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Epidemiology and risk factors of preeclampsia; an overview of observational


Article · October 2013


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3 authors:

Uzma Shamsi Sarah Saleem

University of Adelaide Aga Khan University, Pakistan


Noureen Nishtar
Marernal & Neonatal Health Research & Advocacy Fund- British Council


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A l A m e e n J M e d S c i 2 0 1 3 ; 6 ( 4 ) : 2 9 2 - 3 0 0 ● US National Library of Medicine enlisted journal ● I S S N 0 9 7 4 - 1 1 4 3


Epidemiology and risk factors of preeclampsia; an overview of

observational studies
Uzma Shamsi*, Sarah Saleem and Noureen Nishter
Department of Community Health Sciences, Aga Khan University Hospital, Stadium Road,
Karachi-74800, Pakistan

Abstract: Objective: To identify and compile a list of important epidemiological risk factors of preeclampsia
among pregnant women from observational studies. Methods: Review of published case control and cohort
studies on risk factors of Preeclampsia (PE) by literature search from 1976 -2010 was conducted. 108 studies
were selected using search engines of PubMed and Google Scholar. Findings: Most of the studies were case
control studies. The factors identified most often were women with a previous history of preeclampsia, pre-
existing diabetes, multiple (twin) pregnancy, nulliparity, family history , raised blood pressure (diastolic ≥ 80
mm Hg) at booking, raised body mass index before pregnancy, or increasing maternal age ≥ 40. In some
individual studies the risk is also increased with an interval of 10 years or more since a previous pregnancy,
autoimmune disease, renal disease and chronic hypertension. Conclusions: These factors and the underlying
evidence base can be used to assess risk at booking so that a suitable surveillance routine to detect preeclampsia
can be planned for the rest of the pregnancy.
Keywords: Preeclampsia, proteinuria, diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes, risk factors for PE

Introduction estimated one in 20 pregnancies. It can

develop into eclampsia, or convulsive fits,
Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-specific
which account for up to 10 percent of
condition that increases maternal and infant
maternal deaths. From another public health
mortality and morbidity. It is diagnosed by new-
perspective, it is alarming that the rate of
onset increased blood pressure and proteinuria
preeclampsia has increased in worldwide
during second or third trimester of gestation [1];
especially in developed countries by 40%
Key features of the preeclampsia category include
between 1990 and 1999 due to an increase in
a cut-off blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg or
number of older mothers and multiple births,
higher and absolute requirement of proteinuria.
conditions known to increase the risk of
Abnormal placentation related to immune
preeclampsia [7]
mechanisms and maladaptation of the placenta
may be the first step in the etiology and
An estimated 50,000 women worldwide die
development PE [2-3]. It is obvious that a single
annually from preeclampsia. The incidence of
mechanism responsible for the syndrome
preeclampsia is 2-10%, depending on the
preeclampsia does not exist. Instead, several
population studied and definitions of
mechanisms can act together and even multiply
preeclampsia [8]. The incidence was 2.8%
each other [4].
reported from a study in Israel [9], 5.8%
reported from Scotland [10], 14.1% reported
Preeclampsia is a serious and poorly understood
from Australia [11] and 5% reported from
complication of pregnancy, which can progress to
Seattle. It occurs in 5 to 8 per cent of pregnant
eclampsia and maternal death, is an important
women worldwide and can cause the most
cause of maternal mortality in developing
serious problems for the mother and the child
countries [5]. Preeclampsia is a major cause of
maternal mortality (15-20% in developed
countries) and morbidities (acute and long-term),
Despite a steady reduction in maternal
perinatal deaths, preterm birth, and intrauterine
mortality from the disorder in more developed
growth restriction [6]. Preeclampsia occurs in an
countries, it remains one of the most common
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Al Ameen J Med Sci; Volume 6, No.4, 2013 Shamsi U et al

