Behavior of Welded Plate Connections in Precast Concrete Panels Under Simulated Seismic Loads

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Behavior of Welded Plate

Connections in Precast Concrete

Panels Under Simulated
Seismic Loads
Christian 1. Hofheins, P.E.
Tests were performed on precast wall panels with
JM Williams and Associates typical loose-plate connectors located in the
Salt Lake City, Utah vertical joint between panels. The tests were
performed to investigate the performance of the
connectors under simulated seismic loads. In-
plane lateral cyclic loads were applied to the wall
panels, which applied tension-shear and
compression-shear forces to the loose-plate
connectors. The paper describes the experimental
program and results for the welded plate
connections in ten precast concrete wall panel
Lawrence D. Reaveley, assemblies. Design assumptions and simplified
Ph.D., RE. design models are also examined. The research
Department of Civil & shows that the connection possesses little ductile
Environmental Engineering capacity and, therefore, is not suitable for use in
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
high seismic regions (Zones 3 and 4). However,
based on the observed failure modes, minor
modifications to the connection are suggested that
will increase the ductility of the connection.

Chris P. Pantelides, his paper addresses the behavior of a specific loose-

Ph.D., P.E.
Department of Civil &
Environmental Engineering
T plate welded connector under applied cyclic loading.
This type of connection is widely used in the United
States. Due to the limited number of tests performed, no
University of Utah specific design parameters were considered in this study.
Salt Lake City, Utah The objectives of this investigation were to:
(a) Quantify the performance of the connection in terms
of force-deflection and ductility.
(b) Check the validity of design values that are currently
used for loose-plate welded connections in hollow-core
precast concrete wall panel construction.



1, -5” 1- 3.5 .. 1’ -5”


Fig. 1. Details of
(10) 1/2” DIA 270 K STRAND wall panel.
Note: 1 ft = 0.3408 m.

(c) Model the connection and pro validation upon which design proce types of metal shear connectors be
vide preliminary recommendations dures can be based. tween the concrete shells were in
based on observed failure modes. Most precast connectors were devel cluded: a truss, a ladder, and an ex
Precast concrete has largely been oped through field experience by indi panded metal shear connector. The
used in parts of the world where seis vidual precast manufacturers. These truss and ladder shear connectors were
mic issues play a small role in design. connectors are not supported by suffi found to be satisfactory.
As a result, many common precast cient test data to determine their A variety of wet joints were studied
concrete connections are generally not strength and deformation capacity. to determine their ultimate shear
designed to provide the desired ductil Standard test methods may be re 3 The research proved that
ity in seismic resistant structures. quired in the future, because design wet joints used for vertical joints in
Presently, there is not an adequate codes will likely define design criteria panel structures effectively resist high
set of seismic code requirements for in terms of performance objectives. A shear forces. Although the joint instal
the design of loose-plate connections performance objective is the combina lation is labor intensive, the joint can
in precast wall panels. Most loose- tion of a specific seismic hazard and a be very ductile if properly designed.
plate connections currently specified desired performance level. In this sce Originally, dry joints were mostly
by engineers are designed with static nario, all components of a structure composed of headed studs welded to
models that are not supported by test will be required to undergo rigorous the back of a steel plate. In one such
data. testing to determine its performance headed stud connection,
4 it was found
The design of precast connections level. that shear loads are transmitted
for high seismic areas must address through the embedded plate to the sur
the need for design strength, displace rounding concrete by three distinct
ment ductility, or both. One strategy is LITERATURE REVIEW mechanisms:
to design a ductile connection that is During the last 40 years, several (a) Friction between the embedded
weaker than the precast concrete wall studies have been carried out on a va plate and concrete.
panels. This enables the connection to riety of wet and dry precast wall panel (b) Bearing of the end of the embed
be at a location of ductile inelastic de connections. A wet connection is ded plate on concrete.
formation and the precast wall panels made by cast-in-place concrete be (c) Interaction between studs and
to remain elastic under seismic re tween the precast concrete panels; a concrete.
sponse. dry connection consists of steel em These headed stud connections pro
As a result, overall costs decrease bedded plates, angles, or other steel el vide good shear resistance, but have a
because the precast concrete wall pan ements that are welded together by a low ductile capacity.
els do not need to be designed for duc steel plate. The PCI-sponsored Precast Seismic
tility. Ductile connections allow lateral The continuity of precast, pre Structural Systems (PRESSS) research
forces to be redistributed to all con stressed double tee floors was investi program has taken the lead on re
nectors. Another attractive feature of gated in a series of tests.
1 Intermediate search and design recommendations
this system is that some ductile con grade deformed bars were placed for precast concrete structures in areas
nections can be replaced after a seis across the supports, and concrete was of high seismicity. Among other top
mic event, resulting in considerable placed in the space between adjacent ics, the PRESSS program has per
savings in repair costs. ends of the double tees to form trans formed research on a variety of
A loose-plate connection typically verse diaphragms. The primary objec welded connections for precast wall
comprises a steel plate welded to steel tive was to investigate the structural systems. The initial goal of the re
embeds cast into the concrete. The soundness of the continuity connec search was to develop ways of classi
majority of loose-plate connections tion, which was found to be adequate. fying and evaluating connection de
used in current practice have not been Additional testing was performed to 5
subjected to thorough testing. Conse determine the flexural resistance of The National Institute for Standards
quently, there is little experimental cast-in-place insulated walls. Three and Technology (NIST) investigated

