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DDC Cal Tool

Copyright ©
DDC Cal Tool

Table of contents

2-D Graph Control Chart Recorder properties.............................................................12

2-D Graph Control Graph properties..........................................................................12
2-D Graph Control properties.....................................................................................13
Accessing data..........................................................................................................13
Adding a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells...........................................15
Analog Meter Control properties.................................................................................15
Navigator pop-up menus...........................................................................................16
AutoCal Workspaces..................................................................................................19
Bar Control properties...............................................................................................19
Button Control properties...........................................................................................20
.................................................................................Error: Reference source not found
Carrying out a search................................................................................................21
Changing the orientation of a table............................................................................21
Channelset user-defined groups.................................................................................23
Channelsets - monitoring variables in the ECU............................................................25
Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions...........................................25
Transferring data between AutoCal and the ECU.........................................................27
Controls Toolbar........................................................................................................30
Copying data - Mix and Match....................................................................................31
Copying the value of a watched variable to a Dataset..................................................33
Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another....................................33
Creating and working with AutoCal data controls.........................................................34
Creating, saving and opening panels in AutoCal..........................................................34
Deleting, copying and pasting controls.......................................................................35
Documenting a Dataset.............................................................................................35
Edit Control properties...............................................................................................39
Editing a single data value.........................................................................................39
Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control............................................................40
Editing data using the 2-D Graph Control....................................................................41
Editing data with the button control...........................................................................42
Editing table data......................................................................................................42
Editing the data using a Slider Control........................................................................42
Indicator Control properties.......................................................................................46
Interpolating the values across a selection..................................................................46

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Alignment toolbox.....................................................................................................48
Linking data to controls.............................................................................................49
Marking variables for watching...................................................................................49
Menus and Toolbars summary..................................................................................51
Moving and resizing controls on a panel.....................................................................51
Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount....................................52
Opening Channelsets.................................................................................................52
Opening a Dataset....................................................................................................53
Opening found Datasets............................................................................................54
Parameter Viewer Control Properties..........................................................................56
Periodic and state Watching.......................................................................................56
Placing controls on an AutoCal panel..........................................................................57
Reading a Dataset from the ECU................................................................................58
Regrading a Dataset..................................................................................................58
Relinking controls to parameters in a different Dataset................................................59
Removing a Channelset.............................................................................................60
Removing found Datasets from Search Results...........................................................60
Saving a Channelset..................................................................................................60
Saving and removing Datasets...................................................................................61
Search Criteria dialogue box - Keywords page.............................................................63
Search Criteria dialogue box - Location page (disk searching only)...............................65
Search Criteria dialogue box - Timestamps page.........................................................66
Searching for Datasets..............................................................................................68
Selecting a group of cells in a table............................................................................68
Selecting controls......................................................................................................69
Sending a Dataset Off-line.........................................................................................70
Sending a Dataset to the ECU....................................................................................70
Sending a Parameter On-line - patching......................................................................70
Setting Data Source properties in AutoCal...................................................................71
Setting Search Criteria...............................................................................................71
Setting AutoCal control properties..............................................................................72
Setting the rate for periodic watching and marking variables.......................................73
Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value..........................................73
Slider Control properties............................................................................................74
General Toolbar........................................................................................................75
.................................................................................Error: Reference source not found
Switching Watching on and off...................................................................................75
Table Control properties............................................................................................76
Text Control properties..............................................................................................77
The AutoCal interface................................................................................................78
The Static Text Control..............................................................................................79
Thermometer Control properties................................................................................79
.................................................................................Error: Reference source not found
Item menu................................................................................................................80

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User setups...............................................................................................................80
User-defined groups..................................................................................................80
Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data............................................................82
Using the 2-D Graph Control to view and edit data......................................................83
Using the Button Control to control data.....................................................................83
Using the Edit Control to view and edit data...............................................................84
Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView).......................................................84
Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset...........................................84
Using the Slider Control to view and edit data.............................................................85
Using the Table Control to view and edit data.............................................................85
Using the Table Editor to view and edit data...............................................................86
Version folders..........................................................................................................87
Viewing and editing the data - Edit Control.................................................................88
Viewing table data.....................................................................................................88
3.3.3 Viewing the comments in a Dataset found by a search........................................90
Working with Datasets...............................................................................................92
.................................................................................Error: Reference source not found
Viewing data using a Parameter Viewer Control..........................................................93
.................................................................................Error: Reference source not found
Aligning controls on a panel.......................................................................................93
Command Button properties......................................................................................94
Using the Command Button control............................................................................94
Design mode.............................................................................................................95
Working with a grid...................................................................................................95
Logging the values of watched variables to a file.........................................................96
Converting a log file to a readable format...................................................................97
General Properties.....................................................................................................98
Taking snapshots of parameter values........................................................................99
Applying constraints to parameters in a Dataset........................................................100
Dataset linked and parameter changed indicators......................................................101
Reverting a parameter to its last saved value............................................................102
Linking watch variables to controls...........................................................................102
Choosing the units for a parameter..........................................................................103
Matching conditions for copy operations...................................................................103
Comparing Datasets................................................................................................104
Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters..............................................................105
Choosing what to compare.......................................................................................105
Choosing which comparisons to display....................................................................106
Viewing the results of a comparison.........................................................................106
Viewing the results of a value comparison.................................................................107
Refreshing the comparison.......................................................................................108
Saving a log of the comparison................................................................................109
Compare control toolbar..........................................................................................110
Removed only.........................................................................................................111
Removed only.........................................................................................................111
Removed only.........................................................................................................111
Removed only.........................................................................................................111

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Accessing data........................................................................................................111
Adding a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells.........................................113
Analog Meter Control properties...............................................................................113
Navigator pop-up menus..........................................................................................114
DDC Cal Tool Workspaces........................................................................................115
Bar Control properties..............................................................................................117
Button Control properties.........................................................................................118
.................................................................................Error: Reference source not found
Changing the orientation of a table...........................................................................119
Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions.........................................120
Transferring data between The DDC Cal Tool and the ECM........................................122
Controls Toolbox.....................................................................................................129
Copying data - Mix and Match..................................................................................131
Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another..................................132
Creating and working with The DDC Cal Tool data controls........................................133
Creating, saving and opening panels in The DDC Cal Tool..........................................133
Deleting, copying and pasting controls......................................................................134
Viewing information about a Calibration....................................................................135
Edit Control properties.............................................................................................136
Editing a single data value.......................................................................................136
Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control..........................................................137
Editing data with the button control..........................................................................139
Editing table data....................................................................................................139
Editing the data using a Slider Control......................................................................140
Indicator Control properties.....................................................................................144
Interpolating the values across a selection................................................................144
Alignment toolbox...................................................................................................146
Linking data to controls...........................................................................................147
Menus and Toolbars summary.................................................................................148
Moving and resizing controls on a panel....................................................................148
Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount...................................149
Opening a Calibration..............................................................................................150
Parameter Viewer Control Properties........................................................................152

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Placing controls on a DDC Cal Tool panel..................................................................154

Reading a Calibration from the ECM.........................................................................155
Converting a Calibration...........................................................................................157
Relinking controls to parameters in a different Calibration..........................................157
Saving and removing Calibrations.............................................................................158
Selecting a group of cells in a table..........................................................................159
Selecting controls....................................................................................................161
Downloading a Calibration Off-line............................................................................161
Sending calibration data to the ECM.........................................................................162
Sending calibration data on-line - Cal on the Fly........................................................162
Setting Data Source properties in The DDC Cal Tool..................................................163
Setting The DDC Cal Tool control properties..............................................................163
Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value........................................164
Slider Control properties..........................................................................................164
General Toolbar......................................................................................................165
.................................................................................Error: Reference source not found
Table Editor Control properties.................................................................................166
Text Control properties............................................................................................166
The DDC Cal Tool interface......................................................................................167
The Static Text Control............................................................................................168
Thermometer Control properties...............................................................................168
.................................................................................Error: Reference source not found
Item menu..............................................................................................................169
User setups.............................................................................................................170
User-defined groups................................................................................................170
Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data..........................................................173
Using the Table Graph Control to view data..............................................................173
Using the Button Control to control data...................................................................174
Using the Edit Control to view and edit data..............................................................174
Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView).....................................................175
Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Calibration.....................................175
Using the Slider Control to view and edit data...........................................................176
Using the Table Editor Control to view and edit data..................................................176
Version folders........................................................................................................176
Viewing and editing the data - Edit Control...............................................................178
Viewing table data...................................................................................................178
Working with Calibrations........................................................................................180
.................................................................................Error: Reference source not found
.................................................................................Error: Reference source not found
Aligning controls on a panel.....................................................................................180
Command Button properties....................................................................................181
Using the Command Button control..........................................................................183
Design mode...........................................................................................................183
Working with a grid.................................................................................................184
General Properties...................................................................................................184
Parameter changed indicator....................................................................................186

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Matching conditions for copy operations...................................................................186

Comparing Calibrations............................................................................................187
Comparing Calibrations, groups or parameters..........................................................188
Choosing what to compare.......................................................................................188
Choosing which comparisons to display....................................................................189
Viewing the results of a comparison.........................................................................190
Viewing the results of a value comparison.................................................................191
Refreshing the comparison.......................................................................................192
Saving a log of the comparison................................................................................192
Compare control toolbar..........................................................................................194
Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control............................................................195
Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control............................................................195
Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control............................................................195
Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control............................................................195
Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control............................................................195
Plottable parameters...............................................................................................196
Unlinking a parameter from a Table Graph Control....................................................197
Choosing whether to display a two- or three-dimensional graph.................................197
Viewing data in the Table Graph Control...................................................................198
Two-dimensional graph view - one-dimensional table................................................198
Two-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table................................................200
Two-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table..............................................201
Three-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table..............................................202
Three-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table............................................203
Moving the graph within a Table Graph Control.........................................................204
Adjusting the size of the graph within a Table Graph Control.....................................204
Rotating a three-dimensional graph..........................................................................204
Resetting the size, position and rotation of graphs....................................................205
Table Graph Control properties.................................................................................205
Table Graph Control - General properties..................................................................206
Table Graph Control - Data Source properties...........................................................207
Table Graph Control - 3D Display properties..............................................................209
Table Graph Control - Axis properties.......................................................................210
Using Smart controls...............................................................................................211
Using Smart controls...............................................................................................211
Using Smart controls...............................................................................................211
Using Smart controls...............................................................................................211
Smart Edit control...................................................................................................212
Smart Edit Control properties...................................................................................213
SmartEdit Control - General properties......................................................................213
SmartEdit Control - Precision properties....................................................................214
Smart Check Box control..........................................................................................215
Smart Check Box Control properties.........................................................................215
Smart Drop-down control.........................................................................................216
Smart Drop-down Control properties........................................................................217
Smart Text control...................................................................................................218
Smart Text Control properties..................................................................................218
Configuring communication with the ECM.................................................................219
Downloading a new ECM program............................................................................220

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Setting the ECM clock..............................................................................................221

Resetting the ECM...................................................................................................222
Erasing the ECM Memory.........................................................................................222
Activating an Output................................................................................................222
Sending a message to the ECM................................................................................223
Vectoring to the boot ROM.......................................................................................224
Vectoring to the main code......................................................................................225
Current ECM to Boot ROM........................................................................................225
Monitoring the connection status..............................................................................226
Metafile conversion programs...................................................................................228
Registering the DDC Cal Tool...................................................................................230
Adding parameters to user defined groups by searching............................................231
Using Bit Field Editor Controls..................................................................................233
Finding individual bits and editing data with the Bit Field Editor..................................233
Bit Field Editor Control properties.............................................................................234
Bit Field custom quality............................................................................................234
Using the Chart Recorder Control.............................................................................235
Defining the Cal on the Fly parameters.....................................................................236
Using Cal on the Fly.................................................................................................237
Transferring data between ECM RAM and non-volatile memory..................................238
Stopping Cal on the Fly............................................................................................238
Setting the values of Watch variables - Slewing.........................................................239
Monitoring variables in the ECM - Watching..............................................................240
Opening Watchsets.................................................................................................241
Watchset user-defined groups..................................................................................242
Linking Watch variables to controls...........................................................................245
Marking variables for watching.................................................................................245
Selecting an analog input to watch...........................................................................246
Switching Watching on and off.................................................................................247
Logging the values of watched variables to a file.......................................................248
Processing a watched variables log file.....................................................................250
Saving a Watchset...................................................................................................251
Removing a Watchset..............................................................................................252
Adding Watch variables to user defined groups by searching......................................252
Setting the address for RAM Values variables............................................................253
Diagnostic controls..................................................................................................255
Choosing what to view.............................................................................................256
Clearing diagnostic messages...................................................................................256
Getting more information about a fault.....................................................................257
The Bus Monitor......................................................................................................257
Using the Bus Monitor.............................................................................................258
Saving the contents of the Bus Monitor.....................................................................259
Viewing message log files........................................................................................259
Stopping and starting the Bus Monitor......................................................................260
Clearing the Bus Monitor..........................................................................................260
Changing the data format........................................................................................261
Choosing which columns to display...........................................................................261
Displaying message statistics...................................................................................262
Filtering a Message Log Viewer................................................................................262

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Selecting a message sent at a specific time...............................................................265

Displaying information about the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer........................265
Closing the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer.....................................................265
Bus Monitor/Message Log Viewer buttons and commands..........................................266
Linking parameters to a Chart Recorder Control........................................................268
Chart Recorder Control properties............................................................................268
Overlaid and Tiled modes........................................................................................268
Pan and Zoom mode...............................................................................................270
Chart Recorder Control - General properties..............................................................271
Chart Recorder Control - Time-Axis properties...........................................................272
Chart Recorder Control - Trace properties.................................................................272
Setting the Tab Order..............................................................................................273
Linking Calibration Manager to a Parameter Viewer Control........................................274
Adjusting the width of columns in a Parameter Viewer Control...................................276
Displaying the contents of more than one container item...........................................277
Sorting the rows in a Parameter Viewer Control........................................................278
Finding text in a Parameter Viewer Control...............................................................278
Undoing and redoing changes to data values............................................................279
Copying and pasting cells in a Parameter Viewer Control...........................................279
Printing the contents of a Parameter Viewer Control..................................................280
Using a Parameter Viewer Control to link data to other controls.................................280
Carrying out Navigator pop-up menu commands in a Parameter Viewer Control..........281
Editing parameter values - the Quick Edit dialog box.................................................281
Bus Monitor toolbar.................................................................................................282
Setting the update rate for watching........................................................................283
Resetting Trip Data.................................................................................................284
Saving the permanent diagnostics in an ECM to a text file..........................................284
Erasing the permanent diagnostics in an ECM...........................................................285
Adjusting the connected engine’s horse power..........................................................285
Displaying engine information..................................................................................286
Calibration Listing....................................................................................................286
Reverting parameters to their last saved values........................................................287
Saving the ECU Temperature Histogram to a text file................................................287
Converting watchsets..............................................................................................288
Table Editor Control - Display properties...................................................................288
Table Editor Control - Table Editor properties............................................................289
Showing the Operating point in a Table Editor Control...............................................290
Setting the PID Map in the ECM for Watching...........................................................291
Applying constraints to parameters in a Calibration....................................................291
Validating a Calibration............................................................................................292
Starting the Calibration Validation Utility...................................................................293
Creating a new Validation file...................................................................................294
Loading a Validation file...........................................................................................295
Editing a Validation file............................................................................................296
The Edit Validation File dialog box............................................................................297
Setting the validation for a parameter.......................................................................298
Searching for text in the parameters table................................................................299
Printing Validation information.................................................................................299

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Editing the list of engine types.................................................................................299

Loading a Calibration file for validation.....................................................................301
Carrying out a Calibration validation.........................................................................301
Changes made to the Calibration by the Calibration Validation Utility..........................303
Viewing validation results.........................................................................................304
Constraint Page.......................................................................................................305
Validate Page..........................................................................................................306
Data Page...............................................................................................................307
Searching for text in the results table.......................................................................309
Printing validation results.........................................................................................309
Updating a Validation file for a new version of the Metafile........................................310
Viewing updating information...................................................................................310
Printing updating information...................................................................................311
Min/Max Page.........................................................................................................312
Referencing Calibration parameters in the Visual Basic Script.....................................312
tag name................................................................................................................313
Listing a Validation..................................................................................................313
Editing the list of owners.........................................................................................314
Editing the list of certificate types.............................................................................315
Closing ToolBench...................................................................................................317
Using a Compare control to link data to other controls...............................................317
The Find dialog box in the Calibration Validation Utility..............................................317
Saving validation results..........................................................................................318
Splitting and joining Calibrations..............................................................................319
Splitting a Calibration...............................................................................................319
Joining Calibration components................................................................................322
Using Win Monitor to monitor the communications bus..............................................324
Selecting a message that contains specific data.........................................................325
Exporting the contents of the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer to a CSV file........326
Converting the contents of a message log File to text format.....................................326
Resetting the communications link with the ECM.......................................................327
Setting the engine speed.........................................................................................327
Setting the values of ECM accumulators....................................................................328
Performing a cylinder cutout test..............................................................................329
Generating dummycal.c for DDEC IV........................................................................330
Saving the AFR Learn Table in an ECM to a text file (natural gas engines only)...........331
Clearing the AFR Learn Table in an ECM (natural gas engines only)............................332
Creating a problem report........................................................................................332
Navigator pop-up menus: Calibration Manager..........................................................336
Navigator pop-up menus: Loaded Calibration............................................................337
Navigator pop-up menus: Calibration Parameter........................................................338
Navigator pop-up menus: User-defined group in a Calibration....................................338
Navigator pop-up menus: Parameter reference in user-defined group.........................339
Navigator pop-up menus: Cal on the Fly group in Calibration.....................................339
Navigator pop-up menus: Loaded Watchset..............................................................340
Navigator pop-up menus: Watch variable group in Watchset......................................341
Navigator pop-up menus: Watch variable in Watchset...............................................342
Navigator pop-up menus: User-defined group in Watchset.........................................342
Navigator pop-up menus: Watch variable in user-defined group in Watchset...............343

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Navigator pop-up menus: DDC Comms Provider........................................................344

Creating a new Calibration.......................................................................................345
Save Workspace To.................................................................................................347
Save Workspace To.................................................................................................347
Performing a core dump..........................................................................................347
Viewing and setting the injector calibration codes......................................................349
Viewing the injector response times.........................................................................350
Format of "NameVariable" and "Equation" files..........................................................351
Merging differences between comparisons................................................................352
Applying the changes found in a comparison to another Calibration............................352
Batch Comparison...................................................................................................353
Converting ELF to SMF files......................................................................................355
The Active Toolbar..................................................................................................356
Copying table cells to Excel......................................................................................356
Keyboard shortcuts..................................................................................................357
Recalibrating the oxygen sensor...............................................................................358
Degreening the particulate filter...............................................................................359
Navigator pop-up menus: Diagnostics.......................................................................360

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2-D Graph Control Chart Recorder properties

The 2-D Graph Control Chart Recorder is not supported in this release of the software.
Next topic
Editing data using the 2-D Graph Control
Previous topic
2-D Graph Control - Graph properties

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Benefits of a Help Authoring Tool

2-D Graph Control Graph properties

To set Graph options for a 2-D Graph Control:

1. Choose the style of graph from the drop-down list box. You can choose:
· Plot (the default) - for two-dimensional tables, a separate line is drawn for each row in the
· Area - this option fills in the area beneath the lines in a Plot with a solid color; for two-
dimensional tables, separate areas are drawn for each of the rows in the table and the
areas drawn superimposed on top of each other, so that areas for rows later in the table
cover the areas for rows earlier in the table.
· Bar Graph - for two-dimensional tables, at each axis value, separate bars are drawn next
to each other for each of the rows in the table.
· Stacking Bar - these are the same as Bar Graphs for one dimensional tables; for two-
dimensional tables, at each axis value, separate bars are drawn for each of the rows in the
table and plotted cumulatively (stacked one above the other if the bars are vertical).
· Pie Chart - a separate pie chart is drawn for each column in the table.
2. Check Show Legend to display a key identifying the colors used to plot each of the table’s
3. Check Invert Axes to interchange the horizontal and vertical axes.
4. Check Data Transpose to transpose the rows and columns in the table.

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5. Check Multiple Sources if you are running Watch Data Manager and want to plot data from
multiple sources.
6. Check Time X-axis to monitor live data from the ECU - it converts the 2D graph to a chart
7. Check Update Continuously if you are running Watch Data Manager and want to display live
Next topic
2-D Graph Control - Chart Recorder properties
Previous topic
2-D Graph Control properties

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2-D Graph Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the 2dgraph Control Properties dialog box.
See General properties for how to set those general properties that apply to 2-D Graph Controls - the
2dgraph Control Properties dialog box does not have Colors or Font pages.
In addition to the General page, the 2dgraph Control Properties dialog box has Graph and Chart
Recorder pages - these are described in the following topics.
Next topic
2-D Graph Control - Graph properties
Previous topic
Using the 2-D Graph Control to view and edit data

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Easily create Web Help sites

Accessing data

Once you have loaded a Dataset into the Navigator, you can use it to access the data contained in the
The Navigator is designed to look, feel and behave like the familiar Microsoft ® Windows® Explorer.

As in Explorer, you can expand and contract items in the Navigator by clicking on the + and - icons to the
left of the labels. The picture above shows the Sample Dataset (see Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to

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create a sample Dataset) after you have expanded it one level, and shows that the Sample Dataset has
three groups within it - other Datasets will have different structures. These groups are represented by folder
icons, showing that they contain other items, which may be subgroups or parameters:

Notice that the icon representing parameters in the Navigator shows the parameter type. For example,
Parameter A1 in the picture above is a 1-dimensional table, Parameter A2 is a 2-dimensional table and
Parameter C1 is a scalar.

Key Selected Action

Backspace Group or parameter Select parent group
Up arrow Group or parameter Select the item displayed above the selected item
in the navigator
Down arrow Group or parameter Select the item displayed below the selected item
in the navigator
Left arrow Open group Close the group
Closed group or parameter Select the parent of the selected item
Right arrow Closed group Open group
Open group Select the first child item in the group
Parameter None

Another way to view the contents of groups and to get more information about parameters is to use the
ParamView Control - see Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView).
Next topic
User-defined groups
Previous topic
Removing found Datasets from Search Results

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DDC Cal Tool

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Create iPhone web-based documentation

Adding a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells

To add a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells (this operation does not apply to enumerated
1. Select the cells (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).
2. Choose Block Offset from the Edit > Control submenu or the menu displayed when you right-
click in the table to display the Block Offset dialog box.
3. Enter the value you want to add to each value in the selected cells.
4. Press OK to close the dialog box and carry out the operation.
Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum
value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively.
Next topic
Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount
Previous topic
Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: What is a Help Authoring tool?

Analog Meter Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Analog Meter Control Properties dialog box and set
those properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Analog Meter Controls.
The Analog Meter Control Properties dialog box also has a Dial page:

To set the Analog Meter Control Properties:

1. In the Warning Level box, set the percentage of full scale deflection at which you want the
meter’s Warning Zone (shown in blue) to start.
2. In the Critical Level box, set the percentage of full scale deflection at which you want the
meter’s Critical Zone (shown in red) to start.

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3. In the Number of Labels box, set the number of graduations on the meter. You can choose any
number from 3 through 21.
4. In the Angle of display arc box, enter the angle between minimum and maximum deflection of
the meter pointer. You can choose any angle from 30 through 180 degrees.
Next topic
Bar Control properties
Previous topic
Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Produce online help for Qt applications

Navigator pop-up menus

The following pop-up menus are displayed when you right-click on objects in the Navigator.

Calibration Manager
Open Displays the Open dialog box so that you can open Datasets and
Remove All Closes all open Datasets and removes them from the Navigator - you
will be warned if any of them are in use and given the opportunity to
save any changes
Find on Disk Displays the Search Criteria dialog box so that you can specify
search criteria and carry out a search for saved Datasets
Search Datasets Displays the Search Criteria dialog box so that you can specify
search criteria and carry out a search for Datasets already loaded

Search Results
Remove Results Clears all found Datasets from Search Results
Open Results Opens all the found Datasets in Search Results

Found Dataset in Search Results

View Comments Displays the Comments Preview dialog box showing comment list for
the found Dataset
Remove Result Removes the found Dataset from Search Results
Open Result Opens the found Dataset

Loaded Dataset
Dataset Information Displays the Dataset Information dialog box so that you can view or
add Dataset information
Remove Dataset Removes the Dataset from the Navigator
Save Dataset Saves the Dataset using its current name
Save As Saves the Dataset using a new name
Run Constraints on Dataset Check whether all the parameters in a Dataset satisfy any constraints
defined for them
Auto Constrain Chooses whether or not to maintain automatically any constraints
defined for the parameters in the Dataset
Start Patching/ Sets patching mode on or off for the Dataset
Stop Patching - Currently
Send Dataset to ECU Sends the calibration data in the Dataset to the ECU

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Read Dataset from ECU Reads the calibration in the ECU into the Dataset
Regrade Dataset Regrades the Dataset
Snapshot Displays the Snapshot Active dialog box so that you can enter a
comment, then saves a record of the Dataset file path and name, the
date and time it was saved, the comment, followed by the current
Dataset parameter values to a comma-separated values format file

User-defined group in Dataset

Remove All Removes all the contents of the user-defined group
Properties Displays a dialog box so that you can change the name of the user-
defined group

Parameter group in Dataset (not user-defined group)

Snapshot Displays the Snapshot Active dialog box so that you can enter a
comment, then saves a record of the Dataset file path and name, the
date and time it was saved, the comment, followed by the current
values of the parameters contained in the group to a comma-
separated values format file

Parameter in user-defined group in Dataset

Remove Removes the parameter from the user-defined group
Run Constraint Checks whether the parameter satisfies any constraints defined for it
Snapshot Displays the Snapshot Active dialog box so that you can enter a
comment, then saves a record of the Dataset file path and name, the
date and time it was saved, the comment, followed by the current
value of the parameter to a comma-separated values format file
Revert Change the value of the parameter back to its last saved value

Parameter in Dataset
Run Constraint Checks whether the parameter satisfies any constraints defined for it
Snapshot Displays the Snapshot Active dialog box so that you can enter a
comment, then saves a record of the Dataset file path and name, the
date and time it was saved, the comment, followed by the current
value of the parameter to a comma-separated values format file
Revert Change the value of the parameter back to its last saved value

Start Watching All marked Starts watching all of the marked parameters in the Channelset
Stop Watching All marked Stops watching all of the marked parameters in the Channelset
Start Watching All Starts watching all of the parameters in the Channelset
Stop Watching All Stops watching all of the parameters in the Channelset
Mark All Marks all the parameters in the Channelset for watching
Unmark All Unmarks all the parameters in the Channelset for watching
Start Logging All Starts saving results from all watched parameters to the log file
Stop Logging All Stops saving results from all watched parameters to the log file
User Event Displays a dialog box so that you can enter text for the user event
then log the event at the current point in the log file
Remove Channelset Removes the Channelset from the Navigator
Save Channelset Saves the Channelset using its current name
Save As Saves the Channelset using a new name
Add User Defined Group Adds a user-defined group to the Channelset

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Parameter in Channelset (but not in user-defined group)

Start Watching Parameter Starts watching for the parameter
Stop Watching Parameter Stops watching for the parameter
Marked for Watching Marks or unmarks selected parameter for watching - the command is
checked in the menu when the parameter is marked
Properties Displays a dialog box so that you can specify the watching rate for a
periodic watching parameter and mark or unmark the parameter for
Copy Displays a dialog box so that you can select a Dataset to copy the
value of the parameter to

User-defined group in Channelset

Start Watching Marked in Starts watching all of the marked parameters in the group
Stop Watching Marked in Stops watching all of the marked parameters in the group
Start Watching Group Starts watching all of the parameters in the group
Stop Watching Group Stops watching all of the parameters in the group
Mark All Marks all the parameters in the group for watching
Unmark All Unmarks all the parameters in the group for watching
Remove All Removes all the contents of the user-defined group
Remove User Defined Group Removes the user-defined group
Properties Displays a dialog box so that you can change the name of the user-
defined group

Parameter in user-defined group in Channelset

Start Watching Parameter Starts watching for the parameter
Stop Watching Parameter Stops watching for the parameter
Marked for Watching Marks or unmarks selected parameter for watching - the command is
checked in the menu when the parameter is marked
Copy Displays a dialog box so that you can select a Dataset to copy the
value of the parameter to
Start Logging Parameter Starts saving results from the watched parameter to the log file
Stop Logging Parameter Stops saving results from the watched parameter to the log file
Properties Displays a dialog box so that you can specify the watching rate for a
periodic watching parameter and mark or unmark the parameter for
Run Constraint Checks whether the parameter satisfies any constraints defined for it
Remove Removes the parameter from the user-defined group
Snapshot Displays the Snapshot Active dialog box so that you can enter a
comment, then saves a record of the Channelset file path and name,
the date and time it was saved, the comment, followed by the current
value of the parameter to a comma-separated values format file

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AutoCal Workspaces

Workspaces allow you to save a set of panels together with a group of Datasets.
To save the currently open panels and Datasets with a new name:
1. Choose Save Workspace As from the File menu to display the Save As dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
2. Use the Save As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the Workspace - see the
context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
3. Click Save to save the file and close the dialog box.
To save a previously saved Workspace again into the same file:
Choose Save from the File menu. If the Workspace has not been saved previously, the Save As dialog box
will be displayed so that you can enter a name and location with which to save the Workspace.
To open a previously saved Workspace:
1. Choose Open Workspace... from the File menu to display the Open dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
Note: You can only have one Workspace open at a time, so if there are any unsaved changes in the
existing Workspace, you will be asked if you want to save them first.
2. Use the Open dialog box to select the folder and file containing the Workspace - see the
context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
3. Click Open to open the Workspace.

Next topic
Comparing Datasets
Previous topic
Working with a grid

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Bar Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Bar Control Properties dialog box and set those
properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Bar Controls. The Bar Control
Properties dialog box has no other pages.
Next topic
Thermometer Control properties
Previous topic
Analog Meter Control properties

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Button Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Button Control Properties dialog box and set those
properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Button Controls.
The Button Control Properties dialog box also has a Button page:

To specify the type of button:

From the Button Type drop-down list box, choose:
On/Off Latch if you want the button to stay on or off after you have pressed it;
On/Off Non-Latch if you want the button to be on only while you keep it pressed with the
mouse - it reverts to off when the mouse is released.
Note: The Button Type drop-down list box also contains a Spin Dial option, which enables the Direction
and Step Size boxes. However, this option has not been implemented in this release of the
Next topic
Editing data with the button control
Previous topic
Using the Button Control to control data

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When you create Controls in AutoCal you place them on a panel.

You can create as many panels as you require for each Dataset and include controls linked to different
Datasets on the same panel.

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Next topic
Creating, saving and opening panels
Previous topic
User setups

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Carrying out a search

To carry out a search:

Press Search in the Search Criteria dialog box.
If you change your mind about carrying out the search while it is running, press Stop in the Search Criteria
dialog box.
When the search is complete, the Search Results dialog box will be displayed showing the results. If no
Datasets have been found by the search, you will be given the opportunity to leave the Search Criteria
dialog box to set new search criteria.
If the search is successful, when you close the Search Results dialog box, the Datasets found will be
displayed under Search Results in the Navigator:

Next topic
Viewing the comments in found Datasets
Previous topic
Search Criteria dialog box - Timestamps page

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Changing the orientation of a table

To change the orientation of a table:

Choose the required orientation from the Axis Orientation drop-down list box - the horizontal
axis is shown first.
For example you can swap the axes in the display of a one dimensional table like Parameter A2 axis 1, to

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or for a two dimensional table like Parameter A2 to change:


Next topic
Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions
Previous topic

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Viewing table data

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Channelset user-defined groups

You can create user-defined groups in the Channelset to collect together sets of related watch variables.
To create a Channelset user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the Channelset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Add User Defined Group.
The new user-defined group will appear in the Channelset:

To add a watch variable to a Channelset user-defined group:

1. Drag the watch variable and drop it onto the user-defined group.
2. A menu will be displayed allowing you to choose whether to add the parameter or cancel the
Note: As you drag the watch variable, the pointer has a short-cut icon attached to it to show that you are
just creating another way of accessing the watch variable and not changing the structure of the
The watch variables will be shown in the Channelset user-defined group:

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To remove a watch variable from a Channelset user-defined group:

1. Right-click on the watch variable in the user-defined group to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove.
To empty a user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the group in the Channelset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove All.
To change the name of a user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the group in the Channelset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Properties to display the User defined Properties dialog box (where User defined is
the current name of the group):

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3. Edit the name shown in the Group Name box.

4. Press OK to close the dialog box and set the new name.
Note: The names and contents of any user-defined groups are saved with the Channelset when you save
To remove a Channelset user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the group in the Channelset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove User Defined Group.

Next topic
Linking watch variables to controls
Previous topic
Opening Channelsets

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Channelsets - monitoring variables in the ECU

AutoCal allows you to ‘watch’ variables in an ECU in real time. To do this you use a Channelset - this
defines the variables that you can watch and their location in the ECU. Channelsets are defined as text
Metafiles in a similar way to Datasets and then compiled using the Pi Metafile Compiler.
To display the value of a watched variable, you link it to a control on a panel in the same way as you link Dataset
parameters to controls.

Next topic
Opening Channelsets
Previous topic
Reading a Dataset from the ECU

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Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions

Parameter B3 in Group1>>Group1b is an example of a table with three axes:

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Note that in the picture above the axis label Parameter B3 axis 1 is shown in black text, so the axis is itself
a table and can be edited, but Parameter B3 axis 1 is shown in gray text, so the axis cannot be edited.
To choose which part of the table to display on the screen:
1. Choose the vertical and horizontal axes for the table from the Axis Orientation drop-down list
box. (There are three ways to choose the first axis and two ways to choose the second, so the
list has six entries.)
The drop-down list box to the left of the Axis Orientation drop-down list box is labeled by the
third axis. This allows you to choose the value of the third axis for which the other two axes are
2. From the drop-down list box to the left of the Axis Orientation drop-down list box, choose the
value of the third axis for which to display the table.
Next topic
Editing table data
Previous topic
Changing the orientation of a table

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See Setting control properties for how to display the Properties dialog box for a control.

To set the color of a component of the control:

1. Choose the component from the Property Name drop-down list. For example: choose
BackColor to set the background color; ForeColor to set the color of the text; SlideBackColor
to set the color of the slider’s body in a Slider control; MercuryColour to set the color of the
liquid in a Thermometer control; and so on.
2. To choose a color for the component, either:
click on one of the color patches,
select one of the colors assigned to a Windows® component by selecting the component from
the System Color drop-down list.

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3. Press Apply to set the color of the selected control component without closing the dialog box so
that you can set other colors; press OK to set the color of the control component and close the
dialog box.
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General properties

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Transferring data between AutoCal and the ECU

The instructions in the rest of this section of the Help system assume that you have correctly connected the
ECU physically to the PC and that the communications software has been correctly configured.
Next topic
Sending a Dataset to the ECU
Previous topic
Compare control toolbar

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Contents Overview

Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset

The AutoCal interface
Working with Datasets
Opening a Dataset
Version folders
Documenting a Dataset
Searching for Datasets
Setting Search Criteria
Search Criteria dialog box - Location page (disk searching only)
Search Criteria dialog box - Keywords page
Search Criteria dialog box - Timestamps page
Carrying out a search
Viewing the comments in found Datasets
Opening found Datasets
Removing found Datasets from Search Results
Accessing data
User-defined groups
Copying data between Datasets - Mix and Match
Reverting a parameter to its last saved value

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Saving and removing Datasets

Regrading a Dataset
Creating and working with AutoCal data controls
Placing controls on a panel
Linking data to controls
Relinking controls to parameters in a different Dataset
Selecting controls
Moving and resizing controls on a panel
Aligning controls on a panel
Deleting, copying and pasting controls
Setting control properties
General properties
Setting Data Source properties
Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView)
Parameter Viewer Control Properties
Viewing data using a Parameter Viewer Control
Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control
Using the Table Control to view and edit data
Table Control properties
Viewing table data
Changing the orientation of a table
Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions
Editing table data
Editing a single data value
Selecting a group of cells in a table
Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value
Adding a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells
Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount
Interpolating the values across a selection
Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another
Using the Table Editor to view and edit data
Using the 2-D Graph Control to view and edit data
2-D Graph Control properties
2-D Graph Control - Graph properties
2-D Graph Control - Chart Recorder properties
Editing data using the 2-D Graph Control
Using the Edit Control to view and edit data
Edit Control properties

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Viewing and editing the data

Using the Slider Control to view and edit data
Slider Control properties
Editing the data
Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data
Analog Meter Control properties
Bar Control properties
Thermometer Control properties
Indicator Control properties
Using the Button Control to control data
Button Control properties
Editing data with the button control
The Text Control
Text Control properties
Using the Command Button control
Command Button Control properties
User setups
Creating, saving and opening panels
Design mode
Working with a grid
Comparing Datasets
Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters
Choosing what to compare

Choosing which comparisons to display

Viewing the results of a comparison

Viewing the results of a value comparison
Refreshing the comparison
Saving a log of the comparison
Compare control toolbar

Transferring data between AutoCal and the ECU

Sending a Dataset to the ECU
Sending a Dataset Off-line
Sending a Parameter On-line - patching
Reading a Dataset from the ECU
Channelsets - monitoring variables in the ECU
Opening Channelsets
Channelset user-defined groups
Periodic and state Watching

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Marking variables for watching

Setting the rate for periodic watching and marking variables
Switching Watching on and off
Copying the value of a watched variable to a Dataset
Saving a Channelset
Removing a Channelset
Menus and Toolbars - summary
Navigator pop-up menus
General Toolbox
Alignment Toolbar
Controls Toolbar

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Controls Toolbar

The Controls toolbar contains tools for placing controls on panels:

Dragging a control from the Controls toolbox is roughly equivalent to choosing Insert Visual Object from
the Edit menu to display the Insert Control dialog box, selecting the control from the list in the dialog box,
and clicking OK. However, when you drag the control from the toolbar you can choose where to drop it on
the panel, but when you use the menu command the control is placed at a default position, and you will
probably need to move it.
Furthermore, you can use the tools on the Controls toolbar in another way, which allows you to choose the
size and shape of the control as well as its position. For this method, click the control on the toolbar - the
button will become depressed to show it is selected. Now drag out a rectangle on the panel to define the
size, shape and position of the control.
For more details of how to work with controls, including how to link them to data, see Creating and working
with AutoCal data controls. For details of how to work with individual controls, click on the buttons in the
tables in the following table.
Control View Data Edit Data Click for details
2D-Graph Yes Yes

Analog Meter Yes No

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Bar Yes No

Button No Yes

Edit Yes Yes

Indicator Yes No

Slider Yes Yes

Static Text No No

Thermometer Yes No

Command Button No No

Table Yes Yes

Compare No No

ParamView Yes Yes

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Alignment Toolbox

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Copying data - Mix and Match

AutoCal makes it very easy to copy parameter values within and between Datasets. You may want to do
this, for example, to transfer a set of parameter values from an old version of a Dataset to a new version.
To copy parameter values within a Dataset or from one Dataset to another:
1. Open the Dataset(s) so that both the source and target are visible (see Note 2 below for copying
parameters between Datasets in different AutoCal Data Managers) - see the tables below for
the allowed sources and targets.
2. Drag the source onto the target.
Note: If you are going to Copy by tag into a different Dataset, it doesn’t matter where you drop the
parameter in the target Dataset.
3. A menu will be displayed allowing you to choose (see the tables below for the commands
displayed for different combinations of source and target):
Copy - to copy the value of the first parameter in the source to the first parameter in the
target, the second parameter in the source to the second parameter in the target,
irrespective of the names of the parameters (see Matching conditions for copy operations
for the conditions that must be satisfied if a copy operation is to succeed).
Copy by tag - to copy the value(s) of the source parameters to the parameters in the target
Dataset with the same name (see Matching conditions for copy operations for the conditions
that must be satisfied if a copy operation is to succeed).

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Add reference - to create a reference to the source parameter(s) in the target user-defined
group (or references to the equivalent source parameters if you are dragging a user-defined
group from one Dataset onto a user-defined group in another Dataset)
Assign Dataset - to relink the controls linked to the source Dataset to the equivalent
parameters in the target Dataset (see Relinking controls to parameters in a different
Dataset for details)
Cancel Operation.
Note 1: You can also display the source parameter or group in a ParamView control and drag from there
onto or into the target Dataset in the Navigator. However, dragging a source parameter into a
target parameter or group displayed in a ParamView control does not copy the data to the target
- it just makes the ParamView control display the source parameter/group.
Note 2: The source and target Datasets do not need to be in the same AutoCal Data Manager. To drag
and drop between Datasets in different AutoCal Data Managers, first display the target AutoCal
Data Manager and make sure that the target Dataset is displayed. Then display the source
AutoCal Data Manager and drag the required item from the source over the target’s Data
Manager button. After a short pause, the target AutoCal Data Manager will be displayed. Then
drop the item onto the target Dataset.
Note 3: The value copied is the value in engineering units, irrespective of any scaling or the type of the

Commands displayed when you drag a source in a Dataset and drop it onto a target in the same

Target (same Dataset)

Dataset Group User Group Parameter
Dataset --- --- Add reference ---
Group --- Copy Add reference ---
Source Copy
User Group --- Copy Add reference ---
Parameter --- --- Add reference Copy

Note: Entries marked --- mean that you cannot drop that source onto that target.
Note: All menus also have a Cancel command so that you can abort the operation.

Commands displayed when you drag a source in a Dataset and drop it onto a target in a different

Target (different Dataset)

Dataset Group User Group Parameter
Dataset Assign Dataset Copy Copy ---
Copy by tag
Group Copy by tag Copy Copy ---
Source Copy by tag Copy by tag
User Group Copy by tag Copy Copy ---
Copy by tag Copy by tag
Add reference
Parameter Copy by tag Copy by tag Add reference Copy

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Note: Entries marked --- mean that you cannot drop that source onto that target.
Note: All menus also have a Cancel command so that you can abort the operation.

Next topic
Matching conditions for copy operations
Previous topic
User-defined groups

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Copying the value of a watched variable to a Dataset

To copy the value of a watched variable to the corresponding parameter in a Dataset:

1. Right-click on the variable in the Channelset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Copy to display the Copy to Dataset dialog box.

The dialog box lists all the Datasets open in the Navigator that have a parameter with the same
identifier, type and size as the selected Channelset variable.
3. Click on the Dataset in the list to which you want to copy the value.
4. Press OK.
Next topic
Saving a Channelset
Previous topic
Switching Watching on and off

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Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another

To copy the values of a selection of cells in a table:

1. Select the cells (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).
2. Choose Copy cells into Clipboard from the Edit > Control submenu or the menu displayed
when you right-click in the table.
Note: If the selection is discontinuous, the cells will be copied as a continuous table (for example, if you
copy columns 1 and 3 in a table, they will become columns 1 and 2 in the table in the clipboard).
To paste the copied values into a table (which can be the same or a different table):
1. Click in the cell where you want the first value pasted (the top left-hand corner of the selection).

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2. Choose Paste into Table from the Edit>Control submenu or the menu displayed when you
right-click in the table.
Any cells in the pasted table extending beyond the table you are pasting into will be ignored.
Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum
value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively.
Next topic
Using the Table Editor to view and edit data
Previous topic
Interpolating the values across a selection

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Creating and working with AutoCal data controls

To view, edit and control data in AutoCal, you place controls on a panel.
This section of the Help system begins by showing you several ways to create controls and how to link the
controls to data. It goes on to show you how to select, move, resize, delete, copy, cut and paste controls,
and how to set various control properties.
Press {button ,AL(`control',1,`',`')} for details of individual controls.
Next topic
Placing controls on a panel
Previous topic
Taking snapshots of parameter values

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Creating, saving and opening panels in AutoCal

To create a new panel:

Choose Panel from the File menu (or press cTRL+N).

To save a panel with a new name:
1. Click in the panel to select it.
2. Choose Save As from the File menu to display the Save As dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
3. Use the Save As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the panel - see the context-
sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
4. Click Save to save the file and close the dialog box.
To save a previously saved panel again into the same file:
1. Click in the panel to select it.

2. Choose Save from the File menu. If the panel has not been saved previously, the Save As
dialog box will be displayed so that you can enter a name and location with which to save the
To open a previously saved panel:

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1. If they are not already open and you want the controls relinked to their parameters, open the
Datasets linked to the panel.

2. Choose Panel... from the File menu to display the Open dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
3. Use the Open dialog box to select the folder and file containing the panel - see the context-
sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
4. Click Open to open the panel.
Provided you opened the Datasets first, the controls will be relinked to their parameters.
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Design mode
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Deleting, copying and pasting controls

To delete one or more controls from a panel:

1. Select the control(s).
2. Choose Delete from the Edit menu or press ctrl+del.
To copy one or more controls, including any links, to the Windows ® clipboard:
1. Select the control(s).
2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu or press ctrl+c.
To cut one or more controls, including any links, to the Windows ® clipboard:
1. Select the control(s).
2. Choose Cut from the Edit menu or press ctrl+x.
To paste one or more controls, including any links, from the Windows ® clipboard onto a panel:
Choose Paste from the Edit menu or press ctrl+v.
The control will be placed on the panel to the right of the selected control (if more than one is selected, it is
placed to the right of the one that was selected first; if none is selected, it will be placed near the top left-
hand corner of the panel).
Next topic
Setting control properties
Previous topic
Aligning controls on a panel

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Documenting a Dataset

To document a Dataset:
1. Right-click on the Dataset in the Navigator to pop up a menu.

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2. Choose Dataset Information to display the Dataset Information dialog box:

The read-only boxes at the top of the dialog box show the name of the Dataset file and the
Application Name, Description and Version number defined in the Metafile.
2. Enter or edit text in the Dataset Description box to document the Dataset.
3. To add a time-stamped comment, press New Comment to display the New Comment dialog

4. Enter the comment and press OK. The new comment will be added to the list in the Comments

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5. To edit a time-stamped comment, double-click in the Comment field to place a cursor and edit
the text in the normal way.
Note: If your comment is wider than the Comment column, the fact that some of the comment is not
visible is shown by the ellipsis mark ... (see the example above). You can see the rest of the
comment by placing a cursor in the Comment field and moving the cursor to the right. However, you
can also change the width of the columns in the Comments table by dragging the dividing lines in
the heading bar. If you drag the right-hand dividing line off the right-hand side of the table, a
horizontal scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the table so that you can scroll to see the full text in
the comment.
6. Press OK to close the dialog box.
As well as the time-stamped user comments, AutoCal also prompts you to enter a time-stamped comment
when you save the Dataset, patch parameter values in an ECU or send data to an ECU - see for example
Saving and removing Datasets.
You can view the comment later using the Dataset information dialog box as above, for example:

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Note: No entry is made in the table if you do not enter a comment.

Next topic
Searching for Datasets
Previous topic
Version folders

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The Edit menu has the following commands:

Cut Removes the selected control(s) and place it on the Windows®

Copy Copy the selected control(s) onto the Windows® clipboard

Paste Paste the contents of the Windows® clipboard onto the panel

Delete Delete the selected control(s)

Select All Select all objects on the displayed panel
Insert Visual Object... Display the Insert Control dialog box so that you can choose a
control, and then place selected control on the panel
Control Object Submenu (Control is the name of the selected control)
Properties Display the Properties dialog box for selected control
Data Source Properties This function is not implemented in this release of the software

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Edit Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Edit Control Properties dialog box and set those
properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Edit Controls.

Next topic
Viewing and editing the data
Previous topic
Using the Edit Control to view and edit data

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Editing a single data value

To edit a single data value in a table:

1. Make sure the cell containing the data is displayed.
2. Click on the value in the cell.
Note: You can also change which cell is selected by pressing the arrow keys, CTRL + an arrow key and
the Page Up/Down keys.
If the cell contains a scalar value spin buttons will appear at the right-hand end of the cell:

If the cell contains an enumeration, a drop-down list box will appear:

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(Note that this example is not taken from Sample.dat.)

3. Edit a scalar value by typing in a new value or by clicking on a spin button to increase or
decrease the value; edit an enumeration by selecting a new value from the drop-down list or by
typing in the new value (the value you type in must be exactly one of the possible enumeration -
for example, the case of all letters must be the same).
4. Use an arrow key to move to the next cell, if required.
If you try to enter a value greater than the maximum or less than the minimum value set in the Metafile, the
value will be set to the maximum or minimum value, respectively.
Next topic
Selecting a group of cells in a table
Previous topic
Editing table data

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Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control

To select an item in the Parameter Viewer Control:

Click on it.
You can use the Up/Down arrow, Page Up/Page Down and Home/End keys to change the selection in the
Parameter Viewer Control.
You can scroll the Parameter Viewer Control using the left and right arrow keys.
Double-clicking on an item (or selecting the item and pressing the RETURN key) in the ParamView control
has the following effects:
Item Effect
Parameter Group Displays contents of group in the ParamView control.
Parameter table Opens a table editor window with the parameter table loaded - see Using
the Table Editor to view and edit data.
Scalar parameter Selects the value in the Value column (shown by highlighting) so that it
can be edited.
Enumeration parameter Displays a drop-down list box in the Value column so that you can select
one of the enumerated values.

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Note: Enumeration parameters are parameters that can only take one of a fixed set of values. These
values are enumerated in the Metafile by an 'enum' declaration.
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Using the Table Control to view and edit data
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Viewing data using a Parameter Viewer Control

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Editing data using the 2-D Graph Control

You can use the 2-D Graph Control (unless it is in pie chart mode) to edit the data it displays.
For example, to edit data in a Plot:
1. Place the pointer over the data point you want to change:

2. Drag the data point to its new position:

You can edit the data using Area, Bar Graph and Stacking Bar charts using a similar technique - the data
points are not shown as circles in these charts, so you drag the edge of the area or bar.
Editing the data in this way is quick and easy, but can be less precise than entering the data directly in a
table. However, if you display the table in a Table Control or the Table Editor, you will be able to see the
exact value of the data as you adjust it in the 2-D Graph Control.
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Using the Edit Control to view and edit data

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2-D Graph Control - Chart Recorder properties

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Editing data with the button control

To turn a latching button control on or off:

Click on the button.
To turn a non-latching button control on:
Move the pointer over the button control and press the mouse button. The button will turn off
when you release the mouse button.
Next topic
The Static Text Control
Previous topic
Button Control properties

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Editing table data

You can edit the value of an individual cell in a table (see Editing a single data value) or edit the values of a
group of cells together (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).
When you edit the values for a selection of cells you can:
· set them all to the same value
· add a fixed amount to their current values
· multiply their current values by a fixed amount
· interpolate the values between one end of the selection and the other
· copy a block of cells from one part of a table to another
Next topic
Editing a single data value
Previous topic
Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions

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Editing the data using a Slider Control

To edit the data linked to a slider control:

Press the following keyboard keys:

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Key Action
Down arrow decrease value by a small amount
or left arrow for a horizontal slider
or right arrow for a vertical slider
Up arrow increase value by a small amount
or right arrow for a horizontal slider
or left arrow for a vertical slider
Page Down decrease value by a larger amount
Page Up increase value by a larger amount
Home set to lowest value
End set to highest value

If the Mouse Select property is set, you can also set the slider position using the mouse.
To adjust the setting of a slider control using the mouse:
Click to the right or left of the slider to move the slider in increments of half a graduation.
Drag the slider to the appropriate position.

Next topic
Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data
Previous topic
Slider Control properties

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The File menu has the following commands:

Panel Creates a new panel

Panel... Displays the Open dialog box so that you can open a previously
saved panel
Close Closes the selected panel
Save Saves the selected panel to its existing file - displays the Save As
dialog box if not previously saved
Save As... Displays the Save As dialog box so that you can enter a location and
file name for saving the selected panel
Open Workspace... Displays the Open dialog box so that you can open a previously
saved Workspace
Save Workspace Saves the current Workspace to its existing file - displays the Save As
dialog box if not previously saved
Save Workspace As... Displays the Save As dialog box so that you can enter a location and
file name for saving the current Workspace
Design Mode Switches Design mode on or off - the command is checked and the
button depressed when Design Mode is on

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Print Prints a screen shot of the selected panel

Most recently used files The File menu lists the names of recently used files - choose the
name from the menu to re-open it
Exit Close ToolBench

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See Setting control properties for how to display the Properties dialog box for a control.