reasons for a woman to die during pregnancy Findings

[13]. In developed countries, where maternal
Preeclampsia is a common condition, but the
mortality attributable to preeclampsia has been
etiology remains unknown. Despite numerous
reduced, the condition primarily affects fetal
basic, clinical, and epidemiologic studies that
well-being through intrauterine growth
have been conducted over the past half-
retardation, preterm birth, low birth weight, and
century, knowledge of the etiology and
perinatal death [14-16].
pathogenesis of preeclampsia remains elusive.
Preeclampsia is probably the common final
The study of risk factors and the underlying
syndrome resulting from heterogeneous
evidence base can be used to assess risk at
causes. Preeclampsia may be placental in
antenatal booking so that a suitable surveillance
origin and may also be influenced by maternal
routine to detect preeclampsia can be planned for
factors such as obesity, diabetes [17].
the rest of the pregnancy. The knowledge of the
Preeclampsia appears to have a genetic
most important risk factors in the population
component through the father as well as
could be useful for the clinicians to pre-detect the
mother [18]. Currently, women who are at
patient who will develop preeclampsia. In order
increased risk for preeclampsia are identified
to increase PE screening, it is imperative to
on the basis of epidemiologic factors [19].
develop a model that can predict individual PE
The known risk factors are extremes of age,
poor socioeconomic status, smoking, high
Material and Methods
body mass index, family history of
We searched PubMed and Google Scholar for preeclampsia, history of preeclampsia in
selecting studies with a cohort or case-control previous pregnancy, parity and type of
design that identified preeclampsia risk factors. pregnancy (single or multiple), family history
Articles were selected using predetermined of diabetes mellitus and hypertension [20-32].
criteria and reviewed in depth in line with the A first pregnancy, diabetes mellitus,
search objective. preexisting hypertension or previous
preeclampsia, multiple gestation, and higher
Inclusion criteria: Overall selection criteria for body-mass index are among the recognized
this literature review were set in line with the risk factors for the disorder, but they lack
study objective of PE risk factors among women sensitivity and specificity. Parity is the most
to capture important PE studies. Inclusion criteria predictive of preeclampsia risk [33].
were: Publications should be in English language
and peer reviewed; studies published between Risk factors of preeclampsia among
1976-2010; publications involving case control Nulliparous women: Nulliparity has been
and cohort studies mostly and publications should confirmed as a risk factor for preeclampsia.
have a focus on risk factors for PE. The risk of preeclampsia was 26% in
nulliparous patients versus 17% in parous
This review was conducted in two stages: subjects (relative risk and 95% confidence
interval 1.5 [1.3-1.8] [32]. Pregnancy exerts a
• Stage 1: review of the titles/abstracts (first
protective effect against the risk of
level review). preeclampsia which may have an
• Stage 2: review of complete articles that immunological basis. Among nulliparous
fulfill the selection criteria (second level women, the risk of preeclampsia is increased
review). with history of abortion, changed paternity
and high body mass index [34]. There is
The key words & & MeSH terms used for the definitely a genetic component, but studies of
search were preeclampsia, risk factors for twins indicate that there is more to
preeclampsia in titles and abstracts. Articles that preeclampsia than genes alone [35]. Both the
defined biological markers as risk factors were mother and the fetus contribute to the risk of
excluded as it cannot be predictors of a model for pre-eclampsia, the contribution of the fetus
promoting early antenatal screening tests. being affected by paternal genes [36-37].

