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Prof Ed : Part 11

1. Conducting follow up studies of graduates and drop out is a guidance service that falls under:
a. Placement services c. Individual inventory services
b. Research service d. Counseling service

2. Under which assumption is portfolio assessment based?

a. Assessment should stress the reproduction of knowledge
b. An individual learner is adequately characterized by a test score
c. An individual learner is inadequately characterized by a test score
d. Portfolio assessment is dynamic assessment

3. Which program was adopted to provide universal access to basic education to eradicate illiteracy?
a. Values educational framework c. “Paaralan sa bawat barangay”
b. Education for all d. Science and Education Development Plan

4. Which schools are subject to supervision, regulation and control by the state?
a. Public, Private sectarian and Non-sectarian c. Private school
b. Sectarian and non-sectarian school d. Public schools

5. Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. What is the
characteristic of the score distribution?
a. Bimodal c. Skewed to the right
b. Trimodal d. No discernible pattern

6. What do the school campus expression “promdi” and barriotic” indicate?

a. The powerlessness of the poor c. Low literacy rate of the country
b. The power of the rich d. The prevalence of ethnocentrism

7. Why is babyhood referred to as a “critical period” in personally development? Because _________.

a. The foundation is laid upon in which the adult personally structure will be built
b. The baby is exposed to many physical and psychological hazards
c. The brain grows and develops as such accelerated rate during babyhood
d. Changes in the personality pattern take place

8. Billy, a grade 1 pupil is asked, “Why do you pray every day?” Billy answer. “Mommy said so.” Based onKohlberg’s theory, in which
moral development stage is Billy?
a. Pre-Conventional level c. Between conventional and post conventional levels
b. Conventional level d. Post-Conventional level

9. If you plan to develop a lesson on using s-verb with the third person singular as subject deductively, what is the first step in your
lesson development outline?

a. Give sentences using s-verb form

b. Ask the students about s-verb form and third person singular as subject
c. State the rule on subject-verb agreement for third person as subject
d. Conduct appropriate sentence drill

10. For lesson clarity and effective retention, which one should a teacher observes, according to Bruner’s theory?

a. Start at the concrete level and end there

b. Begin teaching at the concrete level but go beyond it by reaching the abstract
c. End teaching with verbal symbol
d. Use purely verbal symbols in teaching

11. Which activity should a teacher have more for his students if he wants them to develop logical-critical thinking?
a. Symposium c. Brainstorming
b. Debate d. Panel discussion
12. The criterion of success in Teacher Edna’s objective is that “the pupils must be able to spell 90% of the words correctly.” Linda and
other 24 students in the class spelled only 40 out of 50 words correctly while the rest scored 45 and above. This means that Teacher
Edna ________.
a. Did not attain her lesson objective because of the pupil’s lack of attention
b. Attained her lesson objective because of the pupil’s lack of attention
c. Attained her lesson objective
d. Failed to attain her lesson objective as far as the 25 pupils are concerned

13. With assessment of affective learning in mind, which does not belong to the group?
a. Moral dilemma c. Diary entry
b. Reflective writing d. Cloze test

14. Which is true when standard deviation is big?

a. Scores are concentrated c. Scores are spread apart
b. Scores are not extremes d. The bell curve shape is steep

15. Jan, a grade 1 pupil, is happy when he wins a game but skulks when he doesn’t. Which concept does his behavior indicate?
a. Egotism c. Semi-logical reasoning
b. Egocentrism d. Rigidity of thought

16. The practice of non-graded instruction stems from ________.

a. Progressivism c. Existentialism
b. Reconstructionism d. Essentialism

17. Theft of school equipment like TV, computer, etc. by teenagers in the community itself is becoming a common phenomenon. What
does this incident signify?
a. Deprivation of Filipino schools c. Prevalence of poverty in the community
b. Inability of school to hire security guards d. Community’s lack of sense of co-ownership

18. What does extreme authoritarianism in the home reinforce in learners?

a. Creativity in work c. Doing things on their own initiative
b. Ability to direct themselves d. Dependence on others for direction

