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Persepolis Name ______________________________

Study Guide 4 (pp. 103-153) Honors World Literature

Directions: Answer on a separate sheet of paper. If you can, type your responses, leaving space for additional
notes between each answer. Some responses require more thought; others do not. Be sure to distinguish

“The Wine”
73. What changes have resulted from the new Islamic regime? Identify at least two types of restrictions or
changes that affect Marji’s life at home.
74. Identify two specific ways in which Marji’s family copes with the restrictions that the war has brought.
75. Examine panel 2 on page 106. According to Scott McCloud, what type of panel is this?
76. How do panels 6 and 7 on page 106 illustrate Marji’s age?

“The Cigarette”
77. Explain the conflict between Marji and her mother. With whom do you agree and why?
78. Explain the parallelism in panels 6 and 9 on page 113. In other words, how are they similar and what
does this similarity show?
79. What political criticism(s) does Satrapi make on pages 115-117?
80. What connection does Marji see between the Islamic regime and her mother? Why? What does this
show about her character?
81. Complete the following: According to Satrapi, the Islamic regime used the war against Iraq to...

“The Passport”
82. Explain the irony in panel 5, page 119.
83. In what ways did Iranians gain influence or have power under the new Islamic regime? Consider the
example of the window-washer.
84. How have Iranians like Khosro and Niloufar fought against the regime? What ends up happening to

“Kim Wilde”
85. One of the consequences of tighter restrictions was a growing underground “black market.” Describe
what this “black market” was. Can you think of a similar phenomenon in your own experience?
86. Who are the Guardians of the Revolution?
87. As Marji ages, the innocence that was so prevalent in the beginning of the book slowly gives way to a
growing disillusionment and teenage rebellion. Yet Marji still maintains her sense of humor. Find an
example of such humor. What purpose do you think humor plays in the story?

“The Shabbat”
88. What new weapon does Iraq use against Iran, and how does this affect Marji’s life?
89. Why didn’t Marji’s family flee Tehran?
90. What do you think of the last two panels on page 142?

“The Dowry”
91. How did the death of the Baba-Levys change Marji’s outlook on life and her behavior? Why?
92. What do you think finally led Marji’s parents to the decision to send their daughter to Austria?
93. Why were young boys forbidden to leave the country when they turned 13 years old?
94. How do you feel at the end of the story? What questions do you have?

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