July-August 2002 123

• w.’j ;

/ tilt-up concrete wall panel connections

were investigated in a series of mono-
tonic and cyclic tests.’’ Most of the

I connectors tested did not show suffi

cient ductility to be used in areas of
high seismicity. Even when a connec
tion possessed some ductility, exten
sive damage to the surrounding con
crete was observed.
Presently, there is no adequate set of
seismic code requirements for the de
sign of loose-plate connections in hol
low-core precast wall panels. Many of
the loose-plate connections currently
used in construction are proportioned
using design models that are seldom
backed up with test data.
The truss analogy, currently being
Fig. 2. Embedded angle assembly for welded connection tested.
used to describe the performance of
the connection under consideration,
leads to a conservative design.
the seismic performance of horizontal embed plates in both adjacent wall This paper addresses the behavior of
and vertical joint connections in pre panels. In addition to providing en a specific loose-plate welded connec
cast walls.
6 The connections were de ergy dissipation, these plates provided tor for hollow-core precast wall panels
signed to be ductile, and to be the additional resistance by shear coupling under cyclic loading; this type of con
major location of inelastic response of between the structural walls. The nection is widely used in high seismic
the structure. Vertical joint connec structural response of the building regions of the United States.
tions included different designs of under simulated seismic loads was ex The primary objective of this re
welded loose-plate and bolted ductile tremely satisfactory. search was to quantify the perfor
connections. The connections took ad The ability of precast double tee mance of the connections between
vantage of the interaction between the floor diaphragm and wall systems to precast concrete panels using loose-
embed and concrete by incorporating perform adequately under in-plane plate connectors and to assess the fea
flexural yield, tension/compression seismic forces has been studied in sibility for their use in regions of high
yield, shear yield and friction sliding terms of: seismicity.
concepts. (a) The behavior of connections be Due to the limited number of tests
The behavior of a six-story precast tween double tees. performed, no specific design parame
concrete office building under moder (b) The analytical modeling of con ters have been considered in the study.
ate seismicity was investigated.
7 It nectors, diaphragm, and wall systems. The assemblies had variations which
was concluded that uneven shear dis (c) The development of design commonly occur in practice. These in
tribution in a precast system causes a guidelines for double tee diaphragms cluded the width of the welded plate,
high ductility demand in the panel-to- and wall systems.
9 the length of the weld, the vertical un
panel joint connections. The uneven It was found that the interaction be evenness of the embedded angles be
distribution drives the connection ele tween shear and tension forces in a tween adjacent panels, and the mis
ments into the inelastic range. There flange connection between double tees alignment of the three wall panels in
fore, connection details that can be could be significant. The connector’s the out-of-plane direction. This paper
easily replaced should be used in pre ductility should allow the diaphragm presents the experimental results, ana
cast concrete structures. to redistribute the force among indi lytical models of the connections, and
As part of the PRESSS five-story vidual connectors; this ensures that all the details of a proposed new welded
precast concrete building test, a struc connectors reach their full strength.
9 connection.
tural wall system consisting of precast In an experimental study of 3/ in.
concrete panels was tested under sim (9.52 mm) stud-welded deformed bar
ulated seismic loading.
8 The precast anchors subject to tensile loads, it was EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM
concrete panels were connected to found that a number of specimens Tests were performed by applying a
each other and the foundation by un fractured at the weld. Based on the test quasi-static cyclic load to three precast
bonded vertical post-tensioning, using results, quality control procedures and hollow-core wall panels connected to
threaded bars. A horizontal connection revised settings were recommended gether with two loose-plate connectors
across the vertical joint was provided for stud welding of deformed bar an at each vertical joint. Ten wall panel
by stainless-steel energy-dissipating chors.’° assemblies were tested, all using the
U-shaped flexure plates, welded to The strength and ductility of several same loose-plate welded connection.


