Igcse Ict 0417 p1 Notes PDF

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Effects of Using ICT

1. Discuss the use of blogs and social networking sites as means of

Six from:
1. Blog is public/anyone can see it
2. Blog is online diary/personal opinions
3. Viewers can only add comments on blogs/authors can reply to
4. Only author can edit blog
5. Social networking sites might only be available to friends of user
6. Social networking site enable users to send messages to small group
of ‘friends’ to arrange meetings
7. Friends can respond more quickly to messages within the group to
confirm availability
8. Easier to share photographs with others
9. Social networking sites can lead to seclusion from society
10. Social networking sites can lead to cyber bullying

2. Robots are now used on many car production lines.

Tick four ways that their use has affected workers in the car
3. A bank is looking into a variety of security measures to protect
its customers’ data. It is worried that hackers may gain access and
cause viruses to infect the system.
(a) Explain what a virus means and what it does.
(b) Describe three ways in which a bank customer could protect
their computer from becoming infected.

(a) Three from:

1. A piece of programming code/software/program/script
2. It replicates itself
3. Attaches itself to files
4. Corrupts/deletes files/data
5. Can corrupt or erase the contents of the hard disk
6. Can completely fill the hard disk/memory making it unusable/slows
down operations
7. Makes software/operating system unusable
8. One mark is available for an accurate description of method of
(b) Three from:
1. Regularly update antivirus/use/install antivirus
2. Only use storage media from known sources
3. Only accept software/download software from known/trusted websites
4. Only visit trusted websites
5. Only open attachments from known sources/people you know
4. Describe what is meant by a
(a) Blog and
(b) A wiki.

(a) Two from:

1. Web log
2. Personal journal/online diary
3. Owners’ observations/opinions on a topic
4. Can have links to other sites
5. Others can post comments
6. Frequently updated by owner
(b) Two from:
1. Allows users to create/edit web pages using a web browser
2. Many people can contribute/edit/update entries
3. Anyone can contribute so not to be taken as totally accurate
4. Holds information on many topics which can be searched

5. (a) Explain what is meant by software copyright.

(b) Explain how software manufacturers attempt to prevent
copyright being broken.

(a) Two from:

1. Lawful protection..........given to authors/software companies and
2. Relates to the software the author/publisher/company
3. Prohibits purchaser from making unlimited copies/lend it to
others/change the software/sell it without the company’s permission
(b) Two from:
1. Encryption of the execution code requires a key to run
2. Use of a dongle
3. Registration system requiring the typing in of a registration code
4. “Guards” are hardware or software modules that monitor the running
program and ensure that it has not been tampered with in any way
5. Activation code which can be used only on a limited number of

6. Robots are now used on many car production lines.

Discuss the benefits and drawbacks to the car company of using
Seven from:
1. Car production is more consistent/robots produce the same standard
every time
2. Cost – once bought they do not have to be paid/fewer employees so
lower costs/don’t have to pay robots wages/lower running costs
3. No industrial disputes
4. Greater productivity
5. Greater accuracy/robots are more accurate
6. Can work in hazardous/extreme conditions/can lift heavier loads
7. Robots don’t take breaks/can work 24 hours a day 7 days a week/can
work continuously
8. Robots have to be reprogrammed when there is a small change/can’t
think for themselves
9. Robots need programming in order to be adaptable
10. Expensive start up costs – redundancy payments
11. Expensive start up costs – have to spend money on training
workers to use robots
12. Expensive start up costs – buying of robots/programming of
13. Computer crash would halt production
14. Maintenance/repair costs can be expensive

7. Describe how the following health problems can arise due to the
use of computers. Give a different cause for each.
1. RSI in the wrists
2. RSI in the fingers
3. Headaches
4. Back pain

RSI in the wrists – caused by repetitive typing/prolonged gripping of mouse

RSI in the fingers – caused by repetitive clicking of mouse
Headaches – staring at the screen for too long
Back pain – sitting in the same position for long periods

8. Tick whether the following statements apply to Blogs or apply to

9. Describe three differences between a blog and a wiki.
Three from:
1. Blog usually has a single author/ a Wiki usually has many authors
2. Blog is usually in reverse chronological structure/ a Wiki has a
structure determined by content and users
3. Blog is usually personal/someone’s opinion/ a Wiki is usually objective
4. Can’t edit a blog/ a Wiki can be edited/ Can only add comments to a

10. There are many safety issues associated with the use of
Tick three methods which could be used to avoid these issues.
11. A company uses robots to manufacture cars.
(a) Tick four advantages to the company of using robots rather than
humans to manufacture cars.

(b) Describe three tasks that humans will have to do when robots
are used to manufacture cars.

(b) Three from:

1. Programming robots
2. Changing robot arm tools/end effectors
3. Maintaining robots
4. Supervising operations
5. Quality control/inspecting finished cars

12. Describe what is meant by pharming.

Three from:
1. Installing malicious code on a PC or server
2. User is redirected to bogus website
3. User accesses websites which look authentic but belong to the
4. Are used to gain bank/personal details

13. A company owns several stores, which offer internet shopping

to customers.
(a) Give three advantages to the company of internet shopping.
(b) Give three disadvantages to the company of internet shopping.