19. The main purpose of compulsory study of the constitution is to ________.

a. Make constitutional experts of the students
b. Develop students into responsible, thinking citizens
c. Prepare students for law-making
d. Acquaint students with the historical development of the Philippine Constitution

20. Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity. What does this imply?
a. Every child is a potential genius
b. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything
c. Some pupils are admitted not capable of learning
d. Every pupil has his its own native ability and his learning is limited to this native ability

21. The principle of individual differences requires teachers to _____.

a. Treat all learners alike while in the classroom c. Give greater attention to gifted learners
b. Prepare modules for slow learners in class d. Provide for a variety of learning activities

22. Which assumption underlines the teacher’s use of performance objectives?

a. Performance objectives assure the learner of learning
b. Learning is defined as a change in the learner’s observable performance
c. The success of learners is based on teacher performance
d. Not every form of learning is observable

23. The following are used in writing performance objective, except?

a. Integrate c. Diagram
b. Delineate d. Comprehend
24. Which is/are sign/s of the student with Attention Deficit Disorder?
a. Impatient while waiting for his/her turn during games
b. Completes work before shifting to another
c. Excessively quiet
d. Cares for his/her personal things

25. You observe that pupils answer even when not called, shouts MA’AM to get your attention, and laugh when someone commits
mistakes. What should you do?

a. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance counselor

b. Set the rules for the class to observe
c. Involve the whole class in setting rules of conduct for the whole class
d. Make a report to the parents about their children’s misbehavior

26. Which is the final, indispensable component of a lesson plan?

a. Evaluation c. References
b. Activity d. Assignments

27. Carlo, a grade 2 pupil, plays with his classmates but cannot accept defeat. Based on Piaget’s theory on cognitive development, in
what development stage is Carlo?
a. Formal operation c. Pre-operational
b. Concrete operation d. Sensorimotor

28. Which seating arrangement has been proven to be effective for learning?
a. Flexible to suit varied activities
b. Fixed arrangement to maximize instructional time
c. Any seat arrangement to suit varied learning styles
d. A combination of fixed and flexible arrangement

29. Which can run counter to the encouragement you give to your students to ask questions?
a. Eye to eye contact c. Radiant face
b. An encouraging hand gesture d. Knitted eyebrows when a question is raised

30. Teacher Agot likes to show how the launching of spaceships takes place. Which of the following materials available is most fit?
a. Mock-up c. Replica
b. Realia d. Chart

31. Teacher Bonnie likes to concretize abstract concept of the water molecule. She came up with a concrete presentation by using
wires and plastic balls. How would you classify Teacher Bonnie’s visual aid?
a. Replica c. Realia
b. Chart d. Mock-up

32. Teacher Lenny demonstrated to the class how to focus the microscope, after which the students were asked to practice. Which
teacher prompting is least intrusive? Teacher Lenny ________.

a. Held the hand of a student and with her hand holding the student’s hand adjusted the mirror
b. Pointed to the mirror and made an adjusting gesture with her hand
c. Adjusted the mirror
d. Reminded the class to first adjust the mirror

33. A pupil who has developed a love for reading keeps in reading for his enjoyment. His motivation for reading is:
a. Insufficient c. Extrinsic
b. Intrinsic d. Both intrinsic and extrinsic

34. Which educational trend is occurring in all modern societies as a result of knowledge explosion and rapid social, technological and
economic changes?
a. Nuclear education c. Lifelong learning
b. International education d. Team teaching
35. With the advent of multi-media resources and computers, which is the most favorable result of the optimaluse of educational
media technology?
a. Interactive learning c. Speed learning
b. Increase learning d. More interesting learning

36. Which refers to the Filipino trait of practicing conflicting values in different venues and with different social groups?
a. “Kanya-kanya” mentality c. Existential intelligence
b. Procrastination d. Crab mentality

37. Which of these can measure awareness of values?

a. Projective techniques c. Moral dilemmas
b. Rating scales d. Sociogram

38. Which test determines whether students accept responsibility for their own behavior or pass on responsibility for their own
behavior to other people?
a. Locus-of-control tests c. Thematic tests
b. Sentence-completion tests d. Stylistic tests

