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Getting More out of Toastmasters through Better Use of

Toastmasters International Communication & Leadership Programs

Toastmasters International has continued to evolve our educational programs to more explicitly address the
evolving needs of individuals seeking to develop and enhance their communication and leadership skills.

While new programs and recognition awards have been introduced over time, the highest recognition our
organization bestows remains the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) for the culmination of both
communications and leadership skills and achievements. To be eligible for the award a member must have:
Achieved Advanced Communicator Gold award (or achieved Advanced Toastmaster Gold award)
Achieved Advanced Leader Silver award (or achieved Advanced Leader award)
To apply for the Distinguished Toastmaster award, complete the appropriate section of the AL/DTM
application and ask your vice president education to submit it online to World Headquarters. You'll receive a
plaque and, if you wish, World Headquarters will send a letter to your employer about your achievement.

Communication Track
Talking on track
Members who wish to focus on communication skills begin with the Competent Communication manual
that’s included in the New Member Kit. Once they have completed this manual, they can
progress to manuals in the Advanced Communication Series.
Competent Communication manual
The 10 speech projects in this manual will help you develop your speaking skills one step
at a time. When you finish all of the projects, you are eligible for Competent
Communicator (CC) recognition. Complete the CC application in the manual and ask
your vice president education (VPE) to submit it online to World Headquarters. You'll
receive a CC certificate and, if this is your first CC award, two Advanced Communication
Series manuals free of charge.
Advanced Communication Series
After receiving CC recognition, you can work in the Advanced Communication Series manuals. There are
15 manuals, each containing five speech projects. Many of the manuals are career-oriented. You choose
the manuals you want to complete and the skills you want to learn. Working in the advanced manuals, you’ll
refine and enhance your speaking skills and become eligible for several awards:

For more information on Toastmasters International (TI) Communication & Leadership programs, see or
contact LakeRidge Club co-sponsor and member, Region Advisor Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID at 703 627-4644 or
Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB) To be eligible for this award, you must have:
Achieved Competent Communicator award (or achieved Competent Toastmaster award)
Completed two Advanced Communication Series manuals

Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS) To be eligible for this award, you must have:

Achieved Advanced Communicator Bronze award (or achieved Able Toastmaster award or Advanced
Toastmaster Bronze award under the previous program)
Completed two additional advanced communication manuals
Conducted any two presentations from The Better Speaker Series and/or The Successful Club Series

Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG) To be eligible for this award, you must have:

Achieved Advanced Communicator Silver award (or achieved Able Toastmaster Bronze award or
Advanced Toastmaster Silver award under the previous program)
Completed two additional advanced communication manuals
Conducted a presentation from the Success/Leadership Series, Success/Communication Series or a
Youth Leadership
Coached a new member with the first three speech projects

By the time you earn the Advanced Toastmaster Gold award, you will have completed six of the available
Advanced Communication Series manuals and will have learned many valuable speaking skills.

To apply for any of the Advanced Communicator awards, complete the appropriate section of the Advanced
Communicator Award application in the back of any advanced manual and ask your vice president
education to submit it online to World Headquarters. You'll receive a certificate and, if you wish, World
Headquarters will send a letter to your employer about your achievement.

The Better Speaker Series

The Better Speaker Series modules are designed as 10-15 minute educational speeches to be given in your
club. They give practical tips that can be of benefit to all members. Using these fulfill a requirement for
Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS). Item: 269 is a complete set of The Better Speaker Series modules,
including outlines and PowerPoint presentations. Also available as digital content, individual modules may
also be ordered:

Beginning Your Speech (Item 270)

Concluding Your Speech (Item 271)
Controlling Your Fear (Item 272)
Impromptu Speaking (Item 273)
Selecting Your Topic (Item 274)
Know Your Audience (Item 275)
Organizing Your Speech (Item 276)
Creating An Introduction (Item 277)
Preparation And Practice (Item 278)
Using Body Language (Item 279)

For more information on Toastmasters International (TI) Communication & Leadership programs, see or
contact LakeRidge Club co-sponsor and member, Region Advisor Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID at 703 627-4644 or
The Advanced Communication (AC) Series
To earn Advanced Communicator-Bronze (ACB), Advanced Communicator-Silver (ACS) or Advanced
Communicator-Gold (ACG) requires the completion of two manuals from the Advanced Communication
(AC) series. All AC Manuals contain five speech projects. The AC manuals may be ordered from the TI
Supply Catalog (use the order item number for each manual).
The Entertaining Speaker - Item 226A
Projects address preparing and delivering an entertaining speech and incorporating humor into different aspects
of speaking. Speech project times vary: 5 to 15 minutes. The speech projects are: The Entertaining Speech,
Resources for Entertainment, Make Them Laugh, A Dramatic Talk, Speaking After Dinner