Description of Precast
Wall Panel Assemblies
Typically, hollow-core precast pan
els are 8 ft wide, 12 to 24 ft high (2.44
x 3.66 to 7.32 m) and have six hollow
cores as shown in Fig. 1. The overall
thickness of the panels is 8 in. (203
mm). Panels 12 ft (3.66 m) high and 4
3/8’ DIA. x 12’ D.B.A.
ft (1.22 m) wide were used for testing 1 I!2”x I/4”x2’6’
due to space constraints in the load
frame. Panels 4 ft (1.22 m) wide were
fabricated by cutting an 8 ft (2.44 m) Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.
panel in half.
The two center hollow cores of the 8
ft (2.44 m) panels were filled with 3/8’ DIA. x 12” D.B.A.
concrete. These solid cores were re 1 3”
quired to form a pin connection at the F
two outside panels at the supports of
the wall assembly. The average 28-
day compressive strength of the con
crete wall panels was found to be 7150
psi (49 MPa) with a standard deviation
of 190 psi (1.3 MPa). 1’
1 1/2’ ‘
1 1/2’

Description of Fig. 3. Details of embedded angle assembly.

Welded Connections
Two welded connections were lo
cated between panel pairs in vertical
The loose plate was 1/4 to /8 in. (6.4 bly as shown in Fig. 4. The pin used in
joints. Each welded connection com this connection was a 2 in. (51 mm)
to 9.5 mm) thick A36 steel, and it was
prises two embedded angle assemblies
welded to the embedded angle assem diameter steel rod. The pin supports
and a loose plate. Each embedded
bly with two /16 in. (4.8 mm) fillet supported the wall assembly 1.5 in.
angle assembly consists of a 11/2 x 2 x
welds that ran along the 5 in. (127 (38 mm) above the bottom of the test
/4 in. (38 x 50.8 x 6.4 mm) x 6 in.
mm) vertical edge of the plate as frame, making the pins the only sup
(152 mm) long angle, with three /8 in.
shown in Fig. 5. All welds were per port for the wall assembly. This al
(9.5 mm) diameter weldable steel de
formed by certified welders with an lowed the walls to rotate at the pins
formed anchor bars. The bars are 12
E70 electrode and a 7018 rod. and transfer the applied cyclical force
in. (305 mm) long, and are stud
between the panels in a symmetrical
welded to the back of the angle as
Test Setup manner.
shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the de
A 1.5 in. (38 mm) thick steel plate
tails of the embedded angle assem A total of ten wall panel assemblies was placed under each corner of the
blies. were tested in a load frame at the center panel as shown in Fig. 4, These
Each wall panel assembly consists Structures Laboratory at the Univer plates raised the center panel up to the
of three hollow-core wall panels sity of Utah. A steel belt enclosed the same height as the outside panels. This
joined together with four welded con wall panel assembly and was con aligned the embedded angles to facili
nections. Two welded connections are nected to a hydraulic actuator with a tate the placement of the welded plate.
placed 3 ft (914 mm) from the top and force link. The panels were welded to A more detailed description of the
bottom of the wall panels in each ver gether in the vertical position after loading system and the wall assembly
tical joint found in between the wall being placed in the load frame. The supports can be found in other publi
panels, as shown in Fig. 4. entire wall assembly was pushed or cations from the University of
The width of the loose plate varied pulled by a 150 kip (667 kN) hy 13

