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7 clUrecUhrTCUlUc TrclUlUc Trlr TT OO TET Fh Te—hUhc TEU TUcTCUlUchTCUc ET FTCUlUh TrCUcrE Uc FU FTClUlUhc TTF TTlhlhc Tc. Uh Grammar Book The Grammar Book contains: e Structures presented in meaningful contexts e Clear explanations and illustrative examples « Carefully graded exercises e Communicative activities « Oral and written practice e Revision sections wumeen — a (1a, 1b). Seumtsble/Uncountable Nouns || Read the dialogue. Then look at the shopping list and tick (V) the items they have got. Sophie: Have we got any peppers? Mother: Yes, we've got some, but we haven't got any cheese, Sophie: OK. Is there any milk in the fridge? Mother: We've got some milk. so don't buy any. Sophie: What about apples? Have we got any apples? Mother: Oh no. we haven't got any apples. © countabie/Uncountable Nouns CEO © They have singular and plural forms and can be counted. * We can use a / an or numbers before them. @ chair - seven chairs Ueno * They only have a singular form and cannot be counted. * We cannot use a / an or numbers before them. meat - milk - ketchup GGLEY The words: hair, time, weather, money, homework are uncountable nouns. © Some - Any * We use some and any with plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns. © in affirmative sentences. There are some books on the desk. There is some milk on the table. * in questions, when we offer or ask for something politely. Would you like some water? Can | have some milk, please? * in questions. Js there any milk on the table? * in negative sentences. There aren't any books on the table. a X ctivities A. Put the words in the boxin the correct column. cake meat butter cherry carrot pasta onion water Coole teed (elt eels ole carrot onion B. Look at the pictures and complete with a/an or some. ! we 1.__some strawoeres 2, mik — 3,__some. frult wr C 4a steak 5._some butter 6.__an onion C.choosea orb. 1. Would you Ike sandwich? 4.Can Ihave water, please? a.some @D Gsm b.any 2. There aren't Carrols in the fridge 5. 1d ke orange luice. please. oe ba 7 lemonade on the table. b.any D. Complete with some ot any. Atm hungry! B: Me too! Let's make (1) some. sandwiches for lunch. ‘A:Cooll | love sandwiches |s there (2)__amy_ chicken In the fridge? B: Yes, theres (@)_some- chicken and there are also \s (@ __some mushrooms and (5) __ some tomatoes. Aczis there (6) any. cheese? B: Yes, there is (7) Some.___ cheese. but there isn't (8) any. butter. A: We dont need (9) any. butter for the sandwiches, just 0) __ some ketchup. Yummy! E. Use the prompts and write sentences with some and any, as in the example. cherries / fridge -» — X apples ‘There ave some cherries in the fridge but there aren't any apples. 2.bananas/ table +» X oranges ‘There are some bananas _on the table but there aren’t any oranges __ 3. milk / fridge > XK yoghurt ‘There is some milk in the fridge but there isn't any_yoghurt_—__ 4.icecream/ fridge +> XK chocolate ‘There is some ice cream in the fridge but there isn't any chocolate ——_ 5. potatoes / bag * XK carrots There are some potatoes in the bag but there aren't any carrots. __ Speaking ‘Talkin pairs. Look at the picture, ask and answer questions about what you need to buy at the supermarket and. Have we got any milk? No, we haven't got any milk. Write some sentences about what there is and ‘what there isn't in your fridge. Use a/ar/some/any. Look at the picture and read the dialogue. Emma: Let's make a chocolate cake. Nadia: Great idea! Emma: We need some chocolate, Nadia, How many chocolate bars do we need? Emma: Two. And some milk of course! Nadia: How much milk? “. Emma: A glass. And we also need some butter: How much butter have we got? Nadia: We haven't got any butter, Let's ‘buy a cake from the shop. ‘Now. answer the questions below. 1. What do the girls want to make? They want to make a chocolate cake. 2. Do they need any chocolate to make it? Yes, they do. 3. Have they got any milk? Yes, they have. ‘4. Have they got any butter? Yes, they have. Grammar @ How much...? - How many. * We use How much...? with uncountable nouns to ask about the quantity of something. How much milk is there in the bottle? * We use How many...? with countable nouns to ask about the number of something. How many students are there in the classroom? DESY With uncountable nouns we use units of measurement: chocolate» a bar of chocolate coffee » a cup of coffee cake/cheese - a piece of cake/cheese water > 2 bottle/giass of water i milk » 2 bottle/giass of milk lemonade -» aan of lemonade i cake/bread + a slice of cake/bread pasta/biscuits -» a packet of pasta/biscuits or 2 - . Pi X ctivities 1a bottled@lasdyof orange juice B.Complete with How much or How many. ‘A. Lookat the pictures and choose the correct words. a 1. How many cups of tea do you drink? 2. How much _ carrot juice is there in the fridge? 3. How much_ yoghurt do you eat a week? ES Bam bases _How many_ meats do you have a day? 5. How much cheese do we need for the pizza? Sa GatieYbar of bread 6.2 packetiflecdpot care 1, How much homework have you got__? haven't got any homework. 