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Stability of unilateral posterior crossbite

correction in the mixed dentition: A randomized
clinical trial with a 3-year follow-up
Sofia Petren,a Krister Bjerklin,b and Lars Bondemarkc
Malm€o, Sweden

Introduction: The long-term stability of posterior crossbite correction in the mixed dentition has not been
sufficiently evaluated. Our aim was to compare long-term outcomes in patients with crossbite correction by
using matched controls with normal occlusion. Methods: After 35 patients were treated for crossbite with
a quad-helix or an expansion plate, we used randomized controlled trial methodology to follow them for 3
years posttreatment. All had fulfilled our pretreatment criteria: mixed dentition, unilateral posterior crossbite,
no sucking habits, and no previous orthodontic treatment. Transverse relationships, maxillary and mandibular
widths, overbite, overjet, arch lengths, and midlines were registered on the study models immediately before
and after treatment and at the follow-up 3 years after treatment. The matched control group comprised 20
subjects with normal occlusion and was compared with the first and last registrations for the treated groups.
Results: At follow-up, changes in the treatment groups were equal and stable. The changes were
comparable with the control group. All other changes were minor and had no clinical implications. The long-
term effect of crossbite correction on midline deviation was unpredictable. Conclusions: If crossbite is success-
fully corrected by the quad-helix appliance or the expansion plate, similar long-term stability is achieved. How-
ever, in treated patients, mean maxillary widths never reached those of normal control subjects. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2011;139:e73-e81)

osterior crossbite is a common malocclusion in plate.18-22 Two recent systematic reviews concluded
the deciduous and mixed dentitions, with preva- that there is inadequate evidence in support of any
lence rates of 7.5% to 22%.1-7 It has been method of crossbite correction in the mixed dentition,
claimed that unilateral posterior crossbite should be with a need for additional randomized clinical trials
treated early to prevent negative long-term effects on (RCTs).23,24 There is only 1 published RCT comparing
growth and development of the teeth and jaws, such and evaluating the effectiveness of different treatment
as disturbance of temporal and masseter muscle activity strategies for crossbite correction in the mixed
in children8-10 and increased risk of craniomandibular dentition.25 It was a short-term study and clearly dem-
disorders in adolescents.10-17 onstrated that the quad-helix appliance was superior
Two approaches for correction of posterior crossbite to the expansion plate.
are rapid maxillary expansion and slow expansion, with The basic goal of orthodontic treatment is to produce
a quad-helix appliance or a removable expansion a normal occlusion that is morphologically stable and
functionally and esthetically well adjusted. However,
From the Faculty of Odontology, Malm€ o University, Malm€
o, Sweden.
Consultant orthodontist and research fellow, Department of Orthodontics. treatment outcomes vary, depending on the type and se-
Head and associate professor, Department of Orthodontics. verity of malocclusion, treatment approach and timing,
Dean and professor. patient compliance and growth, and adaptability of
The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the
products or companies described in this article. the hard and soft tissues. Follow-up studies of treated
Supported by the Swedish Dental Society; Skane County Council, Sweden; and patients have shown that, although normal occlusion
the Faculty of Odontology, Malm€ o University, Malm€o, Sweden. and dental alignment have been achieved, there is a ten-
Reprint requests to: Sofia Petren, Malm€o University, Department of Orthodon-
tics, Faculty of Odontology, S-205 06 Malm€ o, Sweden; e-mail, sofia.petren@ dency for posttreatment relapse.26-29 Crossbite correction is undertaken in the growing child: hence,
Submitted, March 2010; revised and accepted, June 2010. posttreatment changes must be evaluated in the
Copyright Ó 2011 by the American Association of Orthodontists. context of changes associated with normal growth in
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2010.06.018 children who have had no orthodontic treatment. It
e74 Petren, Bjerklin, and Bondemark

Fig 1. Flow chart.

