Textile and Apparel Supply Chains For The 21 Century: Article Designation: Scholarly Jtatm Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010

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Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010

Textile and Apparel Supply Chains for the 21st Century

W. Douglas Cooper
Belk College of Business
UNC Charlotte
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001


In this paper the author speculates on what global textile and apparel supply chain designs will
need to look like in order to meet the assumed 21st Century costs of expensive energy and green
environment coupled with assumed market requirements for ever-increasing demands for product
variety with ever-decreasing product life cycles.

Keywords: Supply chain design, expensive energy, green textile & apparel environment, product
variety, decreasing product life-cycles; ad hoc, vertical and virtual supply chain design

Introduction under these conditions is of interest to the

In his best -selling book Sonic
In today‟s global economy optimal
Boom: Globalization at Machine Speed
customer value comes not from individually
Gregg Easterbrook (2009) pictures a 21st
Century global economy of expensive
competing firms but from the harmony of
energy and environmental costs coupled
individual firms acting together in concert as
with product markets of ever-decreasing life
a supply chain. Supply chains optimize
cycles for an ever-increasing mix of
customer value via the integration of
products. He speaks to the arrival of new
customer perceptions, product design,
software-driven, robotic production process
process design and an overlaying supply
systems that will be designed to meet the
chain network design supported by
energy, environment greenness and product
transportation and information channels.
diversity/flexibility requirements of the 21st
Supply chains must be efficient in that they
Century. Assuming one accepts the general
provide products at low prices while having
thesis of Easterbrook, the question of future
the ability to quickly adapt to changing
optimal supply chain design under his
customer requirements. But supply chains
assumed conditions is raised. In particular
must also be effective by having the ability
the question of future optimal supply chain
to consistently deliver high quality products
designs for textile and apparel products
from innovative concept-to-market flow at a
rapid pace, all in support of the customer

Article Designation: Scholarly 1 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
being able to maximize its satisfaction per chain node participants. Too often local
money spent. rather than global optimization is the
In support of product and process outcome of virtual supply chain design with
design, supply chain design can range the chain being dominated by one or more
between wide boundaries. At one extreme is powerful network nodes to the detriment of
the classic vertical integration design with total chain optimization for both chain
single ownership control over most or all of members and customer value.
the supply chain network production and Textile and apparel industry
distribution nodes and the connecting structure has a history of being determined
network transportation and information by a complex mixture of market and non-
channels. At the other extreme, ad hoc market forces. In the post World War II
designs are formed from a group of United States, textile and apparel supply
independently owned suppliers who are chain structures were the product of
bound only by current market needs, market government trade protection and subsidy.
mechanisms and their willingness to These conditions continue to be the case in
cooperate with each other over a given time today‟s global economy as developing
period. While ad hoc designs can be very nations optimize textile and apparel supply
flexible in meeting rapidly changing market chain design for maximum employment and
demand, in that some or all of the supply foreign currency accumulation. It is
chain network nodes can change with each understood that under laissez faire market
transaction, unlike the classic vertical conditions textile and apparel supply chain
integration design, the ad hoc design can be design would be different from that
very difficult to define, control and observed today. But the question of how
coordinate in an efficient and effective different has no definitive answer. To
manner. Somewhere between these two forecast what the textile and apparel supply
design extremes is the virtual design that chain structure will look like under
attempts to capture the flexibility of the ad conditions of the 21st Century, one must
hoc design with the control ability of the address the uncertainty caused by
vertical integration design. Here, ownership government policy. Here one can only make
focus is on the core competences of a given assumptions about policy and with these
set of supply chain nodes, adding assumptions follow with economic logic.
independent ownership of additional However, during the late 20th Century, when
network nodes needed to complete the the U.S. Government decreased protection
supply chain design. As one moves from a and subsidy for its domestic textile and
more unified single ownership towards apparel industry, there was a ten-to-fifteen
multiple independent ownership of network year period when the world got a brief look
nodes the supply chain design becomes at what textile and apparel supply chain
more ad hoc. However, to overcome the design might look like under conditions of
inherent control problems of ad hoc, one laissez faire. During this period, large capital
aims for tighter definition and control intensive, vertically integrated network
through information sharing, cooperation, structures arose to dominate a number of
and win-win partnerships among all supply U.S. textile and apparel product markets
chain node participants. In theory, virtual before giving way to government protected
supply chain designs are capable of walking and subsidized production in developing
an optimal middle ground between vertical Asian countries. As time has passed many
and ad hoc designs, offering both control have forgotten the importance of these short-
and flexibility. However, for many lived structures. A recap of these short-lived
applications, virtual supply chains have structures offers a useful point of departure
shown to be more problematic with respect for the discussion of future 21st Century
to information sharing, cooperation, and textile and apparel supply chain designs.
win-win partnerships required of all supply That future of expensive energy and

