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SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED the principal obligation becomes due and the debtor defaults,

then the property encumbered can be alienated for the payment

Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals
of the obligation, but that should the obligation be duly paid,
G.R. No. 103576. August 22, 1996.* then the contract is automatically extinguished proceeding from
ACME SHOE, RUBBER & PLASTIC CORPORATION and the accessory character of the agreement. As the law so puts it,
CHUA PAC, petitioners, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, once the obligation is complied with, then the contract of
PRODUCERS BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES and security becomes, ipso facto, null and void.
REGIONAL SHERIFF OF CALOOCAN CITY, respondents. Same; Same; While a pledge, real estate mortgage, or
antichre-sis may exceptionally secure after-incurred
Actions; Appeals; Pleadings and Practice; Except in obligations so long as these future debts are accurately
criminal cases where the penalty of reclusion perpetua or death described, a chattel mortgage, however, can only cover
is imposed which the Court so reviews as a matter of course, an obligations existing at the time the mortgage is constituted.—
appeal from judgments of lower courts is not a matter of right While a pledge, real estate mortgage, or antichresis may
but of sound judicial discretion; Technical and procedural rules exceptionally secure after-incurred obligations so long as these
are intended to help secure, not suppress, substantial evidence future debts are accurately described, a chattel mortgage,
and a deviation from the rigid enforcement of the rules may be however, can only cover obligations existing at the time the
allowed to attain the prime objective for, after all, the mortgage is constituted. Although a promise expressed in a
dispensation of justice is the core reason for the existence of chattel mortgage to include debts that are yet to be contracted
courts.—Except in criminal cases where the penalty can be a binding commitment that can be compelled upon, the
of reclusion perpetua or death is imposed which the Court so security itself, however, does not come into existence or arise
reviews as a matter of course, an appeal from judgments of until after a chattel mortgage agreement covering the newly
lower courts is not a matter of right but of sound judicial contracted debt is executed either by concluding a fresh chattel
discretion. The circulars of the Court prescribing technical and mortgage or by amending the old contract conformably with the
other procedural requirements are meant to weed out form prescribed by the Chattel Mortgage Law.
unmeritorious petitions that can unnecessarily clog the docket 716
and needlessly consume the time of the Court. These technical
and procedural rules, however, are intended to help secure, not 716 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
suppress, substantial justice. A deviation from the rigid
enforcement of the rules may thus be allowed to attain the prime Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals
objective for, after all, the dispensation of justice is the core Refusal on the part of the borrower to execute the
reason for the existence of courts. In this instance, once again, agreement so as to cover the after-incurred obligation can
the Court is constrained to relax the rules in order to give way constitute an act of default on the part of the borrower of the
to and uphold the paramount and overriding interest of justice. financing agreement whereon the promise is written but, of
_______________ course, the remedy of foreclosure can only cover the debts
extant at the time of constitution and during the life of the
FIRST DIVISION. chattel mortgage sought to be foreclosed.
Damages; Corporations; A corporation, being an
715 artificial person and having existence only in legal
contemplation, has no feelings, no emotions, no senses—it
VOL. 260, AUGUST 22, 1996 715
cannot, therefore, experience physical suffering and mental
Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals anguish.—We find no merit in petitioner corporation’s other
Contracts; Chattel Mortgages; Contracts of security are prayer that the case should be remanded to the trial court for a
either personal or real—in the former, the faithful performance specific finding on the amount of damages it has sustained “as
of the obligation by the principal debtor is secured by the a result of the unlawful action taken by respondent bank against
personal commitment of another while in the latter, that it.” This prayer is not reflected in its complaint which has
fulfillment is secured by an encumbrance of property.— merely asked for the amount of P3,000,000.00 by way of moral
Contracts of security are either personal or real. In contracts of damages. In LBC Express, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, we have
personal security, such as a guaranty or a sure-tyship, the said: “Moral damages are granted in recompense for physical
faithful performance of the obligation by the principal debtor is suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched
secured by the personal commitment of another (the guarantor reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, social humiliation,
or surety). In contracts of real security, such as a pledge, a and similar injury. A corporation, being an artificial person and
mortgage or an antichresis, that fulfillment is secured by having existence only in legal contemplation, has no feelings,
an encumbrance of property—in pledge, the placing of no emotions, no senses; therefore, it cannot experience physical
movable property in the possession of the creditor; suffering and mental anguish. Mental suffering can be
in chattel mortgage, by the execution of the corresponding deed experienced only by one having a nervous system and it flows
substantially in the form prescribed by law; in real estate from real ills, sorrows, and griefs of life—all of which cannot
mortgage, by the execution of a public instrument encumbering be suffered by respondent bank as an artificial person.”
the real property covered thereby; and in antichresis, by a Courts; Attorneys; Lawyers should bear in mind their
written instrument granting to the creditor the right to receive basic duty to observe and maintain the respect due to the courts
the fruits of an immovable property with the obligation to apply of justice and judicial officers and to insist on similar conduct
such fruits to the payment of interest, if owing, and thereafter to by others—the virtues of humility and of respect and concern
the principal of his credit—upon the essential condition that if for others must still live on even in an age of materialism.—The
Court invites counsel’s attention to the admonition in Guerrero
v. Villamor, thus: “(L)awyers x x x should bear in mind their obligations have been contracted before, during or after the
basic duty ‘to observe and maintain the respect due to the courts constitution of this mortgage.”1
of justice and judicial officers and x x x (to) insist on similar
conduct by others.’ This respectful attitude towards the court is In due time, the loan of P3,000,000.00 was paid by petitioner
to be observed, ‘not for the sake of the temporary incumbent of corporation. Subsequently, in 1981, it obtained from respondent
the judicial office, but for the maintenance of its supreme bank additional financial accommodations totalling
importance.’ And it is ‘through a scrupulous preference for P2,700,000.00.2 These borrowings were on due date also fully
respectful language that a lawyer best demonstrates his paid.
observance of the respect due to the courts and judicial officers On 10 and 11 January 1984, the bank yet again extended to
x x x.’ ” The vir- petitioner corporation a loan of one million pesos
717 (P1,000,000.00) covered by four promissory notes for
P250,000.00 each. Due to financial constraints, the loan was not
VOL. 260, AUGUST 22, 1996 settled at maturity.3 Respondent bank thereupon applied for an
extrajudicial foreclosure of the chattel mortgage, hereinbefore
Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals cited, with the Sheriff of Caloocan City, prompting petitioner
tues of humility and of respect and concern for others corporation to forthwith file an action for injunction, with
must still live on even in an age of materialism. damages and a prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction,
before the Regional Trial Court of Caloocan City (Civil Case
PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of No. C-12081). Ultimately, the court dismissed the complaint
Appeals. and ordered the foreclosure of the chattel mortgage. It held
petitioner corporation bound by the stipulations, aforequoted,
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. of the chattel mortgage.
Sotto & Sotto Law Offices for petitioners. Petitioner corporation appealed to the Court of
R.C. Domingo, Jr. & Associates for Producers Bank of Appeals4 which, on 14 August 1991, affirmed, “in all respects,”
the Philippines. the decision of the court a quo. The motion for reconsideration
was denied on 24 January 1992.
VITUG, J.: The instant petition interposed by petitioner corporation
was initially denied on 04 March 1992 by this Court for hav-
Would it be valid and effective to have a clause in a chattel _______________
mortgage that purports to likewise extend its coverage to
obligations yet to be contracted or incurred? This question is the 1
Rollo, p. 45.
core issue in the instant petition for review on certiorari. 2
Ibid., p. 34.