in some wall panel assemblies. Eight draulic actuator through the force link
assemblies used 3 in. (76 mm) wide and the steel belt. The steel belt trans
plates, and two assemblies used 2 in. ferred the force from the hydraulic ac Test Procedure and
(51 mm) wide plates. Test results tuator to the wall panel assembly with Instrumentation
showed that the plate width had no ef out restraining the panels. A force was applied to the top left
fect on the maximum force or dis The panels were supported by two corner of the wall assembly with a hy
placement sustained by the wall as pin connections placed at the two bot draulic actuator in a quasi-static man
semblies. tom corners of the wall panel assem ner. The test was carried out in a force-

July-August 2002 125







Fig. 4. Setup and instrumentation of typical wall assembly. Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

controlled mode at a rate of approxi Each loading step consisted of angular rosette. Displacement trans
mately 1 kip (4.5 kN) per second. three cyclic load increments to simu ducers were used in all of the tests to
Loading steps began at 10 kips (44.5 late the effects of an earthquake. measure the displacements at various
kN) and increased by 5 kips (22.2 kN) Strain gauges were placed on welded locations of the wall panel assembly
until the welded connections failed. plates to form a three-element rect (see Fig. 4).

The tests revealed the following
characteristics for the connection stud
ied in this research:
(a) The connection can resist rela
tively high shear loads.
(b) The connection possesses little
ductile capacity.
(c) The connection should be de
signed as elastic due to insufficient

Failure Mechanism
Fig. 5. Details Cracking around the connections
of welded began near the 20 kip (89 kN) load
loose-plate cycle. Cracking was initiated by the
connection. embedded angle pushing into the sur
Note: 1 in. = face of the concrete. As soon as the
25.4 mm. concrete crumbled away from around



L-(ç: !$.:: :

(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Welded connections for Assembly 4 at failure: (a) top right connection, and (b) bottom right connection.

the connection (see Fig. 6), the de Force-Displacement Relationship of described in FEMA 273.14 The general
formed anchor bars on the back of the Wall Panel Assemblies component behavior curve for the ten
embedded angle assemblies quickly The hysteretic behavior of Assem assemblies tested is shown in Fig. 8.
tore away from their welds. Figs. 6(a) bly 8 is typical of all wall assemblies The general component behavior
and 6(b) illustrate the typical failed and is shown in Fig. 7. The shape of curve is able to define the hysteresis
connections. the hysteresis loops demonstrates that curves into important design criteria.
The following is a description of the they were stable and did not degrade As defined by FEMA 273, QCE is
typical mode of failure for this con until sudden failure. The assembly al the expected strength of the welded
nection: lowed a displacement drift of only 0.5 connection of the wall section, and
(a) The concrete around the embed percent, and did not demonstrate any QCL is the lower-bound estimate of the
ded connections begins to crack. appreciable ductile behavior. strength. Table 1 contains a summary
(b) The bearing capacity of the de The hysteresis envelope for every of the test data that was used to create
formed anchor bars and embedded wall assembly was approximated by a the general component behavior curve
angle is severely decreased. general component behavior curve as of every wall assembly.
(c) The deformed anchor bars
quickly tear free from the embedded
angles as soon as the concrete crum
bles around the embedded angle as
semblies. BRITTLE
(d) The load carrying capacity of the
connection is lost.
The welds connecting the loose- 30
plate to the embedded angle assem
blies for nine of the ten wall assem
blies were not damaged. A weld in — 10
one wall panel assembly failed due to 0.

