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Important information about your child

Date: Name: Class: Date of birth:

Parents! Please go to
Address now, log in,
go to Edit Profile, and update
Workplace your information there too!
Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail




Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail

In case of emergencies, other people to be contacted if guardian is unavailable.

Name Phone

Guardian/s accepts the following things (make a mark for each bullet point):

Yes No
The child may leave the school premises during school hours
when accompanied by a teacher.

The child is allowed to go in a train, bus or taxi for example

fritids and school accompanied by a teacher or staffmember.
Pictures taken of your child are allowed to be used in school (photo-
newspapers, webpages, displayboards in school).

Share contactinformation (address, phone no, emailaddress) with

other parents in school.
Postadress Box 501, 343 23 Älmhult ● Besöksadress Stortorget 1 ● Telefon 0476-550 00 (vx) ● Fax 0476-138 74
Organisationsnr 212000-0647 ● Bankgiro 5720-0073 ● Webbplats ● E-post
Does the child have any form of an allergy? If yes please give details.

Does the child take regular prescribed medication? If yes please specify.

Does the child have any special dietary requirements? If yes please specify.

Are there other important information about your child? Please specify.

We are happy to share our contact information with the school community, such as other parents and the

 YES, all contact information

 YES, but only____________________________________

 NO, we do not want to share any contact information

Guardian/s/ signature/s/: Date:

Food allergy/alternative food 2017-09-27

If the pupil has food allergy or alternative food, please complete this form.
Name Personal ID no.
School Class

Parent/guardian Home phone Phone work/mobile

Allergic to:
Cow milk protein Gluten Nuts/almond

Lactose Fish


Allergies require medical certificate!

Alternative food:
No pork

No beef

No…….. what?

Does the pupil require medicine if eating the "wrong" food? Yes No

If so, what medicine?

Name of medicine: Strength:


Name of medicine: Strength:


Where is the medicine kept?

Date: ______________________

Guardian: ____________________________________________

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