s turbine speed srrcr signe “The CRU (turbaalternator gumpleoncizts ofa single stage, ceria! admission impwi turbine, two {Lundoll alternators and a pitor pur, all supportad by working fluid lubricated bearings. An isoretic eutanay of the CRU essambly is showin on Figure 6-2. “The regenerator is 9 vapor/liquid fin tube hest exchanger designed te recover a portion of the available ‘neat aresent in the carbine exhaust and sranemit it co the eystem working fluid be‘ore entering the vaporizer. “The condenser isa direct air cooled tubesfin heat exchanger with she organic working flu condensing ‘on the inside of externally finned tubes. ‘A hatwell/reservoir (part oF the CRU} located below the condenser collects condencataerainage ‘during all erientations. 25< A boost pump | to the pizot pup, set at the bottom of the horwell provides thy required net positive suction head Electrical Gonorating System: “The Electrical Generating system for the 1.5 KW power plant contains two separate systems: one for the excsenal ioad end the other for the internal power needs, The external power lagp contains ‘the main alternator, rectifier, voltage regulator and current limiter, The interns! power oop contains the auscliary alternstar, wcttier, voltage regulator, battary, controls anc constant snd variable frequency The elternators are packaged together and both are » Lundelt design slowing optimum use of magnetic ‘material and elimination of slip rings, brushes, commutators and sliding contacts. Cooling ofthe alternatorsis obtained by circulation of the working fluid through tha stator housings. ‘The main altaator circuit shown in Figure 6-10 provides 1.5 KW/ 26:34 volts OC usable power. The ‘primary alternator generetes 2000 He AC output which is rectified to 26-34 volts OC. A worage regu Tater and current timiter sre inearporsted to costrol the arimary alternator output ‘The auxiliary elternator supplies power for the internal loads, conwois and safetias of the set. Both ‘constant freaueney an veriabe frequency Dower is required. A bettery is used for system startup, Figure 6-11 shows 3 simplified version of the variable frequency cirovit which suppliae variable speed power to the moter wich drives the fuel metering pump and the blower. Sensing turbine vaper flow. and vaporizer temperoture, the inverter varies the motor speed permirting adjustment of the vaporizer tiring rate to correspond to the main alternator toad. Figuee 6-12 shows a simplifies constant frequency eiccult. Constant frequency aower is required for the [AC motor which drives the atomizing aie comaressor, magneto, cankienser fan anc! boost up. Both in-board power circuits are monitored by controls and safeties and are linked to the stat Vston system, Start System and Controks The Set ean be stared by the internal bartery, external de aawer or by manual starting procedures. ‘A meter indicating accumulator pressure provides the operator an indication of whether or not the charge pressure is adequate for starting, f the working fluid pressure is too low, the accumulator can be charged with the nand pump. For normal startup, withthe sceuralator cherged, efter initiation of the start sequence and the boost [pump hard plumbs the loop, tho start pressurization valve Is opened, pressurizing the liquid side of tne regenerator, economizer and vaporizer. (Check vaives prevent flew from returning to the horwel. The rlief valve gisrds against an overpressure Jn the start accumulator. With the system chargod, fuel is fed to the burner through the vormally closed fuel shutoff waive. Wnen the vaporizer fluid temperature is edequate for startup, the normal fused startup flow valve is opened allowing vapor flow 1o rotate the turbin For a startup without olectrical power, the tus! shut-off valve will be opened manually. Rotation of the fuel/le system will be by use of a hand crank. Vaporizer tomperature wil be indizsted on a 9302 ‘and whon it issufficient for starting the system, the operator will open the manual start flow valve liowing vapor flow to rotate the turbine. As soon as the unit is self-sustaining, te manual valves are closed ge VAPORIZER comsustor 3 ae nN ioniren a aTowizis avoMizer nee Figue6- VAPORIZER, ECONOMIZER COMBUSTOR ASSEMBLY CUTAWAY R7< COMBINED ROTATING UNIT ISOMETRIC CUTAWAY PrTOT PUMP NOTE: SELECTED ASSEMBLY USES ALL BEARINGS (NOT SHOWN) Figure 69 RB< SYSTEM DESIGNED PERFGRMANCE Svstem performance prediction, made early ia the program, consisted of evsluatien ofthe thermo: ‘Synamie tid at each state poiat in the eye. This ea Testion of the eyele conedktiors, energy conversion, heat transfer and periormance of each system component. A peak cycie temperature wos selected based on conservativ» thermal degradation rate for the working fluid. Turbine niet pressure ‘vas chosen to ensute that vaporization of the fluid accurs in the supercritical region for heater considerations. The design point concenser temperature (estab'ises pressure} and component hydraulic and thermal perfarmence characteristics vere definee by comerchensivezystern design, aackasing, and Off dosign considerations ‘Tables 7-1 and 7-2 represent performance predickions with parasiie power consumption of 347 and 435 satis respectively. [tcan be seen that for every 100 watts increased in parasitic newer, shere is about 1% eduetion in system efficiency at the design point. Its important te nore that for 8 systom etigned with little mergine, which i neostsary for small size and weight, excessive losses can easily cause inability 10 achieve 1.5 KW net output. Figure 7-3 represents the variation in system efficiency tobe expected {rom reductions in turbine and pitor pursp efficiencies trem the objectives, Performance analysis at off design conditions involve a similar rate peint-by-state point analysis plus Dreciction of the off-design performance of each component and how their cherecteristics effect ‘the overall cyele conditions, The thermal ang hyerulle performance of the heat ansfer equipment at off design is predicted by modifying the design point heat transfer coefficients with the relevent mass flowsand thermedynamic and thermophysical properties at part load. The predicted epecitic ‘uel consumption of the Set at various operating points fs shown in Figure 2-4 SYSTEM DESIGN SELECTION Working Fluid ‘Tre choice of working tuid has 2 major effect on system size, weight and efficlency, The vapar pressure of the fluid at heat rejection temperatures impacts the size and weight of the heat transfer fequinment. The vapor temperature and the expsnder steonaly influences system efficiency and ‘output power. The ideal fluid should have high temperature stability, high pressure at low condansar temperature, low Froczing point, low case and be non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-ccrrosive. NO ‘one fluid has al desires characzeristcs therefore, election must be quided by the overall systom ‘corsigerations, High temperature stability is important because the efficiency of the system is proportional to Carnot eificianey which iereates with maximum cyele tampersture as shown in Figure 7-5. Degradation rate ‘dita, Figure 7-7, indicates that CP-25, is more stable than other typical alternatives, Since almost all fof the degradation in an ORC occurs in the vaporizer itis impurtant to minimize the vaporizer inventory to total system inventory. Table 77 is indicative of the distribution of working fluid throughout the system, At te operating temperature level the vaporizer fluid reprecants 2.44% ofthe ‘total system inventory. EQUIV, 70°F COMPONENT VOL. tin) AVG.T, (PF) 9,4PSIAL VOL. (in) VOL HOT. LB \veporizer 163 700, 625 1.85 13.48.0875 Economizer a2 390, 895 5.33 23 2020 Regenerator 3 370 a 22.60 B4 7800 6 200 650 5.55 “43.1730 Accumulstor 6 155 650 6 ° "1790 Howell as 165 ay 3a 425.23 9700 