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By: Atty. Edwin M. Carillo1

Based on the official syllabus, this year’s Bar Examinations continuance in office for the period of the suspension. If the rule is
for Legal Ethics will also have a set of questions for Practical different, this exercise of reprobation of an erring lawyer by the
Exercises, an essentially skills examinations. Often little weight is Court is rendered inutile and becomes a mockery because he can
given to Legal Ethics mainly because of the examinee’s fatigue or continue to receive his salaries and other benefits by simply going
his eagerness perhaps to go home usually because of the lure of on leave for the duration of his suspension from the practice of
merriment outside the exam site. Don’t commit this mistake! Give law. (Clarissa Advincula vs. Atty. Leonardo C. Advincula, A.C.
this last exam the importance it deserves and in this regard, you 9226, 14 June 2016, J. Bersamin)
are reminded to:
2. This disbarment case centers on whether Atty. Kho
a. WATCH THE TIME. Time is critical. Consequently, violated his lawyer's oath that he shall do no falsehood and that he
only the minimum requirements of the law must be reflected in shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or deceitful
answering the problems and in drafting the document required by conduct. According to complainant, a violation occurred when
the examiner; respondent declared in his verified Certificate of Acceptance of
Nomination that he was a natural-born Filipino citizen. Although
b. AVOID FANCY, LONG, AND NEEDLESS WORDS. the question of one's citizenship is not open to collateral attack, the
Simple, concise and grammatically correct statements pack more Court acknowledges the IBP-Commission on Bar Discipline's
power and efficacy. More importantly, they save you precious pronouncement that it had to make a limited finding on it, since
time; the alleged dishonesty hinged on such issue. The Court has
constantly ruled that an attack on a person's citizenship may only
c. AVOID ERASURES as much as possible because they be done through a direct action for its nullity. A disbarment case is
reduce your work’s impressiveness. To avoid erasures, map out a definitely not the proper venue to attack someone's citizenship. For
plan for your answers using the questionnaire you received. the lack of any ruling from a competent court on Atty. Kho's
Remember that nothing comes between YOU and the EXAMINER citizenship, this disbarment case loses its only leg to stand on and,
other than your written work. Thus, your work should mirror not hence, must be dismissed. (Plutarco E. Vazquez vs. Atty. David
only legal aptitude but also neatness; if it cannot be avoided, one Lim Queco Kho, A.C. 9492, 11 July 2016)
line across such item/s will be adequate to indicate your intent to
delete; and, 3. In this case, the lawyer undisputedly obtained several
loans from complainant beginning in 2008 or two years after they
d. PUT A DATE in all the legal documents that you will established a lawyer-client relationship in 2006, and before they
draft as required. terminated the same in 2009, in violation of Rule 16.04 of the CPR.
It is unethical for a lawyer to obtain loans from Complainant
during the existence of a lawyer-client relations. Respondent even
The following principles in recent case law are significant: exacerbated her infractions when she issued worthless checks to
pay for her debts, the existence of which was admitted. Regarding
Legal Ethics the issue of commingling of funds, using a client's funds for the
lawyer's personal use and depositing the same in his personal
1. A member of the Bar and officer of the Court is account is prohibited. Further, the failure of a lawyer to render an
required not only to refrain from adulterous relationships or account of any money received from a client and deliver the same
keeping mistresses but also to conduct himself as to avoid to such client when due or upon demand, is a breach of such rule;
scandalizing the public by creating the belief that he is flouting and, a lawyer is liable for gross misconduct for his failure to retum
those moral standards. Atty. Advincula cannot be sanctioned or repay money due to another person upon demand, even in the
with gravity because although his siring the child with a woman absence of an attorney-client relations between them. Lawyers are
other than his legitimate wife constituted immorality, he reminded that it is not only important to serve their clients with
committed the immoral conduct when he was not yet a lawyer. utmost zeal and competence. It is also an equally important
The degree of his immoral conduct was not as grave than if he responsibility for them to properly separate and account for any
had committed the immorality when already a member of the money given to them by their clients, and to resist the temptation
Philippine Bar. Even so, he cannot escape administrative liability. to borrow money from their clients, in order to preserve the trust
and confidence reposed upon lawyers by every person requiring
Atty. Advincula’s manifestation of compliance by taking their legal advice and services. (Dyquiangco vs. Atty. Dianna Lynn
a leave from work in the NBI to satisfy the two months Arellano, A.C. 10541; 12 July 2016; J. Caguio
suspension is unacceptable. A lawyer like him ought to know that
it is only the (Supreme) Court that wields the power to discipline 4. Pieces of evidence have been adduced that indubitably
lawyers. The IBP Board of Governors did not possess such power, confirm that respondent falsely used complainant's name, identity,
rendering its recommendation against him incapable of finality. It and school records to gain admission to the Bar. Since complainant
is the Court's final determination of his liability as a lawyer that is — the real "Patrick A. Caronan" never took the Bar Examinations,
the reckoning point for the service of sanctions and penalties. the IBP correctly recommended that such name be stricken off the
Moreover, his being a government employee necessitates that his Roll of Attomeys. The IBP also correctly ordered that respondent,
suspension from the practice of law should include his whose real name is "Richard A. Caronan," be barred from
suspension from office. A leave of absence will not suffice. This is admission to the Bar. In this case, respondent never completed his
so considering that his position mandated him to be a member of college degree. While he enrolled at the PLM in 1991, he left a year
the Philippine Bar in good standing. The suspension from the later and entered the PMA where he was discharged in 1993
practice of law will not be a penalty if it does not negate his without graduating. Clearly, respondent has not completed the
requisite pre-law degree. The Court does not discount the
1Atty. Carillo served as member of the College of Examiners in the 2011 Bar Examinations that handled Legal Ethics and the Skills Examinations for Trial
Memorandum. He is a professor of law and bar reviewer teaching courses like, Political and Constitutional Law, Land Registration Law, Administrative
Law, Legal and Judicial Ethics, Trial Technique, and Legal Forms and Writing for over two decades now. He is also an MCLE Lecturer. He served the
government in 1993 as Senator Raul Roco’s staff lawyer and in 2014 as an Assistant Government Corporate Counsel of the Office of the Government
Corporate Counsel, an agency attached to the Justice Department. To date, he is a senior partner at The Law Firm of Creencia Carillo & Velasco.
possibility that respondent may later on complete his college 7. What is patent from Respondent’s acts is that he has
education and earn a law degree under his real name. However, mocked the judicial processes, disobeyed judicial orders, and
his false assumption of his brother's name, identity, and ultimately caused unjust delays in the administration of justice.
educational records renders him unfit for admission to the Bar. The These acts directly contravene Rules 10.3 (requiring lawyers to
practice of law, after all, is not a natural, absolute or constitutional observe procedural rules and not to misuse them to defeat the
right to be granted to everyone who demands it. Rather, it is a ends of justice) and 12.04 (requiring lawyers not to unduly delay a
privilege limited to citizens of good moral character. Finally, case, impede the execution of judgment or misuse court
respondent made a mockery of the legal profession by pretending processes) of the Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR).
to have the necessary qualifications to be a lawyer. He also Further, respondent violated the Lawyer's Oath by disobeying the
tarnished the image of lawyers with his alleged unscrupulous legal orders of a duly constituted authority, and disregarding his
