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oslevel -r
Server Release info
prtconf | grep -i 'System Model'
Server type
lscfg -v
Hardware Info
lscfg -l ent0
lscfg -vl fcs0 (find the WWN of HBA adapter)
lsdev -Cc disk
lsdev -Cc disk -p scsi0
lsslot -c [pci|phb|port]
lsslot -c pci -l ent0
lspath -l hdisk0
oslevel [-r|-s]
Operating System
prtconf -m
prtconf |grep -i memory
lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem
bootinfo -r
prtconf |grep -i processor
CPU (type, number, etc)
lsdev -Cc disk
Disk Drives
lsdev -Cc disk -p scsi0 (specific controller)
lsdev -Cc disk -S [a|d|s] (available, defined, stopped)
lscfg -v -l hdisk0
Kernel File and associated /unix
Note: /unix - symbolic link to kernel file i.e
prtconf -k
Kernel 32 or 64
bootinfo -K
prtconf |grep -i firmware
Display Firmware
lscfg -pv
Display IRQ, IO ports and DMA
GUI admin tool
Memory and Swap
prtconf -m
prtconf |grep -i memory
lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem
bootinfo -r
page size (memory)
pagesize -a (display all supported pagesizes)
lsps -a (detailed)
display swap
lsps -s
mkps -a -s 4 -n <volume group>
adding swap
# change the attributes
chps -a n paging00 (don't use after restart)
# change the logical volume attributes (name in this
chlv -n <new name> <old old> (chang page space
-a reconfigure paging space after restart
-s size of the page space (logical partitions)
-n activiates the paging space (use swapoff to
also see /etc/swapspaces file
swapoff /dev/paging00
removing swap
rmps paging00
Note: paging space must be deactiviated before

Disks, Filesystems and Devices

lsdev -Cc disk
Disk Drives
lsdev -Cc disk -p scsi0 (specific controller)
lsdev -Cc disk -S [a|d|s] (available, defined,stopped)
lscfg -v -l hdisk0
lscfg -vl hdisk0
Disk serial Number, type, etc
lscfg -vl hdisk*
lsvg -l rootvg
Disk disk partitions
cat /etc/filesystems
Just create a new LVOL without a filesystem
List Raw Partitions
# create a raw volume
mklv -y rawVolume vg01 10
chlv -b [y|n] <lv>
Bad Blocks
Note: enables bad block relocation
df -k
Filesystem commands
lsfs [<filesystem>]
lsfs -q <filesystem> (detailed)
crfs -v jfs2 -d data02lv -m /data02 -A yes
Filesystem (create|remove)
-v filesystem type
-d device or logical volume
-m mountpoint
-A mount after restart [yes|no]
rmfs -ri /data02
-r remove the mountpoint
-i display warning before removing
chfs -a size=+1G /var (grow by additional 1GB)
chfs -a size=1G /var (grow to 1GB in size)
Tune Filesystems
Note: you can perform the following
change mountpoint
lots more..............................
backup filesystem
bootinfo -b (display last boot device)
Display the boot device
bootlist -m [normal|service] -o (display bootable
bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1
Setting the boot device
bosboot -a (uses default device)
Creating boot device (MBR)
bosboot -ad hdisk1
mount /dev/rfd0 /floppy
mount/unmount floppy
mount -v cdrfs -r /dev/cd0 /cdrom
mount/unmount CDROM
umount /cdrom
create boot disk or recovery tape
1. Restart the machine.
boot into maintenace mode
2. Wait the the AIX splash screen to come up.
Devices begin to initialize here.
3. When you see the [keyboard] word on screen hit
the F5 button or the 5 key depending on your console.
4. Choose “select boot options ” when the
maintenance screen comes up, then option 1, then
option 1 for scsi, then option 3 service mode boot

Device paths
update /dev directory
cfgmgr -l scsi0
remove or change a device
rmdev -l cd0
chdev -l rmt0 -a ret=no
list device drivers
lsdev -Cc disk
lsdev -Cc disk -p scsi0
lsslot -c pci -l ent0
lscfg -l ent0
lscfg -vl fcs0 (find the WWN of HBA adapter)
lspath -l hdisk0
getconf DISK_SIZE hdisk1 (detailed)

stores information in the ODM (Object Database
Basic network information Manager)
(hostname, ip address)
ifconfig -a
displaying network interfaces
entstat -d <interface>
lsdev -Cc if
lsdev -Cc tcpip
odmget -q "name=en0" CuAt
lsattr -EHl en0
mktcpip (completely setup a network interface)
Configure network interface
rmtcpip (remove all network interfaces)
# configure an interface
mktcpip -h aix1 -a -m -i
en1 -g

-h - hostname assigned to interface

-a - ip address
-m - netmask
-i - interface name
-g - gateway ip address
# remove an interface
ifconfig en1 detach
ifconfig (configures IP address)
chdev (add aliases to network interface)
Starting and stopping a network ifconfig en0 up
ifconfig en0 down
ifconfig en0 detach (remove)
chdev -l ent0 -a media_speed=1000_Full_Duplex -P
Setting NIC speed
chdev -l ent0 -a media_speed=Auto_Negotiation -P
entX - physical device
enX - frame type run on entX
netstat -v
Change NIC parameters
entstat -d <interface>
no -a
no -o "ipforwarding=1"
netstat -i [-f inet]
Display NIC statistics
netstat -s
entstat -d <interface>
netstat -ia
display MAC address
tcpdump -i <interface>
Displaying network packets
iptrace -i <interface> <output file>
ipreport (used with iptrace to view reports)
Note: you must stop the iptrace by using "kill -15"
route add 0 <gateway IP address>
default router
Note: there is no file that holds the default router
netstat -rn
display routing table
netstat -r -f inet
lsattr -EHl inet0 -a route
smitty etherchannel (creates, deletes and tests)
Test IPMP, Bonding
entstat -d ent0
hostname <new hostname>
change the hostname
chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=<hostname>
setup DNS
Name service switch file (DNS /etc/netsvc.conf
/etc/irs.conf (may not be there)
chnamsv (change name service)
rmnamsv (remove a name service)
lsnamsv -C (list name services)
netcdctrl -t dns -e hosts -f
Flush DNS cache
domainname <domainname>
Domain Name
route -n get <hostname>
Obtain IP Address routing
Boot (jumpstart) servers:
Find Services on the network
rpcinfo -b bootparam 1
NFS servers:
rpcinfo -b mountd 1
NIS servers/slaves:
rpcinfo -b ypserv 1