76.0in3 = 2.26 1b 2.361 Yovle 77 “The regenerator, which is primarily responsible far the high evcle elficiency attainable with the ORG, ia vignificantly affected ip size and weight by back aressure level. The vanar pressure of several fluids rahonn in Figure 7-8. Fora reasonable oi heat rejector size an for good system efficiency, tne heat ‘ejection temperature should be between 100 and 200°F. The low dack pressure systems will ave large haat exchangers while the high back pressure sstz%s will ave small heat exchangers. CP 25 places it becween these extremes. ‘Since the system must operate at ambient tempesstures down co -657F, a large number of working fulids are eiminaled, CP.28 (-139°F) anc FC-75 (80°F) are well away rom their reeze points at €5°F ile MIPE (68°F), pyridine (CP-32, 69°F) ane thiophene {CP 38) are frozen. Ine working fluid ontimization study performed by Sundstrand for USAMERDC (Contract DAAKO2 71-0182) it was determined thet the ope murm working fluid for a5 KW ORC turboalternator system dnd capable of efficient performance over 2.5 to 5 KWe range, possesst the fluid characteristics Tied in Table 7-9. From the comparison in this table, itis evident that Cr-25 comes cfose to the ideal “Table 79 Comparison of Fluid Properties optim cps, Ccrtieal emperature, °F 652 609) Critical pressuras, OF 503, 592 Critical volume, £32 0895 9552 Normal boiling temperature, °F 281 231 Molecular weight 86 92 Aceal gas specific heat, BTUME mole °F —-4.96+ 0418 eat + 0360 ‘System Parameters: Tin = 700°F, Pq = G50 bsia, Tgong = 160°F. ‘Speed = 63,000 Tp, Weight ~ 135 "5, SFC = 7.48 tblkw hr @ SKW and 82 @ 5 KW COMBINED ROTATING UNIT (CRU She effect of presaure ratio on eyele efficiency is shown in Figure 7-10 indicating that a pressure ratio Of 200:% results in the bast eye efficiency. Rotary and reciprocating expanders operate below 25:1 for efficienct operation but turbine expanders operate afficionely below, at and above 200:1. Noise, loads ane lubrieation were also considered in the expener selection analysis. J RECRU consists ofa turbine expander driving an electrical generator and feed purmp ona common shaft supported iy working fluid lubricated bearings. Catoulatad turbine wheel efficiency is shown in Figure 7.11 and Figare 7-12 indicates the rticnate for sfoctng the Pitot feed pump, Three type of bearings were considered as Fol'ows: 3i< 1.5 KW DESIGN POINT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE PUMPEFF © ALTLOSS © COND'NEFF_—B¥S LOSS REGEFFEC D3S00E 00 ——«C.IB60GECO—0.9800E09 0.10700 00.8500 00 VAPEFFEC ECONEFFEC OPVCOND OPVREG = DFL ALT DPL REG 0.975002 00 —O.B00Q0E 09° 0.720006-02 0.10S00E 00 0.15300E.00 ——_&.200006 01 DPLYAP -OPTHROT «= PYAPOUT «= TVAPOUT —B PUMPIN BT SUBCOOL D3E00E 02 © O.SOONE D1 —.S2S00E GS GLIZEBLE CA 0.3710NE 01 ——_—0.00000E 00 PUMPER — WLIWV REG NET KW PARAKW —— CRITTEMP Ley FUEL BA10000E OF © G.BAOGE GO «0.1SONDE OT 0.35700E CO OBU9AAE DS ——_—0.18400E 05 HHV FUEL EXCESSAIR STOA/FRTO TFLAME — CPGASCOLD QIS6O0E OS ©—O.30UG0E 0D 0.15000E.02 —O.55000E D4 —G.ABTONE DD —0.16750E U2 FLUID CODE CRU RPM 0.200006 01 O55000E 05 STATE POINT PRESS (Sia) TEWP (PF) ENTHALPY 18/L8) var our 675006 08 © OB 2AGSE U3 OBTSBTE DS Ten 62000 03 | ORMSSE OS ASISIIE OS EGON VAP IN 03822101 O.68853E03 6.241036 02 OND IN OSTI7IE OI 0.250376 03 0.638958 02 PUMP in OB7IODE OY 0.156958 03 -0.19297E 03 AUTIN OB4C9E 03 0.1672E02 -0.12535E 08 REGEN LION o.es0g0E 92 0.18282E03 0.119638 02 REGEN L1G OUT 0638808 03 © OSS9SKE DS OBOTITE CZ ECON OUT o.gae80E 02 O.SS381E03 — o.898s0E 02 VAP IN 0.638806 03 OS5275EO3 0.960296 02 CRUEFE «MASS FLOW © QRELEASED QABSORBED REJECTED SYSTEM EFF 0818226 00 | 0312046-01 AS20705 029284605 0.223176 05 0.15478 OO FUEL FLOW LB/HR pump FF (C.AGB7SE OY (0.3500 00 Figure 74 1.5 KW DESIGN POINT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TBEFE PUMP EFF 623008 00 0.3500 0 VAP EFFEC 0.975002 00 9.80000 00 DEL VAP OP