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Fidel V.


Objectives of Education

 Universal basic education that will make every citizen functionally literate and
 Acquiring skills and knowledge that to make the individual a productive member
of the society
 Development of high level professionals who will search about new knowledge,
instruct the young and provide leadership in various aspects of our economy.

Agencies of Education

 Professionals
 Researchers
 Schools

Educational Materials Used

 Research
 Cultural institutions
 Laws

Relevant Laws Passed

 R.A. 8047 – Book Publishing Industry Development Act (June 1995)

 R.A. 7722 – CHED (May 18, 1994)
 R.A. 7743 – establishing municipal libraries and barangay reading centers (June
17, 1994)
 R.A 7731 – abolishing NCEE (NSAT – NAT) (June 3, 1994)
 R.A 7784 – Act Strengthen Teacher Education by Establishing Centers of
Excellence, Creating a Teacher Education Council for the purpose, Appropriating
Funds Thereof, and for other purposes (August 4, 1994)
 R.A. 7796 – TESDA (August 25, 1994)
 R.A. 7836 – Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
 R.A. 8190 – Granting priority appointment or assignment to public school
teacher who reside in a barangay, municipality or city near the school (June 11,
 R.A. 8491 – Prescribing the code of the national flag, anthem, motto, coat of
arms and other heraldic items and devices. (February 12, 1998)
 R.A. 8492 – Establishing the national museum system providing its permanent
home (1997)
 R.A. 8496 – Establishing the Philippine Science High School System (1997)
 R.A. 8525 – Establishing adopt-a-school program

Educational Program/ Curriculum

 Early Childhood Care and Development Program
 TEEP – Third Elementary Education Project
 NEAT – National Elementary Achievement Test
 NSAT – National Secondary Assessment Test
 Ten-Year Master plan for Basic Education
 PROBE – Program on Basic Education
 Book Publishing Industry

Famous Personalities and People

 Fidel V Ramos

Schools Created

 SOF – School for the Future (School using multimedia technology

Other Relevant Information

 Grade 1 = 6 years old

 National School Enrolment Day (Last Monday of January) started in the year
1995 (September 16, 1994. DO 65, S. 1994)
 Increase in number of school days to 220 days.

Joseph Estrada
Objectives of Education

 Nursery – Kindergarten = learning basic things through drawing and other playful
 Primary/ Elementary = learning core subjects such as Math, English and
Makabayan, Science, Music, Arts and PE
 Secondary/ High School = schooling is compartmentalized
 College/ Tertiary = schooling is cosmopolitan

Agencies of Education

 Teachers
 Professionals
 Researchers
 Schools
 Universities

Educational Materials Used

 Drawings and playful activities (Kinder and Nursery)

 Core Subjects like Math, English and Science (Elementary)
 NEAT (National Elementary Achievement Test)
 Academic Decrees (Tertiary)
 NSAT (National Secondary Achievement Test)

Relevant Laws Passed

 R.A. 9155 – Governance of Basic Education Act

 D.O. No. 56, s. 2001 – Policy on Educational Field Trips
 D.O. No 54, s. 2001 – Revision of Panatang Makabayan
 D.O. No 51, s. – Collection of School Publication Fees
 D.O. No. 45, s. 2001 – revision of Alphabet and Guide in Spelling of Philippine
 D.O. No. 35, s. 2001 – Payment of Teachers
 PCER – Presidential Commission on Educational Reform

Educational Program/ Curriculum

 Bureau of Elementary Education

> Multigrade Program in Philippine Education
> Preschool Service Contracting Program
> SPED Personnel Enhancement Program
> Resource Materials Development for Children with Special Needs (CSNs)
> Early Intervention Program for Children with Disabilities
> Standards for Quality Elementary Education (SQEE)
 Bureau of Secondary Education
> Three Divisions
1. Curriculum Development
2. Staff Development Division
3. Population Education Unit
> CS-PST (Community Service and Public Safety Training)
> TSD-MSP (Thinking Skills Development for Maximized Cognitive Development)
> Teacher Training Program
> Adopt-A-School Program
> SIP (Self-Instructional Packages) in SRA (Social Reform Agenda) Provinces
> BP-OSA (Balik-Paaralan para sa Out-of-School-Adults)
> Project EASE (Effective and Affordable Secondary Education)
> School Based Education
> Indigenized/ Localization of the Secondary Education Curriculum
> RHGP (Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program)
> Population Education Program; PEPTALK
 Bureau of Physical Education and School Sports
> School Sports Competition Program
> Physical Education Curriculum Materials
> Teachers/ Coaches/ Trainors/ Officiating Office Training Program
> Special Project and International Participation
 National Education Testing and Research Center
> National Elementary Assessment Test (NEAT)
> National Secondary Achievement Test (NSAT)
> Philippine Validating Test
Famous Personalities and People
 Joseph Ejercito Estrada

Schools Created

 Nursery and Kindergarten

 Primary or Elementary School
 International/ Chinese School
 Secondary/ High School
 Tertiary School

Other Relevant Information

 Joseph Estrada was the only president who approached the issue of education
with more pragmatism than any of his predecessors.

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