2. How many students are there in your class ? There are twenty students in my class. 3. How many cups of tea do you drink a day ? | drink a cup of tea 2 day. 4,How many brothers have you got ? I've got two brothers. 5. How much milk is there inthe fridge __________? There isn't any milk in the fridge. 6 cf are in the Kngli ? ‘There are 26 letters In the English alphabet. Writing & Speaking ‘Write questions for a survey on junk food and interview a classmate about how much junk food ha/sha eats. ‘Use How much..? and How many..? ————<« ba 4. There arent __ eggs in the fridge. Gap b.some 5. How. chocolate bars do we need for the cake? Gm men B.Correct the words in bold. any 1. Flona doesnt drink some milk. She doesn't lke it an 2. There arett some cherries in the de. much 3. How many ice cream do you eat a week? some 4. Can | have any bread with my salad? C.Complete with How much, How many, some or any. 1. Canihave__some __riee, please? 2. Are there. any strawbemies in the midge? 3. How many ____ apples have we got? 4.1 would the: some mitk. please. 5. How much _____ sauce would you tke on ‘your pasta? 6.1 dont want any yoghurt, just ke cream. 7. How much _____ vegetable soup would you ke? 8.1 need some things from the ‘Supermarket. 6.Let’s havea of tea. oes 7. Would you ike. ‘ketchup with your chips? aany 8.1 donit want chips with my steak. ba 9. 1m hungry. Can | have ‘cheese and bread? a 10.1 would like pancakes. Theyre delicious! bay an 5. I'm hungry. Can | have a apple? some 6. Would you like a cereal for breakfast? any 7. We haventt got some cheese for the sandwiches. an 8. Let's have any slice of pizza for dinner. 9. Havewegot_____any __butter? 10, How many ____ bananas do you need for the frutt salad? Th. [od like, some doughnuts for dessert. 12. How many stices of bread do you want? 13. My brother hasnt got any red Tshirts. 14, How much ‘hot chocolate do you connie Look at the pictures and read the dialogue. Alan: Hi, Danny! Danny: Oh, hi Alan! Where are you? Tm in Paris. 'm sitting in a café and fm eating a croissant. Danny: Wow! Are you alone? ‘Alan: Right now, yes. Henry and John are visiting the Eiffel Tower and Omar Is taking pictures of the city. What are you doing? tm studying for my French exams, nit! H ‘Now, answer the questions with Yes, he és, No, he isn’t, Yes, they are, No, they aren’. 1, is Omar eating a croissant? 4. 1s Henry sitting in a café? No, he fant X fee 2. 1s Danny studying? 5. Are Alan and Henry taking pictures of Paris? (eee No, they aren't. SE 3. Is Alan talking on his mobile phone? 6. Are Henry and John visiting the Eiffel Tower? Yes,heis...... Yes, they are. * for actions that are happening now, at the moment of speaking, Jam cooking now. ‘= We form the Present Progressive with the present tense of the verb be and the main verb with the ending ~ing. am playing 'm playing | am not playing Tm not playing You are playing You're playing You are not playing You aren't playing He is playing He's playing He Is not playing He isn't playing She is playing ‘She's playing She is not playing _She isn't playing tts playing t's playing, itis not playing feisn’t playing z ‘We are playing We're playing We ere not playing We aren't playing You're playing You are not playing You aren't playing Theyre playing They are not playing They aren’ playing No, he isn’t. No, she isn't. No, it isn’t. No, we aren't. No, you aren't. No, they aren't. ‘* Verbs that end in —e drop the e and take -ing. write — writir '* Verbs with one syllable which end in one vowel + one consonant double the final consonant before the ~ing. swim - swimming WEGH cat - eating * Verbs with two or more syllables which end in one vowel + one consonant double the final consonant before the —ing, only when the last syllable is stressed. begin - beginning WEEN visit - visiting (because the last syllable is not stressed) * Verbs which end in one vowel + | double the -I before the -ing. travel - traveling TEM feet - feeting * Vertos which end in -ie change the ie to -y before the ~ing. 6. put putting write writing 8. laugh laughing 9. cut cutting Wty ____cutting _ 1. Twoboys__are buying (buy) ice cream. 2.Aman isreading (read) a newspaper. 3. Two gits__are feeding (eed) the birds. 4. Their parents __are talking alk). 5. Some boys __are running (run) 6.A boy is skateboarding. (skatedoarc). =. t= 2 7 5: 7 FO Oe eOUheCUchrChU UT TLUCUDTlULLhLUC TCU CULT eee C.Look at the pictures. Write questions and answers using the prompts, as in the example. 1, boys / play / football / 2 Are the boys playing football? No, they aren't. They're playing basketball. 2. woman/ make / pancakes / ? 3, man / have / dinner /? in i inner? No, he isn't. He's having lunch. 4. Kevin / do / homework /2 Ts Kevin doing his homework? _ 5. the boys / hang out / at shopping centre /? Are the boys hanging ut at the: shopping D.Complete the dialogue with the Present Progressive of the verbs in the box. surt do read sit watch A: Hi, Stacey! What (1) are you doing ? 