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down un weight:

- focus on soft legs and stable upper body while trying these tasks.

- explain down un weighted pattern with back foot unstrapped

- (skidded traverse: expolore range of movement.)
- pivot slips: use pivot slips to introduce the timing of vertival movement. sideslips with
down un weighted turn in between. (start with snowboard across falline with legs
extended. Begin to flex, using twist to guide the nose of board into falline. then use
rotation to pivot the board. Change edges with legs flex, then gradually extend when
on new edge.
- Adapt task by replacing sideslip with traverse
- Then use free ride to explore turns.( follow each other, different sized turns, different

timing problems:
● Walk through sequential use of flexion and extension relative to edge change in
stationary. Begin with slow exaggarated movement, to show the timing of flexion and
extension movements. Try this with medium/closed/skidded turns on easy terrain.

Unable to downunweight heel to toe:

● ensure student uses flexion of ankles and knees to move vertical closer to board
instead of upper back.
● try medium closed turns with long traverses, and play with twisting in the traverse.
● Then slow down movement and focus on rolling over front foot at same time.
● Ensure extension of heelside completion does not push hips away from board,
making it challenging to move hips laterally back on top of board.

Retraction turn:

- introduce a slight more performance body position, hips and shoulders a little more
open to direction of travel. Then try a stationary retraction exercise. ( from a taller
position, rapidly retract the legs to lift the board off the ground. )
- have the student practicing rolling from edge to edge by using edge rolls, while riding
in the falline on a gentle pitch. focuse should be on keeping the upper body still.
- now with more speed and a low body position, begin to extend legs and guide the
board further away from COM to increase edge angle and build pressure.
- now try on different terrain

Too much skid/pivot with back leg:

● Encourage an even extension with both legs.
● Extend gently and remain low.


struggling to initiate turns:

● Move on easier terrain and develop more twist through faster flexion at initiation.
try turns with long traverses and play around with twist in the traverse.(focus on going
down when twist)
● follow each other to force student to turn.
● Introduce anticipation

struggling with pressure management in completion:

● Consider what movements are happening earlier in turn and where COM is placed.
● Encourage more progressive extension of legs
● blend well with lateral. Try J turns and work on slowly.progressively extending the
● focus on edge pressure steer,


Bucked by the terrain changes/loses balance:

● Focus reducing muscle and joint tension, so student can use freely( explain jelly legs)
● use mileage with traverses on bumpy terrain, to practice jelly legs, focus on keeping
contact with snow. (toe edge focus on soft ankles, heel edge, focus more on a
balanced blend of flexion in knees and hips.


student creates high edge angle to slow down:

● encourage student to remain flexed and relaxed in lower-legs
● remind student that more grip wont be achievable.
● encourage student to have COM more laterally more above board.
● focus on down un weight turns and exercises, so edge angle is lower at
traverse.(exagarated movements, J-turns with gradually extending.)


struggles intiate turns on wind-aff curd.

● Check down unweight and timed edge change. focus on smooth progressive edge
change. (practice small closed down turns on easy terrain, then maybe garland for

Initiating problem:
turn/long traverse/ play around with twist on traverse
joystick explanation.
slow it down and exaggerate it.

completion problem
J-turns for gradual vertical movements
jigsaw turns for practice steering

balance problem:
edgehops in between turn, for vertical and lateral.
flat 360 for edge awareness and being stacked over the board.


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