39. Which process enhances the comparability of grades?

a. Giving more Higher Order thinking skills
b. Constructing departmentalized exam for each subject area
c. Determining the level of difficulty of the test
d. Using a table of specification

40. Under which type of guidance service does the concern of school to put students into their most appropriate courses fall?
a. Information service c. Individual inventory services
b. Placement service d. Research services

41. The teacher’s role in the classroom according to cognitive psychologist is to _______.
a. Make the learning task easy for the learner
b. Dictate what to learn upon the learner
c. Fill the minds of the learner with information
d. Help the learner connect what they know with new information from the teacher

42. Which questioning technique would be appropriate for inductive lessons?

a. Involve students actively in the questioning process
b. Expect participation only among the more motivated students
c. Use questions requiring only memory responses
d. As a teacher, you ask no questions

43. Which statement is true in a bell-shaped curve?

a. There are more high scores than low scores c. The scores are normally distributed
b. Most scores are high d. The bell curve shape is steep.

44. Here is a test item: DISTANT : NEAR :: GENUINE : _______. This item is a/an _________.
a. Analogy c. Metaphor
b. Riddle d. Completion

45. What refers to a single word or phrase that tells the computer to do something with program or file?
a. Computer language c. Command
b. Computer program d. Password

46. Can an insane person be blamed for killing a stranger?

a. Yes, because an insane person possesses a little degree of voluntariness
b. Yes, because an insane person is not totally ignorant
c. No, because of his ignorance and lack of voluntariness
d. No, because the one killed is a stranger, not in any way related to him
47. A political boss builds a school in a distant barrio in order to get the votes for an unworthy and corrupt candidate. Is the action of
the political boss moral?

a. No, the candidate is undeserving

b. No, his move was not meant for good effect
c. Yes, the votes were exchange for the school built
d. Yes, it was his duty to strategies for his candidate to win

48. The teacher’s first task in the selection of media in teaching is to determine the:

a. Choice of the teacher

b. Availability of the media
c. Technique to be used
d. Choice of the students

49. Which is the true foundation of the social order?

a. Strong political leadership

b. The reciprocation of rights and duties
c. Equitable distribution of wealth
d. Obedient citizen

50. All the examinees obtained scores below the mean. A graphic representation of the score distribution will be:

a. Perfect normal curve

b. Negatively skewed
c. Positively skewed
d. Leptokurtic
Part 12

1. In a normal distribution curve, a T-score of 70 is:

a. Two SDs above the mean c. One SD below the mean
b. Two SDs below the mean d. One SD above the mean

2. Which one stifles student’s initiative?

a. “Bahala na” c. Rationalism
b. “Utang na loob” d. Extreme authoritarianism

3. The following are trends in marking and reporting system, except:

a. Supplementing subject grades with checklist on traits
b. Conducting parent-teacher conferences as often as needed
c. Raising the passing grade from 70 to 80
d. Indicating strong points as well as those needing improvement

4. Which is a type of graph in which lines represent each score or set of scores?
a. Histogram c. Scatter plot
b. Scatter gram d. Frequency polygon

5. Which is an example of a perfect duty?

a. Paying the worker the wages agreed upon
b. Donating an amount for a noble project
c. Giving alms to the needy
d. Supporting a poor but deserving student to school

6. In what way can instructional aides enhance learning?

a. Entertain student c. Reinforce learning
b. Hold students in the classroom d. Take the place of the teacher

7. The study on types of reading exercises gives practice in:

a. All sorts of study methods c. Recognizing the precise meaning of words
b. Reading skills needed in other project d. Picking out the man ideas

8. How students learn may be more important than what they learn. From this principle, which of the following is particularly
a. Knowing how to solve a problem c. Getting the right answer to a word problem
b. Solving a problem within time allotted d. Determining the given

9. Kiko is very attached to his mother and Sharon to her father. In what developmental stage are they according to Freudian’s
psychological theory?
a. Phallic stage c. Oedipal stage
b. Latent stage d. Anal stage