(a) Three from:

1. Fewer staff needed – less spent on wages
2. Fewer shops needed – less spent on rates/rent/utilities
3. Less actual cash handled – fewer robberies
4. Less money spent on security staff
5. Potentially larger customer base

(b) Three from:

1. Initial cost of hardware/software is expensive
2. Need to retrain staff
3. Less customer loyalty/loss of customers/more difficult to sell other
services/product due to lack of personal touch
4. Costs of system maintenance
5. Greater costs due to more delivery staff

14. Describe what is meant by phishing.

Three from:
1. Fraudster sends an e-mail which appear to be authentic
2. Is sent by a fraudster posing as a bank/organisation
3. In order to get the target's bank details/personal details
15. Students at a school use the internet to research their work.
Discuss the reliability of information found on the internet.

Six from:
1. Internet is not policed so information is not necessarily reliable
2. Anybody can have a website so information is not necessarily reliable
3. Anybody can publish their understanding of a topic so information is
not necessarily reliable
4. If site has excessive advertising it could be unreliable
5. If the advertising is related only to its own products it could be
6. The final part of a URL can help to identify reliability…
7. … .ac, .gov, .org are usually fairly reliable
8. Can compare information from sites to see if it is reliable
9. If site is endorsed by reliable/reputable people/organisations it can be
accepted as being reliable
10. If it has links to other reliable sites it is usually reliable
11. If it has testimonials it is likely to be reliable
12. If the author’s credentials are good it is likely to be reliable
13. If information is comparable to information from
reliable/authenticated/text books it is likely to be reliable
14. If the date of the last update was a long time ago it is likely to be

16. Give four benefits of using social networking sites.

Four from:
1. Easy to keep in immediate contact with friends/make new friends
2. Easy to communicate to more than one friend/to communicate with
people overseas
3. Can search for people who you’ve fallen out of touch with
4. Easy to arrange meetings/visits to cinemas/theatre
5. Can share photographs/videos/images/opinions/views

17. The growth of the internet has led to many new developments.
Explain what the following terms mean.
- Spyware
- Spam
- Social networking site

Two from:
1. Software that gathers data from computers without the user realising
2. It monitors and records all key presses
3. It sends this information back to the hacker who sent it out
Two from:
1. Electronic junk mail/sending of unsolicited emails
2. Sent to everybody on a mailing list/many emails sent at once
3. Can slow down networks
4. Can fill up the receiver’s mail box and therefore hard disk
Social networking site
Two from:
1. Online communities of like minded users
2. Enables users to share photos
3. Enables users to communicate with each other
4. Enables users to organise meetings
5. Allows users to set up profiles

18. Sarjit has a desktop computer at home which he uses for

internet banking.
(a) Identify two other computer systems he could use to do internet
banking when away from home.
(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to banks of using
internet banking.
(a) Two from:
Smart phone
Laptop with internet access
Tablet computer

(b) Six from:

1. Fewer bank tellers so less paid out in wages
2. Less actual cash handled – fewer robberies
3. Have access to a wider customer base
4. Fewer branch offices needed – less spent on rates/rent/utilities
5. Less money spent on security staff
1. Initial cost of hardware/software is expensive
2. Need to retrain staff
3. Loss of customers/more difficult to sell other services due to lack of
personal touch
4. Costs of system maintenance

19. Computers can cause health problems. Identify two of these

problems and for each problem write down a method which would
help you avoid it. Do not use the same method for both answers.

Two problems from:

1. Headaches (from staring at screen continuously)
2. Eyestrain (from staring at screen continuously)
3. RSI in fingers (from continual typing/repetitive clicking of mouse)
4. RSI in wrists (from continual typing/repetitive clicking of mouse)
5. Backache from sitting in same position all day

Two matching methods from:

1. Use anti-glare screen (headaches/eyestrain)
2. Take regular breaks (all)
3. Use ergonomic keyboard (RSI)
4. Use wrist rests (RSI)
5. Use straight backed chair/maintain good posture (backache)

20. In online banking data can be misused by hackers. Name three

types of security measure which can be used to help to prevent this.
For each one give an advantage and a disadvantage.

Three matched triples from:

Authentication technique/User ID and Passwords/PIN/memorable data

Only person who knows password can access data
Key logging software can detect key presses/passwords can be intercepted
by expert hackers/user can forget password

Data is scrambled into unreadable form/only person/computer with key can
understand data
Data can still be deleted from system

Only allowed users/computers can access data
It is not necessarily the hacker that is excluded but the computer/hackers
might use an acceptable computer

Digital certificates
Only computer with certificate can access data
Can be expensive to purchase
Anti Spyware
Prevents spyware from invading your computer and gaining personal
Doesn’t work for all invasions/needs to be continually updated

It is a double layer of security
PIN can be forgotten/if misused can generate wrong TAN

21. A number of people use methods to defraud online bank

customers. Name and describe two of these methods.

Two matched pairs from:

Hackers send an e-mail asking for a customer’s details/appear to be from the
bank/says that the bank needs the information/asks the customer for
password, card or account number

Redirects a genuine website’s traffic to hacker’s website
Spyware/key logging software
Software which detects key presses on the keyboard when the user logs on
to bank account

22. A schoolteacher is creating a slide show to describe a typical

week in her life.
She has been advised that it could be easier to use a Blog rather
than create a slide show.
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using a Blog.