poor penetration of the weld onto the w


connecting plate. In general, the weld 0

did not contribute to the failure of the
connection. -20
Vertical displacement transducers
DT2 and DT3 (see Fig. 4) recorded -30

very small relative movement between

panels, until the connections failed. -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75
Therefore, the wall assembly moved DISPLACEMENT (in.)
as a relatively rigid body until the first
connection failed. Fig. 7. Hysteresis curve for Assembly 8. Note: 1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

July-August 2002 127

Table 1. Summary of test results for wall assemblies. The mean elastic force, QCL, equals
Wall Elastic force, QCL Elastic displacement Ultimate force, QCE Ultimate displacement
28.4 kips (126.3 kN), and the mean ul
assembly• (kips) (kN) (in.) (mm) (kips) (kN) (in.) (mm) timate force, QCE (mean value of peak
1 26.3 117.0 0.44 r—i 1.2 I 28.1 125.0 0.53 13.5 on all hysteresis), equals 31.7 kips
2 24.8 110.3 0.52 I 13.2 28.8 128.1 0.71 18.0
- —

(141.0 kN). The mean elastic displace

3 27.1 120.5 0.51 12.9 30.2 134.3 0.62 15.7
ment is 0.54 in. (13.7 mm) and the

4 31.0 1137.9 0.63 16.0 35.0 155.7 0.74 j 18.8

5 32.3 143.7 0.57 14.51 35.0 155.7 0.79 20.1 mean ultimate displacement is 0.68 in.
6 30.2 134.3 0.54 13.7 33.1 147.2 0.71 18.0 (17.3 mm). Thus, the range for the in
- 7 30.5 135.7 0.55 14.0J 34.5 153.5 0.62 15.7-
elastic displacement was only 0.14 in.
8 23.2 103.2 0.57 14.8 28.2 125.4 0.70 17.8 (3.6 mm). According to FEMA 273,
9 29.9 133.0 0.69 17.5 33.2 14.7 0.80 20.3
10 28.3 125.9 0.40 10.2 30.7 136.6 0.56 14.2
the wall panel assembly would be de
fined as a force-controlled action due

to the small plastic range.

Strain gauges oriented in a three-el
40 ement rosette pattern were applied to
several welded plates on the wall
panel assemblies as shown in Fig. 9.
30 This rosette pattern was chosen so that
the principal stresses and their direc
0. tions could be determined. There was
W 20 insufficient instrumentation to deter
u mine the force in each plate directly
U- 5 from the strain gauges.
Fig. 10 shows the principal strains
recorded by the three-element rosette
5 on the plate of the bottom right con
nection of Assembly 2. Although the
plate yielded in the last loading cycle,
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
the connection failed immediately
thereafter. As a result, the ductility of
Fig. 8. General component behavior of ten wall assemblies. Note: 1 kip = 4.448 kN; the connection was not significantly
1 in. = 25.4 mm. increased by the yielded plate.