Crash Dump
sysdumpdev -l (list dump destination)
Crash Dump
sysdumpdev -e (estimates dumpsize)
sysdumpdev -L (info)
sysdumpstart -p (start dump primary)
sysdumpstart -s (start dump secondary)
# set the dump device permanently
sysdumpdev -p <dump device> -P
# analyse dump file
echo "stat\n status\n t -m" | crash

Performance Monitoring and

topas -P
topas -L (logical partitions)
sar -c
w (load average)
uptime (load average)
iostat -tT 1
sar -b
ipcs -a
lockstat (version 4)
netpmon (trcstop to stop trace)
topas -D (disk)
topas -F (filesystem)
sar -D
fcstat (fibre)
filemon (trcstop to stop)
# disk stat history
chdev -l sys0 -a iostat=true
lsattr -HEl sys0 -a iostat
svmon -P <pid>

Kernel Modules and Parameters

display loaded modules
chdev -l sys0 -a <parameter>=<value>
set kernel parameters (tuning)
no -a (network)
vmo -a (virtual memory)
nfso -a (NFS)
ioo -a (Input/Ouput)
raso -a (reliability, availability, serviceability)
schedo -a (processor scheduler)
vi /etc/security/limits
cd /etc/tunables
tunchange, tundefault, tunsave, tunrestore, tuncheck
Note: most parameters are dynamically changed in
AIX , for example memory segments are dynamically
lsattr -EHl sys0
display kernel parameters
Note: only a few kernel parameters can be changed
chdev -l sys0 -a <parameter>=<value>
build kernel
Note: most parameters are dynamically changed in
AIX , for example memory segments are dynamically
ipcs -a
interprocess communication

lssrc -a
display services
startsrc -s <subsystem>
start services
startsrc -g <group>
stopsrc -s <subsystem>
stop services
stopsrc -g <group>
refresh -s <subsystem>
reload service
stopsrc -s <subsystem>
restart service
startsrc -s <subsystem>
lssrc -a
service status
service logging, etc

Patching / Software
instfix -ia
display installed patches
instfix -k
adding patch
installp -r
removing patch
lslpp -L all (all filesets)
display installed packages
lslpp -L <package> (single fileset)
lslpp -w <file> (file belongs)
lslpp -ha (history of filesets)
rpm -qa (all packages)
rpm -q (single package)
rpm -qf (file belongs)
rpm -qi <package> (very detailed)
oslevel -g (install packkages above os level)
whereis <filename>
which_fileset <filename>
installp -a
adding package
installp -c (cleanup after failed install)
rpm -i
geninstall (generic installer: installp, RPM, etc)
installp -u (commited packages)
removing packages
installp -r (applied packages)
rpm -e <package>
geninstall -u <package>
lppchk -v
verify package
rpm -V <package>
lslpp -f <fileset>
List files in package
rpm -ql <package>
Package directory
List libraries required for binary ldd <file>

cat /etc/passwd
display users
lsuser -f ALL (detailed)

create a user mkuser

remove a user rmuser
modify a user chuser -a
passwd -f
passwd -s
chfn <username>
chfn <username><shell>
change user password passwd
pwdck -t ALL
create a group mkgroup <group name>
remove a group rmgroup <group name>
modify a goup chgroup <attribute><group name>

password files /etc/security/passwd

useful user commands id
uptime (displays # of users logged in)
# License information
# Maximum number of processes for a user
lsattr -D -l sys0 -a maxuproc
chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=<number>
useful group commands groups
lsgroup ALL

server: rpc.mountd, nfsd
NFS Daemons
client: rpc.statd, rpc.lockd
NFS files

List nfs clients that have a remote /etc/xtab

display nfs shares
showmount -e localhost
mknfsexp -d <directory>
create nfs share
rmnfsexp -d <directory> (unshares and removes from
uncreate nfs share file)
exportfs -u <filesystem>
start/change nfs daemons
startsrc -s nfsd
startsrc -s rpc.mountd
stop nfs daemons
stopsrc -s nfsd
stopsrc -s rpc.mountd
lssrc -a |grep -i nfs
nfs status
exportfs -av
nfs reload
nfs performanace
nfso -a
nfs Options
nfso -o <option>=<value>
exportfs (display options)
Time daemons
ntp setup
startsrc -s xntpd
stopsrc -s xntpd
lslpp -L all|grep xntpd
startsrc -s xntpd -a "-x"
ntp daemon options
ntpq -p
NTP Trace commands

Log Files
messages /var/adm/ras
syslog /var/adm/ras
mail /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog
cron /var/adm/cron/log
boot /var/adm/ras
alog -o -t boot
alog -o -t console
alog -L (list all the logs available)
Error logging /usr/lib/errdemon -l (display attributes)
/usr/lib/errdemon (start error logging)
/usr/lib/errstop (stop error logging)
# use with above errorlog file
errpt (summary errorlog report)
errpt -a (detailed errorlog report)
errpt -j <identifier> (single errorlog report)
errclear (clears errorlog)
errclear -d <class><days> (clears class errors)
errlogger "message upto 230 chars"

Checking the passwd file pwdck -t ALL
usrck -t ALL
checking the group file grpck
# No reboot required
console login (allow/deny)
chsec -f /etc/security/user -s root

bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1
shutdown -F (fast shutdown)
shutdown -Fr (fast shutdown and reboot)
init status
0 0 - reserved
1 1 - reserved
2 2 - multiuser mode with NFS
3 3 - user defined
4 4 - user defined
5 5 - user defined
6 6 - user defined
7-9 - user defined
# change default - change the initdefault line
vi /etc/inittab
startup scripts
/etc/rc.d/rc2.d - rc9.d
/etc/rc.* (config files for auto-starting)
also uses the System Resource Controller
Boot process
Read Only Storage (ROS): check the system board,
perform POST, locate and load boot image, begin
system initialization and execute phase 1 of the
/etc/rc.boot script