One advantage from:

1. She can update it more regularly
2. More personal
3. Can be used as a diary
4. More interactive

One disadvantage from:

1. Has to be continually updated
2. Animation/video/sound more difficult to incorporate
3. It’s possible for people she might not want (e.g. outside school) to see
her blog
4. Not everyone she would want to see it might have the internet

23. Explain the difference between phishing and pharming.

Three from:
1. Phishing is done by email
2. Can invite you to go to a website/respond to an email
3. Pharming is done by installing malicious code on a pc or server
4. Redirects a genuine website’s traffic to hacker’s websites

24. Explain what is meant by hacking.

Two from:
1. Gaining unauthorised access to a computer system
2. (May lead to) illegally copying data from a system
3. (May lead to) illegally amending data in a system
4. (May lead to) illegally deleting data from a system
5. Gaining authorised access to a system but exceeding their authority’s

25. There are many microprocessor controlled devices in the

modern home. Describe the effects of these on people’s lifestyles.

Four from:
Microprocessor controlled devices do much of houseworkDo not need to do
many things manuallyDo not need to be in the house when food is cooking
Do not need to be in the house when clothes are being washedCan leave
their home to go shopping/work at any time of the dayGreater social
interaction/more family timeMore time to go out/more leisure time/more
time to do other things/work Are able to do other leisure activities when
convenient to themCan lead to unhealthy eating due to dependency on
ready mealsCan lead to laziness/lack of fitnessCan encourage a healthy
lifestyle because of smart fridges analyzing food constituentsMicroprocessor
controlled burglar alarm provides a sense of security Do not have to leave
home to get fitManual household skills are lost

26. A school encourages its students to use the Internet for

research purposes. Discuss the issues relating to such use with
reference to the reliability and desirability of the information.

Eight from:
Not all information is accurate
Some information is purely for advertising/selling purposes
Might need proxy server to prevent access to certain types of site
Some information is pornographic
Anyone can put information on the Internet
Much of the information on the Internet is not filtered
Need to identify the validity of the author
Need to be careful about whether information is fact or opinion
Information can be biased
Results from search engine could be skewed because of
Internet is not policed
So much information available which might be unreliable

Wide range of information to select (desirable/reliable information)
Able to search quickly (using search engines) to find (reliable/desirable)
Information can be downloaded and edited (to make it desirable/reliable)
Can use the final part of a URL to identify reliability
Information can be up to date/real time so reliable
.ac, .gov, .org are usually fairly reliable
Can compare information from sites to see if it is reliable

27. Many people are now using the Internet for banking, shopping,
booking holidays and theatre tickets. Discuss this development and
its effect on the general public.

Eight from:
1. Less danger of mugging
2. Saves time rather than queuing
3. Don’t have to waste time travelling to shops / banks / theatres etc.
4. Disabled people don’t have to travel / leave home
5. Don’t have to spend money on travelling expenses (travelling long
distances to shops / banks / theatres)
6. Greater choice of goods / seats
7. Can shop when shops / bank are closed / can book tickets when
theatres are closed / can shop / bank / book 24/7
8. Less traffic pollution

1. Lack of socialising / social contacts
2. Customers must have a computer / (basic) computer skills
3. Hackers may intercept data / defraud customer
4. Deprived of personal touch
5. Phone bills can increase
6. Without broadband other family members cannot use the phone
7. Cannot see / feel goods in reality
8. More vulnerable to phishing
9. Lack of exercise
10. May not get the exact goods they ordered

28)People can access the Internet using mobile (cell) phones,

laptops and their PCs.
Compare and contrast the use of these different devices to access
the Internet:

1) Mobile phones/laptops are portable, PCs are not

2) Keyboard on mobile phone is smaller/difficult to type
3) Mobile phone display is smaller than laptop or PC
4) Mobile phone may not be able to access certain sites
5) Signal is likely to be more reliable with PC/laptops as they can be
6) Slower to access the internet with mobile phone
7) May not always be able to access the internet using a mobile phone or
8) More likely to have a mobile phone with you
9) Can access the internet from greater number of places with a mobile
10) Easier to use a mobile phone while on the move
11) Some sites do not have full facilities for mobile phones

29) Describe two advantages and two disadvantages of using


1) Advantages–Unique so students can’t check each other in

2) Students could forget cards
3) Students could lose cards
4) Sets of cards may be expensive to buy

Disadvantages –

1) Students will feel personal liberty infringed/parents might object to

children’s fingerprints being taken

2) Method can be slower than cards

3) Equipment/set up is more expensive

4) Time taken to gather all the fingerprints would be very long

30)Discuss the advantages and disadvantages, in terms of cost, to
customers of using the Internet for home shopping:


Don’t have to spend money on travelling to shops

Goods may be cheaper as shops have less staff to pay/less premises to rent

Don’t have to pay car parking charges

Don’t have to pay for shopping bagsVouchers/special deals are often only
available online

Comparison websites will find you the cheapest option/can compare prices
more easily