is therefore appropriate and advisable to use control

groups with normal occlusion. Table I. Sexes, mean ages, standard deviations (y) at
There are few published studies of the long-term ef- baseline (T0), after treatment (T1), and at follow-up
fects of crossbite correction22,30,31 and only 1 comparing (T2)
the expansion-plate and the quad-helix methods.22 Quad-helix group Expansion-plate group Normal group
Our aims in this study were, using RCT methodology, (n 5 20) (n 5 15) (n 5 20)
to compare and evaluate the long-term stability in pa- 11 girls, 9 boys 10 girls, 5 boys 9 girls, 11 boys
tients who had crossbite correction with quad-helix ap-
pliances and expansion plates, with a matched control Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
group with normal occlusion. It was hypothesized that T0 9.0 1.19 8.5 1.02 8.8 0.5
T1 10.5 1.31 10.2 1.11 x x
the 2 treatment methods achieve similar changes of T2 13.8 2.0 13.1 1.29 13.9 1.59
a magnitude comparable with those in subjects with
normal occlusion. x, No registration.

MATERIAL AND METHODS recruited from an RCT study.25 Five patients in the
Originally, the study comprised 60 subjects (33 girls, expansion-plate group failed to complete the study be-
27 boys): 40 with unilateral posterior crossbite and 20 cause of noncompliance and were excluded from the
controls with normal occlusion. All patients were in- long-term follow-up. The patient flow is illustrated in
formed of the purpose of the trial and were required to Figure 1. Sample size, sex, and age distribution of the
give written, informed consent before enrollment. subjects are given in Table I. Consequently, the follow-
Twenty of the crossbite patients had been treated up study comprised 55 patients (30 girls, 25 boys).
with quad-helix appliances and 20 with expansion All crossbite patients were consecutively recruited
plates. Most (n 5 30) of the crossbite patients were from 2 public dental clinics in the province of Scania,

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Fig 3. Occlusal view of the quad-helix appliance.

follows the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki,

approved the informed consent form and protocol
(LU 399-00).
Study casts were made for the patients at baseline or
pretreatment (T0), posttreatment (T1), and 3 years
posttreatment (T2). For the control subjects with normal
occlusion, 2 registrations were made: at T0 and T2
(at least 4 years after T0).
For the treated patients, the main outcome to be as-
sessed was the success rate of crossbite correction. For
both the treated and normal control subjects, the mea-
surements included maxillary and mandibular interca-
nine and intermolar changes at the shortest linear
distance at the gingival margins and the cusp tips of
the teeth (Fig 2). Overbite, overjet, midline deviation,
Fig 2. Transversal linear measurements on the study and arch length in both jaws were registered. Midline
casts. deviation was defined as the discrepancy between the
maxillary and mandibular midlines.
Sweden, and from the Department of General Dentistry, Intercanine and intermolar measurements were
Faculty of Odontology, Malm€ o University, Malm€ o, made to the nearest 0.1 mm, by using a digital sliding
Sweden, from 2001 through 2006. The patients met caliper (digital 6, 8M007906, Mauser, Winterthur, Swit-
the following inclusion criteria: mixed dentition (all in- zerland). One orthodontist (S.P.) undertook all measure-
cisors and first molars in occlusion), unilateral posterior ments. Overbite and overjet were measured to the
crossbite, no sucking habits or sucking habit discontin- nearest 0.5 mm with a stainless steel ruler. Assessment
ued at least 1 year before the trial, and no previous of transverse occlusion (crossbite correction) and all
orthodontic treatment. study cast measurements were blinded; ie, the examiner
The normal control group was recruited from the In- was unaware of the group to which the patient be-
stitute for Postgraduate Dental Education, J€ onk€oping, longed. Furthermore, the T0, T1, and T2 casts were ran-
Sweden. These subjects had normal sagittal occlusion domized for measurement.
and no crossbite or other malocclusion traits, and were The quad-helix appliance consisted of a standard
matched for age and dental age to the treated subjects. stainless steel arch (MIA system, 3M Unitek, Monrovia,
The patients and their parents were given detailed Calif) with stainless steel bands cemented onto the max-
oral and written information about the trial by 5 experi- illary first molars with glass ionomer cement (Fig 3). The
enced general dental practitioners, who then treated the quad-helix was activated 10 mm before placement and
patients under the supervision of specialist orthodon- then, when necessary, reactivated every 6 weeks until
tists, according to a preset standard concept. The ethics a normal transverse relationship was achieved: no over-
committee of Lund University, Lund, Sweden, which correction. To prevent or compensate for buccal tipping,

