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Cardiovascular disease in Hajj pilgrims

Abdullah Al Shimemeri ⇑

Intensive Care Department, College of Medicine, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The changing pattern of hospital admissions during Hajj, the Muslims yearly pilgrimage attracting millions of
pilgrims from all around the globe, has gradually seen infectious causes of hospital admission replaced by
cardiovascular diseases as a leading cause of both intensive care unit admission and death. While this trend is partly
associated with the high quality of medical services and awareness programs targeted at reducing the spread of
infections, at the same time it underscores an urgent need to establish a pragmatic system to manage the challenge of
cardiovascular morbidities and mortality during Hajj.
Search strategy and inclusion criteria: A PubMed Central (PMC) literature search without date restrictions was per-
formed for articles reporting on the medical experience during Hajj. There were 109 articles were returned using
‘‘Hajj’’ and ‘‘mortality’’ as search terms. After determining relevance to the current theme based on both direct
and indirect reference to the pattern hospital admission during Hajj, 20 articles reporting on conducted studies were
obtained. Data from these studies reporting on the pattern and outcome of hospitalization during Hajj were exam-
ined and helped in arriving at the conclusions presented in this review.

Ó 2012 King Saud University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cardiovascular diseases, Mortality, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Hajj, Pilgrim


Cardiovascular diseases, the principal cause of death during Hajj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Conflict of Interest . . . . . . . . .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

million Muslim pilgrims gather from all around

O nce in a lifetime every Muslim is expected to
undergo a holy pilgrimage, known as Hajj,
which takes place in the 12th month of the Islamic
the world to perform the holy pilgrimage. The rit-
uals performed during include a walk around Kaa-
lunar calendar. Every year an estimated two ba, a cube-shaped building in Makkah considered

undergo = menjalani

Received 4 November 2011; revised 4 January 2012; accepted 5 February

Available online 16 February 2012 P.O. Box 2925 Riyadh – 11461KSA
Tel: +966 1 2520088 ext 40151
Fax: +966 1 2520718
⇑ Tel.: +966 1 8011111x18855. Email:
E-mail addresses:, URL:

1016–7315 Ó 2012 King Saud University.

Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.