May have to pay delivery charges

Postal costs of returning items

Initial cost of equipment/phone line

ISP costs/Possible high connection charges

Describe the role of the microprocessor in an automatic washing


Microprocessor is programmed with pre-set values

Microprocessor starts cycle at specified time

Microprocessor reads data from sensors

Checks contact switch on door is closed

If it isn’t microprocessor will not start the cycle/if it is microprocessor starts


Microprocessor compares sensor readings with pre-set valueIf temperature is

above pre-set value, microprocessor switches off heater
If temperature is below pre-set value, microprocessor switches on heater

If pressure is greater than preset value, microprocessor sounds alarm

Microprocessor checks pressure reading and calculates the amount of water

to use

At start of cycle, microprocessor opens valve to let in waterIf water level

reached, microprocessor switches off valve

Microprocessor ends cycle at specified time

MICR: MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Reader and it reads data off
of bank cheques. Characters read by magnetic reader, characters compared
with characters stored in computer, converted to text for entry into system.

OMR: OMR stands for Optical Mark Reader and it is used in multiple-choice
exams, registers. It requires a special layout and it can only read pencil
marks. Read using scanner. Marks are identified. This special format is

OCR: OCR stands for Optical Character Reader. It is used in checking

passports and utility bills. It converts hard copy sheets into digital text using
scanner. It can then be edited later using special software like Word. Cannot
read handwriting very well. Image compared with characters stored in
computer, converted to text for use by other software.

Comparison between intranet and Internet:

Internet is network of networks/intranet doesn’t have to be a network of

networks Internet is global Intranet is within one organisation Intranet is
private/Internet is public Intranets tend to be policed/managed Intranet has
an extra layer of security Data found in an intranet is likely to be more
reliable/relevant than that found on the Internet Internet has more
information than an intranet

Give 3 reasons why backing storage is needed:

1)To access data quickly

2) Original may get have viruses or loss of data


Greenhouse: Temperature Moisture Humidity Light pHGas sensor (O2, CO2)

Three output devices to control growing conditions:

water sprinkler/humidifier - humidity heater/cooler/air con. - temperature
light bulb – light intensity/levelmotor for opening/closing windows -
temperature fan – temperature

Describe the computer processing which would be required to maintain the

necessary growing conditions:

Temperature is compared with preset value If lower microprocessor switches

on heater If lower microprocessor shuts windowsIf higher microprocessor
switches heater off If higher microprocessor switches fan onIf higher
microprocessor opens windows

Humidity is compared with preset value Moisture level is compared with

preset value If lower microprocessor switches on sprinkler If higher
microprocessor switches off sprinkler

Light is compared with preset valueIf lower microprocessor switches on light

bulb If higher microprocessor switches off light bulb


Some situations are/real thing might be dangerous/ model is less dangerous

Cost of building real thing may be expensive

Real thing may waste raw materials/natural resources

Easier to change/modify

Costs less to change data/variables

The real thing may be impossible to access/create

Real thing may be on too vast a scale

It may take a long time to obtain results from the real thing

Extremes which can’t be tested in real life can be tested using models


10c) May June 2007

typing in the data twice and comparing them NOT PROOF-READING


Causes data to be scrambled/encodedRequires an encryption key/software
to encryptRequires a decryption key/encryption software to decrypt Results
in data which is not understandable/readable protects sensitive datafrom
being understood if falls in to the wrong hands.


Lose older customers who don’t like changeInitial set up costs of equipment/
Initial outlay on computers expensive Need to employ highly paid technical
experts to maintain system Initial large redundancy paymentsUpset/Lose
customers due to lack of personal touchGreater risk of fraud so lose
money/description of effects of phishing Need to retrain staff


socialising/ social contactsIdentity theft/misuse of personal dataCustomers
must have a computer/Internet access/(basic) computer skills Hackers may
intercept data and defraud customer

Deprived of personal touchEasier for customers to mismanage accounts

Phone bills can increaseWithout broadband other family members cannot
use the phone Cannot deposit/withdraw cash/moneyMore vulnerable to


cheques are collected togetherduring the course of the daycheques are then
processed all at once cheques are processed overnightbank accounts
updated following morning


Check digittwo from:A single digitis calculated using the other digitsand
added on to the end of the numberrecalculated at a later stage to ensure
validity of data entry


The bar code field in the data file is read Record by recordUntil a match is
found with the bar code entered The corresponding number in stock is read
One is subtracted from this numberWritten back to file.


PIN is enteredPIN is read from chipNumbers comparedIf identical, transaction

is authorised If not identical transaction refused


Details from customer’s card readBank code allows shop computer to
contact bank’s computerCard details checked for not stolenAccount checked
for sufficient fundsIf card stolen or insufficient funds then transaction is
rejectedIf card not stolen and sufficient funds then transaction is authorised
Amount deducted from customer’s bank accountAmount credited to shop’s
bank accountreceipt printed out


webcams/small video ,cameras microphones, MODEM, COMPUTER


Benefits: Can call meeting at short notice No need to pay travelling expenses
Can work from home Employees will save time travelling Do not have to pay
hotel expenses Do not have to pay for conference room facilities Safer as
participants do not have to travel Don’t have to transport/carry
equipment/lots of documents/documents don’t get lost in transit Four max.
Drawbacks: Takes time/costs money to learn new technology/to be trained
Difficult to have international meetings because of time differences Initial
cost of hardware (and software) Equipment can break down/power cuts can
stop conference Poor strength of signal/time lag/lip sync can be a problem/
connection can be lost Loss of personal/social contact Legal documents
cannot be signed