THROT 0.138002 02 9.500002 01 PUMP FR = -WLAYV RES G.10000E 01 g.aHOONE OD HH FUEL EXCESS AIR 0.196006 05 0.300308 00 FLUID CODE CRU APW (0.30000 01 C.5S030E 05 STATE POINT vaP our TeIN REGEN VAP IN cono in PUMP IN ALT Int REGEN LIGQIN REGEN LiQ OUT ECON OUT VAP IN cCRUEFF Mass FLOW 0.42671E 00 0.38087E.01 FUEL FLOW LB/HR 9.17897 01 ALTLOSS _COND'NEFF 0.18800 09 0,600 00 DPyCOND DPV REG (0,72000E:02 0.105008 09 PVAPOUT TAP OUT ‘0.625006 03 0.12850E 04 NET KW PARA KW 10130008 01 0.488008 09 STOAIF ATO TFLAME (0180006 02 0.33000 04 PRESS (PSIA) TEMP (F) D.52500E 03 0.82500 03 ‘ae20006 03 0.824668 03 uae221g 01 0.5486ae 03 eaTi71£ 01 0.249626 03 OSTIOOE OI 0.15498E 03 osd0sn= 3 0.187208 03 0.640808 03 0.181986 03 O.saag0e 03 o.sHease 03 0693808 03 Ossa916 53 0.638806 03 0,55276E 03 RELEASED QAESORBED DAS078EUS —O31OS7E Cb PUMP EFF 19350008 00 Figure 7.2 Ba< Bes Loss 0.10700 00 OPL ALT (0.15900 00 P PUMP IN (0.871008 01 crit TEMP 2.80944 03 oP GAS COLD 0.28100 99) ENTHALFY [8/L8) osissie 03 oaisste co o241036 03 0954286 02 032976 62 0.12635 63 0.720016 03 ong08se 02 o.gseste 02 onso74e 02 REJECTED 0.23632 05 REG EFFEC. 0.855008 00 DPL REG. (0.20000 01 DT SUBCOOL 10,0000 00 Lav FUEL (0.184008 O5 R 0.167506 02 SYSTEM EFF 1.14594 00 TURBINE WHEEL EFFICIENCY, % (1) PARASITIC LOSSES = 387 WATTS, 100 WATT INCREASE DROPS SYS. frre 1s (2) EFFECTIVENESS: REGEN. 8 var 975 Seon. B00 © 35% EFF. PITOT PLIMP COND. 960 © Zan cre PITOT PUMP @:SLOSS: 107 WATTS 4 1SK EFF PITOT PUMP accone Low aes i 7 T T T 1 } | | | [ete | col | | 1 | | i | | 38 | | | ty | oF 7 13 14 15 18 OVERALL SYSTEM EFFICIENCY, % ¥ a a OVERALL SYS. EFF, @ 485 WATTS, APPROX, {Dovign point swe lve, TOOHF, SKY Output] sac SFC— LAS/KWE-HA SVC VARIATION WITH POWER OUTPUT, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND ALTITUDE, 20 10 \ 190° 05 POWER OUTPUT Flguce Et WE STATUS TYPES RATIONALE Primary ‘Titting pads Most workable with lubricant Backup Sleeve Levit cost Backus Angular contact Less: power consumption batt ‘With the ttting pad beeringsas the baseline design bearing and sea losses are shown in Figure 7-13, Figure 7-14 is neurve of alternator efficiency. Combining these indicates that the optimum rerating speed is 95,000 rom, Figure 7-16. Critical Speed — A critical speed analysis was conducted for the critically domped ttt pod bearings, the Indrestatic sleeve bearings and the angular eantact anti-iction tall earings. Results are repre Seu in Figure 7-16, which indioates that the tlhting pat and sleuve bearings will operote stove the first and second funde-nental rigid body modes and above the first bending but below the secon bending modes, However, the stiffrgss of the angular contact Oparing is ore than one order of man. pritide greater and therefore. operation will be between the frst bending made of tne turbine anc {fest bending made of the shafe. Included in the efec: of magnetic forces on bearing stiffnesses for the generator, Figure 7-17. To evoid critical speed problems, it is advenrageous to Kee sleeve ond tiit ‘pad bearing stiftness below 5 x 104 Ib/ia, not considering life, higher stitfress for Dall bearings are bert “Thermal Map and Stess Analysis — A thermal map of tre GRL at no load ond full load wes made to ecermine its operating temaeratures in the 1SS°F hotwell environment, For the full losd condition, bearing cooling and heat generation were not considered sinoe the bearing flo are sutficient to keep the CP-26 fluid from boiling, Consequently, heat guneratec in the bearings heat erroved by Tubrication (coolant) and ne net effect on the CRU resuts, Tha tic in she plrot pump cavity was vsumed to have some slip. A total of 204 watts of altarnator losses was uses and the analysis results in the very reasonable temperature distribution indicated in Figures 7-18 and 7-18 [At no toad, coolant flow is reduced to about 26% af full cad flow. Also, inthis ansysis, the nozzle fing and exhaust