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Flight Centre

This document was updated 1 July 2019 based on wage related increases and penalty rate reductions:
Figure 13.1.1; Figure 13.9.1; Clause 13.10; Figure 13.12.1; Schedule A and B.

Please note: Student Flights will be referred to as Universal Traveller effective 1 August 2019. Coverage and all other terms
and conditions remain unchanged and in line with all clauses of this Agreement.
Inside this
1 Who does this Agreement cover?  3 22 What happens if I find myself in a Domestic or
Family Violence Situation?  43
2 When does the Agreement operate?  3
23 What happens if the store cannot open due to a
3 Where do Awards, the National Employment
natural disaster or weather event?  44
Standards and Policies fit in?  3
24 Can I take some time to volunteer for
4 Is there any flexibility in how the Agreement applies
my community?  44
to me?  4
25 Do I get long service leave?  45
5 The Dictionary  5
26 How can I take community service leave  46
6 What is my Role?  10
27 Can I take a Career Break or Sabbatical?  46
7 What kind of qualifications will I be completing?  15
28 What does this Agreement mean in relation to any
8 What types of employment are there?  18
performance, conduct issues or grievances that I have?
9 What are my hours of work?  18  48
10 What roster will I work?  21 29 If there are major changes at work that will have a
significant effect on me or my employment, when will
11 What breaks do I get?  23
I be consulted about those?  51
12 Do I work on public holidays?  24
30 What happens if my employment contract
13 How will I be paid?  27 is terminated?  53
14 What are my superannuation benefits?  36 31 What if my role is made redundant?  54
15 What types of leave am I entitled to?  38 32 Does the Company provide flexible
16 How does my annual leave work?  38 working options?  56

17 What is Relaxation/Travellers Leave?  40 33 What extra benefits do I get that will support my
personal wellbeing?  58
18 What personal/carer’s leave do I get?  41
34 Signing Page  59
19 What is Compassionate/Bereavement Leave?  42
Schedule A  65
20 How is all of my leave paid?  42
Schedule B  73
21 Am I eligible for Parental Leave if I or my partner is
having a baby or we are adopting a child?  43


My Agreement

1 Who does this Agreement cover?

You will be covered by this Agreement if you:
(a) are employed by the Company in either the Flight Centre or Student Flight
brands; and
(b) work in one of the following roles:
(i) You are completing your Certificate III or IV through Flight Centre
Accredited Training as a:
(A) Flight Centre Travel 1st or 2nd Year Consultant; or
(B) Student Flights trainee Consultant
(ii) You are a Travel Consultant within the store network with Flight Centre
brand or Students Flights including Consultant and Senior Consultant
(iii) You are a Travel Consultant with Flight Centre Business Travel (this
does not include Consultants within The Contact Centre or Business
Development Managers within Flight Centre Business Travel whose
main role is to procurement business accounts for business travel)
(iv) You are an Assistant Team Leader, Team Leader or Senior Team Leader
within Flight Centre brand or Student Flights within the store network
(v) You are a Home/Remote User
(vi) You meet the classifications contained within this agreement, within
the brands of Flight Centre and Student Flights, however may have a
different title.
The Company is also covered by the agreement as are the Australian Services Union
should they elect to be covered.

2 When does the Agreement operate?

The Agreement commences operation 7 days after approval by the FWC and has
a nominal expiry date of 12 October 2022. To the extent lawfully available it will be
administratively applied from the date of a successful vote until the date it commences
operation or an application to the FWC for approval is dismissed.

3 Where do Awards, the National Employment Standards

and Policies fit in?
The Agreement excludes the operation of the Retail Award, the Miscellaneous Award
and any other award (including a modern award) which would otherwise apply.


The Agreement will not operate to exclude any provision of the National Employment
Standards (NES).  Where there is an inconsistency between this agreement and the NES,
and the NES provides a greater benefit, the NES provision will apply to the extent of
the inconsistency.

My Agreement

We may refer to specific policies in the Agreement. If we do, any reference is to the
relevant policy as amended, replaced (or removed) from time to time. No reference in
this Agreement to any policy incorporates that policy into the Agreement.

4 Is there any flexibility in how the Agreement applies to me?

4.1 What if some of the provisions in this Agreement don’t work for me individually?
We understand that not all of the provisions of the Agreement will suit you and the way you like to
work. For this reason, we have nominated some of the provisions of the Agreement which can be
changed, to suit your needs, through an agreement with us called a ‘Flexibility Agreement’.

4.2 How can I change the provisions?

You can make a request to the Company to change the relevant provisions. After a
discussion with you, should both parties reach a genuine agreement about the changed
provision, this will be captured in a Flexibility Agreement.
However, any Flexibility Agreement that we make must:
• result in you being better off overall for having entered into it;
• be about topics that are ‘permitted matters’ if the Flexibility Agreement was an
enterprise agreement; and
• not include any clauses that would make them an ‘unlawful term’ if the Flexibility
Agreement were an enterprise agreement.

4.3 What provisions can I change?

Our Agreement can be flexible to suit your needs. We can agree to change the following
terms of the Agreement to apply to you, so long as the change will result in you being
better off overall than if we didn’t agree to change those terms:
(a) Terms which relate to rosters and arrangements for when your work is performed
(b) Terms in relation to your breaks

4.4 What needs to go in the Flexibility Agreement?

The Flexibility Agreement needs to be in writing and has to contain the following details:
(a) your name and our name;
(b) the terms of the Agreement that we have agreed to change
(c) details of how we have agreed to change those terms
(d) details of how you will be better off overall as a result of us changing the terms
(e) the date the Flexibility Agreement starts to operate; and
(f) your signature and ours
(g) We will provide you with a copy of any Flexibility Agreement within 14 days of
being made.

My Agreement

4.5 What if the Flexibility Agreement is no longer working for me?

If you decide that the Flexibility Agreement is no longer working for you, and you want to go back to the provisions
in the Agreement as they are, you can end the Flexibility Agreement by providing the Company with 28 days’
notice in writing. The Company can also end the Flexibility Agreement by providing you with 28 days’ notice in
writing. If agreed by both parties, the Flexibility Agreement can end earlier than 28 days’ time.

5 The Dictionary

Acceptable Transfer Acceptable Transfer is the monthly commission transfer amount that would be
considered as acceptable performance based on your skills, experience, monthly
roster and days worked within that roster. This Acceptable Transfer amount
may be adjusted from time to time by a Team Leader, Area Manager or another
Appropriate Manager within the Company based on individual circumstances
following discussion between the parties.

Agreement Flight Centre Enterprise Agreement 2018.

Base Your Base is your gross base salary (including the value of any salary sacrificed
benefits) for working 38 hours per week on a weekday roster (or pro-rata for part
time employees) and excludes commissions, incentives, bonuses and any other
amounts you may earn under our Remuneration Schemes and Superannuation.
Your Base is based on your role – as set out in clause 6.1.

Company Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd.

Continuous Service Your unbroken period of employment with the Company including:
• If your employment is terminated and you then recommence employment
with the business within 3 months of the date of the initial termination. The
period not worked will not count as service; and
• any period required by the Fair Work Act to be recognised as continuous service
but not including the following, which will not count as service but do not
break service:
• any period of unauthorised absence;
• any period of unpaid leave or unpaid authorised absence which is greater than
10 working days, excluding any absence on unpaid parental leave;
• in relation to redundancy, any period of service with us for which you have
already received a redundancy payment (ie, no double dipping); or
• any other period which does not count as service under the Fair Work Act.

1st Year Consultant A new Employee undergoing a Certificate III through the Company.

My Agreement


2nd Year Consultant An Employee who has completed their Certificate III and has commenced
Certificate IV through the Company.

Consultant A new Employee to the Company who may be on a visa or who has previously
worked for the Company as a Consultant for less than 12 months and does not
have any applicable qualifications.

Domestic and Family Violent, threatening or other abuse behaviour by a person that coerces or controls
Violence a member of the person’s family (including current and former partners), or causes
the family member to be fearful, whenever and wherever the violence occurs.

Employee An employee engaged by the Company who is covered by this Agreement.

Fair Work Act Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), as amended or replaced from time to time.

FWC Fair Work Commission.

Guaranteed Earnings This is the amount that we guarantee you will earn for the work performed
based on your roster and incorporates your Base and Penalty Payments, as set
out in clause 13.3 of this Agreement. This Agreement is underpinned by, and
wages are above, the General Retail Award 2010. In addition, with the Company’s
Remuneration schemes you will normally have the opportunity to earn more than
your Guaranteed Earnings.
Schedule A sets out the minimum expectations of your transfer and of your
performance that we require of you as part of your role, based on your
Guaranteed Earnings.

Immediate Family Your spouse (which includes a former spouse, a de facto spouse, former de facto
Member spouse, same sex partner who lives with you as your de facto partner or former
same sex partner who you lived with as a de facto), you or your spouse’s child
(which includes an adopted child, step child, foster child, ex nuptial child), parent,
grandparent, grandchild or sibling or your spouse’s parent, grandparent, grandchild
or sibling.

Minimum Transfer Minimum Transfer is the minimum monthly commission transfer that you are
required to achieve based on your monthly roster and the days worked within that
roster as per the Guaranteed Earnings.

Miscellaneous Award The Miscellaneous Award is referred to in context of Trainee Rates only.

My Agreement


Natural Disaster A Natural Disaster or Weather Event that has serious impact to the community
in which a Flight Centre or Students Flights Store is located and where it would
either prove dangerous to Employees to attend this location for the purposes of
performing their normal duties or where a state of Natural Disaster has been
declared by the relevant authorities.

Penalty Payments In addition to your Base, Penalty Payments are a component of your Guaranteed
Earnings. Penalty Payments are made up of your applicable penalties and
entitlements under the Retail Award based on the roster you have worked for
the week including payment for 2 reasonable additional hours each week at Retail
Award overtime rates (based on a 40 hour roster). Further information on the
breakdown of Penalty Payments is set out in clause 13.5 of this Agreement.

Redeployment This is the process by which we will work with you to explore opportunities for
you to move to other roles across the Company if your role is Redundant.

Redundant/ This means we no longer require the work you do in your role (or most of the
Redundancy work that you do) to be done by anyone within a reasonable commuting distance
as a result of a re-organisation, changed business practice, technological change or a
business downturn.

Remuneration These are schemes conducted by us which help you increase your remuneration
Schemes and receive benefits. We may make changes to, or withdraw, these schemes from
time to time as long as there is no reduction to Guaranteed Earnings. As at the
date of this Agreement, Remuneration Schemes include:
(a) Incentives - payments for your achievement against targets set by the Company in
accordance with any applicable policy as varied from time to time;
(b) Bonuses;
(c) Profit sharing; and
(d) Commission.

Retail Award Unless otherwise specified in a particular clause, the General Retail Industry Award
2010 as amended or replaced from time to time.

Senior Consultant An Employee who has been with the Company more than 2 years as of the date
of this Agreement or an Employee who has completed a Certificate III and a
Certificate IV with the Company or who has attained relevant qualifications in
travel and tourism which are accepted by the Company as comparable.

Spouse Includes a former spouse, a de facto spouse, former de facto spouse, same sex
partner who lives with you as your de facto partner or former same sex partner
who lived with you as your de facto partner.

My Agreement


Statutory Minimum The minimum superannuation contributions which the Company must make per
Contributions quarter on your behalf so the Company is not liable to pay a charge under the
Superannuation Guarantee Legislation.

Suitable Alternative A role that:

• has at least the same Guaranteed Earnings as your existing role based on the
roster worked;
• is at the same location, or a location within a reasonable commuting distance
as your existing role;
• has duties that are reasonable having taken into account your skills and abilities.

Superannuation The Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) and the
Guarantee Legislation Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992 (Cth).

Team Member An Employee engaged by the Company who is covered by this Agreement.

Union Australian Services Union.

us or we Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd (Flight Centre and Student Flight brands only) or
Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd (as a whole).

you An Employee engaged by the Company who is covered by this Agreement.

Note: Terms that have the same meaning in clause 5, The Dictionary, may be used interchangeably throughout this Agreement.


My Role

6 What is my Role?

6.1 What is my title?

In some circumstances Flight Centre and Student Flights Team Members wish to vary
their titles slightly to suit either their own or their customer’s needs. Because of this,
there are various job titles to describe the same role, however for the purposes of
this Agreement, any title or role whose primary purpose is to sell travel and travel
experiences to customers for either Flight Centre brands or Student Flights will be
known as either:
• 1st Year Consultant
• 2nd Year Consultant
• Consultant
• Senior Consultant
• Assistant Team Leader
• Team Leader
• Senior Team Leader
• Home/Remote User

General descriptions are provided for below.

6.2 What are my main duties?

The descriptions below provide an indicative general description of the roles covered by
this Agreement. Each role described should be used by Consultants and Leaders to guide
and understand the skills and expectations of those Employees performing these roles
within their teams.


A 1st Year Consultant has commenced with the Company and is undergoing a relevant
Certificate III through the Flight Centre Accredited Training. The position is customer
focused and sales oriented and involves working towards targets. A 1st Year Consultant
can often work with coaching and guidance from other Consultants or Leaders within
the store. They are working to build relationships with customers in order to build
a strong customer database and understand customer needs, while also gaining a
greater knowledge of Flight Centre brand or Student Flights operations, products and
systems. A 1st year Consultant has a keen interest in travelling and may have personal
exposure or experience in travel. A 1st Year Consultant is required to attend training
and complete relevant Traineeship modules which may include help and guidance from
The Peopleworks Team, Leadership team, Store team, Product team, Support Team
and Flight Centre Accredited Training whilst also gaining greater practical experience
in a store environment and being a self-directed learner. A 1st Year Consultant may be
required to support other 1st Year Consultants in a store environment.

My Role


A 2nd Year Consultant has completed the relevant Certificate III as determined by Flight
Centre Accredited Training and is undergoing a relevant Certificate IV through Flight Centre
Accredited Training. The position is customer focused and sales oriented and involves working
towards targets. A 2nd Year Consultant has a sound knowledge of the Company’s operations,
as well as a sound understanding of store operations within Flight Centre brand or Student
Flights. A 2nd Year Consultant has built relationships with customers and has started to build
a repeat customer database due to these relationships. A 2nd Year Consultant has sound
product knowledge and may have had some travel exposure and experiences personally and/
or through Flight Centre. A 2nd Year Consultant is required to complete relevant Certificate
IV qualifications which may include help and guidance from The Peopleworks Team,
Leadership team, Store team, Product team, Support Team and Flight Centre Accredited
Training. A 2nd Year Consultant is a self-directed learner and will continue to gain greater
practical experience in a store environment. A 2nd Year Consultant may be required to
support other 1st and 2nd Year Consultants within a store environment.

Consultant can be defined as one of the following:

Consultant A is either a new Consultant or entry level Consultant within the Company
who may have some experience within the travel or sales industry, is not an Australian
passport holder or Australian permanent resident and is working under an appropriate visa
and or immigration guidelines. Consultant A has a keen interest in travelling and may have
personal exposure or experience in travel. Consultant A may be undergoing a relevant
Certificate III through Flight Centre Accredited Training. Consultant A can often work with
coaching and guidance from other Consultants or Leaders within the store. The position is
customer focused and sales oriented and involves working towards targets. Consultant A is
working to build relationships with customers in order to build a strong customer database
and understand customer needs, while also gaining a greater knowledge of Flight Centre
brand or Student Flights operations, products and systems. Consultant A is required to
attend training and complete relevant traineeship modules which may include help and
guidance from The Peopleworks Team, Leadership team, Store team, Product team,
Support Team and Flight Centre Accredited Training whilst also gaining greater practical
experience in a store environment and being a self-directed learner. Consultant A may be
required to support other 1st Year Consultants or Consultant’s in a store environment.

