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Mother-tongue lesson year 2019/2020

Elementary school
The Educations Department

Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is
offered mother-tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the
home and the student has basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5

kap. 7 §)

The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a

teacher available.

Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher
who will send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

The form is valid from 2018-05-03


Mother-tongue lesson year 2019/2020

Elementary school
The Educations Department

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen
Vi behöver behandla och spara personuppgifter om dig så som namn, personnummer, skola, klass,
språk samt kontaktuppgifter som telefon och e-post. Eftersom syftet med behandlingen är att
anordna modersmålsundervisning, är dessa personuppgifter nödvändiga för skolan att ha tillgång till.

Den rättsliga grunden för att behandla dina personuppgifter är rättslig förpliktelse enligt Skollagen.

Dina uppgifter kommer att sparas så länge du är elev i kommunens skolor.

Om du vill ha information om de uppgifter vi har om dig för att begära rättelse, begränsningar i
behandlingen, göra invändningar mot behandlingen eller ha mer information om
Dataskyddsförordningen är du välkommen att kontakta oss. Detta gör du enklast genom att kontakta
utbildningsförvaltningen på e-

på e- telefon, växel 0476- 550 00.

Om du anser att utbildningsnämnden inte behandlar dina

personuppgifter på ett rätt sätt enligt dataskyddsförordnigen, kan du
lämna ditt klagomål till Datainspektionen.

Mer information om Dataskyddsförordningen finns på:

Kommunens webbplats,

Datainspektionens webbplats

Google Translate of the document on the previous page:

Information on personal data processing under the Data Protection Ordinance

We need to process and save personal information about you such as name, social security number, school,
class, language and contact details such as phone and email. Since the purpose of the treatment is to provide
maternity education, these personal data are necessary for the school to have access to.
The legal basis for processing your personal data is a legal obligation under Skollagen.
Your data will be saved as long as you are a student in the municipality's schools.
If you want information about the information we have about you to request rectification, limitations in
treatment, objection to treatment or more information about the Data Protection Ordinance, please contact
us. This is easiest for you by contacting the education administration at e-mail or
by telephone, switch 0476 - 550 00.
You can also contact the education committee's Data Protection Officer by e-mail
or telephone, exchange 0476-550 00.

The form is valid from 2018-05-03


Mother-tongue lesson year 2019/2020

Elementary school
The Educations Department

If you consider that the Education Board does not properly process your personal information under the
Data Protection Ordinance, you may submit your complaint to the Data Inspectorate.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:
The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162a

Data Inspection Website
Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is
offered mother-tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the
home and the student has basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5

kap. 7 §)

The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a

teacher available.

Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher
who will send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

The form is valid from 2018-05-03

Mother-tongue lesson year 2019/2020

Elementary school
The Educations Department

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen

Om du anser att utbildningsnämnden inte behandlar dina

personuppgifter på ett rätt sätt enligt dataskyddsförordnigen, kan du
lämna ditt klagomål till Datainspektionen.

Google Translate of the document on the previous page:

Information on personal data processing under the Data Protection Ordinance

We need to process and save personal information about you such as name, social security number, school,
class, language and contact details such as phone and email. Since the purpose of the treatment is to provide
maternity education, these personal data are necessary for the school to have access to.
The legal basis for processing your personal data is a legal obligation under Skollagen.
Your data will be saved as long as you are a student in the municipality's schools.
If you want information about the information we have about you to request rectification, limitations in
treatment, objection to treatment or more information about the Data Protection Ordinance, please contact
us. Tis is easiest for you by contacting the education administration at e-mail or by
telephone, switch 0476 - 550 00.
You can also contact the education committee's Data Protection Officer by e-mail
or telephone, exchange 0476-550 00.
If you consider that the Education Board does not properly process your personal information under the
Data Protection Ordinance, you may submit your complaint to the Data Inspectorate.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:
The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162a

Data Inspection Website

The form is valid from 2018-05-03


Mother-tongue lesson year 2019/2020

Elementary school
The Educations Department

The form is valid from 2018-05-03

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