Technical- How to load software/ run software/install softwareHow to save a fileHow to 
searchHow to sortHow to printHow to add recordsHow to delete/edit recordsPurpose of the 
systemInput format or exampleOutput format or exampleHardware requirementsSoftware 
requirementsSample runs/test runsLimitations of the systemTroubleshooting guide/contact 
details/help line/faqsError messages/handlingTutorials [2] 

User-Program coding/listingName of program languageSystem flowchartProgram 
flowchart/algorithmList of variablesFile structurePurpose of the programPurpose of the system 
(only if not mentioned in user documentation)Input format or example (only if not mentioned in 
user documentation)Output format or example (only if not mentioned in user documentation)
Hardware requirements (only if not mentioned in user documentation)Software requirements 
(only if not mentioned in user documentation)Sample runs/test runs (only if not mentioned in 
user documentation)Limitations of the system (only if not mentioned in user documentation)
Known bugsValidation routines [2] 


comparing the solution with the original task requirements

identifying any limitations to the system

identifying any necessary improvements

evaluating the users' responses to using the system

Comparing test results of new system with old system results

Comparing the performance of the new system with performance of the old.


Interactive user screen appears

Questions about geological profile are asked

Answers to questions/geological profile are typed in Inference engine


Searches the Knowledge

Browsing the Rules (base)

Suggested probabilities of finding oil are output using Probable depth of

likely deposit

Predictions of geological deposits above oil

Detailed Output format

Travel Agents:

Departure airport typed inArrival airport/destination/country typed inDate of

departure typed inDuration of holiday typed inComputer database searches
for matching departure airport If match foundComputer database searches
for matching arrival airportIf flight on correct date foundSearch if
seats/tickets availableIf so marks seat as bookedReduces number of
seats/tickets available by onePrints flight details

N Saves traveling time

N Do not have to pay for conference room

Don’t have to pay employee traveling expenses

N Don’t have to pay for hotel rooms /overnight stays

Conferences can be called at short notice

Do not have to carry bulky documents to conference

Apart from the basic hardware items, to conduct a video conference

one must require:

N - delegates speak into a central microphone

N - webcam takes a video image

N - delegates hear speech through loud speaker system at each


N - the system uses internet/WAN/modem to transmit data

N - requires use of compression software for video/audio signals

N - systems may use CODEC (which converts and compresses

analogue data into digital data for sending down digital lines)

N - requirement for echo cancellation software (this allows talking

in real time and keeps communications synchronised) - video images and
audio are seen/heard in real time on large monitors/through loud speakers


- Employees are connected online / using the internet

- Images of the employees appear on the screen

- Software is needed in each computer to operate the conference

- Employees who speak can be heard by all the other employees in the

- Several people can take part in a conference regardless of where they are

- work cards

System analyst will need to design a patient record system. The

data structure and user interface have already been designed.
Describe three other items that will need to be part of the design of
the new system:

Data capture forms

Validation routines

Test Data

Designing structures of buildings/architects designs Flight simulation/car

driving simulation Population growthQueuing

How does video conferencing work?

Any aspect of connecting equipment together/what each component does

employees are connected on-line/may need to access the Internet/WAN to
workImages of the employees appear on the screen in real timeSoftware is
needed in each computer to operate the conference Employees can be
heard by all the other employees in the conference

Intranet vs Internet:

Internet - INTERnational NETworkIs a Wide Area Network (WAN)Can access it

from anywhereGreater amount of information availableUnlimited access
Intranet - INTernal Restricted Access NETworkUsually a Local Area Network
(LAN)Password controlled pagesBehind a firewallCan set up specific
information pages on Intranet systemsInformation within the school is easily
accessible by all usersCan limit the places where users can go to studyNo
wasted time looking through millions of resourcesIntranet is better protected
for use of emails/from viruses/from hackers

Examples of Microprocessors:


OvensWashing machinesDish washersOr any reasonable labour saving


Effect of microprocessors:

Increased leisure time/free time/more time to do other things Increase in

social interactionCan go out whenever they wantUnhealthy diet – TV dinners
Better quality meals – easier to prepare exotic dishesPart time workers can
now work full time


Inputs:Pressure pads

Light sensorstemperature sensorsContact switches/push switch Input keypad

Pass number input to keypad Zones selectedSound sensorInfra red
sensor/proximity sensor Motion sensor/movement sensor Digital/video
camera3 max

Processing:Microprocessor continually monitors sensors.If light sensor

detects light beam interrupted:If movement sensor activated:If contact
switch activated:If pressure sensed by processor is greater than preset
value:It temperature sensed by processor is greater than preset value: If
sound sensed by processor is greater than preset value: Microprocessor
sends signal to output device.4 max

Outputs:Alarm light flashes/lights come on Alarm soundsSignal automatically

sent to police 3 max

Describe how personal data can be misused:

Looking at other people’s data Changing other people’s data Deleting other
peoples data Spreading data around

Create magazine:

Open/use DTP/word processing packageCreate frames/boxesTake photo

using cameraUpload from camera/load from CD ROM/download from
Internet/scan photoSave the pictureLoad magazine documentImport/copy
and paste/insert into documentPosition the picture/resize picture/editing
pictureType text/import text files