Petitioner Chua Pac, the president and general manager of 3
co-petitioner “Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corporation,” 4
Associate Justice Consuelo Ynares
executed on 27 June 1978, for and in behalf of the company, a Santiago, ponente, with Associate Justices Ricardo L. Pronove,
chattel mortgage in favor of private respondent Producers Bank Jr. and Nicolas P. Lapeña, Jr., concurring.
of the Philippines. The mortgage stood by way of security for
petitioner’s corporate loan of three million pesos 719
(P3,000,000.00). A provision in the chattel mortgage agreement VOL. 260, AUGUST 22, 1996
was to this effect—
Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals
“(c) If the MORTGAGOR, his heirs, executors or
administrators shall well and truly perform the full obligation ing been insufficient in form and substance. Private respondent
or obligations above-stated according to the terms thereof, then filed a motion to dismiss the petition while petitioner
corporation filed a compliance and an opposition to private
this mortgage shall be null and void. x x x.
respondent’s motion to dismiss. The Court denied petitioner’s
“In case the MORTGAGOR executes subsequent
first motion for reconsideration but granted a second motion for
promissory note or notes either as a renewal of the former note,
reconsideration, thereby reinstating the petition and requiring
as an extension thereof, or as a new loan, or is given any other
kind of accommodations such as overdrafts, letters of credit, private respondent to comment thereon.5
Except in criminal cases where the penalty of reclusion
acceptances and bills of exchange, releases of import shipments
perpetua or death is imposed6 which the Court so reviews as a
on Trust Receipts, etc., this mortgage shall also stand as security
matter of course, an appeal from judgments of lower courts is
for the payment of the said promissory note or notes and/or
not a matter of right but of sound judicial discretion. The
accommodations without the necessity of executing a new
contract and this mortgage shall have the same force and effect circulars of the Court prescribing technical and other procedural
as if the said promissory note or notes and/or requirements are meant to weed out unmeritorious petitions that
can unnecessarily clog the docket and needlessly consume the
718 time of the Court. These technical and procedural rules,
718 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED however, are intended to help secure, not suppress, substantial
justice. A deviation from the rigid enforcement of the rules may
Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals thus be allowed to attain the prime objective for, after all, the
accommodations were existing on the date thereof. This dispensation of justice is the core reason for the existence of
mortgage shall also stand as security for said obligations and courts. In this instance, once again, the Court is constrained to
any and all other obligations of the MORTGAGOR to the relax the rules in order to give way to and uphold the paramount
MORTGAGEE of whatever kind and nature, whether such and overriding interest of justice.
Contracts of security are either personal or real. In contracts VOL. 260, AUGUST 22, 1996
of personal security, such as a guaranty or a suretyship, the
Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals
faithful performance of the obligation by the principal debtor is
secured by the personal commitment of another (the guarantor A chattel mortgage, as hereinbefore so intimated, must comply
or surety). In contracts of real security, such as a pledge, a substantially with the form prescribed by the Chattel Mortgage
mortgage or an antichresis, that fulfillment is secured by Law itself. One of the requisites, under Section 5 thereof, is an
an encumbrance of property—in pledge, the placing of affidavit of good faith. While it is not doubted that if such an
movable property in the possession of the creditor; affidavit is not appended to the agreement, the chattel mortgage
in chattel mortgage, by the execution of the corresponding deed would still be valid between the parties (not against third
substantially in the form prescribed by law; in real estate persons acting in good faith12), the fact, however, that the statute
mortgage, by the execution of a public instrument encumbering has provided that the parties to the contract must execute an oath
the real property covered thereby; and in antichresis, by a that—
written instrument granting to the creditor the right to receive “x x x (the) mortgage is made for the purpose of securing the
the obligation specified in the conditions thereof, and for no other
______________ purpose, and that the same is a just and valid obligation, and one
not entered into for the purpose of fraud.”13
In the Court’s resolution, dated 27 May 1992, Rollo, p. 91. makes it obvious that the debt referred to in the law is a current,
Sec. 5 (2) (d), Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution. not an obligation that is yet merely contemplated. In the chattel
720 mortgage here involved, the only obligation specified in the
chattel mortgage contract was the P3,000,000.00 loan which
720 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED petitioner corporation later fully paid. By virtue of Section 3 of
Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals the Chattel Mortgage Law, the payment of the obligation
fruits of an immovable property with the obligation to apply automatically rendered the chattel mortgage void or terminated.
such fruits to the payment of interest, if owing, and thereafter to In Belgian Catholic Missionaries, Inc. vs. Magallanes Press,
the principal of his credit—upon the essential condition that if Inc., et al.,14 the Court said—
the principal obligation becomes due and the debtor defaults, “x x x A mortgage that contains a stipulation in regard to future
then the property encumbered can be alienated for the payment advances in the credit will take effect only from the date the
of the obligation,7 but that should the obligation be duly paid, same are made and not from the date of the mortgage.”15
then the contract is automatically extinguished proceeding from
the accessory character8 of the agreement. As the law so puts it, The significance of the ruling to the instant problem would be
once the obligation is complied with, then the contract of that since the 1978 chattel mortgage had ceased to exist coin-
security becomes, ipso facto, null and void.9 ________________
While a pledge, real estate mortgage, or antichresis may 12
exceptionally secure after-incurred obligations so long as these See Philippine Refining Co. vs. Jarque, 61 Phil. 229.
future debts are accurately described,10 a chattel mortgage, Civil Code, Vol. 3, 1990 Edition by Ramon C. Aquino
however, can only cover obligations existing at the time the and Carolina C. Griño-Aquino, pp. 610-611.
mortgage is constituted. Although a promise expressed in a 49 Phil. 647.
chattel mortgage to include debts that are yet to be contracted At p. 655. This ruling was reiterated in Jaca vs. Davao
can be a binding commitment that can be compelled upon, the Lumber Company, 113 SCRA 107.
security itself, however, does not come into existence or arise 722
until after a chattel mortgage agreement covering the newly
contracted debt is executed either by concluding a fresh chattel 722 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
mortgage or by amending the old contract conformably with the Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals
form prescribed by the Chattel Mortgage Law.11 Refusal on the cidentally with the full payment of the P3,000,000.00
part of the borrower to execute the agreement so as to cover the loan,16 there no longer was any chattel mortgage that could
after-incurred obligation can constitute an act of default on the cover the new loans that were concluded thereafter.
part of the borrower of the financing agreement whereon the We find no merit in petitioner corporation’s other prayer
promise is written but, of course, the remedy of foreclosure can that the case should be remanded to the trial court for a specific
only cover the debts extant at the time of constitution and during finding on the amount of damages it has sustained “as a result
the life of the chattel mortgage sought to be foreclosed. of the unlawful action taken by respondent bank against
_____________ it.”17 This prayer is not reflected in its complaint which has
merely asked for the amount of P3,000,000.00 by way of moral
See Arts. 2085, 2087, 2093, 2125, 2126, 2132, 2139 and damages.18 In LBC Express, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals,19 we
2140, Civil Code. have said:
See Manila Surety & Fidelity Co. vs. Velayo, 21 SCRA “Moral damages are granted in recompense for physical
515. suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched
See Sec. 3, Act 1508. reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, social humiliation,
See Mojica vs. Court of Appeals, 201 SCRA 517; Lim and similar injury. A corporation, being an artificial person and
Julian vs. Lutero, 49 Phil. 703. having existence only in legal contemplation, has no feelings,
Act No. 1508. no emotions, no senses; therefore, it cannot experience physical
suffering and mental anguish. Mental suffering can be
721 experienced only by one having a nervous system and it flows
from real ills, sorrows, and griefs of life—all of which cannot 724
be suffered by respondent bank as an artificial person.” 20
While Chua Pac is included in the case, the complaint, however,
clearly states that he has merely been so named as a party People vs. Broncano
in representation of petitioner corporation. Padilla, J., No part in view of lessor-lessee
Petitioner corporation’s counsel could be commended for relationship with respondent bank.
his zeal in pursuing his client’s cause. It instead turned out to Bellosillo, J., On leave.
be, however, a source of disappointment for this Court to read Judgments of respondent court and court a quo set aside.