To set the font used for a component of the control:

1. Choose the component from the Property Name drop-down list. For example: choose
CaptionFont to set the font used for the caption, value and unit in Slider, Thermometer etc
controls; GraduationFont to set the font used for the scale on these controls; Edit to set the
font used for the data in an edit control; and so on.
2. Choose a typeface from the Font box.
3. Choose Regular, Bold, Italic or Bold Italic from the Font Style box.
4. Check Strikeout and/or Underline from the Effects box to apply these effects to the text.
5. Press Apply to set the font for the selected control component without closing the dialog box so
that you can set the font for other components; press OK to set the font for the component and
close the dialog box.
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Setting Data Source properties
Previous topic

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Calibration Manager Windows® style navigator

Control The tool used to control, edit or view the data
Dataset The parameters used by the ECU’s control logic
Design Mode Switch Design Mode on to define the type and layout of controls; switch it off to
work with controls to calibrate ECU.
You can carry out all operations when working with Design Mode On but
switching Design Mode Off locks the controls in position so that you can
concentrate on using them
Workspace Saved file including the panels and the Data Manager/Navigator
Device The mechanical element controlled by the ECU
Electronic Control Unit A module that receives data from sensors monitoring external parameters
(ECU) (such as engine speed, barometric pressure and load), and adapts its control
strategy to suit the monitored variables
Legend On a Graph Control, a list showing the color used to identify each of the curves
on a graph
Metafile, Script A text document, created by an AutoCal user, defining the format and structure
of data controlling the embedded application.
Metafile, Binary A binary file describing the format and structure of data controlling the
embedded application
Metafile Compiler Converts script Metafiles to binary Metafiles
Off-line editing Editing a Dataset in AutoCal with no active connection to the ECU
On-line editing Editing a Dataset in AutoCal, and sending edited parameters to the ECU while
it is controlling the device
Panel The area on which controls are dropped and parameters controlled, edited and
Patching Sending edited parameters to the ECU while it is controlling the device -
carrying out On-line editing
Read Dataset Copy data from the ECU into AutoCal
Regrade Update the version of a Dataset in the ECU
Previous topic
Controls Toolbar

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The Help menu has the following commands:

Help Contents... Display the Contents page for the Help system
About... Display the About dialog box showing information about the version

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of ToolBench you are running

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Navigator pop-up menus
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Indicator Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Indicator Control Properties dialog box and set
those properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Indicator Controls.
Note: The Indicator will show its ‘off’ state (Red and showing the ‘Off’ text - see below) if the value of the
linked parameter is in the lower half of its allowed range set in the Metafile; otherwise it will be in its
‘on’ state.
The Indicator Control Properties dialog box also has an Indicator page:

To set the text shown by the Indicator Control:

Enter the text to be displayed when the Indicator is On and Off. The length of the text is limited
by the size of the control - if it will not fit in the control it won’t be displayed.
Next topic
Using the Button Control to control data
Previous topic
Thermometer Control properties

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Interpolating the values across a selection

To interpolate the values across a selection (this operation does not apply to enumerated values):
1. Set the contents of the cells at the ends of the selection to the required values (see Editing a
single data value).

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2. Select the block of cells through which you want to interpolate the values (see Selecting a group
of cells in a table).
3. Choose Interpolate Selection from the Edit > Control submenu or the menu displayed when
you right-click in the table.
The values of the cells will be linearly interpolated between the values at the ends of the selection using the
axis settings. For example, the values in the selected row have been set by interpolation:

Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum
value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively - this can
happen if the value of one of the intermediate axis points is greater or less than the values of the
axis points at the ends of the selection.
Next topic
Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another
Previous topic
Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount

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The Layout menu has the following commands:

Centre in Panel Submenu

Horizontal Centres selected control to the horizontal centre of the panel
Vertical Centres selected control to the vertical centre of the panel
Align Controls Submenu
Left Aligns all selected controls to the left-hand edge of the control furthest
to the left
Right Aligns all selected controls to the right-hand edge of the control
furthest to the right
Top Aligns all selected controls to the top edge of the control nearest to
the top
Bottom Aligns all selected controls to the lower edge of the control nearest to
the bottom
Horizontal Centre Aligns the horizontal centre of each selected control to the horizontal
centre of all the selected controls

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Vertical Centre Aligns the vertical centre of each selected control to the vertical centre
of all the selected controls
Snap To Grid When selected, edges of controls will be forced to align with the grid
when you create them
Change Grid Spacing... Displays the Change Grid Spacing dialog box so that you can set the
X and Y spacing of the alignment grid

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Alignment toolbox

The Alignment Toolbox contains a collection of tools for aligning controls with each other:

The equivalent commands all appear on the Align Controls submenu in the Layout menu.

Menu command Action

Left Aligns all selected controls to the left-hand edge of the control
furthest to the left
Right Aligns all selected controls to the right-hand edge of the control
furthest to the right
Top Aligns all selected controls to the top edge of the control
nearest to the top
Bottom Aligns all selected controls to the lower edge of the control
nearest to the bottom
Horizontal Centre Aligns the horizontal centre of each selected control to the
horizontal centre of all the selected controls
Vertical Centre Aligns the vertical centre of each selected control to the vertical
centre of all the selected controls

Next topic
Controls Toolbox
Previous topic
General Toolbar

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Linking data to controls

To link data to a control (if you did not link it to a parameter when you created it, or if you want to link it to a
different parameter):
1. Display the parameter in the Navigator (or a ParamView control - see Using the Parameter
Viewer Control (ParamView)).
2. Drag the parameter onto the control.
Note: An advantage of using a ParamView control here is that it shows a description of the parameter so
that you can check that you are linking the parameter to a suitable type of control.
Note: The Navigator shows when a Dataset has unsaved changes with an asterisk between the Dataset
icon and the Dataset name - the parameters that have been changed are marked similarly:

Next topic
Relinking controls to parameters in a different Dataset
Previous topic
Placing controls on a panel

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Marking variables for watching

AutoCal allows you to mark variables so that you can switch Watching on or off for all the marked variables
(or all the marked variables in a group) at the same time.
To mark (or unmark) an individual variable:
1. Right-click on the variable that you want to mark (unmark) to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Marked for Watching.
To mark (or unmark) all the variables in a group or the whole Channelset together:
1. Right-click on the group or the whole Channelset that you want to mark (unmark) to pop up a
2. Choose Mark All (or Unmark All).
When a variable is marked, the command is checked in the menu and the variable is marked by a tick in
the Data Manager:

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The two variables in the User defined group are marked; the other variables are unmarked.
Note: All marked variables are shown with a tick - blue if they are not currently being watched and red if
they are. However, a red tick does not necessarily mean that the variable is marked since all
currently watched variables are shown with a red tick whether marked or not. To check if a watched
variable is also marked, right-click on it and see if the Marked for Watching command is checked,
or look at the variable properties.
When you save a Channelset, the marked/unmarked status of each variable is also saved and will be
restored when you open it again.
Next topic
Setting the rate for periodic watching and marking variables
Previous topic
Periodic and state watching

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This section gives a summary of the commands in the following menus:


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Navigator pop-up menus
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Menus and Toolbars - summary

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Menus and Toolbars summary

This section of the Help system contains information about each of the menus and toolbars in the program.
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Removing a Channelset

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Moving and resizing controls on a panel

Note The setting of Snap to Grid in the Layout menu or the menu displayed when you right-click in the
panel has no effect on moving or resizing controls.
To resize a control on a panel:
1. Click on the control to select it - the border of the control will be hatched and there will be drag
handles at the corners and middle of each side:

2. Move the pointer over one of the drag handles - the pointer will change to a two-headed arrow
showing the direction in which you can reshape the control.
3. Drag the box to resize/reshape the control.

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To move one or more controls on a panel:

1. Select the control(s).
2. Move the pointer over the border of the control (avoid the drag handles if you are just moving
one control; move the pointer over the border of any of the controls if you are moving more than
one) - the pointer will change to a four-headed arrow.
3. Drag the control to the required position on the panel.
Next topic
Aligning controls on a panel
Previous topic
Selecting controls

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Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount

To multiply the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount (this operation does not apply to enumerated
1. Select the cells (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).
2. Choose Block Multiply from the Edit > Control submenu or the menu displayed when you
right-click in the table to display the Block Multiply dialog box.
3. Enter the value by which you want to multiply each value in the selected cells.
4. Press OK to close the dialog box and carry out the operation.
Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum
value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively.
Next topic
Interpolating the values across a selection
Previous topic
Adding a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells

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Opening Channelsets

To open a Channelset:
1. In the Navigator, right-click on Calibration Manager to display a pop-up menu.
2. Choose Open to display a standard Windows® Open dialog box.
3. In the Files of type drop-down list box, either select Metafiles (.met) if you want to open a
compiled Metafile, or select AutoCal Files (.dat; .ise) to open a Channelset (.ise file) saved
previously in AutoCal.
4. Use the Look in drop-down list and the file/folder list box to select the drive and folder
containing the required Channelset - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you
need more information.
The files of the type selected at Step 3 will be listed.
5. Select the required file and press Open, or just double-click on the file.

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Note: You can select more than one file by extending the selection using SHIFT-click and/or CTRL-click in
the normal way. In this way you can open Channelsets and Datasets at the same time.
The Channelset will be displayed in the appropriate version folder in the Navigator (the color of the icons
distinguishes Channelsets (red) from Datasets (yellow)):

The Channelset lists the variables that you can watch.

Next topic
Channelset user-defined groups
Previous topic
Channelsets - monitoring variables in the ECU

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Opening a Dataset

To open a Dataset (such as the sample Dataset created in Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a
sample Dataset):
1. Launch Pi ToolBench.
2. Right-click on Calibration Manager in the Navigator to display a pop-up menu.
3. Choose Open to display the Open Dataset dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
4. In the Files of type drop-down list box, either select Metafiles (.met) if you want to open a
compiled Metafile (such as the Metafile saved in Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create
sample data), or select AutoCal Files (.dat; .ise) to open a Dataset saved previously in
Note: The .ise files are Channelsets, which you use to monitor variables in the ECU.

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5. Use the Look in drop-down list and the file/folder list box to select the drive and folder
containing the required Dataset - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need
more information.
The files of the type selected at Step 4 will be listed.
6. Select the required file (for example Sample.met for the file containing the sample data).
Note: You can select more than one file by extending the selection using SHIFT-click and/or CTRL-click in
the normal way. In this way you can open Datasets and Channelsets at the same time.
7. Click Open.
A numbered green folder will appear under Calibration Manager:

The number next to the folder is the version number given in the Metafile.
To see the Dataset (Metafiles are converted into Datasets when they are loaded into AutoCal):
Click on the + icon next to the folder to open it:

You can close the folder again by clicking on the - icon.

Next topic
Dataset linked and parameter changed indicators
Previous topic
Working with Datasets

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Opening found Datasets

To open all the Datasets found during a disk search:

1. Right-click on Search Results to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Open Results.
To open one of the Datasets found during a disk search:
1. Right-click on the Dataset in Search Results to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Open Result.
Next topic
Removing found Datasets from Search Results
Previous topic
Viewing the comments in found Datasets

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AutoCal provides a programmable software interface to the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) in an engine.
Using AutoCal, you can:
· View and edit the control parameters in the ECU to optimize the control logic
· View instrumentation variables, such as rpm or fluid temperatures and pressures, while the engine is
The control parameters and variables can be of many different types (such as integer, floating point or
enumerated values) and structure (such as, single-valued scalars or one, two or three dimensional tables).
AutoCal provides a wide range of controls for viewing and editing all these types of values, including:
· Virtual instruments such as analog meters, thermometers, bars and sliders.
· 2D graphs.
· Buttons.
· Text and Table controls.
The control parameters for an ECU are defined in a file called a Dataset, which can be created using Pi’s
Metafile Compiler. Datasets can be edited off-line or on-line:
· To edit a Dataset off-line, you can either:
(a) Open a file containing a saved version of the Dataset, or
(b) Connect to the ECU, read the Dataset, and then disconnect.
You can then edit the Dataset in AutoCal and either save the edited version to download to the
Dataset at a later time, or connect to the ECU and download the Dataset to the ECU immediately.
· To edit a calibration on-line, you set the Dataset to ‘patching’ mode - AutoCal first sends the current
state of the Dataset from the PC to the ECU; then, until you leave patching mode, any changes you
make to the Dataset parameters in AutoCal are sent immediately to the ECU while it is running.
The instrumentation variables are also defined in a file, which is called a Channelset and which can also be
created using Pi’s Metafile Compiler.
Typical applications for AutoCal include:
· debugging new ECU control logic;
· optimizing operation by fine-tuning individual control parameters for a device while it is running;
· reprogramming an ECU to accommodate changing requirements.
Main sections of the Help system
The AutoCal interface
Working with Datasets
Creating and working with AutoCal data controls
AutoCal data controls
User setups
Comparing Datasets
Communicating with the ECU
Menus and Toolbars - summary
See also
Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset

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single source

Parameter Viewer Control Properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the ParamView Control Properties dialog box:

1. Check Display Path to show the complete path to the parameter in the control’s title bar instead
of just the parameter’s name.
2. Click on a radio button to choose whether values should be displayed in:
· Engineering Units
· ECU units in Decimal format
· ECU units in Hex format.
Next topic
Viewing data using a Parameter Viewer Control
Previous topic
Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView)

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Periodic and state Watching

You can watch one, two and three-dimensional table parameters as well as scalar parameters. However,
for efficiency, table parameters are not watched in quite the same way as scalar parameters:
· For scalar variables, AutoCal polls the ECU periodically (at a rate that you can set) and updates the
value of the Channelset parameter in AutoCal - this is called periodic watching since the Channelset
parameter is updated periodically irrespective of whether it has actually changed.
· For table variables, AutoCal waits until it receives a message from the Communications Service
saying that the table has changed in the ECU, and then updates the value of the Channelset
parameter in AutoCal - this is called state watching since the Channelset parameter is only updated if
the state of the table in the ECU changes.
Terminology: A table parameter that is being state watched is called an adaptive map.

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Next topic
Linking watch variables to controls
Previous topic
Channelset user-defined groups

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Placing controls on an AutoCal panel

You can place controls on a panel:

· Using the Controls toolbox
· Using a menu command
· Using the Navigator or a ParamView control.
To place a control on a panel using the Controls toolbox:
1. Press the required control’s button in the toolbox - the button will be shown as depressed in the
2. Drag out the required outline of the control on the panel (drag from the top left-hand corner to
the bottom right-hand corner).
Drag the required control from the Controls toolbox onto the panel - the control will be placed
on the panel with a default size and with its top left-hand corner at the point you dropped it.
To place a control on a panel using a menu command:
1. Choose Insert Visual Object from the Edit menu (or the menu displayed when you right-click in
the panel) to display the Insert Control dialog box:

2. Click on the required control in the list to select it.

3. Press OK to place the control on the panel with a default size and position.
To place a control on a panel and link it to a parameter in a Dataset at the same time:
1. Display the parameter in the Navigator or a ParamView control.
2. Drag the parameter from the Navigator or ParamView control over the panel to the required
position .
3. Drop the parameter in the required position.
The Insert Control dialog box will be displayed:

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4. Click on the required control in the list to select it.

5. Press OK to place the control on the panel with a default size in the selected position.
Next topic
Linking data to controls
Previous topic
Creating and working with AutoCal data controls

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Reading a Dataset from the ECU

Note: In order to read a Dataset from the ECU, you must first open a Dataset with the same configuration
in AutoCal. When you read the Dataset from the ECU, it will overwrite the Dataset in AutoCal.
1. Open the appropriate Dataset (see Opening a Dataset).
2. Select the Dataset in the Navigator.
3. Right-click on the Dataset in the Navigator to pop up a menu, and choose Read Dataset from
The Read Dataset Succeeded dialog box will be displayed when the process is complete.
4. Select the Dataset in the Navigator.
5. Press OK to close the dialog box.
Next topic
Channelsets - monitoring variables in the ECU
Previous topic
Sending a Parameter On-line - patching

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Regrading a Dataset

When you create a new version of a metafile the structure of existing Datasets from the previous version
may become invalid. AutoCal allows you to ‘regrade’ existing Datasets to match the structure of a new
version of the metafile.
To regrade a Dataset:
1. Right-click on the Dataset in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.

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2. Choose Regrade Dataset from the pop-up menu to display the Select Metafile To Convert To
dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® Open dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box to select the new version of the metafile and press Open to display the Save
Regraded Calibration As dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® Save dialog box.
4. Use the dialog box to select a folder for the Dataset and enter a name for it.
The new regraded Dataset will be loaded into the Navigator and the Regrade Output dialog box will be
displayed summarizing the actions taken:

You can select text in the dialog box using the usual Windows ® techniques - for example, drag the cursor
through the text, or click at the beginning of the selection and SHIFT-click at the end or right click in the text
box to pop up a menu and choose Select All.
To copy the text selected in the Regrade Output dialog box to the Windows® clipboard:
Right click in the text box to pop up a menu and choose Copy.
You can paste the copied text into a word processor or text editor.
Next topic
Choosing the units for a parameter
Previous topic
Saving and removing Datasets

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Relinking controls to parameters in a different Dataset

To relink the controls that are linked to one Dataset (Dataset A for example), to parameters with the same
name in a different Dataset (Dataset B for example):
1. Drag the Dataset icon for Dataset A and drop it on the icon for Dataset B.
A menu will pop up.
2. Choose Assign Dataset to link the controls previously linked to parameters in Dataset A to the
equivalent parameters in Dataset B.

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Note: If you drop the Dataset on one of the parameters or parameter groups in the target Dataset, the
menu will contain the Copy Tree Parameters command, allowing you to copy parameter values
from Dataset B to Dataset B - see Copying data - Mix and Match for details.
Next topic
Selecting controls
Previous topic
Linking data to controls

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Removing a Channelset

To remove a Channelset from the Navigator:

1. Right-click on the Channelset in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove Channelset from the pop-up menu.
The Channelset entry will be removed from the Navigator.
Next topic
Menus and Toolbars - summary
Previous topic
Saving a Channelset

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Removing found Datasets from Search Results

To remove all the Datasets from Search Results:

1. Right-click on Search Results to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove Results.
To remove one of the Datasets found during a disk search:
1. Right-click on the Dataset in Search Results to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove Result.
Next topic
Accessing data
Previous topic
Opening found Datasets

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Saving a Channelset

Note: Channelsets are saved in files with a ‘.ise’ extension.

To save a Channelset:
1. Right-click on the Channelset icon in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.

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2 Either, if the Channelset has been saved previously in AutoCal and you want to save it again in
the same file:
Choose Save Channelset.
Or, if you want to save the Channelset for the first time, or want to save it in a new file:
a. Choose Save As from the pop-up menu to display the Save As dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
b. Use the Save As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the Channelset - see
the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
c. Press Save to save the Channelset.
When the Channelset is saved, any user groups you have created, the Watching state of the variables and
their polling rates will be saved.
Next topic
Removing a Channelset
Previous topic
Copying the value of a watched variable to a Dataset

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Saving and removing Datasets

Note: Dataset are saved in files with a ‘.dat’ extension.

The Navigator shows when a Dataset has unsaved changes by displaying an asterisk between the Dataset
icon and the Dataset name - the parameters that have been changed are marked similarly:

To save a Dataset with a new name:

1. Right-click on the Dataset in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Save As from the pop-up menu to display the Save As dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
3. Use the Save As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the Dataset - see the
context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
4. Press Save to display the Save Dataset As dialog box:

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5. Type into the Enter comment box any comment you want saved with the Dataset - the
comment will be timestamped to show the time the Dataset was saved. See Documenting a
Dataset for how to view comments and add them to Datasets at other times.
6. Enter or edit your name in the Who box and the location in the Where box - these context fields
will be appended to the comment.
7. Uncheck Copy existing comments to new dataset if you want the new comment to replace
any existing ones; leave it checked if you want to add it to the existing comments.
8. Press OK to save the Dataset.
To save a Dataset after you have changed it using its current name:
1. Right-click on the Dataset in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Save from the pop-up menu to display the Save Dataset dialog box:

3. Type into the Enter comment box any comment you want saved with the Dataset - the
comment will be timestamped to show the time the Dataset was saved.
4. Enter or edit your name in the Who box and the location in the Where box - these context fields
will be appended to the comment.
5. Press OK to save the Dataset.

To remove a Dataset from the Navigator:

1. Right-click on the Dataset in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove Dataset from the pop-up menu.
If there are any unsaved changes, you will be asked if you want to save them.
The Dataset entry will be removed from the Navigator.

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To remove all of the Datasets from the Navigator:

1. Right-click on Calibration Manager in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove All from the pop-up menu.
If there are any unsaved changes in any of the Datasets, you will be asked if you want to save them.
Next topic
Regrading a Dataset
Previous topic
Reverting a parameter to its last saved value

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Search Criteria dialogue box - Keywords page

The Keywords page in the Search Criteria dialog box allows you to set conditions on the text contained in
the Dataset comments list:

To specify conditions on the text contained in the Dataset comments list:

1. Check Keywords if you want to search for specific text in the Dataset comments and enter the
required text in the Keywords box.
· Separate alternative keywords with semicolons. The search will succeed if any of the
keywords is found.
· See Step 4 for how to use regular expressions in searches.
2. Check Match whole words only if you want the search to succeed only if the comment
contains exactly the word(s) in the Keywords box. For example:
save will only find save if Match whole words only is checked, but will find both save
and saved if it is unchecked.
3. Check Match case if you want the search to succeed only if the comment contains the text in
the Keywords box with exactly the same case.
4. Check Regular expression if you want to the Keywords interpreted as regular expressions
rather than literally - see the table below for the special characters that can be used in regular

Character Description Examples

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search string matches

() Defines a subexpression see below for
within the regular examples
| Matches either of the fi|are fire
subexpressions on each
side of the |
t(hrot)|(ur)tle throttle
[] Matches any of the 1[234]5 125
subexpressions between
the brackets

[89(10)]5 85
[-] Matches any character in 1[2-4]5 125
the (alphabetical) range

[b-e]at bat
[^ ] Matches any character [^1] any character except 1
except those following ^ in
the brackets [^0-9] any character except a digit

^ Matches the subexpression ^(patched) patched by John Doe

following the ^ if it occurs at
but not
the beginning of the string
dataset patched by John Doe
$ Matches the subexpression $(injector) calibrated injector
following the $ if it occurs
but not
at the end of the string
injector calibrated
. Matches any character s...d saved
* Matches the previous spee*d sped
subexpression zero or
more times

+ Matches the previous spe+d sped

subexpression one or more
? Matches the previous spee?d sped
subexpression zero or one
but not speeed
\ Matches the special \(25\) (25)
character following \

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Note: The comments found by the Keywords search criteria must also satisfy any Timestamps criteria -
see the next topic.
Next topic
Search Criteria dialog box - Timestamps page
Previous topic
Search Criteria dialog box - Location page (disk searching only)

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Search Criteria dialogue box - Location page (disk searching only)

The Location page in the Search Criteria dialog box allows you to set conditions on the location, names
and types of the Dataset files searched for:

To specify conditions on the location, names and types of the Dataset files searched for:
1. In the File spec box, specify the names of the files to be found.
· You can use the * and ? wild panels in the usual way to specify a class of names. For
*.dat will search all .dat files
s*.dat will search all .dat files with file name beginning with s
???.dat will search all .dat files with three letter file names.
· You can use a semicolon to specify multiple file specifications. For example:
s*.dat; p*.met will search all .dat files beginning with s or p.
2. In the Search Paths box, specify the folders where the files are to be found.
· You can use a semicolon to specify multiple paths - all the paths will be searched.

· You can press the button to display a folder browser so that you can select the required
folder path rather than have to type it in the path. If you have already specified a path, the
new path will be added to the existing one with a semicolon separator.
3. Check Include subfolders if you want to search all the folders within the folders specified in the
Search Paths box; uncheck it if you just want to find files directly within the specified folders.
Next topic
Search Criteria dialog box - Keywords page
Previous topic

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Setting Search Criteria

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Search Criteria dialogue box - Timestamps page

The Timestamps page in the Search Criteria dialog box allows you to set conditions on the date and time
of any comments satisfying any Keywords criteria:

If you do not want to set any conditions on the time or date of comments:
Click on the All comments radio button.
To specify conditions on the date and time of comments, do one of the following:
· To search for Datasets containing comments added within a set number of days:
1. Click on the during the previous ... day(s) radio button.
2. Click on the up/down arrows at the right-hand edge of the day(s) box or type in the required
· To search for Datasets containing comments added within a set number of months:
1. Click on the during the previous ... month(s) radio button.
2. Click on the up/down arrows at the right-hand edge of the month(s) box or type in the required
· To search for Datasets containing comments added between two specified dates:
1. Click on the between ... and ... radio button.
2. To set the earliest and latest dates in the range, either:
Click on the day, month and year figures in turn and type in the required numbers.
Click the down-arrow to display a calendar so that you can specify the dates - see the
instructions later in this topic for how to use the calendar.
3. If you want to refine the range by specifying times within the earliest and/or latest dates, check
the check boxes in the relevant time box. Then, click on the Hours figure and type in the
required number, or click on the up/down arrows at the right-hand edge of the time box. Repeat
for the Minutes and Seconds.
To specify a date using a calendar:
1. Click on the down arrow at the right-hand side of the date box to display the calendar:

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The selected date is highlighted.

2. If required, click on Today to set the calendar to today’s date.
3. To change the year, click on the Year at the top of the calendar to display an edit box there:

Use the up/down arrows to change the year.

4. To change the month:
Click on the left or right arrow buttons at the top left-hand and right-hand corners of the
calendar to set the previous or next month.
a. Click on the month to pop up a menu showing the months.
b. Select the required month from the menu.
5. Click on the required day in the calendar.
Next topic
Carrying out a search
Previous topic
Search Criteria dialog box - Keywords page

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Searching for Datasets

AutoCal allows you to search for Dataset using the comments in the Datasets. You can search for Dataset
files on disk or amongst the Datasets loaded into the Navigator. You can search for text in the comments
and/or for the date/time that the comment was added. When searching for Dataset files, you can also
specify the location(s) of the files.
Note: It is important to remember that the search is performed on the comments in the Datasets - if a
Dataset does not contain a comment, it cannot be found by a search.
To search for Datasets:
1. Right-click on Calibration Manager in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Display the Search Criteria dialog box by choosing:
· Find on disk to search for Datasets saved on Disk.
· Search Datasets to search the Datasets loaded into the Navigator.
Note: Once you have displayed the Search Criteria dialog box, any previous search results will be
destroyed. If the search is successful, the previous results will be replaced by the new ones; if the
search is unsuccessful or if you do not carry out the search, the previous results will be removed,
leaving the Search Results empty.
The next topic shows you how to use the Search Criteria dialog box to set search criteria.
Next topic
Setting Search Criteria
Previous topic
Documenting a Dataset

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Selecting a group of cells in a table

To select all the displayed cells of a table with two or more dimensions:
Click on the box where the two axes meet at the top left-hand corner of the table:

Click again to deselect all the cells.

To select all the cells in a column (row):

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Click on the axis box labeling the column (row) - the pointer changes to a vertical (horizontal)
arrow when it is in the box:

To add adjacent columns (rows) to the selection:

Drag the pointer from the selected column’s (row’s) axis box into the axis boxes for the columns
(rows) you want to add.
SHIFT-click in the axis box for last column (row) in the required selection.
To add an individual column (row) to a selection:
CTRL-click in the axis box for the column (row).
To select a block of cells in a table:
Drag from one corner of the block to the diagonally opposite corner.
Press Shift+arrow keys.
Next topic
Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value
Previous topic
Editing a single data value

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Selecting controls

To select one or more controls on a panel:

1. Click on the first control you want to select.
2. CTRL-click (or SHIFT-click) on any other tools you want to add to the selection.
Using the pointer, drag a selection box around the controls you want to select - any controls
completely enclosed by the selection box will become selected.
To select all the controls on a panel:
Choose Select All from the Edit menu or the pop-up menu displayed when you right-click on
the panel’s background.
Next topic

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Moving and resizing controls on a panel

Previous topic
Relinking controls to parameters in a different Dataset

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Sending a Dataset Off-line

To send a Dataset to the ECU:

1. Open the Dataset that you want to send to the ECU (see Opening a Dataset).
2. Select the Dataset in the Navigator.
3. Right-click on the Dataset to display a pop-up menu and choose Send Dataset to ECU.
A dialog box will be displayed showing that the Dataset has been sent successfully.
4. Press OK to close the dialog box.

Next topic
Sending a Parameter On-line - patching
Previous topic
Sending a Dataset to the ECU

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Sending a Dataset to the ECU

You can send parameters to the ECU in two ways: off-line, when the complete Dataset is sent; or on-line,
when individual parameters are sent while the ECU is controlling the device.
Next topic
Sending a Dataset Off-line
Previous topic
Transferring data between AutoCal and the ECU

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Sending a Parameter On-line - patching

To patch an ECU:
1. Ensure that you have the correct Dataset for the ECU open in AutoCal.
Note: When you start patching, the complete Dataset will be sent from AutoCal to the ECU before you
make any on-line changes to individual parameters. This means that you may want to read the
Dataset from the ECU before you start patching to ensure there are no other changes before you
start editing the values of individual parameters.
2. Right-click on the Dataset in the Navigator to pop up a menu, and choose Start Patching - the
command will change to Stop Patching - Currently Patching to show that patching is in

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The Patching Indicator will be displayed in the Windows® Task Bar system tray while you are in
patching mode:

Note also that the CAN Connection Indicator will be green to show that there is a current CAN
3. Edit the Dataset as required - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls and the
topics following it.
4. Right-click on the Dataset in the Navigator to pop up a menu, and choose Stop Patching -
Currently Patching.
The Save changes to Dataset dialog box will be displayed:

5. Press Yes to confirm that you want to keep the changes you have made to the Dataset (in the
ECU and in the PC) since starting patching ; press No to revert the Dataset (in the ECU and in
the PC) to the parameter values it had when you started patching.
The Finished Patching dialog box will be displayed when the changes have been committed or
the Dataset has been reverted to its previous state.
Next topic
Reading a Dataset from the ECU
Previous topic
Sending a Dataset Off-line

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Setting Data Source properties in AutoCal

This function has not been implemented in this release of AutoCal.

Next topic
Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView)
Previous topic

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Setting Search Criteria

The Search Criteria dialog box has a number of pages (three for a disk search; two for a loaded Dataset
search), which enable you to specify the search conditions:
· The Location page allows you to specify the location of the Dataset files and the name and types of
the files (naturally, this is only relevant for disk searching).

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· The Keywords page allows you to specify text that must appear in the Dataset comments for a
Dataset to be found.
· The Timestamps page allows you to specify the dates of the comments specified on the Keywords
When the search is carried out, the results will show the Datasets satisfying all the conditions on all the
pages. The following topics describe each of the Search Criteria dialog box pages in turn.

Next topic
Search Criteria dialog box - Location page (disk searching only)
Previous topic
Searching for Datasets

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Setting AutoCal control properties

As well as being able to change the position, size and shape of controls on the panel, you can customize
their appearance in many other ways. To do this you set the control’s properties.
Note: The following instructions do not apply to Compare controls.
To set a control’s properties:
Choose Properties... from the CtrlType Control Properties submenu in the Edit menu or the
menu displayed when you right-click on the control.
The CtrlType Control Properties dialog box will be displayed.
The CtrlType Control Properties dialog box has a number of different pages. Three of these pages are
common to many controls (though not all of the properties they contain can be applied to all controls) and
are described in General properties - controls. For details of properties specific to each of the different
types of control, see:

Control Click for details


Analog Meter






Static Text


Command Button



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Next topic
General properties
Previous topic
Deleting, copying and pasting controls

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Setting the rate for periodic watching and marking variables

To set the rate at which the data is refreshed for periodic watching (see Periodic and state Watching)
and/or to mark or unmark a variable:
1. Right-click on the variable you want to modify to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Properties to pop up the Watch variable Properties dialog box (where Watch
variable is the name of the selected watch variable):

The example picture shows the appearance of the dialog box when a scalar variable is selected
- the Watch Rate box does not appear if a table variable is selected.
3. For a scalar variable, enter the refresh rate you require in the Watch Rate box.
4. Check Marked for Watching to mark the variable if you want to be able to include it amongst a
set of variables for which Watching can be switched on or off together.
5. Press OK to confirm the settings and close the dialog box.
Next topic
Switching Watching on and off
Previous topic
Marking variables for watching

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Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value

To set the values of a selection of cells to the same value:

1. Select the cells (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).

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2. Choose Fill Selection from the Edit > Control submenu or the menu displayed when you right-
click in the table to display the Block Fill dialog box.
3. Enter the value to which you want to set the selected cells.
4. Press OK to close the dialog box and carry out the operation.
Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum
value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively.
Next topic
Adding a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells
Previous topic
Selecting a group of cells in a table

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Slider Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Slider Control Properties dialog box and set those
properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Edit Controls.
The Slider Control Properties dialog box also has a Slider page:

To set the properties of a slider control:

1. Type the required number of graduations on the slider into the Graduations box. The maximum
allowable is 50.
2. Check Mouse Select if you want to be able to use the mouse to adjust the slider position.
3. Check Highlight if you want the slider control highlighted when it is selected - this will enable
you to see which slider will be adjusted by keyboard input.
Next topic
Editing the data using a Slider Control
Previous topic
Using the Slider Control to view and edit data

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General Toolbar

The General toolbar contains a collection of tools for carrying out file and document operations:

Menu command Action

File > Panel Create a new panel

File > Panel... Display the Open dialog box so that you can open a previously saved
File > Save Save the selected panel to its existing file - display the Save As dialog
box if not previously saved
File > Design Mode Switch Design mode on or off - button depressed when Design mode on

View > Show Grid Show/hide the grid on the panel

Edit > Cut Remove the selected control(s) and place it on the Windows® clipboard

Edit > Copy Copy the selected control(s) onto the Windows® clipboard

Edit > Paste Paste the contents of the Windows® clipboard onto the panel

File > Print Print the selected panel

Help > About Display the About dialog box showing information about the version of
ToolBench you are running
Context-sensitive Help is not implemented in this release of the

Next topic
Alignment Toolbox
Previous topic

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Switching Watching on and off

To switch Watching on or off for an individual watch variable in a Channelset:

1. Right-click on the variable in the Channelset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Watching Parameter or Stop Watching Parameter.
To switch Watching on or off for all the watch variables in a user group:
1. Right-click on the user group icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Watching Group or Stop Watching Group.
To switch Watching on or off for all the marked variables in a group:

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1. Right-click on the group icon to pop up a menu.

2. Choose Start Watching Marked in Group or Stop Watching Marked in Group.
To switch Watching on or off for all the watch variables in a Channelset:
1. Right-click on the Channelset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Watching All or Stop Watching All.
To switch Watching on or off for all the marked variables in the whole Channelset:
1. Right-click on the Channelset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Watching All Marked or Stop Watching All Marked.
Watched variables are shown with a red tick in the Navigator, whether marked or not To check if a watched
variable is also marked, right-click on it and see if the Marked for Watching command is checked, or look
at the variable properties.

Next topic
Logging the values of watched variables to a file
Previous topic
Setting the rate for periodic watching and marking variables

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Table Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the TablCtrl Control Properties dialog box.
None of the properties on the General, Colors and Font pages can be applied to Table Controls. However,
you can apply the properties on the Table Editor page:

To set the Table Control properties:

1. Check Display Name to show a title bar at the top of the Table Control showing the name of the
parameter shown in the table; uncheck it to hide the title bar.
2. Check Display Status to show a Status bar at the bottom of the Table Control; uncheck it to
hide the Status bar. The minimum and maximum values allowed for the parameter are shown at
the right-hand end of the Status bar - you may need to make the control wider to be able to see
these values.

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3. Check Display Path to show the complete path to the parameter in the control’s title bar instead
of just the parameter’s name - this has no effect if Display Name is unchecked.
4. Check Display Toolbar to display a toolbar containing the Axis configuration controls at the
top of the table editor control so that you can change the orientation of the table, and for a three
dimensional table, the point along the third axis, without opening this dialog box.
5. Check Automatic Op Pt to highlight the position in a control table at which the ECU is currently
6. Choose Decimal or Hexadecimal from the Number base drop-down list box to choose how to
display the data.
7. Choose whether to automatically select another cell when you press the ENTER key with a cell
selected, and if so which direction to move. This can greatly speed up data entry.
8. Use the Axis configuration to set the orientation of the table, and for a three dimensional table,
which Plane along the third axis to display - see the next topic for how to do this using the
equivalent Table Control toolbar controls.
Next topic
Viewing table data
Previous topic
Using the Table Control to view and edit data

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Text Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Text Control Properties dialog box and set those
properties on the Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Static Text Control.
The General page in the Static Text Control Properties dialog box is different from that on other
Properties dialog boxes:

To enter the text displayed by the Static Text Control:

Type into the Text box.
Next topic
Using the Command Button control
Previous topic

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The Text Control

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The AutoCal interface

AutoCal runs in the Pi ToolBench Environment:

{bmc bm86.SHG}
Click on the different parts of the picture to find out what they are.
To display or hide a toolbar or the Navigator:
Choose the name of the toolbar or Navigator from the View menu.
The corresponding command is checked in the menu when a toolbar or Navigator is displayed.
The Navigator and all the toolbars can be docked against one of the edges of the ToolBench window - in
the picture the Navigator is docked against the left-hand edge of the window (this is the only position the
Navigator can be docked) and the General and Alignment toolbars are docked against the top edge
(these toolbars and the Controls toolbox can be docked against any edge; the Script Recorder toolbar,
which is not shown in the picture, can only be docked against the top or bottom edge).
The Navigator and all the toolbars can also be made to float so that they can be positioned anywhere on
the desktop - the Controls toolbox in the picture is floating.
To move the navigator or a toolbar:
1. Move the pointer over the edge of the Navigator or toolbar but avoiding the tools.
2. Drag the Navigator or toolbar to the required position.
You can drag a docked toolbar:
· along the window edge it is docked to
· to another window edge
· away from the window edges so that it floats.
You can drag the Navigator when it is docked:
· away from the window edges so that it floats.
You can drag the Navigator or a toolbar when it is floating:
· to any point on the desktop
· to a window edge to dock it there (double-clicking in the title bar of the floating Navigator or toolbar
also docks it).
You use the navigator and the tools on toolbars in exactly the same way whether they are floating or
For summary details for all the tools and menu commands, see Menus and Toolbars - summary.
Next topic
Working with Datasets
Previous topic
Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset

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The Static Text Control

You can use the Static Text Control to place labels or comments on the panel - text controls are not linked
to data in Datasets.

You can create a Static Text Control using the Static Text Control button in the Controls
toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about
creating controls and linking them to data in a Dataset.

Next topic
Text Control properties
Previous topic
Editing data with the button control

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Thermometer Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Thermometer Control Properties dialog box and set
those properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Thermometer Controls.
The Thermometer Control Properties dialog box also has a Thermometer page:

To set the number of divisions to be marked on the thermometer scale:

Enter the number in the Number of divisions box. You can enter from 0 through 100.
Next topic
Indicator Control properties
Previous topic
Bar Control properties

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AutoCal has three toolbars/toolboxes: General, Alignment and Controls.

See The AutoCal interface for general information about working with toolbars.
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General Toolbar
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Navigator pop-up menus

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Item menu

The contents of the Item menu depend on what item is selected in the Navigator - it has the same contents
as the corresponding Navigator pop-up menu.
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User setups

This section of the Help system describes:


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Command Button Control properties

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User-defined groups

In addition to the groups defined in the Metafile, the Navigator shows five user-defined groups. You can use
these to group together sets of parameters that you want to get to quickly without having to navigate the
hierarchy defined in the Metafile.

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Note: The user-defined groups are provided for convenience when you are using AutoCal. Placing a
parameter in a group gives you another way of accessing that parameter - the parameters in user-
defined groups are just shortcuts or references to the original parameters not a new copy that you
can change independently. Adding and using parameters in user-defined groups has no effect on
the way data is downloaded to an ECU.
To add a parameter to a user-defined group:
1. Display the parameter in the Navigator by opening the relevant groups.
2. Drag the parameter and drop it onto the user-defined group.
3. A menu will be displayed allowing you to choose whether to add a 'reference' to the parameter
or cancel the operation.
Note: As you drag the parameter, the pointer has a short-cut icon attached to it to show that you are just
creating another way of accessing the parameter and not changing the structure of the Dataset.
To add all the parameters in a group, another user-defined group, or the complete dataset to a user-defined
1. Drag the group or the dataset onto or into the user-defined group.
2. A menu will be displayed allowing you to choose, when appropriate:
Add Reference - to add references to all the parameters within the group (or dataset) and
within any subgroups within the group (or dataset).
Copy - (not available if you are dragging the dataset) to set the values of the parameters
referred to in the target user-defined group to the values of the parameters in the source group
(see Matching conditions for copy operations for the conditions that must be satisfied if a copy
operation is to succeed).
Cancel Operation.
To copy the structure of a user defined group from one Dataset to another:
1. Drag the source user-defined group onto the target user-defined group.
2. A menu will be displayed.
3. Choose Add Reference.
The parameters in the source user-defined group will be added to the target user-defined group (provided
they appear in the target Dataset), but the values of the parameters will not be changed. This means that
once you have set up the user-defined groups in one Dataset, you can use this technique to copy their
structure (the list of parameters they contain) to other similar Datasets and do not need to build them again
from scratch.
Note: The menu also has Copy and Copy by tag commands: see Copying data - Mix and Match for more
information about these commands.

To remove a parameter from a user-defined group:

1. Right-click on the parameter in the user-defined group to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove.

To empty a user-defined group:

1. Right-click on the group in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove All.

To change the name of a user-defined group:

1. Right-click on the group in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Properties to display the User defined Properties dialog box:

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3. Edit the name shown in the Group Name box.

4. Press OK to close the dialog box and set the new name.

Note: The names and contents of any user-defined groups are saved with the Dataset when you save it.
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Copying data - Mix and Match
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Accessing data

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Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data

AutoCal provides a range of instrument controls for viewing data. These ‘Virtual Instruments’ include:

Analog Meters
You can create these controls using the appropriate control button in the Controls toolbox - see Creating
and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls and linking them to data
in a Dataset.
The following picture shows in the first column an Analog Meter, a Bar, and an Indicator, a Chart Recorder
in the center and a Thermometer on the right-hand side:

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Analog Meter Control properties
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Editing data using a Slider Control

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Using the 2-D Graph Control to view and edit data

2-D Graph Controls allow you to view and edit data in one- and two-dimensional tables.

You can create a 2-D Graph Control using the 2dgraph Control button in the Controls
toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about
creating controls and linking them to data in a Dataset.
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2-D Graph Control properties
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Using the Table Editor to view and edit data

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Using the Button Control to control data

The Button control is an On/Off control with latching and non-latching options.

You can create a Button Control using the Button Control button in the Controls toolbox -
see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating
controls and linking them to data in a Dataset.
Note: When a button is used to turn a parameter on (off), it sets the parameter to the maximum (minimum)
value set for the parameter in the Metafile. This means that turning a parameter on and then off (or
vice versa) does not reset it to its original value if it was not initially at the minimum (maximum)
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Button Control properties

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Indicator Control properties

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Using the Edit Control to view and edit data

Edit Controls allow you to view and edit scalar (single value) parameters (you can link a table to an Edit
Control, but this only allows you to edit the first cell in the table).

You can create an Edit Control using the Edit Control button in the Controls toolbox - see
Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls
and linking them to data in a Dataset.
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Edit Control properties
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Editing data using the 2-D Graph Control

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Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView)

The ParamView control gives a quick way of viewing the contents of items in the Dataset. In particular, it
shows the type of data and any comments added to the script Metafile to help you choose the most suitable
controls for viewing and editing parameters.

You can create a Parameter Viewer control using the ParamView button in the Controls
toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about
creating controls and linking them to data in a Dataset.
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Parameter Viewer Control Properties
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Setting Data Source properties

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Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset

This topic shows you how to create a sample Dataset using the Pi Metafile Compiler. Many of the
instructions in this Help system use this sample Dataset to illustrate AutoCal’s functionality.
Note: The Pi Metafile Compiler is a separate program supplied with Pi ToolBench.
The sample Dataset is in the form of a script Metafile with an .smf extension. Before you can open the
sample Dataset in AutoCal, you need to compile the script Metafile to create a binary Metafile file, which will
be saved with a .met extension.
To compile and save a Metafile:

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1. Launch the Pi Metafile Compiler.

2. Choose Open Sample from the File menu. The Sample.smf Metafile will be displayed in a
3. Choose Compile from the File menu to display the Output window, followed by the Save As
dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
4. Use the Save As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the compiled file - see the
context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
5. Click Save to save the file and close the dialog box.
A message in the Output window will confirm that the file has been saved.
6. Choose Exit from the File menu to close the Pi Metafile Compiler.
You will now be able to open, view and edit the sample Dataset in AutoCal.
Note: You can also use the Pi Metafile Compiler to create, view and edit Channelset metafiles.
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The AutoCal interface
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Using the Slider Control to view and edit data

Slider Controls allow you to view and edit scalar (single value) parameters (you can link a table to a Slider
Control, but this only allows you to edit the first cell in the table).

You can create a Slider Control using the Slider Control button in the Controls toolbox - see
Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls
and linking them to data in a Dataset.
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Slider Control properties
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Viewing and editing the data

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Using the Table Control to view and edit data

You can use a Table Control to view and edit scalar or table parameters.
Note: You can also use a Table Editor to view and edit table data.

You can create a Table Control using the TablCtrl button in the Controls toolbox - see
Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls
and linking them to data in a Dataset.

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Table Control properties

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Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control

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Using the Table Editor to view and edit data

As an alternative to displaying a table in a Table control, you can display it in a Table Editor. You can think
of a Table Editor as an extension of the ParamView control - just as you can rapidly view and change scalar
parameters in the ParamView control without having to create and set up other controls on a panel, a Table
Editor allows you to view and change table parameters without having to create and set up a Table Control.
To display a table in a Table Editor:
1. Display the table parameter in the ParamView control (see Using the Parameter Viewer Control
2. Double-click on the entry for the table.
Note: If you double-click on another table parameter in the same ParamView control, it will be displayed in
the same Table Editor; if you double-click on a table parameter in a different ParamView control, it
will be displayed in a new Table Editor.
The table will be displayed in a Table Editor:

A Table Editor is a free-floating window. You can move it and resize it in exactly the same way as other
When a Table Editor is displayed, you can display other tables in it by dragging the table from the Navigator
or a ParamView control into the Table Editor.
To close a Table Editor:
Click on the Table Editor window’s close button.
Delete the ParamView control from which the Table Editor was created.
The table in a Table Editor is displayed the same way as in a Table Control, and you use the same
techniques for choosing the Axis Orientation, and (for tables with more than two dimensions) the
displayed axes and position along the undisplayed axes - see Viewing table data.

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You can change the values of individual cells in the same way as in a Table Control (see Editing table
data). However, unlike in a Table Control, you cannot change the values of a block of cells at the same
Next topic
Using the 2-D Graph Control to view and edit data
Previous topic
Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another

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Version folders

When you open a Dataset in AutoCal it is placed in a folder within Calibration Manager. If you open two
Metafiles or Datasets with the same version number, they will both appear in the same version folder:

If you open another Metafile or Dataset with a new version number, it will appear in a new version folder
showing its version number:

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Documenting a Dataset
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Dataset linked and parameter changed indicators

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The View menu has the following commands:

Navigator Shows/hides the Navigator

Script Recorder Shows/hides the Script Recorder
General Toolbar Shows/hides the General toolbar
Status Bar Shows/hides the Status Bar
Controls Toolbox Shows/hides the Controls toolbox
Alignment Toolbox Shows/hides the Alignment toolbox
Show Grid Shows/hides the grid on the panel

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Viewing and editing the data - Edit Control

The Edit Control shows the value of the linked parameter with the precision selected on the General page
in the Edit Control Properties dialog box (Digits after DP).
To edit the value shown in an Edit Control:
1. Click in the control to place an editing caret. (Double-click to select the value if you want to
replace it completely.)
Note: To carry out this operation using the keyboard: press F6 to tab between the controls until the edit
control is selected, press the down or right arrow key to select the value and either type in a new
value or use the arrow keys to move an editing caret in the text to edit the existing value.
2. Edit the value, or enter a new value.
3. Press ENTER to finish editing the value.
If you try to enter a value greater than the maximum or less than the minimum value set for the parameter
in the Metafile, the value will be set to the maximum or minimum value, respectively.
You can use the default or User-defined Caption (see General properties) to show which parameter it is
linked to. However, even if you don’t use a caption, you will be able to identify the linked parameter by
moving the pointer over the Edit Control: after a few seconds, a tool tip will be displayed showing the Edit
Control’s value and linked parameter:

This shows the Edit Control is linked to parameter C2.

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Using the Slider Control to view and edit data
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Edit Control properties

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Viewing table data

Tables can have one, two or three dimensions.

Note: You can also view and edit scalars (single-value parameters) in a Table Control - they behave like a
one-dimensional table with a single cell.
As an example of a one-dimensional table, if you link the parameter Parameter A2 axis 1 from
Group2>Subgroup1 in the Sample file to a Table Control (see Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a
sample Dataset and Linking data to controls), you get:

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As its name implies, the content of this table acts as one of the axes of another table - Parameter A2 in
Group 1:

Here the Parameter A2 axis 1 table sets the horizontal axis; the table Parameter A2 axis 2 sets the
vertical axis. The fact that the axes are themselves tables is shown by the axis labels being in black text
rather than gray.
When the axis of a table is itself a table, you can edit the axes. You could drag the axis table from the
Navigator onto a table control (as in the picture of the one-dimensional table), but AutoCal provides a
Note: You can only edit the axis for a table (for example axis 2 in Parameter A2) if the axis table (for
example Parameter A2 axis 2) appears independently in the AutoCal Data Manager so that you can
view and edit it in a Table Control. This means that the axis table must be included in the Metafile’s
Display Tree.
To edit an axis table:
Double-click on the axis label. The Axis table will be displayed in the table control:

Note that the orientation of the axis is maintained - the vertical axis is shown vertically; the horizontal axis would be
shown horizontally.
You can now edit the values in the axis tables to change the scales. For example:

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To display the original table again:

Click the arrow button near the top-left hand corner of the box (to the left of the Axis Orientation box).
For the example above, the two-dimensional table Parameter A2 table changes as follows:

Note: You can only edit the axis for a table (for example axis 2 in Parameter A2) if the axis table (for
example Parameter A2 axis 2) appears independently in the Navigator so that you can view and
edit it in a Table Control. This means that the axis table must be included in the Metafile’s Display
Next topic
Changing the orientation of a table
Previous topic
Table Control properties

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3.3.3 Viewing the comments in a Dataset found by a search

To view the comments in one of the Datasets found by a search:

1. Right-click on the Dataset in Search Results to pop up a menu.
2. Choose View Comments to display the Comments Preview dialog box:

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3. Click on View comments that match the search criteria to view just the comments satisfying
the keyword and timestamp criteria; click on View all comments to view all the comments:

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Opening found Datasets
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Carrying out a search

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The Window menu has the following commands:

Cascade Rearranges the open non-minimized panels so that they overlap with
only the title bars and left-hand edges of lower panels showing
Tile Horizontally Rearranges the open non-minimized panels so that they do not
overlap, fill the document area and each panel is wider than it is tall
(landscape format)
Tile Vertically Rearranges the open non-minimized panels so that they do not
overlap, fill the document area and each panel is taller than it is wide
(portrait format)
Arrange Icons Rearranges the icons of minimized panels along the bottom edge of
the document area
Open panels The Window menu lists the names of the open panels - choose a
panel name from the list to select the panel (bring it to the front if it is
not minimized; restore it and bring it to the front if it is minimized)

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Working with Datasets

Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset showed you how to create a binary metafile
Dataset (.met) file from a script metafile (.smf) file. The metafile contains definitions of the data structures
and default parameter values. Typically, the software developers will only create a new metafile when they
produce a new version of the ECU software. You can think of the metafile as a template for producing
Datasets for the corresponding version of the ECU software; each of these Datasets contains the specific
parameter values for an individual ECU.
You can use AutoCal to create Datasets from a binary metafile, then edit the default parameter values in
the Dataset for use with a specific ECU and save the Dataset as a Dataset (.dat) file. You can also load
Datasets into AutoCal to view and edit the calibration parameters they contain.
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Opening a Dataset
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The AutoCal interface

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Viewing data using a Parameter Viewer Control

As an example, if you drag Group 2 from the Sample Dataset (created in Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to
create a sample Dataset), you will see:

Note that the 'path' to the item shown in the ParamView control is given at the top of the control.
The ParamView control shows that Group2 contains two sub-groups, SubGroup1 and SubGroup2
(subgroups are identified by the icon next to the name in the Name column and ParameterGroup in the
Type column) and a parameter table (parameters are identified by Parameter in the Type column; the fact
that it is a table is shown in the Value column).
The Description column shows a text description of the parameter entered with its definition in the
If you open Group3 in the Navigator and drag BlockC into the ParamView control, you get:

All the parameters in BlockC are scalars (single values), whose value is shown in the Value column.
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Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control
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Parameter Viewer Control Properties

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Aligning controls on a panel

The commands in the Align Controls and Centre in Panel submenus of the Layout menu allow you to
position the selected controls relative to each other or the panel, respectively.
To align two or more controls relative to each other:
1. Select the controls.
2. Choose the relevant command from the Align Controls submenu in the Layout menu or the
menu displayed when you right-click on one of the controls.