Website vs hard copy:

Sound plus example

Video/animationLinks to other websitesHot spotsButtons for

navigation/moving around the site Hit counters

Disadvantages of websites:

Website can be hacked into and modified/viruses can be introduced Can be

difficult to read/navigateHave to have a computer/electricityIs not portable
Have to have a modem/Internet/routerCan accidentally go to undesirable
sitesCost of maintaining websiteTechnical knowledge required to maintain

Advantages and disadvantages of using the internet for homework:


Information is up to dateEasier to produce neatly presented workInternet has

vast amounts of informationSpeed of search only if referring to use of search

Disadvantages-Danger of accessing doubtful websites.Can take long time to

find required information Can access biased websitesCan access inaccurate
websitesLack of expertise leads to inefficient searching Can get easily

Why batch processing would not be good for passengers(flights):

Collection of data

Over a period of timeData is processed all at onceUsually at quiet processor

timesDouble booking could occurPeople would have to wait to see if their
booking was made Cannot change options if no flights available

Different authentication techniques:

User ID and one of password/PIN/Memorable data

Password has to be entered before access is gained/Password can be

changed frequently to avoid hackers guessing them/Unsuccessful logins can
throw you out of the system

Magnetic stripe/smart card/electronic key/bar code system/ID card

Prevents people without cards accessing system

Biometric data

Fingerprint/retina/iris/face/voice recognition used as input/Biometric data is

difficult to replicate

Mobiles vs PC’s:

Two advantages from:Usually have mobile phone in your possession Easy to

carry/are portableCan access internet almost anywhere

Two disadvantages from:Easily lostMay have poorer signalDisplay is

smaller/keyboard is smaller Content is more limited

Can be slower to access internetBatteries might run outNo mouse so can be

more difficult to navigate

Reason why Boolean is used:

The field only contains Y or N (two possibilities) It saves time entering dataIt reduces errors 
when inputting dataIt’s easier to validateIt saves storage space for the file 

Reason why Numeric data is used:

Might need to calculate total of all cars sold Easier to validateMight need to produce a graph
Can easily find best selling make 

Lan vs WLAN:

LAN uses cables to transmit data WLAN uses wireless technology 


Cheaper as less cabling/new workstations can be sited anywhere/different devices can be 
connected easily 


Slower transfer rates/limited transmission distance/physical obstacles can limit 
transmission/less security 

Data Verification:

Data is entered twiceData versions are compared by computer If versions are different, typist is 

Two from:Data on screen/in systemIs visually compared withthat on data capture form 

Validation vs Verification:

Three from:Validation is checking data enteredIs acceptable/reasonable/within a given range
Verification is checking versions of data have been entered identically/is checking data has been
copied correctlyFrom one medium to another (3) 

Two from:Range checkCheck digitControl totalHash totalInvalid character check/type check 
Picture/format check/input mask Presence check 

Existency check Length check

Expert system for Doctors:

Doctors interviewed for requirements 

Data is collected from experts Knowledge base is designed/created 

Rule base is designed/created Inference engine is designed/created Input Screen is 
designed/created Output format is designed/created (4) 

Ailments with known diagnoses are used to test the system and results evaluated/does new 
system match original system specification/interviewing doctors about effectiveness of system (1)

From spreadsheet to Word:
Save spreadsheet in suitable formatCreate graphsLoad/open word processing softwareInsert 
spreadsheet/import spreadsheet/copy and paste spreadsheet/embed spreadsheet into document
Insert/copy and paste graphsType in/insert textInsert/import imagesFormat images/charts
Format reports/text 

Advantages and disadvantages of having computers networked:

Share hardwareShare softwareShare data/information(Electronic) communicationUsers can be 
more effectively controlled/monitored (2) 

DisadvantagesTwo from:Work can be misused more easilyViruses more easily spreadPrinter 
queuesSlower access to InternetIf server crashes all computers are affected Increased security 
risk (2) 

Customer Transaction:

Card details checked for validityPIN is enteredPIN is read from chipNumbers comparedIf 
identical transaction is authorisedIf not identical transaction refusedCustomer bank contacted 
by computer/automaticallyCheck if enough funds in accountIf card invalid/insufficient funds 
then transaction is rejectedIf card valid and sufficient funds then transaction is authorisedMoney
deducted from customer accountMoney credited to supermarket account [5] 

Shops and Customer online shopping:

Customer­Less danger of muggingDon’t have to waste time travelling (long distances to shops)
Elderly/Disabled people don’t have to travel to shop/leave homeDon’t have to spend money on 
travelling expenses travelling (long distances to shops) Greater choice of goodsCan shop when 
shops are closedEasier to search and find what you’re looking for 

Customer –Lack of socialising/social contactsCustomers must have a computer/Internet access/
(basic) computer skills Hackers may intercept data and defraud customerDeprived of personal 
touchPhone bills can increaseWithout broadband other family members cannot use the phone
Cannot see/feel goods in realityMore vulnerable to phishingGoods sometimes don’t 
arrive/substitute goods may be sent/take longer to arrive Must have a credit cardShipping 