Fig. 9. Three-
element strain gauge
rosette applied on


A structural analysis of the wall as
sembly was performed using the struc to

tural analysis program SAP 2000.15
The purpose of the analysis was to
find the forces across each welded
connection of the wall panel assembly, 0
. 500
and compare them to the commonly E
used design methodologies. The pre
cast concrete wall panels were mod I-.
eled as rigid frame elements with a di 500
aphragm constraint on each wail panel
(as shown in Fig. 11). The wall panel -1000
connections were modeled as rigid cy

pins, which is a reasonable assumption -1500

given their brittle mode of failure.
The nodes located at the supports of •2000
the wall panel assembly were assigned 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

pin restraints. The shim supports SCAN ID

under the center panel (see Fig. 4)

were not considered in the model. Fig. 10. Principal strains at bottom right plate connection of Assembly 2.
Vertical displacement transducers re
vealed that the center panel rose verti
cally, whether the wall assembly was The holes in the panels for the pin middle panel never touched the shims
being pushed or pulled. These dis supports were oversized for ease of during loading cycles. Consequently,
placements were a result of vertical erection in the load frame. The over the shim supports did not restrain the
movement occurring at the pin sup sized holes allowed the entire assem panel assembly, and were not included
ports, and the rigid body motion of the bly to rise and move as a rigid body. in the model.
wall panel assembly. As a result, the bottom corners of the The weight of each wall panel was

31.7kips 8 11 12 c) 19 20 9
U) 0 U) Co
U) a
l. 2 2

IL) 110 If) 23

+0 0 0
13 14 22 23 4

2D 25

cI) U) U) U) U)
a a .2-
.2- 2
I a
2 16 24 25 3

C 29

7 10
Fig. 11. Structural
(ii) 17 16 26 27 analysis model of
wall panel
Note: Loads shown represent self weight of panels. assembly. Note:
1 kip=4.448kN.

July-August 2002 129

31.7 kips

Fig. 12. Results

of structural
analysis for
maximum lateral 16.1 kps
load applied to
the wall
Note: 1 kip = Note: A negative sign represents compression.
4.448 kN.

applied as a point load at four differ force at failure of the welded connec- Using this design value, the connection
ent nodes on each wall panel (see Fig. tions was 15.0 kips (66.7 kN) on the will safely stay in the elastic range.
11). The average maximum force at two left connectors, and 16.6 kips
failure, 31.7 kips (141.0 kN), was ap (73.8 kN) on the two right connectors. Force-Displacement Relationship
plied as the lateral load at the top left This is significant because the capacity of Welded Connection
corner of the wall panel assembly to of this connection typically used in de
find the capacity of each welded con sign is equal to 8 kips (35.6 kN). The force-displacement relationship
nection. The structural analysis results Structures built with these welded con of each welded connection was found
are shown in Fig. 12. nections were safely designed with an by plotting the relative vertical dis
For the above conditions, the shear approximate factor of safety of 1.9. placement of two adjoining wall pan
els versus the shear force across the
welded connection. The relative dis
placement of two adjoining wall pan
els in the vertical direction was found
by subtracting data retrieved from dis
placement transducers DT2 and DT3
(see Fig. 4).
The shear force across each connec
tion was found as follows: the force
applied by the hydraulic actuator on
the wall assembly was multiplied by
w the ratio of the average maximum
force at failure of the welded connec
tion, or 16.6 kips (73.8 kN), to the av
erage maximum force at failure of the
wall panel assembly, or 31.7 kips
(141.0 kN). This assumption is reason
able because the connections behave
in a linear elastic manner.
0 0.01 0.02 0.03
The hysteresis curve for the con
0.04 0.05 0.06
blies, was approximated by a general
Fig. 13. General component behavior of the welded connectors of eight wall component behavior curve as de
assemblies. Note: 1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 in. = 25.4 mm. scribed in the “Guidelines for the


Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings,”
FEMA 273.14 Fig. 13 shows the gen T
eral component behavior curve for the
connectors of eight wall assemblies.
The average elastic force on the con
nectors was 14.7 kips (65.4 kN), and Anchor bar
the average ultimate force was 17.1
kips (76.1 kN). V
The force-displacement relationship
This bar is ignored
is linear until the connection fails in a intheTruss Analogy
brittle manner. This connection should
be designed to remain elastic due to its
brittle mode of failure and limited
Angle section
Analytical Model of
Welded Connection CL