10. A student dislikes Math due to traumatic experience in the past. Which law explains this?
a. Partial activity c. Vividness
b. Analogy d. Disposition/Mind set

11. Which illustrates vicarious punishment?

a. We feel so bad to a classmate who is punished for being tardy so we convince him go to school on time
b. Out of comparison, we volunteer to get punished in place of a friend
c. We charge to experience our being punished
d. See someone get punished for habitual tardiness. In effect, we are less likely to be tardy

12. In instructional planning, it is necessary that the parts of the plan from the first to the last have:
a. Symmetry c. Conciseness
b. Coherence d. Clarity
13. If Teacher Judith has to ask more higher-order questions, she has to ask more ________ questions.
a. convergent c. fact
b. closed d. divergent

14. For maximum interaction, a teacher ought to avoid ______ questions

a. rhetorical c. divergent
b. leading d. informational

15. The military training requirements among students in the secondary and tertiary levels can be traced as a strong influence of the:
a. Greeks c. Chinese
b. Romans d. Athenians

16. Teacher Marissa wants to review and check on the lesson of the previous day? Which one will be most reliable?
a. Having students correct each other’s work
b. Having students identify difficult homework problems
c. Explicitly reviewing the task relevant information for the day’s lesson
d. Sampling the understanding of a few students

17. To promote effective practice, which guideline should you bear in mind? Practice should be ____.
a. Difficult for students to learn a lesson c. Done in an evaluative atmosphere
b. Arranged to allow students to receive feedback d. Take place over a long period of time

18. Which is one role of play in the pre-school and early childhood years?
a. Separates reality from fantasy
b. Develops the upper and lower limbs
c. Develop competitive spirit
d. Increase imagination due to expanding knowledge and emotional range

19. Teacher Joel taught a lesson denoting ownership by means of possessives. He first introduced the rule, then gave examples,
followed by class exercise, then back to the rule before he moved it the second rule. Which presenting technique did he use?
a. Sequential c. Comparative
b. Combinational d. Whole-Part-Whole

20. For which may you use the direct instruction method?
a. Use a microscope properly
b. Distinguish war from aggression
c. Appreciate Milton’s Paradise Lost
d. Become aware of the pollutants around us

21. By what name is indirect instruction or Socratic methods also known?

a. Questioning method c. Indirect method
b. Morrison method d. Mastery learning

22. Which does not belong to the group of alternative learning systems?
a. Multi-age grouping c. Non-graded grouping
b. Multi-grade grouping d. Graded education

23. Student Ben was asked to report to the Guidance Office. Student Ben and his classmates at once remarked. “What’s wrong?” What
does this imply?
a. Reporting to a Guidance Office is often associated with misbehavior
b. Student Ben is a “problem” student
c. Guidance counselors are perceived to be “almighty and omniscient”
d. The parents of Students Ben must be of the delinquent type

24. A teacher combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for interdisciplinary teaching. Which
strategy/method did he use?
a. Unit method c. Problem entered learning
b. Thematic instruction d. Reading-writing method
25. Which is a major advantage of curriculum-based assessment?

a. It tends to focus on anecdotal information on student’s progress

b. It is based on a norm referenced measurement model
c. It is informal in nature
d. It connects testing with teaching

26. A school Division Superintendent was enthusiastically lecturing on the Accreditation Program for Public Elementary Schools
(APPES), its benefits and demands. Thinking of its many demands, most of the school heads were not very happy about it and the
older one were whispering “we have very reason to retire soon.” What does this tell about the change process?

a. People resist change for no reason

b. People tend to resist change
c. Resistance to change is insurmountable
d. Leadership can affect the desired change in persons despite opposition from the persons themselves.