124 AL SHIMEMERI J Saudi Heart Assoc

the most sacred site in Islam, followed by the Sa’i hospitals (four in Mena, three in Arafat), ahead
consisting of walking between two hills (Safa and of pneumonia, asthma, chronic obstructive pul-
Marwa) seven times, each with a distance of about monary disorder (COPD) and pulmonary edema
450 m to a total of 3.15 km. Other rites include a [1]. More than 60% of the ICU admissions came
14.5 km journey to the desert Arafat, a night spent from cardiovascular causes of which myocardial
at Muzdalifah where pebbles to be thrown the fol- infarction and left ventricular failure occurred
lowing day at Mena (about 5 km from Makkah). with the highest frequencies.
sacred = suci
For pilgrims in good health the pilgrimage and This was slightly different from a 2009 prospec-
pebbles = the involved rites, though requiring significant tive study involving over 500 Hajj pilgrims from
kerikil amount of physical exertion, do not constitute France (median age 61) attending the 2007 [8]
stampede = any reason for medical concern. In the studied pil- (5 km). While cardiovascular disease-related con-
menyerbu grims traumas and illnesses usually directly or ditions (e.g., hypocholesterolemia and hyperten-
instance = indirectly stem from overcrowding, for instance sion) represented significant co-morbidities in
contoh resulting from stampede resulting from mass the pilgrims prior to Hajj, the reported hospital-
attributed = panic, and communicable infections. As for non- ization was much lower than in the previous
dikaitkan communicable illnesses, pre-Hajj medical state study. While this particular study represented a
overcrowded= and individual pilgrims’ characteristics come into highly non-generalizable account of Hajj medical
terlalu penuh play directing both the pattern and outcome of experience, it adequately represents the stratifica-
prior = hospitalization. In 1995, a study by Yousaf et al. tion according to age often reported for pilgrims
sebelumnya identified diabetes mellitus, respiratory infection attending Hajj (median age 61 years). According
recent = (pneumonia in particular) and ischemic heart dis- to the study, pilgrims with ages ranging from 65
baru ease as the diseases most commonly reported dur- to 74 years had the highest number of age-related
separate= ing Hajj [2]. The high incidence of communicable chronic conditions like diabetes mellitus (31%),
terpisah illnesses may be attributed to the overcrowded hypertension (27.5%), and hypercholesterolemia
condition and the spread of infections. Prior to (11.4%) This age group understandably would
the recent dominance of respiratory infection in constitute the highest number of hospitalizations
hospital admissions during the holy month, chol- during Hajj. The pattern shown in this particular
era and meningitis were the principal causes of study suggests a need to separate the overall
morbidity and mortality; the improved hygiene, number of hospitalization from ICU admissions
health care and education can be credited for the and contribution to total reported mortalities
current reduction in incidence of these infectious reportedly dominated by cardiovascular condi-
diseases [2–5]. In a study recruiting over 2000 Hajj tions [9]. Also, it is necessary to view the French
pilgrims from Pakistan, pre-Hajj vaccination study within the highly restricted context of the
against influenza virus was observed to reduce study group not representative of the overall Hajj
the incidence of influenza-associated illnesses by attendance. Similarly, in another study involving a
about 24%. [6] However a separate English study total of 105,713 Iranian pilgrims covering two suc-
conducted in 2004 failed to reproduce a similar cessive Hajj pilgrimages (2004 and 2005), cardio-
pattern of correlation between vaccination and vascular diseases were responsible for only a
disease occurrence [7]. This was in part a result small number of the overall hospitalizations [10].
of the inclusion of fewer pilgrims (115 compared This was attributed to effective pre-Hajj screening
to 2000 in the Pakistani study) in the study, but procedures that successfully reduced the number
mostly as a result of a mismatch of the viral strain of high risk groups composed mainly of individu-
employed for vaccination [7]. als with cardiovascular diseases. It is only fair to
expect the outcome of similar studies would be
different where such pre-Hajj screening of high
Cardiovascular diseases, the principal cause
risk groups is absent.
of death during Hajj
In 2005 the Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of
Over the past few years cardiovascular diseases Saudi Arabia identified deaths resulting from
have emerged as an important cause both of cardiovascular diseases as the highest recorded
intensive care unit (ICU) admission and of mortal- during Hajj (Health Statistics: Saudi Ministry of
ity during Hajj. For instance, in a study analyzing Health, 2005). Casualties of 7% was reported by
Hajj hospital admissions in 2004 as a function of Gazzaz et al. for the 2001/2002 Hajj at the Al-Noor
pilgrims’ geographical origin, myocardial infarc- specialist hospital recruiting 166 patients [11].
tion was identified as the major cause of admis- Although the medical causes of the recorded
sion into the intensive care units (ICU) of seven deaths were not mentioned in the study, the
emerged = muncul
J Saudi Heart Assoc AL SHIMEMERI 125