The probable resisting mechanisms = 0° for the connector tested

of the connector under consideration
are bearing and tension actions in the Fig. 14. Truss analogy model for welded connection.
deformed anchor bars, as well as bear
ing of the angle section. Many design
ers currently model this welded con A area of 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) di ogy and the connection under consid
nection with the truss analogy as ameter deformed anchor bar eration:
described in the PCI Design Hand = 0.13 sq in. (71 mm
2 a. The angle 0 for this connection
book. f = yield strength of mild steel equals zero, not 45 degrees (see Fig.
Fig. 14 is an illustration of the truss reinforcement [= 60 ksi (420 2).
analogy. The following equations are MPa)j b. The deformed anchor bars are
used to describe this model: VRU = vertical shear force resisted bent 90 degrees into the back of the
by connection angle (see Figs. 2 and 3). The bars will
Cu Tu 1lAfy (1) The equations from the truss anal not be able to develop the full tensile
ogy yield a vertical shear resistance of capacity as described in the truss anal
VRU = (Cu + Tu )cos0 (2) 8.4 kips (37.4 kN) for each connec ogy. The deformed anchor bars act
tion. The analysis indicates that the more as /8 in. (9.5 mm) studs with in
where average capacity of this connection is effective tails rather than bars in ten
CU = compression force between 15.0 and 16.6 kips (66.7 to sion.
Tu = tensile force 73.8 kN). The truss analogy is a con c. The truss analogy does not ac
= capacity reduction factor = servative design methodology when count for the bearing of the angle as
0.9 applied to this connection. sembly into the concrete. Angle bear
0 = angle of deformed anchor The following is a list of some of ing is one of the main force resisting
bar 45 degrees the differences between the truss anal- mechanisms of the connection.

3/8’ dia. x 12”

deformed anchor bar
1 112’x114”x2”x6” Angie

F= 8.3kips
(ultimate force at failure)
Fig. 15. Statics of
F = 0 kips compression deformed anchor
M= 10.4k-in. (bearing is lost against bar at failure for
concrete at failure) current connection.
I F=16.6kips Note: 1 kip = 4.448
(applied force at failure) kN, 1 in. 25.4
11/2” mm;1 k-in.= 133

July-August 2002 131

Fig. 15 illustrates that the deformed
anchor bar cannot fully develop in ten
sion due to the eccentric load from the
bend in the bar. Assuming the force
taken by each vertical deformed anchor
bar is 8.3 kips (36.9 kN) (half of the
total vertical shear force taken by the ST2x3.85
connection), the maximum shear and
moment taken by each vertical de
formed anchor bar is 8.3 kips and 10.4
kip-in. (36.9 kN and 1.17 kN-m), re
spectively. The eccentric load causes
the deformed anchor bars to quickly
tear free from their welds as soon as the
concrete crushes around the connection.


