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Rain Detector Alarm

Name: Kartik Prasanna

Roll NO.
Class: XII

Sl. No Topic Page No.

1 Certificate 3
2 Acknowledgements 4
3 Objective 5
4 Introduction 6
5 Materials Required 7
6 Theory 8
7 Procedure 11
8 Observation 13
9 Uses 14
10 Precautions 15
11 Bibliography 16

This is to certify that Kartik Prasanna of

class XII A has successfully completed
the physics investigatory project of
“Rain Detector Alarm” under my
guidance during the year 2018-2019 in
the partial fulfilment of the Physics
practical examination conducted by

Internal Examiner External Examiner Principal


I would like to express my special thanks

to our school BGS National Public School,
academic director sir Sri Dr. S.A Nair and
our principal ma’am Ms. Sreekala G
Kumar for their blessings and motivation. I
would like to thank my physics teacher
Ms. Anupama S for their tireless efforts
and their knowledge. A heartfelt thanks to
my friends and parents for helping me
with every little detail along the way.

The objective of this project is

to create a rain detector alarm
using an npn transistor, and the
basic principles of conductivity
of water.
Water is basic need in every one’s life.
Saving and proper usage of water is very
important. Here is an easy project
which will give the alarm when there is
rain, so that we can make some actions and
save the rain water. As a result, we
can increase the water levels of
underground water by using underwater
recharge technique. Rain water detector
will detect the rain and make an alert; rain
water detector is used in the irrigation
field, home automation, communication,
automobiles etc. Here is the simple and
reliable circuit of rain water detector
which can be constructed at low cost.
Materials Required

● Flat Cardboard
● npn transistor
● 2 aluminium blades
● Insulated wires
● 5 volt buzzer
● >5 V battery
● switch
The transistor in which one
p-type material is placed
between two n-type materials is
known as NPN transistor. The
NPN transistor amplifies the
weak signal enter into the base
and produces strong amplify
signals at the collector end. In
NPN transistor, the direction of
movement of an electron is
from the emitter to collector
region due to which the current
constitutes in the transistor.
Such type of transistor is mostly
used in the circuit because their
majority charge carriers are
electrons which have high
mobility as compared to holes.
This device uses the help of an
NPN transistor to give visual
and audio cues when it detects
droplets of water. The two
aluminium plates act as the
conductors. They are kept at a
very small distance apart, and
when water comes into contact
with the both of them, the
conducting properties of water
are showed as the circuit gets
completed. Charges travel
through water in ionic form,
causing the LED to light up and
the buzzer to start buzzing.

Connect one of the aluminium plates

to the base of the transistor using
connecting wires. The other plate can
be connected to emitter terminal of the
transistor. The +ve terminal of battery
is connected to base terminal(along
with aluminium plate). Connect the
collector terminal of the transistor to
the buzzer and LED, in series or
parallel. The -ve terminal of battery
can be connected to the free terminal of
Through a switch or directly.

When the two aluminium

plates come in contact with
water, the buzzer and LED
recieve a current and send
audio - visual signals,
indicating the presence of
water droplets. Water being
a conductor and the
workings of an npn
transistor are the main
principles behind the
working of this rain alarm.

A rain detector alarm’s primary

usage is to detect changes in
weather which may lead to
heavy showers. It can be kept
outside to warn a person about
incoming rains, so the person
may make necessary
preparations. It can also be
modified to be used simply as a
water detector, to indicate the
presence of water in deep
places, or to indicate the level of
water in containers.

● The plates may not be close

● The wires may not be
properly connected
● The battery may be dead
● The buzzer/LED may be
● The transistor may be faulty


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