Shop – Fewer staff needed/less spent on wages Fewer shops needed/less spent on rates/rent Less
actual cash handled/fewer robberies Less money spent on security staff Potentially larger 
customer base 

Shop –Initial outlay on computers is expensiveNeed to retrain staffLess customer loyalty/loss of 
customers due to lack of personal touchCosts of system maintenanceGreater costs due to more 
delivery staff 

Some mobile telephones (cell phones) can be used to make video calls. Describe four 
advantages of making video calls rather than sending messages by email. :
You get immediate feedback .You know you have the right person/don’t have to worry that 
you’ve got the wrong email address .You can ask questions immediately based on feedback/carry
out an interactive conversation .Less impersonal/less risk of upsetting recipient .Can make 
yourself understood more easily ,You can see the other person’s reaction

ATMS Vs Going to Bank:

No embarrassment of not having sufficient funds Less time spent queuing Can get money any 
time of day or night Own bank may be further to travel to than nearest ATM Can use most 
ATMs/does not have to be own bank Have choice of languages so is easier to understand/be 

Anya wants to have a system, which will make it easy to enter data.
Describe five features of a well-designed input screen:

Appropriate spacing for each field Buttons to go forward/backwards Screen filled/not too much 
white space Drop down lists to choose an option (such as race length) Button to save 
data/submit/accept Clearly defined input area for each field Tick boxes/radio buttons to enter 
choices An easy to read font/font size A sensible font colour/background colour Easy to follow 
instructions for completing screen/help icon No overlapping of items

Race_ID field Data Check:

Format check­ make sure it begins with – letters and ends with – letters and is – letters

Company using Internet:

Advantages – two from: Can communicate with other companies by email Can use the internet 
to place orders Can use the internet to buy materials Can hold video conferences Can create 
own website to publicise company Disadvantages – two from: Workers may access undesirable 
sites Workers may waste time playing games/going on social network sites/updating their blog/ 
online shopping/banking Viruses/malware could be downloaded Could make the company 
susceptible to hackers

Give two advantages of having computers networked:

Only one printer is needed Only one scanner is needed Data can be shared between 
computers/data can be accessed by one computer from another more easily Software can be 
shared/updated more easily All computers can access the internet through one connection

OCR vs OMR vs Keyboard:

OCR and OMR are quicker methods of entering data compared to a keyboard OMR has limited 
uses such as exam answers OMR can be used in school registers Optical Character Recognition 
is more prone to errors OCR can be used by utility companies to read meters/to make entered 
text editable Keyboard is used to input data manually/typing Keyboard can be more accurate 
than OCR/less accurate than OMR Keyboard and OCR can input text more easily than OMR 
Pre printed stationery is required for OMR Specialised equipment is required for OCR/OMR

Pin, card number, and expiry data and type of issuer are found on a Chip

Card is valid/card number exists Card is in date PIN entered matches that on card Checks if 
card is stolen are all checks on a card before authorization

process is continuous/ monitoring of sensors is continuous to get last mark in Microprocessor 
Prevent Students from changing marks:
Biometric methods – unique so only authorized users will have access Encryption makes it 
difficult for unauthorised users to read data Firewall – makes it difficult for unauthorised 
computers to access the system Disconnect records computer from network – limit access 
physically Access levels – only users with appropriate permissions can access data
Laser vs Deskjet vs Inkjet:

Laser printer/Inkjet printer higher quality output than Dot matrix printer  Laser printer/Inkjet 
printer faster output than Dot matrix printer  Laser printer/Inkjet printer are relatively quiet 
compared to Dot matrix printer  Laser printer has limited sizes of paper available/Inkjet has 
greater sizes of paper available/Dot matrix is unlimited in size in one direction only Laser 
printer/Inkjet printer is susceptible to break down in oily/dirty conditions/Dot matrix printer less
likely to break down in oily/dirty conditions  Laser printer/Inkjet printer more expensive running
costs than dot matrix Laser printer/Inkjet printer cheaper to buy than dot matrix  Inkjet printer 
cheaper to refill ink than laser/more expensive to refill than dot matrix printer  Laser 
printer/Inkjet printer needs regularly refilling with paper/Dot matrix printer has continuous 
paper feed available  Dot matrix printer/Laser printer – ink needs changing less often than 
Inkjet printer  Dot matrix printer has fewer colour options than laser printer/Inkjet printer  Dot 
matrix printer produces instantaneous copies  Noise is not a problem in this environment 

Optical vs Magnetic (Optical reasons):

Companies selling their software/games Cheap method of production/quick to access data 
Making personal backups/transferring data (from one computer to another) Cheap to 
buy/quicker to retrieve data/expensive to buy tape drives Downloading/Copying media such as 
films/music Faster/Easier to access individual scenes/tracks/ better or higher quality

Drawbacks of CLI:
A CLI only allows you to type in commands With CLI syntax has to be precise Commands 
difficult to edit once entered Have to learn a lot of commands exactly/have to be familiar with 
the commands

What is EFTPOS?

Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale Enables payment for goods at a checkout using 
credit/debit cards Goods are purchased and bill is calculated Customer inserts card into chip 
reader Card is checked for validity/reported stolen PIN is entered PIN is compared with that 
stored on the chip If PIN is OK/verified transaction is authorised If not, customer is asked to re­
enter PIN Supermarket computer contacts customer’s bank Checks if sufficient funds If sufficient
funds, transaction is completed/if not, transaction is rejected Amount deducted from customer’s 
bank account Amount credited to supermarket’s bank account The supermarket EFTPOS 
terminal produces a receipt


Don’t have to type in commands/just use mouse to select options Easier to change/edit action 
Don’t have to learn/be familiar with a lot of commands Easier to open/load programs


Can act as a web server Passes the requested web pages to individual computers Can 
cache/store the webpages Can be used to monitor Internet usage Can block certain sites

Function of Router:

Connects a LAN to a WAN Connects a LAN to the Internet Forward data packets to the 
individual computers on a network Hold the addresses of each computer on the network

Online processing results in immediate updating of records book details inputted as soon as 
book borrowed/returned records are searched until match is found recorded as being 


Four from: Phishers send an e­mail… … asking for a customer’s details appears to be from the 
bank/says that the bank needs the information asks the customer for password, card or account 
number Three max. So that they can use these details to log on to bank website Access account 
and transfer funds Two max.

Computers are used at checkouts. Three output device which could be used when an item is 

Printer Monitor Speaker/buzzer LCD display
Card might be rejected if: PIN entered incorrectly Past its expiry date Registered as stolen 
Physical damage to chip Unusual spending patterns Unable to use some cards abroad

What is hacking and ways hackers can misuse data held on a computer:

Four from: Illegal accessing of data Unauthorised access to data/computer systemUsually 
remotely Two max. Deletion of data Amending/changing of data Copying and distributing data 
Using data for fraudulent purposes Three max.

Internet to do homework:

Danger of accessing inappropriate websites Can take long time to find required information 
Have to have internet connectivity/computer/phone line/modem Internet tends to be up date  
Internet has vast amounts of information/wide range of information  Speed of search only if 
referring to use of search engine  Can access biased/inaccurate websites  Lack of expertise leads
to inefficient searching  Easy to plagiarise information

Magnetic Disc vs Magnetic Tape for backups: Magnetic tape is less expensive per unit volume 
of memory Tape is slower to access data than magnetic disc  Tape requires a special drive…  …
but these often come as standard with file servers Tapes are easier to store  Tapes are easier to 
remove from premises if needed

The preset value is the (required) value input by the user/already stored in the computer 

How video conferencing works: Video conferencing is a method of visual and audio 
communication between people at separate locations Webcams/small video cameras are used to 
input faces of participants  Large monitor/projector to output faces of participants  Microphones
are used to input voices of participants  Speakers are used to output voices of participants  
Router/broadband modem used to connect to internet  Video conferencing software needed to 
link participants  Employees are connected on­line/may need to access the Internet/WAN to 
work Images of the employees appear on the screen in real time  Software is needed in each 
computer to operate the conference  Employees can be heard by all the other employees in the 
conference  You can take part wherever you are

Monitoring process in hospitals:

Sensors are used to monitor patient’s vital signs  …such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse, 
sugar levels (2 required for mark) Sensors send data/signals back to computer ADC converts 
analogue signals from sensors…  …to digital so that computer can understand/read the data  
Graphs are output  Inputs are compared to acceptable range of values  If higher/lower warning 
signal is triggered

Expert systems Drawbacks:

Can't easily adapt- unable to process totally unexpected data

Can be difficult to use –if non expert types something incorrectly the resulting advice could
be very wrong
They have no 'common sense' –humans tend to notice obvious errors whilst Expert
systems dont
Data is read by sensors/downloaded from onboard computer/entered using keyboard/touch 

screen/answers to questions are typed in 

Uses interactive interface/Asks questions... 

........based on previous responses 

Expert system analyses data 

Inference engine compares data 

Compares data with that held in the knowledge base....... 

........ using rules base 

Matches are found 

System suggests possible faults/solutions

Give two advantages and two disadvantages to a company of using a website to advertise, 
compared with using flyers and posters:

Two advantages from: Can reach more people, Easier to update, Can have multimedia which 
would attract more customers/eye­catching ,

Two disadvantages from: More expensive to start up/pay programmers/developers, More 
expensive to maintain, Need specialist equipment to start with, May not reach target audience

When sending documents to each other, companies use email, fax and ordinary post. Discuss 
the advantages and disadvantages of each method:


 Personal data more likely to be intercepted by another office worker

 Quicker to receive message than using post
 Document with signature is legally acceptable via fax

 Documents can be lower quality when received


 Personal data less likely to be intercepted by another office worker

 No need to do printouts therefore more secure

 Attached documents are better quality in attachment

 Email is more environmentally friendly

 Email attachments can be edited by recipient easier than fax/post

 Multimedia attachments can be sent by email

 Quicker to receive message than using post

 You can send from anywhere there is an internet connection by email

 Easier to send to several recipients at the same time using email

 Has a lower running cost such as paper/ink than fax

 More people have access to email than fax machines

 You cannot send solid objects by email


 Received more slowly by recipient

 Attached documents are better quality in post

 Multimedia documents can be sent by post

 Solid objects can be sent by post

 You can send from anywhere

 Document with signature is legally acceptable

 Don’t have to worry about equipment being faulty
 More people have access to post than fax machines

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