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Press the relevant button in the Alignment toolbox:

For example: if you choose Align Controls>Left, all the selected controls will be aligned to the left-hand
edge of the leftmost selected control; if you choose Align Controls>Horizontal Centre, all the selected
controls will be aligned so that their horizontal centres coincide with the point half way between the left-
hand edge of the leftmost selected control and the right-hand edge of the rightmost selected control.
To align one or more controls relative to the panel:
1. Select the control(s).
2. Choose Horizontal or Vertical from the Centre in Panel submenu in the Layout menu or the
menu displayed when you right-click on one of the controls.
Note If you select a group of controls, they will be aligned to the panel as a group, not individually.
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Deleting, copying and pasting controls
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Moving and resizing controls on a card

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Command Button properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Command Button Control Properties dialog box and
set those properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Command Button
The Command Button Control Properties dialog box also has a Verbs page:

The Select Verb drop-down list box lists the commands in the pop-up menu for the Navigator item linked to
the button - it is empty if the button is not linked to anything, or if the linked item has no pop-up menu.
To choose which command will be chosen by pressing the button:
Select it from the Select Verb drop-down list box.

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User setups
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Using the Command Button control

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Using the Command Button control

The Command Button control provides an alternative mechanism for running the commands in Navigator pop-up

Pressing a Command Button to carry out a command replaces the three steps of displaying the relevant item in the
Navigator, right-clicking on it to display the menu and then choosing the required menu item with a single step.

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However, Command Buttons do take up space on a panel, so you would probably only want to use them for frequently
used commands or if you want to use panels without displaying the Navigator.

You can create a Command Button Control using the Command Button Control button in the
Controls toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information
about creating controls.
Unlike other controls, you can link other Navigator items within the Calibration Manager besides
parameters to a Command Button. For example, if you drag Calibration Manager itself on to a button, you
will be able to assign any of the Calibration Manager pop-up menu commands to the button.
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Command Button Control properties
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Text Control properties

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Design mode

You use AutoCal’s design mode to create panels and to place move and resize the controls on the panels.
When you have finished designing the panels, you can turn Design mode off to lock the controls in place
while you use the panels to work with AutoCal.
To turn Design Mode on or off:

Choose Design Mode from the File menu.

Design Mode is checked in the File menu and the button shown as depressed when it is selected.

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Working with a grid
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Creating, saving and opening panels

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Working with a grid

When a panel is In Design mode, you can display a grid on the panel and choose to make controls snap to
the grid when you place them on the panel.
To display or hide a grid on a panel:
1 Click in the panel to select it.

2 Choose Show Grid from the View menu.

To set the spacing of the points in a grid:
1 Right-click in the panel to select it and pop up a menu.
2 Choose Change Grid Spacing from the menu to display the Change Grid Spacing dialog box.
3 Set the vertical (Y) and horizontal (X) spacing of the grid points.

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4 Press OK to close the dialog box.

To choose whether to make controls snap to the grid when you place them on the panel:
1 Right-click in the panel to select it and pop up a menu.
2 Choose Snap To Grid from the menu.

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Design Mode

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Logging the values of watched variables to a file

AutoCal allows you to record the results from watched variables in a log file. For efficiency, the data is
recorded in a special format, which you can convert to a readable format using the LogFileProcessor utility
supplied with AutoCal.
If logging is turned on for a watched variable in a Channelset, each time the value is updated, the ECU
time, variable name and variable value will be recorded in the log file.
To switch logging on or off for all the watched variables in a Channelset:
1. Right-click on the Channelset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Logging All or Stop Logging All.
To switch logging on or off for all the watched variables in a group:
1. Right-click on the group icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Logging Group or Stop Logging Group.
To switch logging on or off for an individual watched variable in a Channelset:
1. Right-click on the variable in the Channelset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Logging Parameter or Stop Logging Parameter.
Note 1A new log file will be created when you start logging.
Note 2The log file will only log data for variables that are watched when the Start Logging command is
chosen - you can start watching other variables after logging has been started, but their results will
not be recorded.
Note 3You can use Stop Logging All to stop all logging even if you were only logging an individual
parameter or group of parameters. On the other hand, if you are logging all parameters or a group of
parameters, you cannot use Stop Logging Parameter to switch off logging for just an individual
parameter. Similarly, if you are logging all parameters, you cannot use Stop Logging Group to
switch off logging for an individual group of parameters.
As well as automatically recording the values of watched variables as they are updated, you can insert a
manual mark in the log file.
To add a manual mark at the current point in the log file:
1. Right-click on the Channelset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose User Event.
Note The time of a user event is not recorded explicitly but can be determined approximately from the
times of the watched variable results recorded in the log file immediately before it and after it.

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Converting a log file to a readable format
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Switching Watching on and off

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Converting a log file to a readable format

For efficiency, the log file is recorded in a binary format, so you will need to use convert it to another format
to read it.
To convert the log file to a readable format:
1. Start the LogFileProcessor utility (LogFileProcessor.exe):

2. Press Open File to display a standard Windows® Open dialog box.

3. Use the Open dialog box to select the required (*.AClog) log file.
The File Contents box will show a preview of the log data.
4. Press Text File to save the log data in a plain text file.
Press Excel File to save the log data in a tab separated values format suitable for loading into a
5. Press Close File to close the log file.
6 Repeat Steps 2-5 for any other log files you want to convert.

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Copying the value of a watched variable to a Dataset
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Logging the values of watched variables to a file

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General Properties

See Setting control properties for how to open the Properties dialog box for a control.

Note: Some of the properties on the General page do not apply to some controls.
The following paragraphs describe the settings you can make on the General page.

User-defined Caption
Check User-defined Caption to use the text in the Caption text box as a caption on the control; uncheck it
to use the parameter’s name/source. This setting only has an effect on the control if Display Data Name is
also checked.

This is enabled when User-defined Caption is checked. Enter text in the Caption box to use as a caption
on the control instead of the parameter’s name/source - it will only be displayed on the control if Display
Data Name is also checked.

Display Data Name

Check or uncheck Display Data Name to show or hide the Caption (if User-defined Caption is checked)
or the parameter’s name/source (if User-defined Caption is not checked) on the control.

Display Units
This function is not implemented in this release of the software.

Display Value
Check Display Value to show the parameter’s value on the control.

Auto-format Display

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Check Auto-format Display to let AutoCal define the number of digits before and after the decimal point

Digits after DP
When Auto-format Display is not checked, enter the number of digits to appear after the decimal point - if
necessary the display will be padded with trailing 0s.

Digits before DP
When Auto-format Display is not checked, enter the number of digits to appear before the decimal point -
if necessary the display will be padded with leading 0s.

Auto-range Values
For 2-D and 3-D Graph controls, check Auto-range Values to allow AutoCal to choose the most
appropriate minimum and maximum values.

Minimum Value
When Auto-range Values is not checked, enter the minimum value of the control into the Minimum Value

Maximum Value
When Auto-range Values is not checked, enter the maximum value of the control into the Maximum Value
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Setting control properties

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Taking snapshots of parameter values

AutoCal allows you to save snapshots showing the values of individual parameters, parameter groups or
the complete Dataset.
The Snapshot command appears on the Item menu when any of the following items are selected in the
Navigator (and in the menus displayed when you right-click on the item in the Navigator):
· a Dataset
· a parameter group (but not a user-defined group)
· a parameter
When you choose the command for any of these items, the Snapshot Active dialog box will be displayed:

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Enter any comments you want to document the snapshot.

The snapshots are saved in comma separated value format in the Dataset’s folder with a file name with the
following structure:
· dataset is the file name of the Dataset (without the .dat extension),
· date is the current year, month and day in numbers without any punctuation separating them, and
· time is the current hour, minute and second in numbers without any punctuation separating them.
Note that this means that sorting the files alphabetically will also sort them chronologically for each Dataset.
The snapshot file will contain a record of the Dataset file path and name, the date and time it was saved,
the comments from the Snapshot Active dialog box, followed by the parameter values.
Next topic
Creating and working with AutoCal data controls
Previous topic
Applying constraints to parameters in a Dataset

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Applying constraints to parameters in a Dataset

You can define maximum and minimum values for parameters in a Dataset in its Metafile. However, you
can also define and impose much more complex and powerful constraints. For example, you could require
that the values in a table are strictly increasing as you go down the table. To define the constraint, you
include Visual Basic code in the metafile - this gives you the freedom to define virtually any constraints you
like. You can then impose the constraints on the Dataset in AutoCal. You can choose to check that all the
constraints in a Dataset are satisfied, or just those that affect a specific parameter. You can also choose to
make AutoCal automatically check that any changes you make to parameters satisfy any constraints.
Note: The definition of constraints is beyond the scope of this manual. The constraints feature is provided
to allow users to access their own code within the Metafile. Responsibility for the correctness and
use of this code remains entirely with the user, so Pi Technology cannot provide any support for the
use of the constraint functions in AutoCal.
To choose whether AutoCal should automatically maintain any constraints defined for a Dataset:
1. Right-click on the Dataset in the AutoCal Data manager to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Auto Constrain.
Auto Constrain is checked in the menu when constraints are automatically maintained. Auto Constrain is
on by default.
When Auto Constrain is in force, if you try to change a parameter in a way that violates a constraint, a
dialog box will be displayed warning you and the parameter value will be left unchanged - there is a check
box in the dialog box allowing you to turn further warnings off.
Note: When you switch Auto Constrain on, AutoCal does not check that all constraints are currently
satisfied. If, while Auto Constrain is on, you try to edit a value that violates a constraint, AutoCal will
let you change it to a value that satisfies all constraints, but if you try to change it to another value
that also violates a constraint, AutoCal will leave the original (constraint violating) value unchanged.
You can check whether the Dataset or an individual parameter satisfies the constraints. (You may want to
do this if Auto Constrain is not selected, or if it is selected but you think some parameters violated
constraints before it was selected.)
To check whether all the parameters in a Dataset satisfy any constraints:

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1. Right-click on the Dataset in the AutoCal Data manager to pop up a menu.

2. Choose Run Constraints on Dataset.
If a parameter violates a constraint, a dialog box will be displayed:

The dialog box shows the parameter that violated a constraint and an error message that is defined in the
Metafile with the constraint definition.
Abort to stop checking the constraints on any remaining parameters
Retry to apply the constraint again
Ignore to continue checking the constraints on any remaining parameters.
If you press Ignore, and a further violation of a constraint is found, the dialog box will be redisplayed
appropriately. When all checks are complete, a dialog box will be displayed showing a summary of the
constraint violations found:

To check whether a parameter satisfies any constraints defined for it:

1. Right-click on the parameter in the AutoCal Data manager to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Run Constraint.
If the parameter violates a constraint, a dialog box will be displayed, as above.
Next topic
Taking snapshots of parameter values
Previous topic
Choosing the units for a parameter

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Dataset linked and parameter changed indicators

The Navigator shows if there are any parameters in a Dataset linked to a panel control by giving the Dataset icon a
background. The Navigator also shows if any parameter has been changed since the Dataset was last saved by an
asterisk (*) Dataset icon and the Dataset’s name - the changed parameters are marked in the same way:

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In this example, Parameter A1 has been linked to a control (hence the background to the Dataset icon), and has been
changed (hence the asterisks in front of Sample.dat and Parameter A1).

Next topic
Version folders
Previous topic
Opening a Dataset

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Reverting a parameter to its last saved value

The Data Manager shows when a parameter has been changed sine the Dataset was last saved by
displaying an asterisk between the parameter and its icon:

In this example Parameter A1 has been changed.

To revert the value of a parameter back to its last saved value:
1. Right-click on the parameter in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Revert from the pop-up menu.

Next topic
Saving and removing Datasets
Previous topic
Matching conditions for copy operations

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Linking watch variables to controls

You can display the value of a watch variable by linking it to a control on a panel in the same way as you link a Dataset
parameter to a control by dragging it from the Navigator onto the control.

When you link a watch variable to a control watching for that variable is started automatically. If you delete a control
linked to watch variable (and the variable is not linked to any other controls), watching for that variable will be switched
off automatically and the variable unmarked for watching. See later topics in this section for more information about
marking variables for watching and for other ways to turn variable watching on and off.

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Next topic

Periodic and state watching

Previous topic
Channelset user-defined groups

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Choosing the units for a parameter

To specify the units to be used for a parameter:

1. Right-click on the parameter in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Select Units from the pop-up menu to display the Select Units dialog box - this lists all
the units defined for the parameter by conversion factors in the Metafile.
3. Click on the unit you want to use to select it.
4. Click on OK to confirm your selection and close the dialog box.
The selected unit will be used to display the value of the parameter in all new and existing controls to which
it is linked.
Next topic
Applying constraints to parameters in a Dataset
Previous topic
Regrading a Dataset

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Matching conditions for copy operations

When you select the Copy and Copy by tag commands to copy parameter values within a Dataset or from
one Dataset to another, AutoCal checks that the source and target parameters 'match', and no data is
copied if any of the matches fail.
Two parameters match if they have:
· the same size and shape
· the same units (the string comparison is case-sensitive)
· compatible ranges. This means that the source range must be the same as or lie within the target
range. For example, a parameter with a range of 15-80 can be copied onto a target with a range of
10-90, but not vice-versa. (Note that the comparison is performed in engineering units.)
· for tables, any axis parameters must also match between the source and target.
Also, when a group is copied on to a group, the structure of the source and target groups must match.
Next topic
Reverting a parameter to its last saved value
Previous topic
Copying data - Mix and Match

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Comparing Datasets

You can use a Compare Control to compare two Datasets, parameter groups or parameters (the parameter groups and
parameters may be in the same or different Datasets). The control can be used to compare the parameter structures or
values, and when comparing different Datasets, whether corresponding parameters (parameters with the same
tagname) exist in the two Datasets.

You can create a Compare Control using the Compare button on the AutoCal page of the Controls
toolbar - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating

When you first create a Compare Control it will look something like this:

The Compare control has two panes displayed side-by-side - these will display the Datasets or groups being
compared. The Compare control also has a toolbar allowing you to control the way it behaves - see Compare control
toolbar for a summary.

The following topics show you how to use the compare control:

Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters

Choosing what to compare

Choosing which comparisons to display

Viewing the results of a comparison

Viewing the results of a value comparison
Refreshing the comparison
Saving a log of the comparison
Next topic
Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters
Previous topic

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Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters

To compare two Datasets, parameter groups or parameters:

1. Drag the first Dataset, group or parameter from the AutoCal Data Manager and drop it into the
left-hand pane in the Compare control.
Any existing Dataset, group or parameter in the left-hand pane will be replaced and any existing
Dataset, group or parameter in the right-hand pane will be removed.
Note: If you do not want to remove the contents of the right-hand pane, press the Shift key while you drag
and drop the Dataset, group or parameter into the left-hand pane.
2. Drag the second Dataset, group or parameter from the AutoCal Data Manager and drop it into
the right-hand pane of the Compare Control. Any existing Dataset, group or parameter in the
right-hand pane will be replaced.
Note: If you press the Shift key while you drag and drop the Dataset, group or parameter into the right-
hand pane, the contents of the left-hand pane will be removed.
The panes will be labeled with the names of the Datasets, groups or parameters and will display the comparison - see
the following topics for how to choose what features to compare and what information to display.

Next topic
Choosing what to compare

Previous topic
Comparing Datasets

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Choosing what to compare

You can choose how parameters in different Datasets should be paired for comparison and whether to compare the
parameter values or their structure.

Note: This release of the Compare Control does not support the comparison of tables with more than two

To choose how parameters should be paired for comparison, either:

Press the Compare by Tag button to compare parameters in different Datasets according to
their tagnames.

Press the Compare by Order button to compare the parameters in the Datasets or groups
according to their order in the Dataset display trees. For example, if you are comparing group A
in the left-hand pane with group B in the right-hand pane, the first parameter in group A will be
compared with the first parameter in group B, without any reference to their tagnames.
Note 1: Since tagnames are unique within a Dataset, the Compare by Tag button is disabled unless you
are comparing parameters from different Datasets.
Note 2: When you make a comparison by tag AutoCal attempts to pair each of the parameters in the group
or Dataset dropped into the left-hand pane with a parameter in the Dataset dropped in the right-
hand pane or, if you dropped a parameter or group into the right-hand pane, the Dataset containing
the group or parameter.

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To choose what features to compare, either:

Press the Compare Values button to compare the values of the parameters.

Press the Compare Structure button to compare the structures of the parameters - the column
headings in the comparison panes shows the structural features compared.
See Viewing the results of a comparison for examples.

Next topic
Choosing which comparisons to display

Previous topic
Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters

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Choosing which comparisons to display

You can choose whether to display:

· Everything - displays all parameters in both panes
· Differences only - displays only those parameters that have been paired and differ in value or
structure (depending on what has been compared)
· Same only - displays only those parameters that have been paired and have the same value or
structure (depending on what has been compared)
· Additions only - displays only the parameters in the Dataset or group dropped into the left-hand pane
that cannot be paired with parameters in the Dataset or group dropped into the right-hand pane (the
right-hand pane will always be blank for this option)
· Removed only - displays only the parameters in the Dataset or group dropped into the right-hand pane
that cannot be paired with parameters in the Dataset or group dropped into the left-hand pane (the left-
hand pane will always be blank for this option).
To choose which comparisons to display:
Select the required option from the View Filter drop-down list box in the Compare control
See the next topic for examples.

Next topic
Viewing the results of a comparison
Previous topic
Choosing what to compare

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Viewing the results of a comparison

After you have performed a comparison, the results are shown in the Comparison control according to the display
options selected.

For example:

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In this example, the parameters are paired by tagnames, the comparison is made on the data values, and Everything
is displayed.

Parameters with differences are shown with a gray background and the differences highlighted in red. Added
parameters (parameters in the right-hand pane but not the left-hand pane) are highlighted in blue and removed
parameters (parameters in the left-hand pane but not the right-hand pane) are highlighted in green.

Note: Although the comparison in this example is made on parameter values, added and removed
parameters and differences in Name (Parameter B3 and Parameter B4 in the example have the
same tagname but different Names) and Units (for example, Parameter D3) are also shown with a
gray background.
See the following pop-up topics to see what happens to this example when you choose other display options:
Differences only
Additions only
Removed only
Comparing parameter structures (with Differences only displayed):

Next topic
Viewing the results of a value comparison
Previous topic
Choosing which comparisons to display

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Viewing the results of a value comparison

When you make a value comparison, the Value column in the Compare control shows the values of scalar parameters
but only the word Table for table parameters.

To view the value differences in a table parameter:

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Click in the Value column for the table parameter (it will show the word Table). A table viewer
will be displayed:

Cells where there are differences are shown with a gray background and the values of the parameter in the other pane
(the pane you did not click in to display the viewer) are shown in red and in parentheses.

To invert the axes in the table display:

Press the invert axes button in the display’s toolbar. The display will show the table with the
axes swapped around:

To copy the contents of the table display to the clipboard:

Press the copy button in the display’s toolbar. You can then paste the contents of the table
display into documents in a spreadsheet, word processor or other application.
Next topic
Refreshing the comparison
Previous topic
Viewing the results of a comparison

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Refreshing the comparison

For efficiency, the Compare Control does not automatically update when the parameters in the Dataset(s) being
compared are changed. However, if a parameter in a compared Dataset is changed, the Refresh button in the
Compare control toolbar is enabled.

To update the comparison in a Compare Control:

Press the Refresh button.

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Note: When you save a Workspace that has a Compare control on a panel the contents and display
options selected for the control are saved: when you reopen the Workspace the comparison will be
refreshed automatically.

Next topic
Saving a log of the comparison
Previous topic
Viewing the results of a value comparison

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Saving a log of the comparison

To save a log of the comparison in a Compare control:

{bmc bm119.WMF} 1. Press the Save Comparison button to display the Produce Difference
dialog box:

2. Select an option from the Filter drop-down list box to choose which parameters to include in the
You can select from the same options (and with the same meaning) as in the Compare control
itself - the option selected in the Compare control sets the initial selection for the Filter, but this
can be overridden by selecting a different option.
3. Click on the Summary or Detailed radio button to choose how much information to include for
each parameter:
· A Summary log shows for each included parameter whether it is different or the same in
both Datasets or groups or whether it has been added or removed.
· A Detailed log also shows the values or structures (and changes if any) of the included
4. Check Preview log before saving to display a preview of the log when you press OK.
5. Press OK:
If you selected Preview log before saving, a preview will be displayed for example:

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Press Save if you want to save the log; press Cancel if you want to close the preview without
saving the log.
If you did not select Preview log before saving, or if you did and pressed Save, a standard
Windows Save As dialog box will be displayed.
6. Use the Save As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the log file, and press Save
to save it.
The log file is a plain text file, which you can open in a word processor or other text editor.

Next topic
Compare control toolbar

Previous topic
Refreshing the comparison

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Compare control toolbar

Tool Action
View Filter Chooses whether to show all parameters, or only those that are the same,
different, added, or removed
Compare Values Compares the values of corresponding parameters in the comparison panes

Compare Structure Compares the structure of corresponding parameters in the comparison panes

Compare by Tag Chooses the parameters for comparison in different Datasets according to their
tags (names)
Compare by Order Chooses the parameters for comparison in the Datasets or groups according to
their order in the Dataset display tree

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DDC Cal Tool

Previous/Next Comparison These functions are not implemented in this release of the software

Save Comparison Displays a dialog box so that you can save a log of the comparison - you can
choose the amount of detail to save and then, in a separate dialog box, the file
to be used to save the log
Refresh Comparison Perform the comparison again if you have changed the value of any parameters
in the compared Dataset(s)

Next topic
Transferring data between AutoCal and the ECU
Previous topic
Saving a log of the comparison

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Removed only

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Removed only

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Removed only

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Removed only

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Accessing data

Once you have loaded a Calibration into the Navigator, you can use it to access the data contained in the
The Navigator is designed to look, feel and behave like the familiar Microsoft ® Windows® Explorer.

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As in Explorer, you can expand and contract items in the Navigator by clicking on the + and - icons to the
left of the labels. The picture above shows the Sample Calibration (see Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to
create a sample Calibration) after you have expanded it one level, and shows that the Sample Calibration
has three groups within it - other Calibrations will have different structures. These groups are represented
by folder icons, showing that they contain other items, which may be subgroups or parameters:

Notice that the icon representing parameters in the Navigator shows the parameter type. For example,
Parameter A1 in the picture above is a column (in other words, a 1-dimensional table, hence 1D),
Parameter A2 is a 2-dimensional table (2D), and Parameter C1 is a scalar (S).

Key Selected in Navigator Action

Backspace Group or parameter Select parent group
Up arrow Group or parameter Select the item displayed above the selected
item in the navigator
Down arrow Group or parameter Select the item displayed below the selected
item in the navigator
Left arrow Open group Close the group
Closed group or parameter Select the parent of the selected item
Right arrow Closed group Open group
Open group Select the first child item in the group
Parameter None

Note: You can press Alt+N to switch the focus into the Navigator (for example, if a panel control is
currently selected).
Another way to view the contents of groups and to get more information about parameters is to use the
Parameter Viewer Control - see Using the Parameter Viewer Control.
Note: You can display pop-up context menus by right clicking on many of the items in the Navigator - see
Navigator pop-up menus{bmc bm2.BMP}. There are shortcuts for several of the more commonly

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used commands - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of shortcuts available, and the notes in that
topic for when they can be applied and to which object they will be applied if there is any ambiguity.

Next topic
Parameter changed indicator
Previous topic
Creating a new Calibration

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Adding a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells

To add a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells (this operation does not apply to enumerated
1. Select the cells (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).
2. Choose Block Offset from the Edit > Control submenu or the menu displayed when you right-
click in the table to display the Block Offset dialog box.
3. Enter the value you want to add to each value in the selected cells.
4. Press OK to close the dialog box and carry out the operation.
Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum
value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively.
Next topic
Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount
Previous topic
Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value

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Analog Meter Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Analog Meter Control Properties dialog box and set
those properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Analog Meter Controls.
The Analog Meter Control Properties dialog box also has a Dial page:

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DDC Cal Tool

To set the Analog Meter Control Properties:

1. In the Warning Level box, set the percentage of full scale deflection at which you want the
meter’s Warning Zone (shown in blue) to start.
2. In the Critical Level box, set the percentage of full scale deflection at which you want the
meter’s Critical Zone (shown in red) to start.
3. In the Number of Labels box, set the number of graduations on the meter. You can choose any
number from 3 through 21.
4. In the Angle of display arc box, enter the angle between minimum and maximum deflection of
the meter pointer. You can choose any angle from 30 through 180 degrees.
Next topic
Bar Control properties
Previous topic
Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data

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Navigator pop-up menus

The following topics describe the pop-up menus displayed when you right-click on these objects in the
Calibration Manager
Loaded Calibration
Calibration Parameter
User-defined group in Calibration
Parameter reference in user-defined group
Cal on the Fly group in Calibration
Loaded Watchset
Watch variable group in Watchset (not user-defined group)
Watch variable in Watchset (but not in user-defined group)
User-defined group in Watchset
Watch variable in user-defined group in Watchset

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DDC Comms Provider

There are keyboard shortcuts for a number of the most frequently used navigator pop-up menu commands
- see the next topic for a list.
Next topic
Keyboard shortcuts
Previous topic

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DDC Cal Tool Workspaces

Workspaces allow you to save a set of panels together with a group of Calibrations and Watchsets.
Note: See also the later instructions in this topic for using Save Workspace To.
To save the currently open Workspace with a new name:
1. Choose Save Workspace As from the File menu to display the Toolbench dialog box:

The dialog box lists all the component in the workspace that have been changed. Items that
have not been saved previously will not have a path and filename - Panel1 and Workspace in
the example picture.
2. Leave all the files you want saved checked; uncheck any files you do not want saved.
3. Leave the Workspace item checked (if you uncheck it, the checked files will be saved but not
the workspace itself).
4. If you have chosen to save one or more calibrations, a Save dialog box will be displayed for
each so that you can enter an author name and comment if required:

Enter an author name and comment if required, then press OK.

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5. If you have chosen to save one or more panels and they have not been saved previously, a
standard Windows® Save As dialog box will be displayed for each of them. Use the dialog
box(es) to choose a folder and enter a filename for each panel, then press Save to save the file
and close the dialog box.
6. A standard Windows® Save As dialog box will be displayed for the Workspace. Use the dialog
box to select a folder and enter a name for the Workspace, then press Save to save the file and
close the dialog box.
When you use Save Workspace As the Workspace file is saved with references to the other component
files (panels, calibrations, watchsets etc) in their original locations (or the new ones entered in the Save As
dialog boxes if they had not been saved previously). This can be a bit confusing if the component files are
saved in a variety of locations with other files. To avoid this, you can use Save Workspace To to save the
Workspace file and copies of the component files in the same folder.
To save the currently open Workspace together with copies of its component files in the same folder:
1. Choose Save Workspace To from the File menu to display a standard Windows® Save As
dialog box.
2. Use the dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the Workspace, then press Save to
save the file and close the dialog box
3. A Save dialog box will be displayed for each calibration in the Workspace so that you can enter
an author name and comment if required:

Enter an author name and comment if required, then press OK.

4. If there are any unsaved panels, a Save As dialog box will be displayed for each so that you
can enter a name.
Note: The Workspace folder will be selected in the dialog box when it opens - if you select another folder,
it will be saved there and not with the other Workspace files.
To save a previously saved Workspace again into the same file:
Choose Save from the File menu.
The Toolbench dialog box will be displayed as for the Save Workspace As allowing you to
choose which components to save - If the Workspace has been saved previously, the dialog box
will show its path and filename and the Workspace will be saved in that file without displaying
the Save As dialog box.
To open a previously saved Workspace:
1. Choose Open Workspace... from the File menu to display the Open dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
Note: You can only have one Workspace open at a time, so if there are any unsaved changes in the
existing Workspace, the Toolbench dialog box will be displayed as for the Save Workspace As
command (see above) allowing you to choose which unsaved components to save.
2. Use the Open dialog box to select the folder and file containing the Workspace - see the
context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
3. Click Open to open the Workspace.
You can also open a recently used Workspace by selecting it from the list of recently used files at the
bottom of the File menu.

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To view and/or edit information about the current Workspace:

1. Choose Workspace Information from the File menu to display the Workspace Information
dialog box:

2. If required, enter or edit text in the edit boxes at the top of the dialog box to document the
3. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Note: You can also display information about a Workspace file by right-clicking on it in Windows ® Explorer
to pop-up a menu and selecting Properties to display the file’s Properties dialog box - the
Information page lists the panels and calibrations in the workspace.
To close the current Workspace:
Choose Close Workspace from the File menu. If there are any unsaved changes, the
Toolbench dialog box will be displayed as for the Save Workspace As command (see above)
allowing you to choose which unsaved components to save.
Next topic
Closing ToolBench
Previous topic
Working with a grid

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Bar Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Bar Control Properties dialog box and set those
properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Bar Controls. The Bar Control
Properties dialog box has no other pages.

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Next topic
Thermometer Control properties
Previous topic
Analog Meter Control properties

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Button Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Button Control Properties dialog box and set those
properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Button Controls.
The Button Control Properties dialog box also has a Button page:

To specify the type of button:

From the Button Type drop-down list box, choose:
On/Off Latch if you want the button to stay on or off after you have pressed it;
On/Off Non-Latch if you want the button to be on only while you keep it pressed with the
mouse - it reverts to off when the mouse is released.
Note: The Button Type drop-down list box also contains a Spin Dial option, which enables the Direction
and Step Size boxes. However, this option has not been implemented in this release of the
Next topic
Editing data with the button control
Previous topic
Using the Button Control to control data

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When you create Controls in the DDC Cal Tool you place them on a panel.
You can create as many panels as you require for each Calibration and include controls linked to different
Calibrations on the same panel.
Next topic
Creating, saving and opening panels
Previous topic
User setups

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Changing the orientation of a table

To change the orientation of a table:

Choose the required orientation from the Axis Orientation drop-down list box - the horizontal
axis is shown first.
For example you can swap the axes in the display of a one dimensional table like Parameter A2 axis 1, to


or for a two dimensional table like Parameter A2 to change:

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Next topic
Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions
Previous topic
Viewing table data

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Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions

Parameter B3 in Group1>>Group1b is an example of a table with three axes:

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To choose which part of the table to display on the screen:

1. Choose the vertical and horizontal axes for the table from the Axis Orientation drop-down list
box. (There are three ways to choose the first axis and two ways to choose the second, so the
list has six entries.)
The drop-down list box to the left of the Axis Orientation drop-down list box is labeled by the
third axis. This allows you to choose the value of the third axis for which the other two axes are
2. From the drop-down list box to the left of the Axis Orientation drop-down list box, choose the
value of the third axis for which to display the table.
Next topic
Editing table data
Previous topic
Changing the orientation of a table

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See Setting control properties for how to display the Properties dialog box for a control.

To set the color of a component of the control:

1. Choose the component from the Property Name drop-down list. For example: choose
BackColor to set the background color; ForeColor to set the color of the text; SlideBackColor
to set the color of the slider’s body in a Slider control; MercuryColour to set the color of the
liquid in a Thermometer control; and so on.
2. To choose a color for the component, either:
click on one of the color patches,
select one of the colors assigned to a Windows® component by selecting the component from
the System Color drop-down list.
3. Press Apply to set the color of the selected control component without closing the dialog box so
that you can set other colors; press OK to set the color of the control component and close the
dialog box.

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Next topic
Previous topic
General properties

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Transferring data between The DDC Cal Tool and the ECM

The instructions in the rest of this section of the Help system assume that you have correctly connected the
ECM physically to the PC and that the communications software has been correctly configured.
Next topic
Sending a Calibration to the ECM
Previous topic
Bus Monitor/Message Log Viewer buttons and commands

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Registering the DDC Cal Tool
Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Calibration
The DDC Cal Tool interface
Working with Calibrations
Opening a Calibration
Version folders
Viewing information about a Calibration
Calibration Listing
Creating a new Calibration
Accessing data
Parameter changed indicator
User-defined groups
Adding parameters to user defined groups by searching
Copying data - Mix and Match
Matching conditions for copy operations
Editing parameter values - the Quick Edit dialog box
Reverting parameters to their last saved values
Saving and removing Calibrations
Converting a Calibration
Applying constraints to parameters in a Calibration
Creating and working with The DDC Cal Tool data controls

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Placing controls on a DDC Cal Tool panel

Linking data to controls
Relinking controls to parameters in a different Calibration
Selecting controls
Moving and resizing controls on a panel
Aligning controls on a panel
Deleting, copying and pasting controls
Setting the Tab Order
Setting The DDC Cal Tool control properties
General Properties
Setting Data Source properties in The DDC Cal Tool
Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView)
Linking Calibration Manager to a Parameter Viewer Control
Parameter Viewer Control Properties
Adjusting the width of columns in a Parameter Viewer Control
Displaying the contents of more than one container item
Sorting the rows in a Parameter Viewer Control
Finding text in a Parameter Viewer Control
Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control
Undoing and redoing changes to data values
Copying and pasting cells in a Parameter Viewer Control
Printing the contents of a Parameter Viewer Control
Using a Parameter Viewer Control to link data to other controls
Carrying out Navigator pop-up menu commands in a Parameter Viewer Control
Using the Table Editor Control to view and edit data
Table Editor Control properties
Table Editor Control - Table Editor properties
Table Editor Control - Display properties
Viewing table data
Changing the orientation of a table
Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions
Editing table data
Editing a single data value
Selecting a group of cells in a table
Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value
Adding a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells
Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount
Interpolating the values across a selection

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Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another

Copying table cells to Excel
Showing the Operating point in a Table Editor Control
Using the Table Graph Control to view data
Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control
Plottable parameters
Unlinking a parameter from a Table Graph Control
Choosing whether to display a two- or three-dimensional graph
Viewing data in the Table Graph Control
Two-dimensional graph view - one-dimensional table
Two-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table
Two-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table
Three-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table
Three-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table
Moving the graph within a Table Graph Control
Adjusting the size of the graph within a Table Graph Control
Rotating a three-dimensional graph
Resetting the size, position and rotation of graphs
Table Graph Control properties
Table Graph Control - General properties
Table Graph Control - Data Source properties
Table Graph Control - 3D Display properties
Table Graph Control - Axis properties
Using the Edit Control to view and edit data
Edit Control properties
Viewing and editing the data - Edit Control
Using the Slider Control to view and edit data
Slider Control properties
Editing the data using a Slider Control
Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data
Analog Meter Control properties
Bar Control properties
Thermometer Control properties
Indicator Control properties
Using the Button Control to control data
Button Control properties
Editing data with the button control
The Static Text Control
Text Control properties
Using Bit Field Editor Controls

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Bit Field Editor Control properties

Bit Field custom quality
Finding individual bits and editing data with the Bit Field Editor
Using Smart controls
Smart Edit control
Smart Edit Control properties
SmartEdit Control - General properties
SmartEdit Control - Precision properties
Smart Check Box control
Smart Check Box Control properties
Smart Drop-down control
Smart Drop-down Control properties
Smart Text control
Smart Text Control properties
Using the Command Button control
Command Button properties
Using the Chart Recorder Control
Linking parameters to a Chart Recorder Control
Chart Recorder Control properties
Chart Recorder Control - General properties
Chart Recorder Control - Time-Axis properties
Chart Recorder Control - Trace properties
Overlaid and Tiled modes
Pan and Zoom mode
Creating, saving and opening panels in The DDC Cal Tool
Design mode
Working with a grid
DDC Cal Tool Workspaces
Closing ToolBench
Comparing Calibrations
Comparing Calibrations, groups or parameters
Choosing what to compare
Choosing which comparisons to display
Viewing the results of a comparison
Viewing the results of a value comparison
Merging differences between comparisons
Refreshing the comparison
Saving a log of the comparison
Applying the changes found in a comparison to another Calibration

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Using a Compare control to link data to other controls

Compare control toolbar
Validating a Calibration
Starting the Calibration Validation Utility
Creating a new Validation file
Loading a Validation file
Editing a Validation file
The Edit Validation File dialog box
Setting the validation for a parameter
Searching for text in the parameters table
The Find dialog box in the Calibration Validation Utility
Printing Validation information
Editing the list of engine types
Editing the list of certificate types
Editing the list of owners
Listing a Validation
Loading a Calibration file for validation
Carrying out a Calibration validation
Changes made to the Calibration by the Calibration Validation Utility
Viewing validation results
Min/Max Page
Constraint Page
Validate Page
Data Page
Searching for text in the results table
Printing validation results
Saving validation results
Updating a Validation file for a new version of the Metafile
Viewing updating information
Printing updating information
Configuring communication with the ECM
Monitoring the connection status
Resetting the communications link with the ECM
Downloading a new ECM program
Resetting the ECM
Erasing the ECM Memory
Activating an Output
Sending a message to the ECM
Vectoring to the boot ROM
Vectoring to the main code

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Current ECM to Boot ROM

Setting the engine speed
Performing a cylinder cutout test
Viewing and setting the injector calibration codes
Viewing the injector response times
Performing a core dump
Setting the ECM clock
Adjusting the connected engine’s horse power
Resetting Trip Data
Setting the values of ECM accumulators
Erasing the permanent diagnostics in an ECM
Clearing the AFR Learn Table in an ECM (natural gas engines only)
Saving the ECU Temperature Histogram to a text file
Saving the permanent diagnostics in an ECM to a text file
Saving the AFR Learn Table in an ECM to a text file (natural gas engines only)
Recalibrating the oxygen sensor
Degreening the particulate filter
Displaying engine information
The Bus Monitor
Using the Bus Monitor
Saving the contents of the Bus Monitor
Viewing message log files
Stopping and starting the Bus Monitor
Clearing the Bus Monitor
Changing the data format
Choosing which columns to display
Displaying message statistics
Filtering a Message Log Viewer
Selecting a message sent at a specific time
Selecting a message that contains specific data
Exporting the contents of the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer to a CSV file
Displaying information about the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer
Closing the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer
Bus Monitor/Message Log Viewer buttons and commands
Transferring data between The DDC Cal Tool and the ECM
Sending calibration data to the ECM
Downloading a Calibration Off-line
Sending calibration data on-line - Cal on the Fly
Defining the Cal on the Fly parameters
Using Cal on the Fly

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Transferring data between ECM RAM and non-volatile memory

Stopping Cal on the Fly
Setting the values of Watch variables - Slewing
Reading a Calibration from the ECM
Monitoring variables in the ECM - Watching
Setting the update rate for watching
Opening Watchsets
Converting watchsets
Watchset user-defined groups
Adding Watch variables to user defined groups by searching
Linking Watch variables to controls
Marking variables for watching
Selecting an analog input to watch
Setting the address for RAM Values variables
Switching Watching on and off
Setting the PID Map in the ECM for Watching
Logging the values of watched variables to a file
Saving a Watchset
Removing a Watchset
Diagnostic controls
Choosing what to view
Clearing diagnostic messages
Getting more information about a fault
Item menu
Navigator pop-up menus
Keyboard shortcuts
Navigator pop-up menus: Calibration Manager
Navigator pop-up menus: Loaded Calibration
Navigator pop-up menus: Calibration Parameter
Navigator pop-up menus: User-defined group in a Calibration
Navigator pop-up menus: Parameter reference in user-defined group

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Navigator pop-up menus: Cal on the Fly group in Calibration

Navigator pop-up menus: Loaded Watchset
Navigator pop-up menus: Watch variable group in Watchset
Navigator pop-up menus: Watch variable in Watchset
Navigator pop-up menus: User-defined group in Watchset
Navigator pop-up menus: Watch variable in user-defined group in Watchset
Navigator pop-up menus: DDC Comms Provider
Navigator pop-up menus: Diagnostics
General Toolbar
Alignment toolbox
Controls Toolbox
The Active Toolbar
Bus Monitor toolbar
Splitting and joining Calibrations
Splitting a Calibration
Joining Calibration components
Using Win Monitor to monitor the communications bus
Converting the contents of a message log File to text format
Processing a watched variables log file
Generating dummycal.c for DDEC IV
Metafile conversion programs
Creating a problem report
Batch Comparison
Converting ELF to SMF files

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Controls Toolbox

The Controls Toolbox contains tools for placing controls on panels:

Dragging a control from the Controls toolbox is roughly equivalent to choosing Insert Visual Object from
the Edit menu to display the Insert Control dialog box, selecting the control from the list in the dialog box,
and clicking OK. However, when you drag the control from the toolbar you can choose where to drop it on
the panel, but when you use the menu command the control is placed at a default position, and you will
probably need to move it.
Furthermore, you can use the tools on the Controls Toolbox in another way, which allows you to choose
the size and shape of the control as well as its position. For this method, click the control on the toolbar -
the button will become depressed to show it is selected. Now drag out a rectangle on the panel to define
the size, shape and position of the control.

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DDC Cal Tool

For more details of how to work with controls, including how to link them to data, see Creating and working
with the DDC Cal Tool data controls.
For details of how to work with individual controls, click on the buttons in the following table.
Control View Data Edit Data

Table Yes Yes

Analog Meter Yes No
Bar Yes No
Button No Yes
Edit Yes Yes
Indicator Yes No
Slider Yes Yes
Static Text No No
Thermometer Yes No
Table Graph Yes No
Command Button No No
Group Box No No
Event Service Icon No No
Smart Edit Yes Yes
Smart Check box Yes Yes
Smart Drop Down Yes Yes
Smart Text Yes Yes
Bit Field Editor Yes Yes
Compare No No
Diagnostics Yes (faults) Yes (clear faults)
Chart recorder Yes No
Parameter Viewer Yes Yes

Next topic
Bus Monitor toolbar
Previous topic
Alignment Toolbox

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Copying data - Mix and Match

The DDC Cal Tool makes it very easy to copy parameter values within and between Calibrations. You may
want to do this, for example, to transfer a set of parameter values from an old version of a Calibration to a
new version.
To copy parameter values within a Calibration or from one Calibration to another:
1. Open the Calibration(s) so that both the source and target are visible - see the tables below for
the allowed sources and targets.
2. Drag the source onto the target.
Note: If you are going to 'copy by tag name' into a different Calibration, it doesn’t matter where you drop
the parameter in the target Calibration.
3. A menu will be displayed allowing you to choose (see the tables below for the commands
displayed for different combinations of source and target):
Copy here - to copy the value of the first parameter in the source to the first parameter in
the target, the second parameter in the source to the second parameter in the target,
irrespective of the names of the parameters (see Matching conditions for copy operations
for the conditions that must be satisfied if a copy operation is to succeed).
Copy here without axes - as for Copy here, except the axes are not copied.
Copy here using tag name - to copy the value(s) of the source parameters to the
parameters in the target Calibration with the same name (see Matching conditions for copy
operations for the conditions that must be satisfied if a copy operation is to succeed).
Copy here using tag name without axes - as for Copy here using tag name, except the
axes are not copied.
Add reference here - to create a reference to the source parameter(s) in the target user-
defined group (or references to the equivalent source parameters if you are dragging a
user-defined group from one Calibration onto a user-defined group in another Calibration)
Attach controls here - to relink the controls linked to the source Calibration to the
equivalent parameters in the target Calibration (see Relinking controls to parameters in a
different Calibration for details)
Cancel Operation - to abort the operation.
Note 1: You can also display the source parameter or group in a Parameter Viewer control and drag from
there onto or into the target Calibration in the Navigator. However, dragging a source parameter
into a target parameter or group displayed in a Parameter Viewer control does not copy the data
to the target - it just makes the Parameter Viewer control display the source parameter/group.
Note 2: The value copied is the value in engineering units, irrespective of any scaling or the type of the

Commands displayed when you drag a source in a Calibration and drop it onto a
target in the same Calibration

Target (same Calibration)

Calibration Group User Group Parameter
Calibration --- --- Add reference here ---
Group --- Copy Add reference here ---
Source Copy
User Group --- Copy Add reference here ---
Parameter --- --- Add reference here Copy

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Note 1: Entries marked --- mean that you cannot drop that source onto that target.
Note 2: ‘Copy’ stands for the two commands Copy here and Copy here without axes.
Note 3: You can also drop a parameter onto the Cal on the fly group to add a reference to the parameter
to the group - you cannot drop any other objects onto the Cal on the fly group or drop the Cal
on the fly group onto any other object.
Note 4: All menus also have a Cancel command so that you can abort the operation.

Commands displayed when you drag a source in a Calibration and drop it onto a
target in a different Calibration

Target (different Calibration)

Calibration Group User Group Parameter
Calibration Attach controls Copy Copy ---
here Copy by tag
Copy Add reference
Copy by tag here
Group Copy Copy Copy ---
Source Copy by tag Copy by tag Copy by tag
Add reference
User Group Copy Copy Copy ---
Copy by tag Copy by tag Copy by tag
Add reference
Parameter Copy by tag Copy by tag Copy by tag Copy
Add reference

Note 1: Entries marked --- mean that you cannot drop that source onto that target.
Note 2: ‘Copy’ stands for the two commands Copy here and Copy here without axes.
Note 3: ‘Copy by tag’ stands for the two commands Copy here using tagname and Copy here using
tagname without axes.
Note 4: You cannot drop a Cal on the fly group onto another Calibration or any object within the
Calibration. You cannot drop any object onto a Cal on the fly group in another Calibration.
Note 5: All menus also have a Cancel command so that you can abort the operation.

Next topic
Matching conditions for copy operations
Previous topic
Adding parameters to user defined groups by searching

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Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another

To copy the values of a selection of cells in a table:

1. Select the cells (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).

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DDC Cal Tool

2. Choose Copy cells into Clipboard from the Edit > Control submenu or the menu displayed
when you right-click in the table.
Note: If the selection is discontinuous, the cells will be copied as a continuous table (for example, if you
copy columns 1 and 3 in a table, they will become columns 1 and 2 in the table in the clipboard).
To paste the copied values into a table (which can be the same or a different table):
1. Click in the cell where you want the first value pasted (the top left-hand corner of the selection).
2. Choose Paste into Table from the Edit>Control submenu or the menu displayed when you
right-click in the table.
Any cells in the pasted table extending beyond the table you are pasting into will be ignored.
Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum
value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively.
Next topic
Copying table cells to Excel
Previous topic
Interpolating the values across a selection

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Creating and working with The DDC Cal Tool data controls

To view, edit and control data in the DDC Cal Tool, you place controls on a panel.
This section of the Help system begins by showing you several ways to create controls and how to link the
controls to data. It goes on to show you how to select, move, resize, delete, copy, cut and paste controls,
and how to set various control properties.
Press {button ,AL(`control',1,`',`')} for details of individual controls.
Next topic
Placing controls on a panel
Previous topic
Applying constraints to parameters in a Calibration

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Creating, saving and opening panels in The DDC Cal Tool

To create a new panel:

Choose New Panel from the File menu (or press cTRL+N).
To save a panel with a new name:
1. Click in the panel to select it.
2. Choose Save As from the File menu to display the Save As dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
3. Use the Save As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the panel - see the context-
sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
4. Click Save to save the file and close the dialog box.

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DDC Cal Tool

To save a previously saved panel again into the same file:

1. Click in the panel to select it.

2. Choose Save from the File menu. If the panel has not been saved previously, the Save As
dialog box will be displayed so that you can enter a name and location with which to save the
Note: When you save a panel, as well as saving the type and location of its controls, you also save any
links between the controls and calibrations or Watchsets.
To open a previously saved panel:
1. If they are not already open and you want the controls relinked to their parameters, open the
Calibrations linked to the panel.

2. Choose Panel from the File>>Open submenu to display the Open dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
3. Use the Open dialog box to select the folder and file containing the panel - see the context-
sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
4. Click Open to open the panel.
Provided you opened the Calibrations first, the controls will be relinked to their parameters.
You can also open a recently used panel by selecting it from the list of recently used files at the bottom of
the File menu.
Next topic
Design mode
Previous topic

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Deleting, copying and pasting controls

To delete one or more controls from a panel:

1. Select the control(s).
2. Choose Delete from the Edit menu or press ctrl+del.
To copy one or more controls, including any links, to the Windows ® clipboard:
1. Select the control(s).

2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu or press ctrl+c.

To cut one or more controls, including any links, to the Windows ® clipboard:
1. Select the control(s).

2. Choose Cut from the Edit menu or press ctrl+x.

To paste one or more controls, including any links, from the Windows ® clipboard onto a panel:

Choose Paste from the Edit menu or press ctrl+v.

The control will be placed on the panel to the right of the selected control (if more than one is selected, it is
placed to the right of the one that was selected first; if none is selected, it will be placed near the top left-
hand corner of the panel).
Next topic

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DDC Cal Tool

Setting the Tab Order

Previous topic
Aligning controls on a panel

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Viewing information about a Calibration

To view information about a Calibration:

1. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Calibration Information to display the Calibration Information dialog box:

3. Press OK to close the dialog box.

Next topic
Calibration Listing
Previous topic
Version folders

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Note: The Edit menu is hidden when the Bus Monitor or a Message log Viewer is selected.
The Edit menu has the following commands (press the buttons in the table for more information):

Cut Removes the selected control(s) and place it on the

Windows® clipboard
Copy Copy the selected control(s) onto the Windows® clipboard

Paste Paste the contents of the Windows® clipboard onto the


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DDC Cal Tool

Delete Delete the selected control(s)

Select All Select all objects on the displayed panel
Insert Visual Object... Display the Insert Control dialog box so that you can
choose a control, and then place selected control on the
Control Object Submenu (Control is the name of the selected control)

>>Properties Display the Properties dialog box for selected control

>>Data Source This function is not implemented in this release of the
Properties software

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Edit Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Edit Control Properties dialog box and set those
properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Edit Controls.

Next topic
Viewing and editing the data
Previous topic
Using the Edit Control to view and edit data

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Editing a single data value

To edit a single data value in a table:

1. Make sure the cell containing the data is displayed.
2. Click on the value in the cell.
Note: You can also change which cell is selected by pressing the arrow keys, CTRL + an arrow key and
the Page Up/Down keys.
If the cell contains a numeric value spin buttons will appear at the right-hand end of the cell:

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If the cell contains an enumeration, a drop-down list box will appear:

(Note that this example is not taken from Sample.cal.)