Article Designation: Scholarly 2 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
environmental costs, ever-decreasing effectiveness of customer value nor
product life cycles, ever-increasing product efficiency of production and distribution.
mix sizes, decreasing product lead times and However, supply chains were design
process flexibility for textile and apparel optimized for maximizing numbers of low-
chain designs is the focus of this paper. For skilled labor jobs. Today, after several
various reasons there has, in the recent past, decades, except on a much expanded global
been relatively little scholarly interest in scale with a few product distribution
questions of optimal industry configurations variations, one can observe much the same
for textiles and apparel. However, because supply chain structure in today‟s global
of its world-wide magnitude of affects under textile and apparel supply chain designs.
assumed 21st Century conditions, attention Today, one can see developing economies
to the impact of alternative design producing textile and apparel products using
configurations becomes imperative. Thus, process designs dating back to post World
the paper will concern itself with the War II America, consistent with
delivery of global customer value via assumptions about labor, materials, energy,
optimal supply chain design structures transportation, inflation and environmental
ranging between the extremes of vertical, costs of production for that earlier time.
virtual, and ad hoc structures. While many of these supply chains are more
virtual than ad hoc, in that the designs are
Looking Back structured around core competence in
retailing (Wal-Mart, etc.) and some node-to-
During the late 20th Century textile
node information and cooperation is
and apparel production migrated to the
attempted, in effect, little is different from
developing world economies with a supply
the American model of the 1970s and 80s
chain structure not significantly different
and few if any textile and/or apparel supply
from that used by the textile and apparel
chains are optimally configured to meet the
industry of post World War II America as it
above-defined conditions of the 21st
evolved into the 1970s and 80s. For a
generation after 1946, support by the
Federal Government‟s policy of full-
Horizontal Linked, Vertical Textile and
employment, the U.S. textile and apparel
Apparel Supply Chains
industry was composed of hundreds of
small, under-capitalized firms. Using low- In the mid 1970s it was well
skill labor-intensive processes, independent understood by involved U.S. government,
yarn, fabric, fabric processing and product- education and business officials that the
forming units produced output that was used survival of the domestic U.S.
by other independent units to supply final Textile/Apparel Industry in the 21st century
products for apparel, home furnishings was going to be more than problematic.
and/or industrial uses. Here the supply Some U.S. government participants that had
chains were primarily of the ad hoc design, an interest in determining the future course
controlled by various agents and brokers. of the industry were the National Science
The chains were fragmented and transitory Foundation, the Treasury Department‟s
with great power disparities among many Office of Industrial Economics, U.S.
buyers and suppliers. Product flow was Departments of Commerce and Labor, etc.
optimized by independent brokers, factors The presence of various industry
and retailers for their disproportionate associations such as American Textile
benefit rather than the benefit of the total Manufacturing Institute (ATMI) and others,
chain and customer value. As product prices was pervasive at meetings to discuss the
were supported by government-based tariff industry‟s future. Business leaders gave
and quota barriers, prices and supply chain widely diverse opinions about what was
designs were neither optimal for required to promote future U.S.