8:1 2) 'm watching — a documentary. And you? 4:1) 'm reading a book. My brothers @)__are surfing the Net B: Where are your parents? A: They 6) _are sitting _ in the garden. Writing Stick a picture of your friends. Write good at itt ‘Now, answer the questions below. 1. What is John doing now? 2. What does John do every day? He paints. 4 3. Ishe good at it? ‘No, he isn' : Grammar fou ete ee * for actions we do every day or actions * for actions that are happening now, at the which are repeated regularly. moment of speaking. 1 g0 to school every day. 1'm doing my homework now. Wa E every morning/day/week/year, et. ‘on Monday/Tuesday, etc. In the moming/afternoon/evening always / never / sometimes / often, etc, at the weekend / at 8:00, eto. A.Chooseaorb. 1. A: Helio. Can | talk to Matt? 6. I cant talk to you. | my mother to B:He dinner at the moment. ee be 2. Look! A boy in the pool. 2 a in this picture? ane. Semen Coenen nulenerae 31 early on Mondays. 8. Philip usually three times a week. wevomin ww Gets) — 4. Sue usually __a milkshake in 9. Bander—___ an email to his friend Tom at the afternoon. the moment. b.ishaving a. sends Bais senain> 5. Mycousin__junk food. tts not 10. My family and | sometimes ona healthy. nic on Fridays, bats eating >) bare going B. Match the questions 15 with the answersa-e. 11. What does Salim do in the aftemoon’ Tm going to Glasgow. 2.What are you wearing in this = He's surfing the Net. 3. What is he doing . He does his homework. 4.What do you usually wear Tm wearing a thobe. 5. Where are you going? | wear trousers and a jumper .Use the prompts to form questions. 1. you / lke / your / neighbourhood /? 4. she / often / vist / her grandparents / 2 Do you like your neighbourhood? Does she often visit her grandparents? 2. they / dean up / park / now /? 5. they / always / have /Iunch / home / ? Are they cleaning up the park now? Do they always have lunch at home? 3. Sarah / make / lunch / at the moment /? 6. what / you / do / now /? Is Sarah making lunch at the moment? —_ What are you doing now? _ D, Look at the prompts. Write questions and answer them. Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. 1. What / he / usually / wear /? > wear / Tshirt / jeans What does he usually wear? He usually wears a T-shirt and jeans. 2.What / they /do/atthemoment? > build / treehouse What are they doing at the moment? : ildi ¢ house. ¥ 4.What / she / wear / now /? ‘> wear / headscarf and an abaya What is she wearing now? 2 ___ She is wearing headscarf and an abaya, ___ 5.What / they / often / have / for breakfast? => have / orange juice What do they often have for breakfast? They often have orange juice. E.Complete with the correct form of the verbs given. play 1. This is my friend Leo. Hes very good at tennis. He__ plays. tennis on Sunday and Tuesday afternoons. In the picture he _is playing tennis with his brother. 2. Fatima loves fruit She usually __€atS_truit with yoghurt for breakfast. In the picture she__is eating cates fide 3. Fred and John like riding their bikes very much. They often ride their bikes in the perk. In the picture they are riding their bikes down a hil - study 4. Mansour usually _Studies at home in the evening. in this, picture he _is studying _ in the school library because he fs working on 2 Geography project. NES CUE SOOM UO ee ee F. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. 1. sometimes visit (visit) my grandparents at the weekend and we go. (0) to the park. 2. Look at Ahmed! He _is going (Go) fishing. He always g0es __(o) fishing. on Thursday morning. 3. Amina; What__are you doing _ (do), Tina? itm making __ (make) a pizza___Do you like _ cike) pizza? love (love) pizza, but | don't like __ (rot like) mushrooms. Don't put any mushrooms on it, OK? Speaking ‘Talk in patrs, Ask and answer questions about what the people usually do in the evenings and what they are doing now. ‘What does the boy in the first picture usually do in the evenings? He usually reads books. Writing ‘Choose 3 people from the speaking activity above and write about what they usually doin the evenings and what they aredoing now. A. Complete with the Present Progressive of the verbs in the box. go have = un _— plant = make = do. LAWhy is Tony _running _? B: Because he's late for school. 2.A:Jonn,__are __ you _____daing __your homework? B: No, dad. | "m making a model plane, B.A:Peter where___are __you_going _? 8: To the park My family and!_"re having a picnic there. 4, A: Nice garden, Mrs Charles. B: Thank you. | ii flowers at the moment. B.Choosea orb. 1. My parents__a barbecue every Friday, 4.What__ the children _? They CE) haprane ana 2. Look at met t trendy trainers. b. wear 5. Of nol ft again, | hate the rain. They usually ___ computer games in the brains evening. 6.1___carrots.| don't like them. a.are playing not eating ‘C. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets, 1. Matt likes (ike) strawberry ice cream, but he is having — ¢have) chocolate ice cream at the moment. 2. Atnan usually hel ips. (help) her mother with the housework on Thursday mornings. but at the moment she _is studying (study). 