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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan


Science 3

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
a) Identify the kinds of weather
b) Weather can affects our daily life

II. Subject Matter

a) Topic : Kinds of Weather
b) Reference : Science 3 Learners Materials
c) Materials : Pictures, Manila paper

III. Procedure
 Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Review
 Do you still remember what was your teacher taught you yesterday?
 Motivation
 The teacher will let the students go outside and observe the weather.
 Presentation
 The teacher will collect some ideas from the students about the topic. Then the
teacher will explain the topic.

Weather- is the daily state of the atmosphere, or air, in any given place.

There are Five Kinds of Weather:

 Sunny Weather- the sun is hot and bright.
 Cloudy Weather- there are plenty of clouds in the sky
 Windy Weather- the sun is shining brightly but the wind is strong.
 Rainy Weather- rains are more frequent and there are less sunny days.
 Stormy Weather- heavy rains and strong winds.

 Generalization
 The teacher will ask the students what are the fives kinds of weather.
 If there is a stormy weather what will you do?

 Application
 Write check to the right of the picture that will match every weather.




IV. Evaluation
 Fill in the blank.
1. There are plenty of clouds in the sky.
2. Are more frequent and there are less sunny days.
3. Heavy rains and strong wind.
4. This is hot and bright.
5. The sun shining brightly but the wind is strong.

V. Assignment
 Draw at least 3 kinds of weather.

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