3. Edit a scalar value by typing in a new value or by clicking on a spin button to increase or
decrease the value; edit an enumeration by selecting a new value from the drop-down list or by
typing in the new value (the value you type in must be exactly one of the possible enumeration -
for example, the case of all letters must be the same).
4. Use an arrow key to move to the next cell, if required.
If you try to enter a value greater than the maximum or less than the minimum value set in the Metafile, the
value will be set to the maximum or minimum value, respectively.
Next topic
Selecting a group of cells in a table
Previous topic
Editing table data

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Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control

The Contents rows (the rows below the top row) in the Parameter Viewer Control can show container items
or individual parameters. You can use the Parameter Viewer Control to edit the data in individual
For scalar, enumeration and string parameters, you can edit the parameter in the Parameter Viewer Control
itself provided at least one of the ‘value’ columns is displayed - see Parameter Viewer Control properties for
how to choose which columns to display.
To edit a scalar or string parameter value:

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DDC Cal Tool

1. Click in a value column for the parameter row in the Parameter Viewer Control.
2. Press F2 to select the cell for editing.
3. Either
Type a new value.
Press the Home or End key to place a cursor at the beginning or end of the current value
and edit it.
4. Press Enter or click outside the cell to confirm the new value.
Note: Spaces in strings are shown as underline characters in the Parameter Viewer Control. The value of
any trailing spaces are converted to 0 and are also represented by underline characters.
To edit an enumeration parameter value:
1. Click in a value column for the parameter row in the Parameter Viewer Control - a drop-down list
box will be displayed in the cell.
2. Select the required value from the drop-down list box.
Note: Enumeration parameters are parameters that can only take one of a fixed set of values. These
values are enumerated in the Metafile by an ‘enum’ declaration.
To edit table (and other) parameters:
1. Double-click on the parameter row in the Parameter Viewer Control to display the Quick Edit
dialog box showing the parameter:

2. Use the controls in the Quick Edit dialog box to edit the parameter in exactly the same way as
you would use a Table Editor Control (scalar parameters are treated as single cell one-
dimensional tables).
See the paragraphs following these instructions for more information about using the Quick Edit
dialog box.
3. To close the Quick Edit dialog box and return to the DDC Cal Tool, either:
Click on the close box at the top right-hand corner of the dialog box.
Or, equivalently:
Right-click in the dialog box and choose Close from the pop-up menu displayed.
You can move and resize the Quick Edit dialog box, if required.

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Although the Quick Edit dialog box is ‘modal’, which means that when it is displayed you cannot use any
other DDC Cal Tool controls or commands, you can display a pop-up menu by right-clicking in the Quick
Edit dialog box. The Quick Edit dialog box menu contains:
The parameter-specific commands displayed when you right-click on the parameter in the Navigator.
Commands for carrying out multi-cell edit operations - these are the same as the equivalent commands
used with Table Editor Controls.
The Properties command to display the Table Editor Control Properties dialog box to set the
properties of the Quick Edit dialog box. This dialog box is also used to set the properties of Table
Editor Controls. Note, however, that the properties you set only apply to the current instance of the
Quick Edit dialog box and will be lost when you close it.
Next topic
Undoing and redoing changes to data values
Previous topic
Finding text in a Parameter Viewer Control

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Editing data with the button control

To turn a latching button control on or off:

Click on the button.
To turn a non-latching button control on:
Move the pointer over the button control and press the mouse button. The button will turn off
when you release the mouse button.
Next topic
The Static Text Control
Previous topic
Button Control properties

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Editing table data

You can edit the value of an individual cell in a table (see Editing a single data value) or edit the values of a
group of cells together (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).
When you edit the values for a selection of cells you can:
· set them all to the same value
· add a fixed amount to their current values
· multiply their current values by a fixed amount
· interpolate the values between one end of the selection and the other
· copy a block of cells from one part of a table to another
Next topic
Editing a single data value
Previous topic

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Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions

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Editing the data using a Slider Control

To edit the data linked to a slider control:

Press the following keyboard keys:

Action Key
decrease value by a small Down arrow
amount or left arrow for a horizontal slider
or right arrow for a vertical slider
increase value by a small Up arrow
amount or right arrow for a horizontal slider
or left arrow for a vertical slider
decrease value by a larger Page Down
increase value by a larger Page Up
set to lowest value Home
set to highest value End

If the Mouse Select property is set, you can also set the slider position using the mouse.
To adjust the setting of a slider control using the mouse:
Click to the right or left of the slider to move the slider in increments of half a graduation.
Drag the slider to the appropriate position.

Next topic
Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data
Previous topic
Slider Control properties

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The File menu has the following commands (press the buttons in the table for more information):

New Panel Creates a new panel

Open Submenu
>>Panel Displays the Open dialog box so that you can open a
previously saved panel

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DDC Cal Tool

>>Message Log Displays the Open dialog box so that you can open a
previously saved message log in a new Message Log
Close Closes the selected panel or Message Log Viewer
Save Saves the selected panel or Message Log Viewer to its
existing file - displays the Save As dialog box if not
previously saved
Save As... Displays the Save As dialog box so that you can enter a
location and file name for saving the selected panel or
Message Log Viewer
Open Workspace Displays the Open dialog box so that you can open a
previously saved Workspace
Close Workspace Closes the current Workspace
Save Workspace Saves the current Workspace to its existing file - displays
the Save As dialog box if not previously saved
Save Workspace As... Displays the Save As dialog box so that you can enter a
location and file name for saving the current Workspace
Save Workspace To ... Displays the Save As dialog box so that you can enter a
location and filename for saving the current Workspace - all
panel, Calibration, Watchset etc, files will be copied to the
same folder
Workspace Displays the Workspace Information dialog box so that
Information you can view and edit information about the workspace
Design Mode Switches Design mode on or off for the selected panel - the
command is checked and the button depressed when
Design Mode is on
Print Prints a screen shot of the selected panel

Recent Files The Recent Files submenu lists the names of recently
used panel and message log files - choose the name from
the menu to reopen it
Recent Workspaces The Recent Workspaces submenu lists the names of
recently used workspace files - choose the name from the
menu to reopen it
Exit Close the DDC Cal Tool

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See Setting control properties for how to display the Properties dialog box for a control.

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To set the font used for a component of the control:

1. Choose the component from the Property Name drop-down list. For example: choose
CaptionFont to set the font used for the caption, value and unit in Slider, Thermometer etc
controls; GraduationFont to set the font used for the scale on these controls; Edit to set the
font used for the data in an edit control; and so on.
2. Choose a typeface from the Font box.
3. Choose Regular, Bold, Italic or Bold Italic from the Font Style box.
4. Check Strikeout and/or Underline from the Effects box to apply these effects to the text.
5. Press Apply to set the font for the selected control component without closing the dialog box so
that you can set the font for other components; press OK to set the font for the component and
close the dialog box.
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Setting Data Source properties
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Calibration Manager Windows® style navigator

Control The tool used to control, edit or view the data
Calibration The parameters used by the ECM’s control logic
Design Mode Switch Design Mode on to define the type and layout of controls;
switch it off to work with controls to calibrate ECM.
You can carry out all operations when working with Design Mode
On but switching Design Mode Off locks the controls in position so
that you can concentrate on using them

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DDC Cal Tool

Workspace Saved file including the panels and the Data Manager/Navigator
Device The mechanical element controlled by the ECM
Electronic Control A module that receives data from sensors monitoring external
Module (ECM) parameters (such as engine speed, barometric pressure and load),
and adapts its control strategy to suit the monitored variables
Legend On a Graph Control, a list showing the color used to identify each of
the curves on a graph
Metafile, Script A text document, created by a DDC Cal Tool user, defining the
format and structure of data controlling the embedded application.
Metafile, Binary A binary file describing the format and structure of data controlling
the embedded application
Metafile Compiler Converts script Metafiles to binary Metafiles
Off-line editing Editing a Calibration in the DDC Cal Tool with no active connection
to the ECM
On-line editing Editing a Calibration in the DDC Cal Tool, and sending edited
parameters to the ECM while it is controlling the device
Panel The area on which controls are dropped and parameters controlled,
edited and viewed
Read Calibration Copy data from the ECM into the DDC Cal Tool
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Creating a problem report

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The Help menu has the following commands (press the button in the table for more information):

Help Contents... Display the Contents page for the Help system
About... Display the About dialog box showing information about
the version of the Detroit Diesel Calibration Tool or the Bus
Monitor you are running
Report Problem Open the Problem Report Tool so that you can create a
report if you experience software errors when using the
Detroit Diesel Calibration Tool.
You can also open the Problem Report Tool from the
Windows® Start menu.

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Navigator pop-up menus
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Indicator Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Indicator Control Properties dialog box and set
those properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Indicator Controls.
Note: The Indicator will show its ‘off’ state (Red and showing the ‘Off’ text - see below) if the value of the
linked parameter is in the lower half of its allowed range set in the Metafile; otherwise it will be in its
‘on’ state.
The Indicator Control Properties dialog box also has an Indicator page:

To set the text shown by the Indicator Control and the threshold used to turn it on or off:
1. Enter the text to be displayed when the Indicator is On and Off. The length of the text is limited
by the size of the control - if it will not fit in the control it won’t be displayed.
2. Choose whether you want to set the threshold as an Absolute value as a Percentage (the
percentage of the difference between maximum and minimum above the minimum) or as a
3. Set the Threshold Value.
4. Choose how the comparison should be made from the Comparison Type drop-down list box.
Next topic
Using the Button Control to control data
Previous topic
Thermometer Control properties

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Interpolating the values across a selection

To interpolate the values across a selection (this operation does not apply to enumerated values):
1. Set the contents of the cells at the ends of the selection to the required values (see Editing a
single data value).
2. Select the block of cells through which you want to interpolate the values (see Selecting a group
of cells in a table).

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3. From the Edit > Control submenu or the menu displayed when you right-click in the table:
· Choose Interpolate Selection to interpolate the values between the values at the four
corners of the selection (the values at the corners will be unchanged).
· Choose Interpolate Selection top to bottom to interpolate the values between the top
and bottom rows (the values in the top and bottom rows will be unchanged).
· Choose Interpolate Selection left to right to interpolate the values between the left and
right columns (the values in the left and right columns will be unchanged).
In all cases the values of the cells will be linearly interpolated using the axis settings. For example, the
values in the selected row have been set by interpolation:

Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum
value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively - this can
happen if the value of one of the intermediate axis points is greater or less than the values of the
axis points at the ends of the selection.
Next topic
Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another
Previous topic
Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount

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Note: The Layout menu is hidden when the Bus Monitor or a Message log Viewer is selected.
The Layout menu has the following commands (press the buttons in the table for more information):

Center in Panel Submenu

>>Horizontal Centers selected control to the horizontal center of the
>>Vertical Centers selected control to the vertical center of the panel
Align Controls Submenu
>>Left Aligns all selected controls to the left-hand edge of the
control furthest to the left
>>Right Aligns all selected controls to the right-hand edge of the
control furthest to the right

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DDC Cal Tool

>>Top Aligns all selected controls to the top edge of the control
nearest to the top
>>Bottom Aligns all selected controls to the lower edge of the control
nearest to the bottom
>>Horizontal Center Aligns the horizontal center of each selected control to the
horizontal center of all the selected controls
>>Vertical Center Aligns the vertical center of each selected control to the
vertical center of all the selected controls
Snap To Grid When selected, edges of controls will be forced to align
with the grid when you create them
Change Grid Displays the Change Grid Spacing dialog box so that you
Spacing... can set the X and Y spacing of the alignment grid
Tab Order Set the panel in Set Tab Order mode so that you can
change the tabbing order of the controls

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Alignment toolbox

The Alignment Toolbox contains a collection of tools for aligning controls with each other:

The equivalent commands all appear on the Align Controls submenu in the Layout menu.

Menu command Action

Left Aligns all selected controls to the left-hand edge of the
control furthest to the left
Right Aligns all selected controls to the right-hand edge of the
control furthest to the right
Top Aligns all selected controls to the top edge of the control
nearest to the top
Bottom Aligns all selected controls to the lower edge of the control
nearest to the bottom
Horizontal Center Aligns the horizontal center of each selected control to the
horizontal center of all the selected controls
Vertical Center Aligns the vertical center of each selected control to the
vertical center of all the selected controls

See Aligning controls on a panel for further information

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Controls Toolbox
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General Toolbar

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Linking data to controls

To link data to a control (if you did not link it to a parameter when you created it, or if you want to link it to a
different parameter):
1. Display the parameter in the Navigator (or a Parameter Viewer Control or a Compare control)).
2. Drag the parameter onto the control.
Note: The Navigator shows when a Calibration has unsaved changes with an asterisk between the
Calibration icon and the Calibration name - the parameters that have been changed are marked

Note: To drag a parameter from a Parameter Viewer Control, click in the parameter cell to select it, move
the pointer over the boundary of the selected cell (the pointer will change to show that you can drag
it), then drag the parameter by its boundary.
Note: To drag a parameter from a Parameter Viewer Control, if the parameter you want to drag is already
selected in the Compare control, click in another parameter to deselect it, then drag the required

Next topic
Relinking controls to parameters in a different Calibration
Previous topic
Placing controls on a panel

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This section gives a summary of the commands in the following menus:


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Edit (Panels only)

Tools(Bus Monitor/Message Log Viewers only)
Navigator pop-up menus
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Menus and Toolbars - summary

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Menus and Toolbars summary

This section of the Help system contains information about each of the menus and toolbars in the program.
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Getting more information about a fault

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Moving and resizing controls on a panel

Note The setting of Snap to Grid in the Layout menu or the menu displayed when you right-click in the
panel has no effect on moving or resizing controls.
To resize a control on a panel:
1. Click on the control to select it - the border of the control will be hatched and there will be drag
handles at the corners and middle of each side:

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DDC Cal Tool

2. Move the pointer over one of the drag handles - the pointer will change to a two-headed arrow
showing the direction in which you can reshape the control.
3. Drag the box to resize/reshape the control.
To move one or more controls on a panel:
1. Select the control(s).
2. Move the pointer over the border of the control (avoid the drag handles if you are just moving
one control; move the pointer over the border of any of the controls if you are moving more than
one) - the pointer will change to a four-headed arrow.
3. Drag the control to the required position on the panel.
Next topic
Aligning controls on a panel
Previous topic
Selecting controls

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Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount

To multiply the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount (this operation does not apply to enumerated
1. Select the cells (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).
2. Choose Block Multiply from the Edit > Control submenu or the menu displayed when you
right-click in the table to display the Block Multiply dialog box.
3. Enter the value by which you want to multiply each value in the selected cells.
4. Press OK to close the dialog box and carry out the operation.
Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum
value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively.
Next topic
Interpolating the values across a selection
Previous topic
Adding a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells

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Opening a Calibration

To open a Calibration (such as the sample Calibration created in Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a
sample Calibration):
1. Launch the DDC Cal Tool.
2. Right-click on Calibration Manager in the Navigator to display a pop-up menu.
3. Choose Open Calibration to display the Open Calibration dialog box dialog box:

This is a standard Windows® Open dialog box that has been extended to display information
about the selected file.
Note: You can press F4 as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of shortcuts
available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they will be
applied if there is any ambiguity.
4. In the Files of type drop-down list box, select:
Calibrations (*.cal, *.cor, *.shr, *.ra0, *.ra1, *.ra2) to open a Calibration saved previously
in the DDC Cal Tool or a calibration component created using the Split and Join
Calibrations program.
Or Metafiles (.met) if you need to open a compiled Metafile (such as the Metafile saved in
Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create sample data).
Or Datasets (*.dat) to open another type of dataset.
5. Use the Look in drop-down list and the file/folder list box to select the drive and folder
containing the required Calibration - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you
need more information.
The files of the type selected at Step 4 will be listed.
6. Select the required file (for example Sample.met for the file containing the sample data).
You can select several files to open at the same time in the usual way by (Shift)-clicking to
extend a selection and (Ctrl)-clicking to add to a selection.
7. Click Open.

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DDC Cal Tool

Note: Whenever the DDC Cal Tool opens a Calibration file (either when you use the Open Calibration
command or in other contexts), it also tries to open its associated Metafile - the associated Metafile
is shown in the information at the bottom of the Open Calibration dialog box.
If the DDC Cal Tool cannot find the Metafile in the Calibration's directory, it looks for a suitable
Metafile in the 'Metafiles' sub-directory of the datafiles directory; if it doesn’t find one, it displays an
open dialog box for you to locate and select the Metafile.
When a Metafile is located, the DDC Cal Tool will check if it was created using the latest version of
the software, and if it wasn't, you will be given the opportunity to abort loading the Calibration.
A numbered green folder will appear under Calibration Manager:

The number next to the folder is the version number given in the Metafile.
To see the Calibration (Metafiles are converted into Calibrations when they are loaded into the DDC Cal
Click on the + icon next to the folder to open it:

You can close the folder again by clicking on the - icon.

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Version folders
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Working with Calibrations

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The DDC Cal Tool provides a programmable software interface to the Electronic Control Module (ECM) in
an engine. Using the DDC Cal Tool, you can:
· View and edit the control parameters in the ECM to optimize the control logic
· View instrumentation variables, such as rpm or fluid temperatures and pressures, while the engine is
The control parameters and variables can be of many different types (such as integer, floating point or
enumerated values) and structure (such as, single-valued scalars or one, two or three dimensional tables).
The DDC Cal Tool provides a wide range of controls for viewing and editing all these types of values,
· Virtual instruments such as analog meters, thermometers, bars and sliders.
· Table graphs.
· Buttons.
· Text and Table Editor Controls.

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DDC Cal Tool

The control parameters for an ECM are defined in two files: a metafile (.MET), which can be created using
Pi’s Metafile Compiler, which defines the structure; and a Calibration file (.CAL) generated by the DDC Cal
Tool, which contains the parameter values.
Calibrations can be edited off-line or on-line:
· To edit a Calibration off-line, you can either:
(a) Open a file containing a saved version of the Calibration, or
(b) Connect to the ECM, read the Calibration, and then disconnect.
You can then edit the Calibration in the DDC Cal Tool and either save the edited version to download
to the Calibration at a later time, or connect to the ECM and download the Calibration to the ECM
· To edit parameters on-line, you identify the parameters to be edited and then set them to ‘Cal on the Fly’ mode -
the DDC Cal Tool first uploads the current values of the Cal on the Fly parameters from the ECM, then, until you
leave Cal-on-the-fly mode, any changes you make to those parameters in the DDC Cal Tool are sent
immediately to the ECM while it is running.
Typical applications for the DDC Cal Tool include:
· debugging new ECM control logic;
· optimizing operation by fine-tuning individual control parameters for a device while it is running;
· reprogramming an ECM to accommodate changing requirements.
Main sections of the Help system
The DDC Cal Tool interface
Working with Calibrations
Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls
DDC Cal Tool data controls
User setups
Comparing Calibrations
Communicating with the ECM
Transferring data between the DDC Cal Tool and the ECM
Watchsets - monitoring variables in the ECM
Viewing Diagnostics
Menus and Toolbars - summary
See also
Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Calibration

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Parameter Viewer Control Properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Viewer Control Properties dialog box.
The Viewer Control Properties dialog box has two pages: Fields and Grid.

Viewer Control Properties dialog box - Fields

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DDC Cal Tool

The Fields table shows a list of columns (Field Name) that can be displayed in the Parameter Viewer
To specify the properties of the individual columns in the Parameter Viewer Control, for each field (row in
the Fields table):
1. Check Show to display a column for the field; uncheck it if you do not want to display that
2. To change the column title, click in the Title column and type the new title, or double-click to
place a cursor and edit the existing title.
3. Click in the Alignment column to display a drop-down list box and choose Left, Right or Centre
to specify the alignment of the data (the titles are always centered).
4. Click in the Width column and type in the required column width in pixels.
Note: You can also change the column width in the control itself or you can set column autosizing (see
next point).
5. Check Autosize to set column autosizing. When autosizing is set for a column, the column
width adjusts automatically to fit its contents when you change the parameters viewed in the
control by dragging a different parameter group into the control or by navigating the parameter
tree within the control.
Note: Autosizing can slow down the display of large groups (such as Watchsets) on slow machines.
The ordering of rows in the Viewer Control Properties dialog box determines the ordering of columns in
the Parameter Viewer control.
To change the ordering of columns in the Parameter Viewer control:
1. Click on a row in the Viewer Control Properties dialog box to select it (you can select several
adjacent rows by dragging through them).
2. Drag the row(s) to the required position in the ordering.

Viewer Control Properties dialog box - Grids

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DDC Cal Tool

To specify the properties of the table in the Parameter Viewer Control:

1. Enter the required number of Frozen Rows and Frozen Columns to specify the scrolling
behavior of the table. For example, if the control is not big enough to display all of the columns
selected for display, there will be a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the control. When you
use this to scroll the control, only the non-frozen columns will be scrolled - if you specify two
frozen columns, the first two columns will always be displayed and the scroll bar will scroll the
remaining columns.
2. Check Move selection after Enter if you want a neighboring cell in the control selected after
you have pressed the Enter key.
Specify which neighboring cell should be selected by choosing a Direction from the drop-down
list box.
This can be useful if you want to enter a column of data in the Parameter Viewer Control -
pressing Enter confirms the new value and selects the next cell so that you can enter the next
3. Check TabStop if you want the control included in the tabbing order.
Next topic
Adjusting the width of columns in a Parameter Viewer Control
Previous topic
Linking Calibration Manager to a Parameter Viewer Control

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Placing controls on a DDC Cal Tool panel

You can place controls on a panel:

· Using the Controls toolbox
· Using a menu command
· Using the Navigator or a Parameter Viewer control.
To place a control on a panel using the Controls toolbox:
1. Press the required control’s button in the toolbox - the button will be shown as depressed in the

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DDC Cal Tool

2. Drag out the required outline of the control on the panel (drag from the top left-hand corner to
the bottom right-hand corner).
Drag the required control from the Controls toolbox onto the panel - the control will be placed
on the panel with a default size and with its top left-hand corner at the point you dropped it.
To place a control on a panel using a menu command:
1. Choose Insert Visual Object from the Edit menu (or the menu displayed when you right-click in
the panel) to display the Insert Control dialog box:

2. Click on the required control in the list to select it.

3. Press OK to place the control on the panel with a default size and position.
To place a control on a panel and link it to a parameter or group in a Calibration at the same time:
1. Display the parameter or group in the Navigator or a Parameter Viewer control.
2. Drag the parameter or group from the Navigator or Parameter Viewer control over the panel to
the required position .
3. Drop the parameter or group in the required position.
The control created depends on the type of parameter or group:
· A scalar will create an Edit Control
· A one or two dimensional table will create a Table Editor Control
· A group (of any sort) will create a Parameter Viewer Control.
Next topic
Linking data to controls
Previous topic
Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls

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Reading a Calibration from the ECM

For efficiency, the DDC Cal Tool requires the ECM to be executing in the Boot ROM while it uploads the
Calibration from the ECM. If no ECM is currently executing in the Boot ROM, the DDC Cal Tool will try to
vector to Boot Rom automatically - if there is more than one ECM, you will be asked to choose the ECM to
upload from. See Vectoring to the boot ROM for how to switch an ECM to execute in the Boot ROM as a
separate operation.
To upload a calibration from an ECM to a Calibration in the DDC Cal Tool:

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DDC Cal Tool

1. Open the appropriate Calibration (see Opening a Calibration).

2. Select the Calibration in the Navigator.
3. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to pop up a menu, and choose Upload
Note: You can press Ctrl+U as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of
shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they
will be applied if there is any ambiguity.
You should skip the next step if there is already an ECM running in Boot Rom.
4. If there is no ECM currently running in Boot Rom, the DDC Cal Tool will try to vector to Boot
Rom automatically.
Note: The DDC Cal Tool will only be able to vector to the Boot ROM within a short time after switching on
the ECM - the precise time depends on the model of ECM you are using, but is typically 30-60
seconds. This means that you may need to recycle the ECM - turn the ignition off, wait a few
seconds and the turn it on again.
If there is more than one ECM, you will be asked to choose which ECM to upload from:

Click on the radio button for the ECM you require and press OK.
5. A progress dialog will be displayed while the Calibration is uploaded.
A dialog box will be displayed when the process is complete.
Press OK to close the dialog box.
Provided the ‘Metafiles’ folder contains a suitable metafile DDC Cal Tool can also upload the Calibration
from an ECM into a new Calibration.
To upload the Calibration from an ECM to a new Calibration in the DDC Cal Tool:
1. Choose Upload Calibration from the Comms menu.
You should skip the next step if there is already an ECM running in Boot Rom.
2. If there is no ECM currently running in Boot Rom, the DDC Cal Tool will try to vector to Boot
Rom automatically.
Note: The DDC Cal Tool will only be able to vector to the Boot ROM within a short time after switching on
the ECM - the precise time depends on the model of ECM you are using, but is typically 30-60
seconds. This means that you may need to recycle the ECM - turn the ignition off, wait a few
seconds and the turn it on again.
If there is more than one ECM, you will be asked to choose which ECM to upload from:

Click on the radio button for the ECM you require and press OK.

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DDC Cal Tool

3. A progress dialog will be displayed while the Calibration is uploaded.

A dialog box will be displayed when the process is complete.
Press OK to close the dialog box.
A new Calibration containing the calibration data will be created in the Calibration Manager.
Next topic
Watchsets - monitoring variables in the ECM
Previous topic
Setting the values of Watch variables - Slewing

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Converting a Calibration

When you create a new version of a metafile, the structure of existing Calibrations from the previous version may
become invalid. The DDC Cal Tool allows you to convert existing Calibrations to match the structure of a new version of
the metafile.
Note: The DDC Cal Tool does not support the conversion of DDEC II calibrations.

To convert a Calibration:
1. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Convert Calibration from the pop-up menu to display the Select Metafile To Convert
To dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® Open dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box to select the new version of the Metafile and press Open.
The Please Wait dialog box will be displayed while the conversion is carried out, and then the
Conversion Results dialog box will be displayed summarizing the actions taken - this summary
will also be saved in a file with the same name as you give to the Calibration (see Step 5) but
with a .log extension.
4. Press OK to display the Save Converted Calibration As dialog box.
This is a standard DDC Save dialog box.
5. Use the dialog box to select a folder for the Calibration and enter a name for it.
The new converted Calibration will be loaded into the Navigator.
Next topic
Applying constraints to parameters in a Calibration
Previous topic
Saving and removing Calibrations

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Relinking controls to parameters in a different Calibration

To relink the controls that are linked to one Calibration (Calibration A for example), to parameters with the
same name in a different Calibration (Calibration B for example):
1. Drag the Calibration icon for Calibration A and drop it on the icon for Calibration B.
A menu will pop up.

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DDC Cal Tool

2. Choose Attach controls here to link the controls previously linked to parameters in Calibration
A to the equivalent parameters in Calibration B.
Note: See Copying data - Mix and Match for details of the other commands in the pop-up menu.
Next topic
Selecting controls
Previous topic
Linking data to controls

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Saving and removing Calibrations

Note: Calibration are saved in files with a ‘.cal’ extension.

The Navigator shows when a Calibration has unsaved changes by displaying an asterisk between the
Calibration icon and the Calibration name - the parameters that have been changed are marked similarly:

To save a Calibration with a new name:

1. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Save Calibration As from the pop-up menu to display the Save Calibration As dialog

This dialog box is essentially a standard Windows® dialog box with the addition of two edit boxes and three
read-only boxes at the bottom. The read-only boxes give some basic information about the Calibration.
3. Use the Save Calibration As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the Calibration -
see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
4. Enter an Author identifier - this can be up to three characters.

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DDC Cal Tool

5. Enter a brief Comment to document the Calibration.

6. Press Save to save the Calibration.
Note: The structural information that the DDC Cal Tool needs to display and format a Calibration when you
open it is stored in the original metafile rather than the Calibration. This means that the Metafile
must be left in the

\Detroit Diesel\Calibration Tool\Metafiles

folder so that it can be accessed by the DDC Cal Tool.

To save a Calibration after you have changed it using its current name:
1. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Save Calibration from the pop-up menu to display the Save .. dialog box:

3. Type into the Enter comment box any comment you want saved with the Calibration - the
comment will be timestamped to show the time the Calibration was saved.
4. Enter or edit your name in the Who box and the location in the Where box - these context fields
will be appended to the comment.
5. Press OK to save the Calibration.

Removing Calibrations
To remove a Calibration from the Navigator:
1. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove Calibration from the pop-up menu.
If there are any unsaved changes, you will be asked if you want to save them.
The Calibration entry will be removed from the Navigator.
To remove all of the Calibrations from the Navigator:
1. Right-click on Calibration Manager in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove All from the pop-up menu.
If there are any unsaved changes in any of the Calibrations, you will be asked if you want to save them.
Next topic
Converting a Calibration
Previous topic
Reverting parameters to their last saved values

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Selecting a group of cells in a table

To select all the displayed cells of a table with two or more dimensions:

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Click on the box where the two axes meet at the top left-hand corner of the table:

Click again to deselect all the cells.

Note: If you copy the table to the clipboard after selecting the complete table in this way, the axes will be
copied as well as the cells. This has no effect on operations within the DDC Cal Tool, but enables
you to paste the table including its axes into Excel - see Copying table cells to Excel.
To select all the cells in a column (row):
Click on the axis box labeling the column (row) - the pointer changes to a vertical (horizontal)
arrow when it is in the box:

Note: If you copy complete columns (rows) to the clipboard in this way, the axis values will be copied as
well as the cells. This has no effect on operations within the DDC Cal Tool, but enables you to paste
the table including the axis values into Excel - see Copying table cells to Excel.
To add adjacent columns (rows) to the selection:
Drag the pointer from the selected column’s (row’s) axis box into the axis boxes for the columns
(rows) you want to add.
SHIFT-click in the axis box for last column (row) in the required selection.
To add an individual column (row) to a selection:
CTRL-click in the axis box for the column (row).
To select a block of cells in a table:
Drag from one corner of the block to the diagonally opposite corner.
Press Shift+arrow keys.

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Next topic
Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value
Previous topic
Editing a single data value

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Selecting controls

To select one or more controls on a panel:

1. Click on the first control you want to select.
2. CTRL-click (or SHIFT-click) on any other tools you want to add to the selection.
Using the pointer, drag a selection box around the controls you want to select - any controls
completely enclosed by the selection box will become selected.
To select all the controls on a panel:
Choose Select All from the Edit menu or the pop-up menu displayed when you right-click on
the panel’s background.
Next topic
Moving and resizing controls on a panel
Previous topic
Relinking controls to parameters in a different Calibration

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Downloading a Calibration Off-line

For efficiency, the DDC Cal Tool requires the ECM to be executing in the Boot ROM while it downloads the
Calibration to the ECM. If no ECM is currently executing in the Boot ROM, the DDC Cal Tool will try to
vector to Boot Rom automatically - if there is more than one ECM, you will be asked to choose the target
for the new calibration. See Vectoring to the boot ROM for how to switch an ECM to execute in the Boot
ROM as a separate operation.
To send a Calibration to the ECM:
1. Open the Calibration that you want to send to the ECM (see Opening a Calibration).
2. Select the Calibration in the Navigator.
3. Right-click on the Calibration to display a pop-up menu and choose Download Calibration.
Note: You can press Ctrl+D as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of
shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when thye can be applied and to which object they
will be applied if there is any ambiguity.
You should skip the next step if there is already an ECM running in Boot Rom.
4. If there is no ECM currently running in Boot Rom, the DDC Cal Tool will try to vector to Boot
Rom automatically.
Note: The DDC Cal Tool will only be able to vector to the Boot ROM within a short time after switching on
the ECM - the precise time depends on the model of ECM you are using, but is typically 30-60

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seconds. This means that you may need to recycle the ECM - turn the ignition off, wait a few
seconds and the turn it on again.
If there is more than one ECM, you will be asked to choose which ECM to download to:

Click on the radio button for the ECM you require and press OK.
5. A dialog box will be displayed showing that the Calibration has been sent successfully.
Press OK to close the dialog box.

Next topic
Sending calibration data on-line - Cal on the Fly
Previous topic
Sending a Calibration to the ECM

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Sending calibration data to the ECM

You can send parameters to the ECM in two ways: off-line, when the complete Calibration is sent; or on-
line, when individual parameters are sent while the ECM is controlling the device.
Next topic
Downloading a Calibration Off-line
Previous topic
Transferring data between the DDC Cal Tool and the ECM

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Sending calibration data on-line - Cal on the Fly

As well as sending a complete calibration to the ECM you can edit the values of individual parameters in
real time - this is called ‘Cal on the Fly’.

Note: Recent DDEC V versions allow Cal on the Fly to be used with J1939 as well as J1708.
Next topic
Defining the Cal on the Fly parameters
Previous topic
Downloading a Calibration Off-line

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Setting Data Source properties in The DDC Cal Tool

This function has not been implemented in this release of the DDC Cal Tool.
Next topic
Using the Parameter Viewer Control
Previous topic

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Setting The DDC Cal Tool control properties

As well as being able to change the position, size and shape of controls on the panel, you can customize
their appearance in many other ways. To do this you set the control’s properties.
Note: The following instructions do not apply to Compare controls.
To set a control’s properties:
Choose Properties... from the CtrlType Control Properties submenu in the Edit menu or the
menu displayed when you right-click on the control.
The CtrlType Control Properties dialog box will be displayed.
The CtrlType Control Properties dialog box has a number of different pages. Three of these pages are
common to many controls (though not all of the properties they contain can be applied to all controls) and
are described in General properties - controls. For details of properties specific to each of the different
types of control, see:
Control View Data Edit Data Click for details
Table Yes Yes

Analog Meter Yes No

Bar Yes No

Button No Yes

Edit Yes Yes

Indicator Yes No

Slider Yes Yes

Static Text No No

Thermometer Yes No

Parameter Viewer Yes Yes

Table Graph Yes No

Command Button No No

Bit Field Editor Yes Yes

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Smart Edit Yes Yes

Smart Check Box Yes Yes

Smart Drop-down Yes Yes

Smart Text Yes Yes

Chart recorder Yes No

Next topic
General properties
Previous topic
Setting the Tab Order

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Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value

To set the values of a selection of cells to the same value:

1. Select the cells (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).
2. Choose Fill Selection from the Edit > Control submenu or the menu displayed when you right-
click in the table to display the Block Fill dialog box.
3. Enter the value to which you want to set the selected cells.
4. Press OK to close the dialog box and carry out the operation.
Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum
value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively.
Next topic
Adding a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells
Previous topic
Selecting a group of cells in a table

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Slider Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Slider Control Properties dialog box and set those
properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Edit Controls.
The Slider Control Properties dialog box also has a Slider page:

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To set the properties of a slider control:

1. Type the required number of graduations on the slider into the Graduations box. The maximum
allowable is 50.
2. Check Mouse Select if you want to be able to use the mouse to adjust the slider position.
3. Check Highlight if you want the slider control highlighted when it is selected - this will enable
you to see which slider will be adjusted by keyboard input.
Next topic
Editing the data using a Slider Control
Previous topic
Using the Slider Control to view and edit data

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General Toolbar

The General toolbar contains a collection of tools for carrying out file and document operations:

Press the buttons in the table for more information

Menu command Action

File>>New Panel Create a new panel

File>>Open>>Panel Display the Open dialog box so that you can open a
previously saved panel
File>>Save Save the selected panel to its existing file - display the Save
As dialog box if not previously saved
File>>Design Mode Switch Design mode on or off - button depressed when
Design mode on
View>>Show Grid Show/hide the grid on the panel

Layout>>Tab Order Switches panel to Set Tab Order mode so that you can set

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the tab order

File>>Workspace Displays the Workspace Information dialog box so that you
Information can view and edit information about the workspace
Edit>>Cut Remove the selected control(s) and place it on the
Windows® clipboard
Edit>>Copy Copy the selected control(s) onto the Windows® clipboard

Edit>>Paste Paste the contents of the Windows® clipboard onto the panel

File>>Print Print the selected panel

Changes the pointer to a Help pointer, then displays context-

sensitive Help for the item clicked on
Help>>About Display the About dialog box showing information about the
version of ToolBench you are running

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Alignment Toolbox
Previous topic

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Table Editor Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Table Editor Control Properties dialog box.
See General properties) for how to set those properties on the General page that can be applied to Table
Editor Controls.
The Table Editor Control Properties dialog box also has Table Editor and Display pages - these are
described in the following topics:
Table Editor Control - Table Editor properties
Table Editor Control - Display properties
Next topic
Table Editor Control - Table Editor properties
Previous topic
Using the Table Editor Control to view and edit data

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Text Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Text Control Properties dialog box and set those
properties on the Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Static Text Control.
The General page in the Static Text Control Properties dialog box is different from that on other
Properties dialog boxes:

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To enter the text displayed by the Static Text Control:

1. Type into the Text box.
2. Check Show Border to display a border around the control on the panel.
3. From the Alignment drop-down list box choose whether you want the text centered or aligned
to the left or right in the Static text control.
Next topic
Using Bit Field Editor Controls
Previous topic
The Text Control

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The DDC Cal Tool interface

The DDC Cal Tool runs in the Pi ToolBench Environment:

{bmc bm80.SHG}
Click on the different parts of the picture to find out what they are.
To display or hide a toolbar or the Navigator:
Choose the name of the toolbar or Navigator from the View menu.
The corresponding command is checked in the menu when a toolbar or Navigator is displayed.
The Navigator and all the toolbars can be docked against one of the edges of the ToolBench window - in
the picture the Navigator is docked against the left-hand edge of the window (this is the only position the
Navigator can be docked) and the General and Alignment toolbars are docked against the top edge
(these toolbars and the Controls toolbox can be docked against any edge).
The Navigator and all the toolbars can also be made to float so that they can be positioned anywhere on
the desktop - the Controls toolbox in the picture is floating. When they are floating, the toolbars can be
reshaped by dragging their edges.
To move the navigator or a toolbar:
1. Move the pointer over the edge of the Navigator or toolbar but avoiding the tools.
2. Drag the Navigator or toolbar to the required position.
You can drag a docked toolbar:

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· along the window edge it is docked to

· to another window edge
· away from the window edges so that it floats.
You can drag the Navigator when it is docked:
· away from the window edges so that it floats.
You can drag the Navigator or a toolbar when it is floating:
· to any point on the desktop
· to a window edge to dock it there (double-clicking in the title bar of the floating Navigator or toolbar
also docks it).
You use the navigator and the tools on toolbars in exactly the same way whether they are floating or
For summary details for all the tools and menu commands, see Menus and Toolbars - summary.
Next topic
Working with Calibrations
Previous topic
Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Calibration

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The Static Text Control

You can use the Static Text Control to place labels or comments on the panel - text controls are not linked
to data in Calibrations.

You can create a Static Text Control using the Static Text Control button in the Controls
toolbox - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information
about creating controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.

Next topic
Text Control properties
Previous topic
Editing data with the button control

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Thermometer Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Thermometer Control Properties dialog box and set
those properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Thermometer Controls.
The Thermometer Control Properties dialog box also has a Thermometer page:

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To set the number of divisions to be marked on the thermometer scale:

Enter the number in the Number of divisions box. You can enter from 0 through 100.
Next topic
Indicator Control properties
Previous topic
Bar Control properties

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The DDC Cal Tool has five toolbars/toolboxes: General, Alignment, Controls, Active and Bus Monitor
Note: The Tools toolbar is hidden when a panel is selected.
See The DDC Cal Tool interface for general information about working with toolbars.
Next topic
General Toolbar
Previous topic

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Item menu

Note: The Item menu is hidden when the Bus Monitor or a Message log Viewer is selected.
The contents of the Item menu depend on what item is selected in the Navigator - it has the same contents
as the corresponding Navigator pop-up menu.
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User setups

This section of the Help system describes:


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Pan and Zoom mode

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User-defined groups

In addition to the groups defined in the Metafile, the Navigator includes several user-defined groups. You
can use these to group together sets of parameters that you want to get to quickly without having to
navigate the hierarchy defined in the Metafile.
Note: The user-defined groups are provided for convenience when you are using the DDC Cal Tool.
Placing a parameter in a group gives you another way of accessing that parameter - the parameters
in user-defined groups are just shortcuts or references to the original parameters not a new copy
that you can change independently. Adding and using parameters in user-defined groups has no
effect on the way data is downloaded to an ECM.

Creating, importing and removing user-defined groups

To create a user-defined group:
1. Right click on the Calibration to pop up a menu.
2. Select Add User Defined Group.
A new user-defined group with a default name will be added to the Calibration.
To import a user-defined group definition (see below for how to export or create user-defined group
definition files):
1. Right click on the Calibration to pop up a menu.
2. Select Import User Defined Group to display a standard Windows Open dialog box.
3. Select the required user-defined group definition file.
4. Press Open.
If the Calibration does not already contain a user-defined group with the same name as the user-defined
group definition file, a new one will be created with that name. The parameters listed in the file will be
added to the user-defined group (provided they are defined in the Calibration).

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Note: If there is already a user-defined group with the same name as the user-defined group definition file,
the parameters in the file will be added to any that are already contained within the user-defined
To remove a user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the group in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Select Remove User Defined Group.

Adding parameters to a user-defined group

To add a parameter to a user-defined group:
1. Display the parameter in the Navigator by opening the relevant groups.
2. Drag the parameter and drop it onto the user-defined group.
3. A menu will be displayed allowing you to choose whether to add a 'reference' to the parameter
or cancel the operation.
Note: As you drag the parameter, the pointer has a short-cut icon attached to it to show that you are just
creating another way of accessing the parameter and not changing the structure of the Calibration.
Note: You can also drag a parameter from a Parameter Viewer Control to a user-defined group - see
Using a Parameter Viewer Control to link data to other controls for how to drag parameters from a
Parameter Viewer Control.
1. Display the parameter in the Navigator by opening the relevant groups.
2. Right-click on the parameter to pop up a menu.
3. Select Copy Reference.
4. Right-click on the user-defined group to pop up a menu.
5. Select Paste Reference.
To add all the parameters in a group, another user-defined group, or the complete Calibration to a user-
defined group:
1. Drag the group or the Calibration onto or into the user-defined group.
2. A menu will be displayed allowing you to choose, when appropriate:
Copy here.
Copy here without axes
Add reference here
Cancel Operation.
See Copying data - Mix and Match for more information about these commands.
To copy the structure of a user defined group from one Calibration to another:
1. Drag the source user-defined group onto the target user-defined group.
2. A menu will be displayed.
3. Choose Add reference here.
The parameters in the source user-defined group will be added to the target user-defined group (provided
they appear in the target Calibration), but the values of the parameters will not be changed. This means
that once you have set up the user-defined groups in one Calibration, you can use this technique to copy
their structure (the list of parameters they contain) to other similar Calibrations and do not need to build
them again from scratch.
Note: See Copying data - Mix and Match for more information about the other commands appearing on
the menu.

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Exporting a user-defined group

To export a list of the parameters in a user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the group in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Export User Defined Group to display a standard Windows Save As dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box to select a location and choose a name for the user-defined group definition
4. Press Save to save the user-defined group definition file.
Note: The user-defined group definition file is a text file. The first line contains a version identification
string, the remaining lines each contain a parameter name. You can create your own user-defined
group definition file in this format using a text editor or other tool for import into Calibrations.

Removing parameters from a user-defined group

To remove a parameter from a user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the parameter in the user-defined group to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove.

To empty a user-defined group:

1. Right-click on the group in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove All.

Changing the name of a user-defined group

To change the name of a user-defined group:

1. Right-click on the group in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Properties to display the User defined Properties dialog box:

3. Edit the name shown in the Group Name box.

4. Press OK to close the dialog box and set the new name.

Note: The names and contents of any user-defined groups are saved with the Calibration when you save
Next topic
Adding parameters to user defined groups by searching

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Previous topic
Parameter changed indicator

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Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data

The DDC Cal Tool provides a range of instrument controls for viewing data. These ‘Virtual Instruments’

Analog Meters
You can create these controls using the appropriate control button in the Controls toolbox - see Creating
and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information about creating controls and linking
them to data in a Calibration.
The following picture shows in the first column an Analog Meter, a Bar, and an Indicator, a Chart Recorder
in the center and a Thermometer on the right-hand side:

Next topic
Analog Meter Control properties
Previous topic
Editing data using a Slider Control

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Using the Table Graph Control to view data

Table Graph Controls allow you to view and edit data in one- and two-dimensional tables.

You can create a Table Graph Control using the Table Graph Control button on the Controls
toolbox - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information

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about creating controls.

When you create a Table Graph Control it will be labeled 'No Data Manager Attached' until you link a
parameter to it - see the next topic.
Next topic
Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control
Previous topic
Showing the Operating point in a Table Editor Control

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Using the Button Control to control data

The Button control is an On/Off control with latching and non-latching options.

You can create a Button Control using the Button Control button in the Controls toolbox -
see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information about
creating controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.
Note: When a button is used to turn a parameter on (off), it sets the parameter to the maximum (minimum)
value set for the parameter in the Metafile. This means that turning a parameter on and then off (or
vice versa) does not reset it to its original value if it was not initially at the minimum (maximum)
Next topic
Button Control properties
Previous topic
Indicator Control properties

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Using the Edit Control to view and edit data

Edit Controls allow you to view and edit scalar (single value) parameters (you can link a table to an Edit
Control, but this only allows you to edit the first cell in the table).

You can create an Edit Control using the Edit Control button in the Controls toolbox - see
Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information about creating
controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.
Next topic
Edit Control properties
Previous topic
Table Graph Control - Axis properties

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Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView)

The Parameter Viewer control gives a quick way of viewing parameter data.

You can create a Parameter Viewer control using the Parameter Viewer button in the
Controls toolbox, or, more conveniently, by dragging a calibration or group from the Navigator (or
another Parameter Viewer control) and dropping it onto a panel - see Creating and working with
the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information about creating controls.
Next topic
Linking Calibration Manager to a Parameter Viewer Control
Previous topic
Setting Data Source properties

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Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Calibration

This topic shows you how to create a sample Calibration using the Pi Metafile Compiler. Many of the
instructions in this Help system use this sample Calibration to illustrate the DDC Cal Tool’s functionality.
Note: The Pi Metafile Compiler is a separate program, which is installed with the DDC Cal Tool if you use
DDCTSetupPlus. Separate programs are also provided to convert DDC Map files to text Metafiles
and compiled Metafiles to Calmem files - see Metafile conversion programs.
The sample Calibration is in the form of a script Metafile with an .smf extension. Before you can open the
sample Calibration in the DDC Cal Tool, you need to compile the script Metafile to create a binary Metafile
file, which will be saved with a .met extension.
To compile and save a Metafile:
1. Launch the Pi Metafile Compiler.

2. Choose Open Sample from the File menu. The Sample.smf Metafile will be displayed in a
3. Choose Compile from the File menu to display the Output window, followed by the Save As
dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
4. Use the Save As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the compiled file - see the
context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
5. Click Save to save the file and close the dialog box.
A message in the Output window will confirm that the file has been saved.
6. Choose Exit from the File menu to close the Pi Metafile Compiler.
You will now be able to open, view and edit the sample Calibration in the DDC Cal Tool.
Next topic
The DDC Cal Tool interface
Previous topic
Registering the DDC Cal Tool

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Using the Slider Control to view and edit data

Slider Controls allow you to view and edit scalar (single value) parameters (you can link a table to a Slider
Control, but this only allows you to edit the first cell in the table).

You can create a Slider Control using the Slider Control button in the Controls toolbox - see
Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information about creating
controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.
Next topic
Slider Control properties
Previous topic
Viewing and editing the data

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Using the Table Editor Control to view and edit data

You can use a Table Editor Control to view and edit scalar or table parameters.
Note: You can also use the Quick Edit dialog box to view and edit table data this is effectively a Table
Editor Control in a dialog box and most of the techniques described in this section for working with
Table Editor Controls can be used with the Quick Edit dialog box. You can display the Quick Edit
dialog box by double-clicking on a table parameter in the Navigator or a Parameter Viewer control.

You can create a Table Editor Control using the Table Editor Control button in the Controls
toolbox or by dropping a 1D or 2D parameter (including strings, which are 1D parameters) on
a panel - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information
about creating controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.

Next topic
Table Editor Control properties
Previous topic
Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control

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Version folders

When you open a Calibration in the DDC Cal Tool it is placed in a folder within Calibration Manager. If you
open two Metafiles or Calibrations with the same version number, they will both appear in the same version

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DDC Cal Tool

Note: The example picture above shows that the ‘Sample’ calibration has a version number of 1. In real
examples, the version number will have two parts showing the major and edit version numbers.
For example, the following version folder contains a calibration with major version number 29 and
edit version number 6.

If you open another Metafile or Calibration with a new version number, it will appear in a new version folder
showing its version number:

Next topic
Viewing information about a Calibration
Previous topic
Opening a Calibration

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The View menu has the following commands when a panel is selected (press the buttons in the table for
more information):

Navigator Shows/hides the Navigator

Active Toolbar Shows/hides the Active toolbar
General Toolbar Shows/hides the General toolbar
Status Bar Shows/hides the Status Bar
Controls Toolbox Shows/hides the Controls toolbox
Alignment Toolbox Shows/hides the Alignment toolbox
Show Grid Shows/hides the grid on the panel

The View menu has the following command when the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer is selected:

Toolbar Shows/hides the Bus monitor toolbar

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Viewing and editing the data - Edit Control

The Edit Control shows the value of the linked parameter with the precision selected on the General page
in the Edit Control Properties dialog box (Digits after DP).
To edit the value shown in an Edit Control:
1. Click in the control to place an editing caret. (Double-click to select the value if you want to
replace it completely.)
Note: To carry out this operation using the keyboard: press F6 to tab between the controls until the edit
control is selected, press the down or right arrow key to select the value and either type in a new
value or use the arrow keys to move an editing caret in the text to edit the existing value.
2. Edit the value, or enter a new value.
3. Press ENTER to finish editing the value.
Note: The change will be lost if you press TAB or use the mouse to switch to another control before
pressing ENTER.
If you try to enter a value greater than the maximum or less than the minimum value set for the parameter
in the Metafile, the value will be set to the maximum or minimum value, respectively.
Note: Since an enumeration parameter is a scalar, it can be linked to an edit control and edited in it.
However, in general, there is no check that the value you enter is a valid enumeration, so this could
lead to problems.
You can use the default or User-defined Caption (see General properties) to show which parameter it is
linked to. However, even if you don’t use a caption, you will be able to identify the linked parameter by
moving the pointer over the Edit Control: after a few seconds, a tool tip will be displayed showing the Edit
Control’s value and linked parameter:

This shows the Edit Control is linked to parameter C2.

Next topic
Using the Slider Control to view and edit data
Previous topic
Edit Control properties

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Viewing table data

Tables can have one, two or three dimensions.

Note: You can also view and edit scalars (single-value parameters) in a Table Editor Control - they behave
like a one-dimensional table with a single cell.
As an example of a one-dimensional table (column), if you link the parameter Parameter A2 axis 1 from
Group2>Subgroup1 in the Sample file to a Table Editor Control (see Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to
create a sample Calibration and Linking data to controls), you get:

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Parameter A2 in Group 1 is an example of a two-dimensional table:

Next topic
Changing the orientation of a table
Previous topic
Table Editor Control - Display properties

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The Window menu has the following commands:

Cascade Rearranges the open non-minimized panels, Bus Monitor

and Message Log Viewers so that they overlap with only
the title bars and left-hand edges of lower windows showing
Tile Horizontally Rearranges the open non-minimized panels, Bus Monitor
and Message Log Viewers so that they do not overlap, fill
the document area and each window is wider than it is tall
(landscape format)
Tile Vertically Rearranges the open non-minimized panels, Bus Monitor
and Message Log Viewers so that they do not overlap, fill
the document area and each window is taller than it is wide
(portrait format)
Arrange Icons Rearranges the icons of minimized panels, Message Log
Viewers and Bus Monitor along the bottom edge of the
document area

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DDC Cal Tool

Open panels, Bus The Window menu lists the names of the open panels, Bus
Monitor and Message Monitor and Message Log Viewers - choose a name from the list
Log Viewers to select the panel, Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer (bring it
to the front if it is not minimized; restore it and bring it to the front if
it is minimized)

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Working with Calibrations

Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Calibration showed you how to create a binary metafile
Calibration (.met) file from a script metafile (.smf) file. The metafile contains definitions of the data
structures and default parameter values. Typically, the software developers will only create a new metafile
when they produce a new version of the ECM software. You can think of the metafile as a template for
producing Calibrations for the corresponding version of the ECM software; each of these Calibrations
contains the specific parameter values for an individual ECM.
You can use the DDC Cal Tool to create Calibrations from a binary metafile, then edit the default parameter
values in the Calibration for use with a specific ECM and save the Calibration as a Calibration (.cal) file.
You can also load Calibrations into the DDC Cal Tool to view and edit the calibration parameters they
Next topic
Opening a Calibration
Previous topic
The DDC Cal Tool interface

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Note that if the DDEC Reprogramming System is also installed on the PC, there will be an additional 'Root'
item in the Navigator:

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Aligning controls on a panel

The commands in the Align Controls and Center in Panel submenus of the Layout menu allow you to
position the selected controls relative to each other or the panel, respectively.
To align two or more controls relative to each other:
1. Select the controls.

