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Python for Data Science

Course Content
1. Course Introduction
2. Introduction to Python Data Analysis Tools
a. Numpy
b. Pandas
c. Seaborn
3. Setting up the Environment / Software Installation
a. Python 3.X
b. Libs - numpy, pandas, matplotlib and seaborn
c. IDE - Spyder (Anaconda) or PyCharm
4. Development Environment Overview
a. Jupyter Lab
b. Spyder IDE or PyCharm
5. Python Programming - Fundamentals
a. Data Types
b. Data Structures
c. Operands
d. Conditional Statements
e. Loops
f. Functions
g. Modules and Packages
h. Exception Handling
6. Python Programming - Advanced Concepts
a. Classes and Objects
b. Multiprocessing and Multithreading
c. Logging
d. Python Programming Best Practices
7. Numpy
a. Arrays
b. Array indexing
c. Data Types
d. Array math
e. Broadcasting
8. Mastering Pandas
a. Getting Started with Pandas
b. Indexing and Selecting Data
c. Multi Indexing / Advanced Indexing
d. Data Imputation
e. map(), apply(), applymap()
f. Stack/Unstack/Transpose functions
g. GroupBy and Aggregating
h. Reshaping and Pivot Tables
i. Visualizing Data
j. Converting between different kinds of formats
k. Combining data from various sources
9. Data Visualization with Seaborn
a. Visualizing Statistical Relationships
b. Plotting with Categorical Data
c. Visualizing the Distribution of a Dataset
d. Visualizing Linear Relationships

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