The Elves and The Young Stu Baker: Characters

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The Elves and the Young Stu Baker

1.Narrator 1- Aayushi
2. Narrator 2 – Tiana
3.Stu Baker. – Aanya
4.Stu's Mom – Meher
5. Elf – Hriday
6. Elf 2- Samaira

Vocabulary words learnt:

1. Muddle –To create a mess
2. Scythed – To mow/cut
3. Astounded –Surprised/shocked
4. Complied –To agree
5. Facile – Very easy

Narrator 1: The clock in Stu's bedroom was 18 minutes fast. He knew this,
but hedid not feel like re-setting it. He was very lazy.
Narrator 2: Whenever Stu halfway finished a toothpaste tube, he simply
threw it away and asked his parents to buy a new one. Rolling
up toothpaste tubes took effort. Stu was a very lazy boy.
Stu's Mom: Stu. I would like you to mow the lawn. You promised to do
that today. Stu, I don't believe that you haven’t done the chore
in months.
Narrator 1: The Lawn was overgrown. The grass was nearly knee-high.
Stu Baker: What a muddle. I can’t mow the lawn. It will take all afternoon
andI won't have any time to play or have fun. I wish the lawn
would just mowitself. In fact, I think I'll go play at Jeff's house
for one hour. Who knows? When I come back maybe the lawn
will be scythed.
Narrator 2: Stu went to play at Jeff's house. Meanwhile, an elfdressed in
green appeared out of nowhere. They turned on the lawn
mower and set to work.
Elf: (singing while they mow) Ho, ho, ho, hey, hey, hey!
I will mow Stu's lawn today.
Shoo-be-doo, shack-a-lack!
One day soon he'll pay me back.
Elf 2: He will pay us back in a way even he might not have
imagined. Haha.
Narrator 1: After one hour, when Stu came back, he was astounded.
Stu Baker: I can't believe it! Someone really mowed the lawn while I was
gone. I wonderwho it could be?
Narrator 2: The next day, Stu's mother asked him to clean up after the cat.
Stu's Mom: When we got Mitten, the kitten, you promised you would help
care of her. I always end up having to empty her litterbox. You
had complied to these rules..
Narrator 1: Stu did not like work of any kind. Cleaning up after Mitten
was one ofhis least favorite tasks.
Stu Baker: Yuck. I don't want to clean up after Mittens. It will take all
evening and I won’thave any time to play or have fun. I think
I'll go to the other side of the basement for one hour. When I
come back, maybe the litter box will have cleaned itself.Who
knows? It happened last time.
Narrator 2: Stu went off and played video games. Once again, the
elfappeared and cleaned up the litterbox.
Elf: (singing while they clean) Click, clack, clank, rat-a-tat!
I'll clean up after Stu's cat
Shish, bang, boom, boog-a-loo
For me, he'll do a favor, too
Elf 2 : Soon it’s going to be time for him to repay. He will surely
learn his lesson! I’ll make sure he does.
Narrator 1: After one hour, when Stu returned, he was even more stunned
than before.
Stu Baker: Oh, my! It happened again. This is great. This means I can
have fun all the timeand someone else can do all the work. I
wonder who is doing this
Stu's Mom: I am so proud of you, Stu. Come upstairs, I baked some fresh
brownies and I'll give you one.
Narrator 2: Two days later. Stu’s parents asked him to clean his room but
Stu did not like any of these tasks..
Stu Baker: What a disaster! I can't clean up this room. It will take hours or
even days..
Narrator 1: Instead of cleaning his room, Stu decided to hide in the closet.
He waited for whoever cleaned up the last time to show up
once again.Presently, the elf appeared. Stu could not believe
his eyes!
Elf: What a mess! This is the worst job Stu has given me yet. I
don't think I can do this chore. It is too much work. I am just
going home.
Elf 2: He can never clean his room by himself. I am so done with
this. This is just unfair.
Narrator 2: Stu stepped out from the closet where he had been hiding. He
begged the elf to stay.
Stu Baker: Please, please, clean up my room. You did such a good job
with the lawnand the litterbox. My parents were so proud of
Elf: Okay, I'll clean your room.But you are going to have to do me
a favor in return.
Elf 2: You not only will do him the favor but also me!
Narrator 1: The elf made Stu's bed, put away his toys, and picked up his
Elf: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, right, right!
I’m cleaning up Stu's room tonight.
Biddly-boo, badly-badly-boo!
Stu's turn to clean is tomorrow.
Elf 2: Can’t wait for the time when he will have to clean all of this
away. Ha-ha ho-ho.
Narrator 2: When the elf finished, he explained the deal to Stu. The next
dayhe would need to come to his house. He gave him his
address at 123 Candy Lane.
Stu: (muttering to himself) I got the better part of this deal. I'm very
messy andvery lazy. They are hardworking elves. I'll bet their
house is already very neat.Mowing it will be facile.
Narrator 1: The next day, Stu rode his bike to 123 Candy Cane Lane. He
wasshocked. The elf's yard was huge and overgrown. Inside,
the house was in shambles. There were pots and pans
everywhere. What a disaster! Stu couldn't believe it.
Stu Baker: (singing as he worked)Boogly, boogly, boo. Biddly, biddly,
bit! This house looks like a tornado hit. Eeny Eeny, meenie,
mine. Oony, noony, yours! Next time I'll do my own chores.

Narrator 2: Forever after, Stu did do his own chores. He found that he
preferred to clean up his own mess. The elves continued to
clean other people's homes. In exchange, those people agreed
to clean the house at 123 Candy Cane Lane. People were
always shocked to learn that the tiny elves could be so messy.

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