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Risk factors of PE among parous women: Among age and preeclampsia especially in elderly
parous women, significant risk factors for women above the age of 35 years, while
preeclampsia in a second pregnancy include others have shown an association of
longer birth interval, previous preterm delivery, preeclampsia with younger age groups.
previous small-for-gestational-age newborn, renal Advancing maternal age as well as young
disease, chronic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, maternal age is a risk factor for PE [20, 22-24,
obesity, black race, and inadequate prenatal care. 35, 43-45]. Amongst the complications during
Smoking and same paternity are protective [38]. pregnancy, pregnancy induced hypertension
A prior birth confers a strong protective effect was commonest complication in elderly
against Preeclampsia, whereas a prior abortion primigravidas [46]. A high proportion of
confers a weaker protective effect. Parous preeclampsia cases occur in those at the
women who change partners in a subsequent extreme ends of the reproductive age [38].
pregnancy appear to lose the protective effect of a Women above 40 years had twice the risk of
prior birth. Thus, the protective effect of a prior preeclampsia, whether they were pimiparous
abortion operated only among women who or multiparous women [47].
conceived again with the same partner. An
immune-based etiologic mechanism is proposed, Shorter maternal height is associated with
whereby prolonged exposure to fetal antigens higher risk of preeclampsia [48]. There is
from a previous pregnancy protects against evidence of strong and consistent relationship
preeclampsia in a subsequent pregnancy with the between high prepregnancy body mass index
same father [39-40]. and preeclampsia [49, 50]. Studies have
shown that obesity is a definitive risk factor
Risk factors of PE among both nulliparous and for preeclampsia risk.
parous women in Pakistan: Maternal Mortality is
extremely high in Pakistan chiefly due to Past history of preeclampsia in multiparous
pregnancy related complications; it is estimated women: Mothers who had preeclampsia in the
to be approximately 500 per 100,000 live births first pregnancy are known to be at a
[41]. Risk factors for preeclampsia that may place substantially higher risk to develop
Pakistani women at increased risk are those who preeclampsia in a subsequent pregnancy [51-
have a family history of hypertension , gestational 52]. Multiparous patients with a past history
diabetes , pre-gestational diabetes and mental of severe preeclampsia are a high risk
stress during pregnancy [42]. However, high population which should be identified early in
body mass index, maternal age, urinary tract pregnancy [27].
infection, use of condoms prior to index
pregnancy and sociodemographic factors were Maternal blood group: With respect to blood
not associated with higher risk of having group O, A, B and Rh type, no statistically
preeclampsia among Pakistani women. significant correlation with severe
preeclampsia has been found. However in one
Association of PE with risk of chronic diseases: study an increased risk of preeclampsia for
Emerging evidence of relationship of mothers with blood type AB (adjusted odds
preeclampsia with long-term coronary vascular ratio = 3.07; 95% confidence interval 1.48-
disease and some cancers makes it one of 6.36) has been found out. Although these
important public health problems. Because of the results should be considered with caution,
clear public health concerns engendered by PE they support the hypothesis of a linkage
and the urgency of this important health issue, mechanism involving blood group in the
there is an immense need to focus on it through inheritance of susceptibility to preeclampsia
research studies and review of those studies. [53-54].

Maternal-specific risk factors Interval between pregnancies (in years):

Some researchers have found that a long time
Maternal age (years), Maternal height (in cms)
to pregnancy is associated with preeclampsia ,
and Body mass index: There is a conflicting data
supporting the hypothesis that some factors
on the relationship of age with preeclampsia.
delaying clinically recognized conception may
Some studies have reported association between