Article Designation: Scholarly 3 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
Textile/Apparel Industry survival. Textile number of horizontally connected vertical
schools such as the one at N.C. State supply chains optimized for customer value,
University, serving an international student would allow long-term survival for a small
clientele, were poised to do scholarly things number of well structured, capital intensive,
to aid the survival process. It was the textile and apparel firms. By the mid-to-late
beginning of very interesting times for the 1970s two large textile firms, Burlington
domestic U.S. Textile/Apparel Industry. A Industries and Milliken and Company had
key issue among textile and apparel industry obtained a dominant position in the industry
and government leaders of the time was the with this strategy. [Cooper‟s paper (2006)
supply chain structure (Cooper, Hamby, presents the Burlington Industries view of
Shaw, Hard 1977). supply chain strategy of the time.] Writing
Taken as a whole, the post World in 1976 for the U.S. Treasury Department‟s
War II U.S. textile and apparel industries Office of Industrial Economics, Hudak and
were improperly structured to survive a Bohnslav (1976) reported that these two
coming global economy. In the U.S. firms, were able to capitalize on the
hundreds of under-capitalized firms were ill emerging new technologies associated with
equipped to meet new government standards textile machinery and man-made fibers,
regulating cotton dust, noise, waste using state of the art computer-based
effluents, product- flammability, etc. among systems, and were able to gain a significant
other personal and environmental social competitive advantage over other U.S. and
costs. They were ill-equipped to meet the international textile firms. They pointed out
rising energy costs of the 1970s and 80s. In that these more-profitable companies had
addition, supply chain structure was so developed complex vertical and/or
lacking in optimal control that growing horizontal supply structures that allowed for
demand for more customized products could significant gains in flexibility,
only be accomplished by long lead times, diversification and financial strength. They
while commodity product production was reported that after a period of acquiring
awash in inventories. These under- control of smaller firms and absorbing these
capitalized firms and their supply chain firms into their supply chain structure, these
structures were ill-equipped to meet the firms were applying mass-customization
unsubsidized world of expensive energy and production and information-based
environmental costs and react to the techniques in consolidating diverse textile
conditions of ever-decreasing product life supply chain activities across multiple
cycles for ever- increasing product mixes. product lines into well integrated and
Here, the U.S. Government assumed that the optimally controlled, profitable operations.
domestic economy had reached a point in its Much of the success of the Burlington
development that further subsidization of the Industries/Milliken and Company
U.S. Textile and Apparel Industry in its experiment was based in the belief that the
present form was no longer of prime natural, laissez faire, state of textile and
national interest. apparel production/distribution did not have
In the mid 1970s, a relatively small to be labor intensive and of ad hoc supply
number of well capitalized U.S. textile firms chain design. The strategy of Burlington
began an attempt to beat the survival odds Industries was to develop a supply chain of
through the efficient and timely adoption of capital, materials and information intensive
technology and radically different supply business with controlled flexibility. Here, in
chain designs. There was a belief among addition, they were betting that their
these companies that in the face of horizontal connections of optimized,
significant price disadvantages with vertically integrated, single ownership
subsidized foreign competition, the proper supply chain designs, coupled with the most
utilization of chemical, mechanical and productive production and distribution
information technology, in concert with a technology available, would be superior to

Article Designation: Scholarly 4 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
any alternative competitive supply chains, and when they want it, but from that point
domestic or foreign, that could be cobbled little by way of modern supply chain
together in the 21st Century. The fact that management is being practiced up the
these U.S. textile giants did not survive the supply chain of those developing nations
coming of the global economy does not producing textile and apparel products for
necessarily mean that their vision was U.S. consumption. The retail-based ad hoc
wrong. Complicated political forces played supply chain designs for dependent demand
a dominant role relative to market forces in are not so much optimized as a function of
causing these vertical chain structures not to flow control of lead times, capacities,
survive the 20th Century. Today one might inventories and transportation cost, as they
well ask the question: Could it be that as are of nationally subsidized, labor intensive,
global conditions become more laissez faire production processes that are designed to
with minimal government subsidies, meet some national economic agenda (i.e.
horizontally linked vertical supply chains as the Chinese/U.S. Government/Wal-Mart
developed by Burlington Industries and connection.) To make this point, consider
others a generation ago could best meet the breaking the cost of U.S. imported textile
dual needs of control and flexibility for the and apparel products into two terms. Call the
21th Century? first term a price effect that is associated
with the subsidized, variable cost payments
Virtual or Ad Hoc Supply Chain Design to textile and apparel suppliers for products.
Call the second term a supply chain design
Today most global textile and
effect that isolates the supply chain
apparel supply chains that service the U.S.
opportunity costs associated with control of
economy lie somewhere between the ad hoc
lead times, production/distribution
and virtual definition given above. Most are
capacities, inventories and transportation
run, for consumer products, from forecasts
costs. A look at today‟s magnitude of
of independent demand at the retail level
difference between these two terms shows
where the core competence of market power
that the current subsidized price effect
resides for the chain. Here, a number of U.S.
greatly dominates the supply chain design
retailers of textile and apparel products have
effect. Thus, from the U.S. retailer‟s and
the most efficient and effective computer-
customer‟s point of view, supply chain
based product distribution systems in the
design change is not a priority to be wished
world. These distribution systems of
for, compared to the variable cost price of
companies, such as Wal-Mart and others,
receipt of the goods. Large inventory and
support something called Distribution
transportation costs are easily tolerated
Requirements Planning and represent only a
within the comparative advantage of
fraction of the total production/distribution
significantly attractive product price effects
supply chain nodes that support flow
that are variable costs to U.S. retailers. Thus,
management for the entire supply chain
it is not surprising that the current global
network. Here, dependent demand for retail
supply chain designs for textile and apparel
needs is, in the main, run under various
are being considered optimal by both buyers
forms of ad hoc design and thus circumvents
and suppliers for current conditions.
much of the modern theory and tools of
However, are these ad hoc supply chain
supply chain management. True supply
designs for dependent demand textile and
chain management focuses not only on the
apparel items adequate to meet the assumed
flow of the independent demand of final
changing needs of the 21st Century?
product but also on the dependent demand
Today, modern information systems
of all production, movement, storage, etc.
that support Enterprise Resource Planning
flows of the components of value that
(ERP) and Advanced Planning and
generate the final product. U.S. retailers are
Scheduling (APS) software systems allow
very good at telling someone what they want
properly structured virtual supply chain

