International Business

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A. Sustainability

Please have a look at the first 2 videos. The one on the definition of
sustainability and the TedX talk by Bruce Poon.

We will hold a discussion on the definition of sustainability and the concept of

the triple bottom line as it applied to business.

B. The Convention of the International Sale of Goods.

1. Buyer received a letter in her mail on January 1 offering to sell Buyer 5,000
widgets for $20 apiece. Seller's letter closed with the following statement: "I
know that this offer is so attractive that I will assume that you accept it unless I
hear otherwise by January 31." Buyer did not reply. Seller shipped the widgets
on February 1. What are Buyer's responsibilities under CISG?

2. Seller and Buyer entered into a written contract for the manufacture by Seller
of 10,000 widgets of a design specified by Buyer and set out in the contract.
The contract also provided: "This contract may only be modified in a writing
signed by both parties." Before Seller had begun work on the widgets, Buyer
and Seller agreed by telephone to a change in the specifications for 2,500 of
the widgets. Seller then produced and delivered the 2,500 widgets as specified.
Buyer refused to accept them because they did not conform to the specifications
in the original contract. Assuming CISG applies, who breached?

3. Buyer and Seller entered into a contract governed by CISG for Seller to
deliver a sophisticated computer to Buyer by January 1. Seller was late in
delivering the machine, so Buyer wired Seller on January 2: "Anxious to take
delivery of the computer. Hope that it arrives by February 1." Seller delivers the
computer on February 5, but Buyer refuses to accept it and declares that the
contract is avoided because Seller failed to hand over the computer before the
February 1 date specified in the January 2 telegram. Both Buyer and Seller
agree that there has not been a fundamental breach. Is Buyer able to avoid the
contract under these circumstances?

Sensitivity: Internal

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