27. In the problem solving method of teaching, which is the primary role of the teacher?
a. Clarifier c. Observer
b. Judge d. Director

28. To educate the child for freedom is to educate him/her to:

I. Respond to others
II. Respond to himself/herself
III. Do as he/she pleases
IV. Live as he/she desires
a. II and III c. I and II
b. I and III d. I and IV

29. I want to engage my students in small group discussion. Which topic lends itself to a lively discussion?
a. The meaning of the law of supply and demand c. The law of inertia
b. Rules on subject-verb agreement d. The exclusion of Pluto as a planet

30. In which of the following would programmed learning to be most likely to be found?
a. In a class divided into small groups
b. Independent study
c. In dyadic groups
d. In a class where teacher tries to individualized instruction

31. A master teacher, the resource speaker in an in-service training, presented the situated learning theory and encouraged her
colleagues to apply the same in class. Which did she not encourage her colleagues to do?
a. Apprenticeship c. Authentic problem solving
b. Learning as it normally occurs d. Decontextualized teaching

32. Which is the ultimate aim of classroom management?

a. To set up condition that brings about effective teaching and learning
b. To secure conformity to rules with ease
c. To make children realize that they cannot do everything they want
d. To remove the physical condition in the room

33. Under which teaching strategy does a School’s division practice of assigning a Girl Scout to serve as Superintendent of the Day or
Mayor of the Day for leadership training fall?
a. Panel discussion c. Simulation
b. Symposium d. Dramatization

34. Which approach makes you think of your thinking?

a. Constructivist c. Cognitive
b. Metacognitive d. Integrative
35. The grades make valid indicators of students’ achievements. Which process should be observed?

a. Explaining the meaning of marks and grades

b. Defining the course objective as intended learning outcomes
c. Adopting letter grades such as A, B, C and D
d. Giving objective type of tests

36. Who are not covered by the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers?
a. All full time or part time public and private school teacher and administrator
b. Teachers of academic, vocational, special, technical or non-formal institution
c. Teacher in the tertiary level
d. Teacher in all educational institutions at all levels

37. Which of the UNESCO’s four pillars of education is most related to peace education?
a. Learning to do c. Learning to live
b. Learning to know d. Learning to be

38. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to students’ ______.
a. high degree of independence c. unpreparedness for schooling
b. ambiance d. high degree of dependence on authority

39. When you use the overhead projector for topic presentation, point to the ______.
a. OHP slide c. OHP screen
b. OHP light d. Projection wall

40. Where do you make the correction of your notes while using the overhead projector?
a. On the slide c. On the projector wall
b. On the overhead projector d. On the screen

41. Authority comes from God and is meant to:

a. Help those given the authority to do their task
b. Distinguish those with authority from those without
c. Be lorded over others
d. Make the subjects of authority recognize their superiors

42. For a discussion of a topic from various perspectives, it is best to hold a/an ______.
a. Brainstorming c. Debate
b. Symposium d. Panel discussion

43. A Principal tells her teacher that training in the humanities is most important. To which educational philosophy does he adhere?
a. Perennialism c. Essentialism
b. Existentialism d. Progressivism

44. Jonna, a principal, shares this thought with her teachers. “Subject matter should help students understand and appreciate
themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and action.” From which philosophy
is this though based?
a. Essentialism c. Progressivism
b. Perennialism d. Existentialism

45. Who stressed the idea that students cannot learn if their basic needs are not first met?
a. Maslow c. Wertheimer
b. Miller d. Thorndike

46. A person, who has had painful experiences at the dentist’s office, may become fearful at the mere sight of the dentist’s office
building. Which theory can explain this?
a. Classical conditioning c. Operant conditioning
b. Generalization d. Attribution theory
47. One strength of an autobiography as a technique for personality appraisal is that ________.

a. It may be read by unauthorized people

b. It can replace data obtained from other data-gathering technique
c. It makes possible the presentation of intimate experiences
d. It gives complete data about the author

48. Which Millennium Development Goal (MDG) goal is related to the state’s goal for quality education?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

49. All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen, except:

a. Sex differences in IQ become more evident

b. They exhibit increased objectivity in thinking
c. They shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability
d. They show abstract thinking and judgment

50. One learns Math by building on the Math concepts previously learned. This is an application of:

a. Constructivist
b. Humanist
c. Physiological
d. S-R

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