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Strategies to Enhance Adoption of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

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Problem Statement

VAP (Ventilator Associated Pneumonia) is part of the most detrimental of all healthcare

related infections. The absence of practical advice within many guidelines to aid readers in the

enforcement of the recommendations regarding preventing VAP is one of the things that was. On

the off chance, this area is adhered to, and effort is focused on filling this gap, then the adverse

effects of VAP will be prevented (Goutier, Holzmueller, Edwards, & Klompas, 2014). A

successful framework that was employed to enhance adherence with evidence-based care is the

‘four Es’ framework; Engage, Educate, Execute, and Evaluate. It deals with both technical, and

cultural work and identifies the significance of contextual aspects, change management, and staff

participation in the enforcement procedure.

VAP is responsible for a crude mortality with a scope of fifteen to seventy percent. It is

also linked with incremented length of stay and added expenses. This is the significance of this

study; to let the reader realize that VAP is not an illness that is to be taken lightly, and that care

should be observed to ensure that its adverse impacts on humanity are minimized as much as


Purpose and Research Questions

The goal of the research was to summarize strategies to improve the adoption of VAP

prevention interventions. The authors engaged in a systematic literature review of publications in

the MEDICINE database published between the years 2002 and 2012.

Questions that the Study was designed to answer

 Is Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia a serious illness that the public should be aware of?

 What population is prone to Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia?


 Which methods are the best for ascertaining that the public is familiarized with the perils

of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia?

Indeed, the purpose and research questions were related to the problem. The authors of the article

intended to illustrate how critical Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia is, and they desire to let the

public know about their findings. By indicating the population of persons who are affected by

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia, and the adverse effects of the illness, the authors in a way

were proving their point that the disease is one that should be taken seriously (Goutier,

Holzmueller, Edwards, & Klompas, 2014). The authors desire to educate the public regarding

this serious illness, but one that few people are aware of. Hence, they researched and presented

the best methods for the public to know about it.

Considering the nature of the research that the authors were conducting, qualitative

methods were not relevant to answer the research questions. The authors acquired most of their

data from articles which they collected from medicine publications between 2002 and 2012.

Hence, qualitative research approaches were not necessarily relevant.

Literature Review

The authors did not indicate qualitative studies that were appropriate for the focus of the

study, but they did indicate quantitative approaches that would be relevant for the research. A

structured form was employed to acquire the subsequent data: research design, country, ICU

type, setting, outcomes, and data regarding resources and costs. The authors acquired articles that

were published between 2002 and 2012 and employed them as the basis of their research and

conclusions regarding their objectives in the research (Goutier, Holzmueller, Edwards, &

Klompas, 2014). This research was essentially based on already published literature in the field

of medicine. Of course, the literature had a thing or two to do with the subject of the study which

was Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia.

Yes, the references are current. Albeit the author did employ references that were older

than the five-year limit. The author earlier in the publication indicated that they employed data

over the years ranging from 2002 and 2012. Clearly this indicates that they did use work that was

older than the five-year limit. Particularly, references that date between 2002 and 2009,

considering that the publication itself dates 2014.

Indeed, the authors did show the weaknesses of the available studies. They indicated that

the available study did not necessarily have enough information regarding VAP. Hence, most

persons are ignorant of the illness, and those who are aware of it are oblivious to how detrimental

it can be. The authors illustrate that one significant contributing element is the absence of

applicable advice within many principles to aid readers in the enforcement of the

recommendations provided by the available prints (Goutier, Holzmueller, Edwards, & Klompas,


The literature review incorporated sufficient information to establish a sensible argument.

First, the research included extensive material across a whole decade. It incorporated nearly six

hundred and eighteen authors. This is an indication that the authors went through a lot of

publications to come up with the most relevant information. Of the six hundred and eighteen

authors, thirty-seven candidates were retable. The authors clearly cited their work, which

incorporates many citations. Twenty-seven publications were relevant to their conclusion criteria

(Goutier, Holzmueller, Edwards, & Klompas, 2014). They include from pediatric and adult

intensive care units in western nations and disregarded studies that aimed merely at finding out

the impacts of clinical interventions to hinder VAP, or did not entirely define the strategies

employed to enforce the interventions.

Conceptual/ Theoretical Framework

The main perspective that the research was conducted according to the authors was one

that agree with their angle of research, which was identifying the articles that defined strategies

to enhance adherence to VAP prevention interventions.

No identifiable framework was developed from the research.



Goutier, J. M., Holzmueller, C. G., Edwards, K. C., & Klompas, M. (2014). Strategies to

Enhance Adoption of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: Preventions Interventions: A

Systematic Literature Review. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology , 34-35.

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