3.8eth____ has _ (have) cereal every morning but today she. is. eating (eat) some fruit. 4. Salim and Mark usually play. (Play) football in their free time but at the moment they _are riding (ride) their bikes in the park. 5. My brother always __ goes _ (go) to bed early. It's midnight at the moment and he isn't wanting (not want) to go te bed. He _is looking for _ dook fon his mobile. “4G Read the textbelow. My dream. by Tom Holland, My dream last night was really strange. | was at home with my cousins. We were inthe kitchen | ag and | was really hungry. But there wasn't any iy food in the fridge. Suddenly, there was a knock 8 at the door. It was a pizza delivery person with five piza boxes. My cousins weren't hungry, so the pizzas were all for me! But there weren't any plazas in the boxes! I was very sad. ‘Now, answer the questions. Choose orb. 4. Were Tom and his cousins in Tom's 4. Were Tom's cousins hungry? bedroom? a. Yes, they were .Yes, they were. b.No, they werent. b.No they weren't. 5. Was Tom hunary? | 2. Was there any food in the fridge? a.Yes. he was, ‘a. Yes, there was. B.No, he wasnt. b.No, there wasn't 6. Why was Tom sac? 3. Who was at the door? a. Because he wasrit hungry, 2. A pizza delivery person, b, Because there weren't any pizzas in the 'b. Tom's cousins. boxes, Grammar > We use the Past Simple to talk about things that happened (at a definite time) In the past. We were at a museum yesterday. ‘The Past Simple of there Is / there are Is there was / there wore. Wes there 9 book on the desk yesterday? went eat > ate do => aid have > had Sie ae Verbs ending In —e, take only —d. Ive - Ived '* Verbs with one syllable ending In one vowel + one consonant, double the consonant before the -ed. stop - stopped '* Verbs with two or more syllables ending In a stressed vowel + one consonant, double the consonant before the -ed_ prefer - preferred BUT visit - visited Verbs ending In a consonant + -y, change the y to | before the -ed. tty- tried BUT play - played * Verbs ending In one vowel + I, double the +1 before the —ed. travel - travelled KX ctivities A. Write the Past Simple of the verbs below. 1. open opened 6. wear wore 2. celebrate celebrated 7. stt sat 3.40 did 8. believe believed 4. try tried 9. want wanted 5. finish, finished 10. run ran B, What did the people in the pictures do yesterday? Look and complete the sentences with the Past Stmple of the verbs in brackets. 1.Paui Walked (yak) to the city centre 2-7om studied (study) in his room yesterday. 3.Sa0d Darel amt terran esse 4.pa_Went {02 sxaetoerara veseran, 5.Stevie__had___ (have) a barbecue yesterday. 6. Jack _stayed__(stay) at home yesterday C. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple of the verbs in the box. watch help go wake LThey__had lunch early. 2. Kathy cooked _ pasta for us yesterday. 3. we Watched a documentary about lions last Saturday. 4.1_Went to schoo! yesterday morning. D. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. last / sent / Sunday / cousins / | / e-mails / my / to. Lsent e-mails to my cousin last Sunda: 2. year / cousin / London / My / visited / last M frm tidtesdt Tearsiana i . 3. homework / Jack / yesterday / his / did Jack did his homework yesterday. Speaking ‘Tallin pairs. Tell each other what you did last Friday. Writing ‘Write a few sentences about what you did last Friday. play cook — have. 5.1__helped_ my dad to ciean the garage a week ago. 6.John Played tabie tennis with Kareem last Friday, 7.We WOKE _ up earty tast Saturday. 4. house / Meg / ago / the / cleaned / days / two / Meg cleaned the house two days ago. 5. planted / a / We / ago f flowers / week We planted flowers a week ago. __ 6. up / Lyn / late / yesterday / got Lyn got up late yesterday. ‘Matt and Bruce are friends. They live in differant cities so they often sand o-mails to cach other. Read part of ‘Matt's ¢-mail to Bruce and part of Bruce's ¢-mail to Matt. (On Thursday | stayed at home and watched ‘TV. My brother went to the shopping centre. He got a new jacket but he didin’t find a ‘Tshirt to buy. What about you? Did you go out? Did you watch the football match? United played really well but they didit win. Anyway. after the match, | went to a fast food restaurant with Jake. Mark didn’t come with us. ‘Now, complata the santances with the words/phrases below. Bruce's team Bruce ‘Matt's brother Matt: 1. Matt cikdrit go out last Thursday. 3. Bruce's team_dkdrit win the football match. 2.Matt's brother didn't buy a T-shirt. 4._Bruce ___ddinit. go out with Mark. ft SHORT FORM! rf ¥ did not play/eat | didn’t play/eat Did | play/oat? Yes, I di. No, 1 dlan’t. You did not play/eat | You didn't play/est | Did you play/eat? Yes, youdld. | No. you didn't. He did not play/oat | He didn't play/eat | Didhe play/eat? | Yes. he did. | No. he dldn't She did not play/eat | Sho didn’t play/eat | Did sho play/eat? | Yes. she did. | No. she didn't. It did not play/oat tt alde’t play/oat Did It play/oat? Yes, it did No, hdd We did not play/oat_ | We didn’t play/oet Did wo play/oat? | Yos. wo did. | No. wo didn't. ‘You did not piay/eat | You didn't play/eat | Did you play/eat? | Yes, you did. | No. you didn't. They did not play/oat They didn’t play/ost | Did thoy play/ost? | Yes. thoy did. | No. thoy didn't. '* Weform the Interrogative of the Past Simple with did and the base form of the main verb. '* We form the negative of the Past Simple with did not / didn’t and the base form of the main oD) ctivities A. Circle the correct words. 