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AP LAB reflexes

Nerves and Reflexes

Reflex Arc

- response of the body to a sudden change or a

change in an environment

Can be classified to
according to development

Innate reflex: newborn reflexes, primitive, present at

birth, protected/protective in nature, ex.: sucking reflex
of a baby,

Acquired reflex: found in normal adult, matured ex.:

triceps reflex

According to response

superficial: cornea reflex

Deep: deep tendon such as patella reflex

According to complexity

Monosynaptic reflex: one neuronal pathway, most

common is stretch reflex ex.: knee jerk reflex

Polysynaptic reflex: withdrawal reflex

According to processing

Cranial nerve reflex:

Spinal cord reflex:

Monosynaptic (pic)

Patellar tendon is the receptor

Quadricepfemoris is extrafusal muscle fiber outside

intrafusal muscle fiber inside also

known as the muscle spindle or

Polysynaptic reflex (pic) -

Presence of Interneurons < ex


Focused reflexes:

triceps, plantar and plantar (babinski for babies)

Blunt end is for direct

Sharp end - indirect

Motor system

Deep tendon reflexes (picture)

Reflex arc

- basic functional unit of the nervous system

- Functional unit of the nero=vous system

- Transmits process or information to the body

1 Discussed by: Ma’am Montana

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