activities, which resulted in the filing of several criminal cases sworn duty to "delay no man for money or malice."
against him. Certainly, respondent and his acts do not have a place
in the legal profession where one of the primary duties of its Reprimand is generally appropriate as a penalty when a
members is to uphold its integrity and dignity. (Patrick A. lawyer's negligence causes injury or potential injury to a client or
Caronan vs. Richard A. Caronan a.k.a. Atty. Patrick A. Caronan, a party. In this case, respondent's injurious acts were clearly not
A.C. 11316, 12 July 2016, Per Curiam) caused by his negligence in following procedures or court orders.
He knowingly abused the legal process and violated orders of the
5. Atty. Ancheta should have very well known that a HLURB Board and Regional Office with the intent of delaying the
decision that has attained finality is no longer open for reversal execution of a judgment that had long been final and executory.
and should be respected. A lawyer's duty to assist in the speedy That he continued to do so even if a Complaint was already filed
administration of justice demands recognition that at a definite against him proved that his acts were deliberate. (Avida Land
time, issues must be laid to rest and litigation ended. As such, Corporation vs. Atty. Al Argosino, A.C. 7437, 17 August 2016, C.
Ancheta should have advised complainants to accept the judgment J. Sereno)
of the Court of Appeals and accord respect to the just claim of the
opposite party. He should have tempered his clients' propensity to 8. To hold the lawyer amenable to disbarment by reason
litigate and save them from additional expense in pursuing their of his or her having committed a crime involving moral
contemplated action. Instead, he gave them confident assurances turpitude, it is not enough to show that there is a pending case
that the case could still be reopened and even furnished them a involving moral turpitude against him or her, because Section 27
copy of his prepared "motion to reopen case." Despite his of Rule 138 expressly requires that he or she must have been
representation that he would file the motion, however, he did not found by final judgment guilty of the crime involving moral
do so. Atty. Ancheta's deceit and evasion of duty is manifest. He turpitude. (Interadent Zahntechnik Phil., Inc. vs. Atty. Rebecca S.
accepted the case though he knew the futility of an appeal. Despite Francisco-Simbillo, A.C. 9464, 24 August 2016, J. Bersamin)
receipt of the P30,000.OO acceptance fee, he did not act on his
client's case. Moreover, he prevailed upon complainants to give 9. Without a doubt, it has been established that
him P200,000.00 purportedly to be used to bribe the Justices of the respondent habitually watches pornographic materials in his
Court of Appeals in order to secure a favorable ruling, palpably office-issued laptop while inside the office premises, during office
showing that he himself was unconvinced of the merits of the case. hours, and with the knowledge and full view of his staff.
"A lawyer shall not, for any corrupt motive or interest, encourage Obviously, the Court cannot countenance such audacious display
any suit or proceeding or delay any man's cause. Atty. Ancheta's of depravity on respondent's part not only because his obscene
misconduct betrays his lack of appreciation that the practice of law habit tarnishes the reputation of the government agency he works
is a profession, not a money-making trade. As a servant of the law, for — the CAAP where he was engaged at that time as Acting
Atty. Ancheta's primary duty was to obey the laws and promote Corporate Secretary — but also because it shrouds the legal
respect for the law and legal processes. Corollary to this duty is his profession in a negative light. As a lawyer in the government
obligation to abstain from dishonest or deceitful conduct, as well service, respondent is expected to perform and discharge his
as from "activities aimed at defiance of the law or at lessening duties with the highest degree of excellence, professionalism,
confidence in the legal system. Atty. Ancheta's advice involving intelligence, and skill, and with utmost devotion and dedication
corruption of judicial officers tramps the integrity and dignity of to duty. However, his aforesaid habit miserably fails to showcase
the legal profession and the judicial system and adversely reflects these standards, and instead, displays sheer unprofessionalism
on his fitness to practice law. The maintenance of a high standard and utter lack of respect to the government position he was
of legal proficiency, honesty, and fair dealing is a prerequisite to entrusted to hold.
making the bar an effective instrument in the proper
administration of justice. Any member, therefore, who fails to live Besides, the evidentiary threshold of substantial
up to the exacting standards of integrity and morality exposes evidence as opposed to preponderance of evidence is more in
himself or herself to administrative liability. (Spouses Tolentino vs. keeping with the primordial purpose of and essential
Atty. Ferdinand Ancheta; A.C. 6387, Per Curiam, 19 July 2016) considerations attending this type of cases. As case law elucidates,
"[d]isciplinary proceedings against lawyers are sui generis. Neither
6. Respondent's use of demeaning and immoderate purely civil nor purely criminal, they do not involve a trial of an
language (in a demand letter) put complainants in shame and action or a suit, but is rather an investigation by the Court into the
disgrace. Moreover, x x x several other persons had been copy conduct of one of its officers. Not being intended to inflict
furnished with the demand letter. As such, respondent could punishment, it is in no sense a criminal prosecution. (Carrie-Anne
have besmirched complainants' reputation to its recipients. Shaleen Carlyle S. Reyes vs. Atty. Ramon Nieva, A.C. 8560, 6
September 2016, J. Perlas-Bernabe)
A lawyer's failure to answer the complaint against him
and his failure to appear at the investigation are evidence of his 10. A perusal of the Special Power of Attorney issued by
flouting resistance to lawful orders of the court and illustrate his Camino and her husband to Atty. Pasagui clearly shows that the
despiciency for his oath of office in violation of Section 3, Rule loan application with PHCCI was in their behalf and that the
138, Rules of Court. Though a lawyer's language may be forceful property mortgaged was likewise their property. If it were true
and emphatic, it should always be dignified and respectful, that it was a personal loan to him, Atty. Pasagui failed to explain
befitting the dignity of the legal profession. The use of why he used Camino's property as collateral. He also failed to
intemperate language and unkind ascriptions has no place in the explain why the Caminos would allow such set up of applying a
dignity of judicial forum. Language abounds with countless loan for Atty. Pasagui’s personal benefit in using their own
possibilities for one to be emphatic but respectful, convincing but property as collateral. In the absence of any agreement between
not derogatory, and illuminating but not offensive. In this regard, them, as in this case, it does not make sense that the Caminos
all lawyers should take heed that they are licensed officers of the would allow their own residential property to be mortgaged to
courts and are mandated to maintain the dignity of the legal finance something that will not benefit them. It is then plausible
profession, hence, they must conduct themselves honorably and that their true intention in designating Atty. Pasagui as attorney-
fairly. Thus, respondent ought to temper his words in the in-fact was to obtain a loan with PHCCI to finance the expenses of
performance of his duties as a lawyer and an officer of the court. the transfer of title in Camino's name. Thus, by his failure to make
(Spouses Nuezca vs. Atty. Ernesto V. Villagarcia, A.C. 8210, 8 good of their agreement to use the loan proceeds for the transfer
August 2016, J. Perlas-Bernabe) of the title in Camino's name, Atty. Pasagui not only betrayed the
trust and confidence reposed upon him but he is also guilty of to influence the outcome of the proceedings but also had a direct
engaging in dishonest and deceitful conduct. Atty. Pasagui’s hand in bringing about the result of the case by virtue of his
failure to inform Camino of the status of the transfer of title having the power to rule on it.
despite the release of the loan to finance the transfer of the title, is The restriction extended to engagement or
a clear indicium that he converted the money for his own use and employment. The respondent could not accept work or
constituted a gross violation of professional ethics and betrayal of employment from anyone that would involve or relate to any
public confidence in the legal profession. He violated Canon 16 of matter in which he had intervened as a judge except on behalf of