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2. Choose the relevant command from the Align Controls submenu in the Layout menu or the
menu displayed when you right-click on one of the controls.
Press the relevant button in the Alignment toolbox:

For example: if you choose Align Controls>Left, all the selected controls will be aligned to the left-hand
edge of the leftmost selected control; if you choose Align Controls>Horizontal Center, all the selected
controls will be aligned so that their horizontal centers coincide with the point half way between the left-
hand edge of the leftmost selected control and the right-hand edge of the rightmost selected control.
To align one or more controls relative to the panel:
1. Select the control(s).
2. Choose Horizontal or Vertical from the Center in Panel submenu in the Layout menu or the
menu displayed when you right-click on one of the controls.
Note If you select a group of controls, they will be aligned to the panel as a group, not individually.
Next topic
Deleting, copying and pasting controls
Previous topic
Moving and resizing controls on a panel

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Command Button properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Command Button Control Properties dialog box and
set those properties on the General, Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Command Button
The Command Button Control Properties dialog box also has a Commands page:

You use the Commands page to specify which Navigator pop-up menu command or a Visual Basic Script
function should be run when the button is pressed.

Selecting a Navigator pop-up menu command

To choose the Navigator pop-up menu command that will be run by pressing the Command Button:
1. Link the Command Button to the Navigator item for which you want to run the command.
2. Open the Command Button Control Properties dialog box and select the Commands page.
3. Click on the Select Verb radio button to enable the Verb Name drop-down list box.
The Verb Name drop-down list box lists the commands in the pop-up menu for the Navigator
item linked to the button - it is empty if the button is not linked to anything, or if the linked item
has no pop-up menu.
4. Select the required command from the Select Verb drop-down list box.
5. Press OK to confirm your choice and close the dialog box.

Selecting a Visual Basic Script function

Note: There is no need to link the Command button to a Navigator item in order to run a Visual Basic
Script function.

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To choose the Visual Basic Script function that will be run by pressing the Command Button:
1. If you want to reference one or more Calibration parameters in the Visual Basic Script, Link the
Command Button to the parameter or Navigator item containing the parameter(s) - see
referencing Calibration parameters in the Visual Basic Script.
2. Open the Command Button Control Properties dialog box and select the Commands page.
3. Click on the Select Function radio button to enable the Function drop-down list box, Script
Code button and Arguments edit box.
4. Press the Script Code button to display the Script Code dialog box:

5. If the edit box already contains code and you want to remove it completely, press New.
6. Do one of:
· Type the Visual Basic Script code into the edit box.
· Copy the Visual Basic Script code from an editor and paste it into the edit box.
· Press Open to display a standard Windows Open dialog box and select and open a file
containing the required code. The code in the file will replace any existing code in the edit
7. Edit the code in the edit box as required.
8. Press OK to close the Script Code dialog box and return to the Command Button Control
Properties dialog box.
The code will be checked and any error reported.
The Function drop-down list box will list all the functions defined in the code.
9. Select the required function from the Function drop-down list box.
10. Enter a comma-separated list of the Arguments for the function.
11. Press OK to confirm your choice and close the Command Button Control Properties dialog

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Using the Chart Recorder Control
Previous topic
Using the Command Button control

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Using the Command Button control

The Command Button control provides an alternative mechanism for either:

· Running the commands in Navigator pop-up menus, or
· Running your own Visual Basic Script code.
Pressing a Command Button to carry out a Navigator command replaces the three steps of displaying the
relevant item in the Navigator, right-clicking on it to display the menu and then choosing the required menu
item with a single step. However, Command Buttons do take up space on a panel, so you would probably
only want to use them for frequently used commands or if you want to use panels without displaying the

You can create a Command Button Control using the Command Button Control button in the
Controls toolbox - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full
information about creating controls.
Unlike other controls, you can link other Navigator items within the Calibration Manager besides
parameters to a Command Button. For example, if you drag Calibration Manager itself on to a button, you
will be able to assign any of the Calibration Manager pop-up menu commands to the button.
Next topic
Command Button Control properties
Previous topic
Smart Text Control properties

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Design mode

You use the DDC Cal Tool’s design mode to create panels and to place move and resize the controls on the
panels. When you have finished designing the panels, you can turn Design mode off to lock the controls in
place while you use the panels to work with the DDC Cal Tool.
To turn Design Mode on or off:

Choose Design Mode from the File menu.

Design Mode is checked in the File menu and the button shown as depressed when it is selected.

Next topic
Working with a grid
Previous topic
Creating, saving and opening panels

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Working with a grid

When a panel is In Design mode, you can display a grid on the panel and choose to make controls snap to
the grid when you place them on the panel.
To display or hide a grid on a panel:
1 Click in the panel to select it.

2 Choose Show Grid from the View menu.

To set the spacing of the points in a grid:
1 Right-click in the panel to select it and pop up a menu.
2 Choose Change Grid Spacing from the menu to display the Change Grid Spacing dialog box.
3 Set the vertical (Y) and horizontal (X) spacing of the grid points.
4 Press OK to close the dialog box.
To choose whether to make controls snap to the grid when you place them on the panel:
1 Right-click in the panel to select it and pop up a menu.
2 Choose Snap To Grid from the menu.

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Design Mode

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General Properties

See Setting control properties for how to open the Properties dialog box for a control.

Note: Some of the properties on the General page do not apply to some controls.

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The following paragraphs describe the settings you can make on the General page.

User-defined Caption
Check User-defined Caption to use the text in the Caption text box as a caption on the control; uncheck it
to use the parameter’s name/source. This setting only has an effect on the control if Display Data Name is
also checked.

This is enabled when User-defined Caption is checked. Enter text in the Caption box to use as a caption
on the control instead of the parameter’s name/source - it will only be displayed on the control if Display
Data Name is also checked.

Display Data Name

Check or uncheck Display Data Name to show or hide the Caption (if User-defined Caption is checked)
or the parameter’s name/source (if User-defined Caption is not checked) on the control.

Display Units
This function is not implemented in this release of the software.

Display Value
Check Display Value to show the parameter’s value on the control.

Auto-format Display
Check Auto-format Display to let the DDC Cal Tool define the number of digits before and after the
decimal point automatically.

Digits after DP
When Auto-format Display is not checked, enter the number of digits to appear after the decimal point - if
necessary the display will be padded with trailing 0s.

Digits before DP
When Auto-format Display is not checked, enter the minimum number of digits to appear before the
decimal point - if necessary the display will be padded with leading 0s.

Auto-range Values
For Graph controls, check Auto-range Values to let the DDC Cal Tool choose the most appropriate
minimum and maximum values.

Minimum Value
When Auto-range Values is not checked, enter the minimum value of the control into the Minimum Value

Maximum Value
When Auto-range Values is not checked, enter the maximum value of the control into the Maximum Value

Check TabStop to include the control in the tabbing order; uncheck it if you do not want to be able to tab to
the control in the panel.
Note 1: Some types of control do not have a TabStop checkbox. Generally, these are controls, such as
thermometers, that only display data and so should not be selected.

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Note 2: The TabStop check box may appear on another property page if a control's Properties dialog
box has no General page.
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Setting control properties

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Parameter changed indicator

The Navigator shows whether a parameter has been changed since the Calibration was last saved by an
asterisk (*) before the parameter’s name, and before the name of any groups containing changed
parameters and before the name of the Calibration itself:

In this example, Parameter A1 has been changed (hence the asterisks in front of Sample.dat, Group1,
Group1A and Parameter A1).
Next topic
User-defined groups
Previous topic
Accessing data

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Matching conditions for copy operations

When you select one of the Copy commands to copy parameter values within a Calibration or from one
Calibration to another, the DDC Cal Tool checks that the source and target parameters 'match', and no data
is copied if any of the matches fail.
Two parameters match if they have:
· the same size and shape
· the same units (the string comparison is case-sensitive)
· compatible ranges. This means that the source range must be the same as or lie within the target
range. For example, a parameter with a range of 15-80 can be copied onto a target with a range of
10-90, but not vice-versa. (Note that the comparison is performed in engineering units.)
· for tables, any axis parameters must also match between the source and target.
Also, when a group is copied on to a group, the structure of the source and target groups must match.
Next topic
Editing parameter values - the Quick Edit dialog box
Previous topic

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Copying data - Mix and Match

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Comparing Calibrations

You can use a Compare Control to compare two Calibrations, parameter groups or parameters (the
parameter groups and parameters may be in the same or different Calibrations). The control can be used to
compare the parameter structures or values, and when comparing different Calibrations, whether
corresponding parameters (parameters with the same tag name) exist in the two Calibrations.
Note: You can also compare Calibrations using the Batch Comparison utility - see Appendix H: Batch
Comparison, for details.

You can create a Compare Control using the Compare button on the Controls toolbox - see
Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information about creating
When you first create a Compare Control it will look something like this:

The Compare control has two panes displayed side-by-side - these will display the Calibrations or groups
being compared. The Compare control also has a toolbar allowing you to control the way it behaves - see
Compare control toolbar for a summary.
The following topics show you how to use the compare control:
Comparing Calibrations, groups or parameters
Choosing what to compare
Choosing which comparisons to display
Viewing the results of a comparison
Viewing the results of a value comparison
Refreshing the comparison
Saving a log of the comparison
Next topic
Comparing Calibrations, groups or parameters
Previous topic
Closing ToolBench

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Comparing Calibrations, groups or parameters

Note: This release of the Compare Control does not support the comparison of tables with more than two
To compare two Calibrations, parameter groups or parameters:
1. Drag the first Calibration, group or parameter from the Navigator and drop it into the left-hand
pane in the Compare control.
Any existing Calibration, group or parameter in the left-hand pane will be replaced and any
existing Calibration, group or parameter in the right-hand pane will be removed.
Note: If you do not want to remove the contents of the right-hand pane, press the Shift key while you drag
and drop the Calibration, group or parameter into the left-hand pane.
2. Drag the second Calibration, group or parameter from the Navigator and drop it into the right-
hand pane of the Compare Control. Any existing Calibration, group or parameter in the right-
hand pane will be replaced.
Note: If you press the Shift key while you drag and drop the Calibration, group or parameter into the right-
hand pane, the contents of the left-hand pane will be removed.
The panes will be labeled with the names of the Calibrations, groups or parameters and will display the
comparison - see the following topics for how to choose what features to compare and what information to
Next topic
Choosing what to compare
Previous topic
Comparing Calibrations

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Choosing what to compare

You can choose how parameters in different Calibrations should be paired for comparison and whether to
compare the parameter values or their structure.
Note: This release of the Compare Control does not support the comparison of tables with more than two
To choose how parameters should be paired for comparison, either:

Press the Compare by Tag button to compare parameters in different Calibrations according to
their tag names.

Press the Compare by Order button to compare the parameters in the Calibrations or groups
according to their order in the Calibration display trees. For example, if you are comparing group
A in the left-hand pane with group B in the right-hand pane, the first parameter in group A will be
compared with the first parameter in group B, without any reference to their tag names.
Note 1: Since tag names are unique within a Calibration, the Compare by Tag button is disabled unless you
are comparing parameters from different Calibrations.

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Note 2: When you make a comparison by tag the DDC Cal Tool attempts to pair each of the parameters in
the group or Calibration dropped into the left-hand pane with a parameter in the Calibration dropped
in the right-hand pane or, if you dropped a parameter or group into the right-hand pane, the
Calibration containing the group or parameter.
To choose what features to compare, either:

Press the Compare Values button to compare the values of the parameters - see below for how
to choose between comparing raw or engineering values.

Press the Compare Structure button to compare the structures of the parameters - the column
headings in the comparison panes shows the structural features compared.

Choosing whether to compare raw or engineering values

You can make the value comparisons on the basis of raw or engineering values - differences in the raw to
engineering value conversions in the calibrations mean that these may not be equivalent.
To compare calibrations on the basis of engineering values:
{bmc bm97.WMF} Press the Decimal values button.
To compare calibrations on the basis of raw values:
{bmc bm98.WMF} Press the Hexadecimal values button.
See Viewing the results of a comparison for examples.
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Choosing which comparisons to display
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Comparing Calibrations, groups or parameters

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Choosing which comparisons to display

You can choose whether to display:

· Everything - displays all parameters in both panes
· Differences only - displays only those parameters that have been paired and differ in value or
structure (depending on what has been compared)
· Same only - displays only those parameters that have been paired and have the same value or
structure (depending on what has been compared)
· Additions only - displays only the parameters in the Calibration or group dropped into the left-hand
pane that cannot be paired with parameters in the Calibration or group dropped into the right-hand
pane (the right-hand pane will always be blank for this option)
· Removed only - displays only the parameters in the Calibration or group dropped into the right-hand
pane that cannot be paired with parameters in the Calibration or group dropped into the left-hand pane
(the left-hand pane will always be blank for this option).
· Unique only - displays only the parameters in either Calibration or group that cannot be paired with
parameters in the other Calibration or group (in other words, it shows the Additions only and Removed
only parameters together).
To choose which comparisons to display:
Select the required option from the View Filter drop-down list box in the Compare control

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DDC Cal Tool

See the Next topic for examples.

Next topic
Viewing the results of a comparison
Previous topic
Choosing what to compare

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Viewing the results of a comparison

After you have performed a comparison, the results are shown in the Comparison control according to the
display options selected.
For example:

In this example, the parameters are paired by tag names, the comparison is made on the data values, and
Everything is displayed.
Parameters with differences are shown with a gray background and the differences highlighted in red.
Added parameters (parameters in the right-hand pane but not the left-hand pane) are highlighted in blue
and removed parameters (parameters in the left-hand pane but not the right-hand pane) are highlighted in
Note: Although the comparison in this example is made on parameter values, added and removed
parameters and differences in Name (Parameter B3 and Parameter B4 in the example have the
same tagname but different Names) and Units (for example, Parameter D3) are also shown with a
gray background.
See the following pop-up topics to see what happens to this example when you choose other display
Differences only

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Additions only
Removed only
Unique only
Comparing parameter structures (with Differences only displayed):
Next topic
Viewing the results of a value comparison
Previous topic
Choosing which comparisons to display

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Viewing the results of a value comparison

When you make a value comparison, the Value column in the Compare control shows the values of scalar
parameters but only the word Table for table parameters.
To view the value differences in a table parameter:
Double-click in the Value column for the table parameter (it will show the word Table). A table
viewer will be displayed:

Cells where there are differences are shown with a gray background and the values of the parameter in the
other pane (the pane you did not click in to display the viewer) are shown in red and in parentheses.
To invert the axes in the table display:

Press the invert axes button in the display’s toolbar. The display will show the table with the
axes swapped around:

To copy the contents of the table display to the clipboard:

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Press the copy button in the display’s toolbar. You can then paste the contents of the table
display into documents in a spreadsheet, word processor or other application.
Next topic
Merging differences between comparisons
Previous topic
Viewing the results of a comparison

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Refreshing the comparison

For efficiency, the Compare Control does not automatically update when the parameters in the
Calibration(s) being compared are changed. However, if a parameter in a compared Calibration is changed,
the Refresh button in the Compare control toolbar is enabled.
To update the comparison in a Compare Control:

Press the Refresh button.

Note: When you save a Workspace that has a Compare control on a panel the contents and display
options selected for the control are saved: when you reopen the Workspace the comparison will be
refreshed automatically.

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Saving a log of the comparison
Previous topic
Merging differences between comparisons

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Saving a log of the comparison

To save a log of the comparison in a Compare control:

1. If you only want to save details of selected comparison rows in the Compare control, select the
rows - click to select a single row; Shift click to select a range of rows; Ctrl click to add or
remove a row from the current selection.
{bmc bm105.WMF} 2. Press the Save Comparison button to display the Produce Difference
dialog box:

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3. Select an option from the Filter drop-down list box to choose which parameters to include in the
You can select from the same options (and with the same meaning) as in the Compare control
itself - the option selected in the Compare control sets the initial selection for the Filter, but this
can be overridden by selecting a different option.
4. Check Selected Items Only if you only want to include details of the items selected at Step 1
(subject to any further restriction from the selected Filter).
5. Click on the Summary or Detailed radio button to choose how much information to include for
each parameter:
· A Summary log shows for each included parameter whether it is different or the same in
both Calibrations or groups or whether it has been added or removed.
· A Detailed log also shows the values or structures (and changes if any) of the included
6. Check Preview log before saving to display a preview of the log when you press OK.
7. Choose the Output Format you want to use for the log file.
Note: You must choose XML if you want to be able to apply the same value changes to another calibration
using the Apply Changes command.
8. Press OK:
If you selected Preview log before saving, a preview will be displayed for example:

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Press Save if you want to save the log; press Cancel if you want to close the preview without
saving the log.
If you did not select Preview log before saving, or if you did and pressed Save, the Save
Difference File dialog box will be displayed - this is a standard Windows Save As dialog box.
9. Use the Save Difference File dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the log file, and
press Save to save it.
The log file will be saved in the chosen Output Format and can be viewed in a text editor, spreadsheet
program or browser, depending on the format.

Next topic
Using a Compare control to link data to other controls
Previous topic
Refreshing the comparison

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Compare control toolbar

Tool Action
View Filter Chooses whether to show all parameters, or only those that are the
same, different, added, or removed
Compare Values Compares the values of corresponding parameters in the comparison
Compare Structure Compares the structure of corresponding parameters in the
comparison panes
Compare by Tag Chooses the parameters for comparison in different Calibrations
according to their tags (names)

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Compare by Order Chooses the parameters for comparison in the Calibrations or groups
according to their order in the Calibration display tree
Merge Calibration(s) to Change the selected values in the Calibration on the Left (Right) to the
Left/Right values in the Calibration on the Right (Left).
Save Comparison Displays a dialog box so that you can save a log of the comparison -
you can choose the amount of detail to save and then, in a separate
dialog box, the file to be used to save the log
Refresh Comparison Perform the comparison again if you have changed the value of any
parameters in the compared Calibration(s)
Compare Engineering Make value comparisons on the basis of engineering values
Compare Raw Values Make value comparisons on the basis of raw values

Next topic
Configuring communication with the ECM
Previous topic
Using a Compare control to link data to other controls

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Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control

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Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control

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Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control

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Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control

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Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control

You use the same techniques to link a parameter in a Calibration to a Table Graph Control as for other
controls: drag the parameter from the Navigator or a Parameter Viewer Control onto the Table Graph
However, unlike other controls you can link up to four separate table parameters to the same Table Graph
Control provided their axes are compatible. To do this, you just drag the parameters onto the control in turn.
If the Table Graph Control is in two-dimensional view, plots of all the parameters will be shown together; in
three-dimensional view, you can choose which to display using the Data Source properties page of the
Table Graph Control Properties dialog box.

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Note: When there are several parameters linked to a Table Graph Control in two-dimensional view, the
parameters are plotted on the axis for the parameter selected in the Table Graph Control (you select
a parameter using the Data Source properties page of the Table Graph Control Properties dialog
box). This means that if the parameters have axes with different ranges, the graph lines for non-
selected parameters may not span the full width of the display or may have portions that are not
shown (in fact, if the range of a parameter's axis does not overlap with the range of the selected
parameter's axis, it won’t appear at all).
Next topic
Plottable parameters
Previous topic
Using the Table Graph Control to view data

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Plottable parameters

The Table Graph Control can only plot data in a table if the axis points are increasing as you go along the
axis. If any axis point is less than or equal to the one before it, the graph will be truncated before that point.
For example:

In this table only the first four points can be plotted since the fifth axis point is the same as the fourth (3).
In particular, a table will not be plotted at all unless the first axis point is strictly less than the second axis
point for all of its axes. If this is not the case, an error message will be displayed:

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Unlinking a parameter from a Table Graph Control
Previous topic
Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control

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Unlinking a parameter from a Table Graph Control

To unlink a parameter from a Table Graph Control:

1. Right-click on the Table Graph Control to display a pop-up menu and choose Properties to
display the Table Graph Control Properties dialog box.
2. Click on the Data Source tab to display the Data Source page.
3. If more than one table is linked to the control, select the one you want to unlink from the Data
Source drop-down list box.
4. Press Delete.
Alternatively, if only one table is linked to the control, or if there is more than one and you want to unlink the
selected data source:
Note: For two-dimensional view, the selected data source is the table parameter for the line with the cursor
on it; for three-dimensional view it is the table parameter for the displayed graph. You select the
Data Source in the Data Source page of the Table Graph Control Properties dialog box, as in the
first procedure.
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Choosing whether to display a two- or three-dimensional graph
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Plottable parameters

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Choosing whether to display a two- or three-dimensional graph

When you have linked a two- or three-dimensional table to a Table Graph Control you can choose whether
to show the data in a two- or three-dimensional graph.
To change the view shown in the Table Graph Control display (from a two- to a three-dimensional graph or
vice versa):
1. Right-click on the control to pop up a menu.

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2. Choose 3D View (or 2D View).

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Viewing data in the Table Graph Control
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Unlinking a parameter from a Table Graph Control

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Viewing data in the Table Graph Control

The following subsections show you how to use the Table Graph Control to view data using examples
showing parameters with one, two and three dimensions linked to a Table Graph Control with two and,
where relevant, three dimensional views.
Two-dimensional graph view - one-dimensional table
Two-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table
Two-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table
Three-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table
Three-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table

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Two-dimensional graph view -one-dimensional table
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Choosing whether to display a two- or three- dimensional graph

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Two-dimensional graph view - one-dimensional table

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In this example, a one-dimensional table is linked to the Table Graph Control. The cross on the graph line at
the point (95,0.5) in the picture is a cursor.
Note: If more than one table is linked to the Table Graph Control, the cursor will be on the line for the data
source selected on the Data Source page in the Table Graph Control dialog box.
The Value box in the Status bar shows the value of the parameter at the cursor. (The value at a point on
the graph line is also shown in a tooltip when you move the pointer over a data point on the graph line).
To move the cursor to the left (or to the right) along the graph line:
Press the left (or right) arrow key.
Select the axis value for the required position from the drop-down list box labeled by the axis in
the status bar (this is Voltage Input in the example).
Select the cursor drop-down list box in the Status bar and press the left or up (or right or down)
arrow key.
Click on the line at the required position.
The Orientation box is not relevant when a one-dimensional table is linked to the control, since there is
only one orientation.
Note: If the Table Graph Control is not large enough to show the entire Status bar, scroll buttons (labeled <
and >) are displayed at each end of the Status bar so that you can scroll the bar to see hidden parts
of it - see the example below:

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Two-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table
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Viewing data in the Table Graph Control

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Two-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table

When you display a two-dimensional view of a two-dimensional table, you display the values of the
parameter as it varies along one of the table axes at a fixed value of the other axis. In other words, the
graph shows the values of a selected row or column in the table.
In the example above, the following two-dimensional table is linked to the Table Graph Control:

The Orientation determines the axis along which the parameter is plotted. In other words, it determines
whether you are plotting a row or a column - in the example, the data is plotted along the tps axis (selected
in the Orientation box), which means the graph is plotting a row.
The drop-down list box labeled by the other axis (the one that is not selected for the Orientation) sets the
fixed value for that axis at which the parameter is plotted. In other words, it determines which row or column
is plotted - in the example, the data is plotted for erpm with a fixed value of 10769.2, in other words the
data is taken from the 10769.2 column.
The drop-down list box labeled by the axis selected for the Orientation determines the position of the
cursor along the axis - in the example, the cursor is above the axis point 25.
The Value box shows the value of the parameter at the cursor - in the example, the value is 45.80.
You can move the cursor along the line using the same methods as for a one-dimensional table - see the
previous example.

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Two-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table
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Two-dimensional graph view - one-dimensional table

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Two-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table

In this example, a three-dimensional table is linked to the Table Graph Control. This is similar to the
previous example, except that with the addition of an extra dimension, you need to specify the values along
two axes to plot the parameter values as they vary along the third axis (which is selected using the
Orientation axis).
As in the previous example, the drop-down list box labeled by the axis selected for the Orientation
determines the position of the cursor on the graph line. The two drop-down list boxes labeled by the other
two axes are used to set the values along those axes at which you want to plot the data.
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Three-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table
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Two-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table

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Three-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table

In this example, a two-dimensional table is linked to the Table Graph Control in three-dimensional graph
view. The cross on the graph surface at the point (10000,40,68.80) in the picture is a cursor.
The Value box in the Status bar shows the value of the parameter at the cursor. (The value at a point on
the graph surface is also shown in a tooltip when you move the pointer over a data point on the surface).
To move the cursor around the surface:
Press the left, right, up and down arrow keys.
Select the axis value for the required position from the drop-down list boxes in the status bar
labeled by the axes.
Click on the surface at the required position.
To set the orientation of the graph:
Choose the required orientation from the Orientation drop-down list.
Note: The entries in the Orientation drop-down list box show the possible assignments of the table axes
to the x and y axes in a conventional right-handed co-ordinate system.
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Three-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table
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Two-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table

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Three-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table

(The Value box has been scrolled off the left-hand end of the Status bar in this example.)
In this example, a three-dimensional table is linked to the Table Graph Control in three-dimensional view.
The graph shows the parameter value as it varies against two axes for a fixed value of the third axis.
To select the two axes plotted and their orientation:
Choose the entry in the Orientation drop-down that lists the required axes in the required order.
To set the value of the third axis at which the graph is plotted:
Choose the value from the third axis drop-down list box: this is the drop-down list box labeled by
the third axis (the one not plotted in the graph or included in the selected pair of axes in the
Orientation box this is erpm in the example picture).
You can move the cursor around the surface using the same methods as for a two-dimensional table see
the previous example.
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Moving the graph within a Table Graph Control
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Three-dimensional graph view - two-dimensional table

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Moving the graph within a Table Graph Control

To move the graph within a Table Graph Control:

While holding down the SHIFT key and both mouse buttons, drag the graph to the required
You can use this procedure for two- or three-dimensional graphs, but two-dimensional graphs will be reset
to their default size and position if you change to three-dimensional view and then return to two-
dimensional view (three-dimensional graphs maintain any new size and position you set even if you change
Next topic
Adjusting the size of the graph within a Table Graph Control
Previous topic
Three-dimensional graph view - three-dimensional table

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Adjusting the size of the graph within a Table Graph Control

To adjust the size of the graph within a Table Graph Control:

While holding down the CTRL key and both mouse buttons, move the pointer up the screen to
make the graph larger and down to make it smaller.
You can use this procedure for two- or three-dimensional graphs, but two-dimensional graphs will be reset
to their default size and position if you change to three-dimensional view and then return to two-
dimensional view (three-dimensional graphs maintain any new size and position you set even if you change
Two-dimensional graphs are scaled about their center; three-dimensional graphs are scaled about the
center of the Table Graph Control.
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Rotating a three-dimensional graph
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Moving the graph within a Table Graph Control

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Rotating a three-dimensional graph

To rotate a three-dimensional graph to change the viewpoint:

While holding down both mouse buttons, move the pointer around the screen - the three-
dimensional graph will be rotated about an axis in the screen perpendicular to the direction in
which you move the mouse.
Alternatively, to rotate a three-dimensional graph by a fixed 15 about the graph’s x,y or z axis:
Press the X, Y or Z key, respectively. (Hold down SHIFT while you press the key to rotate in the
opposite direction.)
Next topic

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Resetting the size, position and rotation of graphs

Previous topic
Adjusting the size of the graph within a Table Graph Control

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Resetting the size, position and rotation of graphs

To reset the size, position and rotation of two- and three-dimensional graphs:
Press the R key.
The size and position of a two-dimensional graph is also reset if you resize the Table Graph control.
Next topic
Table Graph Control properties
Previous topic
Rotating a three-dimensional graph

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Table Graph Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Table Graph Control Properties dialog box.
See Fonts for how to set the font used for the different components of the Table Graph Control. The Table
Graph Control Properties dialog box does not have a Colors page (the colors of various components of
the control can be set using the other pages) and the General page is not the same as for other controls,
so it is described separately below.
The Table Graph Control Properties dialog box has an extra page (3D Display) when the Table Graph
control is showing a three-dimensional graph. Other pages also have slight differences depending on
whether the Table Graph control is showing a two- or three-dimensional graph - these are described in the
following topics:
Table Graph Control - General properties
Table Graph Control - Data Source properties
Table Graph Control - 3D Display properties
Table Graph Control - Axis properties
Note: Most of the Table Graph Control properties apply to both display views - changing a property (for
example, the title) when the control is in one view changes the property for both views.

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Table Graph Control - General properties
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Resetting the size, position and rotation of graphs

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Table Graph Control - General properties

Two-dimensional view

Three-dimensional view

To set the General Properties for a Table Graph Control:

1. Check Hide Title if you do not want to display a title (see next step) at the top of the control.
2. Enter a Title to appear at the top of the control.
3. Check Grid Visible if you want to display a grid over a two-dimensional graph or on the walls of
a three dimensional graph.
4. Press the Grid Color button to display a standard Windows Color dialog box to set the color of
the grid.
5. Press the Chart Color button or the Wall Color button (depending on the current Table Chart
Control’s view) to display a standard Windows Color dialog box to set the color of the chart
(two-dimensional chart) or walls (three-dimensional chart).

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Note: Chart Color and Wall Color are different names for a single property. For example, if you set the
Chart Color to blue and then change the view to show a three-dimensional chart, the walls of the
chart will also be blue.
6. Press the Background Color button to display a standard Windows Color dialog box to set the
Table Graph Control’s background color.
The Display Running Point and Link Edit and Running Point features have not been implemented in
this release of the software.
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Table Graph Control - Data Source properties
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Table Graph Control properties

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Table Graph Control - Data Source properties

Two-dimensional view

Three-dimensional view

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To set the Data Source Properties for a Table Graph Control:

1. Choose the Data Source from the drop-down list box. This is only relevant if you have more
than one parameter linked to the control (see Linking parameters to a Table Graph Control
earlier in this section).
Choosing a Data Source has the following effects:
· It displays and allows you to edit the other property settings on the page for the selected
Data Source (you can give different settings for each data source).
· For three-dimensional view, it selects the parameter to display in the Table Graph Control.
· For two-dimensional view, it selects the parameter in the Table Graph Control. The effect is:
· The axis changes to the axis for the selected parameter (the lines for other parameters
may be truncated if the range of their axes do not match).
· The cursor moves to the selected parameter (the cursor position is maintained
separately for each parameter, so the cursor will go to the position it was when the
parameter was last selected).
· It is the selected parameter that is unlinked from the control if you press DELETE.
When you select a new Data Source, it is shown immediately in the Table Graph Control - you
do not need to press Apply, and the selected Data Source will still be displayed even if you
press Cancel.
2. Check Show Units if you want to show the parameter units for the selected Data Source.
3. In the #Graduations box, enter the number of graduations you want marked along the Y-Axis.
Enter 0 if you want the DDC Cal Tool to make an intelligent choice for the number of graduations
and the Display Format to use.
4. In the Digits after DP and Digits before DP boxes, enter the minimum number of digits you
want displayed before the decimal point and the number of digits to be displayed after it. If
necessary the display will be padded with 0’s before the most significant figure and after the
decimal point.
These boxes are disabled if you enter 0 in the #Graduations box.
5. In the Range boxes, enter the Minimum and Maximum points for the Y-axis.
Note: When the Graph Control is in three-dimensional view, the maximum point on the Y-axis actually used
is the Maximum you have set or the maximum specified for the parameter in the metafile,
whichever is larger. Similarly, the minimum point on the Y-axis actually used is the Minimum you
have set or the minimum specified for the parameter in the metafile, whichever is smaller.
6. If the Table Graph Control is showing a two-dimensional view:

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a. Click on a Position radio button to choose whether to show the scale and axis label for the
selected Data Source on the left or right of the graph, or not to show it.
When more than one table is linked to the control, you can show the scale for one
parameter on the left and a scale for a second parameter on the right.
Note: If more than one data source is set to have the scale on the same side, the scale for the data source
that was selected most recently will be shown and the other(s) hidden.
b. Press the Color button to display a standard Windows Color dialog box to set the color of
the graph line for the selected Data Source.
If you link more than one parameter to the control, each will be given a different color
7. To unlink the selected Data Source, press Delete.
Next topic
Table Graph Control - 3D Display properties
Previous topic
Table Graph Control - General properties

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Table Graph Control - 3D Display properties

To set the 3D Display for a Table Graph Control:

1. Choose the Display Style for the graph. You can choose:
· Contour 3D
· Contour with Mesh
· Wire Frame
2. Press the Axis Color button to display a standard Windows Color dialog box to set the color of
the axes.
Next topic
Table Graph Control - Axis properties
Previous topic
Table Graph Control - Data Source properties

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Table Graph Control - Axis properties

Two-dimensional view

Three-dimensional view

To set the Axis Properties for a Table Graph Control:

1. Choose the Axis for which you want to set the properties. You can set different properties for
each axis when two- or three-dimensional tables are linked to the Table Graph Control.
Note: Selecting an axis in the dialog box has no effect on which axis is displayed in the Table Graph
The Range boxes show the minimum and maximum values of the selected axis.
2. Click on one of the Graduations radio buttons to select the distribution of graduations along the
selected Axis. You can choose:
· Equispaced: the axis values are used as equally spaced graduations along the axis - the
scale will be non-linear if the axis values are not evenly spaced.

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· Natural: the scale is linear between the minimum and maximum axis values.
3. In the Digits after DP and Digits before DP boxes in the Display Format box, enter the
minimum number of digits you want displayed before the decimal point and the number of digits
to be displayed after the decimal point for graduations on the selected Axis. If necessary the
display will be padded with 0’s before the most significant figure and after the decimal point.
These boxes are disabled if you choose Natural graduations and the Table Graph Control is in
three-dimensional display view.
4. In the Digits after DP box in the Status Bar Precision box, enter the number of digits you want
displayed after the decimal point in the axis box for the selected Axis in the Table Graph
Control’s Status Bar - see Viewing data in the Table Graph Control. If necessary the axis value
will be padded with 0’s after the decimal point.
5. If the Table Graph Control is showing a two-dimensional view, press the Color button to display
a standard Windows Color dialog box to set the color of the selected axis.
Next topic
Using the Edit Control to view and edit data
Previous topic
Table Graph Control - 3D Display properties

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Using Smart controls

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Using Smart controls

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Using Smart controls

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Using Smart controls

There are four types of Smart control:

Smart Edit
Smart Check Box
Smart Drop-down
Smart Text
What Smart controls have in common is that some of their properties can be set by Visual Basic code
attached to the parameter linked to them. In particular, the code for a parameter can enable or disable any
Smart control linked to it and/or set its read only state (read only controls show values but cannot be used
to change the value, disabled controls do not show any values).
The Visual Basic code is defined in the Metafile and can specify dependencies between parameters. For
example, you could link a Smart Text control to a parameter that is used as a password. Code attached to
other parameters could then check that the password entered was correct, and if it isn’t, disable any Smart
controls linked to them or make them read only.

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Smart Edit control
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Finding individual bits and editing data with the Bit Field Editor

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Smart Edit control

Smart Edit controls allow you to view and edit scalar (single value) parameters.

You can create a Smart Edit control using the Smart Edit Control button on the Controls
toolbox - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information
about creating controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.

The control shows the caption and unit to the left of the edit box, and spin buttons and control range to the
right (the control range is hidden if the control is read only - see SmartEdit Control - General properties for
more information about the limits).
You can change the value of the parameter linked to the Smart Edit control by typing into the box directly or
using the up or down spin buttons. By default, when you click on a spin button the value increases
decreases by the minor step defined for the parameter in the metafile, but you can change this using the
SpinnerStep setting on the Units page of the SmartEdit Control Properties dialog box. If you press and
hold down a spin button, the parameter increases or decreases continuously by the major step defined for
the parameter in the metafile.
The Units page of the SmartEdit Control Properties dialog box also allows you to choose or define the
units used for the parameter.
As well as the enable/disable and read only states of the Smart Edit control, code attached to the linked
parameter in the metafile can set minimum and maximum limits for the control (the control range). A limit
can also be defined in the metafile to be the value of another parameter. Thus the limits may be, for
example, the value of another parameter, or a value calculated from the values of a number of other
parameters, or even a constant value set by a piece of Visual Basic Code - if the limit depends on other
parameters, they will be updated when the parameters change their values.
The limits for the control define limits on the values you can set the parameter using the control, but do not
prevent the value of the parameter being changed outside these limits by some other means, such as by
the ECM or a non-Smart control linked to the parameter - if a parameter is set to a value outside the limits
of a control, the limit that is violated will be highlighted; if you then use the Smart control to change the
value of the parameter, it will be brought immediately within the control’s limits. On the other hand, no
matter what limits are set for the control, you cannot set the value of the parameter outside the limits given
by the minimum and maximum values defined in the metafile for the parameter itself.
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SmartEdit Control properties
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Using Smart controls

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Smart Edit Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the SmartEdit Control Properties dialog box and set
those properties on the Colors and Fonts pages that can be applied to Smart Edit Controls. The General
page is different from the General page for other controls and is described in the next topic. The SmartEdit
Control Properties dialog box also has a Precision page, which is described after the General page.
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SmartEdit Control - General properties
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Smart Edit control

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SmartEdit Control - General properties

Note:You should not change the Parameter name or Units.

To set the General Properties for a Smart Edit Control:
1. Enter or edit the Caption to appear beside the edit box. The default is the display name of the
parameter linked to the control.
2. Enter or edit the Resolution and Offset for the control.
These decide the values that can be set or displayed in the control. You can only use the control
to set raw parameter values of:
Offset n Resolution
where n is an integer. For example, if the offset is 2 and the resolution 10, allowed values are
-18,-8, 2, 12, 22.
The allowed values defined by the Resolution and Offset settings do not prevent the parameter
being changed to an unallowed value by some other means, such as by the ECM or a non-
Smart control. However, the value shown in the Smart control will be the closest allowed value
to the actual value of the parameter.
3. Edit the Min and Max values for the control to set temporary values.

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Note: The defaults for these are the minimum and maximum values defined for the parameter in the
metafile, but they may also be set by a linked parameter or Visual Basic code attached to the
parameter in the metafile - see Using Smart controls and Smart Edit control for more details. If
another parameter or Visual Basic code has been defined to set the values, it will override any
values you set when the limit is updated - for example if the limit is set to be the value of another
parameter, when the value of that parameter is changed. In particular, since limits are updated when
a workspace is opened, any changes you make will be lost when you reload a workspace.
4. Set the width of the range (shown to the right of the edit box and spin buttons) and caption in the
control using the Range Width and Caption Width edit boxes. If you change the width of the
control itself, these widths remain fixed and the width of the edit box changes.
5. Check Read Only if you want to make the control read only; uncheck it if you want to be able to
change the parameter using the control. The read-only state may also be set by Visual Basic
code attached to the parameter in the metafile - see Using Smart controls for more details. If
Visual Basic code has been defined to set the read-only state, it will override any setting you
6. Check Continuous Update if you want the control to monitor the value of the parameter in the
ECM continuously and update it when it changes.
7. Check TabStop to include the control in the tabbing order; uncheck it if you do not want to be
able to tab to the control in the panel.
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SmartEdit Control - Precision properties
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SmartEdit Control properties

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SmartEdit Control - Precision properties

To set the precision used to display the maximum and minimum values next to the edit box, either:
Check Default Precision to use the default value.
1. Uncheck Default Precision.
2. Enter the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point in the dpMinMax box.

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Smart Check Box control
Previous topic
SmartEdit Control - General properties

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Smart Check Box control

Smart Check Box controls allow you to view and edit enumeration parameters.

You can create a Smart Check Box control using the Smart Check Box Control button on the
Controls toolbox - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full
information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.

Code attached to the linked parameter in the metafile can set the enable/disable and read only states of the
Smart Check Box control.
Next topic
Smart Check Box Control properties
Previous topic
SmartEdit Control - Precision properties

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Smart Check Box Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the SmartCheckbox Control Properties dialog box and
set those properties on the Colors and Fonts pages that can be applied to Smart Check Box Controls. The
General page is different from the General page for other controls and is described below.

SmartCheckbox Control - General properties

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Note: You should not change the Enum String or the Parameter name.
To set the General Properties for a Smart Check Box Control:
1. Enter or edit the Caption to appear beside the check box. The default is the display name of the
parameter linked to the control.
2. Check Read Only if you want to make the control read only; uncheck it if you want to be able to
change the parameter using the control. The read-only state may also be set by Visual Basic
code attached to the parameter in the metafile - see Using Smart controls for more details. If
Visual Basic code has been defined to set the read-only state, it will override any setting you
3. Check Left Caption if you want the Caption displayed to the left of the check box; uncheck it if
you want it displayed on the right.
4. Check TabStop to include the control in the tabbing order; uncheck it if you do not want to be
able to tab to the control in the panel.
Next topic
Smart Drop-down control
Previous topic
Smart Check Box control

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Smart Drop-down control

Smart Drop-down controls allow you to view and edit scalar (single value) parameters.

You can create a Smart Drop-down control using the Smart Drop-down Control button on the
Controls toolbox - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full
information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.

Code attached to the linked parameter in the metafile can set the enable/disable and read only states of the
Smart Drop-down control.
Next topic
Smart Drop-down Control properties

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Smart Check Box Control properties

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Smart Drop-down Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the SmartDrop-down Control Properties dialog box and
set those properties on the Colors and Fonts pages that can be applied to SmartDrop-down Controls. The
General page is different from the General page for other controls and is described below.

SmartDrop-down Control - General properties

Note: You should not change the Enum String or the Parameter name.
To set the General Properties for a Smart Drop-down Control:
1. Enter or edit the Caption to appear beside the drop-down box. The default is the display name
of the parameter linked to the control.
2. Set the width of the caption in the control using the Caption Width. If you change the width of
the control itself, this width remains fixed and the width of the drop-down box changes.
3. Check Read Only if you want to make the control read only; uncheck it if you want to be able to
change the parameter using the control. The read-only state may also be set by Visual Basic
code attached to the parameter in the metafile - see Using Smart controls for more details. If
Visual Basic code has been defined to set the read-only state, it will override any setting you
4. Check Left Caption if you want the Caption displayed to the left of the drop-down box; uncheck
it if you want it displayed on the right.
5. Check TabStop to include the control in the tabbing order; uncheck it if you do not want to be
able to tab to the control in the panel.
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Smart Text control
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Smart Drop-down control

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Smart Text control

Smart Text controls allow you to view and edit string parameters (these are one dimensional tables of byte

You can create a Smart Text control using the Smart Text Control button on the Controls
toolbox - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information
about creating controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.

Code attached to the linked parameter in the metafile can set the enable/disable and read only states of the
Smart Drop-down control.
Next topic
Smart Text Control properties
Previous topic
Smart Drop-down Control properties

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Smart Text Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the SmartText Control Properties dialog box and set
those properties on the Colors and Font pages that can be applied to Smart Edit Controls. The General
page is different from the General page for other controls and is described below. The SmartText Control
Properties dialog box also has a Units page, which is described after the General page.

SmartText Control - General properties

Note: You should not change the Parameter name.

To set the General Properties for a Smart Text control:
1. Enter or edit the Caption to appear beside the text box. The default is the display name of the
parameter linked to the control.

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2. Set the width of the caption in the control using the Caption Width. If you change the width of
the control itself, this width remains fixed and the width of the text box changes.
3. Check Left Caption if you want the Caption displayed to the left of the text box; uncheck it if
you want it displayed on the right.
4. Check Read Only if you want to make the control read only; uncheck it if you want to be able to
change the parameter using the control. The read-only state may also be set by Visual Basic
code attached to the parameter in the metafile - see Using Smart controls for more details. If
Visual Basic code has been defined to set the read-only state, it will override any setting you
5. In the Num Chars box, specify the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the
text box.
6. Check Password if you want all characters displayed as asterisks when you type them into the
text box - this makes the control suitable for use as a password box.
7. Check TabStop to include the control in the tabbing order; uncheck it if you do not want to be
able to tab to the control in the panel.
Next topic
Using the Command Button control
Previous topic
Smart Text control

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Configuring communication with the ECM

To configure data communication between the DDC Cal Tool and the ECM:
1. Choose Comms Settings from the Comms menu to display the Comms Settings dialog box:

2. Choose the communications protocol you are using from the Select Comms Protocol drop-
down list box.
3. Choose the communications hardware/driver you are using from the Select Interface Hardware
drop-down list box.
4. Choose the required communications speed from the Select Baud Rate drop-down list box -
this is not relevant for some protocols/hardware.

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5. Press OK to confirm your selections and close the dialog box.

Note: The changes to the communications settings will not be made if Cal on the fly or Watching is active,
or you have activated Show Operating Point for any calibration parameters. If any of these are
active, you will need to restart the DDC Cal Tool in order to carry out the changes.
Next topic
Monitoring the connection status
Previous topic
Printing updating information

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Downloading a new ECM program

You can only download a new program to an ECM while it is executing in its Boot ROM. If no ECM is
currently executing in the Boot ROM, the DDC Cal Tool will try to vector to Boot Rom automatically - if there
is more than one ECM, you will be asked to choose the target for the new program. See Vectoring to the
boot ROM for how to switch an ECM to execute in the Boot ROM as a separate operation.
To download a new program to the ECM:
1. Choose Download Program from the Comms menu.
Note: You can press Ctrl+Shift+P as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of
shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they
will be applied if there is any ambiguity.
You should skip the next step if there is already an ECM running in Boot Rom.
2. If there is no ECM currently running in Boot Rom, the DDC Cal Tool will try to vector to Boot
Rom automatically.
Note: The DDC Cal Tool will only be able to vector to the Boot ROM within a short time after switching on
the ECM - the precise time depends on the model of ECM you are using, but is typically 30-60
seconds. This means that you may need to recycle the ECM - turn the ignition off, wait a few
seconds and the turn it on again.
If there is more than one ECM, you will be asked to choose which ECM to download to:

Click on the radio button for the ECM you require and press OK.
3. A standard Windows® Open dialog box will be displayed.
Use the Open dialog box to select the (.prg) program file that you want to download to the ECM.
4. Press Open.
A dialog box will be displayed when the program has been downloaded successfully.
5. Press OK to close the dialog box and continue working with the DDC Cal Tool.
Next topic
Resetting the ECM

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Previous topic
Resetting the communications link with the ECM

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Setting the ECM clock

To set the clock in the ECM:

1. Choose Set Clock from the Diagnostics menu to display the Set Clock dialog box:

The ECU time must be set to GMT. To help you do this, when you open the dialog box, the time
and date edit boxes are filled in with the current time in GMT given by the PC - this is calculated
from the PC's Timezone setting and the reading of the PC's clock when the dialog box was
opened, so you should make sure that the PC's Timezone is set correctly (it is shown at the top
of the dialog box).
2. If required, edit the Time and Date (you should not need to do this if the PC's Timezone is set
correctly and its clock is set correctly to local time).
3. Press Send to set the date and time in the ECM.
4. Press Cancel to close the dialog box.
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Adjusting an engine’s horse power
Previous topic
Performing a core dump

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Resetting the ECM

To reset the ECM:

Choose Reset ECM from the Comms menu.
Resetting the ECM resets the ignition start-up defaults. In particular, any slewing will be removed. However,
non-volatile memory will not be copied to RAM, so any changes you have made to the parameters using
Cal on the Fly will remain.
Next topic
Erasing the ECM Memory
Previous topic
Downloading a new ECM program

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Erasing the ECM Memory

To erase the memory in the ECM:

1. Choose Erase Memory from the Comms menu to display the Erase Memory dialog box:

2. Click on a radio button to choose whether to erase just the data area in the ECM or all its
3. Press Send.
Next topic
Activating an Output
Previous topic
Resetting the ECM

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Activating an Output

To activate or deactivate one or more of the ECM’s outputs:

1. Choose Activate Output from the Comms menu to display the Activate Output dialog box:

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Note: If the selected output is a PWM output, the drop-down list box is replaced by an edit box.
2. Select the first output you want to change in the Outputs list.
3. In the Selected Output box:
· For a PWM output, enter a number from 0-100 (the percentage) in the edit box.
· Otherwise, choose the required state from the drop-down list.
4. Press Update to set that state for the output in the ECM.
5. Repeat Steps 2-4 for any other outputs.
6. Press Close to close the dialog box when you have finished setting the outputs.
The settings you make will override any previous settings until the ECM is reset. If required, you can reset
the ECM while the Activate Output dialog box is open by pressing Reset ECM.
Next topic
Sending a message to the ECM
Previous topic
Erasing the ECM Memory

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Sending a message to the ECM

To send a message to the ECM:

1. Choose Send Message from the Comms menu to display the Send Message dialog box:

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2. Either:
· Type in the required Message. The message can be typed in:
decimal, for example:
182 0 243
or hex, for example:
0xb6 0x0 0xf3.
· Select a message from the drop-down list - this list shows the 10 most recently sent
messages (the list is preserved between DDC Cal Tool sessions).
3. Press Send to send the message to the ECM.
The DDC Cal Tool has a model that allows it to interpret the responses to many of the
messages you may send. If it can interpret the response, it will be displayed in the Response
Note: In this release of the software, the DDC Cal Tool will only send a message if it is one for which it can
interpret the response.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for any other messages you want to send.
5. Press Cancel to close the dialog box.
Next topic
Vectoring to the boot ROM
Previous topic
Activating an Output

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Vectoring to the boot ROM

Note: In a multiple ECM system, you can only vector an ECM to the Boot ROM if no other ECM is
currently executing in Boot Rom.
To set an ECM so that it is executing the Boot ROM code:
Note: You can only vector to the Boot ROM within a short time after switching on the ECM - the precise
time depends on the model of ECM you are using, but is typically between 30 and 60 seconds.
1. If the system is already powered up, switch the ignition off and wait a few seconds.
2. Switch the ignition on.
3. Choose Vector to Boot ROM from the Comms menu.

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Note: You can press Ctrl+B as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of
shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they
will be applied if there is any ambiguity.
4. If there is more than one ECM, you will be asked to choose which ECM to vector to:

Click on the radio button for the ECM you require and press OK.
5. A dialog box will be displayed when the ECM has begun executing successfully in the Boot
Press OK to close the dialog box and continue working with the DDC Cal Tool.
Next topic
Vectoring to the main code
Previous topic
Sending a message to the ECM

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Vectoring to the main code

To switch the ECM from executing in the Boot ROM code to executing in the main code:
1. Choose Vector to Main Code from the Comms menu.
Note: You can press Ctrl+M as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of
shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they
will be applied if there is any ambiguity.
A dialog box will be displayed when the ECM has begun executing successfully in the main
2. Press OK to close the dialog box and continue working with the DDC Cal Tool.
Next topic
Current ECM to Boot ROM
Previous topic
Vectoring to the boot ROM

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Current ECM to Boot ROM

To set the current ECM so that it is executing the Boot ROM code and silence all communication with any
other ECMs:
Note: You can only vector to the Boot ROM within a short time after switching on the ECM - the precise
time depends on the model of ECM you are using, but is typically 30-60 seconds.

