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Thoughts Presented at: Windstar Choices Symposium

August l993

I thought if the Suzuki girl could get on the agenda at Rio, I could get on the agenda here in my own home
town. I want to thank John, Donna, Fred and Kendra for making it possible for me to share these thoughts
that came to me in the shower yesterday morning as I was getting ready to come here.

After I asked you Friday afternoon if you really thought the Creator of the Universe was stupid, my good
friend Jody Cardamone brought up the point that before the coming of the white man and his "God", the
Indians didn't have a name for this force that was embodied in all things, animate and inanimate.

This started me thinking, and I would like to give you a thought to chew on.

That perhaps unconditional love is the creative force of the Universe and can be found in every cell, every
building block of all that is.

This unconditional love, by definition, gives of itself freely. Everything we ask for is given to us on a silver
platter: We ask for scarcity, hard work, violence, material possessions, children we don't understand or like
to have around, fear, low self-esteem we get them handed to us.

Think about it. Do you believe in hard work and scarcity? Isn't it enough already that two parents have to
work 40-60 hours per week and scarcity is still staring us in the face as we trip over all the material
possessions that seem to have a reproductive capacity of their own?

This force is so unconditional that it will let everyone who chooses to destroy themselves, do it and has
allowed us to bring ourselves to this point on the verge of destroying the planet so that we may look at what
we are doing and out of free will choose to abandon our concepts of separation, fear, scarcity, insecurity and

All we need to do to change the reality on this planet is to change how we think.

How many of us are in jobs we dislike out of fear of scarcity?

How many of us send our children to school out of fear that they must make it in this system no matter how
destructive and sick it is.

There is a reality in operation right now just outside our beliefs of scarcity, hard work and fear of the future.
It is a reality of abundance, rewarding work, and a future of harmony and balance.

Don't most of us get everything good we ask for? What little miracle brought you here to this conference? I
hope we are ready now to believe in the little miracles in our lives and that we can let the Universe take us in
its arms and love us. We do deserve it.

I just want to add that I unhooked from the fear grid a year ago,and I highly recommend it.

Trust the Loving Universe!

(Two thumbs up)

Connie Baxter Marlow

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