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2011  Vol 139  Issue 1
e76 Petren, Bjerklin, and Bondemark

the appliance was adjusted for buccal root torque. The

treatment result was retained for 6 months.
The expansion plate was made of acrylic, with an
expansion screw and stainless steel clasps on the first
deciduous and permanent molars (Fig 4). The patient ac-
tivated the screw 0.2 mm once a week until a normal
transverse relationship was achieved: no overcorrection.
The patient was instructed clearly to wear the plate night
and day, except for meals and toothbrushing. The treat-
ment result was retained for 6 months.
Twenty randomly selected study casts were measured
on 2 occasions. Paired t tests disclosed no significant
mean differences between the 2 series of records. The
error of the method did not exceed 0.2 mm for any study
Fig 4. Occlusal view of the expansion plate.

Statistical analysis
The changes during the treatment period (T0-T1) are
The sample size for each group had previously been
summarized in Table III. The maxillary intermolar and
calculated and was based on a significance level of
intercanine distances increased significantly in both
a 5 0.05 and a power (1-b) of 90%, to detect a mean in-
treatment groups. Mandibular intermolar expansion
tergroup difference in expansion of 2 mm (61.5 mm).25
was significantly greater in the expansion-plate group
The sample size calculation showed that each group
than in the quad-helix group. There were no intergroup
needed a minimum of 12 subjects. To increase the power
differences with respect to overbite or overjet. The arch
further and to compensate for possible attrition, it was
length in quadrant 3 was greater in the expansion-
decided to add 10 more subjects to the follow-up study.
plate group than in the quad-helix group. After treat-
The data were statistically analyzed by using SPSS
ment, a correct midline was achieved in more than half
software (version 16.0, SPSS, Chicago, Ill). The Fisher ex-
the crossbite patients, but there was no significant
act test was used to calculate the success rates of cross-
inter-group difference.
bite correction and midline deviation. For numeric
At 3 years posttreatment, all 15 patients in the
variables, the arithmetic means and standard deviations
expansion-plate group and 19 of the 20 patients in
were calculated. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the
the quad-helix group had normal transverse relation-
Tukey post-hoc test was used to compare changes
ships; ie, the treatment outcome was longitudinally
within and between groups. Differences with probabili-
stable. However, during the posttreatment period,
ties of less than 5% (P \0.05) were considered statisti-
significant decreases in maxillary and mandibular trans-
cally significant.
verse dimensions occurred in the treatment groups.
There were no significant intergroup differences, except
RESULTS for mandibular intermolar distance at the gingival mar-
There were no significant differences at T0 between gin, which decreased more in the expansion-plate group
the treated groups with respect to age or crossbite (Table IV). The corrected midlines in the treatment
side. Since no significant sex differences were found groups relapsed in some patients, but there were also
for any of the study variables, the data for the sexes a few spontaneous corrections. Moreover, during the
were pooled for analysis. observation period, both spontaneous midline correc-
The T0 measurements of the jaws are summarized in tions and deviations occurred in the control group.
Table II. The crossbite subjects had significantly smaller The overall changes during the 4-year study period
values for all maxillary variables. With respect to the (T0-T2) are shown in Table V. Significant increases in
mandibular variables—overbite, overjet, and arch maxillary transverse distances were found in all groups
length—no intergroup differences were found, except (P\0.01), except for intercanine distance at the gingival
that the arch lengths of quadrants 2 and 4 in the control margin. There was no significant intergroup difference
group were greater than in the crossbite groups. The in expansion, except for maxillary intermolar cusp tip
prevalences of midline deviation at T0 were 19 of 20 distance, which was greater in the treatment groups
in the quad-helix group, 14 of 15 in the expansion- than in the control group. In the mandible, there were
plate group, and 10 of 20 in the normal group. small, albeit significant, differences in the groups, but

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Table II. Baseline measurements (mm) for the quad-helix (A), expansion-plate (B), and normal (C) groups
Quad-helix (A) 95% CI Expansion plate (B) 95% CI Normal group (C) 95% CI
n 5 20 for mean n 5 15 for mean n 5 20 for mean

