Fadzai Proposal Final

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Supervisor engineer s.ncube

Topic waste management

Year final project proposal

Table of Contents
1.1 PROJECTTOPIC............................................................................................................................... 3
Waste management.................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 PROJECT TITLE ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 AIM ................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 PROBLEM STATEMENT .................................................................................................................. 4
1.6 RESEARCH QUESTIONS? ................................................................................................................ 4
1.6.1 Can nutrients in stock feeds waste be utilized to produce organic fertilizer, a valuable end
product? 4
1.6.2 What composition nutrient content is this fertilizer? ............................................................ 4
1.7 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.8 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION ............................................................................................................... 4
1.9 LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.10 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.11 PROJECT LAYOUT ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.12 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 8
Waste management
Utilization of nutrients in stock feed waste through vermicomposting to produce organic fertilizer.

1.3 AIM
To produce organic fertilizer by utilizing the nutrients in stock feed waste.

Increase in poultry production has led to disposal of huge organic waste at Country Feeds plant,
approximately an average of 300 tonnes per month is deposited as waste. Stock feed waste
collected from different operation points within the plant was being piled into stacks. This has
adversely caused negative environmental impact and space shortages at the plant. The waste is
attracting pathogens or pests are may end up migrating and distracting the desired product.

This research project serves to economically utilize nutrients in the piled waste production into a
more valuable end product and at the same time managing huge piles of waste at Country Feeds
plant. This research is also going to help all firms having challenge in managing organic waste. It
was observed that waste from produced from food manufacturing of poultry feeds contains
different nutrients, but mostly proteins. Almost all poultry feeds contain soya beans, a universal
raw material. This raw material has high protein content.

Vermicomposting has been found to be a significant method of converting organic waste to organic
fertilizer, which is widely used for plant growth (Manikandan et al, 2018) (Monireh et al, 2012).
This process uses type of earthworms called epigeic to decompose organic waste to organic
fertilizer (Satywati et al, 2005). During the vermicomposting process nutrients in organic waste
are biochemically converted into more soluble and nutritious form.
For the past seven years Country Feeds have been experiencing in the disposal of waste from stock
feeds production. Approximately an average of 300 tons per month is collected from different
points in the plant. The waste usually consists of (expired feeds from different selling outlets,
rejected /poorly processed full fat soya beans, cyclone dusts, etc.).Stacked waste into piles has
created space shortages and negative environmental impacts at the plant. Piling waste is attracting
pests or pathogens that are affecting product quality of the desired product in the warehouse. This
has resulted in huge losses of finished product.

Sometimes waste is sold to poultry farmers or individual customers but at a breakeven price.
However the waste is being sold at customer’s risk, since there is no equipment to first screen
it.Though the waste is being sold at a low price it has limited customers.


1.6.1 Can nutrients in stock feeds waste be utilized to produce organic fertilizer, a valuable end
1.6.2 What composition nutrient content is this fertilizer?

 Analyzing nutrient composition in piled stock feed waste.
 To synthesize organic fertilizer from cultured epigeic earthworms.
 To analyze the nutrient composition of organic fertilizer.
 Compare results obtained on objective 2 to standard nutrient composition for organic


Treating waste from stock feed processing with epigeic earthworms is a cost effective method
which seeks to make Country Feeds plant more profitable by economically utilizing nutrients in
waste and come up with organic fertilizer as an end product. Organic fertilizer will attract more
customer, mostly in the agriculture sector. Also organic fertilizer can substitute chemical fertilizer
which is expensive and cause negative environmental problems. Based on the researches that have
been carried, organic fertilizer has been recommended by agronomist since it improves soil fertility
and aeration of the soil (K.Rajiv, 2010). It contains nutrients (for example nitrogen, potassium,
phosphorous, magnesium, iron) which promote plant growth and also helps plants to resist pest
attack (Monireh et al, 2012). Organic fertilizers when applied to plants they also tend to hold more
nutrients in soluble form for longer period without causing environmental degradation such as
leaching (Satywati et al, 2005) (Yvonne Indrain et al, 2018). Use of organic fertilizer worldwide
will help to increase crop productivity and achieve food security.

During the bioconversion of waste into organic fertilizer pollution environmental issues are also
addressed, since organic waste is used a substrate for enzymes in the intestines of the earthworms.
Treatment of waste will also help in conserving product quality of the final product. Since piles of
waste tend to attract and promote growth of pests or pathogens that might end up contaminating
the desired product.


Generation and disposal of solid organic waste from industrial activities, municipal, agricultural
activities and household has become a problematic issue in Zimbabwe. Solid organic waste are
made of organic elements like carbon, hydrogen ,nitrogen .They are also biodegradable and have
moisture content of below 85%-90% (Bhavisha Sharma et al, 2019).This problem is not only
affecting Zimbabwe, but it’s also affecting most developing countries in Africa. Since these
countries are still growing economically, they engage in activities that will generate more waste
(C.Makwara & Magudu, 2013) (M.Taiwo, 2011).Generation of waste high while its management
is not done properly, that is why piles of waste are seen everywhere. Dumped organic waste has
caused environmental pollution, emission of greenhouse gases, and spread of diseases and pests.
Work has been done by other researchers to find out how best this waste can be utilized. Several
technologies including composting, vermicomposting, and anaerobic digestion have been
employed in order to stabilize that waste (Bhavisha Sharma et al, 2019). These technologies if put
in practice will help to reduce negative effects posed by dumped organic waste resulting in reduced
emission of greenhouse gases, substitution of chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer etc.