Speaking to Inform - Item 226B

This manual contains information about organizing an informational speech and much more! Speech project
times vary: 5 to 12 minutes. The speech projects are: The Speech to Inform, Resources for Informing, The
Demonstration Talk, A Fact-Finding Report, The Abstract Concept
Public Relations - Item 226C
Covers preparing a speech that will sway your audience to whatever it is you're promoting. Speech project
times vary: 5 to 10 minutes. The speech projects are: The Public Relations Speech, Resources for Goodwill,
The Persuasive Approach, Speaking Under Fire, The Media Speech
Facilitating Discussion - Item 226D
Group discussions are common, and this manual provides instruction in facilitating the most common types of
discussions. Speech project times vary: 20 to 40 minutes.
The speech projects are: The Seminar Solution, The Round Robin, Pilot a Panel, Make It Make Believe, The
Workshop Leader
Specialty Speeches - Item 226E
This manual contains information about giving the most common ones, and it covers impromptu talks, preparing
inspirational speeches, selling a product, reading out loud and introducing a speaker. Speech project times
vary: 5 to 15 minutes. The speech projects are: Speak Off the Cuff, Uplift the Spirit, Sell a Product, Read Out
Loud, Introduce the Speaker
Speeches by Management - Item 226F
This manual offers instruction in giving speeches as a member of management. Speech project times vary: 5 to
15 minutes. The speech projects are: The Briefing, The Technical Speech, Manage and Motivate, The Status
Report, The Adversary Relationship

The Professional Speaker - Item 226G

This manual offers guidance in preparing various types of speeches in a professional atmosphere. Speech
project times vary: 15 to 40 minutes. The speech projects are: The Keynote Address, Speaking To Entertain,
The Sales Training Speech, The Professional Seminar, The Motivational Speech

Technical Presentations - Item 226H

Learn how to prepare technical briefings, design and present a proposal, talk about a technical subject to a
nontechnical audience, present a technical paper and enhance a technical talk with the internet. Speech project
times vary: 8 to 30 minutes. The speech projects are: The Technical Briefing, The Proposal, The Non-
Technical Audience, Presenting a Technical Paper, The Team Presentation
Persuasive Speaking - Item 226I
Projects cover selling a product, making “cold calls,” preparing a winning proposal, convincing an audience to at
least consider your side of a controversial issue or subject and persuading listeners to help bring a vision and
mission to reality. Speech project times vary: 5 to 15 minutes. The speech projects are: The Effective
Salesperson, Conquering the Cold Call, The Winning Proposal, Addressing the Opposition, The Persuasive
Communicating on Video - Item 226J
Learn how to present an editorial, appear as a guest on an interview program, be the host of an interview
program, conduct a press conference and use video to train. Speech project times vary: 3 to 30 minutes. The
speech projects are: Straight Talk, The Talk Show, When You're the Host, The Press Conference, Training on

For more information on Toastmasters International (TI) Communication & Leadership programs, see or
contact LakeRidge Club co-sponsor and member, Region Advisor Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID at 703 627-4644 or
Storytelling - Item 226K
This manual offers instruction in telling folk tales, personal stories, stories with morals, emotional stories and
stories about historical events or people. Speech project times vary: 4 to 9 minutes.
The speech projects are: The Folk Tale, Let's Get Personal, The Moral of the Story, The Touching Story, Bring
History to Life
Interpretive Reading - Item 226L
Projects include reading stories, poetry, monodramas, plays and famous speeches. Speech project times vary:
5 to 12 minutes. The speech projects are: Read a Story, Interpreting Poetry, The Mono Drama, The Play, The
Oratorical Speech

Interpersonal Communication - Item 226M

Topics in this manual include conversing with ease, negotiating, handling criticism, coaching someone to
improve performance and expressing dissatisfaction effectively. Speech project times vary: 10 to 14 minutes.
The speech projects are: Conversing With Ease, The Successful Negotiator, Diffusing Verbal Criticism, The
Coach, Asserting Yourself Effectively
Special Occasion Speeches - Item 226N
This manual provides instruction in giving toasts, speaking in praise/giving a eulogy, “roasting” someone and
presenting and accepting awards. Speech project times vary: 2 to 7 minutes. The speech projects are:
Mastering the Toast, Speaking in Praise, The Roast, Presenting an Award, Accepting an Award
Humorously Speaking - Item 226O
Learn how to incorporate humor into every aspect of your speech. Speech project times vary: 5 to 7 minutes.
The speech projects are: Warm up Your Audience, Leave Them with a Smile, Make Them Laugh, Keep Them
Laughing, The Humorous Speech