the CPR, which states that "[a] lawyer shall hold in trust all the body or authority that he served during his public
moneys and properties of his client that may come into his employment. The restriction as applied to him lasted beyond his
possession." Atty. Pasagui is instead meted the penalty of tenure in relation to the matters in which he had intervened as
disbarment. (Eufemia A. Camino vs. Atty. Ryan Rey L. Pasagui, judge. Accordingly, the fact that he was already retired from the
A.C. 11095, 20 September 2016, Per Curiam) Bench, or that he was already in the private practice of law when
he was engaged for the case was inconsequential.
11. The object of a disbarment proceeding is not so much
to punish the individual attorney himself, as to safeguard the The respondent has pleaded for the sympathy of the
administration of justice by protecting the court and the public Court towards his plight of "poverty." Although we can
from the misconduct of officers of the court, and to remove from understand his current situation and sympathize with him, his
the profession of law persons whose disregard for their oath of actuations cannot be overlooked because they contravened the
office have proved them unfit to continue discharging the trust express letter and spirit of Rule 6.03 of the CPR. (Atty. Rutillo B.
reposed in them as members of the bar. Thus, the power to disbar Pasok vs. Atty. Felipe G. Zapatos, A.C. 7388, 19 October 2016, J.
attorneys ought always to be exercised with great caution, and Bersamin)
only in clear cases of misconduct which seriously affects the
standing and character of the lawyer as an officer of the court and 15. The present administrative case should be resolved by
member of the bar. (Datu Remegio Duque, Jr. vs. COMELEC the Office of the Ombudsman, considering that complainants have
Chairman Sixto Brillantes, et al., A.C. 9912, 21 September 2016, J. filed a complaint before it on 12 February 2009. In the case of (DOJ
Peralta) Secretary) Gonzalez, his death on 7 September 2014 forecloses any
administrative case against him.
12. After collecting the full amount of her professional
and legal fees, Atty. Maravilla-Ona did not take a single step to The Ombudsman’s authority to act on complainants'
process the registration of land title in Bienvenida's name. Worse, administrative complaint is anchored on Section 13(1), Article XI of
when asked to return the money she received from Bienvenida, the 1987 Constitution, which provides that: "[t]he Office of the
Atty. Maravilla-Ona issued a worthless check which Ombudsman shall have the following powers, functions, and
consequently bounced when presented for payment. duties: (1) investigate on its own, or on complaint by any person,
any act or omission of any public official, employee, office or
We also take note of the past disbarment complaints that agency, when such act or omission appears to be illegal, unjust,
had been filed against Atty. Maravilla-Ona. Clearly, she exhibits improper, or inefficient."
the habit of violating her oath as a lawyer and the Code, as well as
defying the processes of the IBP. The Court cannot allow her Under Section 16 of RA 6770, otherwise known as the
blatant disregard of the Code and her sworn duty as a member of Ombudsman Act of 1989, the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman
the Bar to continue. She had been warned that a similar violation encompasses all kinds of malfeasance, misfeasance, and
will merit a more severe penalty, and yet, her reprehensible nonfeasance committed by any public officer or employee during
conduct has, again, brought embarrassment and dishonor to the his or her tenure. Section 19 of RA 6770 also states that the
legal profession. It is clear that she did not learn any lesson from Ombudsman shall act on all complaints relating, but not limited, to
her past experiences and since then has continued to exhibit traits acts or omissions which are unreasonable, unfair, oppressive, or
of incorrigibility. It is time to write finis to Atty. Maravilla-Ona's discriminatory.
professional legal career for the sake of the public, the profession
and the interest of justice. (Bienvenida Flor Suarez vs. Atty. Considering that both (Undersecretary) Exconde and
Eleonor A. Maravilla-Ona, A.C. 11064, 27 September 2016, Per (Representative) Madrona are public officers being charged for
Curiam) actions, which are allegedly unfair and discriminatory, involving
their official functions during their tenure, the present case should
13. It was not disputed that only the filing of the two- be resolved by the Office of the Ombudsman as the appropriate
paged Manifestation for Information constituted the respondent’s government agency. Indeed, the IBP has no jurisdiction over
rendition of professional services for the complainants. Although government lawyers who are charged with administrative offenses
he did claim that the filing of the Manifestation for Information had involving their official duties. For such acts, government lawyers
prevented any intrusion on their property, thereby fulfilling his fall under the disciplinary authority of either their superior or the
end of the contract, the worth of such minimal effort was Ombudsman. Moreover, an anomalous situation will arise if the
exaggerated and disproportionate when taken in the context of IBP asserts jurisdiction and decides against a government lawyer,
the attorney’s fees being Lot 37925-G with 300 square meters in while the disciplinary authority finds in favor of the government
area. The two-paged Manifestation for Information was not even the lawyer. (Spouses Buffe vs. Secretary Raul M. Gonzalez, et al., A.C.
procedural precursor of the promised petition for certiorari. 8168, 21 October 2016, Acting C.J. Carpio) (See also Eduardo R.
Moreover, he did not actually file the petition for certiorari as he Alicias Jr. vs. Atty. Myrna V. Macatangay, et al., A.C. 7478, 11
had promised. And, lastly, he did nothing more after filing the January 2017, J. Carpio, where the Supreme Court held that the
Manifestation for Information. He certainly transgressed the allegations in Alicias' complaint against Atty. Macatangay, Atty.
Lawyer’s Oath by receiving property of a substantial value from Zerna, Atty. Ronquillo, and Atty. Buenaflor, which include their (1)
the complainants after having made them believe that he could failure to evaluate CSC records; (2) failure to evaluate documentary
ensure their land from intrusion by third parties. He took evidence presented to the CSC; and (3) non-service of CSC Orders
advantage of them who had reposed their full trust and and Resolutions, all relate to their misconduct in the discharge of
confidence in his ability to perform the task by virtue of his being their official duties as government lawyers working in the CSC.
a lawyer. (Spouses Jacinto vs. Atty. Emelie P. Bangot, Jr., A.C. Hence, the IBP has no jurisdiction over Alicias' complaint. These
8494, 5 October 2016, J. Bersamin) are acts or omissions connected with their duties as government
lawyers exercising official functions in the CSC and within the
14. The respondent, in his capacity MTCC Tangub City administrative disciplinary jurisdiction of their superior or the
judge, presided over the case before eventually inhibiting himself Office of the Ombudsman.)
from further proceedings. His act of presiding constituted
intervention within the meaning of the rule (Cf. Canon 36 of the 16. Clearly, the relationship between the Spouses De
Canons of Professional Ethics). It is also plain and Guzman and the Zalamea brothers is actually one of business
unquestionable that Canon 36, from which Canon (6 of the CPR) partners rather than that of a lawyer and client. Atty. De Guzman's
was derived, prohibited him as a former member of the Bench acquisition of the Speaker Perez property was a valid consequence
from handling any case upon which he had previously acted in a of a business deal, not by reason of a lawyer-client relationship (so
judicial capacity. In this context, he not only exercised the power proscribed by Article 1491 of the Civil Code), for which he could
not be penalized by the Court. De Guzman and his wife are very just imagine the pain and anguish of losing a home to
well allowed by law to enter into such a transaction and their unscrupulous people who were able to transfer title to such
conduct in this regard was not borne out to have been attended by property and file a case in court in order to eject them — all
any undue influence, deceit, or misrepresentation. (Manuel because of the negligence of a notary public in keeping his
Enrique L. Zalamea and Manuel Jose L. Zalamea vs. Atty. Rodolfo notarial books and instruments from falling into the wrong
P. De Guzman, Jr. and Perlas De Guzman, Antonio, Venturanza, hands. (Orlando S. Castelo, et al. vs. Atty. Ronald Segundino C.