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1. If the ECM is already powered up, switch the ignition off and wait a few seconds.
2. Switch the ignition on.
3. Choose Current ECM to Boot ROM from the Comms menu.
A dialog box will be displayed asking you to choose which ECM you want to execute in Boot

Click on the radio button for the ECM you require and press OK.
4. A dialog box will be displayed when the ECM has begun executing successfully in the Boot
Press OK to close the dialog box and continue working with the DDC Cal Tool.
Note: You will need to switch the ignition off and on again to restore communication with the other ECMs.
Next topic
Setting the engine speed
Previous topic
Vectoring to the main code

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Monitoring the connection status

You can use the Event Service control to monitor the connection status (although it is usually more
convenient to use the Active Toolbar).

You can create an Event Service Icon Control using the Event Service Icon button on the
Controls toolbox - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full
information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.
The Event Service Icon control shows the application (J1708 in the example below) and the connection
status as follows:
· The connection is not set up

· The communications connection is initializing

· The communications connection is online and the ECM is executing in the main code

· The communications connection is online and the ECM is executing in the Boot ROM code

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· The communications connection is offline

If a communication problem is solved or disappears, the Indicator will return to its normal connected state.
To set the Event Service control properties:
1. Right-click on the Event Service control to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Properties to display the EventServiceIcon Properties dialog box:

3. Either:
Select the required protocol from the Protocol drop-down list.
Check Always use current protocol if you want the Event Service control to show the
status of whichever protocol is being used - if you configure the communications to use a
different protocol, the Event Service control will automatically show the status of the newly
selected protocol.
4. Check Display bus usage if you want the Event Service control to show the percentage of bus
capacity currently used.
5. Check Display icon in system tray if you want to display the connection status icon in the Task
Bar’s system tray as well as in the Event Service control - for example:

(the tray shows the same icon as the Event Service control but does not identify the protocol or
show the bus usage).
6. Check Play associated sounds if you want to hear a sound when an event occurs.
7. Click on the Font tab to display the Font page so that you can set the font used to display the
Application name in the Event Service Control.
Next topic
Resetting the communications link with the ECM

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Configuring communication with the ECM

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Metafile conversion programs

The DDC Cal tool is supplied with separate programs to convert DDC Map files to text Metafiles and compiled Metafiles
to Calmem files.

To convert a Map file to a text metafile:

1. Press the Start button on the Windows® task bar and choose Map to Metafile Conversion
from the Programs >> Detroit Diesel submenu to launch the DDC Map File to Metafile
Converter program.

2. Press Open to display a standard Windows® Open dialog box.

3. Use the Open dialog box to select the Map file that you want to convert. When you close the
dialog box the name of the selected file will appear in the File box:

4. Press Convert to display a Save As dialog box.

5. The Save As dialog box is a standard Windows® dialog - use it to select a folder and enter a
filename for the converted file.
6. Press Save to close the dialog and save the converted map file as a text metafile with an .smf
extension in the selected folder.
7. Repeat Steps 2-6 for any other files you want to convert.
8. Press Exit to close the DDC Map File to Metafile Converter program.
You can also run the program from the command line using the following syntax:
Map2met -o bar.smf foo.map will convert foo.map and save it in bar.smf if bar.smf does not
already exist (there will be an error if it does)
Map2met -o bar.smf -a foo.map will convert foo.map and save it in bar.smf even if bar.smf
already exists

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Map2met foo1.map foo2.map will convert foo1.map and save it in foo1.smf, then convert
foo1.map and save it in foo2.smf provided foo1.smf and foo2.smf
do not already exist (there will be an error if they do)
Map2met -a foo1.map foo2.map will convert foo1.map and save it in foo1.smf, then convert
foo1.map and save it in foo2.smf even if foo1.smf and foo2.smf
already exist.

To convert a compiled DDEC V Metafile to a set of Calmem files:

1. Press the Start button on the Windows® task bar and choose Metafile to Header Conversion
from the Programs >> Detroit Diesel submenu to launch the DDC Metafile to Calmem
Converter program.

2. Press Open to display a standard Windows® Open dialog box.

3. Use the Open dialog box to select the compiled (.met) DDEC V Metafile that you want to convert.
When you close the dialog box the name of the selected file will appear in the File box:

4. Press Convert to display the Browse for Folder dialog box:

## 1206FIP

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5. Use the Browse for Folder dialog box to select a folder in which to save the converted files,
and press OK to close the dialog and carry out the conversion.
The calmem.h, rating.h, and dummycal.c files will be saved in the selected folder.
6. Repeat Steps 2-5 for any other files you want to convert (note that since the converted files are
always given the same name, you should choose a different folder for each conversion).
7. Press Exit to close the DDC Metafile to Calmem Converter program.
Next topic
Creating a problem report
Previous topic
Generating dummycal.c for DDEC IV

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Registering the DDC Cal Tool

Before you can use the DDC Cal Tool fully, you must register the program and obtain and enter a
registration code to unlock it. The registration code is specific to an individual PC and will only unlock the
program on that PC. In order to identify the PC, when you register the program you must supply a
Computer ID, which the Cal Tool calculates from the current configuration of your PC.
To register the DDC Cal Tool:
1. Install the program on the PC.
2. Start-up the program - for example, press the Start button in the Windows Taskbar and choose
Calibration Tool from the Programs>>Detroit Diesel menu.
The Registration Screen will be displayed:

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3. Make a note of the Computer ID and contact:

Thomas Jenkins (313) 592 0433
He will ask you for the Computer ID and give you a Registration Code.
Note: You should not make any changes to the configuration of your PC in the time between determining
the Computer ID and entering the Registration Code.
4. Enter the Registration Code exactly as it is given to you.
5. Press Register.
You will now be able to use all the features of the DDC Cal Tool described in this manual.
Next topic
Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Calibration
Previous topic

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Adding parameters to user defined groups by searching

To add parameters with names (or mnemonics) containing a given text string to a user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the Calibration’s icon in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Find Name to display the Find Name dialog box:

3. Enter the text string you want to search for in the Find what box.

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Alternatively, to carry out a recent search again, click on the drop-down list button at the right-
hand end of the Find what box to display a list of recently used search text strings, and select
the required string.
Note 1: You can enter an underline character "_" by typing a space - names in DDC Calibrations do not
contain spaces.
Note 2: You can use the "*" character as a wild card matching any text. For example, the search string
"cal*version" will find the parameters "cal_major_version", "cal_edit_version" and
4. Select the user-defined group to which you want to add the parameters from the Display in
drop-down list box.
5. Check Add to current contents if you want the found parameters added to the current contents
of the selected user-defined group; leave it unchecked if you want the found parameters to
replace the current contents of the group.
6. Press Find to close the dialog box, search for the text - any parameters whose name (or
mnemonic) contains the Find what text string will be added to the selected user-defined group.
To add a parameter with a given address or parameters within a given range of addresses to a user-defined
1. Right-click on the Calibration’s icon in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Find Address to display the Find Address dialog box:

3. Either:
a Click on the Find radio button.
b Enter the address you want to search for.
a Click on the Find from radio button.
b Enter the range of addresses you want to search for.
4. Select the user-defined group to which you want to add the parameters from the Display in
drop-down list box.
5. Check Add to current contents if you want the found parameters added to the current contents
of the selected user-defined group; leave it unchecked if you want the found parameters to
replace the current contents of the group.
6. Press Find to close the dialog box, search for the address(es) - any parameters with the given
address or with addresses within the given range will be added to the selected user-defined
Next topic
Copying data - Mix and Match
Previous topic
User-defined groups

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Using Bit Field Editor Controls

Bit Field Editor Controls allow you to view and edit individual bits in bit field parameters. Bit field parameters
are one-dimensional tables of U8, U16 or U32 values.

You can create a Bit Field Editor Control using the Bit Field Editor Control button in the
Controls toolbox - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full
information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.
Next topic
Bit Field Editor Control properties
Previous topic
Text Control properties

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Finding individual bits and editing data with the Bit Field Editor

Editing data with the Bit Field Editor

To set or clear individual bits in a Bit Field Editor:
Click on its check box.
To set all the bits in a Bit Field Editor:

Press the set all bits button in the control’s toolbar.

To clear all the bits in a Bit Field Editor:

Press the clear all bits button in the control’s toolbar.

Finding individual bits in the Bit Field Editor
To search for an individual bit number:

1. Press the search for bit button in the control’s toolbar to display the Go To dialog box:

2. Enter the number of the bit you want to select.

3. Press Go To.
To search for an individual bit label (you can only do this if the Bit Field custom quality has been assigned
to the parameter in the metafile):

1. Press the search for bit button in the control’s toolbar to display the Find dialog box:

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DDC Cal Tool

2. Enter text contained in the label you want to find (the search is not case sensitive, so you can
use upper-case, lower case or a mixture of cases).
3. Press Find.
The first bit field containing the search text will be selected.
To select the next bit field containing the search text:

Press the find next button in the control’s toolbar.

To select the previous bit field containing the search text:

Press the find previous button in the control’s toolbar.

Next topic
Using Smart controls
Previous topic
Bit Field custom quality

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Bit Field Editor Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Bit Field Editor Control Properties dialog box and
set those properties on the General and Font pages that can be applied to Bit Field Editor Controls (in fact
the only property you can change on the General page is the caption).
Next topic
Bit Field custom quality
Previous topic
Using Bit Field Editor Controls

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Bit Field custom quality

Parameters may be assigned a special Bit Field ‘custom quality' in the metafile. This quality can be used to
define labels for individual bits and specify that some bits are hidden when they are viewed in a Bit Field
Editor Control.
For example, in the following picture the custom quality has been assigned to the parameter linked to the
left-hand editor labeling the individual bits ‘flag 1’ - ‘flag 10’ and specifying that all bits except the first two in
each U8 value are hidden in a Bit Field Editor Control; no custom quality has been assigned to the
parameter linked to the right-hand editor.

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DDC Cal Tool

Note: The values of hidden bits can be set (and viewed indirectly) by linking the parameter to a table editor
and changing the U8, U16 or U32 values in its cells.
Next topic
Finding individual bits and editing data with the Bit Field Editor
Previous topic
Bit Field Editor Control properties

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Using the Chart Recorder Control

You can use a Chart Recorder control to display a moving record of one or more scalar data variable values
(Calibration parameters or Watch variables). The Chart Recorder behaves in much the same way as a
paper strip chart recorder, where the ‘paper’ scrolls from right to left showing a ‘pen’ trace of the value as it
changes. However, one difference in the electronic version is that the data is lost once it goes off the left-
hand edge of the display.
Each variable is assigned its own pen trace, and each trace can have its own vertical axis with an
associated range and trace color. You can choose whether to display all the traces on one chart (Overlaid
mode) or on separate charts (Tiled mode) - see Overlaid and Tiled modes for details. The chart’s timebase
can also be changed from the default 200 seconds.
You can also use a Pan and Zoom mode to zoom in and out of the chart displays and to move around the
zoomed displays.

You can create a Chart Recorder Control using the Chart Recorder Control button on the
Controls toolbox - see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full
information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Calibration.
When you create a Chart Recorder Control it will be labeled 'No Data Manager Attached' until you link a
parameter to it - see the next topic.
Next topic
Linking parameters to a Chart Recorder Control
Previous topic
Command Button Control properties

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Defining the Cal on the Fly parameters

In order to identify the parameters you want to edit in the ECM using Cal on the Fly, you add the
parameters to a special Cal on the Fly group. You will find this below the user-defined groups when you
open the calibration in the Navigator:

To add a parameter (reference) to the Cal on the Fly group:

1. In the Navigator, open the group containing the parameter so that the parameter is visible.
2. Drag the parameter from the group and drop it onto the Cal on the Fly icon.
A pop-up menu will be displayed.
3. Choose Add reference here to add the parameter to the Cal on the Fly group; choose Cancel
Operation if you have changed your mind and do not want to add the parameter.
Note 1: You can drag a parameter reference from a user-defined group to add a new reference to the
parameter to the Cal on the Fly group.
Note 2: You cannot drag a group and drop it onto the Cal on the Fly group.
Note 3: If you drag a parameter and drop it onto a parameter in the Cal on the Fly group, you will be
given the option of ‘copying’ the parameter. This means changing the value of the target
parameter to the value of the source parameter; it does not affect which parameter is in the Cal
on the Fly group. See Copying data - Mix and Match for more information about copying data
between parameters.
1. Display the parameter in the Navigator by opening the relevant groups.
2. Right-click on the parameter to pop up a menu.
Select Add to Cal on the Fly.
a Select Copy Reference.
b Right-click on the Cal on the Fly group to pop up a menu.
c Select Paste Reference.
To remove a parameter (reference) from the Cal on the Fly group:
1. In the Navigator, open the Cal on the Fly group.
2. Right-click on the parameter in the Cal on the Fly icon.

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A pop-up menu will be displayed.

3. Choose Remove.
To remove all the parameters (parameter references) from the Cal on the Fly group:
1. Right-click on the Cal on the Fly icon.
A pop-up menu will be displayed.
2. Choose Remove All.
Next topic
Using Cal on the Fly
Previous topic
Sending calibration data on-line - Cal on the Fly

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Using Cal on the Fly

Note: When you go into Cal on the Fly mode, the current values of the Cal on the Fly parameters in the
ECM are uploaded into the calibration in the DDC Cal Tool. This means that any changes you have
made to the Cal on the Fly parameter values in the DDC Cal Tool will be lost. If you want to keep
any changes, you must download the calibration to the ECM before going into Cal on the Fly mode.
In order to change the values of the Cal on the Fly parameters you link them to controls on DDC Cal Tool
Panels. You can link a control to a Cal on the Fly parameter by linking it to:
the parameter reference in the Cal on the Fly group, or
to the actual parameter in the main Calibration tree,
or to a parameter reference to the parameter in a user-defined group.
All these are equivalent since in all cases the link is made to the actual parameter.
To calibrate an ECM on the fly:
1. Right-click on the Cal on the Fly icon.
A pop-up menu will be displayed.
2. Choose Start Cal on the Fly.
Note: You can press F11 as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of shortcuts
available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they will be
applied if there is any ambiguity.
While the DDC Cal Tool is in Cal on the Fly Mode, any changes you make to the Cal on the Fly parameters
is sent immediately to the ECM.
Next topic
Transferring data between ECM RAM and non-volatile memory
Previous topic
Defining the Cal on the Fly parameters

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Transferring data between ECM RAM and non-volatile memory

When you change the parameter values using Cal on the Fly you are only changing the values in RAM.
This means that the new values will be lost if you:
Cycle the ignition
Choose Vector to Boot Rom from the Comms menu
Upload a calibration
Download a calibration
Copy non-volatile memory to Ram
If you do not want to lose the new values you have set, you should copy the values from RAM to non-
volatile memory.
To transfer data from RAM to non-volatile memory in the ECM:
1. Right-click on the Cal on the Fly icon.
A pop-up menu will be displayed.
2. Choose Copy RAM to Non Volatile Memory.
You can also transfer data from non-volatile memory to RAM overwriting any changes you have made.
To transfer data from non-volatile memory to RAM in the ECM:
1. Right-click on the Cal on the Fly icon.
A pop-up menu will be displayed.
2. Choose Copy Non Volatile Memory to RAM.
Next topic
Stopping Cal on the Fly
Previous topic
Using Cal on the Fly

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Stopping Cal on the Fly

To stop Cal on the Fly:

1. Right-click on the Cal on the Fly icon.
A pop-up menu will be displayed.
2. Choose Stop Cal on the Fly.
Note: You can press Ctrl+M as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of
shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they
will be applied if there is any ambiguity.

Next topic
Setting the values of Watch variables - Slewing
Previous topic
Transferring data between ECM RAM and non-volatile memory

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Setting the values of Watch variables - Slewing

As well as the ability to change calibration parameters in real time, the DDC Cal Tool allows you to modify
the values calculated by the ECM for some of the Watch variables.
Note: Recent DDEC V versions allow slewing to be used with J1939 as well as J1708.
You can choose to set the Watch variable to an absolute value, overriding any calculations made by the
ECM, or define an increment, which is added to each calculation made by the ECM to get the new value of
the Watch variable.
Note: You may find it useful to link the Watch variable you want to change to a control on the panel before
carrying out the following procedure so that you can monitor its value as you change it in the
Slewing dialog box.
To change the values of Watch variables:
1. Choose Slew from the Comms menu to display the Slewing dialog box.
Note: You can press Ctrl+W as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of
shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they
will be applied if there is any ambiguity.

The Slewing dialog box lists the Watch variables for which you can set the value.
2. Click on the ECM(s) to slew check boxes to choose which ECM(s) to slew.
3. In the Parameter to slew box, click on the Watch variable that you want to slew to select it.
4. Click on the Replace current value radio button if you want to enter the actual new value, or
the Add to current value radio button if you want to enter a value to be added to the values
calculated by the ECM (you can enter a negative value to decrease the value).

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5. Enter the New Value to replace or add to the current value.

6. Press Transmit to transmit the new value.
7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 for any other parameters you want to slew.
8. If you want to stop slewing an individual Watch variable and reset it to the value calculated by
the ECM:
a In the Parameter to slew box, click on the Watch variable that you want to clear.
b Press Clear override.
9. If you want to stop slewing, press Clear all overrides to reset the Watch variables to the values
calculated by the ECM.
10. Press Close to close the Slewing dialog box.

If you have transmitted slewing values and did not clear them before closing the Slewing dialog box, the
Watch variables will continue to be slewed until you:
cycle the ignition
choose Vector to Boot Rom from the Comms menu
choose Reset ECM from the Comms menu

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Uploading a calibration from the ECM
Previous topic
Stopping Cal on the Fly

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Monitoring variables in the ECM - Watching

The instructions in this section assume that you have correctly connected the ECM physically to the PC
and that the communications software has been correctly configured.
The DDC Cal Tool allows you to monitor variables in the ECM in real time - this is called watching. To do
this you load a Watchset - this defines the variables that you can watch and their location in the ECM.
Watchsets are defined as text Metafiles in a similar way to Calibrations and then compiled using the Pi
Metafile Compiler.
To display the value of a watched variable, you link it to a control on a panel in the same way as you link
Calibration parameters to controls.

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Setting the update rate for watching
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Uploading a calibration from the ECM

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Opening Watchsets

To open a Watchset:
1. In the Navigator, right-click on Calibration Manager to display a pop-up menu.
2. Choose Open Watchset to display the Open Watchset dialog box:

Note: You can press Ctrl+F4 as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of
shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they
will be applied if there is any ambiguity.
This is a standard Windows® open dialog box that has been extended by the addition of some
read-only information boxes to aid file identification.
3. In the Files of type drop-down list box, either select Metafiles (.met) if you want to open a
compiled Metafile, or select Watchsets (.wse) to open a Watchset (.wse file) that has already
been saved in the DDC Cal Tool.
4. Use the Look in drop-down list and the file/folder list box to select the drive and folder
containing the required Watchset - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need
more information.
The files of the type selected at Step 3 will be listed.
5. Select the required file and press Open, or just double-click on the file.
The Watchset will be displayed in the appropriate version folder in the Navigator (the color of the icons
distinguishes Watchsets (red) from Calibrations (yellow)):

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The Watchset lists the variables that you can watch.

Next topic
Converting Watchsets
Previous topic
Setting the update rate for watching

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Watchset user-defined groups

You can create user-defined groups in the Watchset to collect together sets of related Watch variables.
User-defined groups are particularly useful for watching as you can turn watching on or off for all the Watch
variables in a group with a single command.

Creating, importing and removing user-defined groups

To create a Watchset user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the Watchset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Add User Defined Group.
The new user-defined group will appear in the Watchset:

To import a user-defined group definition (see below for how to export or create user-defined group
definition files):
1. Right click on the Watchset to pop up a menu.
2. Select Import User Defined Group to display a standard Windows Open dialog box.
3. Select the required user-defined group definition file.
4. Press Open.

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If the Watchset does not already contain a user-defined group with the same name as the user-defined
group definition file, a new one will be created with that name. The Watch variables listed in the file will be
added to the user-defined group (provided they are defined in the Watchset).
Note: If there is already a user-defined group with the same name as the user-defined group definition file,
the Watch variables in the file will be added to any that are already contained within the user-defined
To remove a Watchset user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the group in the Watchset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove User Defined Group.

Adding Watch variables to a user-defined group

To add a Watch variable to a Watchset user-defined group:
1. Drag the Watch variable and drop it onto the user-defined group.
2. A menu will be displayed allowing you to choose whether to add the parameter or cancel the
Note: As you drag the Watch variable, the pointer has a short-cut icon attached to it to show that you are
just creating another way of accessing the Watch variable and not changing the structure of the
1. Display the Watch variable in the Navigator by opening the relevant groups.
2. Right-click on the Watch variable to pop up a menu.
3. Select Copy Reference.
4. Right-click on the user-defined group to pop up a menu.
5. Select Paste Reference.
The Watch variables will be shown in the Watchset user-defined group:

Exporting a user-defined group

To export a list of the Watch variables in a user-defined group:

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1. Right-click on the group in the Navigator to pop up a menu.

2. Choose Export User Defined Group to display a standard Windows Save As dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box to select a location and choose a name for the user-defined group definition
4. Press Save to save the user-defined group definition file.
Note: The user-defined group definition file is a text file. The first line contains a version identification
string, the remaining lines each contain a Watch variable name. You can create your own user-
defined group definition file in this format using a text editor, or other tool for import into Watchsets.

Removing parameters from a user-defined group

To remove a Watch variable from a Watchset user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the Watch variable in the user-defined group to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove.
To empty a user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the group in the Watchset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove All.
To change the name of a user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the group in the Watchset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Properties to display the user defined group’s Properties dialog box (the name of the
dialog box shows the current name of the group):

3. Edit the name shown in the Group Name box.

4. Press OK to close the dialog box and set the new name.
Note: The names and contents of any user-defined groups are saved with the Watchset when you save it.

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Adding Watch variables to user defined groups by searching
Previous topic
Converting Watchsets

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Linking Watch variables to controls

You can display the value of a Watch variable by linking it to a control on a panel in the same way as you
link a Calibration parameter to a control by dragging it from the Navigator onto the control.
Note: A control linked to a Watch variable will show #NUM! if for some reason the variable is no longer
producing a value - for example, if you stop watching the variable or switch off the ignition, or if the
communications fail.
Next topic
Marking variables for watching
Previous topic
Adding Watch variables to user defined groups by searching

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Marking variables for watching

The DDC Cal Tool allows you to mark variables so that you can switch Watching on or off for all the marked
variables (or all the marked variables in a group) at the same time.
To mark (or unmark) an individual variable:
1. Right-click on the variable that you want to mark (unmark) to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Marked for Watching.
To mark (or unmark) all the variables in a group (which may be a user-defined group) or the whole
Watchset together:
1. Right-click on the group or the whole Watchset that you want to mark (unmark) to pop up a
2. Choose Mark All (or Unmark All).
Note: Variables will also become marked for watching when you start watching them - in other words, a
watched variable will be marked for watching when you stop watching it, whether or not it was
marked for watching when you start watching it.
When a variable is marked, the command is checked in the menu and the variable is marked by a tick in
the Navigator:

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The variable in the User defined 1 group is marked; the other variables in the Analog Inputs group are
Note: Since watched variables become marked, whether or not they were marked before, a tick means a
variable is marked: a blue tick if it is not currently being watched and a red tick if it is. The group
folder icons are also marked with a tick or cross: a tick means that at least one of the variables in
the group is marked; a cross means none are.
When you save a Watchset, the marked/unmarked status of each variable is also saved and will be
restored when you open it again (but watching will not be restarted automatically).
Next topic
Selecting an analog input to watch
Previous topic
Linking Watch variables to controls

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Selecting an analog input to watch

To select an analog input to be watched by an Analog Inputs variable:

1. Right-click on the variable in the Analog Inputs group for which you want to select an analog
input to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Properties to pop up the Analog Inputs variable Properties dialog box (where
Analog Inputs variable is the name of the selected Analog Input Watch variable):

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3. Enter the Analog Input Id of the input you want to watch (Ids are integers in the range 1 through

Note: Although it is possible to assign several Analog Inputs variables to the same Analog Input Id, only
one of them can be actively watching at a given time - you will be warned if you try to start watching
a variable if its Analog Input Id is already being watched by another variable.
4. Check Use Page 2 Request (DDEC unique id 320) if the Analog Input Id is less than 256 and
you wish to use the Page 2 DDEC unique PID 320 to request the data.
Note: To ensure backward compatibility, analog input channel data is normally requested using the Page 1
DDEC unique PID 19 if the Analog Input Id is less than 256 and Page 2 DDEC unique PID 320 if
the id is greater than or equal to 256. The Use Page 2 Request (DDEC unique id 320) allows you
to override this behavior if required.
5. Edit the Display Name to give a meaningful description of the input - this name will appear in
the Navigator and in tool captions.
6. Check Watching to set watching on for the variable, if required. (See Switching watching on or
off for other ways to turn watching on or off for a variable).
7. Press OK to confirm the settings and close the dialog box.
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Setting the Address of RAM Values variables
Previous topic
Marking variables for watching

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Switching Watching on and off

Note 1: The values of individual PIDs are only broadcast from the ECM (and therefore watchable) if the
corresponding bits are set in the ECMs PID Map. See Setting the PID Map in the ECM for
Watching for more details.
Note 2: You can watch up to but no more than nine 1-byte and nine 2-byte RAM Values at the same time
(a 4-byte value uses two 2-byte values).
To switch Watching on or off for an individual Watch variable in a Watchset:
1. Right-click on the variable in the Watchset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Watching Parameter or Stop Watching Parameter.

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Note: You can also switch watching on or off for an individual variable using the Watch variable
Properties dialog box - see Switching watching on or off using the Watch variable Properties dialog
box below.
To switch Watching on or off for all the Watch variables in a group (which may be a user-defined group):
1. Right-click on the user group icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Watching Group or Stop Watching Group.
Note: The fact that you can turn watching on or off for all the variables in a user-defined group means that
you can collect different sets of watch variables in different user-defined groups.
To switch Watching on or off for all the marked variables in a group (including a user-defined group):
1. Right-click on the group icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Watching Marked in Group or Stop Watching Marked in Group.
To switch Watching on or off for all the Watch variables in a Watchset:
1. Right-click on the Watchset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Watching All or Stop Watching All.
To switch Watching on or off for all the marked variables in the whole Watchset:
1. Right-click on the Watchset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Watching All Marked or Stop Watching All Marked.
Note: You can press Ctrl+F6 (Start) and F7 (Stop) as shortcuts for these commands - see Keyboard
shortcuts for details of shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied
and to which object they will be applied if there is any ambiguity.
Watched variables are shown with a red tick in the Navigator, whether marked or not - to check if a watched
variable is also marked, right-click on it and see if the Marked for Watching command is checked.

Switching watching on or off using the Watch variable Properties dialog box
To switch watching on or off for a variable:
1. Right-click on the variable you want to modify to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Properties to pop up the Watch variable Properties dialog box (where Watch
variable is the name of the selected Watch variable).
3. Check or uncheck Watching to turn watching on or off for the variable.
4. Press OK to confirm the setting and close the dialog box.
Next topic
Setting the PID Map in the ECM for Watching
Previous topic
Setting the Address of RAM Values variables

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Logging the values of watched variables to a file

The DDC Cal Tool allows you to record the results from watched variables in a log file. The
LogFileProcessor utility supplied with The DDC Cal Tool allows you to process the log file for further
If logging is turned on for a watched variable in a Watchset, each time the value is updated, the ECM time,
variable name and variable value will be recorded in the log file.

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To switch logging on or off for all the watched variables in a Watchset:

1. Right-click on the Watchset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Logging All or Stop Logging All.
Note: You can press F8 (Start) and F9 (Stop) as shortcuts for these commands - see Keyboard shortcuts
for details of shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to
which object they will be applied if there is any ambiguity.
To switch logging on or off for all the watched variables in a group:
1. Right-click on the group icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Logging Group or Stop Logging Group.
To switch logging on or off for an individual watched variable in a Watchset:
1. Right-click on the variable in the Watchset to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Start Logging Parameter or Stop Logging Parameter.
Note 1 A new log file will be created when you start logging.
Note 2 The log file will only log data for variables that are watched when the Start Logging command is
chosen - you can start watching other variables after logging has been started, but their results will
not be recorded.
Note 3 You can use Stop Logging All to stop all logging even if you were only logging an individual
parameter or group of parameters. On the other hand, if you are logging all parameters or a group
of parameters, you cannot use Stop Logging Parameter to switch off logging for just an individual
parameter. Similarly, if you are logging all parameters, you cannot use Stop Logging Group to
switch off logging for an individual group of parameters.
To temporarily suspend any logging of watched Watch variables to the log file:
1. Right-click on the Watchset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Pause Logging
The Pause Logging command changes to Resume Logging in the menu when it is selected.
To resume the logging to the current log file:
1. Right-click on the Watchset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Resume Logging
No changes that occurred while logging was paused will be recorded.
As well as automatically recording the values of watched variables as they are updated, you can insert a
manual mark in the log file.
To add a manual mark at the current point in the log file:
1. Right-click on the Watchset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose User Event.
Note: You can press F10 as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of shortcuts
available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they will be
applied if there is any ambiguity.

Note The time of a user event is not recorded explicitly but can be determined approximately from the
times of the watched variable results recorded in the log file immediately before it and after it.
See also
Converting a watched variables log file to a readable format
Next topic
Saving a Watchset

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Setting the PID Map in the ECM for Watching

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Processing a watched variables log file

The DDC Cal Tool allows you to record the results from watched variables in a log file. (*.AClog). The
LogFileProcessor utility supplied with The DDC Cal Tool allows you to process the log file for further
To process the watched variables log file:
1. Launch the Log File Processor - press the Windows ® Start button in the Taskbar and choose
Programs>>Detroit Diesel>>Log File Processor:

2. Click on one of the Select processed file type radio buttons to choose whether the processed
log file should be saved as a text format file (*.txt) or a comma separated list format (*.csv) for
import into a spreadsheet.
3. The output file consists of some common header lines, followed by the processed log file
entries. Click on one of the Select processing method radio buttons to choose how the log file
data following the header lines should be entered in the processed file. You can choose:
With this choice, you should also enter an interval, in seconds, in the Interval edit box.
Each line represents the values taken by the watched parameters at times separated by
the selected interval.
The first value on each line is the time in milliseconds since the start of the log. The
remaining values are the most recently seen value of each parameter at that time.
This format allows you to plot parameter values on a linear time axis.
Each log entry line in the file represents the reception of a parameter value. The format of
each line is:
time, ecu-time, rpm, parameter-id, parameter-value.

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The rpm value is the most recently seen value for the RPM parameter.
Note: Choosing Discontinuous does not make much sense unless RPM was logged, since you could use
No Fill to get the same information.
Each line in the file represents the reception of a parameter value, but values are given for
all parameters. The format is:
ecu-time, time, parameter1-value, parameter2-value
The value given for each parameter is its most recently seen value.
No Fill
This is identical to Fill, except that only the value of the received parameter is given (the
values of the other parameters will be blank). The parameter can be identified by its
position in the list of values (all but one of which will be blank).
4. Press Next to display the Select Log File dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® Open dialog box.
5. Use the Select Log File dialog box to select the required (*.AClog) log file - the name of the log
file shows the date and time it was created.
(Note the location of the file, as the converted file will be saved in the same folder.)
6. Press Open to convert the data and save it in a plain text or tab separated values format file.
7. Repeat Steps 2-6 for any other log files you want to convert.
Next topic
Generating dummycal.c for DDEC IV
Previous topic
Converting the contents of a message log File to text format

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Saving a Watchset

Note: Watchsets are saved in files with a ‘.wse’ extension.

To save a Watchset:
1. Right-click on the Watchset icon in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2 Either, if the Watchset has been saved previously in the DDC Cal Tool and you want to save it
again in the same file:
Choose Save Watchset.
Or, if you want to save the Watchset for the first time, or want to save it in a new file:
a. Choose Save As from the pop-up menu to display the Save As dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® dialog box.
b. Use the Save As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the Watchset - see the
context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.
c. Press Save to save the Watchset.
When the Watchset is saved, any user groups you have created and the mark and watching state of the
variables will be saved. When you load a Watchset, all of these will be restored - in particular, variables that
were being watched when the Watchset was saved will be watched again after the Watchset has been

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Removing a Watchset
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Logging the values of watched variables to a file

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Removing a Watchset

To remove a Watchset from the Navigator:

1. Right-click on the Watchset in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Remove Watchset from the pop-up menu.
The Watchset entry will be removed from the Navigator.
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Diagnostic controls
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Saving a Watchset

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Adding Watch variables to user defined groups by searching

To add Watch variables with names containing a given text string to a user-defined group:
1. Right-click on the Watchset’s icon in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Find Name to display the Find Name dialog box:

3. Enter the text string you want to search for in the Find what box.
Alternatively, to carry out a recent search again, click on the drop-down list button at the right-
hand end of the Find what box to display a list of recently used search text strings, and select
the required string.
4. Select the user-defined group to which you want to add the parameters from the Display in
drop-down list box.
Note: You can only select from a pre-defined list of names from User defined 1 through User defined 5.
5. Check Add to current contents if you want the found parameters added to the current contents
of the selected user-defined group; leave it unchecked if you want the found parameters to
replace the current contents of the group.
6. Press Find to close the dialog box, search for the text - any parameters whose name contains
the Find what text string will be added to the selected user-defined group.
Note: If a user group with the selected name does not already exist, it will be created.

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Linking Watch variables to controls
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Watchset user-defined groups

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Setting the address for RAM Values variables

You can watch up to nine 1-byte and nine 2-byte RAM Values at the same time (a 4-byte value uses two 2-
byte values).

Note: The limit is much higher for DDEC V over J1939.

The properties dialog box for RAM Values variables lets you set the address of the RAM value you want to
watch, as well as the marking.
You can set the address to be watched manually or you can load a list of named addresses from file.
To load a list of named addresses:
1. Right-click on the RAM Values group to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Get Names and Equations to display the Get Name Variables File dialog box - this is
a standard Windows Open dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box to open the "NameVariable" file - this file contains the mapping between
names and addresses, and will be different for every compilation of the ECU software.
The Get Equation File dialog box will be displayed - this is another standard Windows Open
dialog box.
Note: See Format of "NameVariable" and "Equation" files for details of the structure of these files.
4. Use the dialog box to open the "Equation" file - this file contains the scale and offset and other
properties for each named variable and will be relatively stable.
If you save the Watchset after you have loaded the list of named addresses, they will be saved in the
Watchset, so you will not need to load the files separately again when you use the saved Watchset in the
To set the RAM address to be watched by a RAM Values variable:
1. Right-click on the variable in the RAM Values group for which you want to set the address to
pop up a menu.
2. Choose Properties to pop up the RAM Watch variable Properties dialog box (where RAM
Watch variable is the name of the selected RAM Watch variable):

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Note: The Select from list radio button is disabled if you have not loaded a list of variable names (see
previous instructions).
3. To set the RAM address and variable properties manually (go to Step 4 if you want to choose a
variable from a preloaded list of variable names):
a Edit the Display Name to give a meaningful description of the RAM location - this name will
appear in the Navigator and in tool captions.
b Enter the Address in RAM that you want to watch - you can enter the address in decimal
format (just enter the number) or hex format (use the 0x prefix).
Note: Although it is possible to assign several RAM Values variables to the same Address, only one of
them can be actively watching at a given time - you will be warned if you try to start watching a
variable if its Address is already being watched by another variable.
c Check Signed if you want to treat the RAM value as a signed value.
d Enter the other properties for the RAM variable in the other boxes.
e Go to Step 5.
4. If you have loaded a list of variable names (see previous instructions) and want to use one of
a Press the Select from list radio button (the radio button is disabled if you have not loaded
a list of variable names):

b Choose the required named variable from the Display name drop-down list box.
5. Check Watching to set watching on for the variable, if required. (See Switching watching on or
off for other ways to turn watching on or off for a variable).
6. Press OK to confirm the settings and close the dialog box.
Next topic
Switching Watching on and off
Previous topic
Selecting an analog input to watch

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Diagnostic controls

You can use a Diagnostic control to view and reset diagnostics in the ECM.
Note: The Active Toolbar also shows whether the connected ECM has active, inactive or no faults.

You can create a Diagnostic Control using the Diagnostics button on the Controls toolbox -
see Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls for full information about
creating controls.
When you first create a Diagnostic control it will look something like this:

Note: The first two buttons in the tool bar are enabled and the second two disabled for the J1708 protocol
(as in the picture); the first two are disabled and the second two enabled for J1939.
The DDC Cal Tool automatically sets the appropriate protocol to use for the Diagnostic control when it is
If the ECM is physically connected and communicating, the diagnostic control will list the diagnostics from

The light bulb icon against a diagnostic message shows that that fault is still active.
The messages are listed in the order they were received.
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Choosing what to view
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Removing a Watchset

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Choosing what to view

To select which messages to show in a diagnostic control:

Choose All, Active or Inactive from the drop-down list at the top left-hand corner of the control.
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Diagnostic controls
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Diagnostic controls

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Clearing diagnostic messages

The procedures for clearing diagnostic messages are slightly different for the J1708 and J1939 protocols.
Note: If a fault is still active, it will reappear in the diagnostic control after it has been cleared.

To clear a diagnostic message in the ECM:
1. Click on the message in the diagnostic control to select it.

2. Press the clear button in the diagnostic control toolbar.

Note: You cannot clear a selected message when you are connected to a DDEC II.
To clear all the diagnostic messages in the ECM:

Press the clear all button in the diagnostic control toolbar.

J1939 (DDEC IV and DDEC V)
To clear the diagnostic messages for active faults in the ECM:

Press the clear active button in the diagnostic control toolbar.

To clear the diagnostic messages for inactive faults in the ECM:

Press the clear inactive button in the diagnostic control toolbar.

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Getting more information about a fault
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Choosing what to view

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Getting more information about a fault

To get more information about a fault, you can display a dialog box giving more detail about a diagnostic
message or display troubleshooting help to get advice on how to troubleshoot and cure the fault.
To display more information about a diagnostic message:
1. Click on the message in the diagnostic control to select it.

2. Press the diagnostic detail button in the diagnostic control toolbar (or press the ENTER key) to
display the Diagnostic dialog box:

To display troubleshooting help for a selected type of fault:

1. Click on the message in the diagnostic control for the fault you want to troubleshoot.

2. Press the troubleshooting help button in the diagnostic control toolbar to display troubleshooting
help for the specific type of fault (defined by the Flash Code).
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Menus and Toolbars - summary
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Clearing diagnostic messages

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The Bus Monitor

The DDC Cal Tool allows you to monitor the messages on the communications bus.
Note: As an alternative to running the Bus Monitor within the DDC Cal Tool, you can use the stand alone
Win Monitor utility program. This program has the same functionality and uses essentially the same
interface as the Bus Monitor.
To start the Bus Monitor:
Choose Start Bus Monitor from the Comms menu.
The Bus Monitor will be displayed as a new window in the Panel area of the DDC Cal Tool window. The Bus
Monitor will show the messages on the communications bus:

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The Bus Monitor can show for each message, the time, protocol, ID (which gives the source of the
message) and data - see Choosing which columns to display for how to hide columns in the Bus Monitor.
Note: You can only open one Bus Monitor at a time.
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Using the Bus Monitor
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Displaying engine information

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Using the Bus Monitor

You can move, resize, minimize, maximize and restore the Bus Monitor in just the same way as you can
Panels. You can also use the commands in the Window menu to cascade or tile the Bus Monitor with the
Panels, or if it is minimized, arrange it with any other icons. You can also select the Bus Monitor by
selecting it from the Window menu as well as by clicking in it.
When the Bus Monitor is selected the DDC Cal Tool menus and toolbars change. In particular, the Edit,
Layout and Item menus and the General toolbar are hidden and a Tools menu and Message Log Viewer
toolbar are displayed. Also, all the tools in the Alignment and Controls toolbars are disabled and the only
command in the View menu is Toolbar, which you can use to show or hide the Bus Monitor toolbar:

(The picture shows all the buttons enabled - in practice, there will always be some buttons that are disabled
and some that are selected, depending on the context)

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The buttons in the Bus Monitor toolbar are shortcuts for commands in the Tools and Help menus.
The following sections describe how to use the Bus Monitor - the final section gives a summary of what
each of the buttons and Tools menu commands does.
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Saving the contents of the Bus Monitor
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The Bus Monitor

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Saving the contents of the Bus Monitor

To save the contents of the Bus Monitor in a message log file:

1. Select the Bus Monitor by clicking in it or by selecting it from the Window menu.
2. Choose Save or Save As from the File menu.
If you choose Save and you have saved the Bus Monitor before, it will be saved again to the
same file.
If you have not saved the Bus Monitor before or if you choose Save As, the Save As dialog box
will be displayed.
3. Use the Save As dialog box to select a location and enter a file name for saving the file as a
message log (.mlg) file.
You can open the saved file in a Message Log Viewer - see the next topic.
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Viewing message log files
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Using the Bus Monitor

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Viewing message log files

To view a message log file:

1. Choose Message Log from the File>>Open submenu to display the Open dialog box - this is a
standard Windows Open dialog box.
2. Use the Open dialog box to locate and select the required message log file.
3. Press Open to open the message log file in a new Message Log Viewer.
Message Log Viewers appear very like the Bus Monitor and share several features. For example, the
properties of the Bus Monitor described in Using the Bus Monitor apply equally to Message Log Viewers -
in particular, the same toolbar is displayed when a Message Log Viewer is selected.
However, there are also a number of differences. For example, you can only open one Bus Monitor at a
time but you can have several Message Log Viewers open simultaneously.
The following sections describe how to use the Bus Monitor and Message Log Viewers and indicate
whether the operations can be applied to both the Bus Monitor and Message Log Viewers, or only to one of
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Stopping and starting the Bus Monitor

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Saving the contents of the Bus Monitor

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Stopping and starting the Bus Monitor

Note: The operations described in this section can only be applied to the Bus Monitor.
To stop the Bus Monitor:
1. Select the Bus Monitor by clicking in it or by selecting it from the Window menu.

2. Choose Disable Updates from the Tools menu.

While the Bus Monitor is stopped the stop button is shown as depressed.
To restart the Bus Monitor:
1. Select the Bus Monitor by clicking in it or by selecting it from the Window menu.

2. Choose Enable Updates from the Tools menu.

While the Bus Monitor is stopped you can display message statistics and change which columns are
displayed - see later sections for details.
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Clearing the Bus Monitor
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Viewing message log files

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Clearing the Bus Monitor

Note: The operation described in this section can only be applied to the Bus Monitor.
You can only clear the Bus Monitor when it is stopped (see previous section). After you have cleared it, the
Bus Monitor will be restarted automatically.
To clear the Bus Monitor:
1. Select the Bus Monitor by clicking in it or by selecting it from the Window menu.

2. Choose Clear from the Tools menu.

You will be asked if you want to save the messages in a message log file before they are cleared.
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Changing the data format
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Stopping and starting the Bus Monitor

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Changing the data format

Note: You can change the data format in the Bus Monitor or any Message Log Viewer at any time.
To display the message data in a Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer in hexadecimal format:
1. Select the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer by clicking in it or by selecting it from the
Window menu.

2. Choose Hexadecimal from the Tools menu.

To display the message data in the selected Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer in decimal format:
1. Select the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer by clicking in it or by selecting it from the
Window menu.

2. Choose Decimal from the Tools menu.

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Choosing which columns to display
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Clearing the Bus Monitor

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Choosing which columns to display

Note: You can choose which columns to display in any Message Log Viewer at any time and in the Bus
Monitor if it is stopped.
To choose which columns to display in the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer:
1. Select the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer by clicking in it or by selecting it from the
Window menu.

2. Choose Columns from the Tools menu to display the Display Columns dialog box:

3. Check the boxes for the columns you want to display.

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4. Press OK.
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Displaying message statistics
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Changing the data format

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Displaying message statistics

Note: The operation described in this section can only be applied to the Bus Monitor, which must be
To view message statistics for the Bus Monitor:
1. Select the Bus Monitor by clicking in it or by selecting it from the Window menu.

2. Choose Statistics from the Tools menu to display the statistics in the Message Statistics
3. Press OK to close the Message Statistics dialog.
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Filtering a Message Log Viewer
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Choosing which columns to display

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Filtering a Message Log Viewer

Note: The operation described in this section cannot be applied to the Bus Monitor; you can only filter
messages in a Message Log Viewer showing an opened Message Log File.
To filter the messages shown in a Message Log Viewer:
1. Select the Message Log Viewer by clicking in it or by selecting it from the Window menu.

2. Choose Filter from the Tools menu to display the Filter dialog box:

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Note 1: You will only ever see Receive messages, so the other check boxes in the Message Types box
are permanently disabled.
Note 2: The iteration is set to 0 in all messages, so setting a filter condition on the Iterations would either
filter out all or none of the messages.
3. Click on the Time radio button to set a condition on the time-stamp of messages to be included
in the viewer.
4. Set the earliest (Start) and latest (End) times of messages to be shown in the viewer.
5. Click the protocol tabs to set separate filter conditions for the messages received using each

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Note: The messages in this application do not have names, so the Name radio button should be ignored.
6. Check Include messages for this protocol - if there is only one protocol, Include must be
checked otherwise the filter would filter out all messages
7. Click ID to show all the MIDs of messages included in the message log so that you can set filter
conditions on them.
The IDs listed in the Exclude box will be filtered out of the Message Log Viewer display.
8. To move an ID from the Include box to the Exclude box, select it and click < Remove, or just
double-click on it.
You can select several IDs at the same time in the usual way by (Shift)-clicking to extend a
selection and (Ctrl)-clicking to add to a selection. You can then exclude all the selected IDs at
the same time by clicking < Remove.
9. To exclude all the IDs listed in the tab, click < Remove All.
10. To move an ID from the Exclude box to the Include box, select it and click Add >, or just
double-click on it.
You can select several IDs at the same time in the usual way by (Shift)-clicking to extend a
selection and (Ctrl)-clicking to add to a selection. You can then include all the selected IDs at the
same time by clicking Add >.
11. To include all the IDs listed in the tab, click Add All >.
12. When you have set all the filter conditions you require, click OK.
The Message Log Viewer will be reloaded with just those messages satisfying all the filter conditions.
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Selecting a message sent at a specific time
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Displaying message statistics

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Selecting a message sent at a specific time

Note: You can jump to a message with a specific time in any Message Log Viewer at any time and in the
Bus Monitor if it is stopped.
To jump to a message in the Message Log Viewer that was sent at a specific time:
1. Select the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer by clicking in it or by selecting it from the
Window menu.

2. Choose Go To Time from the Tools menu to display the Go To Time dialog box:

3. Enter the time you want to jump to.

4. Click Go To.
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Selecting a message that contains specific data
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Filtering a Message Log Viewer

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Displaying information about the Bus Monitor or Message Log


To display information about the version of the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer you are using:
Choose About PiLogViewer from the Tools menu.

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Closing the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer
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Exporting the contents of the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer to a CSV file

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Closing the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer

To close the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer:

1. Select the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer by clicking in it or by selecting it from the
Window menu.

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2. Choose Close from the File menu.

Alternatively, click on the window’s close button at the top right-hand corner.
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Bus Monitor/Message Log Viewer buttons and commands
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Displaying information about the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer

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Bus Monitor/Message Log Viewer buttons and commands

Press the buttons in the table for more information

Menu command Applies to Action

none Message Log Viewer Display the Find dialog box so that you
and stopped Bus can enter search data; when dialog box is
Monitor closed, highlights first message containing
the search data
none Message Log Viewer Highlights the next message containing the
and stopped Bus search data
none Message Log Viewer Highlights the previous message
and stopped Bus containing the search data
Tools>>Message Stopped Bus Monitor Display information about the number of
Statistics messages in the Bus Monitor
Tools>>Filter Message Log Viewer Display the Filter dialog box so that you
can apply conditions to restrict the
messages shown in the Message Log
Tools>>Go To Time Message Log Viewer Display the Go To Time dialog so that you
and stopped Bus can jump to a message in the Bus Monitor
Monitor or Message Log Viewer that was sent at a
specific time
Tools>>Columns Message Log Viewer Display the Display Columns dialog so
and stopped Bus that you can choose which columns to
Monitor display in the Bus Monitor or Message Log
Tools>>Hexadecimal All Display data in hexadecimal format in the
Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer
Tools>>Decimal All Display data in decimal format in the Bus
Monitor or Message Log Viewer
Tools>>Enable/Disable Bus Monitor Stop/restart the Bus Monitor
Tools>>Clear Display Bus Monitor Clear the messages from the Bus Monitor

none Message Log Viewer Display the Export log file dialog so that
and stopped Bus you can choose a folder and enter a
Monitor filename for saving the contents of the
Viewer/Monitor in comma separated values

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Help>>About All Display About dialog box containing

PiLogViewer program version information

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Transferring data between the DDC Cal Tool and the ECM
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Closing the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer

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Note: The Tools menu is hidden when a panel is selected.

The Tools menu has the following commands (press the buttons in the table for more information):

Command Applies to Action

Filter Message Log Viewer Display the Filter dialog box so
that you can apply conditions
to restrict the messages shown
in the Message Log Viewer
Go To Time Message Log Viewer Display the Go To Time dialog
and stopped Bus so that you can jump to a
Monitor message in the Bus Monitor or
Message Log Viewer that was
sent at a specific time
Columns Message Log Viewer Display the Display Columns
and stopped Bus dialog so that you can choose
Monitor which columns to display in the
Bus Monitor or Message Log
Message Statistics Stopped Bus Monitor Display information about the
number of messages in the
Bus Monitor
Decimal All Display data in decimal format
in the Bus Monitor or Message
Log Viewer
Hexadecimal All Display data in hexadecimal
format in the Bus Monitor or
Message Log Viewer
Enable/Disable Bus Monitor Stop/restart the Bus Monitor
Clear Display Bus Monitor Clear the messages from the
Bus Monitor

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Linking parameters to a Chart Recorder Control

You use the same techniques to link a Calibration parameter or Watch variable to a Chart Recorder Control
as for other controls: drag the parameter from the Navigator or a Parameter Viewer Control onto the Chart
Recorder Control.
However, unlike most other controls you can link several parameters to the same Chart Recorder Control.
To do this, you just drag the parameters onto the control in turn. You can choose to display the traces on a
single chart (Overlaid mode) or separate charts (Tiled mode) - see Overlaid and Tiled modes for details.

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Chart Recorder Control properties
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Using the Chart Recorder Control

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Chart Recorder Control properties

See Setting control properties for how to display the Chart Recorder Control Properties dialog box.
See Fonts for how to set the font used for the different components of the Chart Recorder Control.
The General page on the Chart Recorder Control Properties dialog box is slightly different from other
controls and there are also Time-Axis and Trace pages - these are described in the following topics:

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Chart Recorder Control - General properties
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Linking parameters to a Chart Recorder Control

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Overlaid and Tiled modes

When you are recording or displaying more than one variable, you can display a Chart Recorder in either
Tiled or Overlaid mode.
Tiled mode:

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In Tiled mode the traces are displayed on separate charts arranged one above the other with a common
time axis. The scale for each trace is displayed on its left-hand side, whatever the Position settings in the
Trace page of the Chart Recorder Control Properties dialog box.
To change from Overlaid to Tiled mode:
1. Click on the Chart Recorder control to select it.
2. Choose Chart Recorder Control Object>>Tiled Mode from the Edit menu or the pop-up menu
displayed when you right-click in the control.
Note: You cannot change between Overlaid and Tiled modes if you are in Pan and Zoom mode.
Overlaid mode:

In Overlaid mode the traces are all displayed on the same chart with a common time axis, but can be
distinguished from each other by setting different colors for them (a new color is set by default when you
add a new variable for chart recording).
The Position settings in the Trace page of the Chart Recorder Control Properties dialog box determine
where the scale for each trace is displayed. However, if the scales for two or more traces are set to be
displayed on the same side, the scale for the most recently selected trace will be displayed - you can select
a trace by selecting it in the Trace page of the Chart Recorder Control Properties dialog box or by
clicking on it in the control.
To change from Tiled to Overlaid mode:
1. Click on the Chart Recorder control to select it.
2. Choose Chart Recorder Control Object>>Overlaid Mode from the Edit menu or the pop-up
menu displayed when you right-click in the control.
Note: You cannot change between Tiled and Overlaid modes if you are in Pan and Zoom mode.