Base Device Configuration: start configuration

manager to configue base devices

System Boot: start init process phase 2, switch to

hard-disk root filesystem, start other processes defined
by /etc/inittab and execute phase 3 of the /etc/rc.boot

who -r
determine the run level
obtain default run level
locale -a
list locale
initialize system

AIX Logical Volume Manager (LVM)

Examples What it means
PHYSICAL VOLUME (PV) Represents a hard disk (hdisk0).
PHYSICAL PARTITION (PP) The smallest allocation unit in the LVM. All PPs within a VG are the same size, usually 4 or 8 M
VOLUME GROUP (VG) A set of one or more PVs which form a single storage pool. You can define multiple VGs on eac
LOGICAL VOLUME (LV) One or more PPs. A file system resides on top of an LV. Only one LV is mapped to a file system
can't span across a VG. Up to 255 LVs in a VG

LOGICAL PARITITION (LP) One or more PPs. LP represents a mirrored copy of a PP. Up to two copies of a PP can be mirror
in a LP count of three (2 mirrors plus original).

Volume Group Descriptor Area(VGDA) Information about all the LVs and PVs within a VG. The first 64K of a PV is reserved for this ar
in <sys/bootrecord.h>.
The VGDA consists of
BOOTRECORD: - first 512 bytes. Allows the Read Only System (ROS) to boot system
BAD BLK DIRECTORY - found in <sys/bddir.h>
LVM RECORD - found in <lvmrec.h>
Volume Group Status Area(VGSA) Information about which PPs that are stale and which PVs are missing within a VG. The LVM a
driver reserves somewhere between 7-10% of the available disk space for LVM maps, etc.
Physical Volume ID (PVID) The PVID is an amalgamation of the machine’s serial number (from the systems EPROMs) and
that the PVID is being generated. This combination insures theextremely low chance of two disk
created with the same PVID. Finally, when a system is booted, the disk configurator goes and loo
PVID sitting on each disk platter and then compares that to an entry in ODM. If the entry is foun
disk is given the hdiskX name that is associated with the ODM entry for the PVID.

Quorum Quorum is a sort of “sanity” check that LVM uses to resolve possible data confliction and preven
corruption. Quorum
is a method by which 51% or more quorum votes must be available to a volume group before LV
can continue.
Quorum is issued to a disk in a volume group according to how the disk was created within the v
group. When a
volume group consists of one disk, there are two VGDA’s on that disk. Thus, this single disk vol
has a quorum
vote of 2. When another disk is added to the volume group with an “extendvg”, then this new dis
VGDA, but the
original, first disk still retains the two VGDA’s. When the volume group has been extended to th
the third disk
gets the spare VGDA sitting on the first disk and then each disk has a quorum vote of 1. Every d
third disk is
automatically given one VGDA, and thus one vote.
Volume Group ID (VGID) Just as the PVID is a soft serial number for a disk, the VGID is the soft serial number for the vol
It is this serial
number, not the volume group’s ascii name, which all low level LVM commands reference. Add
is the basis for
the LVIDs created on that VGID.
Logical Volume Control Block (LVCB) The logical volume control block (lvcb) consists of the first 512 bytes of a logical volume. This a
information such as the creation date of the logical volume, information about mirrored copies, a
mount points
in a journaled filesystem.
Logical Volume ID (LVID) The LVID is the soft serial number used to represent the logical volume to the LVM libraries and
commands. The
LVID is created from the VGID of the volume group, a decimal point, and a number which repre
order which the
logical volume was created on the volume group.

Now for the cheet sheet

Directory and Files
Directories and Files
diagnostic diag - used to hot swap the disk
cfgmgr - used mak sure the new disk is seen
# to add new disk from the scsi0 controller
cfgmgr -l scsi0
Create/Remove hard disk cfgmgr -l scsi0
mkdev -c disk -l <pv>
rmdev -dl <pv>
Physical Volumes
display lspv
lspv <pv> (detailed)
lspv -l <pv> (list logical volumes)
lspv -p <pv> (physical partition usage)
PVID chdev -l <pv> -a pv=yes
chdev -l <pv> -a pv=clear
Note: PVID's are automatically added when the disk is placed into a vg
adding chdev -l <pv> -a pv=yes (new)
chpv -v a <pv> (adds back the removed disk)
removing chpv -v r <pv>
change physical attributes chpv -a y <pv> (changes allocatable state to YES)
chpv -a n <pv> (changes allocatable state to NO)
moving migratepv <old pv> <new pv>
Volume Groups
display lsvg
lsvg <vg> (detailed)
lsvg -l <vg> (list all logical volumes in goup)
lsvg -p <vg> (list all physical volumes in group)
lsvg -o (lists all varied on)
lsvg -M <vg> (lists assicated disks and state)
## Details volume group info for the hard disk
lqueryvg -Atp <pv>
lqueryvg -p <disk> -v (Determine the VG ID# on disk)
lqueryvg -p <disk> -L (Show all the LV ID#/names in the VG on disk)
lqueryvg -p <disk> -P (Show all the PV ID# that reside in the VG on disk)
varyon varyonvg <vg>
varyonvg -f <vg> (force)
varyonvg -s <vg> (maintenance mode can use VG commands but lv 's cannot be opened for i/o
varyoffvg <vg>
Note: the varyon command activiates the volume goup which means it is available for use
ODM related ## Determine if the ODM and VGDA are correct (in sync)
getlvodm -u <vg>
## tries to resync VGDA, LV control blocks and ODM
synclvodm <vg>
## If the message 0516-366 lsvg: Volume group <vg> is locked is ever seen
putlvodm -K `gtlvodm -v <vg>`
creating mkvg -y <vg> -s <PP size> <pv>
mkvg -y datavg -s 4 hdisk1
Note: the PP size will be the size of the physical partition size you want 4MB, 8MB
extending extendvg <vg> <pv>
reducing reducevg -d <vg> <pv>
## removes the PVID from the VGDA when a disk has vanished without using the reducevg com
reducevg <vg> <PVID>
removing varyoffvg <vg>
exportvg <vg>
Note: the export command nukes everything regardingthe volume goup in the ODM and /etc/file
checking ## check to see if underlying disk has grown in size
chvg -g <vg>
Note: use this command if you are using SAN LUN's that have increased in size
change volume attributes ## auto vary on a volume at system start
chvg -a y
# Turns on/off quorum checking on a volume group
chvg -Q [y|n] <vg>
renaming varyoffvg <old vg name>
lsvg -p <old vg name> (obtain disk names)
exportvg <old vg name>
import -y <new vg name> <pv>
varyonvg <new vg name>
mount -a
importing importvg -y <vg> <pv>
importvg <pv> (will use rootvg as default vg)
exporting varyoffvg <vg>
exportvg <vg>
Note: if the volume has an active paging space this must be turned off before
Logical Volumes
display lslv <lv>
lslv -l <lv> (list all physical volumes in logical volume)
lslv -m <lv> (list ppartition mapping)
## Display lv control block information
getlvcb -AT <lv>
creating mklv <vg> <# of PP's> <pv>
mklv -y <lv name> <vg> <# of PP's> <pv>
## Create a mirrored named logical volume
mklv -y <lv> -c <copies 2 or 3> <vg> <# of PP's> <pv>
## create a JFSlog logical Volume
mklv -y <lv name> -t jfslog <vg> <# of PP's> <pv>
extending extendlv <lv> <additonal # of PP's>
extendlv <lv> <size of volume in B||M|G>
reducing/resizing see filesystem below
removing rmlv <lv>
moving migratepv -l <lv> <old pv> <new pv>

