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The railway children

Roberta(she prefers bobbie),Peter and Phyllis Selby live with their parents
in London one day their father is carry away by two strange men in a
cab.A month pass and their Father dont come back so they have to move to
a new house in another place because they havent money.Near their new
house is the railway and, they go there very often,one day they need coal to
make fire but the coal is expensive and they cant buy it so they steal coal
from the railway.The netx day Mr. taylor(the responsible of the
railway)finds outs that they have take the coal but he is kind and let them
take the coal.The children,of go to a field netx to the railway and they call
the train “The green dargon”the children waves to train and a old
gentleman waves at them and then everytime they wave at the train the
gentleman waves at them.Soon their mother is sick and they ask for help
to the old gentleman because they havent money to buy what their mother
needs so the gentleman helps them.The children mom goes to London to
sell stories when she come back she come with a russian man name
Alexander that is finding his family in London and he stays with them until
they find his family,the children go to take cherries for the russian, and
they see a rock that is going to the railway, the children take the clohts
from the cherry basket and they alert the train that stops and sees the big
rock and thanks them soon they win a award because they saved
them.One day the children have a picnic and they see three boys running
from the tunnel but, the third boy dont comes out from the tunnel, the
children go into the tunnel and finds the boy that is named Jim with a
broken leg.A kind farmer helps them and they carry Jim to their house,the
boy lives with his grandfather so he gives his house adress and they sned a
telegram the netx, day his grandfather comes and they find out that is the
old gentleman,Jim stays with them and the grandfather pays them.One
day,Bobbie walks to the railway and sees his father getting out from the
train she takes her father's hand and take him home.

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