Consultant B is a Consultant who has the same or similar industry experience for a
minimum 12 month period or has previously worked for us for a period of more than
3 months and less than 12 months. They have a keen interest in travelling and may have
personal exposure or experience in travel. Consultant B may be undergoing a relevant
Certificate through Flight Centre Accredited Training. Consultant B can often work with
coaching and guidance from other Consultants or Leaders within the store. The position is
customer focused and sales oriented and involves working towards targets. Consultant B is
working to build relationships with customers in order to build a strong customer database
and understand customer needs, while also gaining a greater knowledge of Flight Centre
brand or Student Flights Operations, products and systems. Consultant B is required to
attend training and complete relevant Traineeship modules which may include help and
guidance from The Peopleworks Team, Leadership team, Store team, Product team and

My Role

Flight Centre Accredited Training whilst also gaining greater practical experience in a store
environment and to be a self-directed learner. Consultant B may be required to support
other 1st Year Consultants or Consultants in a store environment. Consultant B will stay in
this category until 12 months has been completed within Flight Centre and / or applicable
accredited qualifications have been achieved.

A Senior Consultant has completed a Certificate III and Certificate IV through Flight
Centre Accredited Training or has gained qualifications prior to commencing employment
at the Company, or has worked for us previously for a period of longer than 12 months.
The position is customer and sales oriented and involves working towards targets.
A Senior Consultant has a sound knowledge of the Company’s operations, as well as a
sound understanding of store operations within Flight Centre brand or Student Flights. A
Senior Consultant has built relationships with customers and has a high repeat customer
database due to these relationships. A Senior Consultant has sound product knowledge
and may have had some travel exposure and experiences personally and/or through
Flight Centre. A Senior Consultant is a self-directed learner and will continue to gain
greater practical experience in a store environment and may be required to support
other Consultants and Leaders within a store environment. A Senior Consultant may be
expected to coach or support other Team Members within the store.


An Assistant Team Leader has been appointed into a leadership role by their Team Leader
and or Area Manager or other relevant senior leader. An Assistant Team Leader may have
completed a Certificate III and Certificate IV through Flight Centre Accredited Training, has
gained these or other comparable qualifications prior to commencing employment at the
Company or will be covered under clause 6.4 as at the date the Agreement commences
operation. The position is customer focused and sales oriented and involves working
towards targets. The Assistant Team Leader will continue in their role as a Sales Consultant,
delivering amazing travel experiences to their existing customer databases. They will
continue to grow their own and the store database and are self-directed learners who build
on their product and system knowledge. They may have had some travel exposure and
experiences personally and/or through Flight Centre. Additional responsibilities will include:
Developing your leadership capabilities as an Assistant Team Leader, working closely with
the Team Leader to develop staff and grow the business, effectively running all aspects of
the business in the absence of the Team Leader and developing and training Consultants.

A Team Leader has been appointed into a leadership role by their Area Manager, General
Manager or other relevant senior leader. A Team Leader has completed a Certificate
III and Certificate IV through Flight Centre Accredited Training or has gained these
qualifications prior to commencing employment at the Company. A Team Leader is
required to attend and complete all Team Leader training.
A Team Leader is responsible for building customer portfolios, growing sales and
profitability of the store, staff development, succession planning and leadership using the
Company’s business systems. It is a people, customer and sales oriented role and involves
working towards targets. They will continue in their role as a Sales Consultant, delivering
amazing travel experiences to their existing customer databases. They will continue to
grow their database and are self-directed learners who continually build on their product
and system knowledge. They may have had some travel exposure and experiences
personally and/or through the Company.

My Role


A Senior Team Leader has been appointed into a senior leadership role by their Area
Manager, General Manager or other relevant senior leader. A Senior Team Leader has
completed a Certificate III and Certificate IV through Flight Centre Accredited Training
or has gained these qualifications prior to commencing employment at the Company.
A Senior Team Leader assumes the same duties and responsibilities as above for Team
Leader, in addition to other responsibilities to ensure their current store plus 2-3
additional stores (or teams in a large mega store) function well and grow in key KPIs. The
Senior Team Leader role is to develop the business acumen and knowledge of their Team
Leaders to run profitable businesses based on the One Best Way minimum standards,
Company philosophies and operational business systems. Senior Team Leaders inspire
all of the people in their cluster to be successful and empowered shop and seat owners,
resulting in people, customers, sales, commissions and profit growth.

A Home/Remote User is a Senior Consultant who has requested to work flexible days
and hours from a flexible location. They are a part time Employee, who is contracted
to 1 day or 7.6 hours per week. Employees who wish to request this arrangement must
meet criteria as set out below.

6.3 Are there criteria to be a Home / Remote User?

In order to qualify to become a Home/Remote User you must have an FTE transfer
amount of $12,000 per month for a 6 month period. In order to remain as a Home/
Remote User you must maintain a monthly transfer amount of $4,000. If your transfer
amount falls below $4,000 for a period of 6 months without reasonable cause, then you
may be requested to provide reasons why you shouldn’t revert to a part time Team
Member role and receive the relevant commission structure.

6.4 What about those of us who have been here for a while – where do we sit?
Those Team Members, who have been with the Company from prior to the date
of commencement of this Agreement and are not currently on the Traineeship
programme, will form part of the classifications of either Senior Consultant, Assistant
Team Leader, Team Leader or Senior Team Leader, depending on the role they are
currently performing. If you have been with the Company for more than 2 years you
are considered a Senior Consultant or one of the above described roles. FCBT Direct
Consultants are classified as Senior Consultant.


My Training

As at the date of this Agreement the Company provides an accredited

traineeship program through Flight Centre Accredited training. The
Company reserves the right to amend or retract the provision of
this program. If the program is retracted, all existing trainees will be
transferred to the role of Consultant or Senior Consultant and all
future trainees will be classified as a Consultant for the purpose of
this Agreement.

7 What kind of qualifications will I be completing?

You will be completing a Certificate III in either Travel and Tourism and then a Certificate
IV in either Travel and Tourism or Customer Engagement through Flight Centre
Accredited Training.

7.1 Do I have to complete relevant qualifications?

The Company embraces a culture of learning and professional development for all staff
members. The Company is partnered with Flight Centre Accredited Training which
provides staff with the training required to achieve the nationally recognised qualifications
of your traineeship.
Your employment is subject to you entering into and completing a 2 year programme
made of up a relevant Certificate III and IV as indicated by the Company, from your date
of commencement. The Certificate III and IV pathway is a mandatory program designed
to support your development and your ongoing success.

7.2 Is this accredited training?

Yes. You will walk away with a Certificate III and Certificate IV in either Travel and
Tourism or Customer Engagement.

7.3 Will this cost me anything?

The Company will wear the full cost of these qualifications through Flight Centre
Accredited Training.

7.4 Do I get a pay rise upon completion?

You will be paid as a 1st Year Consultant while completing your Certificate III. Upon
completion you will progress to the level of a 2nd Year Consultant and will receive an
increase in your Guaranteed Earnings. If you complete your Certificate III or IV prior to a
full year, then you will progress to the next level as described within the clause.
Upon completion of Certificate IV you will progress to the level of Senior Consultant and
will receive an increase in your Guaranteed Earnings and your base rate of pay.

My Training

7.5 What happens if I don’t complete my qualifications?

Your employment is subject to you entering into and completing a 2 year traineeship,
from your date of commencement. The Certificate III and IV pathway is a mandatory
program designed to support your development and ongoing success. Individual
circumstances will be taken into consideration regarding incompletions if needed.

7.6 What assistance will I be given to complete this?

As a self-directed learner you will continue to gain practical experience in a store
environment. Assistance may include help and guidance from the Peopleworks
Team, Leadership team, Store team, Product team, Support Team and Flight Centre
Accredited Training.

7.7 What is expected of me while completing this training?

You will be required to attend training and complete relevant traineeship modules which
may include coaching, help and guidance from other consultants or Leaders within the
store, the Peopleworks Team, Leadership team, Store team, Product team, Support
Team and Flight Centre Accredited Training and other Flight Centre Training, whilst also
gaining greater practical experience in a store environment and as a self-directed learner.
You will work to build relationships with customers in order to build a strong customer
database and understand customer needs, while also gaining a greater knowledge of
Flight Centre brand or Student Flights operations, products and systems. You may be
required to support other 1st Year Consultants in a Store environment.
Training is provided in various forms which may include: classroom training, instore and
on the job training, FCTG and other online modules, supplier sessions, conferences and
experiential learning, this training will make up 20% of your working week and will be
kept in a learning diary.

7.8 What training is available to me outside the Certificate III and IV?
Training is provided in various forms which may include: classroom training,
instore and on the job training, online modules, supplier sessions, conferences and
experiential learning.
If there is any particular training you are interested in please refer to your online learning
management system (LMS/Compass) or refer to your Team Leader, Area Manager,
Product Leader or Peopleworks for assistance.

7.9 Is there any training offered to me if I am a Leader?

There are many opportunities to continue to learn throughout your career with the
Company and while you may become a Leader and assist others, we will also commit
to continue to provide you with many training and development opportunities either
through the Company or externally. While these opportunities do not form part of the
Agreement, they are available to you, please speak to your own Leader or contact your
State HRBP or a Peopleworks representative to find out more.

& Hours

My Employment, Roster & Hours

8 What types of employment are there?

8.1 What types of employment are there?

The main types of employment in the Company are:
• full time
• part time
• casual
• Home/Remote Users

8.2 How will I know which one I am?

When you start with us, your letter of offer will state whether you are employed on a
full time or part time basis. Employment on a casual basis will only be considered from
time to time based on individual circumstances. For Home/Remote User employment
conditions (7.6 hours per week from a Home/Remote location) there are specific criteria
that enable a Team Member to qualify. More information on these criteria can be found
in clauses 6.3 and 13.11.

8.3 What about probation?

If you are a new Employee with us, you will have to complete a probation period of 6
months. Further information will be set out in your letter of offer.

9 What are my hours of work?

9.1 Your hours – full time Employees

If you are a full time Employee, you will be required to work 40 hours per week or 160
hours per 4 week period. Rosters can be varied to suit the needs of the team and store
operations in line with clause 10.2 to 10.5.
Payment for the 2 reasonable additional hours per week above the National Employment
Standards of 38 hours per week will be paid at a rate of an additional 50% of your Base
per hour, which is provided for in the Penalty Payments component of your Guaranteed
Earnings set out in clause 13.
If you are requested to work additional hours by your Leader or you have been approved
to work additional hours by your Leader (for hours over 40 hours per week) you will be
compensated at the Company’s election through either:
• time off in lieu at a rate equivalent to 200% of your Base rate; or
• payment at the rate of 200% of your Base rate that will be provided for as an
increase in your Guaranteed Earnings (as part of your Penalty Payments component).
Otherwise, you are not required to work additional hours. If, to suit your own needs and
circumstances, you do on occasion work outside your rostered hours, you won’t receive
time off in lieu or Penalty Payments. However you may receive additional commission
payments under our Remunerations Schemes.

My Employment, Roster & Hours

9.2 Your hours – part time Employees

If you are a part time Employee your hours will be less than the base wage of 38 hours
per calendar week, and reasonably predictable. Your minimum weekly hours will be
contained in your letter of offer provided to you when you start working with us.
Upon employment you will be advised of the days that you are required to work, and
you will be able to indicate the days on which you are available to work this can be
reflected in writing. By written agreement with your Team Leader, which can be effective
for a defined period, you and the Company may agree different part time hours. Your
roster will be provided to you 1 month in advance for the following month and will set
out the days that you are required to work based on your indicated availability. You will
always be rostered for at least three consecutive hours per rostered day.
If you are requested to work additional hours by your Team Leader, or you have been
approved to work additional hours by your Team Leader (for hours in excess of your
agreed daily/weekly hours), these additional hours will be captured in People Planner and
you will be compensated at the Company’s election through either:
• time off in lieu plus the additional earnings that you may make from your
remunerations schemes, as per clause 9.12
• payment at a rate equivalent to 150% of your Base rate for the first 2 hours per
week and 200% of your Base thereafter that will be provided for as an increase in
your Guaranteed Earnings (as part of your Penalty Payments component).
Otherwise, you are not required to work additional hours. If, to suit your own needs and
circumstances, you do on occasion work outside your rostered hours, you won’t receive
time off in lieu or Penalty Payments. However you may receive additional commission
payments under our Remunerations Schemes.

9.3 Your hours – Home/Remote User

A Home/Remote User has elected this option after qualifying through the criteria set
out in clauses 6.3 and 13.11. A Home/Remote User is contracted to work a maximum
of 7.6 hours per week from a location of their choice on any day or part day that is
considered suitable to the Employee. If you are a Home/Remote User the provisions in
this Agreement will apply to you on a pro-rata basis in line with your contracted hours of
7.6 per week (unless a particular clause in this Agreement expressly provides otherwise).
This includes clause 15 My Leave.

9.4 Your hours – Casual Employee

A casual Employee is not assigned to a set store. They work ad hoc hours on request.
A casual Employee does not work regular systematic hours from a regular location. A
Casual Employee submits time-sheets via Kiosk. A casual Employee is paid at a rate which
is 1/38 the Base rate for the applicable role plus 25% of the applicable Base rate and
any applicable Penalty Payments based on hours worked. Averaging – full time and part
time Employees.

9.5 Averaging – full time and part time Employees

Your ordinary hours of work (either as a full time or part time Employee) can be
averaged over a 4 week period (i.e. a maximum of 152 ordinary hours plus 8 reasonable
additional hours in any period of 4 consecutive weeks).

My Employment, Roster & Hours

9.6 Pro-rating for part time Employees

If you work part time, the provisions in this Agreement will apply to you on a pro-rata
basis according to the number of ordinary hours you work each week (unless a particular
clause in this Agreement expressly provides otherwise). This includes clause 15 My Leave.

9.7 What if I want to work more hours to make more sales?

You might wish to work more than 40 hours per week (or more than your agreed daily/
weekly hours as a part time Employee above 38 hours) in order to increase your sales
and commission transfers or provide a customer with further assistance. Please note that
you are not required to do so, and the provisions in relation to voluntary additional work
activities in clauses 9.1 and 9.2 apply.

9.8 What if I am required to work additional hours and it is approved?

If you are requested to work reasonable additional hours by your Leader above your 40
hours per week (or more than your agreed daily/weekly hours as a part time Employee)
or you request to work additional hours and this is approved by your Leader, this will be
compensated through either an arrangement for time off in lieu at a rate equivalent to
200% of your Base rate for full time Employees (or 150% for the first 2 hours and 200%
thereafter for part time Employees) or an increase in your Guaranteed Earnings (as part
of your Penalty Payments Component) to ensure you always receive more than you
would have under the Retail Award/Miscellaneous Award for the hours worked.

9.9 What does ‘reasonable’ mean?

Whether additional hours will be considered to be ‘reasonable’ depends on consideration
of a number of factors including:
• the industry in which you work
• the notice that you are provided to work those hours
• whether you are compensated for those hours (through either payment or time off
in lieu)
• your health safety and wellbeing
• whether there is mutual agreement for you to work the additional hours
When you work reasonable additional hours that are requested by your Leader or
approved, this will be recorded as part of your roster on People Planner and we will
ensure that your time off in lieu or payment for additional hours is captured accurately.

9.10 Can my Team Leader and I mutually agree on flexible hours?

If you have worked additional hours outside of your roster, you and your Team Leader
can mutually agree to flexibility options whereby you take the equivalent amount of time
off on another day provided the business operations or customer service is not negatively
impacted. This clause applies to both full time and part time Employees.