1. Frank did ‘Gaiory enioves the trip to Wales a 5. Where did you(@oy went last weekenc? week ago. 6. What did yoReat Date yesterday? 2. Dia vouKingy liked the school fete? 7.1 €@ipe9/ help my mum with the housework 3. Matt (wend) goes skateboarding last Saturday. yesterday. 4.w4didn't want) don’t want to stay at home last 8.Did munQuyy ‘ought milk from the supermarket night. yesterday? B.Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1. We __didn't go (rot go) fishing yesterday. We went ___ 0) on picnic 2. My parents didn't visit _ (not vist) London. They visited __ si) Jeddah. 3. My fnends didn't swim (not swim) in a swimming pool They __swam (swim) in the sea. CcomplstownntnePastSimpeottbovatsinbackets, Robert Ives in a fat on Rosedale Street. One night. last month, he (D got (Ged home late. He@ opened __(@pen the door and @_ walked __6walld into the Iiving room but he@___heard _ (hea) someone talking in his bedroom. He (5)__was __ (be) afraid and (6)__left___ eave) the flat He 7) __didn't want ___ (not want) to stay. Then he @_remembered (remember (@)__left_ eave) the radio on this morning: ‘D.Complete the dialogues with the Past Simple or the Present Simple of tha verbs in brackets. 1. A:What _did you do (youldo) last weekend? _Did you go (youlgo) to uncle Steve's barbecue? B:No,ididrti___stayed __(stay)at home because}_had __(have) a Maths test on Sunday.|never___ 0 @odoutwhen!_have __ (have) a test. A: Oh, | see. Did you get (youlge) a good mark? B: No. | didn't. v a: Did you see (you/see) your friends yesterday? B:No.ldldrt |aways___ £0 __(@0) out with my grandiparents on Thursday. A:What__ did you do (yous? B:We __went (Qo) toa French restaurant We tried (ry) French food for the frst tre. a: Did you like (youfte) #7 8: No, | didn't, but my grandparents really enjoyed __(enjoy) it E.Lookat the pictures and the prompts. Make questions and answers, as in the example. Use the Past Simple or ‘the Present Simple. 1. Fahad / visit / Karak Castle / Jordan / last year /? No -> visit Petra Did Fahad visit the Karak Castle in Jordan last year? No, he didn't. He visited Petra. 2. children / see / sharks / 200 / two weeks ago /? No => see dolphins Did the children see sharks at the zoo two weeks ago? No, they didn't. They saw dolphins. 3. they / have lunch / at home / every Friday /? No => go to a Chinese restaurant Do they have lunch at home every Friday No, they don't. They go to a Chinese restaurant. 4. Dave / play / board games / yesterday / ? No => play computer games. Did Dave play board games yesterday? No, he didn't, He played computer games. 5. Brian / have / pizza / in the evenings /? No => havea salad Does Brian have pizza in the evenings? No, he doesn't. He has a salad. =< 6. Alan and Colin / finish / project / 10 pm / yesterciay /? No =® finish project at midnight Did Alan and Colin finish their project at 10 pm yesterday? = : No, they didn't. They finished their project at ; midnight. F.Choosea orb, a1 to Amy's house yesterday. 2.Idont tuna salad. It's horrible 3. Every year we Eid al-Adha at my grandparents’ house. 4 my room yesterday because | was tired b. don't tidy 5. When it's sunny, we sometimes a barbecue in the garden. y A G.Answar the questions about yoursalf. x 11. What did you do last weekend? ‘4. What time do you get up on weekdays? 2. Where do you usually go after school? 5. What time did you go to bed last night? 3. How many documentaries did you watch last 6. How do you get to school? week? ‘Talkin palrs. Look at what All did and did't do last Thursday. Askand answer, as inthe example. Did he have a barbecue? No, he didrtt. Writing Write a few santances about what All did and didn’t do last Thursday. A. Complete with the correct form of the verb be. 4. Roy: Where WET _ you last night? | went to your house but you weren't there. Jim: |_WAS_at the sports centre 2.May: Were _ you at school yesterday? | didn't see you Fay: No,|_Wasn't Was __iliand| stayed at home. 3. Steve: There WAS a good documentary on TV last night but I didn't watch it because |__was__ tired, Mike: What WAS __ jt about? Steve: it WAS about the history of camel racing. B. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. LAL went (Go) to the shopping centre with my dad yesterday. B: Really? What did you buy. (buy? a:i__bought (buy) trainers, My dad __didn't need (not need) anything, but we got (Get) 3 present for my mum, 2. There is a new Japanese restaurant in town, We went (go) there yesterday and we had (have) dinner. We ate (eat) sushi Peter didn't enjoy — (not enjoy) it at all, but | really. liked. ike) It. What did. you do. (do) yesterday? :|__Stayed __(stay) at home. |___surfed (surf) the Net and then | __ Played ___ (piay) computer games C.Complete with the correct tense. 