highest number of admissions were reportedly An interesting dimension, however, was ob-
observed in the coronary care unit of the hospital. served in the study on 2002 Hajj [12]. The percent
In a separate report by Madani et al., cardiovascu- mortality recorded at Makkah hospitals were four
lar disease caused approximately 64% of total times those reported at Madinah. Although it re-
admission of which myocardial infarction was the mains unknown the details of the particular events
most common diagnosis and 10.7% (68.6% above culminating in death, at the same time it appears
40 years of age) mortality was reported [1]. Up to reasonable to attribute the pattern to the level of
half of the recorded deaths were said to result from physical exertion accompanying at the sites which
myocardial infarction alone. Of the total admis- are more accessible to the Makkah hospitals than
sions into the intensive care units studied, 57.9% to clinics in Madinah. In addition, the reported
were also reportedly for cardiovascular disease ER and ICU admissions were dominated by elderly
and hypertension (ischemic heart disease, 24.4%; patients making age an important factor in the
congestive heart failure, 7.1% and; hypertension, pattern of ICU admission, especially since this
26.4%). age category is usually characterized by cardiac
In a 2006 review article examining the pattern of co-morbidities. This explains why cardiovascular
care transfer from the emergency rooms (ERs) of diseases, rather than respiratory illnesses (which
the Mashaer, Makkah and Madinah hospitals to rather than being age-specific are mostly infectious
the ICUs during the Hajj of 2002, cardiovascular diseases contracted from the highly crowded pop-
disease was at the top of the death chart (45.8% ulation), should dominate mortalities witnessed
of which hypertension accounted for 2.7% of the during Hajj. The commonly reported cardiovascu-
deaths, Table 1) [12]. Mortality totaling 13.8% lar conditions were different kinds of shock
resulted exclusively from respiratory-related dis- (hypovolemic, obstructive, septic and cardiogenic),
eases, well behind cardiovascular causes. A further myocardial infarction, and hypertensive emergen-
14.3% of the reported deaths were caused by cies. Thus, while infectious causes may dominate
combined respiratory and cardiovascular failure. admission into the medical wards and the ERs, car-
A separate study by Al-Ghamdi et al. with fewer diovascular diseases, often existing in the pilgrims
patients (160) showed the overall hospital admis- prior to Hajj, dominate ICU admissions and are
sion dominated by respiratory diseases (57%) responsible for a larger portion of recorded deaths.
while admission into ICUs was led by cardiovascu- An analysis of the age distribution in some stud-
lar diseases [13]. A similar pattern was reported for ies showed that Hajj hospital admission is often
the 2004 Hajj with respiratory diseases leading dominated by pilgrims older than 40 years [16].
admission into seven hospitals (three in Arafat, This is of significance with respect to clinical
and four in Mena) in the holy month, followed by outcome since the risk of morbidity and mortality
cardiovascular conditions [1]. following cardiovascular diseases increases signif-
Two points may be noted in the studies. First, icantly with age, with age groups above 80 years
respiratory infections often dominate overall hos- carrying very serious risk (Table 2). In addition,
pitalization during Hajj [10,14,15]. Second, cardio- the age-related predisposition to cardiovascular
vascular diseases during the pilgrimage cause morbidity and mortality needs to be considered
more death than other medical ailments, both against a backdrop of a series of physically
communicable and non-communicable. Recogni- demanding religious rites pilgrims are eager to
tion of this trend will help both in planning health take part in even when their health should prevent
management for the pilgrimage and for reducing from doing so. This, for reasons advanced shortly,
mortalities via a medical history-based screening contradicts the positive role of exercise and physi-
that reduces the number of high risk groups. cal activities in improving both morbidity and mor-
tality in patients with cardiovascular diseases. As
ailment = penyakit

Table 1. Most significant causes of death during 2002 Hajj

(adapted from Yaseen and Sameer [12]). Table 2. Correlation of pilgrims’ age with mortality. Repro-
duced from Khan et al. [16].
Diseases Mortality
(%) Age (years) Mortality (%)
Cardiovascular diseases (with hypertension) 45.8 Less than 20 0 (0)
Respiratory causes 13.8 20–39 3.5 (13.3)
Respiratory and cardiac system failure 14.3 40–59 20.2 (12.6)
Traffic accidents and other traumas 6.4 60–79 67.5 (18.1)
Cerebrovascular diseases 3.4 Greater than or equal to 80 8.8 (21.3)
126 AL SHIMEMERI J Saudi Heart Assoc