Leadership Track
Learn to lead with practical practice
Members working in the leadership track learn and practice leadership skills by serving in club roles.
The Competent Leadership manual is the core of the leadership track. It features 10
projects, which you complete while serving in various club meeting roles. An evaluator
will give you feedback on each project, helping you to improve. When you complete the
manual, you are eligible for Competent Leader (CL) recognition. Complete the CL
application in the manual and ask your vice president education (VPE) to submit it
online to World Headquarters. You'll receive a CL certificate and, if you wish, World
Headquarters will send your employer a letter about your accomplishment.
Advanced Leader Program
After earning the CL award you can further refine and develop your leadership skills by
working in the advanced leader program. Members working in this program are eligible
for Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB) and Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) recognition.
Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB) To be eligible for this award, a member must have:
Achieved new Competent Leader award
Achieved Competent Communicator award (or Competent Toastmaster award)
Served at least six months as a club officer (president, vice president education, vice president
membership, vice president public relations, secretary, treasurer or sergeant at arms) and participated in
the preparation of a Club Success Plan while serving in this office
While serving in the above office, participated in a district-sponsored club officer training program
Conducted any two presentations from The Successful Club Series and/or The Leadership Excellence

For more information on Toastmasters International (TI) Communication & Leadership programs, see or
contact LakeRidge Club co-sponsor and member, Region Advisor Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID at 703 627-4644 or
Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) To be eligible for this award, a member must have:
Achieved Advanced Leader Bronze award (or "old" Competent Leader award)
Served a complete term as a district leader (district governor, lieutenant governor, public relations
officer, secretary, treasurer, division governor or area governor). A complete term is defined as having
served at least from September 1 through June 30. Those assuming office after September 1 do not
qualify as having served a full term
Completed the High Performance Leadership program
Served successfully as a club sponsor, mentor or coach
To apply for either of the Advanced Leader awards, complete the appropriate section of the AL/DTM
application and ask your vice president education to submit it online to World Headquarters. You'll receive
a certificate and, if you wish, World Headquarters will send your employer a letter about your

High Performance Leadership

High Performance Leadership features five projects offering instruction and practice in such vital leadership
areas as developing a vision, goal-setting and planning, developing plans and strategies, and team-building.
It also gives you feedback on your leadership skills. The program may be completed within your
Toastmasters club, area or district, and even within your company or community.

Perhaps you would enjoy taking on a project for your club or district while serving as an officer or committee
chairman. If you are an employee or supervisor in an organization, you could do a leadership project related
to the needs of your organization. Other possibilities include projects for your community, church, an
association or professional group, or some other organization. Your project can be almost anything, so long
as it is legal, ethical, and socially responsible, and your activities are not represented as being endorsed by
Toastmasters International.

The Leadership Excellence Series

The Leadership Excellence Series helps members learn the skills they will need to be successful leaders
inside and outside Toastmasters. Using these fulfills ALB requirement. Item: 310 is the complete set of The
Leadership Excellence Series modules, including scripts and PowerPoint presentations, includes:

The Visionary Leader (Item 311)

Developing A Mission (Item 312)
Values and Leadership (Item 313)
Goal Setting And Planning (Item 314)
Delegate To Empower (Item 315)
Building A Team (Item 316)
Giving Effective Feedback (Item 317)
The Leader as a Coach (Item 318)
Motivating People (Item 319)
Service And Leadership (Item 320)
Resolving Conflict (Item 321)