adding a mirror to a non-mirrored volume mklvcopy -s n <lv> <copies 2 or 3> <pv>

rmlvcopy <lv> <copies 1 or 2>
removing a mirror copy from a mirrored
volume rmlvcopy <lv> <copies 1 or 2> <pv> (specified pv)
unmirrorvg <vg> <pv>
synchronize logical volume syncvg -p <pv>
syncvg -v <vg>
syncvg -l <lv>
mirror any unmirrored volumes mirrorvg <vg> <pv>
change volume attributes ## Enable the bad-block relocation policy
chlv -b [y|n] <lv>
renaming chlv -n <new lv name> <old lv name>
Miscellaneous ## Initialises an LV for use as an JFSlog
logform </dev/lv>
display lsfs
lsfs -q <fs> (detailed)
Note: use the '-q' to see if the logical volume size is bigger than the filesystem size
create ## create new filesystem, -A means to mount after restart
crfs -v jfs -d <lv> -m <mountpoint> -A yes
## Create logical volume, filesystem, mountpoint, add entry to /etc/filesystems at the specified si
crfs -v jfs2 -g <vg> -m <mountpoint> -a size=<size in 512k blocks|M|G) -A yes
Note: there are two types of filesystems jfs and jfs2, jfs2 allows you to decrease the filesystem si
cannot reduce a jfs filesystem
remove rmfs <fs>
Note: if all filesystems have been removed from a logical volume then the logical volume is rem
resize chfs -a size=<new size> <fs>
chfs -a size=1G /var (specific size, can be used to increase and decrease)
chfs -a size=+1G /var (increase by 1GB)
chfs -a size=-1GB /var (reduce by 1GB)
Note: this will automatically increase or decrease the underlying logical volume as well
freeze/unfreeze chfs -a freeze=<time in seconds> <fs>
chfs -a freeze=off <fs>
split mirrored copy chfs -a splitcopy=<split copy mountpoint>-a copy=2 <fs>
chfs -a splitcopy=/backup -a copy=2 /testfs
change ## Change the mountpoint
chfs -m <new mountpoint> <fs>
## Do not mount after a restart
chfs -A no <fs>
## Mount read-only
chfs -p ro <fs>
mount mount
mount [<fs>|<lv>]
mount -a
mount all
defrag defragfs -q <fs> (report defrag status)
defragfs -r <fs> (runs in report only mode - no action)
defragfs <fs> (actually defrags the filesystem)
checking and repairing fsck [-y|-n] <fs> (check a filesystem)
fsck -p <fs> (restores primary superblock from backup copy if corrupt)
## Create the volume group
Complete VG, LV and FS with mirroring
example mkvg -s 256 -y datavg hdisk2
## Create the jfs2 log logical volume and initialize it this for the volume group
mklv -t jfs2log -y dataloglv datavg 1
logform /dev/dataloglv
## Create the logical volume
mklv -t jfs2 -y data01lv datavg 8
## Create the filesystems that will use the logical volume
crfs -v jfs -d data01lv -m /data01 -A yes
## Add an additional hard disk to the volume group
extendvg datavg hdisk3
## Now mirror both the volume group log logical volume and the logical volume
mklvcopy dataloglv 2
mklvcopy data01lv 2
## Make sure everything is sync'ed both the log and the logical volume
syncvg -v datavg
## Make sure everything is OK
lsvg -l datavg
## a quick way to perform the above in two steps
mklv -c 2 -t jfs2 -y data02lv datavg 8
crfs -v jfs -d data02lv -m /data02 -A yes
## mount everything and check
mount -a
Replaced failed mirror drive ## break the mirror (two ways to do this)
rmlvcopy <lv name> 1 <broken disk>
unmirrorvg <lv> <broken pv >
## remove the disk from the vg
reducevg <vgname> <broken pv >
## remove the hdisk from ODM
rmdev -dl <broken pv>
## physically replace the disk