ailments = penyakit

an example, a study published as early as 1975 cor- diovascular diseases were unable to perform Hajj
relating mortality in cardiovascular ailments with rites compared to similar age group (control) with-
the level of physical exertion involved in the out heart-related diseases. For this, Hajj rites were
patients’ day-to-day work [17], found annual grouped into Tawaf (circumambulation of Kaaba,
mortality per 10,000 in longshoremen significantly an aggregate distance of about 40 km), Saay, Ramy
reduced compared to the general population (26.9 and Woghoof, and 9.6%, 14.1%, 23.6% and 9.6% of
vs 49.0). Many other subsequent studies have pilgrims with carefully controlled cardiovascular
arrived at the similar conclusions regarding the ailments were, respectively, unable to perform
beneficial role of exercise in preventing cardiovas- the rites. Each of these values is more than double
cular morbidity and mortality. However, this the figures obtained in the control group (3.5%,
perception can be contended in the context of Hajj 4.2%, 11.6%, and 2.2%, respectively) [18].
where most of the pilgrims (quite advanced in The study by Afshin-Nia et al. indirectly demon-
years) had all along led a sedentary life prior to strated the increased risk of morbidity (and by
making Hajj against a long-standing recommenda- extension, mortality) associated with cardiovascu-
tion of controlled exercise recommended in the lar conditions in Hajj pilgrims. By employing a
context of the management of cardiovascular dis- protocol exploiting the medical status of intended
eases. Sudden physical activities in individuals with pilgrims as exclusion criteria the authorities of the
cardiovascular diseases elicit a number of mecha- city of Isfahan were able to reduce both morbidity
nisms including a lowering of the venous return (0.94% hospitalization) and mortality (equivalent
and reduction in cardiac output likely to precipitate of 13 per 100,000) compared to other provinces
acute cardiovascular attack. These processes are (1.85% hospitalization, and 66 deaths per 100,000)
counterproductive and can compromise disease where similar pre-Hajj screening was not con-
management, and in extreme cases lead to the ducted [18]. Further studies are required to estab-
death of the individual. lish the relationship between cardiovascular
In a 1998 published work, Afshin-Nia et al. re- disease-related mortality recorded during Hajj
ported a study comparing health indices in pil- and the quality of pre-Hajj healthcare manage-
grims with at least one cardiovascular disease ment available to intended pilgrims. This will help
from the Isfahan district in Iran before and after separate the risks intrinsically inherent in cardio-
the 1993 Hajj [18]. Only pilgrims with adequately vascular diseases from those resulting from the
controlled cardiovascular conditions were in- adequacy (or lack of it) of therapeutic manage-
cluded in the study. Hypertension and ischemic ment of such conditions.
heart disease were the principal cardiovascular It may be tempting to ask the question: should
diseases encountered. Although no casualty was the Saudi Arabian authorities institute an age-
recorded in this particular group of pilgrims, this based exclusion criterion for granting admittance
was more a reflection of an effective screening of onto the pilgrimage? Perhaps, it would be of
intended pilgrims and the exclusion of patients greater help, however, to have the different na-
with poor health conditions than an indication of tional and regional authorities work together
low mortality. Comparison of signs and symptoms with the Saudi Arabian authorities in ensuring
before and after Hajj indicates no significant wors- intended pilgrims are adequately screened for
ening as a result of Hajj, with an interesting excep- likely risk factors such as cardiovascular diseases
tion – medication consumption increased from with a special attention to how well such chronic
36% pre-Hajj, to 94% post-Hajj in a randomly se- diseases have been managed by the individual.
lected subset of the population under study. This Expectedly, this will parametrically consider
directly reveals the impact of the physical strain age as a risk factor; however, such screening
inherent in performing Hajj rites, especially on pil- should primarily focus on disease risk factors.
grims with heart conditions or other age-related This is already in force in certain cases where
diseases. We should bear in mind that this study intended pilgrims from Turkey and Malaysia
was strictly limited to pilgrims with adequately with severe heart conditions are prevented from
managed cardiovascular diseases. It might not be performing the Hajj [19]. Further studies paying
far-fetched to suppose that the consequence on particular attention to the manner in which each
pilgrims with poorly controlled age-related cardio- type of medical condition (acute or chronic) con-
vascular illnesses would have been devastating tributes to mortalities [20] are needed as these
and possibly fatal, especially when it is further will help in effecting more effective national
considered that in the present study a greater and international policies for preventing deaths
number of pilgrims with carefully controlled car- during Hajj.
J Saudi Heart Assoc AL SHIMEMERI 127

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