Baseline records Mean SD Lower Upper Mean SD Lower Upper Mean SD Lower Upper difference
Intermolar distance, 29.7 2.44 28.5 30.8 29.9 2.3 28.6 31.2 33.6 2.72 32.3 34.9 C.A,Bz
gingival margin
Intermolar distance, 47.1 2.62 45.9 48.3 46.7 2.39 45.3 48 50.6 2.49 49.4 51.7 C.A,By
mesiobuccal cusp tips
Intercanine distance, 22.8 1.29 22.2 23.4 22.8 1.78 21.8 23.7 25 2.35 23.9 26.1 C.Ay; C.By
gingival margin
Intercanine distance, 29.4 1.82 28.5 30.2 30.1 2.13 29 31.3 32.5 2.31 31.4 33.6 C.Az; C.By
buccal cusp tips
Intermolar distance, 33.4 2.39 32.3 34.5 33.2 2.49 31.8 34.6 33.1 1.54 32.4 33.8 NS
gingival margin
Intermolar distance, 45.6 2.9 44.2 46.9 45.2 2.88 43.7 46.8 44.9 2.15 43.9 45.9 NS
mesiobuccal cusp tips
Intercanine distance, 20.7 1.6 20 21.5 20.7 1.38 19.8 21.5 21 1.5 20.3 21.7 NS
gingival margin
Intercanine distance, 26 2 25.1 27 26.3 1.3 25.5 27.1 26.9 1.5 26.1 27.6 NS
buccal cusp tips
Overjet 2.9 1.33 2.3 3.5 3.2 1.5 2.3 4 4 2.4 2.9 5.1 NS
Overbite 2.4 1.31 1.8 3 2.1 1 1.5 2.6 2.3 2.1 1.4 3.4 NS
Arch length quadrant 1 36.9 1.95 36 37.8 37 1.25 36.4 37.7 38 2.66 36.8 39.3 NS
Arch length quadrant 2 37.3 2.1 36.3 38.3 36.7 1.16 36 37.3 38.6 1.62 37.8 39.3 C.By
Arch length quadrant 3 35.2 1.49 34.5 35.9 35 1.26 34.3 35.7 35.3 1.64 34.5 36.1 NS
Arch length quadrant 4 34.3 1.94 33.5 35.3 35.3 1.24 34.6 35.9 35.6 1.36 35 36.3 C.A*
*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001; NS, not significant (ANOVA).

no intergroup differences except for intermolar distance crossbite is successfully corrected by the quad-helix ap-
at the gingival margin, which was greater in the control pliance or the expansion plate, similar long-term stabil-
group than in the treated groups. ity is achieved, and the prognosis is favorable. However,
For overbite, overjet, and arch length, there were no at the end of the follow-up period, the maxillary trans-
differences within or between groups. In all 3 groups, the verse distances were still significantly smaller in both
mandibular midline changed in most subjects, some treatment groups compared with the control group.
during treatment and some during the posttreatment Thus, despite active transverse expansion, the width of
period. The changes fluctuated in both directions— the maxilla in a former crossbite patient group never
from correct to incorrect and vice versa. No significant reaches the mean maxillary width of a normal group.
differences were found between the groups. No overcorrection was carried out in any of the sub-
At T2, the transverse distances for all maxillary vari- jects; ie, active treatment ceased when normal transverse
ables remained significantly smaller in both treatment relationships were achieved. Thus, overcorrection might
groups than in the control group (Table VI). In the man- be unnecessary, since crossbite correction without over-
dible, there were no differences between the groups. expansion still was found to be stable in a long-term
Arch length in both jaws on the right side (quadrants 1 perspective.
and 4) was greater at T2 in the control group than in Furthermore, it can be stated that the effects of
the treatment groups. crossbite correction on mandibular width, overbite,
overjet, and arch length were only minor, with no clinical
DISCUSSION Midline deviation is frequently seen in patients with
The results of this RCT study confirm the hypotheses posterior crossbite because of a forced mandibular shift.
that at follow-up the changes in the treated groups were In this study, maxillary expansion enhanced the midline
similar and of a magnitude comparable with those in the correction, but the long-term effects were unpredict-
control group. Thus, this study clearly confirms that if able. One explanation is that midlines can vary over

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Table III. Differences in intermolar distance, intercanine distance, overjet, overbite, and arch length (mm) within and
between groups
Quad5helix (A) 95% CI Expansion plate (B) 95% CI
n 5 20 for mean n 5 15 for mean

