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Kotler: Marketing

First department store

 Mitsui family in 1650

First Newspaper ad

 For coffee in England in 1652

First ad agency

 NW Ayers in 1869

First brand name product

 1870 Pears soap

First packaging

 Laundry soap 1880

First Marketing search department

 1911 Curtis Publishing

Disillusioned Economists wrote first about marketing –Branch of economies

When did companies start to add marketing departments?

 Conduct consumer research

 Find leads/prospects
 Prepare brochures and ads

CMO—Vice president of marketing


Product, Price, Place, Promotion

Marketing types:

Commercial, place, person, social, political, fundraising


Want you to spend more than you can. Housing crisis

Create brand differentiation: Chicken is chicken, cement is cement

Want to sell and produce more goods without considering the resource and environmental costs

Not pay attention to product safety

Marketers want consumers to buy something whether it’s good for them

Materialistic mind-set

If advertisers spent the same amount of money on improving their products as they do on
advertising, they wouldn’t have to advertise them

-Will Rogers


Raised standard of living

Connected to the idea of middle class

Social marketing: preserving the environment

Mission, Vision and Values: Mind, Heart and Spirit

Endearing and customer satisfaction

Marketing: It gets you to want something that someone has to produce:-JOB CREATOR

Finding growth in a saturated global economy

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