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Career Opportunities In Biological

Fields In New World

M edicine is one of the most

sort out and rewarding ca-
reer for those interested in
Science and dealing with sick people.
same time super specialty hospitals
are mushrooming both within the
country and abroad offering employ-
ment opportunities. These along with
Now a days, the field of medical stud- liberalization of economy could bring
ies have undergone various stages of better opportunities for these profes-
development, it has become so vast sionals in terms of remuneration, re-
that specialisations within are increas- search and working facilities. 
ing day by day. There is great scope for Forensic science is primarily con-
Dr. Jacob Thomas
medicine as a professional career.  cerned with the application of scien-
Asst. Professor,
A doctor’s profession involves a lot tific principles for the investigation of
Post Graduate & Research Dept. of Botany,
of hard work and at the same time, Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla, crime. Forensic science is the acquisi-
it gives the satisfaction of curing pa- Kerala 689 103 tion and analysis of scientific data for
tients at times even saving lives. It is a Email: application to the study and resolution
very demanding profession. To be in of crime, investigation, civil and regu-
this profession is more a responsibility latory issues, and criminal identifica-
than a privilege. It is more of what you tion. This is a challenging and interest-
can give the community than what ing field for those who are inquisitive
you can get from it.  and love adventure. Few of the career
There are currently vast opportuni- options are Forensic pathologists, Fo-
ties in academic institutions, medical rensic serologists, Forensic anthro-
schools, hospitals, health care insti- pologists, Forensic botanists, Forensic
tutions, R&D institutes, the govern- palynology, Forensic entomologists,
ment and pharmaceutical industry for Forensic dentists, Forensic odontolo-
individuals with training in modern gist, Forensic chemists and Clinical
biotechnology. A Biology student can forensic medicines.
work in these settings with a Bache- There is an increasing demand for
lor’s or Master’s degree in Biomedical sity. The major Specialisations include genetic engineers in India as well as
Sciences programme has been me- General Medicine, General Surgery, abroad. Genetic engineers are mainly
ticulously structured to cover a wide Paediatrics, Obstetrics &Gynaecol- absorbed in medical and pharmaceu-
range of interdisciplinary subjects. ogy, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, tical industries, the agricultural sec-
Students who complete B. Pharm. can Orthopedics, ENT (Ear, Nose and tor, and the research and development
register themselves as pharmacist. Af- Throat), Psychiatry, Anesthesiology departments of the government and
ter completing the course, they can etc. There is also Super Specialisations private sectors. They can also take up
work as pharmacist, drug inspector, which require a further 3-5 years of teaching as an option. Molecular and
drug therapist, health inspector, or as study in areas such as Plastic Surgery, Cell Biologists find employment op-
a drug technician. Neurosurgery, Cardio-thoracic  sur- portunities in research labs on devel-
The increasing complicated life- gery, Conito-urinary surgery, Paediat- oping therapeutic drugs to working
styles giving birth to a variety of ail- ric Surgery, Gastroenterology, Endo- on stem cell research and in many
ments have made it impossible for crinology and Clinical Haematology. other areas within the medical devel-
General Physicians with an MBBS The demand for medical profes- opment field which involves cloning,
degree to handle all ailments. It is sionals are tremendously increasing sub cloning, synthetic RNA transcrip-
here that specialisation in a particular with the unfortunate upsurge of dis- tion, gene expression, cell growth and
branch of medicine becomes a neces- eases and ailments day by day. At the development, cell and organelle struc-
ture and assembly, and DNA dynam- the industry needs people in areas of Engineer or Inspector at district and
ics and chromosome structure, and research and development and agro- state level. Employment opportunities
other types of laboratory work. industry. Then there are specialized are also available in areas like research,
Despite rapid strides in modern- areas, with good career prospects, like product development, sales, teaching,
ization and India’s march towards Horticulture, Floriculture, Dairy and extension, administration, regulatory
globalization, agriculture has always Poultry Farming, Fishery etc. One can work, and private practice etc.
been the backbone of our economy. In also look forward to make a career Biochemistry is the subject whose
order to gain a foothold in the high- with Research related agricultural in- scope revolves around the chemistry of
ly competitive global market and to dustries and institutions. the biological processes. The pharma-
make major gains in the export mar- Plant Pathology is a branch of agri- ceutical industry is also an important
ket, there is an increasing demand for cultural science that deals with the study destination for a professional trained
professionally qualified people in this of fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, in the field of biochemistry as today’s
sector. Hence nowadays many educa- and other microbes that cause diseases pharma industry is fast emerging as a
tional institutes and universities have of plants. With this agricultural tech- hub for R& D in the field of genetically
started courses to groom profession- nology option, students who wish to engineered drugs.
als in this important subject area. New work for various commodity, seed, and Biology students may wish to apply
advances in Biotechnology and Ge- agri-chemical industries learn to apply their science background and obtain
netic Engineering have also thrown up these principles to scientific agriculture real world experience by volunteer-
many opportunities in this field. Agri- and plant medicine. Plant Pathology ing for the Peace Corps en route to
culture is a vast and diversified field, graduates can join as a Plant Geneticist, various careers. UN, UNESCO, WWF
offering numerous career options. Plant Breeder, Aquatic Botanist, Lim- and other national and international
Other than those directly engaged in nologist, Physiologist, Plant Pathologist, organizations and NGOs are giving
farming and other allied activities, Professor, Consultant, and Agricultural many opportunities in these fields.

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