1. We__Visited ___(visit) Jeddah last year. It___WaS _ (be) wonderful. we had __ (have) a great time there We __wantt__ (want) to go again. 2. A:We ___Went (go) to a Chinese restaurant with Maria yesterday. B:What___ did you___ eat (eat? we had __(have) Peking Duck We aways _have (have) Peking Duck. jh, € ___ like) it, too. ‘what ___are you doing (do), Jane? |_am getting _ (get) ready to go to the new art gallery.|__ love _ (ove) going to art galleries. 4 A:on1__Went _(goy there yesterday, Look at the picture and read the speech bubbles. I'm going fo the supermarket this John, who's going to buy afternoon and Ken is some soft drinks for the going to meke picnic? the sandwiches, No, fm not. I'm going to organise the games for the picnic. Paul can do itt Now, answer the questions below. 1. Wno is going to buy the soft drinks? 2.Who Is going to make the sandwiches? Paull is going to make the sandwiches, _ 3.Who Is going to organise the games?’ + Ken is going to organise the games. __ We use the Future going to: Aah Sa aberenebed * for actions that we Intend to do in the tomorrow / tonight future. next month/year/week/Tuesday, etc I'm going to travel to Austraila In the this weekend/week/month, etc. summer. {in an hour / a year, ete. soon ‘* We form the Future going to with the verb be (am, Is, are) + going to + base form of the main verb. She Is going to buy a Jacket. * It isn't necessary to say or write to go with the Future going to. Ted's going (to go) swimming next weekend. aes Lam going to work You are going to work Hols golng to work She ts golng to work Tes going to work We are going to work | We're golng to work You are going to work | You're going to work They are going to work | They’te going to work A | 1m going to work You're going to work | He's golng to work ‘She's going to work It's going to work Questions ‘Am | going to work? ‘Are you golng to work? Is ho going to work? fs sho golng to work? Is i golng to work? ‘Are wo going to work? | Yes. we are. ‘Are you going to work? | Yes. you are. ‘re they going to work? | Yes. they are. | Yes, 1 am. Yes. you are, Yes, he Is. Yes. sho Is. Yes. tis. © Present Progressive with future meaning '* We use the Present Progressive for actions that we plan to do In the near future (we mention when). 'm playing tennis tomorrow. Gd | Lam not going to work You are not going to work He Is not going to work ‘She Is not going to work tes not going to work We ara not golng to work You aro not going to work ‘They are not going to work Eas {Tm not going to work ‘You aren't going to work. He Isn't going to work She Isn't going to work {Isn't golng t0 work We aren't golng to work ‘You aron’t going to work They aren't going to work: No, I'm not. No. you aren't. No, he isn't. No, sho Isn't No, ttisn’t. No, wo aren't. No. you aren't. No, they arent. ee Xctivities A. Complete the sentences. Use the Future going fo of the verbs in brackets. 1. Mary __is going to visit ____ (vist) ner grandparents at the weekend 2.We ___are going to have (have) dinner at an Italian restaurant tomorrow. 3. [brahim and|__arre going __ (go) to the bowling alley on Thursday. 4Are syou__going to make _ (make) a cake tor dessert? 5. They are not going to travel (rot traved by plane. B.Use the prompts to make questions using the Future going to and then answer them, as in the example. 1. Afnian / cook / lamb / for dinner /? > X is Afnan going to cook lamb for dinner? No, she isn't. 2. they / visit / Prague / next summer /? > ¥ Are they going to visit Prague next summe! Yes, they are. 3. Frank / help / parents / in garden / weekend / 2» X Is Frank going to help his parents in garden this weekend? No, he isn’t. 4.the children / ride / bikes / to school / tomorrow /? = X i i ide bikes to school tomorrow? No, they aren't. 200 — 5. your parents / take / the car / to Glasgow /? <> ¥ Are your parents going to take the car to Glasgow? Yes, they are. _ C.Lookat the pictures and write sentences. Use the Present Progressive of the verbs given. == a ' | FROM | arHens York on 7 October. | TO (NEW YorK | 1 \ ‘OCTOBER 3, Andrew and his family aire haying dinner at his uncle mark’s tonight. 4, Vera is visiting the Louvre on Wednesday. 1. Put the words inthe correct ordor to make sentonces. 1. you/ night / doing / What / Thursday / are / on 17 What are you doing on Thursday night? 2.40 / Dubal / going / is / Justin / tomorrow / Justin is going to Dubai tomorrow. 3. helping / Tanya / Are / clean / you / house / the /? Are Tanya helping you clean the house? 4 late / are / be / We / to / going / . We are going to be late. 5. play / Matt / going / tennis / to / Is / tonight / . Matt is going to play tennis tonight. 