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Pan and Zoom mode
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Chart Recorder Control - Trace properties

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Pan and Zoom mode

Pan and Zoom mode allows you to view areas of a Chart Recorder record in greater detail.
Note: In Tiled mode you can only adjust the time axis; in Overlaid mode, you can also adjust the y-axes of
all the traces simultaneously.
To switch Pan and Zoom mode on or off:
1. Click on the Chart Recorder control to select it.
2. Choose Chart Recorder Control Object>>Pan and Zoom Mode from the Edit menu or the
pop-up menu displayed when you right-click in the control.
When a Chart Recorder is in Pan and Zoom mode, you can zoom in to produce a magnified view by
dragging out a rectangle over the area of the display that you want to view in more detail. You can also
zoom in using the Pan/Zoom tool, which also allows you to zoom out and to pan across the magnified
When Pan and Zoom mode is on, the Pan/Zoom tool is displayed:

Zooms into the chart/graph display to view the central part of the display in greater detail -
alternatively, press the + key. In Overview mode, the display is magnified in both the time and y
axes; in Tiled mode, only the time axis is magnified.

Zooms out from the chart/graph display to view the central part of the display in less detail -
alternatively, press the - key.

Resets the chart/graph display to show the full recording/logged data - alternatively, press Shift
+ 1 in the numeric keypad.

Pans the display up over a zoomed chart - alternatively, press the up-arrow cursor key.

Pans the display down over a zoomed chart - alternatively, press the down-arrow cursor key.

Pans the display left over a zoomed chart - alternatively, press the left-arrow cursor key.

Pans the display right over a zoomed chart - alternatively, press the right-arrow cursor key.
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User setups
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Overlaid and Tiled modes

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Chart Recorder Control - General properties

To set the General properties for a Chart Recorder control:

1. Check Hide Title if you do not want the Title to appear at the top of the Chart Recorder control
(the text No Data Manager Attached will appear in place of the title until you link the control to
a parameter).
2. Enter a Title to appear at the top of the Chart Recorder control.
3. Press the Title Color button to display a standard Windows Color dialog box so that you can
choose a color for the title.
4. Check Grid Visible if you want to display a grid over the chart(s).Press the Grid Color button to
display a standard Windows Color dialog box so that you can choose a color for the grid.
5. Press the Chart Color button to display a standard Windows Color dialog box so that you can
choose a color for the chart(s).
6. Press the Background Color button to display a standard Windows Color dialog box so that
you can choose a color for the background to the chart(s).
Note: Hi-Res Mode is not currently supported.

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Chart Recorder Control - Time-Axis properties
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Chart Recorder Control properties

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Chart Recorder Control - Time-Axis properties

The Time-Axis page allows you to set the time axis for the Chart Recorder.
To set the Time-Axis properties for a Chart Recorder control:
1. Choose the units for the Range from the drop-down list box and enter the size of the range or
click the arrow buttons in the spin box. See Pan and Zoom mode for how to zoom in to view a
smaller section of the time axis in greater detail - you cannot adjust the Range setting for any of
the traces when you are in Pan and Zoom mode.
Note: Changing the Range resets the recorder when you click OK or Apply, so any existing recordings
will be removed.
2. Press the Color button to display a standard Windows Color dialog box so that you can choose
a color for the time axis.

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Chart Recorder Control - Trace properties
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Chart Recorder Control - General properties

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Chart Recorder Control - Trace properties

The Trace page allows you to set the properties of the trace(s) displayed by the Chart Recorder.
To set the Time-Axis properties for a Chart Recorder control:
1. Choose the Trace for which the other settings on the Trace page apply; in Overlaid mode it also
sets the trace that appears on top.
Note: You can also select a trace without opening the Chart Recorder Control Properties dialog box by
clicking on the trace in the Chart Recorder control.
2. Press Delete to delete (unlink the parameter) the selected trace from the control.

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3. Press the Color button to display a standard Windows Color dialog box so that you can choose
a color for the scale and scale text of the selected trace.
4. Check Show Units to choose whether to include the units in the scale text for the selected
5. Shows the unit for the selected trace: you cannot change the unit.
6. Enter a number into the #Graduations spin box or click on the arrow buttons to set the number
of labeled tick marks (and grid lines) along the y-axis for the selected trace: enter 0 to let the
DDC Cal Tool choose a suitable value.
7. Click on a Position radio button to choose where to display the scale for the selected trace.
This setting has no effect in Tiled mode - the scales are always on the left-hand side in Tiled
mode. If you are recording two quantities, you can display the scale for one on the left-hand side
and the scale for the other on the right-hand side so that both are visible at the same time. If the
scales for two or more traces are set to be displayed on the same side, the scale for the most
recently selected trace will be displayed.
8. Enter a number in the Digits after DP box to set the number of digits to be displayed after the
decimal point in the scale for the selected trace.
9. Enter a number in the Digits before DP box to set the minimum number of digits to be
displayed before the decimal point in the scale for the selected trace.
10. Enter a number in the Minimum box to set the lowest value on the axis for the selected trace.
See Pan and Zoom mode for how to zoom in to view a smaller section of the y-axis in greater
detail - you cannot adjust the Minimum setting for any of the traces when you are in Pan and
Zoom mode.
11. Enter a number in the Maximum box to set the highest value on the axis for the selected trace.
See Pan and Zoom mode for how to zoom in to view a smaller section of the y-axis in greater
detail - you cannot adjust the Maximum setting for any of the traces when you are in Pan and
Zoom mode.

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Overlaid and Tiled modes
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Chart Recorder Control - Time-Axis properties

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Setting the Tab Order

The tab order of the controls on a panel determines the order in which controls become selected when you
press the Tab key.
To set the tab order:

1. Choose Tab Order from the Layout menu to set the panel in Set Tab Order mode - the tab
order of each control will be shown in a tag at the top left-hand corner:

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The tags show the position of the control in the tab order as a number, whether tabbing is ON or
OFF for the control.
You cannot change the tabbing state of some types of control. In general this is because there is
no need to select these controls since, like the Thermometer Control in the example above, they
are only used to display information. Controls for which you cannot change the tabbing state are
shown with grey tags; controls for which you can change the tabbing state are shown with blue
2. Click on the control you want to appear first in the tabbing order, then the second, and so on
until the full order is set (it doesn’t matter where controls for which tabbing is OFF appear in the
3. Click outside the panel or press any key to switch Set Tab Order mode off.
See General Properties for how to switch tabbing on or off for individual controls
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Setting control properties
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Deleting, copying and pasting controls

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Linking Calibration Manager to a Parameter Viewer Control

To link Calibration Manager to a Parameter Viewer control:

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Drag a Calibration Manager container item (see below) from the Navigator (or another
Parameter Viewer control) and drop it onto the Parameter Viewer control.
You can drag any of the following Calibration Manager container items:
Calibration Manager itself
A version folder
A Calibration or Watchset
A parameter or watch variable group
A user-defined group.
Note: You cannot drag and drop a parameter onto a Parameter Viewer Control.
The first (Path) row of the Parameter Viewer Control shows an abbreviated path to the item you dragged
and the remaining (Contents) rows show its contents:

You can use the Parameter Viewer Control’s properties to choose what data columns are shown.
Once you have linked Calibration Manager to the control, you can navigate within the Parameter Viewer
Control to display any part of the Calibration Manager tree.
To display the contents of a container item displayed in the Parameter Viewer Control:
1. Select the item in the Parameter Viewer Control by clicking in its row.
2. Press the Return key.
Double-click on the row.
To display the contents of the parent of the container item displayed in the Parameter Viewer Control:
1. Right-click on any row in the Parameter Viewer Control to display a pop-up menu.
2. Choose Up One Level from the menu.
1. If no row is currently selected, click on any row in the Parameter Viewer Control to select it.
2. Press the Backspace key.
Double-click on the top (Path) row.
You can continue to go up the tree until the Calibration Manager is shown in the Parameter Viewer
Control. You can then go down levels to view any item in the Calibration Manager.
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Parameter Viewer Control Properties
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Using the Parameter Viewer Control

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Adjusting the width of columns in a Parameter Viewer Control

You can set the width of the columns in a Parameter Viewer Control using the Viewer Control Properties
dialog box - see previous section. However, you can also adjust the width directly in the Parameter Viewer
Control using the mouse.
To adjust the width of a column in the Parameter Viewer Control:
1. Move the pointer over the column’s right-hand boundary. The pointer will change shape to show
that you can drag the column boundary:

2. Drag left or right to resize the column.

Note 2: If autosizing is set on for the column (see Parameter Viewer Control Properties), the width will be
readjusted automatically if you display a different parameter group in the control.
To adjust the width of several adjacent columns at the same time:
1. Select the columns - you can select multiple columns by clicking in the heading of the first
column and Shift-clicking in the heading of the last column, or by dragging in the title bar from
the first heading to the last. The selected columns will become highlighted.
2. Move the pointer over the right-hand boundary of any of the selected columns and drag left or
right to resize the column.
When you have finished dragging, all the selected columns will be resized to the width of the column you
have adjusted.
To autosize the width of a column in the Parameter Viewer Control:
1. If you want to autosize the column to the width of the contents in the column, click in the column
heading to select the column.
If you want to autosize the column to the width of the column heading, make sure the column is
not selected.
2. Right-click in the column heading to pop up a menu.
3. Choose Resize Cells.
The column width will be adjusted so that it just fits its contents or heading.
An alternative for autosizing the column to the width of the contents in the column is to:
Double-click in the column heading.
An alternative for autosizing the column to the width of the heading is to:
Double-click on the right-hand border of the column heading.
To autosize the width of several adjacent columns to the width of the contents in the columns,
1. Select the columns - you can select multiple columns by clicking in the heading of the first
column and Shift-clicking in the heading of the last column, or by dragging in the title bar from
the first heading to the last. The selected columns will become highlighted.
2. Right-click in the heading of any of the selected columns to pop up a menu.
3. Choose Resize Cells.
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Displaying the contents of more than one container item
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Parameter Viewer Control Properties

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Displaying the contents of more than one container item

To display the contents of more than one container item in a Parameter Viewer Control:
CTRL-Drag the second container item from the Navigator and drop it in the Parameter Viewer
1. In the Parameter Viewer Control (or another Parameter Viewer Control) click in the Path row or
any other row containing a container item to select it.
2. Move the pointer over the boundary of a selected cell. The pointer will change to show that you
can drag it:

3. CTRL-Drag the cell and drop it in the control.

In both cases, a new block of rows will be added to the Parameter Viewer Control starting with a Path row
for the item you dragged, followed by its contents in the rows below it:

You can use the same techniques to navigate independently through the Calibration Manager tree in the
new block of rows to display the contents of any item.
You can repeat the procedure to display the contents of any number of parameter groups together.
To return to displaying the contents of a single container item only:
Drag the container item from the Navigator and drop it in the Parameter Viewer Control.
1. In the Parameter Viewer Control (or another Parameter Viewer Control) click in the row
containing the container item to select it (the row may be a Path row or a Contents row).
2. Move the pointer over the boundary of a selected cell. The pointer will change to show that you
can drag it
3. Drag the cell and drop it in the control.
The Parameter Viewer Control will show a single block of rows with the dragged item shown in the Path
row and its contents in the rows below.
Next topic

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Sorting the rows in a Parameter Viewer Control

Previous topic
Adjusting the width of columns in a Parameter Viewer Control

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Sorting the rows in a Parameter Viewer Control

To sort the rows in a Parameter Viewer Control by the values in one of its columns:
1. Right-click in the heading of the column you want to use as the sort key to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Sort Ascending or Sort Descending to specify the direction of sorting.
To return to the default (Navigator) ordering of the rows:
1. Right-click anywhere in the control’s title bar to pop up a menu.
2. Choose No Sort.
Next topic
Finding text in a Parameter Viewer Control
Previous topic
Displaying the contents of more than one container item

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Finding text in a Parameter Viewer Control

To find an occurrence of a text string in a Parameter Viewer Control column:

1. Right-click in the heading of the column you want to search to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Find to display the Find dialog box:

3. Enter the text string you want to find in the Find what box.
4. Choose whether to search Up or Down - as you are starting in the column heading, you will
want to search down initially.
5. Check Match case if you only want to find occurrences that match the case of the characters in
the Find what box.
6. Press Find Next to find the first occurrence of the string.
7. Press Find Next to find the next occurrence of the string, and so on.
Note: The Find dialog box is non-modal so you can click in the Parameter Viewer Control to reset the
search point - the column you click in will be searched (down or up, depending on the Direction
setting) for the text in the Find what box.
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Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control

Previous topic
Sorting the rows in a Parameter Viewer Control

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Undoing and redoing changes to data values

To undo a change made to a parameter within a Parameter Viewer Control:

1. Right-click on the Parameter Viewer Control to pop up a menu - you can click anywhere except
the blank areas to the right of or below the table.
2. Choose Undo.
You can choose Undo repeatedly to undo earlier changes.
Note 1: You cannot undo changes made outside the Parameter Viewer Control such as in the Quick Edit
dialog box or another control linked to the parameter. For example, if a scalar parameter
displayed in a Parameter Viewer Control is also linked to a Slider Bar has an initial value of 0,
which you change to 5 in the Parameter Viewer Control and then change to 10 using the Slider
control, choosing Undo changes the value back to 0 (the value before the last change in the
Parameter Viewer Control).
Note 2: The Undo command does not refer to a specific parameter - it undoes the last change in the
Parameter Viewer Control, not the last change to the parameter you right-clicked on to display
the menu.
To redo the last undone change made to a parameter within a Parameter Viewer Control:
1. Right-click on the Parameter Viewer Control to pop up a menu - you can click anywhere except
the blank areas to the right of or below the table.
2. Choose Redo.
You can choose Redo repeatedly to redo earlier undone changes.
Next topic
Copying and pasting cells in a Parameter Viewer Control
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Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control

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Copying and pasting cells in a Parameter Viewer Control

To copy a block of cells from a Parameter Viewer Control to the Windows clipboard:
1. Select the block of cells - click in the cell at one corner and Shift-click in the cell at the opposite
corner, or drag from one corner to the opposite one. The selected cells will be highlighted.
2. Right-click within the selected block to pop up a menu.
3. Choose Copy Cells.
Once you have copied a block of cells, you can paste them into another application, such as a spreadsheet
or a word processor, or into a Parameter Viewer Control.
To paste a block of cells from the Windows clipboard to a Parameter Viewer Control:
1. Right-click in the cell where you want to paste the first cell in the block to pop up a menu.

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2. Choose Paste Cells.

Note: Pasting from the clipboard into a block of cells will only have an effect on those cells that can be
edited directly in the Parameter Viewer Control - value cells of scalar, string and enumeration
Next topic
Printing the contents of a Parameter Viewer Control
Previous topic
Undoing and redoing changes to data values

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Printing the contents of a Parameter Viewer Control

To print the contents of a Parameter Viewer Control:

1. Right-click in the Parameter Viewer Control’s title bar to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Print to display a standard Windows® Print dialog box.
3. Choose any options you require and press Print to send the output to the printer.
The contents of the Parameter Viewer Control will be printed using the set column widths. The complete
contents will be printed, including any that can only be viewed by scrolling.
Next topic
Using a Parameter Viewer Control to link data to other controls
Previous topic
Copying and pasting cells in a Parameter Viewer Control

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Using a Parameter Viewer Control to link data to other controls

You can link a parameter to a control by dragging the parameter from a Parameter Viewer control (or the
Navigator or a Compare control) and dropping it onto the control.
Note: To drag a parameter from a Parameter Viewer Control, click in the parameter cell to select it, move
the pointer over the boundary of the selected cell (the pointer will change to show that you can drag
it), then drag the parameter by its boundary.
You can also drag a parameter from a Parameter Viewer control (or the Navigator) and drop it onto a panel
to create a new control and link the parameter to the control - the type of control created depends on the
type of parameter.
In the same way, you can drag parameter groups, calibrations, etc from one Parameter Viewer control to
another or onto a panel (a new Parameter Viewer control will be created to show the contents of the
dragged parameter group, calibration, etc).
Note: You can also drag a parameter from a Parameter Viewer Control to a user-defined group.

Next topic
Carrying out Navigator pop-up menu commands in a Parameter Viewer Control
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Printing the contents of a Parameter Viewer Control

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Carrying out Navigator pop-up menu commands in a Parameter

Viewer Control

When you right-click on (most) items in the Navigator a pop-up menu is displayed - see Navigator pop-up
menus for details. You can also access these commands from the Parameter Viewer Control by right-
clicking on the row (the row can be a Contents row or a path row)
To carry out a Navigator pop-up menu command using the Parameter Viewer Control:
1. Right-click in the row in the Parameter Viewer Control (the row can be a Contents row or a Path
row) to pop up a menu.
2. Choose the required Navigator pop-up menu command from the Data Source submenu.
Next topic
Using the Table Editor Control to view and edit data
Previous topic
Using a Parameter Viewer Control to link data to other controls

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Editing parameter values - the Quick Edit dialog box

The DDC Cal Tool provides a wide range of controls for editing and displaying data. To use a control to edit
a parameter, you must first place it on a panel and then link it to the parameter. This is a simple procedure,
but the DDC Cal Tool provides an even quicker method if you just want to make a one-off change to a
To edit a parameter value:
1. Double-click on the parameter row in the navigator (or a Parameter Viewer Control) to display
the Quick Edit dialog box showing the parameter:

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2. Use the controls in the Quick Edit dialog box to edit the parameter in exactly the same way as
you would use a Table Editor Control (scalar parameters are treated as single cell one-
dimensional tables).
See the paragraphs following these instructions for more information about using the Quick Edit
dialog box.
3. To close the Quick Edit dialog box and return to the DDC Cal Tool, either:
Click on the close box at the top right-hand corner of the dialog box.
Or, equivalently:
Right-click in the dialog box and choose Close from the pop-up menu displayed.
You can move and resize the Quick Edit dialog box, if required.
Although the Quick Edit dialog box is ‘modal’, which means that when it is displayed you cannot use any
other DDC Cal Tool controls or commands, you can display a pop-up menu by right-clicking in the Quick
Edit dialog box. The Quick Edit dialog box menu contains:
The parameter-specific commands displayed when you right-click on the parameter in the Navigator.
Commands for carrying out multi-cell edit operations - these are the same as the equivalent commands
used with Table Editor Controls.
The Properties command to display the Table Editor Control Properties dialog box to set the
properties of the Quick Edit dialog box. This dialog box is also used to set the properties of Table
Editor Controls. Note, however, that the properties you set only apply to the current instance of the
Quick Edit dialog box and will be lost when you close it.
Next topic
Reverting parameters to their last saved values
Previous topic
Matching conditions for copy operations

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Bus Monitor toolbar

Note: The Bus Monitor toolbar is hidden when a panel is selected.

The Bus Monitor toolbar contains a collection of tools for working with the Bus Monitor and Message Log

Press the buttons in the table for more information

Menu command Applies to Action

none Message Log Viewer Display the Find dialog box so that you can
and stopped Bus enter search data; when dialog box is
Monitor closed, highlights first message containing
the search data
none Message Log Viewer Highlights the next message containing the
and stopped Bus search data
none Message Log Viewer Highlights the previous message containing
and stopped Bus the search data

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DDC Cal Tool

Tools>>Message Stopped Bus Monitor Display information about the number of

Statistics messages in the Bus Monitor
Tools>>Filter Message Log Viewer Display the Filter dialog box so that you
can apply conditions to restrict the
messages shown in the Message Log
Tools>>Go To Time Message Log Viewer Display the Go To Time dialog so that you
and stopped Bus can jump to a message in the Bus Monitor
Monitor or Message Log Viewer that was sent at a
specific time
Tools>>Columns Message Log Viewer Display the Display Columns dialog so
and stopped Bus that you can choose which columns to
Monitor display in the Bus Monitor or Message Log
Tools>>Hexadecimal All Display data in hexadecimal format in the
Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer
Tools>>Decimal All Display data in decimal format in the Bus
Monitor or Message Log Viewer
Tools>>Enable/Disable Bus Monitor Stop/restart the Bus Monitor
Tools>>Clear Display Bus Monitor Clear the messages from the Bus Monitor

none Message Log Viewer Display the Export log file dialog so that
and stopped Bus you can choose a folder and enter a
Monitor filename for saving the contents of the
Viewer/Monitor in comma separated values
Help>>About All Display About dialog box containing
PiLogViewer program version information

Next topic
Splitting and joining Calibrations
Previous topic
Controls Toolbox

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Setting the update rate for watching

To set the update rate for watching DDEC Unique IDs (PIDs are always transmitted at the rate defined in the ECM):
1. Choose Set Update Rate from the Comms menu to display the Set Data Rate dialog box:

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DDC Cal Tool

2. Enter the rate, in milliseconds at which the DDC Cal Tool should poll the ECM to obtain the
values of the watch variables.
3. Click OK to close the dialog box and set the update rate.
The new update rate will take effect when you next start watching (or restart it if you are already watching
when you change the rate).
Next topic
Opening Watchsets
Previous topic
Watchsets - monitoring variables in the ECM

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Resetting Trip Data

To reset the trip data in the ECM:

1. Choose Reset Trip Data from the Diagnostics menu to display a confirmation dialog box:

2. Press OK to reset the trip data and close the dialog box.
Next topic
Setting the values of ECM accumulators
Previous topic
Adjusting an engine’s horse power

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Saving the permanent diagnostics in an ECM to a text file

To save the permanent diagnostics in an ECM to a text file:

1. Choose Gather Permanent from the Diagnostics menu to display a standard windows Save
As dialog box.
2. Use the dialog box to select a folder and enter a filename for saving the permanent diagnostics.

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3. Press Save to save the file.

Next topic
Saving the AFR Learn Table in an ECM to a text file (natural gas engines only)
Previous topic
Saving the ECU Temperature Histogram to a text file

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Erasing the permanent diagnostics in an ECM

To erase the permanent diagnostics in the ECM:

1. Choose Erase Permanent from the Diagnostics menu to display a confirmation dialog box:

2. Press OK to erase the permanent diagnostics in the ECM and close the dialog box.
Next topic
Clearing the AFR Learn Table in an ECM (natural gas engines only)
Previous topic
Setting the values of ECM accumulators

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Adjusting the connected engine’s horse power

Note: This function can only be used during the first five hours of the engine's operation.
To adjust the pulse width multiplier to fine-tune the engine’s horse power in the test cell prior to shipping:
1. Choose Horse Power Adjust from the Diagnostics menu to display the Horse Power Adjust
dialog box:

2. Modify the figure in the edit box to achieve the required horse power.
3. Press OK to confirm the setting and close the dialog box.
Next topic
Resetting Trip Data
Previous topic
Setting the ECM clock

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Displaying engine information

To display information about the connected engine:

1. Choose Engine Information from the Diagnostics menu to display the Engine information
dialog box:

2. Double-click on a group in the Groups pane to display the parameter data for it in the Parameters pane.

3. Press Close to close the dialog box.

Next topic
The Bus Monitor
Previous topic
Degreening the particulate filter

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Calibration Listing

To save a listing of the parameter settings in a Calibration to a text file:

1. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Calibration Listing to display a standard windows Save As dialog box.
4. Use the dialog box to select a folder and enter a filename for saving the listing.
5. Press Save to save the file.
Next topic
Creating a new Calibration
Previous topic
Viewing information about a Calibration

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Reverting parameters to their last saved values

The Navigator shows when a Calibration has unsaved changes with an asterisk between the Calibration
icon and the Calibration name - the parameters that have been changed are marked similarly:

In this example Parameter A1 has been changed.

To revert the value of a parameter back to its last saved value:
1. Right-click on the parameter in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Revert from the pop-up menu.
Note: Reverting a parameter can fail if, for example, a change in the value of another parameter means
that the original value of the first parameter no longer satisfies some constraint.
To revert the values of all parameters in a Calibration back to their last saved values
1. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Revert Calibration.
Next topic
Saving and removing Calibrations
Previous topic
Editing parameter values - the Quick Edit dialog box

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Saving the ECU Temperature Histogram to a text file

Note: This command only applies when the DDC Cal Tool is connected to a DDEC V.

To save the temperature data from a DDEC V to a text file:

1. Choose Get ECU Temperature Histogram from the Diagnostics menu to display a standard windows
Save As dialog box.

2. Use the dialog box to select a folder and enter a filename for saving the temperature data.

3. Press Save to save the file.

Next topic
Saving the permanent diagnostics in an ECM to a text file
Previous topic
Clearing the AFR Learn Table in an ECM (natural gas engines only)

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Converting watchsets

When you create a new version of a Watchset, the structure of existing Watchsets may become invalid. The
DDC Cal Tool allows you to convert existing Watchsets to match the structure of a new version.
To convert a Watchset:
1. Right-click on the Watchset in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Convert Watchset from the pop-up menu to display the Open Metafile/Watchset To
Convert To dialog box.
This is a standard Windows Open dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box to select the new version (either a Watchset metafile or a Watchset) and
press Open to display the Save Watchset As dialog box.
This is a standard Save As dialog box.
4. Use the dialog box to select a folder for the Watchset and enter a name for it.
The new converted Watchset will be loaded into the Navigator.
Next topic
Watchset user-defined groups
Previous topic
Opening Watchsets

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Table Editor Control - Display properties

To set the Table Editor Control Display properties:

Click on a radio button to choose how to display the values in the table.
Next topic
Viewing table data
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Table Editor Control - Table Editor properties

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Table Editor Control - Table Editor properties

Note 1: The Plane control in the Axis Configuration box only appears for three dimensional tables.
Note: 2 The Show Operating Point check box has no function in this release of the software - see
Showing the Operating point in a Table Editor Control for how to show the operating point in a
To set the Table Editor properties:
1. Check Display Name to show a title bar at the top of the Table Editor Control showing the name
of the parameter shown in the table; uncheck it to hide the title bar.
2. Check Display Status to show a Status bar at the bottom of the Table Editor Control; uncheck it
to hide the Status bar. The minimum and maximum values allowed for the parameter are shown
at the right-hand end of the Status bar - you may need to make the control wider to be able to
see these values.
3. Check Display Path to show the complete path to the parameter in the control’s title bar instead
of just the parameter’s name - this has no effect if Display Name is unchecked.
4. Check Display Toolbar to display a toolbar containing the Axis configuration controls at the
top of the table editor control so that you can change the orientation of the table, and for a three
dimensional table, the point along the third axis, without opening this dialog box.
5. Check Spin Buttons to display spin buttons in the selected cell so that you can click on the spin
buttons to increase or decrease the value in the cell - you will still be able to edit the value by
typing directly into the cell instead.
6. Check Make Columns Same Width to keep the width of all columns the same - adjusting the
width of any column will adjust the width of all the other columns as well.
7. Choose whether to automatically select another cell when you press the ENTER key with a cell
selected, and if so which direction to move. This can greatly speed up data entry.
8. Use the Axis Configuration controls to set the Orientation of the table, and for a three
dimensional table, which Plane along the third axis to display - see Viewing table data for how
to do this using the equivalent Table Editor Control toolbar controls.
Next topic
Table Editor Control - Display properties

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Table Editor Control properties

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Showing the Operating point in a Table Editor Control

The DDC Cal Tool allows you to view the current ECM operating point within a one or two dimensional table
parameter in a Table Editor Control.
For example, if you have a table with RPM and Load as the axes, the cell corresponding to the current
values of RPM and Load will b highlighted in red.
For this to be possible:
(a) The table parameter must have been defined in the Calibration (ie Metafile) as supporting
Operating point display. (When this is the case the Show Operating Point command appears
on the parameter's context menu).
(b) A Watchset that contains watch variables for the table's axes (for example, RPM and Load)
must be available.
To view the operating point in a table:
1. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Select Associate Watchset to display the Open Watchset dialog box - this is a standard
Windows Open dialog box.
Note: You can press Ctrl+T as a shortcut for this command - see Keyboard shortcuts for details of
shortcuts available, and the notes in that topic for when they can be applied and to which object they
will be applied if there is any ambiguity.
3. Use the Open Watchset dialog box to open the Watchset containing watch variables for the
table axes.
If the selected Watchset is not already loaded, it will be loaded.
4. In the Navigator, right-click on the table parameter for which you want to view the operating
point to pop-up a menu.
5. Select Show Operating Point.
6. Link the table parameter to a Table Editor Control.
Watching of the axis variables will start automatically and the operating point will be highlighted in red in the
Table Editor Control.
If you turn watching off for an axis watch variable, the operating point display will fail. If there is a problem
with the operating point display, for example, if an axis variable is not being watched, the Table Editor
Control will be highlighted in yellow.
Note: In the instructions above the operating point display was turned on before the parameter is linked to
the Table Editor Control. This is not essential - Step 6 could be performed before Step 1 to achieve
the same end result.
To stop showing the operating point in a table:
1. right-click on the table parameter to pop-up a menu.
2. Select Hide Operating Point.
To reshow a hidden operating point in a table:
1. In the Navigator, right-click on the table parameter to pop-up a menu.
2. Select Show Operating Point.

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Next topic
Using the Table Graph Control to view data
Previous topic
Copying table cells to Excel

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Setting the PID Map in the ECM for Watching

The values of individual PIDs (not Uniques) are only broadcast from the ECM (and therefore watchable) if
the corresponding bits are set in the ECMs PID Map.
To rewrite the ECMs RAM copy of the PID Map to set the bits for all currently watched PIDs:
1. Right-click on the Watchset icon to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Set PID Map.
This ensures that data for all currently watched PIDs will be broadcast.
Note: This procedure has no effect on the bits for unwatched PIDs - in particular, it does not clear them.
Next topic
Logging the values of watched variables to a file
Previous topic
Switching Watching on and off

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Applying constraints to parameters in a Calibration

Maximum and minimum values for parameters in a Calibration can be defined in its Metafile. However,
much more complex and powerful constraints can also be imposed. For example, you could require that the
values in a table are strictly increasing as you go down the table.
The constraint is defined by the inclusion Visual Basic code in the metafile - this allows the definition of
virtually any constraint.
You can then impose the constraints on the Calibration in the DDC Cal Tool. You can choose to check that
all the constraints in a Calibration are satisfied, or just those that affect a specific parameter. You can also
choose to make the DDC Cal Tool automatically check that any changes you make to parameters satisfy
any constraints.
Note: The definition of constraints is beyond the scope of this Help system.
To choose whether the DDC Cal Tool should automatically maintain any constraints defined for all open
1. Right-click on the Calibration Manager icon in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Auto Constrain.
Auto Constrain is checked in the menu when constraints are automatically maintained. Auto Constrain is
on by default.
Note: In general, you should leave Auto Constrain turned on since the values of various smoke control
axes depend on it being active.
When Auto Constrain is in force a dialog box will be displayed warning you that you have tried to violate a

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DDC Cal Tool

Note: If Auto Constrain is turned on when you load a Calibration, the DDC Cal Tool will check that the
constraints are satisfied. However if a Calibration is already loaded when you switch Auto
Constrain on, the DDC Cal Tool does not check that all constraints are currently satisfied. If you try
to edit a value that violates a constraint while Auto Constrain is on, the DDC Cal Tool will let you
change it to a value that satisfies all constraints, but if you try to change it to another value that also
violates some constraint, you will be warned and the DDC Cal Tool will leave the original (constraint
violating) value unchanged.
You can check whether the parameters in a Calibration satisfies the constraints. (You may want to do this if
Auto Constrain is not selected, or if it is selected but you think some parameters violated constraints
before it was selected.)
To check whether any of the parameters in a Calibration do not satisfy any constraints:
1. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
2. Choose Run Constraints on Calibration.
If a parameter violates a constraint, a dialog box will be displayed showing the parameter that violated a
constraint and an error message that is defined in the Metafile with the constraint definition.
Abort to stop checking the constraints on any remaining parameters
Retry to apply the constraint again
Ignore to continue checking the constraints on any remaining parameters.
If you press Ignore, and a further violation of a constraint is found, the dialog box will be redisplayed
appropriately. When all checks are complete, a dialog box will be displayed showing a summary of the
constraint violations found.
Next topic
Creating and working with the DDC Cal Tool data controls
Previous topic
Converting a Calibration

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Validating a Calibration

The DDC Cal Tool has a number of features for ensuring the validity of the data in Calibrations. For
example, the Metafile can impose maximum and minimum values on parameters. The Metafile can also
define more complex constraints that must be satisfied, though you can choose whether to impose them
automatically as you use the DDC Cal Tool - see Applying constraints to parameters in a Calibration for
The Calibration Validation Utility adds another level of validation to these features by allowing you to define
Validation files specifying the values that selected parameters must take. You can then use the Validation
file to impose these values. The Calibration Validation Utility also ensures that all maximum and minimum
values and constraints are satisfied.
The Validation file can specify whether a parameter should be validated according to the engine type and/or
certification type of the Calibration. A validated parameter can also be required to have different values for
different engine and/or certification types.
Note: You can specify the validation values for engine types and certification types independently, so it is
possible for a conflict to arise if a Calibration’s engine type requires one value and its certification
type requires another. If this happens, the engine type value takes precedence.
Next topic
Starting the Calibration Validation Utility

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Previous topic
Compare control toolbar
See also:
Creating a new Validation file
Loading a Validation file
Editing a Validation file
The Edit Validation File dialog box
Setting the validation for a parameter
Searching for text in the parameters table
Printing Validation information
Editing the list of engine types
Loading a Calibration file for validation
Carrying out a Calibration validation
Changes made to the Calibration by the Calibration Validation Utility
Viewing validation results
Min/Max Page
Constraint Page
Validate Page
Data Page
Searching for text in the results table
Printing validation results
Updating a Validation file for a new version of the Metafile
Viewing updating information
Printing updating information

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Starting the Calibration Validation Utility

To start the Calibration Validation Utility:

1. If any of the Calibrations that you want to validate are open in the Calibration Manager, close
2. Right-click on the Calibration Manager icon in the Navigator to pop up a menu.
3. Choose Validate Calibration.
The Calibration Validation Utility dialog box will be displayed:

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Creating a new Validation file
Previous topic
Validating a Calibration

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Creating a new Validation file

To create a new Validation file from a Calibration Metafile:

1. Press Create Validation File in the Calibration Validation Utility dialog box to display the
Open Metafile dialog box.
This is a standard Windows Open dialog box.
2. Use the dialog box to select the Metafile for the Validation file that you want to create and press
A dialog box will be displayed while the Metafile is loaded.
When loading is complete, a standard Windows Save As dialog box will be displayed.
3. Use the dialog box to select a folder for the Validation file and enter a name for it.
4. Press Save to display the Author/Comment dialog box:

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DDC Cal Tool

5. Enter your name and a comment in the edit boxes to document the file.
6. Press OK to save the Validation file.
The new Validation file will be loaded into the Calibration Validation Utility with its details shown in the text
box next to the Select Validation button:

The Validation file will contain default values and settings - see Editing a Validation file for how to edit
Note: The choice of Parameter’s selected for validation is set in the Metafile (the owner field is set to V).
The validation criteria for these parameters will be set to all engine types and no certification types,
and the validation data will be set to the default value set for the parameter in the Metafile.
Next topic
Loading a Validation file
Previous topic
Starting the Calibration Validation Utility

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Loading a Validation file

To load an existing Validation file into the Calibration Validation Utility:

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1. Press Select Validation in the Calibration Validation Utility dialog box to display a standard
Windows® Open dialog box.
2. Use the dialog box to select the Validation file and press Open.
When the selected Validation file has been loaded into the Calibration Validation Utility its details shown in
the text box next to the Select Validation button.
Note: You can load a Validation file that has been saved previously from the Calibration Validation Utility or
from the latest validation file format created by the CUVALID Dos tool.
Next topic
Editing a Validation file
Previous topic
Creating a new Validation file

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Editing a Validation file

To edit a a loaded or newly created Validation file:

1. Press Edit Validation in the Calibration Validation Utility dialog box to display the Edit
Validation File dialog box for the loaded Validation file.
2. Use the Edit Validation File dialog box to edit the Validation file - see the following topics for
3. Either:
Press Exit to close the Edit Validation File dialog box. If you have made any changes, a
standard Windows® Save As dialog box will be displayed so that you can save the calibration.
Press Cancel to close the Edit Validation File dialog box and reload the Validation file into the
Calibration Validation Utility dialog box. Any changes you have made will be discarded.
Next topic
The Edit Validation File dialog box
Previous topic
Loading a Validation file

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The Edit Validation File dialog box

The validation of parameters is carried out in two passes: first according to the Calibration’s certification
type and then according to its engine type.
The Engine Type column allows you to specify for each parameter in the Validation file (listed in the
Parameter Name column) whether it should be checked for all engine types (=), selected engine types (*),
or no engine types (X) during the engine type pass.
Similarly, the Cert. Type column allows you to specify for each parameter in the Validation file whether it
should be checked for all certification types (=), selected certification types (*), or no certification types (X)
during the certification type pass.
Note: The fact that the engine type pass is carried out after the certification type pass means that the
engine type value will overwrite the certification type value - in other words, if there is a conflict, the
engine type value takes precedence.
Next topic
Setting the validation for a parameter
Previous topic
Editing a Validation file

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Setting the validation for a parameter

To specify for which engine types a parameter should be validated:

1. Click in the Engine Type column for the parameter’s row in the parameter table in the Edit
Validation File dialog box - the cell will become selected as a drop-down list box.
2. Select:
X if you do not want the parameter checked at all on the engine type validation pass. The data
table below the parameter table will have a single row showing No Engine Type Validation
or No Certification Type Validation. There are no further steps if you make this selection.
= if you want the parameter checked for all engine types on the engine type validation pass.
The data table below the parameter table will have a single row showing All Engine Series
with the Value initially showing default data taken from the Metafile. Go to Step 4.
* if you want the parameter checked for selected engine types on the engine type validation
pass. The data table below the parameter table will have a row for each of the engine types
with the Value initially showing the same default data taken from the Metafile. See the next
Note: The engine type for a Calibration is defined by the value of its comms_engine_type parameter (and
the certification type by the value of its certification_type parameter).
3. If you selected * at Step 2, the data table below the parameter table will have a row for each of
the engine types (you can choose which engine types appear in the list - see Editing the list of
engine types):

To choose whether the parameter should be validated or not for a specific engine type:
a Click in the Validate? column for that engine type - the cell will become selected as a drop-
down list box.
b Choose Yes or No from the list (or press y or n on the keyboard).
4. For each row in the data table (there is only one if you selected ‘=’), click in the Value cell and
enter/edit the value.
5. If required, click in the Owner code cell and select a code (or enter the code using the
keyboard) - this is for documentation purposes only (see Editing the list of owners for how to
choose which owner codes appear in the list).
To specify for which certification types a parameter should be validated:
Repeat the procedure above using the Cert. Type column. There are some minor differences -
see the following notes for details.
Note 1: When you are setting certification types for a parameter, at Step 3 in the instructions, the data
table will have a row for each of the certificate types instead of engine types. You can choose which
certificate types appear in the list - see Editing the list of certificate types.
Note 2: When you are setting certification types for a parameter, the Owner code column in the data table
is replaced by a Cert. Code column showing the code for each of the certificate types in the list. You
cannot change this, so Step 5 in the instructions does not apply.
Next topic
Searching for text in the parameters table
Previous topic
The Edit Validation File dialog box

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Searching for text in the parameters table

To find text in the parameters table:

Press Find in the Edit Validation File dialog box to display the Find dialog box - see The Find
dialog box in the Calibration Validation Utility for details.
Next topic
The Find dialog box in the Calibration Validation Utility
Previous topic
Setting the validation for a parameter

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Printing Validation information

To print the contents of the Parameter table:

Press Print Validate Option in the Edit Validation File dialog box.
To print the current contents of the data table (for a selected parameter with either the Engine Type or
Cert. Type cell selected):
Press Print Validate Data in the Edit Validation File dialog box.
In both cases, a Print dialog box will be displayed allowing you to choose the printer and set options in the
usual way, but also allows you to preview the printout.
Note: The Print What radio buttons have no effect in this release of the software.
Next topic
Editing the list of engine types
Previous topic
The Find dialog box in the Calibration Validation Utility

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Editing the list of engine types

To edit the list of engine types listed in the data table when you select * for a parameter:
1. Press Engine Types in the Edit Validation File dialog box:
2. If there are any unsaved changes in the Validation File, a standard Windows ® Save As dialog
box will be displayed so that you can save the file.
Use the dialog box to save the file if required - unsaved changes may be lost if, for example, you
delete an engine type.
3. The Edit Engine Types dialog box will be displayed.

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The Select check boxes specify which engine types will be included in the data table.
4. To find a specific engine type in the list, press Find to display the Find dialog box - see The
Find dialog box in the Calibration Validation Utility for details.
5. Press Select All Engines to check all the Select boxes.
6. Press De-Select All Engines to uncheck all the Select boxes - you may want to do this if you
only want to select a few engine types.
7. To delete an engine type from the dialog box, click in its row and press Delete Engine type.
After you have deleted an engine type you will not be able to select it again.
8. To add an engine type to the dialog box, scroll to the end of the list and add the details for the
new engine type in the blank row at the bottom of the list. A new blank row will be added
automatically so that you can add other new engine types.
9. Press Print to print a list of the engine types and selection settings.
10. Press OK to confirm the settings, close the dialog box and return to the Edit Validation File
dialog box.
Next topic
Editing the list of certificate types
Previous topic
Printing Validation information

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Loading a Calibration file for validation

Note: You cannot load a Calibration that is already open in the Calibration Manager.
To load a Calibration file into the Calibration Validation Utility:
1. Press Select Calibration in the Calibration Validation Utility dialog box to display the Open
Calibration dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® Open dialog box.
2. Use the dialog box to select the Calibration file and press Open.
When the selected Calibration file has been loaded into the Calibration Validation Utility its details will be
shown in the text box next to the Select Calibration button.
Next topic
Carrying out a Calibration validation
Previous topic
Listing a Validation

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Carrying out a Calibration validation

To validate a Calibration:
1. Load the Calibration and Validation files into the Calibration Validation Utility.
2. Press Validate Calibration File in the Calibration Validation Utility dialog box to display the
Validate Calibration dialog box:

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When the dialog box opens it shows the following calibration data:
· the engine type (value of the comms_engine_type parameter)
· the certification type (value of the certification_type parameter)
· the current Value, and the Unit and Maximum and Minimum settings for a selection of
critical parameters (this is shown in the Summary Page of the table at the top of the dialog
box - press Summary Page if it is not displayed)
· the rating configuration for the calibration (this is shown in the Rating Configuration page of
the table at the top of the dialog box - press Rating Config. to display it).
The table at the top of the dialog box can also show a number of validation results pages:
Min/Max, Constraint, Validate and DATA. These are displayed by pressing the corresponding
buttons in the Result Page box but are blank until you carry out the validation - see Viewing
validation results for more details
3. The Advance Timing box is only enabled if the engine type is 24V71-RH, 16V92 RH or 12V92
RH. When it is enabled, you can select Yes to add an offset of 9 to the validation values for the
parameters c_fireangle_1 through c_fireangle_8.
4. Press Start Validate.
The Calibration Validation Utility first checks that the parameters satisfy the maximum and
minimum limits, then the constraints and then the validation values. It then rechecks the
maximum and minimum limits and constraints. When a limit, constraint or validation value check
fails, the Calibration Validation Utility changes the value in the calibration so that it satisfies the
check - see the following topics for details.
When the validation is complete, a summary dialog box will be displayed.

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5. Press OK to close the dialog box and return to the Validate Calibration dialog box, which will
display the Validate Page - see Viewing validation results for more details.
6. When you have finished viewing/printing the results, either:
a Press OK.
If any changes have been made to the Calibration, the Save Calibration As dialog box will
be displayed - this is a standard DDC Save As dialog box.
b Use the dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for saving the validated Calibration -
the default extension for a validated calibration is .cor.
Press Cancel to close the Validate Calibration dialog box and reload the (unchanged)
Calibration file into the Calibration Validation Utility dialog box.
Next topic
Changes made to the Calibration by the Calibration Validation Utility
Previous topic
Loading a Calibration file for validation

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Changes made to the Calibration by the Calibration Validation


Changes made when a limit check fails

Requirement Error condition Action

Parameter data minimum value Parameter data < minimum value Parameter data = minimum value
set in the Metafile
Parameter data maximum Parameter data > maximum Parameter data = maximum
value set in the Metafile value value

Changes made when a constraint check fails

Constraint Requirement Error condition Action

parameter1 > parameter2 parameter1 <= parameter2 parameter1 = parameter2 - 1
parameter1 < parameter2 parameter1 >= parameter2 parameter1 = parameter2 + 1
parameter1 >= parameter2 parameter1 < parameter2 parameter1 = parameter2
parameter1 <= parameter2 parameter1 > parameter2 parameter1 = parameter2
parameter Mod constant parameter Mod constant <> 0 If parameter Mod constant <
constant /2
parameter =
quotient X constant
Otherwise (ie if parameter Mod
constant >= constant /2)
parameter =
(quotient +1) X constant
parameter1 = x1 OR parameter1 <> x1 parameter1 = x1
parameter1 = x2 OR and

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parameter1 = x3 OR parameter1 <> x2

... and
parameter1 <> x3

Changes made when a validation value check fails

Requirement Error condition Action

parameter = value set for it in parameter <> validation value parameter = validation value
Validation file
Next topic
Viewing validation results
Previous topic
Carrying out a Calibration validation

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Viewing validation results

To view the results of a Validation:

Press Validate Page (this page is shown immediately after a validation is carried out), Min/Max
Page, Constraint Page, or Data Page.
Next topic
Min/Max Page
Previous topic
Changes made to the Calibration by the Calibration Validation Utility

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Constraint Page

The Constraint Page table is blank until you carry out the validation.
After a validation, the first rows in the Constraint Page show summary details of the calibration and
validation files.
Next topic
Validate Page
Previous topic
Min/Max Page

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Validate Page

The Validate Page table is blank until you carry out the validation.
After a validation, the first rows in the Validate Page show summary details of the calibration and validation
These are followed by a list of all the validation parameters showing whether they were selected for
validation for all or specific Engine or Calibration types, and whether the validation passed or failed, or for
specific Engine or Calibration types checks whether the validation was disabled for the calibration’s Engine
or Calibration type. (Validation parameters that were disabled for all Engine and Calibration types are not
included in the list.)
To get detailed information about a validation that failed:
Double-click on the corresponding row in the Validate Page.
The Data Page will be displayed with the relevant entry selected.
Next topic
Data Page
Previous topic
Constraint Page

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Data Page

The Data Page table is blank until you carry out the validation.
After a validation, the first rows in the Data Page show summary details of the calibration and Validation
These are followed by a list of all the validation parameters that failed, showing for each: the name of the
parameter, the type of parameter, whether it was an engine type or certification type validation.
For scalars, this is then followed by the calibration value and the validation value.
For tables it is followed by the number of columns and rows, with the calibration and validation values on
the following rows (the calibration and validation values for one-dimensional tables are shown side-by-side
as in the picture below; for two-dimensional tables they are shown one above the other):

To view the entry on the Validate Page for a parameter shown on the Data Page:
Double-click on the parameter name in the Data Page.

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The Validate Page will be displayed with the parameter selected.

To view a graphical display of the calibration or validation values for a one-dimensional (column) or two-
dimensional table parameter:
1. Double-click on Val - Display Graph to display the Validation Table dialog box or Cal - Display
Graph to display the Calibration Table dialog box. For example:

Note: The controls in the Selection box are disabled in this release of the software.
2. Press Cancel when you have finished using the Calibration Table dialog box.
To print the table displayed in the Calibration Table dialog box:
Press Print to display the Print dialog box. This enables you to choose the printer and set
options in the usual way before printing, but also allows you to preview the printout.
To change the viewpoint for the graphical display of a two-dimensional table:
1. Hold down Ctrl and move the pointer over the graph - the pointer will change to show that you
can drag the display:

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DDC Cal Tool

2. Drag to rotate the axes - as you drag an outline of the new position of the box surrounding the
graph will be shown:

3. Release the mouse button when the axes are in the required positions.
Next topic
Searching for text in the results table
Previous topic
Validate Page

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Searching for text in the results table

To find text in a results table:

Press Find to display the Find dialog box - see The Find dialog box in the Calibration Validation
Utility for details.
Next topic
Printing validation results
Previous topic
Data Page

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Printing validation results

To print validation results:

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1. Press the button in the Result Page box for the results table you want to print.
2. Press Print to display a Print dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box in the usual way to choose the printer and set options if required. You can
also press Preview to preview the printout.
Note: The Print What radio buttons have no effect in this release of the software.
Next topic
Updating a Validation file for a new version of the Metafile
Previous topic
Searching for text in the results table

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Updating a Validation file for a new version of the Metafile

To update the structure of a Validation file to match a new version of the Metafile:
1. Press Select Validation in the Calibration Validation Utility dialog box to display a standard
Windows Open dialog box and use it to select the Validation file and press Open.
2. Press Update Validation file in the Calibration Validation Utility dialog box to display the
Open Metafile dialog box.
This is a standard Windows Open dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box to select the Metafile for the Calibrations that you want to validate and press
A dialog box will be displayed while the Metafile is loaded.
When loading is complete, a standard Windows Save As dialog box will be displayed.
4. Use the dialog box to select a folder for the updated Validation file and enter a name for it.
5. Press Save to display the Author/Comment dialog box:

A dialog box will be displayed while the Validation file is updated and saved.
The Update Validation dialog box will then be displayed so that you can view information about
how the file was updated - see the next topic for details.
6. When you have finished viewing/printing the update information, press Exit to close the Update
Validation dialog box and return to the Calibration Validation Utility dialog box, where the
updated Validation file will be loaded.
Next topic
Viewing updating information
Previous topic
Printing validation results

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Viewing updating information

The Update Validation dialog box displays information about how the Validation file was updated. When it
opens it shows a listing of the new Validation file:

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To view updating information:

1. Press New Validation Listing to see details of the new calibration.
2. Press Old Validation to view details of Calibration variables that appeared in the old Validation
file but not in the new one.
3. Press New Validation to view details of Calibration variables that appear in the new Validation
file but not in the old one.
4. Press Dimension to view details of Calibration variables with the same name in the old and new
Validation files but with different types (scalar, column, table).
5. Press Mismatch to view details of Calibration variables with the same name in the old and new
Validation files but with different validation settings (for example, set to validate for all engine
types in the old Validation file but no engine types in the new one).
To find specific text in the table:
Press Find to display the Find dialog box - see The Find dialog box in the Calibration Validation
Utility for details.
Next topic
Printing updating information
Previous topic
Updating a Validation file for a new version of the Metafile

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Printing updating information

To print updating information:

1. Press the New Validation Listing, Old Validation, New Validation, Dimension or Mismatch
button to display the information you want to print.
2. Press Print to display a Print dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box in the usual way to choose the printer and set options if required. You can
also press Preview to preview the printout.
Note: The Print What radio buttons have no effect in this release of the software.
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Configuring communication with the ECM
Previous topic
Viewing updating information

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Min/Max Page

The Min/Max Page table is blank until you carry out the validation.
After a validation, the first rows in the Min/Max Page show summary details of the calibration and
Validation files.
These are followed by a list of the parameters that failed to satisfy the minimum or maximum limits set for
them in the Calibration’s Metafile. The columns show the parameter name, the parameter type, the initial
value, whether it was too small (<) for the minimum limit or too large (>) for the maximum limit and the new
value assigned to the parameter so that it satisfies the limits.
Next topic
Constraint Page
Previous topic
Viewing validation results

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Referencing Calibration parameters in the Visual Basic Script

If you link the Command Button to a navigator item, it will be available in the script as a global object called
If you only want to refer to a single parameter, you would probably just link the Command Button to that
parameter and use 'Parent' to refer to it.
To refer to several parameters, you could link the Command Button to the Calibration and then use, for
dim p1
set p1 = Parent.GetParameter("cal_major_version")

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tag name

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Listing a Validation

To view or print a listing of a loaded or newly created Validation file:

1. Press List Validation in the Calibration Validation Utility dialog box to display the List
Validation dialog box:

the List Validation dialog box lists the validation parameters by certification type or engine type.
2. To choose to view the validation parameters by certification type:
Press the Certification Type button.
To choose to view the validation parameters by engine type:
Press the Engine Type button.
3. To find text in the listing, press Find in the List Validation dialog box to display the Find dialog
box - see The Find dialog box in the Calibration Validation Utility for details.
4. To print the validation listing:
a Press the Certification Type or Engine Type button to choose the type of listing.
b Press the Print button to display a standard Windows® Print dialog box.
c Use the Print dialog box to choose how to print the listing.
d Press the Print button to print the listing.
5. To save the validation listing to an Excel file:
a Press the Certification Type or Engine Type button to choose the type of listing.
b Press the Save button to display a standard Windows® Save As dialog box.
c Use the Save As dialog box to choose a folder and enter a name for the saved listing.