housing heat transfer was considered with oart ofthe essembly submerged in hotwell fluid, (Note: Premure i higher at the exhaust housing - to - nozzle plate interface, therefore, the turbine jaheel, pump housing, ete. are not submerged as it might appesr in the figure). Argetst contact ball Derines (ultimately selected - 382 Components & Subsystem Test) were used. The followina date wae ted in the analysis: cose 7253 Treo evure i22F 70.6 BTUMht f2°F polling (exhaust housing to fluid) Ppozzie (ges at 825°F) exhaust housing (ss at 5829F) exhause duct (ans at 582°F) 21 BTU HOF 0g 3-61 (chat to lube for near surhine bearing) = 28.1 8TU/hr 052.83 (Shaft 10 lube for anti- ‘turbine bearina) = 38.28TU/hr 251.62 (lube in singer area} = 1828TUM® Wo load siternator loss = 7 wots (6P-2 System flow = 0086 tb/sec Alternator coolant flow ‘9072 tn/sec ‘Coolant heat transfer coefficient 117.2 BTUMre #29F a6< ° 110% ie } wo ce _| acy | Foie, TeonneN ‘caRNoT ~ oa EFFICIENCY = 25008 ~n CARNOT 1 1 00 omer 20 L | 200 300 0 aio 109 MAXIMUM CYCLE TEMPERATURE ~TMAX Figue7.5 Camet Etfisienay vs, Maximum Cyclo Temporsture Figure 7.6 Vepor Prasture of Organic Fiuich SH< Figure 7-7. Degradstion of Oreanie Fuide G8< ~e f rena i | i ae Taran br Fewest ine lusee wn aAReT Figure 7-10 Resative Cycle Eff vs. Pressure Retio Figure 7-11. Variation of Maximum Turbine Etficiancy with Operating Speed op rt wo 2 hy HoO 10D eo srecirc seceo ~ vy wasnt sige Flaw 712 Pump Efficiency vs Specie Speed 40< paedg jeuoneroy sion pea 7 5 WOH EON “sn ess07 29g pur Suwa, Et npg ~ r ag ees ese 3 wos oo? “he i i i ——.mm| 2 on § : hee mo § 4 lg eed 1.5Ke" UNIT [iS BENDING SHAFT 1ST BENDING TURBINE PALL ScARINGS 90 Ls, RELOAD rd BEARING STIFFNESS, L2H Figure 7.16 ve ANTITUREINE ERD oh | jes ROTOR DISP.—~ tL roron : ceTaron ; Ti runaine EN FORCE A BRS. — LAS. ROTOR DISPLACEMENT — INCHES Ais Figure 717 Nodal Breakeown of Turbine-Pitot Pump Assenbly Figure 2. 7 and its Z’mperature Distribetion os Hatsing in pole oa Shot gas fone y= io = Hee 935, + 608 | “ee i: sot 87 | __|t Siete beatage Brad se 6 “62 om 2 ee i fis sing itt Eropbe? gas Nodal Breakdown AR< Figure 7-18 Temp. Dist. nd Systen Figure 7.19 Ercates., a3< |All nodal eapacitanees (M/Gp} and intra-nodal resistances (VA &/LA) were catculated for inouts ‘Nodal locetions on the alternator are shown in Figure 7-70 and CRU cross-section with the worst case [stress wise) liquid submargence line shown in Figure 7-21, Results of the analysis ae shown ia Figures 7.22 (nozzle ring). and 7-25 Isteedy state temperature) indiectng reasonable alternator, rotor and whee! ‘temperatures and a nozzle ring temperature gradient significant enough to prompt 2 stress analysis. ‘The stress analysis indicated low thermal stresses, however rototing to stationary part clearances were established considering (005 axial distortion of the nozzle plate 0085 whee! growth at base of blades iad!) (0010 wheel growth at tip of blades (radial) [0045 exhaust houing radial grown “This established cainimum radia vibe tip clearance and axial clearance of .O10 inches. Aditionally, ‘based on thermal distortion the minimum radial clearance between the Pitct pump rotating nowsing ‘and stationary shaft iz ,008 diametrically. not considering ony radia axcentricity dus 10 fabrication ‘and azeembly tolerances. “The turbine design procedhire and performance astimetion consists of sizing the nozzies and blege jpassoges considering the specified inlet conditions, pressure ratio, mas flow rate and the thermody: omie properties prevailing ct each point in the turbine stage, The turbine hydraulic efficiency is thea ‘computed from the fundamental Euler momentwn chenge equation which for impulse turbines is dotined ae: Hydraulic Eliciency n= iydraulie Et 20 U pew my pencos= Y YW RD Nc By where U = shoe! peripheral speed (Ffsec} Co © nozzle isentropic spouting volocivy (t/see) rotor velocity coetficient nozzle velocity