in petitioner’s reply to private respondent’s comment on the Notes.—Replevin is the appropriate action to recover
petition his so-called “One Final Word;” viz: possession preliminary to the extrajudicial foreclosure of a
________________ chattel mortgage. (Filinvest Credit Corporation vs. Court of
Appeals, 248 SCRA 549 [1995])
Being merely accessory in nature, it cannot exist The mortgagee, upon the mortgagor’s default, is constituted
independently of the principal obligation. an attorney-in-fact of the mortgagor enabling such mortgagee
Petitioner’s Memorandum, p. 5; Rollo, p. 119. to act for and in behalf of the owner and the fact that the
Complaint, p. 6; Record, p. 9. defendant is not privy to the chattel mortgage is
236 SCRA 602. inconsequential. (BA Finance Corporation vs. Court of
At p. 607. Appeals, 258 SCRA 102 [1996])
VOL. 260, AUGUST 22, 1996 723
Acme Shoe, Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals
“In simply quoting in toto the patently erroneous decision of the
trial court, respondent Court of Appeals should be required to
justify its decision which completely disregarded the basic laws
on obligations and contracts, as well as the clear provisions of
the Chattel Mortgage Law and well-settled jurisprudence of this
Honorable Court; that in the event that its explanation is wholly
unacceptable, this Honorable Court should impose appropriate
sanctions on the erring justices. This is one positive step in
ridding our courts of law of incompetent and dishonest
magistrates especially members of a superior court of appellate
jurisdiction.”21 (Italics supplied)
The statement is not called for. The Court invites counsel’s
attention to the admonition in Guerrero vs. Villamor;22 thus:
“(L)awyers x x x should bear in mind their basic duty ‘to
observe and maintain the respect due to the courts of justice and
judicial officers and x x x (to) insist on similar conduct by
others.’ This respectful attitude towards the court is to be
observed, ‘not for the sake of the temporary incumbent of the
judicial office, but for the maintenance of its supreme
importance.’ And it is ‘through a scrupulous preference for
respectful language that a lawyer best demonstrates his
observance of the respect due to the courts and judicial officers
x x x.’ ”23
The virtues of humility and of respect and concern for others
must still live on even in an age of materialism.
WHEREFORE, the questioned decisions of the appellate
court and the lower court are set aside without prejudice to the
appropriate legal recourse by private respondent as may still be
warranted as an unsecured creditor. No costs. Atty. Francisco
R. Sotto, counsel for petitioners, is admonished to be
circumspect in dealing with the courts.
Kapunan and Hermosisima, Jr., JJ., concur.

Rollo, p. 113.
179 SCRA 355, 362.
At p. 362.
SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED the payment of an obligation where a chattel mortgage is
executed over it, as in the case at bar.
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
Same; Same; Same; Where the facts, taken together,
G.R. No. 120098. October 2, 2001.* evince the conclusion that the parties’ intention is to treat the
RUBY L. TSAI, petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, units of machinery as chattels, a fortiori, the after-acquired
EVER TEXTILE MILLS, INC. and MAMERTO R. properties, which are of the same description as the units
VILLALUZ, respondents. referred to earlier, must also be treated as chattels.—In the
instant case, the parties herein: (1) executed a contract styled as
G.R. No. 120109. October 2, 2001* “Real Estate Mortgage and Chattel Mortgage,” instead of just
PHILIPPINE BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS, “Real Estate Mortgage” if indeed their intention is to treat all
petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, EVER TEXTILE properties included therein as immovable, and (2) attached to
MILLS and MAMERTO R. VILLALUZ, respondents. the said contract a separate “LIST OF MACHINERIES &
EQUIPMENT.” These facts, taken together, evince the
Appeals: The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in a
conclusion that the parties’ intention is to treat these units of
petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Revised
machinery as chattels. A fortiori, the contested after-acquired
Rules of Court is limited to reviewing only errors of law, not of
properties, which are of the same description as the units
fact, unless the factual findings complained of are devoid of
enumerated under the title “LIST OF MACHINERIES &
support by the evidence on record or the assailed judgment is
EQUIPMENT,” must also be treated as chattels.
based on misapprehension of facts.—Well settled is the rule
Same; Same; Chattel Mortgage; A chattel mortgage shall
that the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in a petition for
be deemed to cover only the property described therein and not
review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of
like or substituted property thereafter acquired by the
Court is limited to reviewing only errors of law, not of fact,
mortgagor and placed in the same depository as the property
unless the factual findings complained of are devoid of support
originally mortgaged, anything in the mortgage to the contrary
by the evidence on record or the assailed judgment is based on
notwithstanding.—Accordingly, we find no reversible error in
misapprehension of facts. This rule is applied more stringently
the respondent appellate court’s ruling that inasmuch as the
when the findings of fact of the RTC is affirmed by the Court
subject mortgages were intended by the parties to involve
of Appeals.
chattels, insofar as equipment and machinery were concerned,
Property; Mortgages; The nature of the disputed
the Chattel Mortgage Law applies, which provides in Section 7
machineries, i.e., that they were heavy, bolted or cemented on
thereof that: “a chattel mortgage shall be deemed to cover only
the real property mortgaged, does not make them ipso facto
the property described therein and not like or substituted
immovable under Article 415 (3) and (5) of the New Civil Code,
property thereafter acquired by the mortgagor and placed in
as the parties’ intent has to be looked into.—Petitioners contend
the same depository as the property originally mortgaged,
that the nature of the disputed machineries, i.e., that they were
anything in the mortgage to the contrary notwithstanding.” And,
heavy, bolted or cemented on the real property mortgaged by
since the disputed machineries were acquired in 1981 and could
EVERTEX to PBCom, make them ipso facto immovable under
not have been involved in the 1975 or 1979 chattel mortgages,
Article 415 (3) and (5) of the New Civil Code. This assertion,
it was consequently an error on the part of the Sheriff to include
however, does not settle the issue. Mere nuts and bolts do not
subject machineries with the properties enumerated in said
foreclose the controversy. We have to look at the parties’ intent.
chattel mortgages.
While it is true that the controverted properties appear to be
immobile, a perusal of the contract of Real and Chattel
Mortgage executed by the parties herein gives us a contrary 326 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
indication. In the case at bar, both the trial and the appellate
courts reached the same finding that the true intention of Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
PBCom and the owner, EVERTEX, is to treat machinery and Sales; Purchaser in Good Faith; Well-settled is the rule
equipment as chattels. that the person who asserts the status of a purchaser in good
______________ faith and for value has the burden of proving such assertion.—
Petitioner Tsai also argued that assuming that PBCom’s title
SECOND DIVISION. over the contested properties is a nullity, she is nevertheless a
purchaser in good faith and for value who now has a better right
325 than EVERTEX. To the contrary, however, are the factual
findings and conclusions of the trial court that she is not a
VOL. 366, OCTOBER 2, 2001 325
purchaser in good faith. Well-settled is the rule that the person
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals who asserts the status of a purchaser in good faith and for value
Same; Same; Estoppel; Even if the properties are has the burden of proving such assertion. Petitioner Tsai failed
immovable by nature, nothing detracts the parties from treating to discharge this burden persuasively.
them as chattels to secure an obligation under the principle of Same; Same; A purchaser in good faith and for value is
estoppel.—Too, assuming arguendo that the properties in one who buys the property of another without notice that some
question are immovable by nature, nothing detracts the parties other person has a right to or interest in such property and pays
from treating it as chattels to secure an obligation under the a full and fair price for the same, at the time of purchase, or
principle of estoppel. As far back as Navarro v. Pineda, 9 before he has notice of the claims or interest of some other
SCRA 631 (1963), an immovable may be considered a personal person in the property.—A purchaser in good faith and for
property if there is a stipulation as when it is used as security in value is one who buys the property of another without notice
that some other person has a right to or interest in such
property and pays a full and fair price for the same, at the time conjectures or guesswork but must depend on competent proof
of purchase, or before he has notice of the claims or interest of and on the best evidence obtainable regarding the actual amount
some other person in the property. Records reveal, however, of loss.
that when Tsai purchased the controverted properties, she knew
of respondent’s claim thereon. As borne out by the records, she PETITIONS for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court
received the letter of respondent’s counsel, apprising her of of Appeals.
respondent’s claim, dated February 27, 1987. She replied
thereto on March 9, 1987. Despite her knowledge of The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
respondent’s claim, she proceeded to buy the contested units of Eduardo C. Ong for petitioner R.L. Tsai.
machinery on May 3, 1988. Thus, the RTC did not err in finding Laogan, Silva, Baeza & Llantino Law Offices for
that she was not a purchaser in good faith. petitioner PBCom in G.R. No. 120109.
