21st Literature - Lesson 13

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Grade 11 Lesson Plan

Name of Teacher Grade level: 11 Date:

Learning Area 21st Century Literature Quarter: 2 Duration: 1 hr.
1. OBJECTIVES The students must be able to:
 Situate the texts in the context of the region, the nation, and the world.
 Articulate the significance and place of cultural and national memory in an increasingly
globalized world.
 Respond critically to the poem and consequently articulate this response through a
conceptualization of a monument that memorializes particular event or person in contemporary
Philippine history
A. Content The learners will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national
literature and cultures.

B. Learning (EN12Lit-IIc-29) Situate the texts in the context of the region, nation, and the world.
2. CONTENT This lesson tackles the different cultures and worldviews of people from a diverse cultures and
ethnicities, modes of entertainment brands through the literary poems of J. Neil C. Garcia, “XVIII, From
Amsterdam: A Cycle.
3. LEARNING Materials: Textbook, Laptop, Projector, Textbooks
RESOURCES Reference: Textbook: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World, Teacher’s Manual:
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world, www.youtube.com


Preparatory  Greetings
Activity  Opening Prayer
 Attendance
 Motivation: The teacher will present a videoclip of Rizal’s life.
1. What is the role of Rizal in your life?
2. Did his life works affect you? Why or why not?

3. What do you feel about how history has treated Rizal? Elaborate your answer.

Activity Discussion will follow about poetry: metonymy, synecdoche, cosmopolitan

Activity 1

1. The teacher will ask the students to get their individual copy of the reading selection by Winton Lou G. Ynion
on pp. 52-53.
2. The student will read the selection silently.
3. Let the student observe how Jalandoni was characterized by Ynion.
3. To respond critically ask the students to answer the activity on the worktext. (see navigate pp. 54-55)

Analysis Guide questions for activity 1

1. What kind of Rizal did Jalandoni love?

2. How was Rizal Described at the beginning of the essay?
3. What was implied about Jalandoni’s worked as mentioned in the essay?

Abstraction  Generalization:
1. Discuss the difference between autobiography and biography.
2. Discuss characterization, narrative structure, and fabula.

Application Group Activity:

 The class will be grouped into five.

Feminism is a world-renowned movement wherein women upheld strong principles and beliefs
that make difference in a world dominated by men and Jalandoni is one of the few.

 Each group will name five female personalities who succeeded and made a big impact in the
 It will be presented in class.

Name of female personality Contributions

CRITERIA Rating Scale (5 Highest- 1 Lowest)
5 4 3 2 1
1. Presentation clearly bears the content of the
2. Presentation shows vivid explanation and
3. Presentation maintains and strongly captures
interest of audience.

Evaluation 15 items Pen-and-Paper Test: One point is given for every correct answer.

Closure A biography, or simple bio, is a detailed description of a person’s life. It involves more than just a basic
facts like education, work, relationships and death; it portrays a person’s experience of these life

Agreement Ask the students to write a brief biography on any of the following:
1. Your parent
2. Your best friend
3. Your favorite relative

4. Your favorite teacher


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