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Jeandee N.

Agang Creative Nonfiction

12- Fortitude 09/16/19


“There are people in the world that are so hungry, that God cannot
appear to them except in the form of bread.” A small piece of bread that other
consider as waste but for them is a blessing that will help them survive just
for a day. Humanity really matters but I don’t know if it still exist nowadays?
This past few week all attention was focused on Sogie Bill that I consider as a
waste of time to talk about in the senate. There’s a lot of problem out there
waiting for attention and help about their problems.
In a certain place in Cebu there are some families living near the dumb
site. They collect recyclable materials to sell it and to have a small amount of
money from it to feed their children as I am watching the video, I can’t fight
my emotions to the point that I can’t afford to hold my tears from falling. The
economic progress of the Philippines maybe seen just in the cities. But I can’t
imagine that there are some children crying because of hunger and getting
sick because of the environment where they belong. So sad to think that the
government is blind from the issues of poverty and too deaf to hear the young
ones crying for help.
A 37 year old father named Jocelo Andrade said that even though they
just have small amount of money from the recyclable materials they don’t
have any choice because it is the only way of living they know because the
education they attained is not enough for them to have a decent job and get
the salary they want. “I want to have a job, so that I can give my children a
worthwhile living, to feed them three times a day and to send them to school
and finish their studies” –Jocelo.
He believes that his children are his only hope for them to have a
worthwhile living. I hope this will be a wakeup call for all the people out there
wasting their money for useless things. Children are crying and seeking for
help. They are the one who needs the equality that Sogie Bill wants. They also
have the right to live in a proper house with a complete things that a person
should have to live every single day. They have the right to have the education
to help them succeed in life. You know what I am talking about here. I just
want the equality for them.

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