Difference records T1-T0 Mean SD Lower Upper Mean SD Lower Upper difference
Intermolar distance, gingival margin 3.7z 1.58 2.9 4.4 3.2z 1.24 2.5 3.9 NS
Intermolar distance, mesiobuccal cusp tips 4.1z 1.45 3.5 4.8 3.8z 1.62 2.9 4.7 NS
Intercanine distance, gingival margin 1.5y 1.64 0.7 2.3 2.4z 1.44 1.5 3.3 NS
Intercanine distance, buccal cusp tips 2.7z 1.57 1.9 3.4 2.6z 1.58 1.7 3.6 NS
Intermolar distance, gingival margin 0.4 0.82 0.7 0 0.4* 0.67 0 0.8 B.Ay
Intermolar distance, mesiobuccal cusp tips 0.1 1.4 0.8 0.5 1.2z 0.7 0.8 1.5 B.Ay
Intercanine distance, gingival margin 0.2 1.05 0.3 0.8 0.6 1.63 0.6 1.7 NS
Intercanine distance, buccal cusp tips 0.5 1.21 1.1 0.1 0.5 1.42 0.5 1.5 NS
Overjet 0.1 0.83 0.5 0.3 0 1.32 1.2 0.3 NS
Overbite 0.2 0.92 0.3 0.6 0.6 1.03 0 1.1 NS
Arch length quadrant 1 0.5 1.05 0 1 0.6 1.32 0.1 1.3 NS
Arch length quadrant 2 0 1.91 0.9 0.9 1y 0.87 0.5 1.5 NS
Arch length quadrant 3 0.7* 1.24 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.93 0.1 0.9 B.Ay
Arch length quadrant 4 0.3 1.76 1.1 0.5 0.2 0.91 0.7 0.3 NS
*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001; NS, not significant (ANOVA).

Table IV. Differences in intermolar distance, intercanine distance, overjet, overbite, and arch length (mm) within and
between groups
Quad-helix (A) 95% CI Expansion plate (B) 95% CI
n 5 20 for mean n 5 15 for mean

Difference records T2-T1 Mean SD Lower Upper Mean SD Lower Upper difference
Intermolar distance, gingival margin 0.8* 1.48 1.5 1.5 0.6 1.14 1.2 0 NS
Intermolar distance, mesiobuccal cusp tips 0.8 1.7 1.5 0 0.4 1.33 1.1 0.4 NS
Intercanine distance, gingival margin 1.2z 1.19 1.8 0.6 1.4* 1.54 2.4 0.3 NS
Intercanine distance, buccal cusp tips 0.4 1.67 0.4 1.3 0.2 1.09 0.5 0.9 NS
Intermolar distance, gingival margin 0.2 0.92 0.7 0.2 1y 1.15 1.6 0.4 B.A*
Intermolar distance, mesiobuccal cusp tips 0.5 1.2 1.04 0 1.3y 1.16 1.9 0.6 NS
Intercanine distance, gingival margin 1y 1.1 1.6 0.4 1.8* 1.4 2.8 0.9 NS
Intercanine distance, buccal cusp tips 0.1 1.29 0.6 0.8 0.7 1.35 1.6 0.2 NS
Overjet 0.4 1 0 0.9 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.7 NS
Overbite 0.5 1.18 0 1.1 0.5 1.1 0.1 1.1 NS
Arch length quadrant 1 0.6 1.19 1.2 0.1 0.8 2.15 2 0.4 NS
Arch length quadrant 2 0.1 1.28 0.7 0.5 0.3 1.04 0.9 0.3 NS
Arch length quadrant 3 1.2 1.62 1.9 0.4 1.7 1.42 2.5 1 NS
Arch length quadrant 4 1.2 1.32 1.8 0.6 1.5 1.13 2.1 0.9 NS
*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001; NS, not significant (ANOVA).

time during periods of growth and tooth eruption. This findings by Bjerklin22 that the maxillary width of the
was also found in the normal group. treated crossbite patients never reached the same width
Despite several studies of crossbite correction23-25 in as the normal control subjects. On the other hand, we
recent years, to date only 1 compared the long-term ef- found no differences in the success rates between the
fects of the quad-helix appliance and the expansion plate treatment groups, whereas Bjerklin reported that treat-
in the mixed dentition.22 Our study confirmed earlier ment with the expansion plate was somewhat more stable.

