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Tsunami is a natural disaster caused by the increasing waves of the sea to land with a high
swiftness as the consequence of the quake which is centred under the ocean. The quake can
be caused by land erosion, sifted plate, an erupted volcano as well as a meteoroid that falls in
the ocean. Tsunami usually happens if the size of the earthquake exceed until 7 on the Richter
scale. This tsunami is quite dangerous, mainly for those who live around the beach. With
great force, it will sweep out whatever around it. From all causes of tsunami, earthquake is
the major cause.

An earthquake on the bottom of sea gives rise to an affliction of the sea water that caused by
the change of the profile of the ocean floor that generally occurs because of a tectonics
earthquake and perpendicular (vertical) ground motion with the surface of the sea water or
earth surface. If the movements of the ground are horizontal on the surface of the sea, there
will not happen tsunami.

Even though the movement of the ground is horizontal, but the energy of the earthquake is
big, and it can cause the collapse of cliffs/hill on the sea automatically in which the
movement is perpendicular to the surface of the sea. Although there is no earthquake that hits
the land directly which results vertical movement, the condition of a cliff and hill in the sea
has been unstable and because of the force of gravity and ocean currents that led to
landslides, it causes tsunami.

Earthquake causes perpendicular layers motion of earth. As a result, the sea bottom is
suddenly up and down, so that the balance of sea water was disturbed on it, similarly with
cosmic objects or meteors that fall from above. If the size of a meteor or landslide is quite
big, megatsunami can happen with hundreds of meters high.

Vertical movement of the earth crust because of a volcanic eruption, an earthquake, the
avalanche or a meteor falling to earth can cause the sea floor becomes up or down suddenly
therefore it disturbs the balance of water on it. This makes the occurrence of energy flow of
sea water on the beach become large waves so that tsunami happens. Billows can spread to
all directions. Energy which conceives in the wave of the tsunami is fixed on the function of
the altitude. The height of waves in the sea is only about 1 meter. Thus, the rate of a wave
cannot be felt by a ship that was in the middle of the sea. When it approaches the coast, the
speed of the tsunami of decline until about 30 miles per hour, but its height has increased to
reach tens of meters. When it reaches the coast, tsunami enters the land until hundreds of
meters, even kilometres.

The victim of tsunami is not a little. The casualties are hit by sluggish water flow and
material that carried away by the tsunami. Besides the victim, tsunami also has a negative
impact on the building, herbs, and pollution to agricultural land, and water.



Tsunami adalah bencana alam yang disebabkan oleh meningkatnya gelombang laut ke darat
dengan kecepatan tinggi sebagai konsekuensi dari gempa yang berpusat di bawah laut.
Gempa itu dapat disebabkan oleh erosi tanah, pergerakan lempengan, gunung api meletus
serta Meteoroid yang jatuh di laut. Tsunami biasanya terjadi jika ukuran gempa melebihi 7
skala Richter. Tsunami ini cukup berbahaya, terutama bagi mereka yang tinggal di sekitar
pantai. Dengan kekuatan besar, itu akan menyapu apapun di sekitarnya. Dari semua penyebab
Tsunami, gempa merupakan penyebab paling besar.

Gempa bumi di dasar laut menimbulkan pergerakan air laut yang disebabkan oleh perubahan
profil dasar laut yang umumnya terjadi karena gempa tektonik dan tegak lurus (vertikal). Jika
pergerakan tanah horisontal di permukaan laut, maka tidak akan terjadi tsunami.

Meskipun terjadi pergerakan tanah secara horizontal, tetapi energi dari gempa tersebut begitu
besar dan hal itu dapat menyebabkan rusaknya bukit atau tebing di dalam laut yang secara
otomatis menyebabkan pergerakan di permukaan laut tersebut. Meskipun tidak ada gempa
yang secara langsung menyebabkan pergerakan vertical, kondisi tebing atau bukit di dalam
laut menjadi tidak etabil karena tekanan gravitasi dan hal itu menyebabkan tsunami.

Gempa menyebabkan gerakan lapisan bumi secara tegak lurus. Akibatnya, dasar laut tiba-tiba
naik dan turun, sehingga keseimbangan air laut terganggu di atasnya, sama dengan benda-
benda kosmik atau meteor yang jatuh dari atas. Jika ukuran meteor atau longsor ini cukup
besar, megatsunami dapat terjadi dengan ratusan meter.
Pergerakan vertikal kerak bumi karena letusan gunung berapi, gempa bumi, longsor atau
meteor jatuh ke bumi dapat menyebabkan dasar laut menjadi naik atau turun tiba-tiba oleh
karena itu dapat mengganggu keseimbangan air di atasnya. Ini membuat terjadinya aliran
energi air laut di pantai menjadi ombak besar sehingga Tsunami dapat terjadi. Pemecah dapat
menyebar ke segala arah. Ketinggian gelombang di laut hanya sekitar 1 meter. Dengan
demikian, laju gelombang tidak dapat dirasakan oleh kapal yang berada di tengah laut. Ketika
mendekati pantai, kecepatan tsunami penurunan sampai sekitar 30 mil per jam, namun
tingginya meningkat mencapai puluhan meter. Saat mencapai pantai, tsunami memasuki
tanah sampai ratusan meter, bahkan kilometer.

Korban tsunami tidak sedikit. Para korban banyak yang terkena aliran air lamban dan bahan
yang terbawa oleh tsunami. Selain korban, Tsunami pula memiliki dampak negatif pada
bangunan, tumbuhan, serta polusi lahan pertanian, serta air










1.What can passibly prevent rivers and lakes from overflowing?

a) An absorbent bed

b) A rocky surrouding

c) A low land

d) A high bank

e) A high road

2.We know from the text that

a) River can sweep heavy flood

b) People can make money from flood

c) The destruction by flood is always less severse

d) Water flood is absorbed by land directiy

e) Typhoons caused heavy flood

3.we know from the text that

a) The pump is the only too,used by fire fighters now

b) The pump helps people to fight fires more efficiently

c) Fires in big a hes are always very big

d) People no longer use buckets to control fire

e) Only firemen can control fires in crowded cities

4.Tsunami happens because

a) The displaced rock pushed water about it

b) A major fault uncer the ocean floor slips sunddenly

c) The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the source

d) The waves moves across the ocean until they reach the beach

e) A tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean

5.The text is about

a) The process of changing chemical energy

b) The formation of carbon dioxide

c) The green substance of plants

d) The process of photosynthesis

e) The use of chemical energy

6.What will happen when the chlorophyll absorbs sunlight ? it will

a) Change heat into kinetic energy

b) Form complicated compound

c) Make use of heat energy

d) Change kinetic energy into chemical energy

e) Change the sun’s energy into chemical energy

7.The green substance of plants is chlorphyll.The underlined word in the aboveis closest in
meaning to

a) Core

b) Body

c) Stuff

d) Essence

e) Material

8.Tsunamis are usually the result of

a) The sudden rice or fall of ocean floors

b) Pacific ocean “Ring Of Fire”

c) The awe-inspiring waves

d) Volcanoes

e) Landslides

9.From the text ,we know that tsunami can be very destructive because

a) They come after earthquakes

b) They are caused by volcanic eruptions

c) They are tall , fast,forceful,and repetitive

d) They have a vacuum effect

e) They occur suddenly

10.”some tsunami do not appear on shore as massive breaking waves but instead resemble a
quickly surging tide that inundates coastal areas”the underlined word is closest in meaning to

a) Floods

b) Covers

c) Fills

d) Attacks

e) submerges

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