My Employment, Roster & Hours

9.11 What about Buzz Nights and Conferences?

It is a large part of our culture to celebrate and reward your hard work and success
and we choose to do this through conferences, events (including balls) and Buzz Nights.
Buzz Nights are not generally compulsory, however where you are required to attend
a conference or an event which is deemed mandatory (which may include a particular
Buzz Night or part of a Buzz Night) outside of your normal working hours, you will be
compensated for the compulsory portion of the event through time off in lieu. Where a
compulsory Buzz Night is held on a day that you are not already working, your time off in
lieu entitlement will be for a minimum of 3 hours. If the event is not deemed mandatory
then you are not required to attend, your attendance will be on a voluntary basis and
no time off in lieu will be offered. We believe these events are a benefit to celebrate the
success of our people, however you will not be disadvantaged by a decision not to attend
a non-mandatory Buzz Night or other similar voluntary activity.

9.12 What is time off in lieu and how is it provided to me?

Time off in lieu is time off with pay that is banked within People Planner and that a Team
Member can access to have some time off work. Team Members entitled to time off in
lieu when they have worked reasonable additional hours at the request or as approved
by their Leader, or when they have attended mandatory events outside of their normal
working hours.
Time off in lieu must be taken within 6 months of it being earned (cases outside of this 6
month timeframe will be considered on a case by case basis). Time off in lieu will be captured
at applicable rates (either 150% in the first 2 hours or 200% thereafter of your Base) unless a
mutual arrangement has occurred between the Team Member and Leader. A Team Member
wishing to access time off in lieu must request to do so via their Team Leader, by providing at
least 2 weeks’ notice of the intention to take the time off (or less notice if mutually agreed). A
Team Leader must not reasonably refuse a request to take time off in lieu.
Time off in Lieu not taken within 6 months of earning it will be paid out to you at
applicable penalty rates.

10 What roster will I work?

10.1 When do I get my roster?

We will provide you with a roster of the hours you will work at least 1 month in advance
for at least the following month so that you are able to plan your life accordingly.

10.2 What if I want to change my roster?

If you need to change your roster for any reason, we ask that you put your request
in writing at least 10 days in advance of the required changes, these requests will
be considered and accommodated where possible taking into consideration store
operations, customer needs and other Team Members. If it is a short term or one off
change you are able to make these changes with mutual agreement with your Team
Leader at any time.

My Employment, Roster & Hours

10.3 Can I swap my roster with someone else?

There are no issues if you wish to change your day of work or shift with another
colleague within the store team, however it is important that your Team Leader or
Assistant Team Leader is aware of the changes at least 48 hours in advance (where
possible) and that the store operations, customer and other Team Members are not
impacted by the change.

10.4 What if the store needs to change my roster unexpectedly?

If we need to change your roster on a particular day because of unexpected operational
requirements, we will contact you before you arrive at work to discuss the change and
determine a mutually agreeable arrangement for that day.

10.5 What if the store needs to make permanent changes to my roster?

If we need to make a permanent change to your roster we will consult with you in line
with clause 29.4 and where possible we will provide 21 days’ notice before the change. If
that timeframe is is not possible, or if you disagree with the change, we will give you 14
days’ notice, and will try to resolve the matter with you through discussions in line with
clause 28 My Issues and Grievances. By mutual agreement we may agree to make changes
with 7 days’ notice or less.

10.6 When will my shift start and finish?

Your span of working hours will be rostered between the following times:
• Monday to Friday – 7.00am – 9.00pm
• Saturday – 7.00am – 6.00pm
• Sunday 9.00am – 6.00pm
Of course, you will only be rostered to work on a Saturday, Sunday or late night shift if
you work in a store that is trading at that time.
Airport Stores operate between 5:00am – midnight, Monday to Sunday. Employees who
work at these stores can be rostered any time between these hours.

10.7 What is the minimum I can be rostered in a day?

If you are a part time Employee, you will be rostered on for a minimum of 3 consecutive
hours on each shift.

10.8 What is the most I can be rostered in a day?

You will not be rostered for more than 9 ordinary hours with the exception of 1 day per
week where you can be rostered to work up to 11 hours in total on that day.

10.9 Are my days off consecutive?

Unless otherwise mutually agreed and/or at your request, rosters will be prepared so
as to provide you with 2 consecutive days off each week or 3 consecutive days off in a
4 week period. This requirement will not apply where you request in writing and the

My Employment, Roster & Hours

Company agrees to other arrangements. You can terminate the agreement by giving 4
weeks’ notice to the Company.
An employee who regularly works Sundays will be rostered so as to have 3 consecutive
days off each 4 weeks and the consecutive days off will include Saturday and Sunday. If an
employee wishes to make alternative arrangements, they can do so through requesting
this in writing.

10.10 How many days can I work in a row?

Ordinary hours and any reasonable additional hours may not be worked over more than
6 consecutive days.

10.11 What if I am asked to work in a different store in addition to my rostered

Sometimes a Team Member may be asked to work in another store in order to assist
that store. This will be incorporated into your roster and you will receive additional
payment as part of your Guaranteed Earnings. If this work is:
(a) for full time Employees, above your 40 hour rostered week, those hours
worked will attract payment at 200% of your Base rate per hour as a casual
team member above all other earnings; or
(b) for part time Employees, in excess of your agreed daily/weekly hours, those
hours worked will attract payment at 150% of your Base rate per hour as a
casual team member for the first 2 hours per week and 200% of your Base
rate thereafter.

11 What breaks do I get?

11.1 What breaks do I get and when can I take them?

During your working day you are entitled to 2 x 10 minute paid breaks and up to a 1
hour unpaid lunch break. When these breaks are taken is based upon your store and
team requirements and should be mutually agreed between yourself and your Leader. If
you decide that you wish to take less than the 1 hour break in order to serve a customer
or make any additional sales, this is at your discretion and will be remunerated by the
sales that you may make.
Breaks will be given as follows to ensure that no Employee works more than 5 hours
without a break.

My Employment, Roster & Hours


less than 4 hours No rest break No meal break

more than 4 hours but less 10 minutes No meal break

than 5 hours

more than 5 hours but less 10 minutes 30 minutes – 1 hour

than 7 hours

more than 7 hours but less 2 x 10 minutes 2 x 30 minutes

than 10 hours

more than 10 hours 10 minutes N/A

11.2 What if I want to take an extra-long break?

If operations allow then the Team Leader and Team Member can mutually agree to combine
breaks so long as the Team Member does not work more than 5 hours without a break.

11.3 What is my break between finishing and starting another shift?

You will be rostered so that you get 12 hours off between finishing work on one day and starting
work on the next day.

12 Do I work on public holidays?

12.1 Which days are public holidays? The following days are public holidays:

All States and Territories • New Year’s Day

• Australia Day
• Good Friday
• Easter Saturday
• Easter Monday
• Christmas Day
• Queen’s Birthday
• Boxing Day
• Eight Hour Day or Labour Day

ACT Reconciliation Day

NSW August Bank Holiday

My Employment, Roster & Hours

NT Picnic Day

QLD Brisbane Royal National Show Day

SA Adelaide Cup Day

TAS Easter Bank Holiday

VIC Melbourne Cup Day


12.2 What is the meaning of public holiday?

A public holiday is one of the above days or any other day, or part-day, declared or
prescribed by or under a law of a State or Territory to be observed generally within the
State or Territory, or a region of the State or Territory.
If there are any changes to the above table to gazetted public holidays, then those
changes will apply to this Agreement.

12.3 Will I be rostered to work on a public holiday? Do I have to work?

You may be rostered to work on a public holiday if the store in which you work is open
on that day. You do have the right to request to have the public holiday off in line with the
National Employment Standards by providing no less than 4 weeks’ notice to your Leader.
These requests will be reasonably considered and accommodated where possible.

12.4 What if I work on a public holiday?

If you are required to work on a public holiday as your store is trading, you will be
compensated for this via your Penalty Payments and via a day off in lieu.

12.5 What if I am not required to work on a public holiday?

If a public holiday falls on a day that you are normally rostered to work but we do not
require you to work that day, you will be entitled to be absent from work and you will be
paid for the ordinary hours you were rostered to work on that day at your Base rate.

12.6 Can I substitute a public holiday for another day off?

We may agree to substitute another day for a public holiday if it suits the needs of the
store operations and customers. If either the public holiday or the substitute day is
worked then you will be compensated for this via your Penalty Payments. If both days are
worked, then you can elect which day will be compensated via your Penalty Payments.


My Wages

13 How will I be paid?

13.1 What is my total remuneration package?

Your total remuneration package is made up of 4 components as follows:
(1) your Base (Base wages for a weekday roster of 38 hours)
(2) your Penalty Payments (applicable penalty rates and entitlements for 38
ordinary hours for the days worked based on your roster across a 7 day period,
plus payment for 2 reasonable additional hours (paid at the overtime penalty
rates on the Base rate) up to a total of 40 hours per week)
(3) the amount you earn from our Remuneration Schemes (see Schedule A or B)
(4) payments we are required to make on your behalf under the Superannuation
Guarantee Legislation (Statutory Minimum Contributions)

13.2 What will I be paid when I first commence employment as a trainee?

When you start your career with us, you will be employed as a 1st Year Consultant
under our accredited traineeship programme and progress through our traineeship to
complete both a Certificate III and Certificate IV except for those Employees who are
referred to as a Consultant in clause 6.2. 2nd Year Consultants, who continue their
traineeship after a 24 month period, will receive the relevant Guaranteed Earnings in
accordance with the national training wage as set out in the Miscellaneous Award. More
information can be found under clauses 6 and 7, My Role and My Training, which detail
descriptions and classifications covered under this Agreement.

13.3 Do I earn a guaranteed amount?

Yes. Depending on your role your Guaranteed Earnings will be paid to you and will be
made up of your Base and your Penalty Payments (i.e. your applicable penalties and
entitlements based on the roster you have worked including any additional hours)
These amounts are paid to you via:
(a) a Base payment calculated on a 38 hour week; and
(b) a portion of the Remuneration Schemes referred to in Schedule A to
cover amounts due to you under the Penalty Payments component of your
Guaranteed Earnings.
If you have not made the required amount of sales to earn additional amounts via our
Remuneration Schemes to cover the Penalty Payments component of your Guaranteed
Earnings, then you will receive Guaranteed Earnings which includes the Penalty Payments
component regardless.
Each week you will earn at least the following amounts based on a 40 hour rostered
week. Anything above the Minimum Transfer as noted in Schedule A or B will be paid in
additional commission.
(Rosters will be provided to you at least one month in advance – see clause 10 My Roster).
Home/Remote Users will be remunerated on the wage model as per clauses 9.3 and 13.11.

My Wages

FIGURE 13.1.1


Roster Types 0-12 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL

months months Consultants

Mon - Fri (Annual) $38,109.76 $39,139.36 $42,848.00 $45,319.56 $47,380.32 $51,499.76

Mon - Fri (Weekly) $732.88 $752.68 $824.00 $871.53 $911.16 $990.38

Hourly Rate $19.28 $19.80 $21.68 $22.93 $23.97 $26.06


Roster Types 0-12 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL

months months Consultants

Weekday roster $790.73 $812.10 $889.05 $940.33 $983.09 $1,068.56

Weekday roster including extended $805.20 $826.95 $905.31 $957.53 $1,001.07 $1,088.11

Weekday roster including Saturday $827.38 $849.73 $930.25 $983.91 $1,028.65 $1,118.08

Weekday roster including extended $841.84 $864.59 $946.51 $1,001.11 $1,046.63 $1,137.63
trading and a Saturday

Weekday roster including Sunday $886.01 $909.95 $996.17 $1,053.63 $1,101.54 $1,197.31

Weekday roster including extended $900.47 $924.80 $1,012.43 $1,070.83 $1,119.52 $1,216.86
trading and a Sunday

Weekday roster including a Saturday $922.65 $947.58 $1,037.37 $1,097.21 $1,147.10 $1,246.83
and Sunday

Weekday roster including extended $937.12 $962.44 $1,053.63 $1,114.41 $1,165.08 $1,266.38
trading, Saturday and Sunday

Weekday roster including a public $973.95 $1,000.27 $1,095.05 $1,158.21 $1,210.88 $1,316.16

Weekday roster including a Saturday $1,105.87 $1,135.75 $1,243.37 $1,315.09 $1,374.89 $1,494.43
and Sunday and a public holiday

My Wages

This table does not include payment for additional hours above 40 hours per week or the
laundry allowance described in clause 13.5.
The above rosters are the only rosters currently in operation for Employees covered by
this Agreement. The Company has no current plans to roster other than in accordance
with the above rosters. However, if the Company does introduce a roster other than as
set out in the table above, it will set Guaranteed Earnings for that roster at a rate which
for that roster is greater than, the amount which would be payable to Employees under
the Retail Award/Miscellaneous Award.

In an average month Tom (who is very new to Flight Centre and is currently completing
his Certificate III in Travel) works the following roster:
• 1 week Tuesday to Saturday with extended trading earning $841.84
• 1 week Wednesday to Sunday earning $922.65
• 1 week at 40 hours Monday to Friday earning $790.73
• 1 week Sunday to Thursday including extended trading earning $900.47
Therefore Tom is guaranteed to earn at least $3455.69 before tax for that 4 week


In an average month Emma who is a Senior Consultant works:
• 1 week at 40 hours Sunday to Thursday including extended trading earning $1070.83
for that week
• 1 week at 40 hours Monday to Friday earning $940.33 for that week
• 1 week at 40 hours Tuesday to Saturday earning $983.91 for that week
• 1 week at 40 hours Wednesday to Sunday including an extended trading earning
$1114.41 for that week
Therefore Emma is guaranteed to earn at least $4109.48 before tax for that 4 week
These above examples are not those of real rosters and are simply to demonstrate the
Guaranteed Earnings for different weeks and rosters

13.4 How are my Guaranteed Earnings calculated for any classification up to Team
Guaranteed Earnings are calculated based on:
(a) the full time Base rate (i.e. payment for 38 hours per week for work performed
Monday – Friday during the hours of 7.00am to 6.00pm); plus
(b) Penalty Payments (i.e. payment for any applicable reasonable additional hours
up to 40 hours per week and payment of any penalties or allowances that
may apply for work rostered and performed outside of Monday – Friday from
7.00am to 6.00pm).; plus
(c) amounts you earn from our Remuneration Schemes.

My Wages

13.5 What penalties and allowances are included in Penalty Payments?

Penalty Payments are based on the Retail Award and include:
(a) A penalty payment of an additional 50% of your Base rate for each hour of the
2 reasonable additional hours rostered and worked each week (based on a 40
hour week); plus
(b) A penalty payment of an additional 100% of your Base rate for each hour above
40 hours per week (or in excess of your agreed daily/weekly hours for part time
Employees); plus
(c) Penalties you receive for working hours outside of Monday – Friday 7.00am to
6.00pm (see clause 13.6 below); plus
(d) A laundry allowance of $6.25 per week (pro-rated for part time Employees).

13.6 What penalties and allowances do I get for working outside of Monday –
Friday from 7.00am to 6.00pm?
Penalties and allowances that apply for work rostered and performed outside of Monday
– Friday from 7.00am to 6.00pm include:
• A penalty payment of an additional 25% of your Base rate - for each hour rostered
and worked after 6.00pm Monday – Friday
• A penalty payment of an additional 25% of your Base rate - for each hour rostered
and worked on a Saturday
• A penalty payment of an additional 80% of your Base rate - for each hour rostered
and worked on a Sunday (Note: Penalty Payments for work performed on a Sunday
will reduce to 65% on 1 July 2019 and 50% on 1 July 2020)
• A penalty payment of an additional 125% of your Base rate - for each hour rostered
and worked on a public holiday

13.7 What if my Team Leader requires me to work above the 40 hours?

Any reasonable additional hours worked in excess of your rostered 40 hours per week that
are requested and/or approved by your Leader will be recorded in People Planner and you
will receive time off in lieu or additional payments at the rates set out in clause 9.8.