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6. Press the Close button to close the List Validation dialog box and return to the Calibration
Validation Utility dialog box.

Next topic
Loading a Calibration file for validation
Previous topic
Editing the list of owners

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Editing the list of owners

To edit the list of parameter ‘owners’:

1. Press Owner in the Edit Validation File dialog box:
2. If there are any unsaved changes in the Validation File, a standard Windows ® Save As dialog
box will be displayed so that you can save the file.
Use the dialog box to save the file if required - unsaved changes may be lost if, for example, you
delete an owner.
3. The Owner Type dialog box will be displayed:

4. To find a specific owner in the list, press Find to display the Find dialog box - see The Find
dialog box in the Calibration Validation Utility for details.
5. To delete an owner from the dialog box, click in its row and press Delete. After you have deleted
an owner you will not be able to select it again.

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6. To add an owner to the dialog box, scroll to the end of the list and add the details for the new
owner in the blank row at the bottom of the list - the code must be unique. A new blank row will
be added automatically so that you can add other new owners.
7. To print a list of the owners, press Print.
8.. Press OK to confirm the settings, close the dialog box and return to the Edit Validation File
dialog box.
Next topic
Listing a Validation
Previous topic
Editing the list of certificate types

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Editing the list of certificate types

To edit the list of certificate types listed in the data table when you select * for a parameter:
1. Press Certificate Types in the Edit Validation File dialog box:
2. If there are any unsaved changes in the Validation File, a standard Windows ® Save As dialog
box will be displayed so that you can save the file.
Use the dialog box to save the file if required - unsaved changes may be lost if, for example, you
delete a certificate type.
3. The Certificate Type dialog box will be displayed:

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4. To find a specific certificate type in the list, press Find to display the Find dialog box - see The
Find dialog box in the Calibration Validation Utility for details.
5. To delete a certificate type from the dialog box, click in its row and press Delete. After you have
deleted a certificate type you will not be able to select it again.
6. To add a certificate type to the dialog box, scroll to the end of the list and add the details for the
new certificate type in the blank row at the bottom of the list - the code must be unique. A new
blank row will be added automatically so that you can add other new certificate types.
7. To print a list of the certificate types.
8. Press OK to confirm the settings, close the dialog box and return to the Edit Validation File
dialog box.
Next topic
Editing the list of owners
Previous topic
Editing the list of engine types

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Closing ToolBench

To close ToolBench:
Choose Exit from the File menu.
If there are any unsaved changes, the ToolBench dialog box will be displayed as for the Save
Workspace As command allowing you to choose which unsaved components to save.
Next topic
Comparing Calibrations
Previous topic

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Using a Compare control to link data to other controls

You can link a parameter to a control by dragging the parameter from a Compare control (or the Navigator
or a Parameter Viewer control) and dropping it onto the control.
Note: If the parameter you want to drag is already selected in the Compare control, click in another
parameter to deselect it, then drag the required parameter.
You can also drag a parameter from a Compare control (or the Navigator or a Parameter Viewer control)
and drop it onto a panel to create a new control and link the parameter to the control - the type of control
created depends on the type of parameter.

Next topic
Compare control toolbar
Previous topic
Saving a log of the comparison

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The Find dialog box in the Calibration Validation Utility

The Find dialog box is displayed in the Calibration Validation Utility when you press Find in the:
Edit Validation File dialog box
Edit Engine Types dialog box
Certificate Type dialog box
Owner Type dialog box
List Validation dialog box
Validate Calibration dialog box
Update Validation dialog box

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DDC Cal Tool

Note: The Look in control and Replace button have no function and are disabled in this release of the
To use the Find dialog box to find text in the table in a dialog box or window:
1. Enter the text you want to find in the Find What box.
2. Choose the search direction from the Search drop-down list: choose By Rows to search along
the current row then the next row and so on; choose By Columns to search down the current
column then the next column and so on.
3. Check Match Case to make the search case-sensitive; uncheck it to make it case-insensitive.
4. Check Find Entire Cells Only to find cells that contain only the text in the Find What box;
uncheck it to find cells that contain the text in the Find What box somewhere in their text.
5. Press Find Next to find the text.
Next topic
Printing Validation information
Previous topic
Searching for text in the parameters table

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Saving validation results

To save validation results to an Excel file:

1. Press the button in the Result Page box for the results table you want to save.
2. Press Save Result to display a standard Windows Save As dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box in the usual way to choose a folder and enter a name for the Excel file. the
printer and set options if required
When you open the file in Excel, the results will be formatted in columns as in the results table.

Next topic
Updating a Validation file for a new version of the Metafile
Previous topic
Searching for text in the results table

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Splitting and joining Calibrations

The DDC Cal tool is supplied with a separate program (Split and Join Calibrations) allowing you to split a
Calibration into a separate shared and three rating specific parts. Each of these parts can be opened edited
and saved separately in the DDC Cal tool. Splitting Calibrations in this way allows you to maintain versions
of the shared and rating specific components separately and recombine them as required for different
versions of the complete Calibration.
For details, see:
Splitting a Calibration
Joining Calibration components

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Splitting a Calibration
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Bus Monitor toolbar

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Splitting a Calibration

To split a Calibration:
1. Press the Start button on the Windows task bar and choose Split and Join calibrations from
the Programs>>Detroit Diesel submenu to launch the Split and Join Calibrations program:

2. Click on the Split radio button to select it if it is not already selected.

3. Press Next to display the Select Calibration dialog box:

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DDC Cal Tool

4. Either type in the file path and name of the Calibration you want to split, or press Browse to
display a standard Windows open dialog box to select the required Calibration.
5. Press Next in the Select Calibration dialog box to display the Save Calibration Parts dialog

6. Either:
a Press a Browse button to display a standard Windows save dialog box.
b Select the required folder, enter a filename and press Save to return to the Save
Calibration Parts dialog box.
Note: When you return from pressing the Browse button for the Shared box, the Split and Join
Calibrations program will add the same path and filename with appropriate extensions to the other
boxes (provided they are blank).
Type in a path and name for the file for each of the separate Calibration components - if you just
enter a filename, the file will be saved in the same folder as the original Calibration.
Note: You can enter the same name for all components since the Split and Join Calibrations program will
add the appropriate extension for each component to the name.
7. Press Next in the Select Calibration dialog box.

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DDC Cal Tool

The Split and Join Calibrations program performs a number of checks before carrying out the
split Calibration operation - if no problems are found, it will go straight to Step 11.
8. If any files with the specified filenames already exist, you will be asked if you want to overwrite

Press Yes to overwrite the existing file.

Press No to abort the split Calibration operation.
Note: Pressing No for any component aborts the complete split Calibration operation.
9. If the Split and Join Calibrations program cannot locate the Calibration's Metafile, a dialog box
will be displayed giving you the opportunity to specify the location:

Press Yes to display a standard Windows open dialog box so that you can specify the location
of the Metafile.
Press No to abort the split Calibration operation.
10. You will be warned if the metafile was created for a previous version of the DDC Cal tool:

Press Yes to continue with the split Calibration operation.

Press No to abort the split Calibration operation.
11. A dialog box will be displayed while the split Calibration operation is carried out:

And then a dialog box confirming that it has been carried out successfully:

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DDC Cal Tool

Press OK to close the dialog box and return to the opening window of the Split and Join
Calibrations program.
Next topic
Joining Calibration components
Previous topic
Splitting and joining Calibrations

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Joining Calibration components

To join together the shared and rating specific components of a Calibration:

1. Press the Start button on the Windows® task bar and choose Split and Join calibrations from
the Programs>>Detroit Diesel submenu to launch the Split and Join Calibrations program:

2. Click on the Join radio button to select it.

3. Press Next to display the Select Files to Join dialog box:

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DDC Cal Tool

4. Either type in the file path and name of the Calibration components you want to join, or press
the Browse buttons to display a standard Windows® open dialog box to select the required
5. Press Next in the Select Calibration dialog box to display the Save Calibration As dialog box:

6. Either:
Type in a path and name for the file for the joined Calibration.
a Press the Browse button to display a standard Windows® save dialog box.
b Select the required folder, enter a filename and press Save to return to the Save Calibration As
dialog box.
7. Press Next in the Save Calibration As dialog box.
The components will be joined together and a dialog box displayed confirming that it has been
carried out successfully:

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DDC Cal Tool

Press OK to close the dialog box and return to the opening window of the Split and Join
Calibrations program.

Next topic
Using Win Monitor to monitor the communications bus
Previous topic
Splitting a Calibration

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Using Win Monitor to monitor the communications bus

The DDC Cal tool is supplied with a separate program (Win Monitor) allowing you to monitor the
communications bus.
To start Win Monitor:
Press the Start button on the Windows task bar and choose Win Monitor Tool from the
Programs>>Detroit Diesel submenu.

You use Win Monitor in exactly the same way as the Bus Monitor in the DDC Cal Tool - see The Bus
Monitor for details.

Next topic
Converting the contents of a message log File to text format

324 / 360
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Previous topic
Joining Calibration components

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Selecting a message that contains specific data

Note: You can jump to a message that contains specific data in any Message Log Viewer at any time and
in the Bus Monitor if it is stopped.
To jump to a message that contains specific data in the Message Log Viewer:
1. Select the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer by clicking in it or by selecting it from the
Window menu.

2. Press the Find button in the Bus Monitor toolbar to display the Find dialog box:

Note: The lower box will be labeled Hexadecimal or Decimal depending in the data format selected for the
Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer.
3. Either
Enter the data you want to find as text in the Text box (the decimal or hexadecimal codes
for the text will appear in the lower box).
Enter the data you want to find as a list of decimal (or hexadecimal) codes separated by
spaces in the Decimal (or Hexadecimal) box.
4. Click Find.
To jump to the next message containing the search data::

Press the Find Next button in the Bus Monitor toolbar.

To jump to the previous message containing the search data:

Press the Find Previous button in the Bus Monitor toolbar.

Next topic
Exporting the contents of the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer to a CSV file
Previous topic
Selecting a message sent at a specific time

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Exporting the contents of the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer

to a CSV file

Note: You can export the contents of any Message Log Viewer at any time and in the Bus Monitor if it is
To export the contents of the Bus Monitor or a Message Log Viewer to a comma separated values file:
1. Select the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer by clicking in it or by selecting it from the
Window menu.

2. Click on the CSV button in the Bus Monitor toolbar to display a standard Windows® save dialog
box - the Export log file dialog box.
3. Use the Export log file dialog box to select a folder and enter a filename for the exported Bus
Monitor or Message Log Viewer contents.
Next topic
Displaying information about the Bus Monitor or Message Log Viewer
Previous topic
Selecting a message that contains specific data

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Converting the contents of a message log File to text format

To convert the contents of a message log File to text format:

1. Press the Start button on the Windows task bar and choose Message Log to Text conversion
from the Programs>>Detroit Diesel submenu to launch the Message Log to Text conversion

2. Click on the Decimal or Hexadecimal radio button to choose the format to use for the data in
the converted file.

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DDC Cal Tool

3. Check the check boxes for the fields you want to include in the converted file.
4. Press Convert to display a standard windows Open dialog box.
5. Use the Open dialog box to select the message log file you want to convert.
6. Press Open to close the Open dialog box and carry out the conversion.
The converted file will be saved in the same folder as the message log file, using the same
name but a .txt extension.
7. Repeat Steps 2 through 6 for any other files you want to convert.
8. When you have finished converting files, press Exit to close the Message Log to Text
conversion program.

Next topic
Converting a watched variables log file to a readable format
Previous topic
Using Win Monitor to monitor the communications bus

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Resetting the communications link with the ECM

To reset the communications link between the DDC Cal Tool and the ECM if you have a communications
Choose Reset Comms from the Comms menu.
Next topic
Downloading a new ECM program
Previous topic
Monitoring the connection status

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Setting the engine speed

To set the PTO engine speed digitally, overriding the value obtained from analog or frequency inputs:
1. Choose Set Engine Speed from the Comms menu to display the Engine Speed dialog box:

2. Either:
Type the required engine speed into the Engine Speed box and press Send to set the
engine speed to the value entered.

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DDC Cal Tool

Press Go To Idle to read the idle speed from the engine, display it in the Engine Speed box
and set the engine to that speed.
3. Press Close to close the dialog box.
The new value will remain active until the value is changed again, the ECM is reset or the ignition is cycled.
Note: The Engine Speed dialog box is 'modeless'. This means that you can still use other commands,
controls and dialog boxes in the DDC Cal Tool while it is open. For example, you can use the
Slewing dialog box (which is also modeless) and the Engine Speed dialog box alternately without
having to close either of them in between.
Next topic
Performing a cylinder cutout test
Previous topic
Current ECM to Boot ROM

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Setting the values of ECM accumulators

To view and set the current values of one or more accumulators in the ECM:
1. Choose Set Accumulators from the Diagnostics menu to display the Set Accumulators
dialog box:

The accumulators are divided into four groups on separate pages in the dialog box.
2. Click on the tab to display the page containing the first accumulator(s) you want to set.
3. Click in the Display Values column for the first accumulator you want to set.
4. Type in the new value.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for any of the other accumulators on that page that you want to set.
6. Press Set Accumulator.
Note: Pressing Set Accumulator only sets the values of the accumulators on the currently selected page
in the dialog box.

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DDC Cal Tool

7. Repeat Steps 2 through 6 for any of the other accumulators that you want to set.
8. Press Close to close the dialog box and return to the DDC Cal tool.

Next topic
Erasing the permanent diagnostics in an ECM
Previous topic
Resetting Trip Data

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Performing a cylinder cutout test

To test the connected engine by measuring its performance when you selectively cut out its cylinders:
1. Choose Cylinder Cutout from the Comms menu to display the Cylinder Cutout dialog box:

2. Click on the Automatic radio button if you want to run a test with each cylinder cut out in turn.
a Click on the Manual radio button if you want to run a test with one cylinder cut out only.
The Cylinder radio buttons will be enabled.
b Click on a Cylinder radio button to choose which cylinder to test.
3. Click on a Test Speed radio button to decide whether to run the test at Idle speed, 1000 RPM or
Free RPM (i.e., under manual control).

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DDC Cal Tool

4. Press Run Test.

After the test has been run, the Cylinder Cutout dialog box will show the results next to each
5. Press Close to close the dialog box and return to the DDC Cal tool.

Next topic
Viewing and setting the injector calibration codes
Previous topic
Setting the engine speed

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Generating dummycal.c for DDEC IV

The DDC Cal tool is supplied with a separate program to generate a dummycal.c file for DDEC IV from a
Calibration or compiled Metafile. You can then include the dummycal.c file when you compile the ECM
program to set initial values for variables.
To create a dummycal.c file:
1. Press the Start button on the Windows® task bar and choose Generate dummycal.c for DDEC
IV from the Programs>>Detroit Diesel submenu to display the Output file dialog box:

2. Enter a path and name for the output file (if you do not enter a path, the file will be saved in your
Windows® folder), or press Browse to display a standard Windows® Save As dialog box sop
that you can select a folder and enter a name for the output file.
3. Press Next to display the Metafile to convert dialog box:

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DDC Cal Tool

4. Enter the path and name for the Metafile or Calibration you want top use as the basis for the
dummycal.c file, or press Browse to display a standard Windows® Open dialog box so that you
can select the file.
5. Press Finish to generate the dummycal.c file and exit the program.

Next topic
Metafile conversion programs
Previous topic
Converting a watched variables log file to a readable format

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Saving the AFR Learn Table in an ECM to a text file (natural gas
engines only)

To save the AFR Learn Table in an ECM (natural gas engines only) to a text file:
1. Choose Get AFR Learn Table from the Diagnostics menu to display a standard windows Save
As dialog box.
2. Use the dialog box to select a folder and enter a filename for saving the AFR Learn Table.
3. Press Save to save the file.

Next topic
Recalibrating the oxygen sensor
Previous topic
Saving the permanent diagnostics in an ECM to a text file

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Clearing the AFR Learn Table in an ECM (natural gas engines only)

To clear the AFR Learn Table in an ECM (natural gas engines only):
1. Choose Clear AFR Learn Table from the Diagnostics menu to display a confirmation dialog
2. Press OK to clear the AFR Learn Table in the ECM and close the dialog box.
Next topic
Saving the ECU Temperature Histogram to a text file
Previous topic
Erasing the permanent diagnostics in an ECM

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Creating a problem report

The DDC Cal tool is supplied with a separate program that allows you to create a report if you encounter a
software error when you are using the program.
The Problem Report Tool allows you to enter a description of the problem. It then gathers information about
your PC and DDC Cal Tool installation, etc. and writes it with your description to a text file, which you can
email to the DDC Cal Tool support team.
Note: You can launch the Problem Report Tool from the Windows Start menu, as in the following
instructions, or from the DDC Cal tool by choosing Report Problem from the Help menu (then go to
Step 2 in the instructions below). However, in general, you are advised to close the DDC Cal tool
and run the Problem Report Tool independently rather than from the Help menu.
The reason for this is that the Problem Report Tool tries to gather information from the Workspace
file you were using when the problem occurred. However, it will not be able to do so if that file is
currently open in the DDC Cal tool (since it is locked by Windows for exclusive use by the DDC Cal
To create a problem report:
1. Press the Start button on the Windows task bar and choose Report Problem from the
Programs>>Detroit Diesel submenu to launch the Problem Report Tool:

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DDC Cal Tool

2. Read the instructions then press Next to display the next screen in the Problem Report Tool

3. Type in a description of the problem, including details of how to reproduce it.

You will not be able to progress to the next step until you have entered some text.
4. Press Next to display the next screen in the Problem Report Tool program:

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DDC Cal Tool

5. Press Browse to display a standard Windows Open dialog box and use it to select the
Workspace you were using when the problem occurred.
You will be able to progress to the next step without selecting the Workspace, but if you do not,
you will be warned and given the opportunity to change your mind since Workspace data can
provide the support team with important information that will allow them to solve your problem.
6. Press Next to display the next screen in the Problem Report Tool program:

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DDC Cal Tool

7. Press Browse to display a standard Windows Browse for Folder dialog box and use it to select
a folder to save the problem report file (the file will be given a name automatically).
8. Press Next to display a confirmation dialog box:

9. Press Yes to compile the problem report.

A progress dialog box will be displayed while the report is compiled.
The report will be saved in the selected folder with the name "Report File date
After the report has been saved, the final screen in the Problem Report Tool program will be

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DDC Cal Tool

10. If you want to look at the report, press View Now to open the report in Notepad or Wordpad.
11. Press Send Now to create an email message to send to the DDC Cal Tool support team.
12. Press Finish to close the Problem Report Tool.
Next topic
Batch Comparison
Previous topic
Metafile conversion programs

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Navigator pop-up menus: Calibration Manager

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on the Calibration Manager in the Navigator
(press the buttons in the table for more information; shortcut keys, if there are any, are shown after the
command names):

Open Calibration F4 Displays the Open dialog box so that you can open
Open Watchset Ctrl+F4 Displays the Open dialog box so that you can open
Remove All Closes all open Calibrations and removes them from the
Navigator - you will be warned if any of them are in use and
given the opportunity to save any changes
Auto Constrain Turns Auto Constrain mode on or off. When Auto constrain
mode is on any constraints defined in the metafile that
affect the parameter are checked when an attempt is made
to change the parameter - the change will not be made if it

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DDC Cal Tool

violates a constraint
Create Calibration Invokes the Create Calibration wizard to enable you to
create a new calibration.

Next topic
Loaded Calibration
Previous topic
Keyboard shortcuts

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Navigator pop-up menus: Loaded Calibration

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on a loaded Calibration in the Navigator
(press the buttons in the table for more information; shortcut keys, if there are any, are shown after the
command names):

Calibration Information Displays the Calibration Information dialog box so that

you can view or add Calibration information
Calibration Listing Saves a listing of the parameter settings in a Calibration to
a text file
Find Name Searches for parameters with names containing a given
test string and creates references for them in a selected
user-defined group
Find Address Searches for parameters with a given address or range of
addresses and creates references for them in a selected
user-defined group
Associate Watchset Ctrl+T Associate (and open if necessary) a Watchset with the
Calibration so that Table Editor Controls can show the ECM
operating point
Remove Calibration Removes the Calibration from the Navigator
Save Calibration Saves the Calibration using its current name
Save Calibration As Saves the Calibration using a new name
Revert Calibration Reverts all parameters in the Calibration to their last saved
Run Constraints on Checks that all constraints are satisfied by the parameters
Calibration in the Calibration
Download Calibration Ctrl+D Sends the calibration data in the Calibration to the ECM
Upload Calibration Reads the calibration in the ECM into the Calibration
Apply Changes Apply the changes saved from a Calibration comparison to
the Calibration
Convert Calibration Converts the Calibration for a new version of the metafile
Add User Defined Group Adds a new user-defined group with a default name to the
Import User Defined Group Adds the parameters listed in a user-defined group
definition file to an existing or new user-defined group
(depending on whether or not a group with the same name

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DDC Cal Tool

as the file already exists)

Next topic
Calibration Parameter
Previous topic
Calibration Manager

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Navigator pop-up menus: Calibration Parameter

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on a Calibration parameter in the Navigator
(press the buttons in the table for more information):

Copy Reference Copies a reference to the parameter in order to paste it into

a user-defined group
Revert Reverts parameter to its last saved value
Add to Cal on the Fly Adds the parameter to the Cal on the Fly group
Show Operating Point Displays the operating point in a Table Editor Control linked
(see note below) to the parameter
Hide Operating Point Hides the operating point (after it has been shown using
(see note below) Show Operating Point) in a Table Editor Control linked to
the parameter
Note: The Show Operating Point and Hide Operating Point commands only appear on the menu if the
parameter has been defined (in the Metafile) to possess the operating point quality. Only one and
two dimensional tables can have this quality.

Next topic
User-defined group in Calibration
Previous topic
Loaded Calibration

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Navigator pop-up menus: User-defined group in a Calibration

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on a user-defined group in a Calibration in the
Navigator (press the buttons in the table for more information):

Remove All Removes all the contents of the user-defined group

Remove User Defined Group Removes the user-defined group
Export User Defined Group Exports a list of the parameters in the user-defined group
Paste Reference Paste a reference to a parameter that has been copied to
the clipboard
Properties Displays a dialog box so that you can change the name of

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the user-defined group

Next topic
Parameter reference in user-defined group
Previous topic
Calibration Parameter

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Navigator pop-up menus: Parameter reference in user-defined


The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on a Parameter reference in a user-defined
group in the Navigator (press the buttons in the table for more information):

Remove Removes the parameter reference from the user-defined

Copy Reference Copies a reference to the parameter in order to paste it into
a user-defined group
Revert Reverts parameter to its last saved value
Add to Cal on the Fly Adds the parameter to the Cal on the Fly group
Show Operating Point Displays the operating point in a Table Editor Control linked
(see note below) to the parameter
Hide Operating Point Hides the operating point (after it has been shown using
(see note below) Show Operating Point) in a Table Editor Control linked to
the parameter
Note: The Show Operating Point and Hide Operating Point co
Next topic
Cal on the Fly group in Calibration
Previous topic
User-defined group in Calibration

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Navigator pop-up menus: Cal on the Fly group in Calibration

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on the Cal on the Fly group in a Calibration in
the Navigator (press the buttons in the table for more information; shortcut keys, if there are any, are
shown after the command names):

Start Cal on the Fly F11 Starts/stops on-line sending of the parameter values in the
Cal on the Fly group
Stop Cal on the Fly F12 Stops on-line sending of the parameter values in the Cal on
the Fly group
Copy Non Volatile memory Copies the non-volatile memory to RAM overwriting any
to RAM Cal on the Fly changes

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DDC Cal Tool

Copy RAM to Non Volatile Copies the RAM to non-volatile memory saving any Cal on
memory the Fly changes
Remove All Removes all the parameter references from the Cal on the
Fly group
Paste Reference Paste a reference to a parameter that has been copied to
the clipboard

Next topic
Loaded Watchset
Previous topic
Parameter reference in user-defined group

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Navigator pop-up menus: Loaded Watchset

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on a loaded Watchset in the Navigator (press
the buttons in the table for more information; shortcut keys, if there are any, are shown after the
command names):

Find Name Searches for Watch variables with names containing a

given test string and creates references for them in a
selected user-defined group
Start Watching All Ctrl+F6 Starts watching all of the marked Watch variables in the
Marked Watchset
Stop Watching All F7 Stops watching all of the marked Watch variables in the
Marked Watchset
Start Watching All Starts watching all of the Watch variables in the Watchset
Stop Watching All Stops watching all of the Watch variables in the Watchset
Mark All Marks all the Watch variables in the Watchset for watching
Unmark All Unmarks all the Watch variables in the Watchset for
Start Logging All F8 Starts saving results from all watched Watch variables to a
new log file
Stop Logging All F9 Stops saving results from all watched Watch variables to
the log file
Pause Logging Temporarily suspends any logging of watched Watch
variables to the log file (changes to Resume Logging
when selected)
Resume Logging Resumes the logging to the current log file
User Event F10 Displays a dialog box so that you can enter text for the user
event then log the event at the current point in the log file
Remove Watchset Removes the Watchset from the Navigator
Save Watchset Saves the Watchset using its current name
Save As Saves the Watchset using a new name
Add User Defined Adds a user-defined group to the Watchset

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DDC Cal Tool

Import User Defined Adds the variables listed in a user-defined group definition
Group file to an existing or new user-defined group (depending on
whether or not a group with the same name as the file
already exists)
Set PID Map Rewrites the RAM copy of the pidmap in the ECM to set the
corresponding bits for all watched PIDs - values for PIDs
with clear bits are not broadcast and so cannot be observed
even if watching is turned on
Convert Watchset Updates the structure of the Watchset to a new version

Next topic
Watch variable group in Watchset (not user-defined group)
Previous topic
Cal on the Fly group in Calibration

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Navigator pop-up menus: Watch variable group in Watchset

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on a Watch variable group (not a user-defined
group) in a Watchset in the Navigator (press the buttons in the table for more information):

Start Watching Starts watching all of the marked Watch variables in the
Marked in Group group
Stop Watching Stops watching all of the marked Watch variables in the
Marked in Group group
Start Watching Group Starts watching all of the Watch variables in the group
Stop Watching Group Stops watching all of the Watch variables in the group
Mark All Marks all the Watch variables in the group for watching
Unmark All Unmarks all the Watch variables in the group for watching
Start Logging Group Starts saving results from all watched Watch variables in the
group to the log file
Stop Logging Group Stops saving results from all watched Watch variables in the
group to the log file
Get Names and Loads a list of named RAM addresses for use with RAM
Equations variables (only enabled for the RAM Values group)

Next topic
Watch variable in Watchset (but not in user-defined group)
Previous topic
Loaded Watchset

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Navigator pop-up menus: Watch variable in Watchset

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on a Watch variable in Watchset (but not in
auser-defined group) in the Navigator (press the buttons in the table for more information):

Start Watching Starts watching for the Watch variable

Stop Watching Stops watching for the Watch variable
Marked for Marks or unmarks selected Watch variable for watching - the command is
Watching checked in the menu when the Watch variable is marked
Copy Reference Copy a reference to the watch Variable in order to paste it into a user-defined
Start Logging Starts saving results from the watched Watch variable to the log file
Stop Logging Stops saving results from the watched Watch variable to the log file
Properties Displays a dialog box so that you can turn Watching on or off for the Watch
For RAM values you can also set the address and a display name for the value
For analog inputs you can choose the analog input, set a display name and
choose whether to use a Page 2 request

Next topic
User-defined group in Watchset
Previous topic
Watch variable group in Watchset (not user-defined group)

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Navigator pop-up menus: User-defined group in Watchset

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on a User-defined group in a Watchset in the
Navigator (press the buttons in the table for more information):

Start Watching Marked in Starts watching all of the marked Watch variables in the user-
Group defined group
Stop Watching Marked in Stops watching all of the marked Watch variables in the user-
Group defined group
Start Watching Group Starts watching all of the Watch variables in the group
Stop Watching Group Stops watching all of the Watch variables in the group
Mark All Marks all the Watch variables in the user-defined group for
Unmark All Unmarks all the Watch variables in the user-defined group for

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DDC Cal Tool

Remove All Removes all the contents of the user-defined group

Remove User Defined Group Removes the user-defined group
Export User Defined Group Exports a list of the Watch variables in the user-defined group
Paste Reference Paste a reference to a Watch variable that has been copied to
the clipboard
Properties Displays a dialog box so that you can change the name of the
user-defined group

Next topic
Watch variable in user-defined group in Watchset
Previous topic
Watch variable in Watchset (but not in user-defined group)

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Navigator pop-up menus: Watch variable in user-defined group in


The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on a Watch variable in a user-defined group
in Watchset in the Navigator (press the buttons in the table for more information):

Start Watching Starts watching for the Watch variable

Stop Watching Stops watching for the Watch variable
Marked for Watching Marks or unmarks selected Watch variable for watching - the
command is checked in the menu when the Watch variable is
Copy Reference Copy a reference to the Watch variable in order to paste it
into another user-defined group
Start Logging Starts saving results from the watched Watch variable to the
Parameter log file
Stop Logging Stops saving results from the watched Watch variable to the
Parameter log file
Properties Displays a dialog box so that you can turn Watching on or off
for the Watch variable
For RAM values you can also set the address and a display
name for the value
For analog inputs you can choose the analog input, set a
display name and choose whether to use a Page 2 request
Remove Removes the Watch variable from the user-defined group

Next topic
DDC Comms Provider
Previous topic

343 / 360
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User-defined group in Watchset

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Navigator pop-up menus: DDC Comms Provider

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on Serial Communications>>Serial Comms
Driver>>DDC Comms Provider in the Navigator (press the buttons in the table for more information;
shortcut keys, if there are any, are shown after the command names):

Comms Settings Displays a dialog box so that you can configure the
communication between the ECM and the DDC Cal Tool
Reset Comms Resets the communications link between the ECM and the
DDC Cal Tool
Set Update Rate Sets the rate at which DDEC Unique data is transmitted
Start Bus Monitor Displays the Bus Monitor showing the messages on the
communications bus
Send Message Allows you to enter and send a message to the ECM
Vector to Main Ctrl+M Switches ECM to execute in main code
Vector to Boot Ctrl+B Switches ECM to execute in Boot ROM code
Current ECM to Switches current ECM to execute in Boot ROM code and
Boot ROM silence communication with other ECMs
Download Ctrl+Shift+P Downloads an ECM main code program to the ECM
Upload Calibration Ctrl+U Uploads the Calibration in the ECM to a new Calibration in the DDC
Cal Tool
Erase Memory Erases the data or all the memory in the ECM
Set Engine Speed Displays a dialog box so that you can set the PTO engine
speed digitally
Activate Output Temporarily activates or deactivates one or more of the ECMs
Slew Ctrl+W Displays a dialog box so that you can set the values or
increments of a number of Watch variables
Cylinder Cutout Displays a dialog box so that you can carry out a cylinder cutout
Injector Displays a dialog box so that you can view and set the injector
Calibration Codes calibration codes
Injector Response Displays a dialog box so that you can view the injector
Times response times
Reset ECM Resets the ECM
Core Dump Display values of a range of memory locations in a dialog box
or save them in a file.

Note: The same commands also appear on the Comms menu at all times and the Item menu when DDC
Comms Provider is selected in the Navigator.
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Watch variable in user-defined group in Watchset

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Creating a new Calibration

You can create new Calibrations in the DDC Cal Tool by opening an existing Calibration, editing it and then
saving it with a new name. This is a suitable approach when the new Calibration is to be a minor
modification of the existing one. However, the DDC Cal Tool also provides the Create Calibration wizard
containing a group of tools for creating a new Calibration when more substantial modifications are required.
To use the Create Calibration wizard to create a new Calibration:
1. Launch the DDC Cal Tool.
2. Right-click on Calibration Manager in the Navigator to display a pop-up menu.
3. Choose Create Calibration to display the Create Calibration wizard dialog box:

Note: The box at the bottom of the dialog box provides a log of the steps you have carried out in creating
the new Calibration.
4. To load an existing Calibration metafile to use as the basis for the new Calibration, either:
Press Previous File to load the file you last used to create a new calibration.

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DDC Cal Tool

Press ECM Release to display a standard Windows open dialog box so that you can select
the required Calibration, metafile or Dataset (if you select a Calibration or Dataset, the
metafile must also be available to be loaded).
5. If you have selected a DDEC V Calibration metafile, you will be asked to specify whether you
want to create a calibration for a diesel or natural gas engine:

Press Yes to create a diesel calibration; press No for a natural gas calibration.
6. When the metafile has been loaded, the other buttons in the Create Calibration wizard dialog
box will be enabled.
Press each of the wizard buttons in turn to display dialog boxes containing tools allowing you to
create or edit appropriate parameter values for the new Calibration.
7. When you have set all the parameter values, press Save Calibration to display a standard
Windows save dialog box (the Save Calibration As dialog box) so that you can select a folder
and enter a name for the new Calibration.
8. Repeat Steps 4-7 for any other new Calibrations you want to create (skip Step 4 if you want to
base the new Calibrations on the previous Calibration).
9. Press Close to close the Create Calibration wizard dialog box.
Next topic
Accessing data
Previous topic
Calibration Listing

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The Comms menu has the following commands (press the buttons in the table for more information):

Comms Settings Displays a dialog box so that you can configure the
communication between the ECM and the DDC Cal Tool
Reset Comms Resets the communications link between the ECM and the
DDC Cal Tool
Set Update Rate Sets the rate at which DDEC Unique data is transmitted
Start Bus Monitor Displays the Bus Monitor showing the messages on the
communications bus
Send Message Allows you to enter and send a message to the ECM
Vector to Main Switches ECM to execute in main code
Vector to Boot Switches ECM to execute in Boot ROM code
Current ECM to Switches current ECM to execute in Boot ROM code and

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DDC Cal Tool

Boot ROM silence communication with other ECMs

Download Downloads an ECM main code program to the ECM
Upload Calibration Uploads the Calibration in the ECM to a new Calibration in the DDC
Cal Tool
Erase Memory Erases the data or all the memory in the ECM
Set Engine Speed Displays a dialog box so that you can set the PTO engine
speed digitally
Activate Output Temporarily activates or deactivates one or more of the ECMs
Slew Displays a dialog box so that you can set the values or
increments of a number of Watch variables
Cylinder Cutout Displays a dialog box so that you can carry out a cylinder cutout
Injector Displays a dialog box so that you can view and set the injector
Calibration Codes calibration codes
Injector Response Displays a dialog box so that you can view the injector
Times response times
Reset ECM Resets the ECM
Core Dump Display values of a range of memory locations in a dialog box
or save them in a file.
These commands are also available on the pop-up menu displayed when you right-click on Serial
Communications>>Serial Comms Driver>>DDC Comms Provider in the Navigator and the Item menu
when DDC Comms Provider is selected in the Navigator.

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Save Workspace To

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Save Workspace To

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Performing a core dump

To display values held in a range of memory locations in the currently connected ECM and/or save them
in a file:
1. Choose Core Dump from the Comms menu to display the Core Dump dialog box:

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DDC Cal Tool

2. Enter the Starting address of the memory block you want to dump.
3. Enter the Ending address of the memory block you want to dump.
4. Click on a Display type radio button to choose how you want the memory values displayed or
saved to file.
5. Click on a Destination radio button to choose whether to display the data in the Dialog box or
save it to a File.
Go to Step 6 if you have chosen to save the data in a file; go to Step 8 if you have chosen to
display it in the dialog box.
6. If you have chosen to save the data in a file, press Do Core Dump to save it.
A progress dialog box will be displayed as the memory contents are collected from the ECM,
and then a standard Windows® Save As dialog box will be displayed so that you can choose a
location and enter a name for the CSV (comma separated values) file used to save the memory
7. Repeat from Step 2 if you want to carry out any other core dumps.
8. If you have chosen to display the data in the dialog box, it will be added after any existing data
in the dialog box from a previous core dump. If you want to clear the dialog box before carrying
out the new core dump, press Clear Data.

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DDC Cal Tool

9. Press Do Core Dump to display the memory contents in the dialog box - a progress dialog box
will be displayed as the memory contents are collected from the ECM.
10. Press Write data to file if you want to save the data currently contained in the dialog box to a
CSV file. A standard Windows® Save As dialog box will be displayed so that you can choose a
location and enter a name for the file used to save the memory data.
11. Repeat from Step 2 if you want to carry out any other core dumps.
Next topic
Setting the ECM clock
Previous topic
Viewing the injector response times

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Easily create EBooksComms menu commands by:
1. If DDC Comms Provider is not already visible in the Navigator, expand Serial Communication
and Serial Comms Driver by double-clicking or clicking on the + icon:

2. Right-click on DDC Comms Provider to pop up a menu.

Note: The same commands also appear on the Item menu when DDC Comms Provider is selected in
the Navigator.

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Viewing and setting the injector calibration codes

To view and edit the injector calibration codes in the connected engine:
1. Choose Injector Calibration Codes from the Comms menu to display the Injector Calibration
Codes dialog box:

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DDC Cal Tool

The edit boxes are labeled by the corresponding cylinder name. The cylinder names are:
· #1, #2, ..., for an inline engine just (as in the picture)
· #1L, #2L, ...#1R, #2R, ... for V-block engines
· #A1 ... for a V-block engine numbered according to the ISO scheme (this is used for series
2000 and 4000 engines for marine applications)
The edit boxes are arranged in two parallel columns for V-block engines.
2. Edit the codes given in the edit boxes for each cylinder.
3. Press Write Codes to set the new codes in the connected engine.
4. Press Close to close the dialog box.
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Viewing the injector response times
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Performing a cylinder cutout test

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Viewing the injector response times

To view the injector response times (how quickly the injector is responding to the request for diesel) in the
connected engine:
1. Choose Injector Response Times from the Comms menu to display the Injector Response
Times dialog box:

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DDC Cal Tool

The edit boxes are labeled by the corresponding cylinder name. The cylinder names are:
· #1, #2, ..., for an inline engine just (as in the picture)
· #1L, #2L, ...#1R, #2R, ... for V-block engines
· #A1 ... for a V-block engine numbered according to the ISO scheme (this is used for series
2000 and 4000 engines for marine applications)
The boxes are arranged in two parallel columns for V-block engines.
2. Press Close to close the dialog box.
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Performing a core dump
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Viewing and setting the injector calibration codes

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Format of "NameVariable" and "Equation" files

This topic describes the format of the "NameVariable" and "Equation" csv files used to import a list of
named RAM addresses for RAM variables.

NameVariable file format

The first line must contain the text:
Title : Address
The second line can contain anything
The third and subsequent lines are

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DDC Cal Tool

The address may be decimal or hex.

Equation file format

The first line must contain the text:
Title : Equation
The second line can contain anything
The third and subsequent lines are
<name>,<scale>,<offset>,<no of bytes>,<signed>,<units>,<precision>,<raw min>,<raw max>
Note: Exactly the same set of names must appear in both files and the ordering of names must be the
same in both files: this means that each line in the equation file must contain the same name as the
corresponding line (same line number) in the NameVariable file.

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Merging differences between comparisons

When a comparison identifies differences in the values in two Calibrations, you can change the value(s) in
one of the Calibrations to the value(s) in the other.
To merge the values in one Calibration into the other:
1. Select the parameters whose values you want to merge (you can select them in the source
or target Calibration). Use Shift-click and Ctrl-click in the usual way to select more than one

2. Press the Merge from left to right or Merge from right to left button, depending on which
values you want to overwrite.
Next topic
Refreshing the comparison
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Viewing the results of a value comparison

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Applying the changes found in a comparison to another Calibration

If you output the value changes found by comparing two Calibrations as an XML log file (see Saving a log
of the comparison for details), you can then use the Apply Changes command to make the same changes
to another Calibration.
To apply the changes found in a comparison to another Calibration:
1. Right-click on the Calibration in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.
2. Choose Apply Changes from the pop-up menu to display the Open Change File to Apply
dialog box.
This is a standard Windows® Open dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box to select the required .XML change log file and press Open.
4. If the compared calibrations contain structural as well as data changes, you will be warned since
this process can only be used to make data value changes:

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DDC Cal Tool

Press Yes to continue.

5. If a change would cause a constraint to be violated, a warning is displayed:

Press OK to continue.
6. A dialog box will be displayed showing how many changes are to be applied:

Press Yes to continue.

7. After the changes have been made, a dialog box will be displayed:

Press OK to close the dialog box.

(Note that in this example only 3454 of the potential 3466 changes mentioned in the dialog at
Step 5 were successful because constraints prevented 12 of the changes from being made.)

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Batch Comparison

The Batch Comparison utility is a DOS utility supplied with the DDC Cal Tool that allows you to compare
Calibrations: you can compare two individual Calibrations, or a set of calibrations in one folder with those in
You can run the Batch Comparison utility directly from the command line, or include lines applying the
Batch Comparison utility in a batch file to automate procedures.
The results of using the Batch Comparison utility are equivalent to using the Compare control with the
following settings:
· Compare by tag name (not by order)
· Compare values (not by structure)

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DDC Cal Tool

· Compare engineering, decimal, values (not raw, hex, values).

To use the Batch Comparison utility:
1. Open a DOS window and change to the folder holding the Batch Comparison Utility (C:\Program
Files\Detroit Diesel\Calibration Tool by default).
2 To compare two Calibrations or two sets of Calibrations, enter:
Batcomp <Base> <Comparison> <Results>
Base is the path/name of either the Calibration that you want to compare to another
Calibration, or the folder containing a set of calibrations to be compared to another set.
Comparison is the path/name of either the Calibration file that you want to compare to the
Base Calibration, or the folder containing the set of calibrations to be compared to those in
the Base folder.
Results is the pathname for a results index file. To specify the format of the comparison
results file, use a .xml extension for XML format files or .htm for HTML format files (the
default is XML).

When you compare the Calibrations in two folders, each Calibration in the Base folder will be compared to
the Calibration in Comparison folder with the same name, if there is one.
After the comparison has been carried out, the results index file and one or more comparison results files
will be saved. The results index file will contain hyperlinks to the comparison results files. The comparison
results files will be given automatically generated names derived from the original file names. For example,
with a command line to compare two calibrations:
batcomp cal1.cal cal2.cal results.htm
the results will be saved in a file in the same folder as the Base Calibration and with the name:
cal2.cal cal1.cal-DIFF-cal2.cal.htm
The file results.htm will contain a hypertext link to that file:
Batch Comparison Results

File Comparison Result

cal2.cal cal1.cal-DIFF-cal2.cal.htm
Similarly, with a command line:
batcomp basecalfolder calfolder results.htm
to compare the calibrations:
a.cal, b.cal, d.cal, new.cal
in basecalfolder with the calibrations
1.cal, a.cal, c.cal, d.cal and new.cal
in the folder calfolder, where the only differences are in the new.cal files.
The file results.htm will contain something like:
Batch Comparison Results

Comparing Directory:

With Directory:

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DDC Cal Tool

Compare File With File Result File

1.cal Added
a.cal a.cal Same
b.cal Deleted
c.cal Added
d.cal d.cal Same
new.cal new.cal <base\new.cal-DIFF-new.cal.htm>

Where the file new.cal-DIFF-new.cal.htm contains the results of the comparison between the
new.cal calibrations - note that the results files are saved in the Base folder.

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Converting ELF to SMF files
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Creating a problem report

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Converting ELF to SMF files

The ELF to SMF converter DOS utility allows you to convert the ELF symbol file output when you compile
an ECU binary file to an SMF metafile which can be compiled to create a watchset.
1. Open a DOS window and change to the folder holding the ELF to SMF (C:\Program Files\Detroit
Diesel\Calibration Tool by default).
2. Enter:
ELF2SMF [-h] [-l] [-a] <ELF> <BIN> <EQN>.
h is an optional switch specifying that the smf file should include a header. If you omit the
switch, the file will be built without a header so it can be included in the standard
Watchset metafile.
l is an optional switch that you can use to include local static variables. If you omit the
switch, the output file will not include any local static variables.
a is an optional switch that you can use to include all variables, not just those specified by
the equation file EQN. If you omit the switch, the output file will only include variables
named in the equation file EQN.
ELF is the pathname of the ELF symbol file.
BIN is the pathname of the compiled binary ECU file.
EQN is the pathname of a RAM variable equation file - see Setting the address for RAM
Values variables.

Note: If the equation file includes any of the variables in a structure, all the variables in the structure will be
included in the output smf file, whether they are included in the equation file or not.
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Batch Comparison

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The Active Toolbar

The Active toolbar shows information about the active connection:

The right-hand side shows whether the connected ECM has active, inactive or no faults - see Diagnostic
controls for how to get more detailed information about faults.
The left-hand side of the toolbar shows: an icon giving the connection status (see below); the connection
protocol (J1708 in the example above); and the usage (>=31% in the example above) (see Monitoring the
connection status for an alternative, but usually less convenient, method of displaying this information).
The icon showing the connection status may be in one of the following states:

The connection is not set up

The communications connection is initializing

The communications connection is online and the ECM is executing in the main code

The communications connection is online and the ECM is executing in the Boot ROM code

The communications connection is offline

If a communication problem is solved or disappears, the icon will return to its normal connected state.

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Copying table cells to Excel

To copy cells from a Table Editor Control to an Excel document:

1. Select the cells (see Selecting a group of cells in a table).
Note: See the notes in Selecting a group of cells in a table for how to include the axes in the selection.

If the selection is discontinuous, the cells will be copied as a continuous table (for example, if you
copy columns 1 and 3 in a table, they will become columns 1 and 2 in the table in the clipboard).
2. Choose Copy cells into Clipboard from the EditControl submenu or the menu displayed
when you right-click in the table.
3. In the Excel document, select the cell where you want to place the top left-hand corner of the
4. Choose Paste from the Excel Edit menu.
Next topic
Showing the Operating point in a Table Editor Control
Previous topic

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DDC Cal Tool

Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another

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Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut key(s) Command Navigator pop-up Menu Further

F4 Open Calibration Calibration Manager
Ctrl+F4 Open Watchset Calibration Manager
Ctrl+B Vector to Boot Rom DDC Comms Provider
Ctrl+M Vector to Main Code DDC Comms Provider
Ctrl+W Slew DDC Comms Provider
Ctrl+Shift+P Download Program DDC Comms Provider
F11 Start Cal on the Fly Cal on the Fly group in Calibration
F12 Stop Cal on the Fly Cal on the Fly group in Calibration
Ctrl+D Download Calibration Loaded Calibration
Ctrl+U Upload Calibration DDC Comms Provider
Ctrl+T Associate Watchset Loaded Calibration
Ctrl+F6 Start Watching All Marked Loaded Watchset
F7 Stop Watching All Marked Loaded Watchset
F8 Start Logging All Loaded Watchset
F9 Stop logging All Loaded Watchset
F10 User Event Loaded Watchset

Note 1: Naturally, a shortcut will only work if that functionality is available - in other words, situations in
which the equivalent Navigator pop-up Menu can be displayed and the command is enabled. For
example, F11 will only work if a Calibration is loaded and conditions are such that Start Cal on the
Fly is enabled in the Cal on the Fly group in Calibration pop-up menu.
Note 2: If a shortcut applies to an operation on a specific Calibration or Watchset (for example, Ctrl+F6 =
Start Watching All Marked) and more than one Calibration or Watchset is loaded (so there is
potential ambiguity as to which Calibration or Watchset the shortcut applies), the shortcut is
applied to the first valid object in the Navigator tree starting from the bottom.
This means that shortcuts are most useful when a single Calibration and/or Watchset are loaded,
since the ordering may mean the shortcut is applicable to the object you require.
This rule also means that Ctrl-U (Upload Calibration) will always upload via the

Next topic
Calibration Manager
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Navigator pop-up menus

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The Diagnostics menu has the following commands (press the buttons in the table for more

Set Clock Sets the clock in the ECM

Horse Power Adjust Displays a dialog box so that you can adjust the engine's horse
Reset Trip Data Resets the trip data in the ECM
Set Accumulators Displays a dialog box so that you can set the values of ECM
Erase Permanent Erases the permanent fault data in the ECM
Clear AFR Learn Table Clears the AFR Learn Table in the ECM (natural gas engines
Get ECU Temperature Saves the ECU Temperature Histogram in a DDEC V to a text
Histogram file
Gather Permanent Saves the permanent fault data from the ECM in a text file
Get AFR Learn Table Saves the AFR Learn Table in the ECM (natural gas engines
only) to a text file
Recalibrate Oxygen Carry out a recalibration of the oxygen sensor
Start Filter Degreen Start the particulate filter degreening
Engine Information Displays a dialog box showing information from the engine
These commands are also available on the pop-up menu displayed when you right-click on Serial
Communications>>Serial Comms Driver>>Diagnostics in the Navigator and the Item menu when
Diagnostics is selected in the Navigator.

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Recalibrating the oxygen sensor

To recalibrate the oxygen sensor:

1. Choose Recalibrate Oxygen Sensor from the Diagnostics menu to display a confirmation
dialog box:

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DDC Cal Tool

2. Press OK to start the oxygen sensor recalibration and close the dialog box.
Next topic
Degreening the particulate filter
Previous topic
Saving the AFR Learn Table in an ECM to a text file (natural gas engines only)

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Degreening the particulate filter

To start the particulate filter degreen:

1. Choose Start Filter Degreen from the Diagnostics menu to display a confirmation dialog box:

2. Press OK to start the particulate filter degreen and close the dialog box.
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Displaying engine information
Previous topic
Recalibrating the oxygen sensor

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Generate EPub eBooks with easeActive toolbar.

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commands by:
1. If Diagnostics is not already visible in the Navigator, expand Serial Communication and
Serial Comms Driver by double-clicking or clicking on the + icon:

2. Right-click on Diagnostics to pop up a menu.

Note: The same commands also appear on the Item menu when Diagnostics is selected in the

359 / 360
DDC Cal Tool

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Navigator pop-up menus: Diagnostics

The following pop-up menu is displayed when you right-click on Serial Communications>>Serial Comms
Driver>>Diagnostics in the Navigator (press the buttons in the table for more information; shortcut
keys, if there are any, are shown after the command names):

Set Clock Sets the clock in the ECM

Horse Power Adjust Displays a dialog box so that you can adjust the engine's horse
Reset Trip Data Resets the trip data in the ECM
Set Accumulators Displays a dialog box so that you can set the values of ECM
Erase Permanent Erases the permanent fault data in the ECM
Clear AFR Learn Table Clears the AFR Learn Table in the ECM (natural gas engines
Get ECU Temperature Saves the ECU Temperature Histogram in a DDEC V to a text
Histogram file
Gather Permanent Saves the permanent fault data from the ECM in a text file
Get AFR Learn Table Saves the AFR Learn Table in the ECM (natural gas engines
only) to a text file
Recalibrate Oxygen Carry out a recalibration of the oxygen sensor
Start Filter Degreen Start the particulate filter degreening
Engine Information Displays a dialog box showing information from the engine

Note: The same commands also appear on the Diagnostics menu at all times and the Item menu when
Diagnostics is selected in the Navigator.
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DDC Comms Provide
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