Same; Land Titles; Torrens System; The defense of M.R. Villaluz & Associates for private respondents.
indefeasibility of Torrens Title refers to sale of lands and not to 328
sale of properties situated therein; The mere fact that the lot 328 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
where a factory and disputed properties stand in a person’s
name does not automatically make such person the owner of Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
everything found therein.—Petitioner Tsai’s defense of
indefeasibility of Torrens Title of the lot where the disputed QUISUMBING, J.:
properties are located is equally unavailing. This defense refers
to sale of lands and not to sale of properties situated therein. These consolidated cases assail the decision1 of the Court of
Likewise, the mere fact that the lot where the factory and the Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 32986, affirming the decision2 of
disputed properties stand is in PBCom’s name does not the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 7, in Civil Case No.
automatically make PBCom the owner of everything found 89-48265. Also assailed is respondent court’s resolution
therein, especially in view of EVERTEX’s letter to Tsai denying petitioners’ motion for reconsideration.
enunciating its claim. On November 26, 1975, respondent Ever Textile Mills, Inc.
327 (EVERTEX) obtained a three million peso (P3,000,000.00)
loan from petitioner Philippine Bank of Communications
VOL. 366, OCTOBER 2, 2001 (PBCom). As security for the loan, EVERTEX executed in
favor of PBCom, a deed of Real and Chattel Mortgage over the
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
lot under TCT No. 372097, where its factory stands, and the
Laches; Doctrine of Stale Demands; The doctrine of stale
chattels located therein as enumerated in a schedule attached to
demands would apply only where by reason of the lapse of time,
the mortgage contract. The pertinent portions of the Real and
it would be inequitable to allow a party to enforce his legal
Chattel Mortgage are quoted below:
rights.—Petitioners’ defense of prescription and laches is less
than convincing. We find no cogent reason to disturb the
consistent findings of both courts below that the case for the
reconveyance of the disputed properties was filed within the
reglementary period. Here, in our view, the doctrine of laches
does not apply. Note that upon petitioners’ adamant refusal to
The MORTGAGOR(S) hereby transfers) and convey(s), by
heed EVERTEX’s claim, respondent company immediately
way of First Mortgage, to the MORTGAGEE, x x x certain
filed an action to recover possession and ownership of the
parcel(s) of land, together with all the buildings and
disputed properties. There is no evidence showing any failure
improvements now existing or which may hereafter exist
or neglect on its part, for an unreasonable and unexplained
length of time, to do that which, by exercising due diligence, thereon, situated in x x x.
could or should have been done earlier. The doctrine of stale
demands would apply only where by reason of the lapse of time, “Annex A”
it would be inequitable to allow a party to enforce his legal
rights. Moreover, except for very strong reasons, this Court is (Real and Chattel Mortgage executed by Ever Textile Mills
not disposed to apply the doctrine of laches to prejudice or in favor of PBCommunications—continued)
defeat the rights of an owner.
Damages; In determining actual damages, the court LIST OF MACHINERIES & EQUIPMENT
cannot rely on mere assertions, speculations, conjectures or
guesswork but must depend on competent proof and on the best A. Forty Eight (48) units of Vayrow Knitting Machines-
evidence obtainable regarding the actual amount of loss.— Tompkins made in Hongkong:
Basic is the rule that to recover actual damages, the amount of
loss must not only be capable of proof but must actually be Serial Numbers Size of Machines
proven with reasonable degree of certainty, premised upon
competent proof or best evidence obtainable of the actual xxx
amount thereof. However, the allegations of respondent
company as to the amount of unrealized rentals due them as
actual damages remain mere assertions unsupported by 1
documents and other competent evidence. In determining actual Rollo, G.R. No. 120109, pp. 23-45.
Id., at 23-24.
damages, the court cannot rely on mere assertions, speculations,
329 On November 19, 1982, due to business reverses, EVERTEX
VOL. 366, OCTOBER 2, 2001 filed
329 insolvency proceedings docketed as SP Proc. No. LP-
3091-P before the defunct Court of First Instance of Pasay City,
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals Branch XXVIII. The CFI issued an order on November 24,
1982 declaring the corporation insolvent. All its assets were
1. B.Sixteen (16) sets of Vayrow Knitting Machines taken into the custody of the Insolvency Court, including the
made in Taiwan. collateral, real and personal, securing the two mortgages as
xxx In the meantime, upon EVERTEX’s failure to meet its
obligation to PBCom, the latter commenced extrajudicial
1. C.Two (2) Circular Knitting Machines made in West foreclosure proceedings against EVERTEX under Act 3135,
Germany. otherwise known as “An Act to Regulate the Sale of Property
under Special Powers Inserted in or Annexed to Real Estate
Mortgages” and Act 1506 or “The Chattel Mortgage Law.” A
Notice of Sheriffs Sale was issued on December 1, 1982.
On December 15, 1982, the first public auction was held
1. D.Four (4) Winding Machines. where petitioner PBCom emerged as the highest bidder and a
Certificate of Sale was issued in its favor on the same date. On
xxx December 23, 1982, another public auction was held and again,
PBCom was the highest bidder. The sheriff issued a Certificate
SCHEDULE “A” of Sale on the same day.
On March 7, 1984, PBCom consolidated its ownership over
1. I.TCT # 372097—RIZAL the lot and all the properties in it. In November 1986, it leased
the entire factory premises to petitioner Ruby L. Tsai for
xxx P50,000.00 a month. On May 3, 1988, PBCom sold the factory,
lock, stock and barrel to Tsai for P9,000,000.00, including the
contested machineries.
1. II.Any and all buildings and improvements now On March 16, 1989, EVERTEX filed a complaint for
existing or hereafter to exist on the above-mentioned annulment of sale, reconveyance, and damages with the
lot. Regional Trial Court against PBCom, alleging inter alia that
2. III.MACHINERIES & EQUIPMENT situated, the extrajudicial foreclosure of subject mortgage was in
located and/or installed on the above-mentioned lot violation of the Insolvency Law. EVERTEX claimed that no
located at x x x rights having been transmitted to PBCom over the assets of
insolvent EVERTEX, therefore Tsai acquired no rights over
1. (a)Forty eight sets (48) Vayrow Knitting Machines x x such assets sold to her, and should reconvey the assets.
x Further, EVERTEX averred that PBCom, without any legal
2. (b)Sixteen sets (16) Vayrow Knitting Machines x x x or factual basis, appropriated the contested properties, which
3. (c)Two (2) Circular Knitting Machines x x x were not included in the Real and Chattel Mortgage of
4. (d)Two (2) Winding Machines x x x November 26,
5. (e)Two (2) Winding Machines x x x 331
VOL. 366, OCTOBER 2, 2001
1. IV.Any and all replacements, substitutions, additions,
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
increases and accretions to above properties.
1975 nor in the Chattel Mortgage of April 23, 1979, and neither
were those properties included in the Notice of Sheriff’s Sale
x x x3 dated December 1, 1982 and Certificate of Sale dated December
On April 23, 1979, PBCom granted a second loan of 15, 1982.