13.8 So does that mean my commission contributes to my Guaranteed Earnings?

This means that you are guaranteed to earn your Base pay and the entitlements for the
roster worked for that week including applicable penalties and overtime (i.e. Penalty
Payments) through your weekly Base and a portion of the commission you have earned
from your Minimum Transfer of commission. Your additional entitlements (i.e. Penalty
Payments) are paid to you via the Minimum Transfer for that month (see Schedule A
for the required amounts). If you have not earned the Minimum Transfer for that month
to cover your entitlements based on your roster you will be guaranteed to receive the
Guaranteed Earnings set out in the table in clause 13.3.
The Guaranteed Earnings provided to you on any given month is not affected by your
year to date earnings, projected future earnings, or otherwise by your performance
at any other point of the year. The Guaranteed Earnings are calculated on a month by
month basis, and each month is a completely standalone event. 

My Wages

Anything above the Minimum Transfer in Schedule A is your additional earnings. If you continually transfer less
or equal to the amount of the Minimum Transfer up to the Acceptable Transfer amount detailed in Schedule A,
further discussion will be had with you regarding your performance.

13.9 What if I am a part time Employee?

If you are a part time Employee then your Base rate is pro-rated - please refer to clauses 9.2 and 9.6
The below table Figure 13.9.1 can assist to determine part time Guaranteed Earnings.

FIGURE 13.9.1


STEP 1 - WORK Roster Types 0-12 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL

OUT YOUR months months Consultants
HOURLY BASE Annual Base 38,109.76 39,139.36 42,848.00 45,319.56 47,380.32 51,499.76
ON YOUR ROLE Weekly Base 732.88 752.68 824.00 871.53 911.16 990.38
TYPE Hourly Base 19.28 19.80 21.68 22.93 23.97 26.06

Extended Trading (3hrs) 125%
AND APPLY THE Saturday 125%
Sunday 165%
Public Holidays 225%

STEP 3 -
HOURS YOU Hourly Rate 22.93
Shift Saturday
RATE × THE Shift Loading 125%
No of Hours worked 8
TOTAL 229.30
Please note base rates will increase each year in accordance with changes to the Retail Award (or Miscellaneous Award if you are completing a traineeship) and Sunday
penalties will be adjusted each year on 1 July 2019 to 165%, and 150% on 1 July 2020. A new chart will be sent out each year.

13.10 How are my Guaranteed Earnings calculated as a Senior Team Leader?

As a Senior Team Leader you receive a Base salary payment of 61,200 which is inclusive of:
• 1 week per month with extended trading and a Saturday and Sunday
• 1 week per month with extended trading and Saturday
• 1 week per month with a Monday to Friday roster
• 1 week per month Sunday to Wednesday roster

My Wages

Senior Team Leaders will receive commission in addition to the above, and additional entitlements based
on a different roster will be recorded in People Planner and form part of the additional earnings through
Remuneration Schemes.

13.11 How is my remuneration structured as a Home/Remote User?

As a Home/Remote User you are paid at 7.6 hours per day based on the Base rate of a Senior Consultant. In
addition you will receive the following commission scheme:
• Up to $5,000 commission transfer you will receive 40%
• Greater than $5,000 commission transfer you will receive 50%
• A Home/Remote will also receive a company laptop on request as a tool of trade, this should be used in line
with the relevant IT policies.

13.12 What if I work in an Airport store where I am rostered during span of hours from 5:00am until
In the case of retailers whose trading hours extend beyond 9.00pm Monday to Friday or 6.00pm on Saturday or
Sunday, the finishing time for ordinary hours on all days of the week will be 11.00pm.

Airport Team Members will receive the following Penalty Payments as part of their Guaranteed Earnings.

FIGURE 13.12.1


Roster Types 0-12 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL

STEP 1 - WORK OUT months months Consultants
BASE RATE BASED Annual Base 38,109.76 39,139.36 42,848.00 45,319.56 47,380.32 51,499.76
ON YOUR ROLE Weekly Base 732.88 752.68 824 871.53 911.16 990.38
Hourly Base 19.28 19.8 21.68 22.93 23.97 26.06


Extended Trading (6pm - 11pm) 125%
Saturday 125%
STEP 2 - SELECT Sunday 165%
AND APPLY THE Public Holidays 225%
05:00 - 07:00 150% for first 2 hours 150% for first 2 hours
23:00 - 00:00 150% for first 2 hours; 150% for first 2 hours;
200% after 200% after

My Wages

Hourly Rate 22.93 Hourly Rate 22.93
Shift Saturday Shift Saturday
(05:00 - 13:00) (16:00 - 00:00)
Normal Sat Hours 6.00 Normal Sat Hours 2.00
Extended Trading 0.00 Extended Trading 5.00
THE HOURS YOU Early Airport Shift 2.00 Late Airport Shift 1.00
WORKED × YOUR Total Hours Worked 8.00 Total Hours Worked 8.00
PENALTY Normal Sat Hours Loading 125% Normal Sat Hours Loading 125%
Extended Trading 125% Extended Trading 125%
Early Airport Shift 150% Late Airport Shift 200%
Normal Sat Hours 171.97 Normal Sat Hours 57.32
Extended Trading 0.00 Extended Trading 143.31
Airport Shift Rate 150% 68.79 Airport Shift 45.86
TOTAL 240.76 TOTAL 246.49
Please note base rates will increase each year in accordance with changes to the Retail Award (or Miscellaneous Award if you are completing a traineeship) and Sunday
penalties will be adjusted each year on 1 July 2019 to 165%, and 150% on 1 July 2020. A new chart will be sent out each year.

13.13 Do I receive a yearly increase?

For Employees at roles below Senior Team Leader, each year you will receive an increase on your Base rate
amount for a 38 hour week day roster in line with the increase which is set by the FWC for the Retail Award (or
Miscellaneous Award if you are completing a traineeship) and relevant classification described within the relevant
modern award. Your Guaranteed Earnings can never fall below the applicable Award rate for your roster. The
Company will ensure that any increases made to comply with the minimum wages set by the FWC also take effect
from 1 July each year.
The penalty rates and entitlements received as part of your roster worked will be adjusted in line with any changes which
occur to the relevant modern award (i.e. the Retail Award, or Miscellaneous Award if you are completing a traineeship).
For Employees engaged as Senior Team Leaders, it is at the Company’s discretion to apply a yearly increase. The
Company will ensure that your Base rate (as set out in clause 13.9), is never less than the amount it would have
been if you were to be paid at the relevant Award rate for the same roster.

13.14 What if my Leader asks me to stay back?

Any reasonable additional hours worked in excess of your rostered 40 hours per week that are requested and/or
approved by your Leader will be compensated through time off in lieu and or through additional Penalty Payments
(at the rates set out in clause 9.8) to ensure that you will not be worse off than under the Award.

My Wages

13.15 What are my targets?

Schedule A sets out Minimum Transfer and Acceptable Transfer amounts that are
expected of you based on your roster, your expected skill level and your experience,
as well as the uncapped earning potential for your role above the Minimum Transfer.
Achieving sales and commission above Minimum Transfer will allow you to increase
your commission earned. Achieving below acceptable standards may lead to further
discussions regarding your performance.

13.16 When will I get paid?

You will be paid directly into your designated bank account. Your Base will be paid to you on
a weekly basis, and the additional components of your Guaranteed Earnings and/or additional
earnings (i.e. amounts you have earned via Remuneration Schemes including commission or
bonus payments) will be paid each month in arrears in the next weekly pay cycle.

13.17 Can I earn extra pay?

We conduct numerous schemes (Remuneration Schemes) to help you increase your
remuneration and receive benefits.
They currently include:
(a) Commission (more information is set out in Schedules, A, and B) - Commission
payments are a significant portion of your total income above and beyond your
Base rate. The commission payments will incorporate and set off any penalties
and entitlements based on rostered hours worked (i.e. your Penalty Payments)
as well as additional payments based on sales made. If enough commission has
not been achieved to cover penalties and entitlements then you will receive
the proportion of your Penalty Payments required to ensure you receive your
Guaranteed Earnings.
(b) Incentives or bonuses - payments for your achievement against targets set by us
in accordance with any applicable programmes as introduced and varied from
time to time.
(c) This includes additional bonuses for payments made for sales against targets
such as supplier targets.
(d) Profit sharing - Profit sharing is an employee benefit paid to Assistant Team
Leaders and Team Leaders where applicable.
(e) Business Owner Scheme (BOS) – BOS is an investment program offered to
eligible Team Leaders and Senior Team Leaders.

13.18 How often will you change the Remuneration Schemes?

Amounts payable to you under our Remuneration Schemes are part of your total
remuneration as described in clause 13.1 of this Agreement. However the Remuneration
Schemes do not form part of this Agreement and may be varied in line with
Company requirements.
Where any of the Remuneration Schemes are to be changed we will provide you with 3
months’ notice prior to any changes. The Remuneration Schemes based on commission
as detailed in Schedule A may only be changed once in any 12 month period.

My Wages

13.19 Can I claim back any expenses that I have incurred based on my role?
Subject to any applicable policy and upon provision of receipts, you will be reimbursed
for expenses reasonably incurred as part of the performance of your duties. For mobile
phones that are used for work related purposes refer to the Mobile Phone Policy.

13.20 What about travel expenses?

Travel expenses are reasonable expenses that have been incurred when you are
requested and required to travel for work purposes.
If you are required to use your own vehicle for travel you will be paid a kilometre
allowance at $0.78 per kilometre. This can be claimed through payroll. More information
can be found on Flight Deck or via the payroll team.

13.21 Where can I find out about the Remuneration Schemes?

Our Remuneration Schemes are set out in the attached schedules (which do not form
part of this Agreement) and our policies, and may be withdrawn or varied from time to
time. Other Remuneration Schemes including BOS and Profit Sharing can be found in our
policies on Flight Deck.

13.22 How does payment work for the Remuneration Schemes?

Under the Remuneration Schemes, calculations for earning remuneration and benefits
may be based on monthly or annual targets. We may make monthly instalment payments
to you based on your anticipated annual earnings under those Remuneration Schemes.

13.23 Do I receive any additional allowances?

Laundry Allowance
You are required to wear uniforms in line with our Uniform policy (which does not form
part of this Agreement and may be amended from time to time).
In order to ensure that you have the correct uniform you are provided with a $440 uniform
allowance upon commencement of your employment with the Company and a subsequent
allowance of $220 for each year thereafter. In order to ensure uniforms are laundered
appropriately you will be provided with a laundry allowance of $6.25 per week (pro-
rated for part time Employees) that will form part of your Guaranteed Earnings (as part
of your Penalty Payments). Additional laundry allowance allocation may be considered in
exceptional circumstances on a case by case basis with approval through Human Resources.

Meal Allowance
If you are required to work more than one reasonable additional hour after your
ordinary finishing time, and you have not been provided with 24 hours’ notice of this
requirement, you will be paid a meal allowance of $18.29. This allowance will form part of
you Guaranteed Earnings as part of your Penalty Payments.
If the reasonable additional hours worked are part of a mandatory event at which food is
provided, you will not receive a meal allowance.

My Wages

Higher Duties Allowance

If we appoint you to perform a higher role on a temporary basis than the role in which you
are classified, you will receive the Guaranteed Earnings of the higher role for the period of
time in which you are appointed to perform the higher role for at least the period of one day.
If the set allowance described within clause 13.23 are increased either via the company
policies or via Fair Work Commission, the amounts set out will increase in accordance
with the new provisions.

14 What are my superannuation benefits?

14.1 What superannuation do I get?

We will pay superannuation on your Base amount at a rate of 9.5% or at a sufficient rate
to meet our obligations under the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation. This rate may
change in accordance with changes to the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation and if it
does then we will adjust the amount accordingly.

14.2 Do I get extra superannuation?

To assist you with success in retirement, the Company also chooses to pay you additional
superannuation on some additional earnings above your Base rate including entitlements
under Penalty Payments and commission earned. This is also paid at the rate of 9.5%.

14.3 Can I choose my superannuation fund?

Of course! If you tell us that you would like us to pay your superannuation into a
particular fund, we’ll pay your Statutory Minimum Contributions to the fund you choose
as long as it is a complying fund under the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation. If the
fund you choose is not a complying fund, we’ll make payments to our default fund.

14.4 What if I don’t choose a superannuation fund?

If you don’t choose a fund, we’ll pay your Statutory Minimum Contributions to our default fund:
• IOOF (or its successor); or
• another complying superannuation fund we nominate (provided it offers a MySuper
product or otherwise satisfies section 194 of the Fair Work Act).

14.5 Can you make post-tax superannuation contributions on my behalf?

Yes. If you would like us to deduct amounts from your post-taxation wages to contribute
towards your superannuation, let us know in writing and we can do that for you. We will pay
those contributions into the same fund that we pay your Statutory Minimum Contributions.

14.6 What if I’m absent from work?

If you are absent from work on paid leave, we will continue to pay your Statutory
Minimum Contributions. If you are absent from work on workers’ compensation, we will
continue to pay your Statutory Minimum Contributions for up to 52 weeks, so long as
you remain employed by us.


My Leave

15 What types of leave am I entitled to?

You are entitled to both paid and unpaid leave in accordance with the National
Employment Standards and the Fair Work Act.
This Agreement sets out leave types that are applicable to you as a Team Member
covered under this Agreement. These leave types include:
• Annual Leave
• Relaxation/Travellers Leave
• Personal LeaveCompassionate/Bereavement Leave
• Parental Leave
• Family/Domestic Violence Leave
• Volunteer Leave
• Natural Disaster Leave
• Long Service Leave
• Community Service Leave Career Breaks or Sabbaticals
You may also be entitled to other leave types in line with the Company’s policies, which
do not form part of this Agreement. More information can be found on Flight Deck or via
Human Resources or Payroll.
Where there is an inconsistency between this Agreement and the NES (including in
relation to leave entitlements), and the NES provides a greater benefit, the NES provision
will apply to the extent of the inconsistency.

16 How does my annual leave work?

16.1 How much annual leave do I get?

You will receive annual leave in accordance with the National Employment Standards.
This means that you accrue 20 days annually at 7.6 hours per day paid at your Base rate.
You will not accrue annual leave when you are on any type of unpaid leave. When taking
leave you will also receive 17.5% on top of your Base rate. If you take leave on an ordinary
day and that day attracts a loading, then you will receive either 17.5% on the total amount
of leave taken or the relevant loading on that day, whichever is higher.

16.2 When can I take my annual leave?

You are able to apply to take annual leave as you accrue it. The approval for you to take
annual leave will take into consideration the operational effectiveness and requirements
of the store and the impact to customers.

16.3 How much notice do I have to give to take annual leave?

As rosters are issued 1 month in advance it is a requirement that in most cases that you
provide 4 weeks’ notice prior to the annual leave commencing. However the more notice
that you can provide your Leader to take annual leave, the more likely it is to be approved
as it allows them to make the necessary arrangements to ensure the store is operational.

My Leave

16.4 What if I need to take annual leave on short notice?

If you need to take annual leave on short notice you need to discuss the situation with your
direct Leader. They may be able to approve this on an exceptional case by case basis.