Article Designation: Scholarly 5 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
designs to simulate the positive control flexibility need, ASEAN suppliers are
features of vertical chains, under conditions cooperating in horizontally linked, vertical
of node-to-node information sharing and supply chains consisting of independently
cooperation. However, the non-permanent, owned supply chain network nodes. In
short-life, conditions of virtual chains general it is becoming clear to this and other
coupled with appropriate transfer pricing observers of the global textile and apparel
structures to generate partner-motivation scene that, like the 1970s and 80s of
present a major challenge, particularly America, without continuing governmental
subject to conditions that are endemic to and environmental subsidization of many
developing economies. Small under- textile and apparel products, the ad hoc
capitalized firms are ill equipped to purchase supply chain structure for the dependent
and maintain standardized information demand of the industries of the developing
systems and software that are necessary for world will not be adequate to meet the
virtual simulation of vertically designed assumed needs of the 21st Century.
chains. Thus, the current global economy
for dependent-demand textile and apparel Textile and Apparel Greening
products are prevalent in ad hoc chains
In a 1975 study sponsored by the
some with little across-node visibility but all
U.S. Treasury Department and performed at
awash in excess inventory, capacity,
the North Carolina State University School
transportation cost and/or long lead times
of Textiles, Cooper and Dyer (1975)
and customer waiting. Here, a number of
documented the inability of under-
authors are speaking to these and other
capitalized textile and apparel firms to meet
problems. Bruca, Daly and Towers (2004)
the required capital investment needs of
call for the effective use of lean and agile
newly arriving process technology both for
process techniques coupled with mass-
new product development and, in particular,
customization and postponement strategies
rising energy and environmental costs.
that are consistent with either virtual-
During most of the 20th Century
vertical or pure-vertical supply chain
technological advancements for textile and
designs. Lam and Postle (2006) discuss
apparel production processes were gradual
textile and apparel supply chain designs by
and non-disruptive to the supply chain
addressing the problems of short product life
structure of the U.S. industry. During this
cycles, long processing lead times and
period process technology was defined by a
uncertainty of demand. In addition, they
mix of machines and chemistry that had
discuss the impact of supply chain design in
remained relatively static over many years,
meeting the needs of transport distance and
as the processes for producing the primary
increasingly small production lot sizes, all of
cotton and wool products had remained
which are raising supply chain logistics
relatively static. Information technology was
costs. Virtual-vertical supply chain design
of little to no importance. New machine
strategies and designs for functional
technology arrived at such a pace that
(commodity) products and innovative
seldom was an existing machine put at a
(customized) products are also discussed.
major competitive disadvantage by a new
The ATA Journal for Asia on Textile &
machine until long after the end of the
Apparel (2009) reports on how Association
depreciation period for the existing machine.
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
In 1974 looms that had been originally
suppliers are exploring new ways to improve
purchased in 1906 were in place producing
competitiveness in textile and apparel
fabrics for U.S. textile and apparel markets.
industries. At the heart of their concerns is
The major portion of a firm‟s capital cost for
supply chain design. One section of the
technology was machine maintenance
report is on the needed development of
consisting of dollars for replacement of
“virtual-vertical integration.” In order to
worn-out parts. In general, capital cost for
increase required innovation and product