6.travelling / next month / Is / Mike / to / China /? Is Mik i Chi h? Speaking ‘Talkin patrs. Tak tums to ask and answer questions about your plans for the weekend. You can use some of the verbs in the bax. Whatare you going to do this weekend? go spend visit hang out ''m going to go to the new funtair. Weiting ‘Wrttea few santances about your wekend plans. Module €) (4b) vem ms: Look at the picture and read the dialogue below. Mark Are you coming to the art gallery on Saturday? Brian Surel | love art! Mark Great! Is Mike coming? Brian No. He must go on a trip. Mark OK then. Must | take my camera with me? Brian No, you mustn't. You can't take photos in the gallery. Mark Realy? | didr’t know that. Brian You can stil buy some postcards. Mark Oh. OKI [Now answar the questions below. 1. Are Mark and Brian going to the art gallery? _ Yes, they are. 2.1s Mike going with them? _No. he i: 3.1s Mark taking a camera with him? _No, he isn’t. Grammar @ The verb must Short answers a A Imust go Imust not go | Imustn'tgo | Must go? Yes, Imust. | No. I mustn't. You must go | You must not go | You mustn't go | Must you go? | Yes. you must. | No. you mustn't. He must go | He must not go | He mustn't go | Musthe go? | Yes, he must. | No. he mustn't. She must go | She must not go | She mustn't go | Must she go? | Yes, she must. | No. she mustn't. it must go Re must not go | Itmustr'tgo | Must it go? | Yos, It must. | No, it mustn't. We must go | We must not go | We mustn't go Must we go? | Yes. wo must. | No. we mustn't. You must go | You must not go | You mustn't go | Must you go? | Yes, you must. | No. you mustn't They must go | They must not go | They mustr't go Must they go? | Yes, they must. | No, thoy mustn't ae * must to express obligation You must go now. * mustn't to express prohibition. You mustn't talk in class. PTdiey * The verb must (like can) Is a modal verb. It has the same form In all persons, In the ‘singular and In the plural, It Is followed by a verb without to. The interrogative and negative are formed without do / does or don't / doesn’t. &X ctivities I must take a jacket with me. take / jacket / with me I must order a salad. 8 a = : ef Limust call him on his mobile phone. call hie / on his mobile phor obile phone ant find Jonni A. Use the prompts to make sentences with the verb must. Ihis is expen : Fh I mustn’t buy it. — not buy / it a tires | J Ven tired ee I must go to bed early. go / bed / early I must stay at home. _ stay /nome irn trai) I must drink some water. drink # some / wate Be B. Complete the dialogue. Use must or mustn't and the verbs in the brackets. Frank Dad.@___ Must wash (wash) the car today? Dad Yes, you must Frank Why? | washed it last week! Dad Well somebody(_must do ___ opt Frank OK. But why not Joh? Dad Because John _must study (study) tor a History test he has tomorrow. Frank OK, | understand. Dad Thank you Frank. Also you @)_Mustn’t for'getinct forget to tell John to dean the garage tomorrow. Its his tun. Frank OK Dadi C.Complete the sentences with must or mustn't. 1. You_ Must take a map with you so as not to get lost. 2. tm getting up early tomorrow, s01__MUSt _99 to bed early tonight 3.You MMUSEN't gat chocolate and sweets but you__MIUSt gat salads, 4.You TIUSEN’t use your mobile phone inthe Hbrary. 5.When tt'shot and sunny, you T0USt drink a lot of water. 6.You_must exercise every day to keep Mt. Speaking ‘+ two things that you must do every day two things you must do at home * two things you mustn't do at home + two things you must do at school / in class + two things you mustn't do at schoo! / in class Writing Look at the Speaking activity above and write sentences. ‘How much do you know about the world? Decide which of ‘the following statements are True and which are False. Write ‘Tior Truoor F for False n the boxes provided. 1. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia \s larger than Yemen. 2. Arca is the largest continent in the word. 3. The Canbbean Sea is deeper than the Mediterranean Sea. 4. The Amazon 's the longest river in South America. 5. Mount Everest is higher than Mount Kilimanjaro. 6. The USA 's larger than Canada. GeG =} a) Grammar © Adjectives * Adjectives describe nouns and have the same form In the singular and In the plural The T-shirt is expensive. The Tshirts are expensive. * They go before nouns or after some verbs. This Is a small house. This house Is small © comparative - Superiative Form * We use the comparative form to compare two people, animals or things. An adjective In the ‘comparative form Is usually followed by the word than. Mary Is older than Kate. Kate Is younger. * We use the superlative form to compare one person, animal or thing with several of the same Kind. The article the comes before an adjective In the superlative form. Adjectives In the superlative form are usually followed by the preposition of or In. Ia Dennis Is the oldest student In the class. Frank Is the youngest of the three boys In the picture. een ikea a All one-syllable adjectives and most two-syllable adjectives take —er. tall- taller —_—_Jane Is taller than me. We form the comparative of adjectives with three or more syllables with more + adjective. expensive - more expensive The green Jacket Is more expensive than the black Jacket. Rua ca All one-syllable adjectives and most