Quizon-Venturanza, and Herbosa Law Firm, A.C. 7387, 7 Ching, A.C. 11165, 6 February 2017, J. Caguioa)
November 2016, J. Peralta)
20. The oral instruction (given by Commissioner Funa
17. A punctilious scrutiny of the Facebook remarks directing respondent to return the P80,000.00 in the IBP’s
complained of disclosed that they were ostensibly made with August 18, 2004 hearing) was not a juridically binding order.
malice tending to insult and tarnish the reputation of complainant Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court sanctions and spells out the
and BMGI (Belo Medical Group, Inc.). Calling complainant a terms of the IBP’s involvement in cases involving the
"quack doctor," "Reyna ng Kaplastikan," "Reyna ng Payola," and disbarment and/or discipline of lawyers. The competence of
"Reyna ng Kapalpakan," and insinuating that she has been bribing the IBP is only recommendatory. Under Article VIll, Section
people to destroy respondent smacks of bad faith and reveals an 5(5) of the 1987 Constitution, only this Court has the power to
intention to besmirch the name and reputation of complainant, as actually rule on disciplinary cases of lawyers, and to impose
well as BMGI. Respondent also ascribed criminal negligence upon appropriate penalties.
complainant and BMGI by posting that complainant disfigured
("binaboy") his client Norcio, labeling BMGI a "Frankenstein Rule 139-B merely delegates investigatory functions to
Factory," and calling out a boycott of BMGI's services — all these the IBP. With the exercise of its delegated investigatory power,
despite the pendency of the criminal cases that Norcio had already the IBP refers proposed actions to this Court. Recognizing the
filed against complainant. He even threatened complainant with IBP’s limited competence in disciplinary cases impels a
conviction for criminal negligence and estafa — which is contrary concomitant recognition that, pending favorable action by this
to one's obligation "to act with justice." Court on its recommendations, its determinations and
conclusions are only provisional. Therefore, rulings on
In view of the foregoing, respondent's inappropriate and disciplinary cases attain finality and are enforceable only upon
obscene language, and his act of publicly insulting and this Court's own determination that they must be imposed.
undermining the reputation of complainant through the subject
Facebook posts are, therefore, in complete and utter violation of … The oral instruction given to respondent in the August
the CPR (.) (Ma. Victoria G. Belo-Henares vs. Atty. Roberto 18, 2004 hearing has, thus, not attained such a degree of finality
“Argee” Guevarra, A.C. 11394, 1 December 2016, J. Perlas- as would immutably require him to comply, such that failure to
Bernabe) comply justifies additional or increased penalties. Penalizing
him for non-compliance is premature. (Anita Santos Murray vs.
18. While Atty. De Castro's repeated requests for resetting Atty. Felicito J. Cervantes, A.C. 5408, 7 February 2017, J.
and postponement of the trial of the case may be considered as Leonen)
contemptuous if there was a showing of abuse on his part, the
Court, however, finds that Chua failed to show that Atty. De 21. The respondent acknowledged authorship of the
Castro was indeed moved to cause delays by malice, or dishonesty, petition for annulment of marriage, and of the simulation of the
or deceit, or grave misconduct as to warrant a finding of decision and certificate of finality. His explanation of having done
administrative liability against him. The operative phrase for so only upon the complainant's persistent prodding did not
causing delay in any suit or proceeding under Rule 1.03 is "for any exculpate him from responsibility. For one, the explanation is
corrupt motive or interest." Considering that this matter concerned unacceptable, if not altogether empty. Simulating or participating
Atty. De Castro's state of mind, it absolutely behooved Chua to in the simulation of a court decision and a certificate of finality of
present sufficient evidence of the overt acts committed by Atty. De the same decision is an outright criminal falsification or forgery.
Castro that demonstrated his having deliberately intended thereby One need not be a lawyer to know so, but it was worse in the
to do wrong or to cause damage to him and his business. That respondent's case because he was a lawyer. Thus, his acts were
demonstration, however, was not made by Chua. (Joseph Chua vs. legally intolerable. Specifically, his deliberate falsification of the
Atty. Arturo De Castro, A.C. 10671, 5 December 2016, J. Reyes) court decision and the certificate of finality of the decision
reflected a high degree of moral turpitude on his part, and made
19. In this case, Commissioner Robles observed that while a mockery of the administration of justice in this country. He
Atty. Ching denied having notarized the Deed by showing the thereby became unworthy of continuing as a member of the
discrepancy between his purported signature therein and the Bar.(Flordeliza Madria vs. Atty. Carlos Rivera, A.C. 11256, 7
specimen signatures he submitted in his Answer, he miserably March 2017, Per Curiam)
failed to explain how the Deed ended up in his notarial books..
22. Generally, a lawyer who holds a government office
While there may be reasons to give Atty. Ching the may not be disciplined as a member of the Bar for misconduct in
benefit of the doubt as to who signed the Deed, the Court does not the discharge of her duties as a government official. However, if
and cannot lose sight of the fact that Atty. Ching still failed in such misconduct as a government official also constitutes a
ensuring that only documents which he had personally signed and violation of her oath as a lawyer and the CPR, then she may be
sealed with his notarial seal, after satisfying himself with the subject to disciplinary sanction by this Court.
completeness of the same and the identities of the parties who
affixed their signatures therein, would be included in his notarial Atty. Dela Cruz failed to observe Rule 18.03 of the Code
register. This also means that Atty. Ching failed to properly store of the Professional Responsibility, which mandates that "a lawyer
and secure his notarial equipment in order to prevent other people shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and his
from notarizing documents by forging his signature and affixing negligence in connection therewith shall render him liable." As a
his notarial seal, and recording such documents in his notarial special prosecutor in the Bureau of Immigration, she is the
books, without his knowledge and consent. This is gross representative, not of any private party, but of the State. Her task
negligence. was to investigate and verify facts to determine whether a ground
for deportation exists, and if further administrative action — in the
Such gross negligence on the part of Atty. Ching in form of a formal charge — should be taken against an alien.
letting another person notarize the Deed had also unduly put
the Castelo heirs in jeopardy of losing their property. To make Had respondent carefully reviewed the records of Fuji,
matters worse, the real property subject of the Deed was the she would have found out about the approval of Fuji's application,
residence, nay, the family home of the Castelo heirs, a property which would negate her finding of overstaying. Because of her
that their parents had worked hard for in order to provide them negligence, Fuji was deprived of his liberty for almost eight
and their children a decent shelter and the primary place where months, until his release on March 23, 2016.
they could bond together as a family — a property which had
already acquired sentimental value on the part of the Castelo Simple neglect of duty is defined as a failure to give
heirs, which no amount of money could ever match. One can attention to a task due to carelessness or indifference. In this case,
respondent's negligence shows her indifference to the fundamental rules, he betrays the confidence of the public in the courts,
right of every person, including aliens, to due process and to the Ignorance of the law is the mainspring of injustice. Judges owe it
consequences of her actions. to the public to be knowledgeable, hence, they are expected to
have more than just a modicum of acquaintance with the statutes
Lawyers in government service should be more and procedural rules; they must know them by heart.
conscientious with their professional obligations consistent with (Department of Justice vs. Hon. Rolando Mislang, A.M. RTJ-14-
the time-honored principle of public office being a public trust. 2369, 21 July 2016, Per Curiam)
The ethical standards under the CPR are rendered even more
exacting as to government lawyers because they have the added 2. Respondent's act of not wearing the judicial robe during