Article Designation: Scholarly 6 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
production process technology did not materials radically changed textile and
restrict entry into the textile and apparel apparel process design and the need for
industries. These conditions defined a core capital to support these changes. Meanwhile
of hundreds of small, weakly capitalized new technology in the natural fiber materials
firms and their sporadic participation as of cotton and wool were being developed,
members of various ad hoc designed supply new “open end” methods of yarn forming
chains. As a result of ease of entry and exit being one example. All textile markets
into and out of given chains, across all including industrial, home furnishings and
chains, excess production capacity was the apparel, their processes and their supply
rule rather than the exception. Here, energy chains, were affected by these
costs were relatively modest, environment developments. Hundreds of small,
regulations were lax and product prices were undercapitalized firms were forced into
supported by subsidy and trade barriers. disrupting technology acquisition and supply
However, the 1970s saw significant chain design (membership) decisions and/or
developments that changed the existing into bankruptcy. The period represents a
process design paradigm and with these case study of how an entire industry can be
developments changed the way of thinking forced to near extinction by its inability to
about textile and apparel supply chain make needed investments. It was during this
design. The U.S. Government began to period that the movement by capital-rich
impose regulations that mandated process Burlington Industries and others to
changes. Noise control, cotton dust control horizontally-linked vertical supply chain
and waste disposal control were only three designs became a dominate force in U.S.
areas of concern. New developments in textile and apparel supply chain design. The
chemical technology and information period represents a rare case study in how
technology were significant. Here, the U.S. textile and apparel supply chain design
further development of thermoplastic was affected by the new conditions requiring
materials for fibers, yarns and composites product flexibility and control through the
had a profound effect on production process innovative use of advanced technology. The
designs. In addition, the development of answer for the time was horizontally-linked
computer-based information systems opened vertical supply chains of the type generated
new possibilities for production and by more capital-rich Burlington Industries
distribution process linkages. Rising energy and others. During the first years of the 21st
costs mandated the purchase of new energy Century the U.S. textile and apparel industry
efficient technology. literally picked up its machines, its
During the 1970s high productivity processes and its supply chains and moved
shuttleless looms began substantial them to developing countries. Even today,
penetration into U.S. weaving technology the internet is full of used machine brokers
driven by advancing labor costs and trying to sell used textile and apparel
government regulated noise control in technology around the world. These
weaving. Additional penetration was technology acquisitions find their way into
generated by demand for the new „textured ad hoc supply chains directed by agents of
wovens” from thermoplastic yarn retail powers such as Wal-Mart.
developments and the wide loom widths Fengfei Zhou (2009), in the paper
required to competitively produce these Study on the Implementation of Green
fabrics. The new thermoplastic yarns also Supply Chain Management in Textile
created new markets for knitted outerwear Enterprises, speaks to textile and apparel
fabrics and the machines to produce them. industry environmental problems in today‟s
Across the production process of fiber and China and the impact of supply chain
yarn, fabric forming, the dyeing and design. Here Zhou speaks to the future
finishing of fabric to the cut and sewn survival and development of the Chinese
product, the development of thermoplastic textile and apparel industries. Zhou