P3,356,000.00 to EVERTEX. The loan was secured by a The disputed properties, which were valued at
Chattel Mortgage over personal properties enumerated in a list P4,000,000.00, are: 14 Interlock Circular Knitting Machines, 1
attached thereto. These listed properties were similar to those Jet Drying Equipment, 1 Dryer Equipment, 1 Raisin Equipment
listed in Annex A of the first mortgage deed. and 1 Heatset Equipment.
After April 23, 1979, the date of the execution of the second The RTC found that the lease and sale of said personal
mortgage mentioned above, EVERTEX purchased various properties were irregular and illegal because they were not duly
machines and equipments. foreclosed nor sold at the December 15, 1982 auction sale since
_______________ these were not included in the schedules attached to the
mortgage contracts. The trial court decreed:
Folder of Exhibits, pp. 5-12. WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of
plaintiff corporation and against the defendants:
330 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED 1. 1.Ordering the annulment of the sale executed by
defendant Philippine Bank of Communications in
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
favor of defendant Ruby L. Tsai on May 3, 1988
insofar as it affects the personal properties listed in 1981 MACHINERIES ARE NOT REAL PROPERTIES
par. 9 of the complaint, and their return to the DEEMED PART OF THE MORTGAGE—DESPITE THE
plaintiff corporation through its assignee, plaintiff CLEAR IMPORT OF THE EVIDENCE AND APPLICABLE
Mamerto R. Villaluz, for disposition by the RULINGS OF THE SUPREME COURT.
Insolvency Court, to be done within ten (10) days
from finality of this decision; III
2. 2.Ordering the defendants to pay jointly and severally
the plaintiff corporation the sum of P5,200,000.00 as THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS (SECOND
compensation for the use and possession of the DIVISION) ERRED IN DEEMING PETITIONER A
properties in question from November 1986 to PURCHASER IN BAD FAITH.
February 1991 and P100,000.00 every month
thereafter, with interest thereon at the legal rate per _______________
annum until full payment;
3. 3.Ordering the defendants to pay jointly and severally Id. at 45.
the plaintiff corporation the sum of P50,000.00 as
and for attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation;
4. 4.Ordering the defendants to pay jointly and severally VOL. 366, OCTOBER 2, 2001
the plaintiffcorporation the sum of P200,000.00 by Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
way of exemplary damages; IV
5. 5.Ordering the dismissal of the counterclaim of the
6. 6.Ordering the defendants to proportionately pay the DIVISION) ERRED IN ASSESSING PETITIONER ACTUAL
______________ V
Rollo, G.R. No. 120109, pp. 23-24. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS (SECOND
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
Dissatisfied, both PBCom and Tsai appealed to the Court of In G.R. No. 120109, PBCom raised the following issues:
Appeals, which issued its decision dated August 31, 1994, the I.
dispositive portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, except for the deletion therefrom of the award DID THE COURT OF APPEALS VALIDLY DECREE THE
for exemplary damages, and reduction of the actual damages, MACHINERIES LISTED UNDER PARAGRAPH 9 OF THE
from P100,000.00 to P20,000.00 per month, from November COMPLAINT BELOW AS PERSONAL PROPERTY
1986 until subject personal properties are restored to appellees, OUTSIDE OF THE 1975 DEED OF REAL ESTATE
the judgment appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED, in all other MORTGAGE AND EXCLUDED THEM FROM THE REAL
respects. No pronouncement as to costs.5 PROPERTY EXTRAJUDICIALLY FORECLOSED BY
Motion for reconsideration of the above decision having been THAT ALL AFTER-ACQUIRED PROPERTIES DURING
denied in the resolution of April 28, 1995, PBCom and Tsai THE LIFETIME OF THE MORTGAGE SHALL FORM
filed their separate petitions for review with this Court. PART THEREOF, AND DESPITE THE UNDISPUTED
In G.R. No. 120098, petitioner Tsai ascribed the following FACT THAT SAID MACHINERIES ARE BIG AND
errors to the respondent court: HEAVY, BOLTED OR CEMENTED ON THE REAL
MILLS WHICH AS OF 1982 TOTALLED P9,547,095.28,
SAID MACHINERIES OR IN LIEU THEREOF BE more stringently when the findings of fact of the RTC is
ASSESSED DAMAGES. IS THAT SITUATION affirmed by the Court of Appeals.14
TANTAMOUNT TO A CASE OF UNJUST ENRICHMENT? 7 The following are the facts as found by the RTC and
affirmed by the Court of Appeals that are decisive of the issues:
_______________ (1) the “controverted machineries” are not covered by, or
included in, either of the two mortgages, the Real Estate and
Rollo, G.R. No. 120098, pp. 23-25. Chattel Mortgage, and the pure Chattel Mortgage; (2) the said
Rollo, G.R. No. 120109. pp. 9-10. machineries were not included in the list of properties appended
334 to the Notice of Sale, and neither were they included in the
Sheriff’s Notice of Sale of the foreclosed properties.15
334 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Petitioners contend that the nature of the disputed
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals machineries, i.e., that they were heavy, bolted or cemented on
The principal issue, in our view, is whether or not the inclusion the real property mortgaged by EVERTEX to PBCom, make
of the questioned properties in the foreclosed properties is them ipso facto immovable under Article 415 (3) and (5) of the
proper. The secondary issue is whether or not the sale of these New Civil Code. This assertion, however, does not settle the
properties to petitioner Ruby Tsai is valid. issue. Mere nuts and bolts do not foreclose the controversy. We
For her part, Tsai avers that the Court of Appeals in effect have to look at the parties’ intent.
made a contract for the parties by treating the 1981 acquired While it is true that the controverted properties appear to be
units of machinery as chattels instead of real properties within immobile, a perusal of the contract of Real and Chattel
their earlier 1975 deed of Real and Chattel Mortgage or 1979 Mortgage executed by the parties herein gives us a contrary
deed of Chattel Mortgage.8 Additionally, Tsai argues that indication. In the case at bar, both the trial and the appellate
respondent court erred in holding that the disputed 1981 courts reached the same finding that the true intention of
machineries are not real properties.9 Finally, she contends that PBCom and the owner, EVERTEX, is to treat machinery and
the Court of Appeals erred in holding against petitioner’s equipment as chattels. The pertinent portion of respondent
arguments on prescription and laches10 and in assessing appellate court’s ruling is quoted below:
petitioner actual damages, attorney’s fees and expenses of As stressed upon by appellees, appellant bank treated the
litigation, for want of valid factual and legal basis.11 machineries as chattels; never as real properties. Indeed, the
Essentially, PBCom contends that respondent court erred in 1975 mortgage contract, which was actually real and chattel
affirming the lower court’s judgment decreeing that the pieces mortgage, militates against appellants’ posture. It should be
of machinery in dispute were not duly foreclosed and could not noted that the printed form used by appellant bank was mainly
be legally leased nor sold to Ruby Tsai. It further argued that for real estate mortgages. But reflective of the true intention of
the Court of Appeals’ pronouncement that the pieces of appellant PBCOM and appellee EVERTEX was the typing in
machinery in question were personal properties have no factual _______________
and legal basis. Finally, it asserts that the Court of Appeals erred
in assessing damages and attorney’s fees against PBCom. 13
Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary v. Court
In opposition, private respondents argue that the of Appeals, 291 SCRA 385, 391-392 (1998).
controverted units of machinery are not “real properties” but 14
Manlapaz vs. Court of Appeals, 147 SCRA 236, 239
chattels, and, therefore, they were not part of the foreclosed real (1987).
properties, rendering the lease and the subsequent sale thereof Rollo, G.R. No. 120109, pp. 62-63.
