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Exponential and Sinusoidal Signals

 Exponential and Sinusoidal signals frequently occur

in real-world applications, and like the impulse & step
Signals and Systems signal, serve as building blocks for other signals.
 A generic CT complex exponential signal has the form:

Dr. Shurjeel Wyne x(t )  Ce at

Lecture 3 where C and a are, in general, complex numbers.

 Depending on whether C and a are complex-valued

or real-valued, there are different special cases of the
complex exponential signal.

Exponential and Sinusoidal Signals… Complex Sinusoids

 Real exponential signals (C,a real) • Given that a complex exponential is defined as:

x(t )  Ce at xt   Ce at  Ce rt cosω0t   j sin ω0t 

j  1

Exponential growth Exponential decay

where a= r + jω0t
a0 a0
C 0 C 0 • A complex sinusoid is defined as a special case, r = 0.

xt   Ce  C cosω0t   j sin ω0t 


Example: chain reaction in atomic Example: radioactive decay,

explosion response of RC circuit. 3 4

Euler’s Identity Revisited Exponential and Sinusoidal Signals…
 Periodic Complex Exponential signal (C real, a imag.)
• Euler’s Identity
x(t )  Ce j0t
j 0 t
 cos0t   j sin 0t 
 This signal is periodic because:
e j0 (t T0 )  cos 0 (t  T0 )  j sin 0 (t  T0 )
• Using Euler’s identity, sinusoids can be expressed as  cos 0t  j sin 0t  e j0t
a sum of complex sinusoids where T0=2/0 T0 = fundamental time period
0 = fundamental frequency
 Sinusoidal Signal:

j 0 t  j0t  0  2f 0
cos0t   1

e e 

x(t )  cos0t   
 
 We can always use:
j 0 t  j0t 
 

sin 0t   1 

2j 
e e  A cos0t     A e j (0t  )

A sin  t     Ae 
  j (0t  )
5 6

Exponential & Sinusoidal Signal…

Exponential and Sinusoidal Signals…
Energy/Power of periodic signals
• Sinusoidal Signal Example:  Periodic signals, in particular periodic complex
exponentials and sinusoidal signals, have infinite
total energy but finite average power.
cos()  Energy of ejw0t over one period:
E period   e j t dt
2 0

  1dt  T0

 Total energy?
E  
T0 = fundamental time period  Average power over one period:
0 = fundamental frequency Pperiod  1 T0 E period  1
T0 = 2/0 = 
0  2f 0
 Average power over all time?
P  1 8

General Complex Exponential Signals

 General complex exponential signals (C,a complex)

x(t )  Ce at
 express C in polar form & a in rectangular form: C  C e j
Ce at  C e j e ( r  j0 )t  C e rt e j (0t  ) a  r  j 0

 Using Euler’s relation

Ce at  C e rt cos(0t   )  j sin(0t   )
r>0 r<0

r<0 case is called

damped sinusoid
e.g. response of
RLC circuit

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