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Table V. Differences in intermolar distance, intercanine distance, overjet, overbite, and arch length (mm) within and
between groups
Quad-helix (A) 95% CI Expansion plate (B) 95% CI Normal group 95% CI
n 5 20 for mean n 5 15 for mean n 5 20 for mean

Difference records T2-T0 Mean SD Lower Upper Mean SD Lower Upper Mean SD Lower Upper difference
Intermolar distance, 2.8z 1.71 2 3.6 2.6z 1.19 1.9 3.3 2z 1.66 1.2 2.8 NS
gingival margin
Intermolar distance, 3.4z 1.38 2.7 4 3.5z 1.19 2.8 4.1 1.9z 1.58 1.2 2.6 A,B.Cy
mesiobuccal cusp tips
Intercanine distance, 0.2 1.88 0.7 1.1 0.6 2.25 0.8 2.1 0.2 2.12 1.2 0.8 NS
gingival margin
Intercanine distance, buccal 3.2z 2.28 2.1 4.3 2.5z 1.68 1.5 3.5 1.6y 2.38 0.5 2.7 NS
cusp tips
Intermolar distance, 0.6* 1 1.1 0.1 0.6 1.2 1.2 0 0.5* 1.03 0 1 C.A,By
gingival margin
Intermolar distance, 0.6 1.33 1.2 0 0.1 1.2 0.8 0.6 0 1.32 0.6 0.7 NS
mesiobuccal cusp tips
Intercanine distance, 1y 1.16 1.6 0.4 1.3y 1.19 2 0.5 1.6z 1.16 2.1 1.1 NS
gingival margin
Intercanine distance, buccal 0.7 1.6 1.5 0.2 0.4 1.12 1.1 0.2 0.4 1.64 1.1 0.4 NS
cusp tips
Overjet 0.4 1.41 0.3 1 0.2 1.27 0.9 0.5 0.6 2.16 1.6 0.5 NS
Overbite 0.7 1.38 0 1.3 1.1 1.16 0.4 1.7 0.8 1.34 0.1 1.4 NS
Arch length quadrant 1 0.2 1.7 1 0.6 0.2 1.5 1.1 0.6 0.7 2.29 0.3 1.8 NS
Arch length quadrant 2 0 2.03 1 0.9 0.7 1.42 0.1 1.5 0.1 1.68 0.9 0.7 NS
Arch length quadrant 3 1.9 1.62 2.6 1.1 1.4 1.5 2.2 0.5 1.4 1.49 2.1 0.7 NS
Arch length quadrant 4 1.5 1.89 2.4 0.6 1.7 1.13 2.3 1.1 1.3 1.57 2 0.5 NS
*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001; NS, not significant (ANOVA).

In a recent study, McNamara et al33 reported that This study was preceded by a power analysis to
rapid maxillary expansion has a favorable effect on the achieve a valid sample size. This ensured that the data
occlusal relationship. This referred to measurements of were not biased by loss of data. The power analysis
molar relationships on cephalometric tracings; however, was also used to achieve a sufficient sample size and,
overjet and overbite showed no differences between the considering ethical aspects, not to incorporate more pa-
treated patients and the controls. Thus, these findings tients than necessary in the study. Moreover, to reduce
agreed with our results in this study, since the effect of the risk of bias, measurement of the study models was
crossbite correction on overjet and overbite in our study blinded; the examiner was unaware of the patients’
were small and of minor clinical significance. groups. Thus, the design and methodology ensured
This follow-up study originated from a prospective good external validity of the results.
RCT. An RCT design has several advantages. The ran- It is claimed that rapid maxillary expansion increases
domization process diminishes the risk of error from dental space in the jaws.18,34 We found no increase in
such factors as selection bias, the clinician’s preferred maxillary arch length in the treatment groups. Thus,
treatment method, and the differences in the skills of the study does not support the assumption that
the general practitioners with respect to the various crossbite correction by quad-helix or expansion-plate
treatment methods. Furthermore, random allocation treatment will increase the available tooth space.
of subjects reduces bias and confounding variables This study concerned slow maxillary expansion. A fu-
by ensuring that both known and unknown determi- ture study approach on evaluation of slow vs rapid
nants of outcome are evenly distributed among the expansion would be of great interest and is underway.
subjects. The prospective design also ensures that the In this study, former crossbite patients were com-
baseline characteristics, treatment progression, and pared with normal control subjects. Ideally, the study
side effects can be strictly controlled and accurately should have included an untreated control group of sub-
observed. jects with posterior crossbites to evaluate the potential