duty to abide by the policy of the State to promote a high standard court sessions violates Administrative Circular 25 of 9 June 1989,
of ethics, competence, and professionalism in public service. In which is mandatory. Under Section 9(4), Rule 140 of the Revised
this case, respondent's negligence evinces a failure to cope with Rules of Court, violation of Supreme Court rules, directives and
the strict demands and high standards of public service and the circulars is considered a less serious charge and punishable under
legal profession. (Liang Fuji vs. Gemma Armi M. Dela Cruz, A.C. Section I I(B) of the Revised Rules of Court with suspension from
11043, 8 March 2017, J. Leonen) office without salary and other benefits for not less than one
month nor more than three months, or a fine of more than
23. An administrative complaint is not an appropriate P10,000 but not exceeding P20,000.00. (Jocelyn Mclaren, et al. vs.
remedy where judicial recourse remains available, such as a Hon. Jacinto C. Gonzales, A.M. MTJ-16-1876, 26 April 2017, J.
motion for reconsideration, an appeal or a petition for certiorari. Peralta)
(The action of complainant remains pending and active) (Spouses
Chua vs. Senior Assistant City Prosecutor Teresa Tan-Sollano, et 3. Judge Samson violated Canon 2 of the Code on
al., A.C. 11533; 6 June 2017, J. Reyes) [See also Clemente Atoc, vs. Judicial Conduct (on Impropriety) when she accepted the
Edgardo A. Camello, et al. I.P.I. 16-241-CA-J, 29 November 2016, application for a judicial post of a probationer before his
J. Perez, where the Supreme Court stated in dismissing the discharge from probation and even recommending him for such
complaint against three Court of Appeals Associate Justices that post. As presiding judge she should have been more circumspect
administrative complaints against magistrates cannot be pursued and waited for the final discharge from probation of her
simultaneously with the judicial remedies accorded to parties recommendee, as it is only upon the final discharge from
aggrieved by the erroneous orders or judgments of the former. probation that his criminal case is deemed terminated and all his
Administrative remedies are neither alternative to judicial review civil rights lost or suspended are restored. (The Anonymous Letter
nor do they cumulate thereto, where such review is still available Complaint vs. Judge Samson, et al. A.M. MTJ 16-1870; 6 June
to the aggrieved parties and the cases not yet been resolved with 2017, J. Peralta)
4. Judge Barcillano commits conduct unbecoming a judge
24. Atty. Echanez’s acts of: (a) not complying with two when he: embarrassed a lady police officer and repeatedly asked
MCLEs for two compliance periods; (b) repeatedly indicating false her to stand and sit beside him; insulted the lady police when he
MCLE compliance numbers in his pleadings before the trial repeatedly asked her name and said “PO1 ka lang”; and held her
courts; and, (c) repeatedly failing to obey legal orders of trial gun and cocked it in public. (PO1 Myra Marcelo vs. Judge Ignacio
court, IBP Commission on Bar Discipline and also the Supreme Barcillano, A.M. RTJ 16-2450; 7 June 2017, J. Peralta)
Court despite due notice, taken together, constitute serious cases
that merits disbarment. (Mapalad vs. Atty. Echanez; A.C. 10911; 6 5. The conduct of Judge Laron fell short of this exacting
June 2017, J. Tijam) standard (of propriety). By carrying an affair with a married
woman, Judge Laron violated the trust reposed on his office and
Judicial Ethics utterly failed to live up to noble ideals and strict standards of
morality required of the members of the judiciary.
1.Verily, Judge Mislang manifested serious lack of
knowledge and understanding of the basic legal principles on The Court also finds Judge Laron guilty of gross
prejudicial question and on jurisdiction in petitions for misconduct for violating the Code of Judicial Conduct, another
suspension of criminal action based on prejudicial questions, as serious charge under Rule 140, Section 8 of the Rules of Court.
prescribed by Sections 6 and Rule 111 of the Revised Rules of The illicit relationship started because Melissa sought Judge
Criminal Procedure. Laron’s help with respect to her pending B.P. Blg. 22 cases and,
apparently, he entertained the request for assistance.
Gross ignorance of the law is the disregard of basic rules
and settled jurisprudence. A judge may also be administratively Judge Laron's immorality and serious misconduct have
liable if shown to have been motivated by bad faith, fraud, repercussions not only on the judiciary but also on the millions of
dishonesty or corruption in ignoring, contradicting or failing to overseas Filipino workers (OFW) like Wilfredo. While Wilfredo
apply settled law and jurisprudence. Though not every judicial was working hard abroad to earn for his family, Judge Laron was
error bespeaks ignorance of the law and that, if committed in sleeping with his wife in his bed, in his house and spending his
good faith, does not warrant administrative sanction, the same hard-earned dollars. What was even worse was the flaunting of
applies only in cases within the parameters of tolerable the illicit relationship before his young boys (aged 13 and 14) who
misjudgment. Such, however, is not the case with Judge Mislang. related it to him upon his return from abroad. This is the
Where the law is straightforward and the facts so evident, failure nightmare scenario of every OFW — to be confronted upon their
to know it or to act as if one does not know it constitutes gross return with stories from their own children about the "other man
ignorance of the law. A judge is presumed to have acted with or woman" sleeping in their house while they were away enduring
regularity and good faith in the performance of judicial functions. the bitter cold or searing heat, homesickness, culture shock, and
But a blatant disregard of the clear and unmistakable provisions occasional inhumane treatment just to earn the dollars for the
of a statute, as well as Supreme Court circulars enjoining their food, shelter, clothing, and education of their family back home.
strict compliance, upends this presumption and subjects the (Wilfredo F. Tuvillo vs. Judge Henry Laron, A.M. MTJ-10-1755;
magistrate to corresponding administrative sanctions. Melissa J. Tuvillo vs. Judge Henry Laron, A.M. MTJ-10-1756, 18
October 2016, Per Curiam)
For liability to attach for ignorance of the law, the
assailed order, decision or actuation of the judge in the 6. In this case, Judge Perez’s explanation was too flimsy.
performance of official duties must not only be found erroneous His being inexperienced as a newly appointed judge and his
but, most importantly, it must also be established that he was explanation that the delay was not intended to prejudice the
moved by bad faith, dishonesty, hatred, or some other like plaintiffs are not persuasive because it is his duty to resolve the
motive. Judges are expected to exhibit more than just cursory cases within the reglementary period as mandated by law and the
acquaintance with statutes and procedural laws, They must know rules. These excuses only show his lack of diligence in discharging
the laws and apply them properly in all good faith. Judicial administrative responsibilities and professional competence in
competence requires no less. Thus, unfamiliarity with the rules is court management. A judge is expected to keep his own listing of
a sign of incompetence. Basic rules must be at the palm of his cases and to note therein the status of each case so that they may be
hand. When a judge displays utter lack of familiarity with the acted upon accordingly and without delay. He must adopt a
system of record management and organize his docket to monitor judiciary who have fallen short of the exacting standards of
the flow of cases for a prompt and effective dispatch of business. judicial conduct. Judicial clemency is not a privilege or a right
Under Sections 9 and 11, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court, as that can be availed of at any time, as the Court will grant it only
amended by A.M. No. 01-8-10-SC, undue delay in rendering a if there is a showing that it is merited. Verily, clemency, as an act
decision is a less serious charge punishable by either (a) suspension of mercy removing any disqualification, should be balanced
from the service without salary and other benefits for not less than with the preservation of public confidence in the courts.
one month nor more than three months; or (b) a fine of more than (Concerned Lawyers of Bulacan vs. Judge Victoria Villalon-
PI 0,000.00 but not more than P20,000.00. (Trinidad Gamboa-Roces Pornillos, A.M. RTJ 09-2183, 14 February 2017, Per Curiam)
vs. Judge Ranhel Perez, A.M. MTJ-16-1887, 9 January 2017, J.
Mendoza) Practical Exercises