The most effective way to improve
this connection is to provide a larger
surface area for concrete bearing and
to minimize eccentric loads from the
deformed anchor bars. Fig. 16 is a
drawing of a proposed new embedded
Fig. 16. Details of proposed new embedded angle assembly. Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.
angle assembly. The angle is replaced
by a 6 in. (152 mm) long ST2x3.85 to
create a greater bearing area in the Eq. (3) yields the strength of the fil ure occurs before shear yielding can
concrete. let weld as 4.2 kips per in. (0.74 take place in the welded plate.
One continuous deformed anchor kN/mm), and Eq. (4) yields the These tests reveal that hollow-core
bar replaces the two vertical deformed strength of the base material as 8.4 precast concrete panels can be used in
anchor bars of the previous connec kips per in. (1.47 kN/mm). A 4 in. seismic regions provided that the con
tion. The vertical deformed anchor bar (102 mm) long weld gives a strength nections can be improved. To this end, a
is attached to the back of the embed of 16.8 kips (74.7 kN), which is signif new welded connection is proposed;
ded angle assembly with a 4 in. (102 icantly higher than the allowable shear ductility may be restored to the system
mm) long, in. (4.8 mm) fillet weld. resistance of the welds in the tested by increasing the surface area for con
The vertical deformed anchor bar is connection. In addition, the concrete crete bearing and by reducing the eccen
bent at 5 degrees to minimize eccen will not easily break away from the ti-ic load in the deformed anchor bars.
tric loads and to ensure adequate con connection due to the increased bear If the connection is a location of
crete cover. ing area with the web of the structural ductile inelastic deformation, the pre
The strength of this fillet weld can tee embedded into the wall. cast concrete panels will remain elastic
be described by Eq. (3), and the under seismic response. Damage to the
strength of the base metal can be de overall structure will be reduced and
scribed by Eq. (4), as:’
7 DISCUSSION OF repair of the structure will be less
TEST RESULTS costly. Ductility in shear wifi allow the
bR = 0.75te(0.6F) (3) force to redistribute among individual
Engineers prefer the panel connec
connectors. Ductility will enable all
0.75t(0.6F) (4) tions, not the panels themselves, to be
= connectors to reach their full strength,
the weak link in the system. This in
thereby increasing the overall force re
where vestigation has shown that the connec
sisting capability of the structure.
bR = strength of fillet weld or base tions are in fact the weakest link. Al
For existing connections of the type
material though the loose-plate connection
tested in this investigation, a seismic
F = strength of electrode = 70 ksi used in this research effectively trans
retrofit option has been studied using a
(483 MPa) ferred the applied shear forces, the
carbon fiber composite connection,
F = tensile strength of base mate connection failed in a brittle manner.
which will be published shortly.
rial =60 ksi (420 MPa) The small displacement ductility ex
te = 0.707a hibited by the welded connections is
a = weld size = /16 in. (4.8 mm) lost as soon as the deformed anchor CONCLUSIONS
t = thickness of base material = bars on the back of the embedded Simulated seismic load tests of
/16 in. (7.9 mm) angle fracture from their welds. Fail- loose-plate vertical connections be-
tween precast concrete wall panels form, the connection is not suitable for Composites in Construction at the
were performed. Based on the results use in areas of high seismic regions University of Utah.
of this investigation, the following (Zones 3 and 4). The authors wish to express their
conclusions can be drawn: 4. The design methodologies com gratitude to Eagle Precast Company
1. The loose-plate connection com monly used for this connection are (Monroc, Inc.), for providing the pre
monly used in precast construction can conservative. cast wall specimens.
resist relatively high shear forces. 5. The connection can be modified The authors would like to thank
2. The connection fails in a brittle to increase its ductile behavior by pro Vladimir Volnyy and Professor Janos
manner when the deformed anchor viding more surface area for concrete Gergely for their assistance with the
bars tear free from the embedded an bearing, and by minimizing eccentric tests. In addition, the authors are
gles, which occurs as soon as the con loads in the deformed anchor bars. grateful to Philip Richardson and Carl
crete crumbles around the embedded Wright of Eagle Precast Company for
angle assemblies; as a consequence, their suggestions.
the connection possesses little ductile ACKNOWIEDGMENT Lastly, the authors want to express
capacity. The authors would like to acknowl their appreciation to the PCI JOUR
3. The connection should be de edge the funding provided by XXsys NAL reviewers for their thoughtful
signed to remain elastic; in its current Technologies, Inc., and the Center for and constructive comments.

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Ab =area of reinforcing bar QCL = lower-bound strength
A =area of deformed anchor bar R = strength of fillet weld or base material
C = compression force t = thickness of base material
Fey = strength of electrode = effective area of weld
f = steel stress T = tensile force
1 = tensile strength of base material
F VRU = vertical shear force resisted by connection
f = yield stress of reinforcement 5
V = shear strength of connection
n = number of reinforcing bars 0 = angle of deformed anchor bar
QcE = expected strength = capacity reduction factor

July-August 2002 133

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