For more information on Toastmasters International (TI) Communication & Leadership programs, see or
contact LakeRidge Club co-sponsor and member, Region Advisor Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID at 703 627-4644 or
Success/Leadership and Success/Communication
Collaborating with your community
Toastmasters’ Success/Communication and Success/Leadership modules/presentations help develop and
provide practice in various communication and leadership skills. Most modules last between one to three
hours. The modules can be used inside your club, to enhance members’ skills; in
companies, to increase employees’ skills and promote awareness of Toastmasters;
and in the community, to enhance the general public’s skills and to promote
awareness of Toastmasters. Each presentation is designed to be conducted as a
seminar, with a club member serving as leader or coordinator. All presentations
must be presented by a current club member. The presentations include a script and
instructions. Most presentations also include visuals and notebooks for participants.
Clubs may charge a reasonable fee for conducting any Success/Communication
and Success/Leadership presentation for nonmembers. The fee should cover
presentation expenses (materials, refreshments, room rental). Any remaining money
must be placed in the club’s treasury. No individuals, educational institutions or other
organizations may derive financial gain either directly or indirectly from the delivery
of these presentations. NOTE: Expanding Your Horizons brochure can also be
downloaded for a complete listing of these programs and additional details.
Speechcraft (Item 205) This presentation is designed to develop leadership skills as well as teach
speaking skills in a seminar workshop format. This presentation helps participants gain confidence in
communication, including writing and delivering speeches, impromptu speaking, using audiovisual aids and
body language, and improving effective listening.
How to Listen Effectively (Item 242) Listening is a far more active skill than some may think. Effective
listening requires certain techniques for receiving, organizing and interpreting what has been said. This
module helps participants recognize and develop those skills.
The Art of Effective Evaluation (Item 251) Evaluations are the most important part of the Toastmasters
program. The ability to effectively evaluate any situation or condition is crucial, no matter what your
vocation. This presentation teaches the finer points of offering constructive criticism.
Building Your Thinking Power, Part I: Mental Flexibility (Item 253) Mental flexibility can be defined as
a way of thinking – an attitude. It’s a way of approaching situations that allows you to adapt behavior to
achieve the best outcomes. In this presentation, participants learn to increase their mental flexibility to
become better listeners, better observers, better thinkers and more effective problem-solvers.
Building Your Thinking Power, Part II: The Power of Ideas (Item 254) People who are skilled at
producing new ideas can make an important contribution to society. This presentation clarifies the basic
principles of creative thinking and explores specific techniques that can make participants more effective
idea producers.
From Speaker to Trainer (Item 257) Many businesses and organizations have realized the importance
of training. Properly trained people increase productivity and make fewer mistakes. But how do you train
people? In this presentation you will discover the five steps involved in preparing and presenting a training
presentation using adult learning principles. You will also learn the roles of trainers and the differences
between public speaking and training. You will gain practical experience in facilitating discussion and
conducting exercises.

For more information on Toastmasters International (TI) Communication & Leadership programs, see or
contact LakeRidge Club co-sponsor and member, Region Advisor Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID at 703 627-4644 or
How to Conduct Productive Meetings (Item 236) This presentation reveals the techniques and
dynamics for conducting productive meetings for any group. What are the secrets to opening and
concluding meetings? How can you tell if the meeting is running smoothly? This presentation answers these
questions and more as it shows how to conduct effective meetings.
Parliamentary Procedure in Action (Item 237) Appropriate rules of order are a must in most
corporations, associations and organizations. The ability to understand and apply parliamentary skills is a
much sought-after quality among managers and leaders. This presentation teaches how to effectively lead
and participate in parliamentary-style discussions.
Leadership, Part I: Characteristics of Effective Leaders (Item 255) Managers analyze information,
make inferences and make decisions daily. Leaders, on the other hand, influence and inspire group
members and motivate followers to achieve a mission or goal. They have power. This presentation defines
the qualities that determine effective leaders.
Leadership, Part II: Developing Your Leadership Skills (Item 256) To be an effective leader, you must
have the ability to accept and overcome challenges. By being a positive influence, a leader will help team
members to function productively and deliver quality performance. This module addresses skills and
techniques needed to be an effective leader, such as contracting for excellence, team-building, motivation
and coaching.
Leadership, Part III: Working in the Team Environment (Item 258) Today, in businesses and other
organizations around the world, people are talking about teams. They use such words as “teamwork,”
“project teams,” “work teams” and “team leaders.” In this presentation you will discover the qualities of
effective teams and how to build a team. Topics covered include developing team relations, encouraging
commitment, fostering collaboration, building trust and resolving conflict.
Improving Your Management Skills (Item 259) Managers are an integral part of any organization. All
societies depend on the goods and services provided by the organizations these individuals manage. Each
of us has experience with employees every day, directly or indirectly, as we come into contact with
businesses and other organizations. Whether we have positive experiences in these encounters depends
greatly on the people who manage them. This presentation helps develop the skills and qualities required to
be an effective manager, and it shows how you can incorporate them into your own work.

The Successful Club Series

Modules in this series address the quality of club meetings and offer tips on attracting and keeping
members. Using these fulfills ACS & ALB requirements. Item 289 is the complete series (also available as
digital content), including outlines and PowerPoint presentations and includes:
Moments Of Truth (Item 290)
Finding New Members For Your Club (Item 291)
Evaluate To Motivate (Item 292)
Closing The Sale (Item 293)
Creating The Best Club Climate (Item 294)
Meeting Roles And Responsibilities (Item 295)
Mentoring (Item 296)
Keeping The Commitment (Item 297)
Going Beyond Our Club (Item 298)
How To Be A Distinguished Club (Item 299)
The Toastmasters Educational Program (Item 300)

For more information on Toastmasters International (TI) Communication & Leadership programs, see or
contact LakeRidge Club co-sponsor and member, Region Advisor Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID at 703 627-4644 or

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