16.5 How much annual leave can I take?

Depending on the store requirements and your accrued annual leave amount you are
able to apply for up to 4 weeks leave at any one time. If you have more than 4 weeks’
annual leave accrued and wish to take a longer period of leave, you will need to provide
at least 1 month’s notice prior to the leave commencing. All reasonable efforts will be
made by your Team Leader to accommodate this request for annual leave taking into
consideration store operations and requirementsIf I am part time how much leave can I
be paid for?
If you are a part time Team Member, you may elect to be paid for the whole period that
you are on leave if your balance allows. For example if you usually work 2 days per week,
however wish to take 3 weeks annual leave and be paid for the whole time, then you can
elect to take 3 weeks’ annual leave at 38 hours per week so that you are able to be paid
full time for the period that you are on leave. In that event we will deduct 15 days from
your annual leave accrual.
Casual employees are not entitled to paid leave entitlements (other than long
service leave).

16.6 Can I take annual leave in advance?

You are able to reduce your annual leave balance into negative up to 5 days or longer
on an approval basis. However if you have a negative annual leave balance when your
employment is terminated, then this amount will be deducted from your final pay.

16.7 Can the Company direct me to take annual leave?

If you have in excess of 30 days’ paid annual leave accrued, or if we are shutting down
part of our business for a period of time, we may direct you to take annual leave. In cases
of excessive leave (i.e. 30 days or more) we will only direct you to take annual leave if we
have been unable to mutually agree on how to reduce your accrued leave balance, or if
even after taking leave you still have a balance of 30 days or more.

16.8 When will I be required to take directed leave?

If we direct you to take paid annual leave, you will be required to take it for a period of
at least 1 week; and we will give you at least 1 month’s notice of the requirement to take
your leave.

16.9 Can I cash out my annual leave?

Every 12 months, you can agree with us to cash out up to 2 weeks of your annual leave
so long as:
(a) the request is made by you either in writing or via an eform which records the
amount of leave and the date payment is to be made;

My Leave

(b) after your leave is cashed out, you are left with a paid annual leave balance of at
least 20 days; and
(c) in the previous 12 months you have taken 2 weeks annual leave.

16.10 Can I purchase more annual leave through my pay?

If you wish to purchase an additional 1 week annual leave per year you may do so through
an application form to payroll. Purchased leave will reduce your Base rate according to
the amount of leave purchased. Any additional purchased leave will not impact your
eligibility for Relaxation/Travellers Leave. Any additional purchased annual leave will not
attract the 17.5% leave loading which applies to accrued annual leave. Any purchased
leave can reversed at any time by the Team Member - in this case your salary will be
reverted to your Base rate and any purchased leave not taken will be paid to you. You
will be ineligible to purchase additional leave if your accrued annual leave balance reaches
over 30 days. If this occurs you may be directed to take leave or opt to cash out some of
your annual leave (either accrued or purchased) in accordance with clauses 16.7 and 16.9.
Team Members are encouraged to seek financial advice through their accountant or
Moneywise prior to committing to purchasing annual leave as this will reduce your salary
and your Base rate.

17 What is Relaxation/Travellers Leave?

17.1 Am I eligible to get Relaxation/Travellers Leave?

At Flight Centre we are for travellers by travellers, therefore we want to give you the
ability to see the world. However, we also understand that because you work so hard, it
is also very relaxing to stay local and spend time with family. Relaxation/Travellers Leave
is an additional 5 days per annum (pro-rated for part time team members based on the
number of days worked) provided to those Team Members within Flight Centre brand
and Students Flights who have completed more than 6 months’ Continuous Service and
who, as at 30 June each year, have 5 days or less accrued annual leave or have taken 25
days annual leave in the prior financial year.

17.2 When will I get Relaxation/Travellers Leave?

The additional paid 5 days (at 7.6 hours per day) will be provided to you at the start of
each financial year (1 July) pro-rated for part time team members, provided that you
meet the criteria in clause 17.1. Relaxation/Travellers Leave will not accrue; will not attract
leave loading and cannot be carried over from year to year. Relaxation/Travellers Leave
will expire if not used by 30 June of the following year.

17.3 Can I take Annual Leave and Relaxation/Travellers leave together?

Yes, if you are taking an amount of annual leave and wish to utilise Relaxation/Travellers
Leave consecutively, you are able to do this provided it is approved by your Leader and
the store operations are not impacted. The approval of Relaxation/Travellers Leave will
be considered in line with the same approval process as annual leave in clause 16.

My Leave

17.4 Do I have to use Relaxation/Travellers Leave for anything specific?

Although you are always encouraged to travel and see the world, Relaxation/Travellers
Leave can be used for any purpose, including Educationals. However it cannot be cashed
out. Relaxation/Travellers Leave will replace Educational leave (provided for in Company
policies) for Flight Centre brand, Student Flights and any Team Member who is covered
by this Agreement.

18 What personal/carer’s leave do I get?

18.1 What personal/carer’s leave am I entitled to?

You will receive personal/carer’s leave (paid and unpaid) in accordance with the
provisions of the National Employment Standards. You are entitled to 10 days paid
personal leave per year (7.6 hours per day) pro-rated for part time team members,
which carries over from year to year.

18.2 When can I take personal/carer’s leave?

You can take personal/carer’s leave if:
(a) you can’t work because you are sick or injured; or
(b) you need to provide care and/or support to your Immediate Family Member
or a member of your household who is sick, injured or affected by an
unexpected emergency.

18.3 Can I use personal/carer’s leave for my mental health?

Your mental health and wellbeing is just as important to us as your physical health and
wellbeing. Therefore if you are suffering through a mental health condition or injury that
results in you being unfit for work, you are able to utilise your personal/carer’s leave for
this purpose.

18.4 Do I need a medical certificate when I am away sick or caring for someone?
You may be asked to provide evidence of the injury or illness for both personal and
carer’s leave after 2 or more consecutive days, or after 1 day if you have been put on
notice via a conversation with your Leader or State HRBP for excessive sick leave or
patterns of potential sick leave abuse. This evidence should be in the form of a medical
certificate from a GP or another qualified medical or allied health professional or a
Statutory Declaration.

18.5 What if I have exhausted my personal/carer’s leave and I am sick?

If you have exhausted all of your personal/carer’s leave and are sick, you will be eligible
to take sick leave without pay. In these cases you will be required to provide a medical
certificate. In cases where sick leave without pay extends beyond 3 consecutive months,
or 3 months over a 12 month period, the Company may consider that this is no longer a
temporary leave of absence but an inability to perform the role requirements and have
a discussion with you regarding the continuity of your employment. In these cases your
Human Resources or Area Manager will ensure that you have been given appropriate

My Leave

notice and an opportunity to provide a response regarding your particular circumstances.

Any response you provide will be taken into consideration before any final decisions are
made regarding your employment.

18.6 If I have used all of my sick leave can I use other leave?
If you are unwell and have other applicable leave available to you such as annual leave,
this may be made available to you to use.

18.7 If I have a lot of personal leave is there anything I can do with it?
Unfortunately there are times when one of our fellow Team Members or a member of
their family becomes very ill and they require a significant amount of time away from
their role and may have exhausted all of their sick leave. In these circumstances Flight
Centre has set up a Giving Bank which is housed within Payroll and will be monitored by
Peopleworks and Payroll.

18.8 What is the Giving Bank?

Giving Bank is a bank of personal leave that Flight Centre Employees can donate to for
the benefit of other Flight Centre Employees. If a Team Member has a personal/carer’s
leave balance in excess of 15 days, they can donate up to 3 days per annum to the Giving
Bank for use by other Team Members that are in need due to severe illness or injury.
To be eligible to receive donations from the Giving Bank a Team Member must apply
through Human Resources or Payroll for approval by the Global Peopleworks Leader or
another designated person in line with the set eligibility criteria including medical evidence.
This scheme operates subject to the National Employment Standards.

19 What is Compassionate/Bereavement Leave?

19.1 Can I take leave when a member of my family is very sick or passes away?
You are entitled to up to 5 days’ paid Compassionate leave or Bereavement leave when
one of your Immediate Family Members, or a member of your household,) is severely ill
or passes away. Medical or other reasonable evidence may be requested in these cases.
Compassionate/Bereavement Leave is not pro-rated for part time team members and
Home Users.

20 How is all of my leave paid?

Unless otherwise expressly provided in another clause of this Agreement, payment for
leave will be at your Base rate of pay (plus any applicable loadings for annual leave only
at17.5% annual leave loading or the penalty rates that would apply on your ordinary hours
of work, whichever is higher for the total period you are on leave) and will not include
Penalty Payments, Commission or any other amounts under our Remuneration Schemes.
If the National Employment Standards provides for a different rate of payment, then you
will receive whichever is higher.
When you are on a period of unpaid leave, you will not accrue leave entitlements.

My Leave

21 Am I eligible for Parental Leave if I or my partner is

having a baby or we are adopting a child?
You may be entitled to take unpaid parental leave (and be entitled to other types of
pre-birth/pre-adoption leave/arrangements such as role modification or safe work
leave) in accordance with the provisions of the National Employment Standards. More
information can be found on the FWC and Fair Work Ombudsman websites or via
Human Resources.
A Team Member must have completed 12 months’ Continuous Service with the
Company to be eligible for unpaid parental leave. The primary carer of the child is
entitled to 12 months’ unpaid parental leave with the ability to apply for a further 12
month period. This application will be reasonably considered in line with business
operations. The eligible Team Member is entitled to return to the substantive role
that they held prior to commencing unpaid parental leave (i.e. not including any role
modifications that were made due to the pregnancy), or if that position no longer exists
– an available position for which the employee is qualified and suited nearest in status and
pay to the pre-parental leave position.

21.1 Does the Company provide paid parental leave?

Eligible Employees who are the primary caregiver are entitled to 6 weeks’ of paid
parental allowance plus superannuation at the weekly rate of the national minimum
wage after a 24 month period of Continuous Service with the Company, in addition to
any parental leave pay provided by the Government. Paid parental leave may be taken
in conjunction with or instead of annual leave or long service leave. If both parents
are employed by Flight Centre Travel Group, the one payment will occur. You may be
entitled to a paid parental allowance in accordance with our policies as amended or
replaced from time to time.

21.2 Can I take special maternity leave?

You may be entitled to take unpaid special maternity leave in accordance with the
provisions of the National Employment Standards. Special maternity leave can also be
taken in conjunction with compassionate/bereavement leave, personal leave, annual leave
or long service leave.

22 What happens if I find myself in a Domestic or Family

Violence Situation?

22.1 Can I take paid leave to seek the necessary support?

The Company cares deeply for all of our employees. If there is a circumstance in which
either you or an Immediate Family Member is in a situation involving Domestic or Family
Violence, the Company will provide you with 5 days’ paid leave per year to assist you
to take the time you may need to take necessary action. This leave may be taken in
conjunction with annual leave. This leave is not accrued and will be provided to you
when you require it. You must notify us of your intention to take this leave as soon as
practicable (which may be after the leave has started), and you must let us know about
the expected period that you will take this leave for.

My Leave

Reasonable evidence may be requested in these situations such as a police report.

Domestic and Family Violence leave does not accumulate from year to year.
We will treat information about you taking Domestic and Family Violence confidentially
as far as we are able (but we may have to disclose information if we are required by law
or it is necessary to protect the life, health or safety of you or someone else).
Our Employee Assistance Programme is also available to you and your family during this
time. This is a confidential counselling service available to all Employees and their families
for up to 4 sessions per occasion or more if you are eligible and this is deemed necessary
by the relevant counsellor or psychologist.
Domestic or Family Violence leave is not pro-rated for part time team members and
Home Users. Casuals may be eligible to apply for a period of unpaid leave during
these circumstances.

23 What happens if the store cannot open due to a natural

disaster or weather event?

23.1 What is a natural disaster?

A Natural Disaster or Weather Event is an event that has serious impact to the
community in which a Flight Centre or Students Flights store is located and where it
would either prove dangerous to Employees to attend this location for the purposes of
performing their normal duties or where a state of Natural Disaster has been declared
by the relevant authorities.

23.2 Will I get paid if I cannot go to work due to the natural disaster?
If you are unable to attend to your normal duties due to imminent risk to your health
and safety because of a declared Natural Disaster or Weather Event or if the store
that you usual work out of is not able to open due to a declared Natural Disaster or
Weather Event then you may be entitled to up to 3 days paid leave per natural disaster
occurrence. Reasonable evidence may be requested.
Natural Disaster leave is not pro-rated for part time team members and Home Users

24 Can I take some time to volunteer for my community?

24.1 Do I get paid if I take some time to volunteer for my community or charity?
In line with the Company’s policies (which may be amended from time to time) you
may be eligible for 1 day of leave per year with pay in order to volunteer at a registered
charity or within your community (Volunteer Leave). Approval must be provided by
your Leader prior to taking Volunteer Leave, and reasonable evidence may be required
from the registered charity or community organisation before approval is given and or
payment is made. Volunteer Leave must be entered into Kiosk.

My Leave

25 Do I get long service leave?

25.1 Am I eligible for long service leave?

All Team Members accrue long service leave in line with applicable State/Territory
legislation. The Company provides 10 weeks per 10 year period of Continuous Service.
If relevant State/Territory legislation differs from this entitlement, the Team Members in
those states will receive whichever entitlement is greater.

25.2 When can I take long service leave?

Team Members are eligible to apply for a period of long service leave after 10 years of
Continuous Service up to their accrued amount of 10 weeks’ leave by giving 2 months’
notice, or can take up to 4 weeks’ leave by giving 1 months’ notice. After a period of 10
years’ service you continue to accrue 1 week per year of service and are able to take this
accrual amount in line with the above notice requirements.

25.3 Can I cash out my long service leave?

Team Members who are eligible to take a period of long service leave may cash out up
to 3 weeks long service leave per annum or the amount allowed for in relevant State
Legislation, whichever is greater, for reasons of financial hardship or health related
reasons, by requesting to do so in writing to Human Resources or Payroll. (So long as this
is allowed under the relevant State/Territory legislation).

25.4 Does my long service leave get paid out on termination?

Prorata long service leave may be paid on out on termination after 7 years of Continuous
Service (or sooner if dictated by relevant State/Territory legislation) in instances where
termination is due to redundancy, or where a Team Member requires payment to be
made due to:
• Domestic or other pressing necessity,
• Health Reasons; or
• Financial Hardship.
A request must be put in writing to Human Resources and or Payroll and evidence may
be required prior to payment being made.

25.5 Do my years of service overseas count towards my long service leave?

Continuous Service of 10 years must have occurred within Australia for long service leave
to be payable. Further information on Flight Centre Travel Group’s Long Service Leave
policy can be found on Flight Deck or through Human Resources.

My Leave

26 How can I take community service leave

26.1 Am I eligible for community service leave?

Community service leave is provided for within the National Employment Standards
and is a period of unpaid leave that a Team Member can take in order to serve their
community. Community service leave is applied for when a Team Member:
• is requested to serve for Jury Service
• is a member of a community or rural fire brigade or search and rescue
• is a member of the Defence Force
• needs to take leave for any other eligible community service described within the
National Employment Standards.
Flight Centre supports this very worthy service and in some circumstances will approve
for an eligible Team Member to apply for Volunteer Leave in the above situations, or
enable annual leave to be approved in conjunction with community service.

27 Can I take a Career Break or Sabbatical?

27.1 When can I take a career break?

We understand that some Team Members may wish to have a break from working in
order to try something new or to travel the world. Team members who have completed
5 years’ Continuous Service with Flight Centre are able to apply for a 3 month unpaid
career break or sabbatical. During this 3 month period Flight Centre will commit to
holding your role for you so that it is available upon your return from your career break
and you are able to pick where you left off.