to Tsai a nullity.12
Considering the assigned errors and the arguments of the 336
parties, we find the petitions devoid of merit and ought to be 336 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
denied. Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
Well settled is the rule that the jurisdiction of the Supreme capital letters, immediately following the printed caption of
Court in a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the mortgage, of the phrase “real and chattel.” So also, the
Revised Rules of Court is limited to reviewing only errors of “machineries and equipment” in the printed form of the bank
law, had to be inserted in the blank space of the printed contract and
_______________ connected with the word “building” by typewritten slash marks.
Now, then, if the machineries in question were contemplated to
Rollo, G.R. No. 120098, p. 25. be included in the real estate mortgage, there would have been
Id. at 33. no necessity to ink a chattel mortgage specifically mentioning
Id. at 49. as part III of Schedule A a listing of the machineries covered
Id. at 44. thereby. It would have sufficed to list them as immovables in
Id. at 133. the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage of the land and building
As regards the 1979 contract, the intention of the parties is
VOL. 366, OCTOBER 2, 2001 335 and beyond question. It refers solely to chattels. The
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals inventory list of the mortgaged properties is an itemization of
not of fact, unless the factual findings complained of are devoid sixty-three (63) individually described machineries while the
of support by the evidence on record or the assailed judgment schedule listed only machines and 2,996,880.50 worth of
is based on misapprehension of facts.13 This rule is applied finished cotton fabrics and natural cotton fabrics.16
In the absence of any showing that this conclusion is baseless, person has a right to or interest in such property and pays a full
erroneous or uncorroborated by the evidence on record, we find and fair price for the same, at the time of purchase, or before he
no compelling reason to depart therefrom. has notice
Too, assuming arguendo that the properties in question are _______________
immovable by nature, nothing detracts the parties from treating
it as chattels to secure an obligation under the principle of 17
Segura vs. Segura, 165 SCRA 368, 375 (1988); Noel vs.
estoppel. As far back as Navarro v. Pineda, 9 SCRA Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 59550, 240 SCRA 78, 88 (1995).
631 (1963), an immovable may be considered a personal 18
Mathay v. Court of Appeals, 295 SCRA 556, 575 (1988).
property if there is a stipulation as when it is used as security in
the payment of an obligation where a chattel mortgage is 338
executed over it, as in the case at bar. 338 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
In the instant case, the parties herein: (1) executed a contract Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
styled as “Real Estate Mortgage and Chattel Mortgage,” instead of the claims or interest of some other person in the
of just “Real Estate Mortgage” if indeed their intention is to property.19 Records reveal, however, that when Tsai purchased
treat all properties included therein as immovable, and (2) the controverted properties, she knew of respondent’s claim
attached to the said contract a separate “LIST OF thereon. As borne out by the records, she received the letter of
MACHINERIES & EQUIPMENT.” These facts, taken respondent’s counsel, apprising her of respondent’s claim,
together, evince the conclusion that the parties’ intention is to dated February 27, 1987.20 She replied thereto on March 9,
treat these units of machinery as chattels. A fortiori, the 1987.21 Despite her knowledge of respondent’s claim, she
contested after-acquired properties, which are of the same proceeded to buy the contested units of machinery on May 3,
description as the units enumerated under the title “LIST OF 1988. Thus, the RTC did not err in finding that she was not a
MACHINERIES & EQUIPMENT,” must also be treated as purchaser in good faith.
chattels. Petitioner Tsai’s defense of indefeasibility of Torrens Title
_______________ of the lot where the disputed properties are located is equally
unavailing. This defense refers to sale of lands and not to sale
Rollo, G.R. No. 120098, pp. 68-69. of properties situated therein. Likewise, the mere fact that the
337 lot where the factory and the disputed properties stand is in
PBCom’s name does not automatically make PBCom the owner
VOL. 366, OCTOBER 2, 2001 337
of everything found therein, especially in view of EVERTEX’s
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals letter to Tsai enunciating its claim.
Accordingly, we find no reversible error in the respondent Finally, petitioners’ defense of prescription and laches is
appellate court’s ruling that inasmuch as the subject mortgages less than convincing. We find no cogent reason to disturb the
were intended by the parties to involve chattels, insofar as consistent findings of both courts below that the case for the
equipment and machinery were concerned, the Chattel reconveyance of the disputed properties was filed within the
Mortgage Law applies, which provides in Section 7 thereof that: reglementary period. Here, in our view, the doctrine of laches
“a chattel mortgage shall be deemed to cover only the property does not apply. Note that upon petitioners’ adamant refusal to
described therein and not like or substituted property thereafter heed EVERTEX’s claim, respondent company immediately
acquired by the mortgagor and placed in the same depository filed an action to recover possession and ownership of the
as the property originally mortgaged, anything in the mortgage disputed properties. There is no evidence showing any failure
to the contrary notwithstanding.” or neglect on its part, for an unreasonable and unexplained
And, since the disputed machineries were acquired in 1981 length of time, to do that which, by exercising due diligence,
and could not have been involved in the 1975 or 1979 chattel could or should have been done earlier. The doctrine of stale
mortgages, it was consequently an error on the part of the demands would apply only where by reason of the lapse of time,
Sheriff to include subject machineries with the properties it would be inequitable to allow a party to enforce his legal
enumerated in said chattel mortgages. rights. Moreover, except for very strong reasons, this Court is
As the auction sale of the subject properties to PBCom is not disposed to apply the doctrine of laches to prejudice or
void, no valid title passed in its favor. Consequently, the sale defeat the rights of an owner.22
thereof to Tsai is also a nullity under the elementary principle _______________
of nemo dat quod non habet, one cannot give what one does not
have.17 19
Diaz-Duarte vs. Ong, 298 SCRA 388, 397 (1998).
Petitioner Tsai also argued that assuming that PBCom’s title 20
Exhibit “U”, Folder of Exhibits, p. 64.
over the contested properties is a nullity, she is nevertheless a 21
Exhibit “V”, Id. at 66.
purchaser in good faith and for value who now has a better right 22
Noel vs. Court of Appeals, 240 SCRA 78, 90 (1995).
To the contrary, however, are the factual findings and 339
conclusions of the trial court that she is not a purchaser in good VOL. 366, OCTOBER 2, 2001
faith. Well-settled is the rule that the person who asserts the Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
status of a purchaser in good faith and for value has the burden As to the award of damages, the contested damages are the
of proving such assertion.18 Petitioner Tsai failed to discharge actual compensation, representing rentals for the contested units
this burden persuasively. of machinery, the exemplary damages, and attorney’s fees.
Moreover, a purchaser in good faith and for value is one
who buys the property of another without notice that some other
As regards said actual compensation, the RTC awarded unrealized rental income of P20,000.00 a month, since
P100,000.00 corresponding to the unpaid rentals of the November 1986, is more realistic and fair.25
contested properties based on the testimony of John Chua, who
testified that the P100,000.00 was based on the accepted As to exemplary damages, the RTC awarded P200,000.00 to
practice in banking and finance, business and investments that EVERTEX which the Court of Appeals deleted. But according
the rental price must take into account the cost of money used to the CA, there was no clear showing that petitioners acted
to buy them. The Court of Appeals did not give full credence to malevolently, wantonly and oppressively. The evidence,
Chua’s projection and reduced the award to P20,000.00. however, shows otherwise.