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2011  Vol 139  Issue 1
e80 Petren, Bjerklin, and Bondemark

Table VI. Mean values and standard deviations (mm) of the 3 groups at T2
Quad-helix (A) 95% CI Expansion plate (B) 95% CI Normal group (C) 95% CI
n 5 20 for mean n 5 15 for mean n 5 20 for mean

Records at T2 Mean SD Lower Upper Mean SD Lower Upper Mean SD Lower Upper difference
Intermolar distance, 32.5 2.67 31.2 33.7 32.5 2.2 31.3 33.7 35.6 2.6 34.4 36.8 C.Az;C.By
gingival margin
Intermolar distance, 50.5 2.89 49.1 51.8 50.1 2.61 48.7 51.6 52.5 2.23 51.4 53.5 C.A,B*
mesiobuccal cusp tips
Intercanine distance, 23 1.83 22.1 23.9 23.5 2.12 22.1 24.8 24.8 2.02 23.8 25.7 C.A*
gingival margin
Intercanine distance, 32.5 2.52 31.3 33.7 32.7 1.65 31.7 33.7 34.2 1.99 33.2 35 C.A*
buccal cusp tips
Intermolar distance, 32.8 2.72 31.6 34.1 32.6 2.5 31.2 34 33.6 2.02 32.7 34.6 NS
gingival margin
Intermolar distance, 45 3.17 43.5 46.4 45.1 2.79 43.6 46.6 45 2.69 43.7 46.2 NS
mesiobuccal cusp tips
Intercanine distance, 19.6 1.77 18.7 20.5 19.2 1.86 18.1 20.3 19.4 1.27 18.8 20 NS
gingival margin
Intercanine distance, 25.3 2.21 24.1 26.4 25.8 1.42 24.9 26.6 26.4 1.65 25.7 27.3 NS
buccal cusp tips
Overjet 3.3 1.21 2.7 3.8 3 0.98 2.5 3.5 3.5 1.6 2.7 4.2 NS
Overbite 3.1 1.3 2.5 3.7 3.1 1.45 2.3 3.9 3.1 1.6 2.4 3.9 NS
Arch length quadrant 1 36.8 1.8 35.9 37.6 36.8 1.6 35.9 37.7 38.8 1.63 38 39.5 C.Az;C.By
Arch length quadrant 2 37.3 1.95 36.3 38.2 37.4 1.91 36.3 38.4 38.5 1.85 37.6 39.3 NS
Arch length quadrant 3 33.3 1.8 32.5 34.2 33.6 1.69 32.7 34.5 33.9 1.37 33.3 34.6 NS
Arch length quadrant 4 32.9 1.63 32.1 33.6 33.6 1.55 32.7 34.4 34.4 1.58 33.6 35.1 C.A*
*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001; NS, not significant (ANOVA).

impact of the condition on long-term growth. However, 3. There was no clinically significant correlation be-
postponement of a needed intervention for 4 years is tween maxillary expansion and changes in overbite,
ethically unacceptable. overjet, or arch length.
In our opinion, the follow-up period of 3 years was 4. Maxillary expansion might enhance midline
adequate for long-term conclusions, because, at T2, correction, but the long-term effects are unpre-
a complete permanent dentition was established in al- dictable.
most all subjects. On the other hand, these promising re-
sults raise further questions. Having established that the We thank the staff of the public dental clinics of Oxie
2 treatment strategies are equally effective with respect and Trelleborg, Sweden, for their valuable assistance
to clinical outcomes, other aspects now warrant investi- with the clinical procedures.
gation. A comparative study of the cost-effectiveness of
the 2 methods is currently in progress. REFERENCES

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2011  Vol 139  Issue 1

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