27.2 Does any unpaid leave count towards my Continuous Service?

If you are absent on unpaid leave, it will not count as Continuous Service for calculating
any service related benefit in our Agreement (unless otherwise specified and subject
to relevant legislation). This includes unpaid parental leave, unpaid sabbaticals, unpaid
personal leave or any other approved unpaid leave. However, your absence on unpaid
leave will not break your Continuous Service.

My Issues,
Grievances &
Termination of
my Employment

My Issues, Grievances & Termination of My Employment

28 What does this Agreement mean in relation to any

performance, conduct issues or grievances that I have?

28.1 What happens if the Company considers that I am not performing in line with
The Company has reasonable expectations that you will perform you role to the
required standards, including reaching acceptable sales targets, building a customer data
base and operating as an effective Team Member. If your Leader or another appropriate
Leader within the Company determines that you are not meeting these targets, they will
work with you to ensure that you understand the expectations of your role and provide
you with an appropriate level of support (inclusive of additional training). If you are still
unable to meet these targets (taking into consideration any mitigating circumstances)
then the Company may place you on a performance improvement programme which
may include a warning stating that if you are still unable to reach the standards that are
expected of you within a reasonable timeframe, with the appropriate support, it may
lead to termination of your employment. If your employment is terminated, notice will be
provided to you as in line with the termination clause within the Agreement, the National
Employment Standards and/or your employment contract, whichever is greater.

28.2 What happens if the Company considers that my behaviour or conduct is not
line with expectations or I have breached a policy?
The Company operates with values, philosophies, the code of conduct and policies that
provide employees with behavioural requirements. These values, philosophies, code of
conduct and policies do not form part of this Agreement, however are a condition of
employment within Flight Centre Travel Group Limited. If a Team Member is found to
have breached any of these conditions or policies, and/or behaves in a manner that would
be considered in contravention of these conditions or policies, then the Company has
the right to take the necessary level of appropriate disciplinary action up to and including
possible termination of the employment contract.
In these circumstances an Employee will be given reasonable notice to attend a meeting,
have the right to respond to any potential breaches and allegations, and a right to an
appropriate support person. The Company will commit to ensuring that responses are
taken into consideration prior to an outcome being determined. If the employment
contract is terminated appropriate notice will be given or payment may be made in lieu
of notice in line with the National Employment Standards, the termination clause of this
Agreement and/or your employment contract whichever is greater.

28.3 Can I be terminated without notice?

If the Company considers the breach is serious misconduct in line with the definitions
within Fair Work Regulations as listed below, then The Company may dismiss the Employee
without notice, in such cases any necessary entitlements will be paid to the Employee.
The Fair Work Regulations define ‘serious misconduct’ as follows:
(a) wilful or deliberate behaviour by an employee that is inconsistent with the
continuation of the contract of employment; and
(b) conduct that causes serious and imminent risk to:

My Issues, Grievances & Termination of My Employment

(i) the health or safety of a person; or

(ii) the reputation, viability or profitability of the employer’s business.
The Fair Work Regulations also list the following conduct as being deemed serious
(a) the employee, in the course of the employee’s employment, engages in theft,
fraud or assault;
(b) the employee being intoxicated or under the influence of another substance at
work; or
(c) the employee refusing to carry out a lawful and reasonable instruction that is
consistent with the employee’s contract of employment.
If there are any changes to the regulations, changes to the above definition will result in
accordance with the regulations.

28.4 What happens if I do not attend my shift without approval?

An Employee not attending work will lose pay for the actual time of the non-attendance
unless the Agreement specifies otherwise.
Where an Employee is absent from their workplace for a continuous period of 3 working
days, without the consent of the Company and without good cause, the Employee will be
deemed to have abandoned their employment. Under these circumstances, the Company
will not be required to give notice to the Employee, however will make 3 reasonable
attempts over the 3 day period of absence to contact the Employee prior to making a
decision that the employment is at an end because the employee has abandoned their
employment, so that any mitigating circumstances may be taken in to consideration.

28.5 What if I have a dispute or don’t agree with the way this Agreement or
National Employment Standards are being applied?
We understand that sometimes you might not agree with everything we do. In those
circumstances, you have the right to raise a dispute about any matter arising under this
Agreement or the National Employment Standards. If you do raise a dispute, this is the
process we will follow in dealing with it:

My Issues, Grievances & Termination of My Employment


One In the first instance, you should try to resolve the dispute through discussions
with your immediate manager or supervisor (if this is appropriate).

Two If the dispute does not resolve at step one, you or your immediate manager
may attempt to resolve the dispute through discussions with the next level
manager (if this is appropriate).

Three If the dispute does not resolve at step two, you, your immediate manager and
the next level manager may discuss the dispute with the relevant General
Manager Human Resources or delegate.

Four If the dispute does not resolve at step three, either party to the dispute may
refer the dispute to the FWC for conciliation.

Five If the dispute does not resolve at step four, either party to the dispute may
refer the dispute to the FWC for arbitration, with the agreement of the other
party. The FWC’s decision will be final and binding, subject to any appeal of
the decision.

28.6 How long do disputes take?

The parties to a dispute must try to resolve it in a timely manner.

28.7 Can I have a representative?

Yes, you may appoint a representative to represent you in the dispute at any stage of the
process. Similarly, we may appoint a representative to represent the Company at any
stage of the process if we choose to do so. A representative may include a Union, legal or
other representative.

28.8 Do I have to keep working while there is a dispute happening?

While a dispute is in process under this clause, work will continue as normal unless it is
not practicable (eg, because of health and safety, security or because you are suspended
while the matter is being investigated).

28.9 Can I or the Company raise the same dispute in other forums?
During and following any arbitration of the dispute, neither party can make any other
claim in another forum about the same subject matter.

My Issues, Grievances & Termination of My Employment

29 If there are major changes at work that will have a

significant effect on me or my employment, when will I
be consulted about those?

29.1 What is a major workplace change?

We’ll consult with you when there is a major workplace change that is likely to have a
significant effect on you. A major workplace change is where:
• we’ve made a definite decision to introduce major changes in your remuneration
scheme, production, programme, organisation, structure or technology; and
• the major change is likely to have a significant effect on you.

29.2 What is considered a significant effect? What could this include?

• termination of employment on the grounds of redundancy;
• major changes in the composition, operation or size of our workforce or in the skills
• the elimination or diminution of job or promotion opportunities or job tenure;
• the alteration of hours of work (except where there is a process elsewhere in this
Agreement for this type of change);
• the need for retraining or for you to transfer to other work or other locations;
• the restructuring of jobs; and
• the change of your remuneration schemes (except for the Business Ownership
Scheme as this is not earnings).

29.3 What’s the process?

If a major workplace change will have a significant effect on you, as soon as practicable
after making a definite decision to make the change, we’ll discuss with you (or your
• the introduction of the change;
• the effect the change is likely to have on you; and
• measures to avert or mitigate the adverse effect of the change.
We’ll consider matters raised by you or the Union about the change and aim to provide
any information and responses to questions as soon as we can.

29.4 How will the Company consult with me?

If you are significantly affected by a major workplace change, we’ll give you (or your
representative) and the Union, in writing, all relevant information about the changes
including the nature of the change; the name and location of impacted business units; the
anticipated reduction in FTE positions currently occupied by permanent Employees; the
expected effects of the changes on you and any other matters likely to affect you.

My Issues, Grievances & Termination of My Employment

29.5 What about changes to my regular roster or ordinary hours?

We will consult with you about a change to your regular roster or ordinary hours of
work. If you are affected by the change, we will:
• provide you with information about the change;
• invite you to give your views about the impact of the change (including any impact in
relation to your family or caring responsibilities); and
• reasonably consider those views.
However, we will not consult with you if you have irregular, sporadic or unpredictable
working hours.

29.6 What if you are going to change the Remuneration Schemes?

We will consult with you about a change to our Remuneration Schemes including our
Commission Structure. If you are affected by the change, we will:
• provide you with information about the change;
• invite you to give your views about the impact of the change (including any impact in
relation to your family or caring responsibilities); and
• reasonably consider those views.
You will receive at least 3 months’ notice if our Remuneration Schemes (see clause 13)
are adjusted.
The commission schemes may only be adjusted once per 12 month period.

29.7 Can someone else be my representative during the consultation process?

At any stage of the consultation process, you can appoint someone else (e.g. the Union
or another employee) to be your representative during the process. If you do want to
appoint a representative, let your manager know as soon as you can so that we can
recognise your representative and be sure to include them in discussions.

29.8 Do I have to keep any changes or issues confidential?

While we will try to give you as much information as we can about a change, but
we won’t disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information to you, your
representative or the Union. In your employment contract you are bound by

29.9 If there are other clauses in this Agreement that talks about change, which
one applies?
This clause will not apply if there is another process set out elsewhere in this Agreement
for making the changes referred to above.

My Issues, Grievances & Termination of My Employment

30 What happens if my employment contract is terminated?

30.1 What is my notice period?

If the Company terminates your employment, or if you resign, we need to give each
other notice of termination. How much notice of termination we give you (or you
give us), depends on how long you have been employed by us. The amount of notice
we are required to give you (or you give us), is set out below is line with the National
Employment Standards. You may also have a termination clause in your employment
contract, if the notice period differs from this Agreement to your contract then the
greater amount will apply.


Less than 1 year 1 week

1 year and less than 3 years 2 weeks

3 years and less than 5 years 3 weeks

5 years and over 4 weeks.

In addition to the above notice periods if you are over 45 years of age at the time the
notice is given and have not less than 2 years’ Continuous Service then you are entitled
to an additional 1 weeks’ notice.

30.2 When can I be terminated without notice?

The Company is not required to give you any notice of termination if your employment is
terminated for reasons including serious misconduct as stated in clause 28.3.

30.3 Can you pay me instead of providing me with notice?

If we choose to, we can pay you in lieu of any notice of termination we (or you) are
required to give. This means that you would not be required to work out your notice in
that event.

30.4 What happens if I resign and don’t give the required amount of notice?
If you don’t give us the required amount of notice before you resign, we are entitled to
deduct from your final pay an amount equivalent to what you would have been paid
under the Retail Award (or Miscellaneous Award if you are completing a traineeship)
(Award Wages), for the period of notice you were required to give (less any period of
notice which you actually gave).
For example, if you are required under the National Employment Standards to give us
4 weeks’ notice of termination and you only give us 2 weeks, we can deduct 2 weeks of
Award Wages from your termination pay.

My Issues, Grievances & Termination of My Employment

31 What if my role is made redundant?

31.1 What will I be paid if my job is made redundant?

If we decide that we no longer require your role to be done by anyone, we will
advise you that your role is Redundant. If that occurs, and we have no alternative role
to redeploy you into, we will pay you redundancy pay (in addition to any notice of
termination you are entitled to pursuant to clause 30.1). The amount of the Redundancy
pay you will receive is based on your length of Continuous Service and is set out in the
National Employment Standards.

31.2 What if there is an alternative suitable role?

We will make all reasonable efforts to redeploy you to a Suitable Alternative Role.

31.3 Will I be entitled to search for another job during my notice?

If we give you notice of termination, we will allow you to take up to one day off without
loss of pay (or one day each week of your notice period if you are made redundant) for
the purpose of looking for another job (Job Search Leave). This day is to be taken at a
time agreed with your manager or supervisor.

31.4 What evidence do I have to provide for Job Search Leave?

If you are taking Job Search Leave because your position has been made Redundant, and
you have already taken one day of Job Search Leave, we may ask you to provide proof of
attendance at an interview for any subsequent days of Job Search Leave.

31.5 If I am offered a Suitable Alternative Role, will I still get Redundancy pay? What
if I don’t want to accept another role?
If your role is Redundant and we offer you Redeployment into a Suitable Alternative
Role, you will not be paid any Redundancy pay regardless of whether you accept or reject
the offer.

31.6 If I find a role that is not a Suitable Alternative Role and want to accept it, will I
be offered the Redundancy payment?
If you accept a role that is not a Suitable Alternative Role you will not be paid any
Redundancy pay. However you will still receive the same amount of notice of termination
that you would have received if your employment had been terminated, or payment in
lieu of notice equivalent to the difference between your old and new roles (if your new
role is paid less) for the notice period.

31.7 Want to finish up earlier?

If we have given you notice of Redundancy, and you want to finish up earlier, you should
speak to your manager. If you finish up before the notice period ends, you will still receive
a Redundancy payment calculated to your original termination date but will not receive
any payment for any period of notice you don’t work.


My Flexibility

32 Does the Company provide flexible working options?

32.1 What kind of flexibility is available to me?

The Company provides you a variety of options to work flexibly to suite your lifestyle and
in line with National Employment Standards. Flexibility can include:
• the location in which your perform your work
• alternative options surrounding the choice to use mobile phones for customer
contact (it is your choice to use your personal mobile phone for work purposes).
• amendments to your hours of work and rostering
In relation to the ability to change terms which relate to your work location, the
Company encourages an environment of flexibility where possible. Therefore on some
occasions and in certain circumstances you may request the location of your work to
be varied to suit your needs. The Company will consider these requests in line with the
operational business needs, including but not limited to; rostering, team requirements and
productivity or the impact on customers.

32.2 Will my flexibility request be approved?

The Company will consider all reasonable flexibility requests by Team Members taking
into account the impact on:
• the Store Operations
• other Team Members
• customer service
• productivity and efficiency of performance.
For more information on use and options for mobile phone usage refer to the mobile
phone policy.

Benefits &

My Benefits & Wellbeing

33 What extra benefits do I get that will support my

personal wellbeing?
FCTG’s number 1 Philosophy is “Our People”. We care for our staff members’ health and
wellbeing, their personal and professional development and their financial security. The
Company offers a broad range of benefits for our people, which include:
MY LIFE: Health and Wellness consultations, Personal Training and Group Fitness, Gym
Access, Flight Centre Foundation, Health Challenges, Volunteer Leave, sabbatical leave
MY CAREER: Study Leave, conferences, educationals and opportunities to learn while
travelling the world
MY MONEY: Moneywise financial advice, Business Ownership schemes, Uniforms,
Moneywise Home loans, Moneywise tax services, Insurance, Salary Sacrifice
MY TRAVEL: Travelwise in-house travel experts, Staff travel insurance, Frequent flyer
points, IATA card. If you are required to travel overseas to attend mandatory events by
Flight Centre Travel Group or to travel overseas for a conference, event or training, you
will be paid at your Base rate and time lieu for weekend conference.
MY REWARDS: Employee referral program, Celebration and events, Perks (or a similar
reward and recognition programme).
GUIDANCE CENTRE: Our Employee Assistance Programme available to all Team
Members and their families with a confidential counselling service provided by the
Company for your mental health and wellbeing.
These and many other offers and arrangements are additional benefits designed for your
health and wellbeing. They do not form part of this Agreement and may be amended
from time to time.

Signing Page



Signature of Authorised Person


Name of Authorised Person


Title of Authorised Person


Company Address (Line 1)


Company Address

25 OCTOBER 2018


Signature of witness


Name of witness

Signing Page




Signature of Authorised Person Signature of Authorised Person

Name of Authorised Person Name of Authorised Person

Title of Authorised Person Title of Authorised Person

Company Address (Line 1) Company Address (Line 1)

Company Address Company Address

Date Date

Signature of witness Signature of witness

Name of witness Name of witness

The Authorised person named is Authorised by Australian

Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union to sign
the Agreement on its behalf.