7. Archiving of cases is a generally acceptable measure 1. Based on the 2018 Bar Syllabus for Legal Ethics,
designed to shelve cases but is done only where no immediate examinees need to be fairly familiar with the following new
action is expected. Here, when Judge Cabrera-Faller issued the additional issue on basic conveyancing - - (1)
warrants, she also archived the case without citing any ground in Jurats/Acknowledgments. By this time, it should be all together
A.C. No. 7-A-92 for the suspension of the proceedings. What she clear that if a party presents to a notary public a draft affidavit, the
did was unprecedented. She did not even bother to wait for the proper notarial act to accompany it is a Jurat. On the other hand, if
return of the warrants or wait for the six-month period. By doing a party presents to a notary public a contract, the proper notarial
so, she exhibited bias, if not incompetence and ignorance of the act to accompany it is an Acknowledgment. Under the 2004 Rules
law and jurisprudence. It could also be that she knew it, but she on Notarial Practice (A.M. 02-8-13-SC), both Jurats and
opted to completely ignore the law or the regulations. Certainly, it Acknowledgments may take various forms depending on certain
was a case of grave abuse of discretion as her actuations were not circumstances. Here are the various Jurat forms sanctioned under
in accord with law or justice. the 2004 Rules:

Judge Cabrera-Faller also showed manifest bias and a. The affiant is personally known to the notary.
partiality, if not gross ignorance of the law, when she issued the
June 13, 2013 Order recalling the warrants of arrest against SIGNED AND SWORN before me in Manila, this 3
accused Alim, Amante and Rosales claiming that they were issued July 2018 by affiant Angel T. Cruz, whom I personally
inadvertently. know.

