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SMAN 7 Depok mid-term’s results have been distributed to all of the students. Arum a 10th grade
student, receive an unpleasant result. On the way to art room after the school ends, she met her
friends from art extracurricular.

Casal : Hey Rum, what’s up?

Sabiq : You look like having a bad day. What happened?

Arum : Hey guys, actually there is something bothering my mind but it’s fine. How about you guys?

Mentari : We’re fine actually.

Sabiq : oh come on Arum you can tell me.

Rasyid : Wait wait….. is it about your Midterm exam’s score?

Arum : How do you know that Syid?

Rasyid : Oh come on rum, what do you think? It’s just 1 hour after reporting.

Arum : Haha you’re right, I just afraid if my dad saw my report. He’ll be totally mad of me.

Casal : Is your score that bad?

Mentari : Is art bad too?

Arum : Nope, I got a perfect score in art. But really bad in the other subject.

Rasyid : What the….., we don’t even touch 6

Casal : Oh my God, you’re the most ungrateful person I’ve ever meet. That’s the hard one.

Mentari : Yeah its questions was really awful. I wonder why Mr. Ridho gave us that kind of questions? I
mean the hard one

Rasyid : Yeah maybe he’s not in the mood.

Sabiq : Oh my God Arum, why you still look so sad?

Casal : Don’t say it’s because your science score is really bad. Don’t worry rum we all same.

Mentari : Yeah Rum, don’t think about it. Just focus on art because you said it’ your passion, right?

Arum : Thanks Guys

(suddenly Mr. Ridho walks beside them)

Mr. Ridho : Oh come on guys, why are you stuck in here? It’s almost 4 P.M. You don’t wanna go
home late, right?

Then they went to the art room. By 6 P.M. They end their practice. Then, Arum along with her
friends went to Plaza Cibubur to eat dinner. Relized from being unware with time. Arum came home
late at 9 P.M.

Mr. Alvan : Do you realize What time is it? Where have you been?
Arum : I am so sorry sir. I just hang out with my friends.

Mr. Alvan : Hang out with your friend without telling me first? Do you forget that you are a girl? It’s
late for a girl like you. Do you see that?

Arum : I know that sir. I am so sorry that I didn’t tell you first.

Mr. Alvan : well, is there something that you want to tell me now about something else?

Arum : Hmmm, apparently not, sir.

Mr. Alvan : Then what about this? (showing a paper) you still don’t want to tell me something?

Arum : I am so sorry if I disappointed you

Mr. Alvan : of course you disappointed me. There is no goodness in that paper. All the score is really
awful. Oh my God. What kind of girl you are going to be?
Arum : Cant you see that? I got a perfect score in art. I want to be a painter because I really
good at it

Mr. Alvan : What?

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊A million dreams◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊A million dreams◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

Mr. Alvan : Shut up! You have no idea what you’re talking about. Just stay away from art.

Arum : Why? My mom is an artist. Why I cant follow her? Why you never talk about her?

Mr. Alvan : Because she already dead. Go on follow her to a cemetery. Look at your brother, he
always study hard, and you can see him now. He become a success man. You can be
anything you want except an artist. Because it will lead you only to sorrow. From now,
you will not be able to touch all the painting stuff.

Arum : But dad please!!!!

Mr. Alvan : Nope, now go to your room!

(Arum goes to her room and Arum’s brother came to the main room)

Iqbal : What’s going on dad?

Mr. Alvan : I just give her a lesson. So she can be a noble woman

Iqbal : I think you push her too hard dad.

Mr. Alvan : Really? Well, she’ll be fine.

Iqbal : I hope so.

After school, 2 weeks later since the incident.

Rasyid : Hey Rum, long time no see. What’s up?

Arum : Hey guys. Never better. How about you guys?

Mentari : We’re fine.

Sabiq : where have you been Rum?
Casal : We never saw you outside your class and in Art Excul either in two weeks.
Rasyid : Would you like to come to excul today?

Arum : Oh I just really busy recently. I don’t think so Guys I am so sorry I have to go now.

Mentari : See you later

(Arum walks away)

Casal : Oh God, whats wrong with her?

Rasyid : She is really weird

Sabiq : Yeah, You right

Mentari : maybe something has happened to her?

Casal : I think so, but what is it?

Rasyid : I don’t know.

Mentari : Nether do i.

Sabiq : me too.

After Arum got home. She head right away to her room. In her room. There sit her brother waiting
for her.

Arum : Oh God, you startle me. What are you doing here?

Iqbal : Oh come on. Sit down my little girl. I want to tell you something. I know you’re confuse
now. I know it’s hard for you. I know it because I’ve ever been just like in your situation.

Arum : What do you mean?

Iqbal : After our mom dead. Our dad become so possessive. He forbid me to aproaching
anything about our mom’s world which is art. He push me really hard until I forgot my
real dream. Long time ago I always want to be an actor. But it failed because of our dad.
But actually he has a point when he ask me doing something like that. And he’s right.

Arum : What are you trying to say?

Iqbal : Don’t follow my way, I want you to follow your dream

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊Come Alive◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊Come Alive◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

Arum : Thanks my brother

Iqbal : And now you have to see him!

Arum : Why must i?

Iqbal : Because a few hours ago your Homeroom teacher Mr. Ridho came to our house and I
hear all of their conversation and……

A few hours ago

Mr. Alvan : What’s happening Dho?

Mr. Ridho : it’s about your daughter. Is she has a problem in home?

Mr. Alvan : Nope actually. What happened with her?

Mr. Ridho : I’ve got some report from other teacher that She often sleep in class and always ignore
her teacher in class. And the worse is she never in her class when I teach her. All of this
was happening since 2 weeks ago after the day I gave all the student a midterm report.

Mr. Alvan : Maybe it’s because of me, I get mad when I saw her report because it’s really awful,all
the scores.

Mr. Ridho : You know what Van, everysingle child has a gift, and your daughter has a gift in Art. She
is wonderful painter but now she don’t even want to know about all of that.

Mr. Alvan : How dare you?

Mr. Ridho : Oh come on Van, it’s been 10 years since she leave us all. And it’s been 10 years too
since you act like this. I am her best friend, so it’s not just your failure, it’s mine too. So
don’t blame yourself.

Mr. Alvan : And now you’re talking about my wife?

Mr. Ridho : You can’t still like this, she decided to do it. You know what, I always blame myself
because it happened so fast under our eyes.

Mr. Alvan : She killed her self that’s the fact. I don’t want her to be like that. Just it, because I cant
loose her too. I just want to protect her from the reality.

Mr. Ridho : Cant you see her now? She so depressed. She already lost her way. Now we cant still
look into the past, but we have to prevent anything bad happen. What if she ….

Mr. Alvan : She wont.

Mr. Ridho : I can’t ensure that

Iqbal : So that’s it. I think you should come and see him.

Arum : Yeah

(Arum leaves his room)

Arum : Dad….



Mr. Alvan : Yeah, that’s your mom. I am so sorry Rum. I should have tell you all these stories. But I
can’t do that. You can be anything you want, I am so sorry, I will support you whatever
you need and i…
Arum : Stop it Dad. I am so sorry because I ignore you all this time. Maybe you’re right. I’ll
sweep up my dream but in the other way.

Then Arum decided to be an architect after she found out what is the actual reason her father forbids
her. And it was nothing but love. Nor by selfishness and ego.

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