Signing Page


Signature of Name of Authorised Signature of Witness Name of Witness Date

Authorised Person Person

Josh Lawrence Yaso Ravindran 22 October 2018

Brendan Cascarino Trent Campbell 22 October 2018

Kyron Timbs Sarah Colgan 22 October 2018

Kelly de Graaf Scott de Graaf 22 October 2018

Rhys Coleman Ysobel Patch 22 October 2018

Elizabeth Richardson Amy Dang 22 October 2018

Jade Marrable Vicki Harris 22 October 2018

Emily Scott Belinda Moore 22 October 2018

Brooke Kos Erin Bruce 22 October 2018

Brooke Beer Nadia Damstra 22 October 2018

Caitlin Ramsay Donna Billinger 22 October 2018

Shaun Remington Olivia Jayne Kitson 22 October 2018

Jose Ruben Bishop Cathryn Luckmann 22 October 2018

Chris Lancaster Anaru Lawrence 22 October 2018

Jade Martin Elizabeth Devenis 22 October 2018

Alicia Kirwin Sharon Kirwin 22 October 2018

Signing Page

Marlee Follman Tylah Graves 22 October 2018

Jacqueline Stutt Jessica Maekivi 22 October 2018

Jade Sheehy Danika Piscopo 22 October 2018

Lauren Palmer Manon Doulcet 22 October 2018

Ashley Diprose Sarah Louise Diprose 22 October 2018

Tabatha Knowles Ryan Knowles 22 October 2018

Brayden Sheehan Skye Fenton 23 October 2018

Alison OBrien Alison Vavasour 23 October 2018

Thomas MacDonald Camile Schwendler 23 October 2018

Sarah Jones Lisa Symons 23 October 2018

Brenton Hill Ryan Wang 23 October 2018

Gayle D'Amico Jacara Robertson 23 October 2018

Hanna Habazin Samantha Cole 23 October 2018

Nathan Bloxsom Tully Arcadia 23 October 2018

Louise Kinkead Rachel Connolly 23 October 2018

Michelle McGuffog Olivia Tomlinson 23 October 2018

Michelle Vandenheuvel Delyse Blackford 23 October 2018

Signing Page

Stewart Evans Geoffrey Dudley 23 October 2018

Karalee Watson Bethany Lawson 23 October 2018

Nick Roelofs Katie Griffiths 23 October 2018

Christopher Claxton Sunil Singh 24 October 2018

Dallas Petersen Amanda Cornish 24 October 2018

Elise Elmer Darcie Comben 24 October 2018

Louise Burke Meagan Halliday 24 October 2018

Laura Yates Joshua Smith 24 October 2018

Katrina Carichiini Katrina Kapnopoulos 24 October 2018

Patrick Doyle Emmanuel Nikiforou 24 October 2018

Sarah Smith Amy Regul 24 October 2018

Maxine Hamilton Tammy Williams 24 October 2018

Tammy Williams Maxine Hamilton 24 October 2018

David Doe Maxine Hamilton 24 October 2018

Amy Michelle Regul Sarah Smith 24 October 2018

Schedule A

Schedule Schedule A sets out Remuneration Schemes for Flight Centre brand, Student Flights and Remote/
Home Users to ensure guaranteed earnings and additional incentives as at the commencement

A of operation of this Agreement. Schedule A does not form part of this Agreement and may
be changed in line with company requirements on a yearly basis. No changes will impact that
guaranteed earnings of team members.

What is my base pay?


ROSTER 0-12 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL STL

TYPES months months Consultants

MON - FRI $38,109.76 $39,139.36 $42,848.00 $45,319.56 $47,380.32 $51,499.76 $61,200.00

Your base is calculated on a 38 hour week Monday to Friday, you will then receive commission
on top of this amount, a portion of this commission will include any additional entitlements or
penalties that you have earned based on your rosters. If you do not transfer enough commission
to reach these entitlements we will provide you with a guaranteed payment. However anything
above this will be your commission and in your pocket.

How does my commission work?

You have the ability to earn an uncapped amount with the remuneration schemes and commission
that is available to you through sales made.
Commission paid to you will contribute to a portion of your Guaranteed Earnings based on rosters
worked. Any commission earned by you above this amount are your additional earnings.
Figure A.1 sets out Minimum Transfer and Acceptable Transfer amounts and customer portfolio
that are expected of you based on your roster, your expected skill level and your experience,
Figure A.2 sets out the uncapped earning potential for your role for your transfer amount based
on an average roster as displayed below. Achieving sales and commission above Minimum Transfer
will allow you to increase your commission earned, achieving below acceptable standards will lead
to further discussion regarding your performance.

Schedule A




ROSTER Monthly 0-12 months 13-24 months Senior ATL TL Yr 1 TL Yr 2

TYPE Commission Consultants

Average Minimum to $4,900 $5,100 $7,300 $7,700 $6,700 $6,700

Roster avoid top up

All Rosters Performance $ 5000 - $ 6000 - $ 8000 - $ 8000 - $ 7000 - $ 8,000 -

Expectation 8000 9000 15000 15000 15000 15,000

Those Team Members who are classified as Consultants will have performance expectations set in line with skills
and experiences.



Week 1 Roster Weekday roster including extended trading and a Sunday

Week 2 Roster Weekday roster including extended trading and a Saturday
Week 3 Roster Weekday roster including extended trading and a Saturday
Week 4 Roster Weekday roster


% Tiers 0-12 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL STL Home High

months months Consultants Users Performers

Tier 1 10% 10% 8% 8% 8% 10% 10% 40% 10%

Tier 2 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 50% 30%
Tier 3 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 40%

Accelerators 0-12 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL STL Home High

months months Consultants Users Performers

Accelerator 1 6,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 12,000
Accelerator 2 12,000 14,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 5,000+ 17,000
Accelerator 3 12,000+ 14,000+ 16,000+ 16,000+ 16,000+ 16,000+ 16,000+ 17,000+

The above figures are pro-rated for part time Team Members.

Schedule A



Potential Wage - Option 1

Monthly 0-12 months 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL STL Home Users
CAC ($) months Consultants
1,000 43,874.00 45,059.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 62,400.00 13,864.00
1,500 43,874.00 45,059.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 63,000.00 16,264.00
2,000 43,874.00 45,059.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 63,600.00 18,664.00
2,500 43,874.00 45,059.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 64,200.00 21,064.00
3,000 43,874.00 45,059.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 64,800.00 23,464.00
3,500 43,874.00 45,059.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 65,400.00 25,864.00
4,000 43,874.00 45,059.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 66,000.00 28,264.00
4,500 43,874.00 45,059.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 66,600.00 30,664.00
5,000 44,109.76 45,139.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 67,200.00 33,064.00
5,500 45,309.76 45,739.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 67,800.00 36,064.00
6,000 47,709.76 46,339.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 68,400.00 39,064.00
6,500 50,109.76 46,939.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 69,000.00 42,064.00
7,000 52,509.76 47,539.00 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,300.00 69,600.00 45,064.00
7,500 54,909.76 48,739.00 49,568.00 52,520.00 54,580.00 59,900.00 70,200.00 48,064.00
8,000 57,309.76 49,939.00 50,048.00 53,000.00 55,060.00 60,500.00 70,800.00 51,064.00
8,500 59,709.76 51,139.00 50,528.00 54,200.00 56,260.00 61,100.00 72,000.00 54,064.00
9,000 63,909.76 52,339.00 51,728.00 55,400.00 57,460.00 62,300.00 73,200.00 57,064.00
9,500 68,109.76 53,539.00 52,928.00 56,600.00 58,660.00 63,500.00 74,400.00 60,064.00
10,000 72,309.76 54,739.00 54,128.00 57,800.00 59,860.00 64,700.00 75,600.00 63,064.00
10,500 76,509.76 55,939.00 55,328.00 59,000.00 61,060.00 65,900.00 76,800.00 66,064.00
11,000 80,709.76 57,139.00 56,528.00 60,200.00 62,260.00 67,100.00 78,000.00 69,064.00
11,500 84,909.76 58,339.00 57,728.00 61,400.00 63,460.00 68,300.00 79,200.00 72,064.00
12,000 89,109.76 59,539.00 58,928.00 62,600.00 64,660.00 69,500.00 80,400.00 75,064.00
12,500 93,309.76 60,739.00 60,128.00 63,800.00 65,860.00 70,700.00 81,600.00 78,064.00
13,000 97,509.76 61,939.00 61,328.00 65,000.00 67,060.00 71,900.00 82,800.00 81,064.00
13,500 101,709.76 63,139.00 62,528.00 66,200.00 68,260.00 73,100.00 84,000.00 84,064.00
14,000 105,909.76 64,339.00 63,728.00 67,400.00 69,460.00 74,300.00 85,200.00 87,064.00
14,500 110,109.76 66,439.00 64,928.00 68,600.00 70,660.00 75,500.00 86,400.00 90,064.00
15,000 114,309.76 68,539.00 66,128.00 69,800.00 71,860.00 76,700.00 87,600.00 93,064.00
15,500 118,509.76 70,639.00 67,328.00 71,000.00 73,060.00 77,900.00 88,800.00 96,064.00
16,000 122,709.76 72,739.00 68,528.00 72,200.00 74,260.00 79,100.00 90,000.00 99,064.00
16,500 126,909.76 74,839.00 69,728.00 74,300.00 76,360.00 80,300.00 91,200.00 102,064.00
17,000 131,109.76 76,939.00 71,828.00 76,400.00 78,460.00 82,400.00 92,400.00 105,064.00
17,500 135,309.76 79,039.00 73,928.00 78,500.00 80,560.00 84,500.00 93,600.00 108,064.00
18,000 139,509.76 81,139.00 76,028.00 80,600.00 82,660.00 86,600.00 94,800.00 111,064.00
18,500 143,709.76 83,239.00 78,128.00 82,700.00 84,760.00 88,700.00 96,000.00 114,064.00
19,000 147,909.76 85,339.00 80,228.00 84,800.00 86,860.00 90,800.00 97,200.00 117,064.00
19,500 152,109.76 87,439.00 82,328.00 86,900.00 88,960.00 92,900.00 98,400.00 120,064.00
20,000 156,309.76 89,539.00 84,428.00 89,000.00 91,060.00 95,000.00 99,600.00 123,064.00
20,500 160,509.76 91,639.00 86,528.00 91,100.00 93,160.00 97,100.00 100,800.00 126,064.00

Schedule A

Potential Wage - Option 1

Monthly 0-12 months 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL STL Home Users
CAC ($) months Consultants
21,000 164,709.76 93,739.00 88,628.00 93,200.00 95,260.00 99,200.00 102,000.00 129,064.00
21,500 168,909.76 95,839.00 90,728.00 95,300.00 97,360.00 101,300.00 103,200.00 132,064.00
22,000 173,109.76 97,939.00 92,828.00 97,400.00 99,460.00 103,400.00 104,400.00 135,064.00
22,500 177,309.76 100,039.00 94,928.00 99,500.00 101,560.00 105,500.00 105,600.00 138,064.00
23,000 181,509.76 102,139.00 97,028.00 101,600.00 103,660.00 107,600.00 106,800.00 141,064.00
23,500 185,709.76 104,239.00 99,128.00 103,700.00 105,760.00 109,700.00 108,000.00 144,064.00
24,000 189,909.76 106,339.00 101,228.00 105,800.00 107,860.00 111,800.00 109,200.00 147,064.00
24,500 194,109.76 108,439.00 103,328.00 107,900.00 109,960.00 113,900.00 110,400.00 150,064.00
25,000 198,309.76 110,539.00 105,428.00 110,000.00 112,060.00 116,000.00 111,600.00 153,064.00
25,500 202,509.76 112,639.00 107,528.00 112,100.00 114,160.00 118,100.00 112,800.00 156,064.00
26,000 206,709.76 114,739.00 109,628.00 114,200.00 116,260.00 120,200.00 114,000.00 159,064.00
26,500 210,909.76 116,839.00 111,728.00 116,300.00 118,360.00 122,300.00 115,200.00 162,064.00
27,000 215,109.76 118,939.00 113,828.00 118,400.00 120,460.00 124,400.00 116,400.00 165,064.00
27,500 219,309.76 121,039.00 115,928.00 120,500.00 122,560.00 126,500.00 117,600.00 168,064.00
28,000 125,800.00 123,139.00 118,028.00 122,600.00 124,660.00 128,600.00 118,800.00 171,064.00
28,500 127,900.00 125,239.00 120,128.00 124,700.00 126,760.00 130,700.00 120,000.00 174,064.00
29,000 130,000.00 127,339.00 122,228.00 126,800.00 128,860.00 132,800.00 121,200.00 177,064.00
29,500 132,100.00 129,439.00 124,328.00 128,900.00 130,960.00 134,900.00 122,400.00 180,064.00
30,000 134,200.00 131,539.00 126,428.00 131,000.00 133,060.00 137,000.00 123,600.00 183,064.00
30,500 136,300.00 133,639.00 128,528.00 133,100.00 135,160.00 139,100.00 124,800.00 186,064.00
31,000 138,400.00 135,739.00 130,628.00 135,200.00 137,260.00 141,200.00 126,000.00 189,064.00
31,500 140,500.00 137,839.00 132,728.00 137,300.00 139,360.00 143,300.00 127,200.00 192,064.00
32,000 142,600.00 139,939.00 134,828.00 139,400.00 141,460.00 145,400.00 128,400.00 195,064.00
32,500 144,700.00 142,039.00 136,928.00 141,500.00 143,560.00 147,500.00 129,600.00 198,064.00
33,000 146,800.00 144,139.00 139,028.00 143,600.00 145,660.00 149,600.00 130,800.00 201,064.00
33,500 148,900.00 146,239.00 141,128.00 145,700.00 147,760.00 151,700.00 132,000.00 204,064.00
34,000 151,000.00 148,339.00 143,228.00 147,800.00 149,860.00 153,800.00 133,200.00 207,064.00
34,500 153,100.00 150,439.00 145,328.00 149,900.00 151,960.00 155,900.00 134,400.00 210,064.00
35,000 155,200.00 152,539.00 147,428.00 152,000.00 154,060.00 158,000.00 135,600.00 213,064.00
35,500 157,300.00 154,639.00 149,528.00 154,100.00 156,160.00 160,100.00 136,800.00 216,064.00
36,000 159,400.00 156,739.00 151,628.00 156,200.00 158,260.00 162,200.00 138,000.00 219,064.00
36,500 161,500.00 158,839.00 153,728.00 158,300.00 160,360.00 164,300.00 139,200.00 222,064.00
37,000 163,600.00 160,939.00 155,828.00 160,400.00 162,460.00 166,400.00 140,400.00 225,064.00
37,500 165,700.00 163,039.00 157,928.00 162,500.00 164,560.00 168,500.00 141,600.00 228,064.00
38,000 167,800.00 165,139.00 160,028.00 164,600.00 166,660.00 170,600.00 142,800.00 231,064.00
38,500 169,900.00 167,239.00 162,128.00 166,700.00 168,760.00 172,700.00 144,000.00 234,064.00
39,000 172,000.00 169,339.00 164,228.00 168,800.00 170,860.00 174,800.00 145,200.00 237,064.00
39,500 174,100.00 171,439.00 166,328.00 170,900.00 172,960.00 176,900.00 146,400.00 240,064.00
40,000 176,200.00 173,539.00 168,428.00 173,000.00 175,060.00 179,000.00 147,600.00 243,064.00
40,500 178,300.00 175,639.00 170,528.00 175,100.00 177,160.00 181,100.00 148,800.00 246,064.00
41,000 180,400.00 177,739.00 172,628.00 177,200.00 179,260.00 183,200.00 150,000.00 249,064.00
41,500 182,500.00 179,839.00 174,728.00 179,300.00 181,360.00 185,300.00 151,200.00 252,064.00