Judge Cabrera-Faller recalled the warrants of arrest

against three of the accused but failed to explain why she issued
the warrants inadvertently. She merely wrote that the warrants of
arrest were "inadvertently issued" without any explanation why
there was such inadvertence in the issuance. The Court cannot
accept this. There was clearly an abdication of the judicial
function. The records of the case were forwarded by the OCP and
they contained not only the information but all the supporting
documents. * Details of the Notary’s Register
** Details of the Concluding Part of the Notarial Certificate
It could only mean that she failed to comply with her (Cf. Section 2, Rule VIII, 2004 Rules of Notarial Practice)
constitutional mandate to personally determine the existence of
probable cause before ordering the issuance of the warrants of b. The affiant presents a current ID sanctioned by the rules
arrest. As the presiding judge, it was her task, upon the filing of to the notary.
the Information, to first and foremost determine the existence or
non-existence of probable cause for the arrest of the accused. It SIGNED AND SWORN before me in Manila this 3
was incumbent upon her to assess the resolution, affidavits and July 2018 after Angel T. Cruz presented his Driver’s
other supporting documents submitted by the prosecutor to License N10-68-054678 that expires on 24 May 2019.
satisfy herself that probable cause existed and before a warrant of
arrest could be issued against the accused. If she did find the (Add the concluding part of the Notarial Certificate and
evidence submitted by the prosecutor to be insufficient, she could details of the Notary’s register.)
order the dismissal of the case, or direct the investigating
prosecutor either to submit more evidence or to submit the entire c. The affiant has no ID but is identified by one credible
records of the preliminary investigation, or she could even call the witness.
complainant and the witness to answer the courts probing
questions to enable her to discharge her duty. Requirements: (a) The notary knows personally the
witness identifying the affiant; (b) the witness personally
Most probably, she did her duty to examine and analyze knows the affiant; (c) the witness is not privy to the
the attached documents but because she took pity on the young document or transaction; and, (d) the witness takes an
accused (never mind the victim), she chose to ignore or disregard oath or affirmation.
them. Nonetheless, “when the inefficiency springs from failure to
consider so basic and elemental a rule, law or principle in the SIGNED AND SWORN before me in Manila this 3
discharge of duties, the judge is either insufferably incompetent July 2018 and affiant Angel T. Cruz proved his identity to
and undeserving of the position she holds or is too vicious that me through witness Mario A. Pineda, whom I personally
the oversight or omission was deliberately done in bad faith and know. Mario A. Pineda, under oath, declares that he
in grave abuse of judicial authority.” (Judge Martonino Marcos personally knows Angel A. Cruz, who is without a valid
(Retired) vs. Hon. Perla V. Cabrera-Faller, A.M. RTJ-16-2472, 24 ID for notarization purposes, to be same person who
January 2017, J. Carpio) voluntarily signed the foregoing affidavit and that he is
not privy to this signed affidavit.
8. Far from exhibiting remorse and reformation, the
tenor of respondent's petition (for judicial clemency) only (Add the concluding part of the Notarial Certificate and
demonstrates her attitude of impenitence, self-righteousness, details of the Notary’s register.)
and even, vindictiveness, which unquestionably renders her
undeserving of judicial clemency. Neither did she show d. The affiant has no ID but is identified by two credible
compliance with the other requisites for judicial clemency as witness.
cited above. Accordingly, there is no quibble that the instant
petition should be denied. Requirements: (a) both witnesses personally know the
affiant; (b) both witnesses presented their valid ID’s; (c)
The Court, in numerous cases, has come down hard neither witness is privy to the document or transaction;
and wielded the rod of discipline against members of the and, (d) the witnesses take their oath or affirmation.

