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flow time of solvent

t0=210 sec

flow time ,t in
conc of
polymer 0--10 2--8 4--6 5--5 6--4 7--3 8--2 10--0

0.15 250.95 259.77 269.535 276.15 286.86 292.215 296.31 307.02

0.2 273 284.76 294.84 306.18 320.46 324.66 329.7 341.46
0.25 300.3 311.325 321.3 337.05 354.9 362.25 367.5 378
0.3 327.81 340.41 356.16 372.54 391.44 398.37 405.93 416.64
0.35 357.735 373.905 389.34 409.92 429.765 437.85 447.405 458.43
0.4 391.44 409.08 427.56 453.6 475.44 480.48 492.24 501.48
0.45 427.35 449.085 472.71 496.335 518.07 526.575 535.08 544.53
0.5 468.3 493.5 514.5 533.4 571.2 577.5 582.75 585.9

conc of
polymer 0--10 2--8 4--6 5--5 6--4 7--3 8--2 10--0

0.15 1.195 1.237 1.2835 1.315 1.366 1.3915 1.411 1.462

0.2 1.3 1.356 1.404 1.458 1.526 1.546 1.57 1.626
0.25 1.43 1.4825 1.53 1.605 1.69 1.725 1.75 1.8
0.3 1.561 1.621 1.696 1.774 1.864 1.897 1.933 1.984
0.35 1.7035 1.7805 1.854 1.952 2.0465 2.085 2.1305 2.183
0.4 1.864 1.948 2.036 2.16 2.264 2.288 2.344 2.388
0.45 2.035 2.1385 2.251 2.3635 2.467 2.5075 2.548 2.593
0.5 2.23 2.35 2.45 2.54 2.72 2.75 2.775 2.79

ln nr

0.178146 0.212689 0.249591 0.273837 0.311887 0.330382 0.344299 0.379805

0.262364 0.304539 0.339325 0.377066 0.42265 0.435671 0.451076 0.486123
0.357674 0.39373 0.425268 0.473124 0.524729 0.545227 0.559616 0.587787
0.445327 0.483043 0.528273 0.573237 0.622725 0.640274 0.659073 0.685115
0.532685 0.576894 0.617345 0.668854 0.716131 0.734769 0.756357 0.7807
0.622725 0.666803 0.710987 0.770108 0.817133 0.827678 0.851859 0.870456
0.710496 0.760105 0.811375 0.860144 0.903003 0.919286 0.935309 0.952816
0.802002 0.854415 0.896088 0.932164 1.000632 1.011601 1.020651 1.026042
0.195 0.237 0.2835 0.315 0.366 0.3915 0.411 0.462
0.3 0.356 0.404 0.458 0.526 0.546 0.57 0.626
0.43 0.4825 0.53 0.605 0.69 0.725 0.75 0.8
0.561 0.621 0.696 0.774 0.864 0.897 0.933 0.984
0.7035 0.7805 0.854 0.952 1.0465 1.085 1.1305 1.183
0.864 0.948 1.036 1.16 1.264 1.288 1.344 1.388
1.035 1.1385 1.251 1.3635 1.467 1.5075 1.548 1.593
1.23 1.35 1.45 1.54 1.72 1.75 1.775 1.79

0.15 1.3 1.58 1.89 2.1 2.44 2.61 2.74 3.08
0.2 1.5 1.78 2.02 2.29 2.63 2.73 2.85 3.13
0.25 1.72 1.93 2.12 2.42 2.76 2.9 3 3.2
0.3 1.87 2.07 2.32 2.58 2.88 2.99 3.11 3.28
0.35 2.01 2.23 2.44 2.72 2.99 3.1 3.23 3.38
0.4 2.16 2.37 2.59 2.9 3.16 3.22 3.36 3.47
0.45 2.3 2.53 2.78 3.03 3.26 3.35 3.44 3.54
0.5 2.46 2.7 2.9 3.08 3.44 3.5 3.55 3.58

ln nr/c
1.187641 1.417927 1.663938 1.825578 2.079245 2.202549 2.295324 2.532036
1.311821 1.522696 1.696627 1.885328 2.11325 2.178355 2.255378 2.430615
1.430698 1.574919 1.701071 1.892495 2.098914 2.180908 2.238463 2.351147
1.484422 1.610144 1.760908 1.91079 2.075749 2.134246 2.196911 2.283717
1.521957 1.648269 1.763844 1.911013 2.046089 2.09934 2.161019 2.230572
1.556812 1.667008 1.777468 1.925271 2.042833 2.069195 2.129647 2.17614
1.57888 1.689121 1.803055 1.91143 2.006673 2.042858 2.078464 2.117368
1.604003 1.708831 1.792176 1.864328 2.001264 2.023202 2.041301 2.052083
y = 2.7286x + 2.0582
y = 2.8905x + 1.7006 R² = 0.9956
3.5 R² = 0.9904 y = 2.4762x + 2.2452
R² = 0.9966
y = 1.5381x + 2.8326 y = 2.9524x + 1.423
R² = 0.9914 R² = 0.996

y = 2.3381x + 2.4001
R² = 0.9965
y = 3.1119x + 1.1374
y = 3.2333x + 0.8642 R² = 0.9986
R² = 0.9936

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

y = -0.7203x + 2.4086 y = 0.3957x + 1.6163
2.5 y = -0.5483x + 2.2945
y = -0.304x + 2.1568
y = -1.3105x + 2.6976
ln nr/c

y = 0.1191x + 1.8521
y = 0.7578x + 1.3586

0.5 y = 1.1109x + 1.0985

R² = 0.8895

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
slope intercept k=slope/(intercept)^2

3.233 0.8642 4.328896

3.1119 1.1374 2.405466
2.9524 1.423 1.458026
2.8905 1.7006 0.999467
2.7286 2.0582 0.644117
2.4762 2.2452 0.49122
2.3381 2.4001 0.405886
1.5381 2.836 0.191237

slope intercept k'=slope/(intercept)^2 k-k'

1.1109 1.0985 0.920608 3.408288
0.7578 1.3586 0.410555 1.994911
0.3957 1.6163 0.151468 1.306558
0.1191 1.8521 0.03472 0.964747
-0.304 2.1568 -0.06535 0.709468
-0.5483 2.2945 -0.10415 0.595365
-0.7203 2.4086 -0.12416 0.530047
-1.3105 2.6976 -0.18009 0.371324

n1 2.836 b1 1.5381
n2 0.8642 b2 3.233

0.8642 1.25856 1.65292 1.8501 2.04728 2.24446 2.44164 2.836

Nm 1.9718 1.14154 0.59228 0.2081 -0.34668 -0.82146 -1.3042 -1.9718

immiscibl immiscibl immisciblimmiscibl immiscibl immiscibl miscibl miscibl
e e e e e e e

b11 1.5381 b22 3.233

b12id 2.38555 b12ideal 2.2299

del b' -0.0474 0.09065 0.34305 0.50495 0.56685

delb 0.1082 0.2463 0.4987 0.6606 0.7225
miscible miscible miscible miscible
km alpha beta
0 0 0 NA
0.393068 0.08586 0.085867 miscible
0.492622 0.09845 0.098452 miscible
0.652331 0.14036 0.14036 miscible
0.846387 0.170601 0.17052 miscible
1.08313 0.17311 0.173 miscible
1.96674 0.169028 0.16902 miscible
0 0 0 NA

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