Schedule A

Potential Wage - Option 1

Monthly 0-12 months 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL STL Home Users
CAC ($) months Consultants
42,000 184,600.00 181,939.00 176,828.00 181,400.00 183,460.00 187,400.00 152,400.00 255,064.00
42,500 186,700.00 184,039.00 178,928.00 183,500.00 185,560.00 189,500.00 153,600.00 258,064.00
43,000 188,800.00 186,139.00 181,028.00 185,600.00 187,660.00 191,600.00 154,800.00 261,064.00
43,500 190,900.00 188,239.00 183,128.00 187,700.00 189,760.00 193,700.00 156,000.00 264,064.00
44,000 193,000.00 190,339.00 185,228.00 189,800.00 191,860.00 195,800.00 157,200.00 267,064.00
44,500 195,100.00 192,439.00 187,328.00 191,900.00 193,960.00 197,900.00 158,400.00 270,064.00
45,000 197,200.00 194,539.00 189,428.00 194,000.00 196,060.00 200,000.00 159,600.00 273,064.00
45,500 199,300.00 196,639.00 191,528.00 196,100.00 198,160.00 202,100.00 160,800.00 276,064.00
46,000 201,400.00 198,739.00 193,628.00 198,200.00 200,260.00 204,200.00 162,000.00 279,064.00
46,500 203,500.00 200,839.00 195,728.00 200,300.00 202,360.00 206,300.00 163,200.00 282,064.00
47,000 205,600.00 202,939.00 197,828.00 202,400.00 204,460.00 208,400.00 164,400.00 285,064.00
47,500 207,700.00 205,039.00 199,928.00 204,500.00 206,560.00 210,500.00 165,600.00 288,064.00
48,000 209,800.00 207,139.00 202,028.00 206,600.00 208,660.00 212,600.00 166,800.00 291,064.00
48,500 211,900.00 209,239.00 204,128.00 208,700.00 210,760.00 214,700.00 168,000.00 294,064.00
49,000 214,000.00 211,339.00 206,228.00 210,800.00 212,860.00 216,800.00 169,200.00 297,064.00
49,500 216,100.00 213,439.00 208,328.00 212,900.00 214,960.00 218,900.00 170,400.00 300,064.00
50,000 218,200.00 215,539.00 210,428.00 215,000.00 217,060.00 221,000.00 171,600.00 303,064.00

Note: All of the above calculations have been based off the indicated average roster above, except Home Users calculations which have been worked off a Monday –
Friday roster at 20% of a standard weekly rate for Senior Consultants. The High Performers Tiers and Accelerators do not apply under this model.

Schedule A

For a Senior Consultant based on an average roster in a 7 day store, any
amount above $7K transfer you begin to earn commission
Is there criteria to be on the Top Earners Model?
In order to qualify to become a Top Earner, you must transfer an amount of $15,000 per month consistently.
If you transfer drops below this amount for a period of 6 months without reasonable cause you will
revert to the standard commission model, until you can requalify over a 12 month period.
What if I am better off on the other model?
Once you have qualified for the Top Earner if for any reason you fall below the amount that you would have earned
under Option 1 on a month by month, you will be receive the higher amount in the more favourable model.


Potential Wage - Option 2 - High Performers

Monthly 0-12 months 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL STL Home Users
CAC ($) months Consultants
1,000 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 62,400.00
1,500 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 63,000.00
2,000 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 63,600.00
2,500 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 64,200.00
3,000 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 64,800.00
3,500 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 65,400.00
4,000 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 66,000.00
4,500 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 66,600.00
5,000 49,329.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 67,200.00
5,500 49,448.00 52,174.00 54,547.00 59,289.00 67,800.00
6,000 50,048.00 52,520.00 54,580.00 59,289.00 68,400.00
6,500 50,648.00 53,120.00 55,180.00 59,300.00 69,000.00
7,000 51,248.00 53,720.00 55,780.00 59,900.00 69,600.00
7,500 51,848.00 54,320.00 56,380.00 60,500.00 70,200.00
8,000 52,448.00 54,920.00 56,980.00 61,100.00 70,800.00
8,500 53,048.00 55,520.00 57,580.00 61,700.00 71,400.00
9,000 53,648.00 56,120.00 58,180.00 62,300.00 72,000.00
9,500 54,248.00 56,720.00 58,780.00 62,900.00 72,600.00
10,000 54,848.00 57,320.00 59,380.00 63,500.00 73,200.00
10,500 55,448.00 57,920.00 59,980.00 64,100.00 73,800.00
11,000 56,048.00 58,520.00 60,580.00 64,700.00 74,400.00
11,500 56,648.00 59,120.00 61,180.00 65,300.00 75,000.00
12,000 57,248.00 59,720.00 61,780.00 65,900.00 75,600.00
12,500 59,048.00 61,520.00 63,580.00 67,700.00 77,400.00
13,000 60,848.00 63,320.00 65,380.00 69,500.00 79,200.00
13,500 62,648.00 65,120.00 67,180.00 71,300.00 81,000.00
14,000 64,448.00 66,920.00 68,980.00 73,100.00 82,800.00
14,500 66,248.00 68,720.00 70,780.00 74,900.00 84,600.00
15,000 68,048.00 70,520.00 72,580.00 76,700.00 86,400.00

Schedule A

Potential Wage - Option 2 - High Performers

Monthly 0-12 months 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL STL Home Users
CAC ($) months Consultants
15,500 69,848.00 72,320.00 74,380.00 78,500.00 88,200.00
16,000 71,648.00 74,120.00 76,180.00 80,300.00 90,000.00
16,500 73,448.00 75,920.00 77,980.00 82,100.00 91,800.00
17,000 75,248.00 77,720.00 79,780.00 83,900.00 93,600.00
17,500 77,648.00 80,120.00 82,180.00 86,300.00 96,000.00
18,000 80,048.00 82,520.00 84,580.00 88,700.00 98,400.00
18,500 82,448.00 84,920.00 86,980.00 91,100.00 100,800.00
19,000 84,848.00 87,320.00 89,380.00 93,500.00 103,200.00
19,500 87,248.00 89,720.00 91,780.00 95,900.00 105,600.00
20,000 89,648.00 92,120.00 94,180.00 98,300.00 108,000.00
20,500 92,048.00 94,520.00 96,580.00 100,700.00 110,400.00
21,000 94,448.00 96,920.00 98,980.00 103,100.00 112,800.00
21,500 96,848.00 99,320.00 101,380.00 105,500.00 115,200.00
22,000 99,248.00 101,720.00 103,780.00 107,900.00 117,600.00
22,500 101,648.00 104,120.00 106,180.00 110,300.00 120,000.00
23,000 104,048.00 106,520.00 108,580.00 112,700.00 122,400.00
23,500 106,448.00 108,920.00 110,980.00 115,100.00 124,800.00
24,000 108,848.00 111,320.00 113,380.00 117,500.00 127,200.00
24,500 111,248.00 113,720.00 115,780.00 119,900.00 129,600.00
25,000 113,648.00 116,120.00 118,180.00 122,300.00 132,000.00
25,500 116,048.00 118,520.00 120,580.00 124,700.00 134,400.00
26,000 118,448.00 120,920.00 122,980.00 127,100.00 136,800.00
26,500 120,848.00 123,320.00 125,380.00 129,500.00 139,200.00
27,000 123,248.00 125,720.00 127,780.00 131,900.00 141,600.00
27,500 125,648.00 128,120.00 130,180.00 134,300.00 144,000.00
28,000 128,048.00 130,520.00 132,580.00 136,700.00 146,400.00
28,500 130,448.00 132,920.00 134,980.00 139,100.00 148,800.00
29,000 132,848.00 135,320.00 137,380.00 141,500.00 151,200.00
29,500 135,248.00 137,720.00 139,780.00 143,900.00 153,600.00
30,000 137,648.00 140,120.00 142,180.00 146,300.00 156,000.00
30,500 140,048.00 142,520.00 144,580.00 148,700.00 158,400.00
31,000 142,448.00 144,920.00 146,980.00 151,100.00 160,800.00
31,500 144,848.00 147,320.00 149,380.00 153,500.00 163,200.00
32,000 147,248.00 149,720.00 151,780.00 155,900.00 165,600.00
32,500 149,648.00 152,120.00 154,180.00 158,300.00 168,000.00
33,000 152,048.00 154,520.00 156,580.00 160,700.00 170,400.00
33,500 154,448.00 156,920.00 158,980.00 163,100.00 172,800.00
34,000 156,848.00 159,320.00 161,380.00 165,500.00 175,200.00
34,500 159,248.00 161,720.00 163,780.00 167,900.00 177,600.00
35,000 161,648.00 164,120.00 166,180.00 170,300.00 180,000.00
35,500 164,048.00 166,520.00 168,580.00 172,700.00 182,400.00
36,000 166,448.00 168,920.00 170,980.00 175,100.00 184,800.00

Schedule A

Potential Wage - Option 2 - High Performers

Monthly 0-12 months 13-24 Consultants Senior ATL TL STL Home Users
CAC ($) months Consultants
36,500 168,848.00 171,320.00 173,380.00 177,500.00 187,200.00
37,000 171,248.00 173,720.00 175,780.00 179,900.00 189,600.00
37,500 173,648.00 176,120.00 178,180.00 182,300.00 192,000.00
38,000 176,048.00 178,520.00 180,580.00 184,700.00 194,400.00
38,500 178,448.00 180,920.00 182,980.00 187,100.00 196,800.00
39,000 180,848.00 183,320.00 185,380.00 189,500.00 199,200.00
39,500 183,248.00 185,720.00 187,780.00 191,900.00 201,600.00
40,000 185,648.00 188,120.00 190,180.00 194,300.00 204,000.00
40,500 188,048.00 190,520.00 192,580.00 196,700.00 206,400.00
41,000 190,448.00 192,920.00 194,980.00 199,100.00 208,800.00
41,500 192,848.00 195,320.00 197,380.00 201,500.00 211,200.00
42,000 195,248.00 197,720.00 199,780.00 203,900.00 213,600.00
42,500 197,648.00 200,120.00 202,180.00 206,300.00 216,000.00
43,000 200,048.00 202,520.00 204,580.00 208,700.00 218,400.00
43,500 202,448.00 204,920.00 206,980.00 211,100.00 220,800.00
44,000 204,848.00 207,320.00 209,380.00 213,500.00 223,200.00
44,500 207,248.00 209,720.00 211,780.00 215,900.00 225,600.00
45,000 209,648.00 212,120.00 214,180.00 218,300.00 228,000.00
45,500 212,048.00 214,520.00 216,580.00 220,700.00 230,400.00
46,000 214,448.00 216,920.00 218,980.00 223,100.00 232,800.00
46,500 216,848.00 219,320.00 221,380.00 225,500.00 235,200.00
47,000 219,248.00 221,720.00 223,780.00 227,900.00 237,600.00
47,500 221,648.00 224,120.00 226,180.00 230,300.00 240,000.00
48,000 224,048.00 226,520.00 228,580.00 232,700.00 242,400.00
48,500 226,448.00 228,920.00 230,980.00 235,100.00 244,800.00
49,000 228,848.00 231,320.00 233,380.00 237,500.00 247,200.00
49,500 231,248.00 233,720.00 235,780.00 239,900.00 249,600.00
50,000 233,648.00 236,120.00 238,180.00 242,300.00 252,000.00

Schedule B



ICOS % 33% CONSULTANT $45,319.56

2IC $47,380.32
TIER 1 10% TEAM LEADER $51,499.76
TIER 2 30%
TIER 2 35%

BASE ICOS $8,000
MAX ICOS $14,000



Transfer $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 $11,000 $12,000 $13,000 $14,000

$1,000 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100
$2,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200
$3,000 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300
$4,000 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400
$5,000 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
$6,000 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600
$7,000 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700
$8,000 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800
$9,000 $1,100 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900
$10,000 $1,400 $1,200 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
$11,000 $1,700 $1,500 $1,300 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100
$12,000 $2,000 $1,800 $1,600 $1,400 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200
$13,000 $2,300 $2,100 $1,900 $1,700 $1,500 $1,300 $1,300
$14,000 $2,600 $2,400 $2,200 $2,000 $1,800 $1,600 $1,400
$15,000 $2,900 $2,700 $2,500 $2,300 $2,100 $1,900 $1,700
$16,000 $3,250 $3,000 $2,800 $2,600 $2,400 $2,200 $2,000
$17,000 $3,600 $3,350 $3,100 $2,900 $2,700 $2,500 $2,300
$18,000 $3,950 $3,700 $3,450 $3,200 $3,000 $2,800 $2,600
$19,000 $4,300 $4,050 $3,800 $3,550 $3,300 $3,100 $2,900
$20,000 $4,650 $4,400 $4,150 $3,900 $3,650 $3,400 $3,200
$21,000 $5,000 $4,750 $4,500 $4,250 $4,000 $3,750 $3,500
$22,000 $5,350 $5,100 $4,850 $4,600 $4,350 $4,100 $3,850
$23,000 $5,700 $5,450 $5,200 $4,950 $4,700 $4,450 $4,200

Schedule B



$24,000 $6,050 $5,800 $5,550 $5,300 $5,050 $4,800 $4,550

$25,000 $6,400 $6,150 $5,900 $5,650 $5,400 $5,150 $4,900
$26,000 $6,750 $6,500 $6,250 $6,000 $5,750 $5,500 $5,250
$27,000 $7,100 $6,850 $6,600 $6,350 $6,100 $5,850 $5,600
$28,000 $7,450 $7,200 $6,950 $6,700 $6,450 $6,200 $5,950
$29,000 $7,800 $7,550 $7,300 $7,050 $6,800 $6,550 $6,300
$30,000 $8,150 $7,900 $7,650 $7,400 $7,150 $6,900 $6,650
$31,000 $8,500 $8,250 $8,000 $7,750 $7,500 $7,250 $7,000
$32,000 $8,850 $8,600 $8,350 $8,100 $7,850 $7,600 $7,350
$33,000 $9,200 $8,950 $8,700 $8,450 $8,200 $7,950 $7,700
$34,000 $9,550 $9,300 $9,050 $8,800 $8,550 $8,300 $8,050
$35,000 $9,900 $9,650 $9,400 $9,150 $8,900 $8,650 $8,400
$36,000 $10,250 $10,000 $9,750 $9,500 $9,250 $9,000 $8,750
$37,000 $10,600 $10,350 $10,100 $9,850 $9,600 $9,350 $9,100
$38,000 $10,950 $10,700 $10,450 $10,200 $9,950 $9,700 $9,450
$39,000 $11,300 $11,050 $10,800 $10,550 $10,300 $10,050 $9,800
$40,000 $11,650 $11,400 $11,150 $10,900 $10,650 $10,400 $10,150
$41,000 $12,000 $11,750 $11,500 $11,250 $11,000 $10,750 $10,500
$42,000 $12,350 $12,100 $11,850 $11,600 $11,350 $11,100 $10,850
$43,000 $12,700 $12,450 $12,200 $11,950 $11,700 $11,450 $11,200
$44,000 $13,050 $12,800 $12,550 $12,300 $12,050 $11,800 $11,550
$45,000 $13,400 $13,150 $12,900 $12,650 $12,400 $12,150 $11,900
$46,000 $13,750 $13,500 $13,250 $13,000 $12,750 $12,500 $12,250
$47,000 $14,100 $13,850 $13,600 $13,350 $13,100 $12,850 $12,600
$48,000 $14,450 $14,200 $13,950 $13,700 $13,450 $13,200 $12,950
$49,000 $14,800 $14,550 $14,300 $14,050 $13,800 $13,550 $13,300
$50,000 $15,150 $14,900 $14,650 $14,400 $14,150 $13,900 $13,650


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