Definition of Terms

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Definition of Terms

For better understanding, the following terms are

defined in this study.

Internet Addiction -is defined as any online-related,

compulsive behavior which interferes with normal living and

causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones, and one's

work environment. Internet addiction has been

called Internet dependency and Internet compulsivity.


In this study, “internet addiction” refers to the 20-

item internet addiction test that represents the frequency of

behavior of students towards internet dependency and

compulsivity. The level of internet addiction will be rated

as normal (1.00 - 1.79), mild (1.80 - 2.59), moderate (2.60

- 3.39), problematic (3.40 - 4.19) and significantly

problematic (4.20 – 5.00).

Academic Performance represents performance outcomes

that indicate the extent to which a person has accomplished

specific goals that were the focus of activities in

instructional environments, specifically in school, college,

and university (Oxford Bibliographies).

In this study “academic performance” refers to the

second quarter general average of Grade 9 students of

Concepcion Castro Garcia National High School as of S.Y. 2017-

2018. The general average was grouped into 5; 1 for (below

75), 2 for (75-79), 3 for (80-84), 4 for (85-89) and 5 for


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