Basic is the rule that to recover actual damages, the amount It is a requisite to award exemplary damages that the
of loss must not only be capable of proof but must actually be wrongful act must be accompanied by bad faith,26 and the guilty
proven with reasonable degree of certainty, premised upon acted in a wanton, fraudulent, oppressive, reckless or
competent proof or best evidence obtainable of the actual malevolent manner.27 As previously stressed, petitioner Tsai’s
amount thereof.23 However, the allegations of respondent act of purchasing the controverted properties despite her
company as to the amount of unrealized rentals due them as knowledge of EVERTEX’s claim was oppressive and subjected
actual damages remain mere assertions unsupported by the already insolvent respondent to gross disadvantage.
documents and other competent evidence. In determining actual Petitioner PBCom also received the same letters of Atty.
damages, the court cannot rely on mere assertions, speculations, Villaluz, responding thereto on March 24, 1987.28 Thus,
conjectures or guesswork but must depend on competent proof PBCom’s act of taking all the properties found in the factory of
and on the best evidence obtainable regarding the actual amount the financially handicapped respondent, including those proper-
of loss.24 However, we are not prepared to disregard the _______________
following dispositions of the respondent appellate court: 25
. . . In the award of actual damages under scrutiny, there is Rollo, G.R. No. 120109, pp. 43-44.
nothing on record warranting the said award of P5,200,000.00,
“J” Marketing Corp. vs. Sia, Jr., 285 SCRA 580, 583-
representing monthly rental income of P100,000.00 from 584 (1998).
November 1986 to February 1991, and the additional award of Cervantes vs. Court of Appeals, 304 SCRA 25, 33 (1997).
P100,000.00 per month thereafter.
Exhibit “X”, Folder of Exhibits, p. 69.
As pointed out by appellants, the testimonial evidence,
consisting of the testimonies of Jonh (sic) Chua and Mamerto
Villaluz, is shy of what is necessary to substantiate the actual VOL. 366, OCTOBER 2, 2001
damages allegedly sustained by appellees, by way of unrealized Tsai vs. Court of Appeals
rental income of subject machineries and equipments. ties not covered by or included in the mortgages, is equally
oppressive and tainted with bad faith. Thus, we are in agreement
_______________ with the RTC that an award of exemplary damages is proper.
The amount of P200,000.00 for exemplary damages is,
Ace Haulers Corporation v. CA, et al., G.R. No. 127934, however, excessive. Article 2216 of the Civil Code provides
August 23, 2000, p. 11, 338 SCRA 572. that no proof of pecuniary loss is necessary for the adjudication
Barzaga vs. Court of Appeals, 268 SCRA 105, 113-114 of exemplary damages, their assessment being left to the
(1997). discretion of the court in accordance with the circumstances of
340 each case.29 While the imposition of exemplary damages is
justified in this case, equity calls for its reduction. In Inhelder
340 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-52358, 122
Tsai vs. Court of Appeals SCRA 576, 585, (May 30, 1983), we laid down the rule that
The testimony of John Cua (sic) is nothing but an opinion or judicial discretion granted to the courts in the assessment of
projection based on what is claimed to be a practice in business damages must always be exercised wrtti balanced restraint and
and industry. But such a testimony cannot serve as the sole basis measured objectivity. Thus, here the award of exemplary
for assessing the actual damages complained of. What is more, damages by way of example for the public good should be
there is no showing that had appellant Tsai not taken possession reduced to P100,000.00.
of the machineries and equipments in question, somebody was By the same token, attorney’s fees and other expenses of
willing and ready to rent the same for P100,000.00 a month. litigation may be recovered when exemplary damages are
xxx awarded.30 In our view, RTC’s award of P50,000.00 as
Then, too, even assuming arguendo that the said attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation is reasonable, given
machineries and equipments could have generated a rental the circumstances in these cases.
income of P30,000.00 a month, as projected by witness WHEREFORE, the petitions are DENIED. The assailed
Mamerto Villaluz,’the same would have been a gross income. decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV
Therefrom should be deducted or removed, expenses for No. 32986 are AFFIRMED WITH MODIFICATIONS.
maintenance and repairs. . . . Therefore, in the determination of Petitioners Philippine Bank of Communications and Ruby L.
the actual damages or unrealized rental income sued upon, there Tsai are hereby ordered to pay jointly and severally Ever Textile
is a good basis to calculate that at least four months in a year, Mills, Inc., the following: (1) P20,000.00 per month, as
the machineries in dispute would have been idle due to absence compensation for the use and possession of the properties in
of a lessee or while being repaired. In the light of the foregoing question from November 198631 until subject personal
rationalization and computation, We believe that a net properties are restored to respondent corporation; (2)
[No. 34385. September 21, 1931] three drug stores known as Henson's Pharmacy, Farmacia
ALEJANDRA TORRES ET AL., plaintiffs and Henson and Botica Hensonina, to secure a loan of P50,000,
appellees, vs. FRANCISCO LIMJAP, Special Administrator which was later reduced to P26,000, and for which, Henson's
of the estate of the deceased Jose B. Henson, defendant and Pharmacy at Nos. 71-73 Escolta, remained as the only security
appellant. by agreement of the parties.
In both cases the plaintiffs alleged that the defendant
[No. 34386. September ,21, 1931]
violated the terms of the mortgage and that, in consequence
thereof they became entitled to the possession of the chattels
and appellees, vs. FRANCISCO LIMJAP, Special
and to foreclose their mortgages thereon. Upon the petition of
Administrator of the estate of the deceased Jose B. Henson,
the plaintiffs and after the filing of the necessary bonds, the
defendant and appellant.
court issued in each case an order directing the sheriff of the
City of Manila to take immediate possession of said drug stores.
The defendant filed practically the same answer to both
stipulation in the chattel mortgage, extending its scope and
complaints. He denied generally and specifically the plaintiffs'
effect to after-acquired property, is valid and binding where
allegations, and set up the following special defenses:
the after-acquired property is in renewal of, or in
(1) That the chattel mortgages (Exhibit A, in G. R. No.
substitution for, goods on hand when the mortgage was
34385 and Exhibit A, in G. R. No. 34386) are null and void for
executed, or is purchased with the proceeds of the sale of
lack of sufficient particularity in the description of the property
such goods. (11 C. J., p. 436.) A mortgage may, by express
mortgaged; and
stipulations, be drawn to cover goods put in stock in place
of others sold out from time to time. A mortgage may be
made to include future acquisitions of goods to be added to VOL. 56, SEPTEMBER 21, 1931
the original stock mortgaged, but the mortgage must Torres vs. Limjap
expressly provide that such -future acquisitions shall be (2) That the chattels which the plaintiffs sought to recover were
held as included in the mortgage. Where a mortgage not the same property described in the mortgage.
covering the stock in trade, furniture, and fixtures in the The defendant also filed a counterclaim for damages in the
mortgagor's store provides that "all goods, stock in trade, sum of. P20,000 in the first case and P100,000 in the second
furniture, and fixtures hereafter purchased by the mortgagor case.
shall be included in and covered by the mortgage," the Upon the issue thus raised by the pleadings, the two causes
mortgage covers all after-acquired property of the classes were tried together by agreement of the parties. After hearing
mentioned, and, upon foreclosure, such property may be the evidence adduced during the trial and on July 17, 1930, the
taken and sold by the mortgagee the same as the property in Honorable Mariano Albert, judge, in a very carefully prepared
possession of the mortgagor at the time the mortgage was opinion, arrived at the conclusion (a) that the defendant
executed. (Vol. I, Cobbey on Chattel Mortgages, sec. 361, defaulted in the payment of interest on the loans secured by the
pp. 474, 475.) mortgages, in violation of the terms thereof; (b) that by reason
APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of of said failure said mortgages became due, and (c) that the
Manila. Albert, J. plaintiffs, as mortgagees, were entitled to the possession of the
The facts are stated in the opinion of the court. drug stores Farmacia Henson at Nos. 101-103 Calle Rosario and
Duran, Lim & Tuason for appellant. Henson's Pharmacy at Nos. 71-73 Escolta. Accordingly, a
Guevara, Francisco & Recto for appellees. judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiffs and against the
142 def endant, confirming the attachment of said drug stores by the
142 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED sheriff of the City of Manila and the delivery thereof to the
plaintiffs, The dispositive part of the decision reads as follows:
Torres vs. Limjap
"En virtud de todo lo expuesto, el Juzgado dicta sentencia
confirmando en todas sus partes las órdenes de fechas 16 y 17
de abril del presente año, dictadas en las causas Nos. 37096 y
37097, respectivamente, y declara definitiva la entrega hecha a
These two actions were commenced in the Court of First los demandantes por el Shériff de Manila de las boticas en
Instance of Manila on April 16, 1930, for the purpose of cuestión. Se condena en costas al demandado en ambas causas."
securing from the defendant the possession of two drug stores From that judgment the defendant appealed, and now makes the
located in the City of Manila, covered by two chattel mortgages following assignments of error:
executed by the deceased Jose B. Henson in favor of the
In the first case the plaintiffs alleged that Jose B. Henson, 1. "I.The lower court erred in failing to make a finding
in his lifetime, executed in their favor a chattel mortgage on the question of the sufficiency of the description
(Exhibit A) on his drug store at Nos. 101-103 Calle Rosario, of the chattels mortgaged and in failing to hold that
known as Farmacia Henson, to secure a loan of P7,000, the chattel mortgages were null and void for lack of
although it was made to appear in the instrument that the loan particularity in the description of the chattels
was for P20,000. mortgaged.