diag -> function select -> task selection -> hot plug task -> scsi and scsi raid hot plug manager ->
replace/remove a device attached to an scsi hot swap enclosure device -> select disk and follow i
## configure new disk an check the new number (hopefully the same)
cfgmgr -v
lsdev -Cc <pv>
## add back to volume group
extendvg <vg> <pv>
## create mirror (two ways to do this)
mklvcopy <lv> 2 <pv>
mirrorvg <lv>
## sync mirror
syncvg -l <lv>
## If this is the rootvg there are additonal steps to take
bosboot -ad /dev/<pv>
bootlist -m normal <pv> <pv>
bootlist -m normal -o
## This procedure places back a mirror disk that you have accidently pulled or that a SAN LUN
disappeared off the network
Accidently remove a mirrored disk or SAN
LUN disappeared off the network ## and its states is classed as "missing"
## see that the disk is in a missing state (see PV state column), also see stale volumes
lsvg -p <vg>
lsvg -M <vg>
## To make the disk active again we use the varyonvg command
varyonvg <vg>
## see that the disk is in a active state (see PV state column)
lsvg -p <vg>
## Now re-sync the volumes in that volume group
syncvg -v <vg>
## Make sure that no volumes are stale
lsvg -M <vg>
## Determine if the ODM and VGDA are correct (in sync)
getlvodm -u <vg>

AIX Interview questions

PHYSICAL VOLUME (PV) Represents a hard disk (hdisk0).
PHYSICAL PARTITION (PP) The smallest allocation unit in the LVM. All PPs within a VG are the same size, usually 4 or 8 MB.
VOLUME GROUP (VG) A set of one or more PVs which form a single storage pool. You can define multiple VGs on each AIX system.
LOGICAL VOLUME (LV) One or more PPs. A file system resides on top of an LV. Only one LV is mapped to a file system. A LV can't
span across a VG. Up to 255 LVs in a VG
LOGICAL PARITITION (LP) One or more PPs. LP represents a mirrored copy of a PP. Up to two copies of a PP can be mirrored resulting in
a LP count of three (2 mirrors plus original).
Volume Group Descriptor Area(VGDA) Information about all the LVs and PVs within a VG. The first 64K of a PV is reserved for this area -
defined in <sys/bootrecord.h>.
The VGDA consists of
BOOTRECORD: - first 512 bytes. Allows the Read Only System (ROS) to boot system
BAD BLK DIRECTORY - found in <sys/bddir.h>
LVM RECORD - found in <lvmrec.h>

.How will you create a file if a disk is given to you?

#mkvg –y datavg –s 128 hdisk1 (pv name)
#mklv -y datalv –t jfs2 datavg 1
#crfs –v jfs2 –d datalv –g datavg –a size=10M –m /fs1

#make storage pool

$ mksp my_pool hdisk0 hdisk1 hdisk2
$ lspv
$ mklv -lv client1_lv1 my_pool 16G ---creates 16G lv for client1
$ mkvdev -vdev client1_lv1 -vadapter vhost0 -dev client1_vdev1 ---- creates an VSCSI Disk
#creating filesystem
$ mksp -fb my_fb -sp my_pool -size 100g

. How will you increase the file system size?

#chfs –a size=+block size /filesystem name
#chfs –a size=+32m /filesystem name
#chfs-a size=+4g /filesystem name

+block size – We can mention the size using blocks (2048 blocks = 1MB)
+32m – We can mention the size using MB
+4g – We can mention the size using GB

.Mirroring concept?
Check disk size belong to vg , take two same size disk to mirror
# bootinfo –s hdisk2
#lsvg –p rootvg
Add one more disk of same size of already have disk having rootvg.
# extendvg rootvg hdisk2
# lsvg –p rootvg
Now mirror vg with background sync LV. It sync LVs in background with new LVs
# mirrorvg –s rootvg
Sync the disc
#syncvg -v rootvg
Create a boot image
# bosboot –ad /dev/hdisk2
#bosboot –ad /dev/hdisk1
Add a blv
record of newly added disk, first check and then add.
# bootlist –m normal -o
#bootlist –m normal hdisk2 hdisk1

.How will you unmirror a VG if a PV gets failed?

First check the blv record using,
# bootlist –m normal –o
Remove the old blv record, using
# chpv –c hdisk2
# bootlist –m normal hdisk1
# bootlist –m normal hdisk2
Now unmirrorvg
# unmirrorvg rootvg hdisk2
# reducevg rootvg hdisk2
#lsvg –p rootvg
# lspv
# bootlist –m normal –o

.Types of VG & explain about them?

Normal vg -32 pv, 256 lv
# mkvg –y normvg –s 128 hdisk4
Big vg :- 128pv,512lv
# mkvg -B –y bigvg –s 128 hdisk9
Scalable vg: -1024pv, 4096 lv
# mkvg –S –y scalvg –s 512 hdisk1

.How will you convert Normal VG to Big VG/ Nomal VG to Scalable VG

#chvg –B <VGNAME>

Convert Normal VG to Scalable VG

#chvg –G <VG NAME>

.How do I display all logical volumes that are part of a volume group (e,g, rootvg)?
You can display all logical volumes that are part of rootvg by typing the following command: #lsvg -l

.How do I list information about logical volumes?

Run the following command to display information about the logical volume #lv1: lslv lv1.

.How can I clone the rootvg?

You can run the alt_disk_copy command to copy the current rootvg to an alternate disk. The following
example shows how to clone the rootvg to hdisk1: alt_disk_copy -d hdisk1
* Rename Volume Group (VG)

# lsvg -p datavg -- check what disks are associated with datavg Volume Group.
# varyoffvg datavg -- Varyoff datavg VG that needs to be rename
# lspv -- To check VG is off
hdisk0 00ce4c2a9b801046 rootvg active
hdisk1 00ce4c2a9b80cf5f datavg
Now lets export the VG
# exportvg datavg
After exporting look lspv
# lspv
hdisk0 00ce4c2a9b801046 rootvg active
hdisk1 00ce4c2a9b80cf5f None
Now let’s import the VG with new name as shown below -
importvg -y "new name" hdisk#
# importvg -y backupvg hdisk1
# varyonvg backupvg
# mount -a