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also be in a causal pathway for preeclampsia [34, remain controversial because other studies
55-57]. The risk in a second or third pregnancy have not observed a higher frequency of
was directly related to the time that had elapsed preeclampsia in gestational diabetic women
since the preceding delivery, and when the [70]. Recognized associations between
interbirth interval was 10 years or more, the risk correlates of insulin resistance and
approximated that among nulliparous women. preeclampsia show that preeclampsia may be
After adjustment for the presence or absence of a part of the spectrum of the insulin resistance
change of partner, maternal age, and year of syndrome [65].
delivery, the odds ratio for preeclampsia for each
one-year increase in the interbirth interval was Medical history of Diabetes mellitus: In
1.12 (95%CI; 1.11 to 1.13) [58]. In a cross women with pre-gestational diabetes, the rates
sectional study, women with more than 59 of preeclampsia and adverse neonatal outcome
months between pregnancies had significantly increase with increased severity of diabetes
increased risk of preeclampsia compared with [71]. The results of the study showing a
women with intervals of 18-23 months [23]. relationship between preeclampsia and
diabetes among Pakistani women is also
Number of previous abortions: A history of consistent with other studies’ findings [72]. In
abortion in nulliparous women is a protective women with pre-gestational Type 1 diabetes,
factor against the risk of preeclampsia in the the rates of preeclampsia and adverse neonatal
subsequent pregnancy [50, 59-60]. Multiparous outcome increase with the presence of
women, both with and without a history of diabetes [73].
abortion, have a reduced risk of preeclampsia
compared to nulliparous women with no history Family history of hypertension and diabetes
of abortion [50]. In another study, having a among first blood relations: There are
previous history of a spontaneous abortion was consistent findings of a positive association
protective but only in multiparous women [61]. between family history of diabetes and
hypertension and preeclampsia risk [74-76].
Sex of newborn: Mild preeclampsia seems to be Family history of hypertension is a proxy
associated with the carrying of a male fetus which measure for hereditary factors as well as
may be due to increased testosterones [62, 105]. common environmental or behavioral
exposures that may underlie preeclampsia
Medical history of any autoimmune disease: risk. Women’s family history of chronic
Women with rheumatic disease had significantly hypertension is an important and easy to
higher rates of preeclampsia and cesarean section. acquire clinical risk marker of preeclampsia
The relative risk of preeclampsia was particularly compared to the biochemical markers. The
high in women with connective tissue disease family history of hypertension questions can
[63]. be used as screening tool to identify pregnant
women who need closer monitoring for the
Gestational diabetes: Gestational diabetes is signs of preeclampsia during early pregnancy.
associated with preeclampsia [64-66]. The rate of
preeclampsia is influenced by the severity of Family history of Preeclampsia: In a
gestational diabetes. Optimizing glucose control primigravida, a family history of pre-
during pregnancy may decrease the rate of eclampsia is associated with a fourfold
preeclampsia, even in those with a greater increased risk of severe preeclampsia. This
severity of gestational diabetes [67]. Optimizing clinical history identifies a group who warrant
glucose control during pregnancy may decrease close clinical surveillance during pregnancy
the rate of preeclampsia, even in those with a and who may be suitable for trials of
greater severity of gestational diabetes [67-69]. prophylactic interventions [77] Genetic
There is accumulating evidence that preeclampsia factors are important in the development of
is at least partially mediated by insulin resistance, preeclampsia as well as gestational
and that individuals with preeclampsia may have hypertension. In efforts to identify women
clinically silent and persistent alterations in with elevated risk of developing preeclampsia
insulin resistance. However, these findings during pregnancy, a question about family

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history of preeclampsia is important [22, 78]. The preeclampsia in subsequent pregnancies.