In the second case the plaintiffs alleged that they were the
heirs of the late Don Florentino Torres; and that Jose B. 144
Henson, in his lifetime, executed in favor of Don 144 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED
Florentino Torres a chattel mortgage (also Exhibit A) on his
Torres vs. Limjap away from the true intent and purpose of the Legislature and to
conclusions inconsistent with the spirit of the Act. On this
subject, Sutherland, the foremost authority on statutory
1. "II.The lower court erred in refusing to allow the
construction, says:
defendant to introduce evidence tending to show that
"The Intent of a Statute is the Law.—If a statute is valid it is to
the stock of merchandise found in the two drug stores
have effect according to the purpose and intent of the lawmaker.
was not in existence or owned by the mortgagor at
The intent is the vital part, the essence of the law, and the
the time of the execution of the mortgages in
primary rule of construction 19 to ascertain and give effect to
that intent. The intention of the legislature in enacting a law is
2. "III.The lower court erred in holding that the
the law itself, and must be enforced when ascertained, although
administrator of the deceased is now estopped from
it may not be consistent with the strict letter of the statute.
contesting the validity of the mortgages in question.
Courts will not follow the letter of a statute when it leads away
3. "IV.The lower court erred in failing to make a finding
from the true intent and purpose of the legislature and to
on the counterclaims of the defendant."
conclusions inconsistent with the general purpose of the act.
Intent is the spirit which gives life to a legislative enactment. In
With reference to the first assignment of error, we deem it construing statutes the proper course is to start out and follow
unnecessary to discuss the question therein raised, inasmuch as the true intent of the legislature and
according to our view on the question of estoppel, as we shall 146
hereinafter set forth in our discussion of the third assignment of
error, the defendant is estopped from questioning the validity of
these chattel mortgages. Torres vs. Limjap
In his second assignment of error the appellant attacks the to adopt that sense which harmonizes best with the context and
validity of the stipulation in said mortgages authorizing the promotes in the fullest manner the apparent policy and objects
mortgagor to sell the goods covered thereby and to replace them of the legislature." (Vol. II Sutherland, Statutory Construction,
with other goods thereafter acquired. He insists that a pp. 693-695.)
stipulation authorizing the disposal and substitution of the A stipulation in the mortgage, extending its scope and effect
chattels mortgaged does not operate to extend the mortgage to to after-acquired property, is valid and binding—
after-acquired property., and that such stipulation is in "* * * where the after-acquired property is in renewal of, or
contravention of the express provision of the last paragraph of in substitution for, goods on hand when the mortgage was
section 7 of Act No. 1508, which reads as follows: executed, or is purchased with the proceeds of the sale of such
"A chattel mortgage shall be deemed to cover only the property goods, etc." (11 C. J., p. 436.)
described therein and not like or substituted property thereafter Cobbey, a well-known authority on Chattel Mortgages,
acquired by the mortgagor and placed in the same depository as recognizes the validity of stipulations relating to after-acquired
the property originally mortgaged, anything in the mortgage to and substituted chattels. His views are based on the decisions of
the contrary notwithstanding." the supreme courts of several states of the Union. He says:
In order to give a correct construction to the above-quoted "A mortgage may, by express stipulations, be drawn to cover
provision of our Chattel Mortgage Law (Act No. 1508), the goods put in stock in place of others sold out from time to time.
spirit and intent of the law must first be ascertained. When said A mortgage may be made to include future acquisitions of
Act was placed on our statute books by the United States goods to be added to the original stock mortgaged, but the
Philippine Commission on July 2, 1906, the primary aim of that mortgage must expressly provide that such future acquisitions
law-making body was undoubtedly to shall be held as included in the mortgage. * * * Where a
145 mortgage covering the stock in trade, furniture, and fixtures in
VOL. 56, SEPTEMBER 21, 1931 the mortgagor's store provides that 'all goods, stock in trade,
furniture, and fixtures hereafter purchased by the mortgagor
Torres vs. Limjap shall be included in and covered by the mortgage,' the mortgage
promote business and trade in these Islands and to give impetus covers all after-acquired property of the classes mentioned, and,
to the economic development of the country. Bearing this in upon foreclosure, such property may be taken and sold by the
mind, it could not have been the intention of the Philippine mortgagee the same as the property in possession of the
Commission to apply the provision of section 7 above quoted mortgagor at the time the mortgage was executed." (Vol. I,
to stores open to the public f or retail business, where the goods Cobbey on Chattel Mortgages, sec. 361, pp. 474, 475.)
are constantly sold and,substituted with new stock, such as drug In harmony with the foregoing, we are of the opinion (a) that
stores, grocery stores, dry-goods stores, etc. If said provision the provision of the last paragraph of section 7 of Act No. 1508
were intended to apply to this class of business, it would be is not applicable to drug stores, bazars and all other stores in the
practically impossible to constitute a mortgage on such stores nature of a revolving and floating business; (b) that the
without closing them, contrary to the very spirit and purpose of stipulation in the chattel mortgages
said Act. Such a construction would bring about a handicap to 147
trade and business, would restrain the circulation of capital, and
VOL. 56, SEPTEMBER 21, 1931
would defeat the purpose for which the law was enacted, to wit,
the promotion of business and the economic development of the El Oriente, Fabrica de Tabacos, Inc., vs. Posadas
country. in question, extending their effect to after-acquired property, is
In the interpretation and construction of a statute the intent valid and binding; and (c) that the lower court committed no
of the law-maker should always be ascertained and given effect, error in not permitting the defendant-appellant to introduce
and courts will not follow the letter of a statute when it leads
evidence tending to show that the goods seized by the sheriff
were in the nature of after-acquired property.
With reference to the third assignment of error, we agree
with the lower court that, from the facts of record, the def
endant-appellant is estopped from contesting the validity of the
mortgages in question. This feature of the case has been very
ably and fully discussed by the lower court in its decision, and
said discussion is made, by reference, a part of this opinion.
As to the fourth assignment of error regarding the
counterclaims of the defendant-appellant, it may be said that in
view of the conclusions reached by the lower court, which are
sustained by this court, the lower court committed no error in
not making any express finding as to said counterclaims. As a
matter of form, however, the counterclaims should have been
dismissed, but as the trial court decided both cases in favor of
the plaintiffs and confirmed and ratified the orders directing the
sheriff to take possession of the chattels on behalf of the
plaintiffs, there was, in effect, a dismissal of the defendant's
For all of the foregoing, we are of the opinion and so hold
that the judgment appealed from is in accordance with the facts
and the law, and the same should be and is hereby affirmed,
with costs. So ordered.
Avanceña, C.
J., Street, Malcolm, Villamor, Ostrand, Romualdez, Villa-
Real, and Imperial, JJ., concur.
Judgment affirmed.

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