* Renaming LV Online now possible on AIX 6.1 TL4

# df -m /home/nmon
Filesystem MB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/nmonlv 256.00 254.73 1% 23 1% /home/nmon
# lsvg -l rootvg | grep nmon
nmonlv jfs2 1 1 1 open/syncd /home/nmon
Change the LV name to nmon_lv.
# chlv -n nmon_lv nmonlv
The df command did not show any change i.e. it still displayed the old LV name. As expected.
# df -m /home/nmon
Filesystem MB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/nmonlv 256.00 254.73 1% 23 1% /home/nmon
However, the lsvg command confirmed that the LV name had indeed changed. As did the stanza in /etc/filesystems.
# lsvg -l rootvg | grep nmon
nmon_lv jfs2 1 1 1 open/syncd /home/nmon
After re-mounting the filesystem, the df command now displayed the new LV name.
# umount /home/nmon
# mount /home/nmon
# df /home/nmon
Filesystem 512-blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/nmon_lv 524288 521696 1% 23 1% /home/nmon

* To rename the file system mount point, run:

chfs -m /newdir /currentdir

mkdir /newdir
If the file system is mounted, just unmount it and remount it with:
umount /currentdir
mount /newdir

.What will you do if a disk gets failed?

diag command

. How to enable & disable quorum?

# chvg –vy pv_name
# chvg –vn pv_name
#chvg –Qn vgname
#chvg –Qs vgname
.What is the difference between Normal VG and Big VG?
VG Type Maximum PVs Maximum LVs Maximum PPs/VG Maxumum PP Size
Normal VG 32 256 1016*32=32512 1 GB
Big BG 128 512 1016*128=130048 1 GB
Scalable VG 1024 4096 2097152 128 GB

.Difference between JFS and JFS2 File system?

Function JFS JFS2
Maximum File System Size 1 TB 4 PB
Maximum File Size 64 GB 4 PB
Number of Inode Fixed, set at FS creation Dynamic
Inode size 128 Bytes 512 Bytes
Fragement Size 512 512
Block Size 4096 4096
Directory Organization Linear B-tree
Compression Yes No
Default Ownership at creation sys:sys root:system
Quotas Yes Yes

.How many LV’s Available in rootvg, explain the details?

#lsvg –l rootvg
Hd1 /home
Hd2 /usr
Hd3 /tmp
Hd4 /
Hd5 boot (BLV)
Hd6 paging
Hd8 jfs log
Hd9var /var
Hd10opt /opt

Complete VG, LV and FS with mirroring example

## Create the volume group
mkvg -s 256 -y datavg hdisk2
## Create the jfs2 log logical volume and initialize it this for the volume group
mklv -t jfs2log -y dataloglv datavg 1
logform /dev/dataloglv
## Create the logical volume
mklv -t jfs2 -y data01lv datavg 8
## Create the filesystems that will use the logical volume
crfs -v jfs -d data01lv -m /data01 -A yes
## Add an additional hard disk to the volume group
extendvg datavg hdisk3
## Now mirror both the volume group log logical volume and the logical volume
mklvcopy dataloglv 2
mklvcopy data01lv 2
## Make sure everything is sync'ed both the log and the logical volume
syncvg -v datavg
## Make sure everything is OK
lsvg -l datavg
## a quick way to perform the above in two steps
mklv -c 2 -t jfs2 -y data02lv datavg 8
crfs -v jfs -d data02lv -m /data02 -A yes
## mount everything and check
mount -a
Replaced failed mirror drive
## break the mirror (two ways to do this)
rmlvcopy <lv name> 1 <broken disk>
unmirrorvg <lv> <broken pv >
## remove the disk from the vg
reducevg <vgname> <broken pv >
## remove the hdisk from ODM
rmdev -dl <broken pv>
## physically replace the disk
diag -> function select -> task selection -> hot plug task -> scsi and scsi raid hot plug manager
-> replace/remove a device attached to an scsi hot swap enclosure device -> select disk and follow instructions
## configure new disk an check the new number (hopefully the same)
cfgmgr -v
lsdev -Cc <pv>
## add back to volume group
extendvg <vg> <pv>
## create mirror (two ways to do this)
mklvcopy <lv> 2 <pv>
mirrorvg <lv>
## sync mirror
syncvg -l <lv>
## If this is the rootvg there are additonal steps to take
bosboot -ad /dev/<pv>
bootlist -m normal <pv> <pv>
bootlist -m normal -o
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Accidently remove a mirrored disk or SAN LUN disappeared off the network
## This procedure places back a mirror disk that you have accidently pulled or that a SAN LUN disappeared off the
## and its states is classed as "missing"
## see that the disk is in a missing state (see PV state column), also see stale volumes
lsvg -p <vg>
lsvg -M <vg>
## To make the disk active again we use the varyonvg command
varyonvg <vg>
## see that the disk is in a active state (see PV state column)
lsvg -p <vg>
## Now re-sync the volumes in that volume group
syncvg -v <vg>
## Make sure that no volumes are stale
lsvg -M <vg>
## Determine if the ODM and VGDA are correct (in sync)
getlvodm -u <vg>
. How to change a 64 bit kernel to 32 bit kernel?
To truly change the kernel to 64-bit from 32-bit, the system must be at the AIX® 5.1 or AIX 5.2levels.
# bootinfo –y
It shows a kernel is either 32-bit or 64-bit.
To truly change the kernel to 64-bit from 32-bit, the system must be at the AIX® 5.1 or AIX 5.2levels.
# bootinfo –y
It shows a kernel is either 32-bit or 64-bit.

1. Modify the /usr/lib/boot/unix directory and the /unix directory to be a symbolic link to the binary for the
desired kernel.
2. Run the bosboot command to write a new system boot image.
3. Reboot the system.
The path name of the 64-bit kernel is /usr/lib/boot/unix_64, and the
path name of the multiprocessor versions of the 32-bit kernel is
# ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp /unix
# ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp /usr/lib/boot/unix
# lslv -m hd5
# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice
# shutdown -Fr
# bootinfo -K (should now be 32)

.How to change a 32 bit kernel to 64 bit kernel?