coofficient = © nezzle angie = (2) thee! Dip, 1 (RPM) 60 ce -\fa ow where g —~ aravitationel aecsleration fr/sec.? adiabatic head ft, ‘Voleci:y of gas relative to blade lesving bucket Velocity of gas relative to blade entering bucket YN ~ Absolute velocity of a leaving nozzle, Co “The rotor velocity coefticient is calculated by considering losses ossociatod with Mach number. Revnolds number, 3s turning angle, blade aspect ratio ané the arc of admission/total circumference 44< catio, These parameters ate determined from the input parameters, blade and nozzle geometry and the Jost fram empirical eqastions derived from turbine text data, “The basic hydeaulic efficiency fs ten corrected for dist friction, blade pumping, scavenging anc Icocoge lozece, Thete corrections ere ebtainad fraen empirical correiations which ere a function of the input parameters, geometry and tiermodyramic conditions. “This procedure is contained in a turbine design computer program which includes the theoretion! and empirical equations described and ellows performace predietion end trade off stucias to be performed rapily “Toble 7-24 lists the characteristic of the turbine wheel and assembly. Figure 7-25 isan annulus diagram (of the nozzle and blaces, ac Figure 7-26 isa plot of turbine vhec! stresses. From asafety Sandpoint the CRU fe designed with » turbine whee! containment ring, however the wheal is designed to operate inexcess of 120,000 rp without failure, The use of a turaine blade s1roud helps from a fatigue ‘tondpoint in that the fst fundamental torsional feequency of 161,000 hz and the first bending hatural Frequency of 260,000 He are both well azove the operating speed. Fiyure 7-27 incicates that the 7 nozzle turbine torqua will not be able to overcome beering and pump {estes with an unloaded, unexcited alternarar at 90,000 ror. Therelore, the system is inherentiy sored limited, Torque-speed characteristics for multinazzies are shown in Figure 7-28, Pitot Pump — for the low rate and output pressure required the specific speed is about 100 which ‘slow for eentritugh! pumps. (Tee 7.29 lists design conditions and character ete). The head doliverec ‘wl follows the cenrifugal tye pump form. ac? eta wa ey AP = pressure rs, psi % = liguie censiy, Wy = rotational sec, recite do = pickup dia, ©. a = eyed, in X © constant Pomp pytormance may besrbet by eu nee = output head, fr V = linear soeed,in/see 2 = haad eoetticient Vehrost = €U > = flow coefficient uo + wDNA20 0¥ importance is maintaining @ low probe to liquid drag, The probe is designed for « Reynotds number of 27 108 and with an aerodyramie shape. Figure 7-20 indicates a dag coofficient of 04 which resuls 4 drag force of lass than 1/2 Ib, Figure 7-31 isa drawing of the pump. 45< Figure 7:20. Nodal Breaksown ofA : abs — GN ai< po __ age PINT pue sopou eues Guynoys SuTyooy - auyT sousBsougas pInbyT WTA Outlet rorat Pressure, PSIA Inlet Tora! Temperature, OF Exraust Static Pressure, PSIA Mass Plow Face, Ib/see “Turbine Net Horsepower, HE Rotational Speed, APN “Turbine Whee! Pitch Diameter, tn Blade Annutus Height, W Blade Angie, Degrees umber of Blades lade Chord Width, in Nozzle Angle, Desrees Humber of Nozzles Nozzle Area Ratlo “Yhroat Diameter Exit Diameter {Arc of Admission,Toml Circumfsrenes Fetio Wezzle - Whael Axis Clearance Whee! Tip Clearance ‘Nozzle Spouting Isentropie Mach Number Rotor inlet Relative Mach fumber Tip Speed to Spouting Velocity Ratio Specific Speed, NOHag” Spocifie Diameter, D (Ha) 4/00 Efficiency Laminar Boundary Laver, win, Design Surtace Finish,» in Aaial Thurst, b @ 7 Nozzles Flow ‘Yangential Force, to @7 Nozzles Flow neta, ozs Whee nee! and Purne Housing Total Rotating Figure 7-24 625 B25 3.96 xs 3.83 55,000 387 4105 inter 1685 outiet, 2a am 21 15 100 ectived 2at4 0208 1022 238 (71 ono 10. 3.355 oe 382 los 5.33 61 20 30 43 35 0028 0031 “ooas S0<

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