two-syllable adjectives take —est. tall - the tallest George Is the tallest in the class. ‘We form the superiative of adjectives with three or more syllables with most + adjective. difficutt - the most difficult This Is the most difficult exercise of all. Bou: Adjectives which end in -e take -r (comparative) or —st (superlative). lange - larger - the largest * One-syllable adjectives which end In one vowel + one consonant double the consonant and take —er (comparative) or ~est (superiative). big - bigger - the biggest ‘* Adjectives which end In a consonant + y change the y to I and take er (comparative) or ~est (superiative). happy - happier - the happlest POSITIVE FORM | COMPARATIVE FORM | SUPERLATIVE FORM bigger the blogest worse the worst more\less difficult the most\least difficult faster the fastest cheaper the cheapest easier the easiest the hottest the most expensive B.Lookat the pictures and the prompts and make a: Gated George is happier than Steve. 2. village / quiet / city The Village is quieter than the city. __ 3 3. car / fast / horse ‘The car is faster than the horse. 4. red car / new / yellow car The red car is newer than the yellow car. 5. roller coaster / exciting / ferris whee! The roller coaster is more exciting than ferris wheel. 4 6. black mobile / modem / pink mobile The black mobile is more modern than the 18 pink mobile. C. Complete the sentences with the supertattve form of the adjectives in brackets, 1. Tokyo is _the most expensive (empensive) tty to ve In. 2. The cheetah is. animal. 3.Asats___the largest continent in the world, 4.Footbaas_the most popular (@opuap sport in South America. s.thsis___ the smallest In the shop. 6. Toke the bus. Its. (Cheap) way to get around. . 7: tire tis sone ot __ the Most difficult atticut) exercises in the book. 8. Mr Roberts is one of. aed (Good) teachers In the school. D.Chooseaorb. 1. January has got the fastest ___gast) darge) (small) mobile the cheapest ‘days than February. ‘D.most 2. The giraffe is animal in the works a. taller 3. Lions are. than elephants. Ghore danger b. most dangerous 4. The Nile is: ver in Africa. b. longer E. Complete the sentences with the comparative or -supertattve form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Who is the __most popular (popular) writer in your country? 2.Mathsis_more interesting _nteresting) than English. 3. Mike ts better (@000) at football than Matt. 4.Tim's the. tallest al boy in my ass. 5. My car is, faster Gast) than Kyle's. 6.its hotter (hob today than it was yesterday. 7. Yesterday we visited the. oldest ‘(0'd) building in the city. 8. 've got. more (mary) books than you. F.Add the missing word. ‘1. My brother is taller me. My brother is taller than me. 2.1n this restaurant you can find best lamb kebab in town. In this restaurant you can find the best lamb kebab in town. 3. The bowling alley is popular than the skating rink The bowling alley is more popular than the skating rank. 44.1 think rock climbing is the tiring sport. I think rock climbing is the most tiring sport. 5. The ferris wheel is most boring ride at the funtfair, The ferris wheel is the most boring ride at the funfair. Ss peaking ‘Talk in pairs. Look at the pictures of the three houses below and take turns to compare them using the ‘comparative and supertative forms of the adjectives in the box. large small cheap epensive big colourful modem (Write a few sontances comparing the houses in the speaking activity above. House... iS. thar. A.Chooseaorb. 1. Steve ___ to London tomorrow. &eaoNMD b. went 2. | don't think Lucy to her art class on Saturday. She is really tired. b. went 3. When _.__? Next week? 15 Paul leaving> —_b. did Paul leave 4. Are you going to the café?!_with you. a.come CBimcomna> 5. They Morocco last year. b.are visiting 6. Steve plays well. He the match for sure. a.won 5 going to wi B.Choose a orb. 1. Peter is than John, 5. Maths is the b. tallest a. more difficult 2. This is the restaurant in town, Cricket is the a. better a. more popular 3. It was the day of my life 7. Parrots are a. worse Gworsd 4. Tokyo is than Mumbai What is the Se ere ace C. Complete with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. What's the __largest (arge) continent in the world? 2. Do you think that basketball ismore popular (popular) than football? 3. Today cars are _faster (fast) than they were in the past. school subject sport in Australia. than other animals. b. noisiest river in the world? 4.Do you know the name of the__highest __high) mountain in the world? 5. | think that scuba-diving is temore dangerous __ (dangerous) adventure sport. 6. | think John Is_etter ___ (goo) at Maths than George. 7. Who's the oldest (old) student in your Spanish class? 8. His car is _more expensive _ (expensive) than my car. 9. Snakes are more dangerous @angerous) than bears. 10. China is bigger ____ (big) than Japan. Aree 2 Read ‘Read 3.Pronunciation /A 3. Pronunciation / 8 ‘Lead listen ‘Vocabulary A 2Read listen {Vocabulary 2Uisten 3. Speak & Write ren er

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