Article Designation: Scholarly 7 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
questions the Chinese supply chain designs markets that compete on low-price and also
and their deficiencies in dealing with future optimize on more efficient, fixed path,
required innovation, product flexibility, supply chain designs. However, a growing
energy and environmental costs. Textile portion of home furnishing and apparel
Outlook International (09) speaks to the products are aimed at more innovative
following: (customized) product markets that optimize
“the expansion of textile production and around more highly flexible, variable path,
consumption has contributed to increasing supply chain designs that can deliver
pollution, water shortages, fossil fuel and products with short lead times under
raw material depletion, and climate change. conditions of uncertainty. Many textile and
Production of Polyester fibre, the most apparel products fall between the two design
widely used manmade fibre, consumes non- extremes. Efficient, fixed path, supply chain
renewable resources and high energy levels, designs are optimized on the basis of
and generates atmospheric emissions. material-process-working capital
Modern automated textile plants consume productivity and low unit cost. Flexible,
large amounts of energy. Textile finishing variable path, supply chain designs are
consumes large amounts of water and optimized around lead times under
energy and often produces harmful effluent. uncertainty with acceptable unit costs.
Apparel production is more environmentally Taylor points out that product customization
friendly, but sourcing from low cost shifts the push-pull boundary further up the
countries consumes more fuel for supply chain. Standard, more functional
transportation. Among consumers, the trend products allow the boundary to be set close
towards fast fashion and cheaper clothing to the final consumer so these products can
has led to a throw-away mentality.” be made to stock and pushed all the way
Today, a careful reading of global down the chain in anticipation of demand.
textile and apparel scholarship reminds More customized products move the push-
those of us who experienced the decline and pull boundary up the chain, as the definition
fall of the U.S. textile and apparel industries of the end product is defined early and
during the 1970s – 1990s as déjà vu. pulled down the chain by existing customer
orders. It is important to align the interaction
Efficient vs. Flexible Supply Chains of customer-product-process-supply chain to
a given efficiency vs. flexibility supply
Taylor (2004) says that the first step
chain design strategy for a given textile
of supply chain design is to understand the
and/or apparel product. Taylor breaks this
pattern of product demand a given supply
alignment process into the following four
chain has to serve. Textile and apparel
products serve a wide variety of different
1. Decide how to make the strategic trade-
patterns of product demand. Thus, a
off between flexibility and efficiency,
discussion of textile and apparel markets
2. Analyze existing chain design for its
implies multiple approaches to optimal
ability to meet the strategy,
supply chain design. It is important for the
3. Use mathematical and simulation
reader to understand that one supply chain
models to evaluate options,
design strategy for a given product group
4. Use experience insights into the nature
may be a poor fit for another given product
of the business in firming design.
group. Industrial textile products have many
variants but are, in the main, components of A close examination of available tools to
final products. They are price sensitive, and support trade-off analysis for global textile
require more efficient, fixed path supply and apparel supply chain design alternatives
chain designs. In addition, a portion of home shows these tools greatly lacking. While
furnishing and apparel products are aimed at King, Hodgson, Little and Thoney (2002)
more functional (commodity) product have done some good work in the area of

Article Designation: Scholarly 8 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
Decision Support Models for design analysis Summary
and option evaluation for textiles and
In this paper the author argues that the
apparel, not enough work has been done in
current global textile and apparel supply
support of good research in this area. In
chain structure is ill-designed to meet the
order to attack supply chain design questions
coming problems of the 21st Century. It is
of the 21st Century, more research in this
suggested that supply chain design changes
important area is needed.
will be required to relieve the structure from
continuing high levels of government
The P&G and Wal-Mart Model
subsidy. It is suggested that laissez faire
One may argue, as does the author, textile and apparel supply chains for the 21st
that the lessons of history teach that future Century must be optimized via combinations
laissez faire textile and apparel supply chain of capital intensive firms operating in win-
designs will be vertical or virtual-vertical win partnerships within power-balanced
with horizontal links across product variants. virtual-vertical supply chain designs
Supply chain network nodes will be operating across horizontal links of product
populated by capital intensive, information variety. Here, manufacturing firms must be
intensive partners using communication and sufficiently capital rich to purchase and
transfer pricing policies that provide win- maintain the required energy and
win solutions for network node participants environment protection technology. In
and optimize customer value for the supply addition, both manufacturing and
chain. The Graen and Shaw paper (2006) distribution firms must possess the financial
about the Procter and Gamble/Wal-Mart resources required to support the
partnership supports this thesis. In the paper information and logistics technology for
the authors describe a supply chain enhancing supply chain network node-to-
partnership between two equals: a capital node communication for supporting
and information rich manufacturer (Procter increasing volume and customization needs
and Gamble) and a capital and information for customer value. An example model for
rich retailer (Wal-Mart). The paper details future supply chain design might be one that
their win-win cooperation of information- mirrors the essential features of the current
sharing across their mutual supply chains P&G/Wal-Mart model in a more regional
that is making their total chain designs more rather than global lead time logistic.
efficient and better coordinated. The The point in 21st Century time when
partnerships have resulted in increased total the observer can expect to see evidence of
product sales and reduced needs for more laissez faire efficient and effective
inventories. The authors point to the textile and apparel supply chain designs
increasingly important need for relationships depends on how long the governments of
such as these, both for total supply chain developing nations are willing to subsidize
product flow control improvement and for the current structure. Here economic
increasing the volume of customization research of developing nations can only
required in future commerce. point the way to the timing of future textile
and apparel supply chain design planning.


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Article Designation: Scholarly 9 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
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Article Designation: Scholarly 10 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010

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