SIGNED AND SWORN before me in Manila this 3 July 2018 and affiant Angel Cruz proved his identity to me through witnesses:

1. Tomas S. Balatan Passport CC123330 1-05-2019/Baguio City

2. Juan N. Buelta Passport JJ200345 1-17-2020/Manila

Both witnesses, of legal ages, under oath declare that: Angel A. Cruz is personally known to them; he is the same affiant in
the foregoing affidavit; he does not have any competent evidence of identity and he cannot obtain one within a reasonable time;
they are not privy to or are interested in the affidavit he signed.

(Add the concluding part of the Notarial Certificate and details of the Notary’s register.)

Note well that these variants of the Jurat can equally apply in Acknowledgments.

2. While ordinarily Petitions follow the usual Judicial Forms, the syllabus for Ethics particularly stated a Change of Name
Affidavit. In this regard, Republic Act 9048 should be read, as it is relevant. Indeed, Section 5 of the law requires that “the petition shall be
in the form of an affidavit.” The law authorizes only a change in the first name on the following grounds: “(1) (t)he petitioner finds the first
name or nickname to be ridiculous, tainted with dishonor or extremely difficult to write or pronounce; (2) (t)he new first name or
nickname has been habitually and continuously used by the petitioner and he has been publicly known by that by that first name or
nickname in the community; or (3) (t)he change will avoid confusion.”

Thus, the following problem can possibly be asked.

5. Spouses Benjamin and Leonor Relova approached you seeking help for their son, Batman Bruce. They
disclosed that they wanted to have their son’s name changed by dropping the first of his two first names, as this current
name has caused him to be the butt of jokes from both friends and relatives. They want that this issue be addressed
soonest hopefully before their son finishes law in San Sebastian College. Draft the needed document to carry out what
they want without any notarial act.

The suggested answer:


Republic of the Philippines)

City of Manila ) S.S.

(To Petition a Change of Name)

I, BATMAN BRUCE RELOVA y ROSALES, Filipino, single, of legal age and residing at 8 Enders St. Filinvest
Homes East, Cainta, Rizal, under oath, declare that:

1. I was born on 13 May 1999 from the union of Benjamin P. Relova and Leonor C. Rosales and was given the first
name “BATMAN BRUCE” as shown by my birth certificate, here enclosed, recorded on such date in the Manila Local
Civil Registrar’s Office (LCRO) under registry number 1234567.

2. The first name to be changed is from “BATMAN BRUCE” to plain “BRUCE.”

3. I execute this affidavit to support a change of my first name because my given first name is downright ridiculous
and has caused me dishonor ever since.

4. To support this, I also enclose here the following documents:

a. A certified true copy of the registry book page containing the entry sought to be changed;
b. My elementary and high school transcripts of record where the name “BATMAN BRUCE R. RELOVA”
appears and upon which the change shall be based;
c. The affidavits of Mrs. Maria R. Buenaventura and Mr. Pedro C. Vitug, my elementary school and high school
classmates, both stating separately that I have been known in school as “BATMAN BRUCE R. RELOVA,
and upon which the change shall be based;
d. A certification of posting;
e. A certification from Barangay Santo Domingo, Cainta, stating that I am known in the community as BRUCE
f. Separate certifications from the Philippine National Police and the National Bureau of Investigation that I
have no pending administrative, civil or criminal cases, or any criminal record;
g. An affidavit of publication from the Manila Bulletin confirming the requisite publication under the law;
h. A copy of the newspaper clipping from Manila Bulletin.

5. I have not filed any affidavit-petition and that, to the best of my knowledge, no other similar affidavit-petition
is pending with any LCRO, court, or Philippine Consulate.

6. I will file my affidavit-petition at the Manila LCRO in accordance with Republic Act 9048 and its implementing
rules and regulations.

SIGNED this 10 September 2017, in Manila.



(Jurat is Omitted as Required)

3. Judicial affidavits have dual functions, namely: (a) they take the place of direct testimonies; and, (b) they identify and authenticate
documentary or object evidence in the case. A sample (sans the Affidavit proper or the Questions and Answers that elicit facts relevant to the
issues) is found below:

Case Caption


I, JORGE B. REYES, of legal age, Filipino, holding office at Lexicon Building, John Hay Special Economic Zone,
1088, 2600 Baguio City, under oath, state:

Preliminary Statement

Atty. Julie Anne T. Rabe examines me here. She holds office at the Dela Cruz Law Office, 3rd Floor, Prestige
Tower, Balara, Quezon City, the same place where she examines me. I answer her questions fully conscious that I do so
under oath and that I may face liability for false testimony or perjury. Her questions are:

A1. ________________________________.

SIGNED this 8 June 2018 in Quezon City.


SSS ID 2454345569


I, Julie Anne T. Rabe, of legal age, counsel for Plaintiff Jorge B. Reyes, attest under oath, that I faithfully recorded
the questions I asked him and the corresponding answers he gave me; and neither I nor any other person then present or
assisting me coached the witness regarding his answers.

SIGNED this 8 June 2017 in Quezon City.


Driver’s License NO9143-55667
Expires on 12-12-19


SIGNED AND SWORN before me in Quezon City, this 9 June 2018 after I identified affiants Jorge B. Reyes and
Julie Ann T. Rabe through their respective competent evidence of identities stated above.

(Notarial Certificate plus details in the Notarial Book)


-------------------------------- END --------------------------------



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