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Prepared by Diana Gaza
Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1
 The age of marriage.  Wang lung reached the  Giving trivia about the
age for marriage thus his age of marriage in
father wants him to find ancient china.
his wife.
 Finding a slave to be  His father decided to ask
married. the Hwang family if they
 Choosing at the Hwang’s can spare a slave for
house Wang Lung.
 At the wedding day the
Hwang family decided to
 Preparations for the introduce O-Lan as she
wedding. became his wife.
 As they both reach the
 Giving honor house, Wang Lung goes
to the small temple on
 Feast and ceremonies his family’s fields to give
begins. honor to the earth god
and his lady.
 Due to the wedding
Wang Lung’s father
complains about all the
expenses, but he is
secretly pleased that
there will be guests.

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2

 Feeling worried.  She rarely speaks,  The reporter will ask the
however, and Wang students about the roles
Lung wonders at the fear of the women in the past
and sadness in her eyes. in our society.
Even after his wedding
night, Wang Lung
wonders if O-Lan really
likes him.
 Relief and contentment.  When she offered Wang
 O-Lan’s pregnancy. Lung a cup of tea, Wang
Lung felt the relief and
he settles into married
life with contentment
and pleasure. Soon after
their marriage, O-lan
announces that she is

Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3

 Labor  O-Lan refuses to see  The reporter will give
 O-lan refuses anyone to anyone especially people information about the
attend during her labor. from the House of significance of having a
Hwang. She does not son in Chinese culture.
want to see anyone from
the Hwang family until
she can introduce her
son to the Old Mistress.
 Planning and  O-Lan knows exactly all
preparation for the the plans that she want
meeting. to do with the baby
when she give birth.
 A birth to a baby boy.  The married couple and
Wang Lung’s father was
very delighted when O-
Lan gives birth to a baby

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4

 Celebration for the birth  As a sign for the birth of
of their son. a baby boy Wang Lung
 Giving honor. purchases red sugar and
fifty eggs and dyed it
with red. He also bought
incense for the honor to
the earth god.
 O-lan returns in working  O-lan returns to working
in the fields. in the fields, stopping
when necessary to nurse
her child. The harvest is
extra-ordinarily good. On
one-month anniversary
 One- month anniversary of the child’s birth, Wang
of the son. Lung holds a celebration
and gives out his red
boiled eggs.
 Frugal  Both Wang Lung and O-
Lan are careful about
how they should spend
their money. The couple
hides the silver they
have begun to
accumulate in a hole in
the wall.

Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5

 Meeting of the first son  New Year came and O-  The reporter will ask by
and the Old Mistress. Lan prepares to present group if they can give
his new son to the Old any specific experiences
 Comparisons Mistress. that you feel the change
 After O-lan presents her of treatment of others
child in the House of based on the
Hwang, she said to Wang circumstance.
Lung that their baby is
more beautiful and
better dressed than any
of the Old Master’s
 Issues about the Hwang children.
family.  One of the cook
informed O-Lan that the
Hwang Family is
spending money
recklessly and having
 Rejoice financial difficulties.
 As Wang Lung heard the
news about the Hwang’s
he rejoice to the fact
that how well he has
done and how lucky he is
to have such a beautiful


Prepared by Marla Andawi
Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Chapter 6
 Wang Lung purchases  Wang Lung purchases a
land small parcel of land after
bribing the Hwang's
 O-lan gave birth agent.
 Wang Lung felt
happiness when O-lan
gave birth to a second
Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Chapter 7
 Criticisms  Wang Lung's uncle  An image of a greedy
approaches him for man will be shown
money–criticizes his because it represents
uncle and his family's Wang Lung’s uncle.
laziness; his uncle
threatened him to tell
the village people for
insulting an elderly.
Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Chapter 8
 Struggles  The harvest becomes  A simple quote will be
scanty when the drought presented.
destroys Wang Lung's
 Wang Lung needed to be
strong for his own
troubles, and with O-lan
being pregnant for the
fourth time.
 A group of desperate
villagers bursts into
Wang Lung's home being
convinced that he's
hiding a fortune.
Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Chapter 9
 Unexpected happenings  There had been reports  Facts about the great
from Ching (neighbor), famine in China.
that some people are
doing inhumane things
 Giving birth to a because of famine.
daughter.  O-lan gives birth to a
daughter, but something
happened because of
situations they cannot

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