To change to a 64-bit kernel, enter the following commands:
# ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 /unix
# ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 /usr/lib/boot/unix
*Same as above steps

page size (memory) Pagesize

pagesize -a (display all supported pagesizes)
display swap lsps -a (detailed)
lsps -s
adding swap mkps -a -s 4 -n <volume group>
Using mklv command we can create
paging space using different name mklv –y newpaging –t paging rootvg 10 hdisk2
# change the attributes chps -a n paging00 (don't use after restart)
chps –s 5 newpaging (5 LP’s added with newpaging) – To increase
chps –d 3 newpaging (3 LP’s reduced from newpaging – To Decrease

# change the logical volume attributes (name in this case)

chlv -n <new name> <old old> (chang page space name)
-a reconfigure paging space after restart
-s size of the page space (logical partitions)
-n activiates the paging space (use swapoff to deactivate)
also see /etc/swapspaces file
removing swap swapoff /dev/paging00
rmps paging00
Note: paging space must be deactiviated before removing

.Where the file does the paging space stay?


NFS Daemons server: rpc.mountd, nfsd
client: rpc.statd, rpc.lockd
NFS files /etc/exports
List nfs clients that
have a remote mount /etc/xtab
Display nfs shares Exportfs
showmount -e localhost
Create nfs share mknfsexp -d <directory>
uncreate nfs share rmnfsexp -d <directory> (unshares and removes from file)
exportfs -u <filesystem>
start/change nfs
daemons Mknfs
startsrc -s nfsd
startsrc -s rpc.mountd
stop nfs daemons Rmnfs
stopsrc -s nfsd
stopsrc -s rpc.mountd
nfs status lssrc -a |grep -i nfs

.How will you find the inode number?

# ls –li

* How to create Hard link & Soft Link in AIX

There are 2 types of links can be created in AIX:
1. Hard link
2. Soft link
When 2 files are linked amongst themselves, it may be a hard link or it may be a soft linking depending upon the command used in each case by
the admin as per end user requirement.
1. Hard link:
1. Permissions will be same on source & destinatin file linked through hard link.
2. File size remain same on both the files.
3. Inode number is same as well.
4. If source or destination file gets corrupted, either 1 of them can be recovered using the other file.
Note: while creating a link, source file should always be an existing one.
Let’s say there’s a source file named file1.txt (created using # touch file1.txt command) and admin wants to link it to another file file2.txt

Commands for hard link:

# ln file1 file2 <--- Syntax
# touch file1.txt
# ln file1.txt file2.txt
Once the linking is done, if file2 does not exist, it will be created and will be linked to file1. This can be verified by using the following
#ls -li
24 -rw-r--r-- 2 root system 10 Apr 02 14:07 file1.txt
24 -rw-r--r-- 2 root system 10 Apr 02 14:07 file2.txt
Now admin can add contents to file1 by:
# cat > file1.txt
Verify the contents entered in file1 from file2 which is linked to file1 by running the following command:
# cat < file2.txt
Now remove file file1 and still the contents of file1 can be recovered from file2:
# rm file1.txt
# cat < file2.txt

Command for Soft link:

1. Soft link:
1. Permissions will be different on source and destination files in soft link.
2. File size will not remain the same.
3. Inode number will be different for soft linked files.
4. If destination file is corrupted, can be recovered from the source file. But if the source file gets corrupted, it cannot be recovered
from the destination file.

# ln –s file1.txt file2.txt
# ls –li
24 -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 19 Apr 02 14:18 file1.txt
313 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 9 Apr 02 14:18 file2.txt -> file1.txt
# cat > file1.txt
# cat < file2.txt
For Removal,
# rm file1.txt
# cat < file2.txt
There will be no output for the above command.

.What are the types of error?

1.H/W error
2. S/W error
3. Operator error
4. Unknown error.
.What are the error levels severity?
1. permanent
2. Temporary
3. Informational
4. Unknown.

Log Files
messages /var/adm/ras
syslog /var/adm/ras /etc/syslog.conf
mail /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog
cron /var/adm/cron/log
boot log /var/adm/ras
alog -o -t boot
alog -o -t console
alog -L (list all the logs available)
Error logging /usr/lib/errdemon (error daemon stay)
/usr/lib/errdemon -l (display attributes)
/usr/lib/errdemon (start error logging)
/usr/lib/errstop (stop error logging)
# use with above errorlog file
errpt (summary errorlog report)
errpt -a (detailed errorlog report)
errpt –d H [H/W]
errpt –d S [S/W]
errpt -j <identifier> (single errorlog report)
errclear (cmd to clears errorlog)
errclear -d <class><days> (clears class errors)
errlogger "message upto 230 chars"
/usr/lib/errdemon –s ____ [ size ]
/usr/lib/errdemon -s 41943040 ----Size change to 40m

Crash Dump sysdumpdev -l (list dump destination)

sysdumpdev -e (estimates dumpsize)
sysdumpdev -L (info)
sysdumpstart -p (start dump primary)
sysdumpstart -s (start dump secondary)
# set the dump device permanently
sysdumpdev -p <dump device> -P

display services lssrc -a

start services startsrc -s <subsystem>
startsrc -g <group>
stop services stopsrc -s <subsystem>
stopsrc -g <group>
service logging, etc /var/adm/ras
determine the run level who -r
obtain default run level /etc/inittab

. How do remove the entries of the device in the odm #rmdev -dl

*User ADD
useradd -d /home/uname -m -g gname -s /usr/bin/ksh uname
*How to unlock user account?
chuser –a account=true username
*How to lock a user’s account?
#chuser account_lock=true username
remove a user rmuser
modify a user chuser -a
passwd -f
passwd -s
change user password passwd
create a group mkgroup <group name>
remove a group rmgroup <group name>
modify a goup chgroup <attribute><group name>
/etc/passwd Contains the basic attributes of users.
/etc/security/passwd Contains password information.
/etc/group Contains the basic attributes of groups.
/etc/security/group Contains the extended attributes of groups.
/etc/security/environ Contains the environment attributes for users.
/etc/security/lastlog Contains the last login attributes for users.
/etc/utmp Contains a record of users logged into the system.
/var/adm/wtmp Contains connect-time accounting records.
/etc/security/failedlogin Records all failed login attempts.