This research study is going to focus on vermicomposting as an ultimate solution to organic waste.
Vermicomposting was traditionally used to treat waste because it’s ‘cheaper’ and easy. In 1996
Summer Olympics in Sydney Australia, cultured earthworms to commercially utilize nutrients in
organic waste to produce worm castings which he sold (Chandrakant, 2018).Worm casting is the
other component of organic fertilizer. The process is said to be biochemical because enzymes in
earthworm gut act upon the waste, which is their substrate .Therefore in order to accelerate the rate
of decomposition rate favorable conditions and right substrate must be provided to the earthworm.

Earthworms are non-vertebrates that are classified into three broad groups, according to their
feeding habits .Classes of earthworms are epigeic,anecic and endogeic (Chandrakant, 2018).For
vermicomposting, epigeic type of earthworms are preferably used for decomposition of organic
waste. Epigeic earthworms live near the surface of the soil surface and they mainly feed on organic
waste or decaying matter .Researches have observed that epigeic earthworms have high
metabolism rate and can rapidly reproduce provided they are given favorable conditions .Both
female and male reproductive organs are present in every earthworm, they are therefore referred
to as hermaphrodis (Satywati et al, 2005) (J.Dominguez, 2018). Epigeic earthworms will
reproduce and metabolism at a higher rate when they are with substrate which is highly nutritious
like stock feed waste and favorable environmental conditions.


Fig 1 shows a summarized block flow of how the researcher is going to carry out the experiment.
Experiments are going to be conducted, in order to find out if the earthworms had utilized the
nutrients in stock feed waste.Epigeic earthworms were cultured in a large beaker, the earthworms
were supplied with a solution containing all nutrients.

A random sample 25kg was collected at different points on the heap of waste at Country Feeds.
The sample was grinded and mixed. From a 25 kg sample a random sample of 10kg was collected
and weighed. Three different samples of 2 kg were collected and weighed.

Samples were labelled A, B, C and nutrient composition of each sample was determined using an
Infra NIR analyzer. A 2kg sample of each substrate (stock feed waste) was filled in a perforated
plastic tray to enhance good aeration.

In each sample twenty worms of almost same length were added for initial vermicomposting
process. Trays were covered with a cloth to prevent earthworms from going out. All the
experiments were exposed to different conditions (moisture content, temperature) for six weeks.

After six weeks worms were separated from end product, an infra NIR analyzer is going to be used
in order to determine nutrient composition (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous).


Chapter Description
Chapter 1 :Introduction  Is the introductory chapter of the project?
Chapter 2: Literature review  This chapter describes how earthworms plays a role in
conversion of stock feed waste to organic fertilizer.
Chapter 3: Experimental procedure  This chapter gives details of experiments that the researcher
conducted and the procedure followed.
Chapter 4: Results and discussion  The researcher will analyze and discuss results obtain from the
Chapter 5: Conclusion and  The researcher will draw conclusion based on the results
recommendations obtained and recommend.


1. A.Aalok, 2009. Role of Earthwormsin breaking down solid wate. Dynamic soil, Issue 2, pp. 13-20.

Bhavisha Sharma et al, 2019. Recycling of Organic Wastes in Agriculture: An Environmental Perspective.
International Journal of Environmental Research, 1(1), pp. 4-22.
C.Makwara, E. & Magudu, S., 2013. Urban Solid Waste Management in Zimbabwe. European Journal of
Sustainable Developmen, 2(1), pp. 67-98.

Carol Sze Ki Lin et al, 2013. Food waste as valuable resource of production of chemicals and fuels. Energy
and enviromental science, Volume 6, pp. 426-464.

Chandrakant, V. S., 2018. Vermicomposting is best solution for disposal of organic waste as renuable
source. International journal of Science and Engineering, 1(1), pp. 6-10.

J.Dominguez, 2018. Earthworms and vermicomposting. 6th ed. New york: s.n.

K.Rajiv, 2010. Vermistabilization of sewage sludge. Internal Journal of Environmental Science, Volume
01, pp. 1-20.



M.Taiwo, 2011. Composting as A Sustainable Waste Management Technique in Developing Countries.

Journal of Environmental Science, 4(2), pp. 93-102.

Manikandan.T ;et al, 2018. An experimental study to access vermicomposting by vegetable and fruit
waste. Internal research journal of Engineering and Technology, 05(03), pp. 216-222.

Monireh et al, 2012. Vermicomposting of food waste. Environmental health science and engineering,
Volume 02, pp. 9-25.

Patancheru et al, 2005. Vermicomposting :Recycling waste into usable organic fertilizer. 2(1).

Satywati et al, 2005. Potentiality of earthworms for waste management and other uses. Journal of
American Science, 1(1), pp. 4-16.

Yvonne Indrain et al, 2018. Recycling of organic waste in agriculture, 1(1), pp. 1-14.

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