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Main Idea Paragraph Rubric

Distinguished Proficient Developing Beginning

(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Topic Topic sentence is well written and Topic sentence answers the Topic sentence is unclear. Topic sentence not included.
Sentence answers the prompt. prompt.

Three Paragraph includes 3 or more Paragraph includes 3 sentences to Paragraph includes 2 sentences to Paragraph includes 0-1
Supportive well-written sentences to support support the topic sentence. support the topic sentence. sentences to support the topic
Sentences the topic sentence. sentence.

Conclusion Conclusion sentence is well Conclusion sentence is a good Conclusion sentence is a fair Conclusion sentence is not
Sentence written and summarizes the summary of the paragraph. summary of the paragraph. included or does not summarize
paragraph. the paragraph.

Grammar & No more than 2 3-4 grammatical/spelling errors. 5-6 grammatical/spelling errors. More than 6
Spelling grammatical/spelling errors. grammatical/spelling errors.

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