Briefing Document: This Is For All Volunteers/ AOL Representatives Managing On Site Agenda

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Briefing Document:

This is for all volunteers/ AOL representatives managing on site


1 6:30 7:00 Check in & Kit Distribution Volunteers will give the kits
based on registration and first
come first serve basis
2 7:00 7:15 Warm-up The Art of Living Coordinator
3 7:15 7:30 Briefing on what is plogging, AOL coordinator or Supervisor
what can be picked etc. at the location
4 7:30 Flag Off by invited guest. If no guest,
then Supervisor at the event
will Flag off
5 7:30 9:00 Plogging activity
6 9:00 9:10 Pledge & photo Take Photo and put on social
media #IndiaPlogRun
7 9:10 9:30 Trash Drop off
8 9:30 12:00 Trash will be picked up by
waste management agency

(1) Check in and Kit Distribution

Who Does: Supervisor or Volunteer
 Make list of all people who attend
 Pre-registered participants should be given the plogging kit first.
 For others- first come first serve basis
 Please support your plogmates. Please share the trash bag

(2) Warm-up
Who Does: AOL Coordinator
Script: Before we start the activity please join for warm up session

(3) Script for Briefing to Participants:

Who Does: AOL coordinator or Supervisor

I am <name>, from <institution/ Organisation>

1. I welcome you all to India Plog Run and Congratulate you for being the part
of the biggest plogging event of India.
2. Today, October 2nd 2019, just right now - more than 1 lac citizens are
plogging in almost 50 cities and different locations across entire India.
3. Let’s give all of us a Big Round of Applause for our contribution, for our
motivation to be part of this awareness campaign.

4. Plogging is picking up plastic waste while you are jogging around the city.
When you bend and squat to pick up the plastic bottle on the street, you
actually burn more calories at the same time detox the surrounding.

5. What next – <demonstrate>

o Wear your apron and gloves and start jogging.

o Pick up all the plastic that you see on the way and
o Put it in the trash bag provided to you
o For those who do not have the plogging kit or trash bag – please
share with your plogmates.
6. There is no first or last in this event. This is not a race.
7. There is no prize for more trash picked up or less plastic collected.
8. What we want to do is – CLEAN UP! Make our neighbourhood Litter free
9. Please note - The track ----<Show them the direction>.. The plogging starts
at this location and finishes at this location.

10.Once you come back, please take a photo with all the plastic that you have
collected and feel free to post on social Media with the hashtag
#IndiaPlogRun. You can also post while you are doing the activity!! You
would know entire India is plogging with you!

11.Please submit your trash bag to the volunteers here.

12.Let’s Begin!!!! Let’s DETOX Our Neighbourhood and make it litter free!
Happy Plogging!!!
13.Are you Ready!!!

(4) Flag off and the activity begins

Who Does: Invited guest or AOL and Supervisor together

(5) Plogging
(6) Pledge & photo
When the activity is over – All reassemble for a Pledge
Thank you for your participation!!! We congratulate each of you for your effort to
make it our surrounding clean!

It doesn’t stop here!

Let’s pledge today to be less plastic! Please repeat after me!

“I pledge to be a responsible citizen of India. I shall stop using single-use plastic in

my life, and dispose plastic waste sensibly and in the right manner”
Refuse!!! Reduce!! Reuse!!!Recycle and Rejoice!!

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