findings from these studies are biologically Multiparous women with a new partner
plausible for reason that epidemiological and should be approached as being primigravid
clinical data document a close association women. The inter-pregnancy interval, which
between insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and is strongly associated with change of partner,
hypertension [79]. may confound or modify the paternal effect on
preeclampsia [88]. Immune maladaptation on
Pregnancy-associated risk factors the fetal maternal interface could be an
underlying mechanism.
Urinary tract infection: Some studies show a
significant increase in urogenital infection in
Limited sperm exposure (condom use): The
preeclamptic pregnancy. This may reflect higher
use of condoms, spermicides and withdrawal
rates of underlying renal disease and placental
are associated with developing of
bed abnormalities occurring in preeclampsia [80].
preeclampsia in subsequent pregnancy [89].
Antepartum urinary tract infection is a risk factor
Compared to the use of condoms, use of
for preeclampsia [24, 81-82]. Urinary tract
contraceptive methods that permit exposure to
infection or chronic sub clinical infections may
sperm viable with uterus decreased the
cause increased maternal cytokine levels
prevalence of preeclampsia [90]. Use of
sufficient to affect vascular endothelial function,
condoms may contribute to as many as 60%
and so prime individuals for the subsequent
of preeclampsia cases [91-92]. The very high
development of preeclampsia [83]. Some data
incidence (24%) of preeclampsia among new
show a significant increase in urogenital infection
paternity multiparous women was shown to be
in preeclamptic pregnancy. This may reflect
related to remarkably short period of sperm
higher rates of underlying renal disease and
exposure preceding conception [93].
placental bed abnormalities occurring in
Multigravid women with a period of
preeclampsia [80]. Infectious agents have also
unprotected sexual cohabitation of longer than
been suggested to play a causal role also in
6 months had a decreased risk of preeclampsia
atherosclerosis [84]. These studies suggest there
may be a possible link between infection and
preeclampsia. Urinary tract infection during
Husband’s age (in years): Compared with
pregnancy may add to the inflammatory burden
pregnancies involving fathers aged 25 to 34,
of a pregnancy and trigger preeclampsia in
the risk of preeclampsia was 24% higher if
susceptible women [85].
men were 35 to 44 and 80% higher if they
were 45 and older [95-97]. A possible
Fetal malformations: Preeclampsia risk increases
explanation for the findings is that sperm are
with structural congenital anomalies, poly-
damaged because of genetic mutations that
hydramnios, hydrops fetalis, chromosomal
occur with aging or from environmental
anomalies like downs syndrome and hydatidiform
causes such as radiation, heat and pesticides.
moles [86].
Such defects may somehow raise the risk of
Partner-related risk factors: Change in partner
(Primipaternity: pregnancy with new father): The
Exogenous factors
term primipaternity was introduced by Robillard
et al [87]. According to this theory, preeclampsia Smoking (risk decrease): Many studies show
may be a problem of primipaternity rather than that cigarette smoking is associated with a
primigravidity. The control of placentaion may lower rate of pre-eclampsia among
well have an immunological basis with an primigravidas independently of other maternal
interaction occurring between maternal and fetal factors. The protective effect of smoking
genes [15]. This could explain why women are appears to continue even after cessation of
more at risk of pre-eclampsia in their first smoking [60, 98-100]. Perinatal outcomes
pregnancy and why parous women who later were significantly worsened among
conceive by a new partner also have an increased preeclamptics who smoked [99, 101-104].
susceptibility to the syndrome. Many studies However, the harmful consequences of
confirm that change of partner raises the risk for smoking on pregnancy outcome far outweigh

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this risk reduction [98, 104]. However, some there may be scope for reducing a proportion
study results did not support the proposition that of the morbidity and mortality from
cigarette smoking protected women against preeclampsia. All the findings of the studies
preeclampsia. show the importance of gaining a
comprehensive medical history from the
Stress & Working women status: (Work-related women early in the pregnancy. Based on
psychosocial strain): Work related stress is also a history, the screening should begin early to
risk factor for preeclampsia. Pre-eclamptic detect and treat the condition before it
women were also more likely to work during threatens the survival of mother and fetus.
pregnancy (adjusted OR, 2.1; 95% Cl, 1.1 to 4.4)
[31, 105]. Working women had 2.3 times the risk The questions relating to family history of
of developing preeclampsia compared with hypertension can be used as screening
nonworking women [106]. Epidemiologic studies questions to identify pregnant women who
show that relative risk for preeclampsia is need to be monitored more closely for the
increased in many stressful situations [54, 107]. signs of preeclampsia during early pregnancy.
Many risk factors for preeclampsia are stress- On the basis of this review, future research is
related. Low-stress situations, on the contrary, are needed to formulate a predictable model for
protective. Stress in pregnancy corroborates all risk factors of PE to identify high risk women.
physio-pathologic theories for preeclampsia Using the model specifically in developing
[108]. countries, better screening for PE and
monitoring of high risk women may lead to
Conclusion and Recommendation earlier diagnosis and improved management,
thereby reducing a proportion of both
Preeclampsia is a multifactorial disease. If greater
maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality
awareness of the associated risk factors leads to
from PE.
earlier diagnosis and improved management,


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*All correspondences to: Dr. Uzma Shamsi, Department of Community Health Sciences, Aga Khan University Hospital, Stadium Road,
Karachi-74800, Pakistan. E-mail ID: uzma.shamsi@aku.edu

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