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(who / which / whose)

1. I talked to the girl car had broken down in front of the shop.
2. Mr Richards, is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
3. I live in a house in Norwich is in East Anglia.
4. This is the girl comes from Spain.
5. That's Peter, the boy has just arrived at the airport.
6. Thank you very much for your e-mail was very interesting.
7. The man, father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.
8. The children shouted in the street are not from our school.
9. The car, driver is a young man, is from Ireland.
10. What did you do with the money your mother lent you?

Relative Pronouns (who / which / whose)

Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose).

1. This is the bank was robbed yesterday.

2. A boy sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.

3. The man robbed the bank had two pistols.

4. He wore a mask made him look like Mickey Mouse.

5. He came with a friend waited outside in the car.

6. The woman gave him the money was young.

7. The bag contained the money was yellow.

8. The people were in the bank were very frightened.

9. A man mobile was ringing did not know what to do.

10. A woman daughter was crying tried to calm her.

11. The car the bank robbers escaped in was orange.

12. The robber mask was obviously too big didn't drive.

13. The man drove the car was nervous.

14. He didn't wait at the traffic lights were red.

15. A police officer car was parked at the next corner stopped and arrested them.
Choose the correct answer: who, whom, which or whose

1. He bought all the tools are required to fix his old car.
2. This is the doctor helped Sara recover from her illness.

3. This is the girl he fell in love with in Madrid

4. She managed to pass the exam in spite of all the difficulties, didn't surprise people
who knew her.

5. These are the kids parents were were arrested..

6. Give me the plate is on the table.

7. I don't know did it.

8. The criminals, two of managed to escape, broke into a bank downtown.

9. The police identified the murderer fingerprints were on the knife.

10. I know the candidate I am going to support in the next elections.

1. I went to the hairdresser's to . (hair/cut)

2. You should take your car to the mechanic to . (brakes/repair)

3. For their wedding anniversary, Mary which they ate at a large party.
(big cake/make)

4. I have to , otherwise I can't work on my thesis. (computer/repair)

5. "Did John repair your roof?" "No, we that he knows."


6. We and he said it was worth over a thousand dollars.

(statue/value/art expert)

7. We should before the summer begins. It's looking dirty. (pool/clean)

8. The local council want all dog owners to to reduce the problem of
strays. (dogs/tag)
9. I broke the heel on my shoe this morning and now I need to . (it/repair)

10. After the car accident, Cynthia had to and looked

as she did before. (nose/reshape/famous plastic surgeon)

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