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Subject Global Leadership

Segment Introduction
Topic Syllabus

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Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Subject Description
3. Objectives
4. Subject Design
5. Subject Resources
6. Academic Honesty

1. Overview
The syllabus includes important information about the subject and the level of
participation expected from you. Please read this information carefully and revisit it
whenever necessary.

2. Subject Description
The overall goal of this course is for you to develop and enhance leadership skills.
This subject provides insight to various leadership techniques which, when applied,
may affect various organisational elements on micro and macro levels involving
people, processes, and objectives.
There will be individual and team assignments in this course. You will be expected to
read the required readings, to view and listen to vodcast/podcast, YouTube clips; be
present and participate during webinars; to participate and show presence in online
discussions. All this will enhance, build, and develop your skill set around the
subject. Some of the assignments may include reflective and practitioner based
assignments, case analysis, simulations, and writing a research paper. When in team
assignments, participation and timely engagement with team members is essential.
Equally important is the reading of announcements and any email information and
communication provided by the course facilitator. Overall timely communication is
vital. Logging on daily and applying the principle "little but often" is crucial for the
success of online learning.
The aim of this subject is to provide a foundation for you to further your leadership
skill applicability. You are expected to complete assigned readings and to complete
all segment and final course assignments according to deadlines and due dates

3. Objectives
Objectives: Leadership
Upon completion of this subject, you should be able to
 define Leadership
 describe the various concepts and theories of Leadership
 describe the interaction of the components of Leadership as they relate to the
individual and the organisation
 assess your own leadership style
 augment your own leadership style

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Subject Global Leadership
Segment Introduction
Topic Syllabus

 assess and analyse leadership behaviours in a variety of situations

 apply effective leadership skills and behaviours
 apply effective coaching skills
 develop a personal leadership development plan

4. Subject Design
This subject is divided into five segments. Each segment has several topics that
cover the relevant materials.
 The first segment provides an introduction to the history and the meaning of
leadership and touches upon the differences between management and
 The second segment gives an overview and insight to the history, concepts
and theories of leadership and will provide a framework to understand and
apply certain types of leadership models. Differences between management
and leadership will be discussed.
 Segment three focuses on leadership styles. You will gain insight to various
types of leadership styles and how those style approaches may affect, for
example, working relationships, decision-making, communication, teams,
departments, and organisational goals.
 Segment four focuses on the organisation’s cultural context and leadership.
Here you will gain an understanding about the interconnectedness of
leadership and organisational culture, when leading people in a global
 Segment five introduces you to the principles and skills of coaching as a
primary tool for the development of people in the workplace.
You are expected to communicate with your fellow students and participate in
discussions using the communications tools provided. Many of the problem-solving
learning projects are to be completed in teams and presented to the class for peer
Interaction among group members enhances the learning and understanding of the
cases presented. Participation in group discussion will also allow a free flow of views
as students from various countries are able to share insights of their respective
economies. Hence, you are expected to use the communication tools provided and
take an active part in the discussion. Here are some useful tips to help you
collaborate successfully with other members of your team.
Final Exam
You are required to take a final examination to successfully complete this subject.
Instructions and details about the exam will be provided to you shortly after the
commencement of the subject. In order to pass the subject, you must pass the final
Marks will be allocated for the following components in this subject:
 Participation in Discussions
 Action Learning Projects
 Final Integrative Project
 Final Exam
You will be informed of the breakdown in the overall grades at the start of the

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Subject Global Leadership
Segment Introduction
Topic Syllabus

5. Subject Resources
The following are resources that may be recommended for the subject:
Books and Articles
Textbooks, eBooks and journal articles may be recommended for required and
supplementary reading. These readings are referred to within the segments. You
should also refer to the Section homepage for additional readings if they are
The eLibrary provides access to full-text articles to enhance your learning
experience. Note that licensed resources from the eLibrary, such as the databases,
eBooks, eJournals, and new sources have restricted access. These resources are
permitted to the staff and currently-enrolled students at GlobalNxt University for
personal, non-commercial use.
You will be required to analyse cases as part of this subject. Here are some
guidelines to help you get started.
You need to go to the Cases folder in the Section Home page for the downloading

6. Academic Honesty
It is most important that you familiarise yourself with the standards for academic
honesty, and the penalties for any breach of these standards as defined in the
Student Handbook.

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