*Configure network interface

$ mktcpip -h aix -a -m -i en1 -g
displaying network interfaces ifconfig -a
entstat -d <interface>
lsdev -Cc if
lsdev -Cc tcpip
display MAC address netstat -ia
Starting and stopping a
network interface ifconfig en0 up
ifconfig en0 down
default router route add 0 <gateway IP address>
Note: there is no file that holds the default router
display routing table netstat -rn
netstat -r -f inet
change the hostname hostname <new hostname>
chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=<hostname>
setup DNS /etc/resolv.conf

Patching / Software
display installed patches instfix -ia
adding patch instfix -k
removing patch installp -r
display installed packages lslpp -L all (all filesets)
lslpp -L <package> (single fileset)
lslpp -w <file> (file belongs)
lslpp -ha (history of filesets)
adding package installp -a
installp -c (cleanup after failed install)
removing packages installp -u (commited packages)
installp -r (applied packages)
verify package lppchk -v
List files in package lslpp -f <fileset>
Package directory /usr/lpp

Server type prtconf | grep -i 'System Model'

Hardware Info lscfg -v
Memory prtconf -m
prtconf |grep -i memory
bootinfo -r
CPU (type, number, etc) prtconf |grep -i processor
Disk Drives lsdev -Cc disk
Kernel 32 or 64 prtconf -k
bootinfo -K
Display Firmware prtconf |grep -i firmware
update /dev directory cfgmgr
remove or
change a device rmdev -dl hdisk1

CPU topas -P
topas -L (logical partitions)
sar -c
Memory topas
sar -b
Disk topas -D (disk)
topas -F (filesystem)
sar -D
Application topas
svmon -P <pid>
$ lsdev -virtual
$ lsdev -slots
$ lsmap -all show in details all virtual device
$ lsmap -vadapter vhost0 ----list specific attrbute of vhost0
$ lsdev -type adapter --- list all adapter

$ mkvdev -sea ent0 -vadapter ent2 -default ent2 -defaultid 42 ---- Creates SEA

* Explain the boot process?

Three phases available in BOOT Process

1. Ros kernel init phase

2. Base Device Configuration
3. System boot phase

1.Ros Kernel init phase (PHASE1)

A. Post (power on self test)

In this post it will do basic hardware checking
B. Then it will go to NVRAM and check the boot list for last boot device (hdisk0 or hdisk1).
C. Then it will check the BLV (hd5) in boot device.
D. Then it will check the boot image
E. Then boot image is moved to memory.
F. Then kernel will execute.

2.Base Device configuration (PHASE2)

A. Here cfgmgr will run for device configuration.

3.System Boot Phase (PHASE3)

A. Kernel will execute.
B. The paging space (hd6) will get start.
C. Then following file system will be mounted /, /var. /usr, /home. /tmp
D. Kernel start the init process, it will read the /etc/inittab file and execute the following process.
The above network related files /etc/rc.tcpip, /etc/, used to configure the ip address and routing.
E. Then it will start the system by default run level 2.
Run level 2: It contains all of the terminal process and daemons that are run in the multi user environment. This is default run

Q. 3 What are the installations available in AIX, Explain?

Three kinds of OS installations available in AIX
1.New and Complete Overwrite

1.New and Complete Overwrite:

This is New installation; in this installation we have three options

A.Start installation with default settings
B.Change/show installation settings and install
C.Start maintenance mode for recovery

B.Start installation with default settings

This is normal installation

C.Change/show installation settings and install

In this installation we can change the installation disk (hdisk0, or hdisk1), Desktop options.

D.Start maintenance mode for recovery

This is used for recover the existing OS problems. (Boot image, Boot list, File systems problems).

In this migration Installation, Operating system Updated from lower level to higher level i.e. Aix 5.1 To Aix 5.3 or Aix 5.2 To
Aix 5.3 ,

In this installation System data will not be affected except the /tmp file system. i.e. /tmp file system will be deleted and newly

This installation is overwriting the existing OS and user data directory /home only persevered, rest of the directories /, /var, /tmp,
/etc, /dev, /opt will be deleted and newly created.

NOTE: In this installation we can preserve additional directories also, suppose if you want preserve /opt, this case u should put
/opt file system entry in /etc/preserve.list file.

ODM has two kinds of Databases

1.Pre-defined (PdDv)

1. Predefined
In this predefined Database has one Object class (PdDv) and Objects i.e.
PdDv (Object class)
Object: (Physical Information’s)
Floppy drive
Harddisk drive
Mouse like this all the devices.

2. Customized
In this customized Database has one Object class (CuDv) and Objects i.e.
CuDv (Object class)
Objects: (Installed configuration information’s)
scsi0 like this all the devices

ODM States:
What is available state and defined state for the device?
ODM has two states
1.Available (device status will be 1)
2.Defined (device status will be 0)

Suppose we are installing one HDD in server. That device is currently accessible this is available state.
Suppose that installed device is removed from server or hdd has failed. This case that device is moved to defined state. i.e. that
device configuration is available in server but currently device is not accessible.

We can see this available and defined device status using odmget command
#odmget CuDv ( It will display the customized device status)
ODM Commands:

For object:

1. odmadd
The above command is used to manually we can add object information in ODM

2. odmchange
The above command is used to change configurations for object in ODM

3. odmget
# odmget –q name=hdisk0 CuDv
The above command is used to display the specified object hdisk0 information in ODM
We can see this available and defined device status using odmget command
# odmget CuDv (It will display the customized device status)

4. odmdelete
# odmdelete –o CuDv –q name=hdisk0
The above command is used to delete the specified object hdisk0 in ODM.

For object class:


1. odmcreate
The above command is used to manually we can add object class (PdDv) in ODM

2. odmdrop
The above command is used to stop the specified Object class in ODM

3. odmshow
The above command is used to display the specified object class in ODM
NOTE: You should not add, delete, change, for object and object class in ODM

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